Variety (Apr 1942)

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22 PICTURES Wcdnesdfty, April 1, 1942 hside Stnff-Pictaffes Copies of a condensed version of Cecil B. DeBIiUe's AMPA speech, em- bracing its highlights, are being .sent to the field publicity representatives of the War Activities Committee; Stationed at 41 different points through- out the country for possible planting with local papers or for other pur- poses. They are being -sent out by Monroe Greenthal, chairman of the publicity directors' branch of the WAC. Bob GUlham is also sending copies of the DeMiUe speech to the pub- licity directors of all film companies for dissemination at home oRices. Not untH the war ends and the rubber industry is back to normal will the public see so gigantic an octopus as Cecil B. DeMiUe used in 'Reap the Wild Wind.' The giant squid, which clamped a variety of submarine wrestling holds on the actors, was made of latex, enough to keep your car and a flock of jeeps rolling for a number of years. From now on^ the octopus and other rubber props, such as sharks, crocodiles and boacon- Etrlctors, will be Tulcani2ed into tires for tanks. Pob Giilham's Institutional Paramount trade ad last week, captioned *Variety Ij^ts an Egg,' and sub-captioned 'Muggs Caught with Pans DOwn,' was a refreshing switch on baUyhooing the new crop of Par pix. The ad copy stressed 'Variety'sT pans of four out of the new block-of-flve, but jdso pointed up the more favorable tradepaper ads in the face of this sheet's downbeat 'Variety' (Abel) seemingly was strong only for 'My Fivorite Blonde.' New York City WPA Writers Project currently has in preparation the second and third volumes of its bibliography of the literature of mption picture^ The Film Index.' First volume. The Film as Art,'' was published sometime ago under Hie joint ^nso:sbip of the Museum of Modern Art Film library and the H..W. WBson Co. Volume n will be The Film in Society* and Volume III The Film as Industr;.' Charlie Danver, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette columnist, pointed out « tragic coincid^ce last week when To Be Or Not 'To Be,' Carole Lombard's last picture, and "The THi&A of Jan. 16' were playing local .first-run nouses simultaneously. It was the night of Jan. 10 that Miss Ijombard was killed In a plane crakb returning to Ebllywood from her Defense -Bond selling vldt to Indianapolis. Suit of Lee Morrison, le^t prodiicer, against Joan Crawford lor $25,000, for alleged failure to go through with a deal to appear in a play of'Us, was settled and marked discontinued out of the N. Y. federal court on March 19. Play involved was 1>eath ^iaxs a Bose.' Haintifl says Miss Craw- ford agreed to star in the production In November, 1039, and then backed out in January, .1940. Hepublic is the latest studio to be warned by the Hays office to refrain from anything that might ofloid the sensitivities of th« Latin-American neighbors. Studio's new picture Is In Old California,' dated bade in 1848 and far removed from modem politics, but the warning Is to deal gently witii Mexican characters, even that tar .back. Latin countries have been criticising Bollywood's effort^ to portoay people below the Bio Grande. Prevented from usbtg a newsreel/camera aX the spy trial in N. Y., Para- mount News employed Mlugaret Loengrund, artist presently engaged -in doing work for King Featuiies and Civilian Defense, to draw hlghH^ts of ttse trial; She made a series of line sketches which were Incorporated Into the aewsreel. Par covered story by showing how photographers yien barred but artist Loengrund was admitted.- George Weiss completed a five-picture trailer,-one full reel In length and going out •> a -q>e!cial short subject for 20th-Foz. First of its kind, the trafler win plug 'This Above AH,' "Moon Tide,' 'My Gal Sal,' TUes of Manhattan' and '10 Gentlemen From West Point,' with narration by Don Wilson on the theme that 20tb-Fox Is 'meeting the challenge of the need for oitertalnment of a nation at war.' Carol Bruce is still under contract to Universal until Sept 1, according to Martin f7. Spector, her manager; but right now she is between pic- tures, with «^new film' being written for her which she eipects to be ready fw production about Ibiy 1. Under her pact wUfa U, she Is allowed to make personal' appearances between Alms and opens at tiie Copaeabana, N. Y. nitery, neiA we)>k. literary agents -anticipate sMne downward zevi^on of cmrent rale of payment fOr material from national magazines reportedly taking into ac- count advertising curtailment Offsetting move toward, modification of rate structure, however, Is the recently increased;selling price of several popular mags. Jennifer Jones, to be featured by David O. Selznlck in The Keys of the Kingdom' and given a publicity buildup by the studio, is a former New Y^k' actress. She Is the wife of Bob Walker, juve lead of the 'Maudle's Diary* program on CBS, They have two children. Actress -went to ihe-OHust last fall and was screentested-there. She is the daugh- ter of an OUahoina film exhibitor. .... nie. ttuia»-B^r->^-Y.t -rsalizeE-^beut-^,503 '• year on the sale of .the Radio City Music Hall Pictorial^ a handsomely photographed and prroted catalog of the institution, with-cuts of show scenes. Hall executives^ others, etc. BaSi\, which gets 25c. a copy, sells mostly to the out-of-townera who take we Pictorial btck home as a souvoitr. Metro Is thinking of spotting 'Mrs. Miniver* Into the .Astdr on Broadway for a TUiL Fihn Is not.yet completed. Advance Productioii Chart PanmoDt Critics Defend saC«ntlB]ie4 from page IT^s tioDs ii Maxine Cook, In the Wash- ington -Daily News. Writing in her column Ae said: "Variety,' the show peoples' Koran, charged that news- reels are pollyannish and are 'being Whitewashed' before release. News- reel men contend they are giving It to the public 'hard.' My own' suspicion is that any whitewashing done is not in newsreels, but In docu- mentary films, often confused with newareels. Specifically, Tanks,' with ironunentary by Orson Welles , . . liewsred men are given full co- operation bgr Army and Navy. They Are put In tlw ^front guard' of battles, end aomethnea tee ^r« tiian the tortiirtanrifng officer does,' as one .Officer said. 'Ne^mfeti dms arc po<ded, and tiie Gpvetmia^nt sciMtt them back id thjfe U. S. where respon^le oSicen watch them run oC^ and censor franw by frame. They only censor anytliing that might be construed helpful to the enemy ... ttiat means cutting out all' scenes of .American apparatus. War in the Pacific is of such scope that comprehensive pic- tures are hard to get Shells land miles a'way from the guns. Films have to be transported ... It may l>e several weeks after a big battle, be- fore youll ever see so much' as the flash of one of ttie 'big guns.* Then the writer described how difficult it is to photograph scenes under actual battle conditions, quoting Life Photographer Bob Landry with the Navy during the attack on the Gilbert and Marshall Islands: 'Mr. Landty was on one of the destroyers, dgfat In Vtit tiiick of battie. He saw plen^, but he had no one to hold his i-«mM^j only sq mudi •wim, ' uncon- Pictures lii cutting room or awaiting release: TOMBSTONB—THE TOWN TOO TOUGH TO Vio, formerly TBB TO'WN TOO TOUOH TO DIE, formerly TOMBSTONE, western; prod, Harry Sherman; dlr- William McGann: no writing credits; camera. Russell Harlan. Cast Richard Dlx, Don Castie, Frances Gif- ford, Edgar Buchanan, .Clem Bevani; Kent Taylor, Rex Bell, Victor Jory, Chris-Pin Martin. SWEATER OIBL, drama; prodL, Sol C Slegel: asso. prod., Joseph Sistrom; dir„ 'wniiam Clemens; story, Beulah Marie Dix, Bertram ICIbauser; screeiqilay, Svs Greene; camera, John Mescall. Cast: Eddie Bracken. June Prelsser, Betty Jane Rhodes, ntll Terry. MIlB Asther, Don Castie, William Henry, Ella Neal, Kenneth Howell, Johnny Johnston. WiUiam Cabann^ Frifda Inescort Charles. D. Brown. BEYOND THE BLUB HORIZON, formerly MA- LAYA, formerly HER JUNCMiE MATE, drama: asso. prod, Monta Bell: dir., Al SantfH; screenplay. Frank Butler and Harry Tugend; stoiy, £. Uoyd Sheldon, Jack DeWltt; camera. WllUam Itellor. Cast: Dorothy Lamour, Richard Denning, Helen- GIfiiert A NIGHT IN NEW ORLEANS,' formerly THE HORNING AFTER, drama; prod.. Sol C Siegel; asso. prod., Joseph Sistrom; dir., William'.Clemens; story, James R. Langham; screenplay, Jonathan Latimer; camera, John Mescall. Cast: Preston Foster. Fatrleta^ Morison, Albert Dekker, Charles ButterwOrth, Jean Phillips, Dooley Wilson, Paul Hurst, Charles Williams, Noble Johnson, Joseph Pope, George Chandler, Cecil Kellaway, William Wright Harry Ibyden, Lee Phelps, Lynda Grey. Leon Belasco, Yola D'Avril, Emory Bar- nell. Bud McColUster. Louise La Planche. Dor othy Dandridge. Keith Richards, Richard Webb, Al TTTTI, Jack Stoney. Henry Brandon, Arthur Lott, Ottola Nesmith, Rex Robinson, llelen Lynd, Betty Farrlngton, Walter Fenner, Fred Carpenter, Alice Ward, Nell Craig, Lowell B. Dxcw. Herbert Vigran, Don Brodie, John Sheehan, James Flavin. DR. BROADWAY, drama; prod., Sol C. SleKl; dir., Anton Mann; no writing credits; camera, Tfaeodor Sparkuhl; story, Borden- Chase; screenplay. Art Arthur.; Cast: Maedonald Carey, Jean Phillips, J. Carroll Naish, Edward Clannelli, Richard Lane, War- ren Hymer, Frank Bruno, Sidney Melton, Olin How- land, Joan Woodbury, Abe Dlnovttch. YOUNG AND WILLING, formerly OUT OF THE FRYING PAN, comedy; prod., Edward H. Griffith: dir., a H. Griffith; screen play, Virglnta Van Upp from the play^by Francis Swann; camera, Tjto Tover. Cast: William Holden, Susan Hayward, Eddie Bracken, Martha ODriscolL Jimmy Lydim, Robert Bescblciy, Barbara Brltton, Florence MacMchael, Mabel Palg^j, Jay Fassett HOLIDAY INN Orving Berlin) mndeal comedy; f^rod., dir., Mark Sandrid; screemdv, Claude Blnyon: based on original idea by Irving Berlin; camera, David Abel. Cast: Bing Croaby. Fred Astaire, Virginia Dal^ Marjorle Reynolds, Walter Abel. R. AND MBS. CUGAT, comedy; asso. prod, Fred Rohlmar; dir, Norman Taurog; screenplay, Tess Sdileslnger and Frank Davis; adapted from novel by Isdiel Rorick; camera,.Charles Lang. Cast: Ray MU- land, Ret^ Field, Patricta Horison, PhU Terry. lidf Erickson, Cecil Kellaway. Xathaleen Lockhart, lOldiall Rasumny. , AMERICAN xmRE, western; prod.. Hairy Sher- man; dir., Wmiam McGanh; screenplay, Don Hartman, nrank Butler;'story by Melvin Frank, Norman Panama; camera. Roadl Barun. Cast: Richard Dix, Preston Foster, Frances Gilford, Leo Carrillo, Jade La Rue, Chris-Pin Martin, In 'Ma^onald. I LIVE ON DANGER, drama: prods,, William Pine- 'WQllam Tbomas; dlr, Sam 'White; no -writing credits; camera. Fred Jaekman, Jr. Cast: Chester Morris, Jean Parker, Roger Pryor, Elisabeth Risdon, Douglas Fowley, Edward Norrls, Dick PurceU, Bemadene Hayes, Alice 'Wliite, Charlotte Henry, £Ua Boros. THE PALM BEACH STORY, comedy;^asso., prod., Paul Jones; dfr., Pieston Sturges; screeimlay, Preston Sturges; camera, Victor Milner. Cast: Claudetie Col- bert Joel McCrea. William Demarest WILDCAT, (adventure): prod., Wm. Pine and Wm. Thomas; dir., Frank MuJonald; no wiitine credits; camera,Fred Jaekman, Jr. Cast: Richard Arlen, Arline Judge, WUliam TrwmXey, Buster Crabbe, Arthur Hunnl- cutt,.EIisha Co.ok. Jr-.Rw^ .SanCpid, Alec Craig, John Dllson, Ed Keane, W3U Wn^b^Jesiica Newoomibe. Billy Benedict Billy Nelson, Tom Kenoedbr. Ficd SbtEman,. William HaU, John Fiafaer, 'Abrtnmm Abbass, Don Barclay. Dic k Hliot t TAKE A LETTER, DABUNt^ Kcomedy drama'); aasa mod., 'Fred KoMmar; dlr, Miti^dl I<elaen; screeimlay, Claude Binyon; story, Gearae-Bedi: cunera, John Mes- call. Cast: Rosalind RussdL Red Mat^uiray, Con- stance Moore, Maedonald 'Carey. Robert Benchley, Charles E. Arnf Dooley WSson, Cecil Kellaway, John Holland, Florlne McKmney, Amo Ingraham, Dorothy Grainger, Katharine Boeth, Lynda Grey, Slim Gam, Ed Brady, Sonny Boy 'WaUams, Keith Ricliards, Jack Rice, Lorbi Raker, Jean Dd V^ Douglas Dean, Janet Graves, Francis Sayles, Artlrar Loft James A. IhuUldin, George Daley, Isabel Randolph, Gen Backtis,! Regindd Sheffield, Regmald Simpson, James A. Millicap, Stanley Mack, Virginia Brissac, Pat West Eddie Acull, Be^ Farrlngton, Nell Craig, Robert Winkler, ThDmas "W. Ross, Harry Ijimont, Sideny D'Albrook, Mrs. Wflfied North, Dave Willock, George H. Reld, Margaret Hayea, Marta Downs, Florence Wix, Jacques Vanalre, .R. Rondell. MY HEART BELONGS TO DADDY, comedy drama; wodL, Sol C. Siegel; asso. prod., E. D. L^bln; dir., Robert Slodmak; original screenplay, F. Hugh'Her- bert; camera, Daniel Papp. Cast: Richard Carlson, Martha O'DrlscoB, Frances Gifford, Cecil Kellaway. Florence Bates, Mabel Paige, Velma Berg, Francis Plerlot, .Fern Emmett Betty Farrlngton, Milton Klb- beie. trolled ll^ht^ tiadkib from gima and distances to overcome. TU* la -war, not a ^OQyifood productluDT MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH, comedy Vera Vague, Berbara Brltton, Betty Brewer, Mary Thomas, BUly Lee, Carl 'AUalfa' Swltzer. THE FORRST RANGERS, technicolor adventure; <sso.: prod., Robert SIsk; dir., George MarshaU; screen ,|J5, Harold Shumate: from a story by Thelma (Conttnned fran page SO) Murray, Paulette Goddaid, Susan Hayward, Albert DdAer,-l4mna Overman. Pbllllp Terry; Jim Brown. I MARRIED A WITCH,, drama: asso. prodL, Preston Stuifcs: dir.. Bene Clair: no Mritinc credits; camera., John Seltz.. Casb Jou McCrea. Veronica Lake! P atrid a Voilaon, Robert Ben^blcTf Walter AbeL ' not qAAAK KEY, mystery; asso. prod., Fred Kohl. mar; Stuart Heialer; screen play, Jonathan IaU- mer; blBd oa novel by Daahleu Hammett; dmera, Theodor SpaxkunL Cast: Brian Donlevy, Alan Ladd, Patricia Morison, Bonita Granville; Joseph Calleia. HENRY ALDRICH, RDITOB, comedy-drama; prod., Sol C Siegel; asso. prod., Jules Schermer; dir., Jbigb. Bennett; original screen pl«r. Muriel Roy Bolton and Val Burton; camera, Daniel Fapp. Cast; Jimmy'Lydon. Oiarles Smith. John LlteL . UNDERCOVER MAN, western; prod, Ha^Ty Sher. man; dir.. Lesley Selander; no writmg credits; camera. Bnssell Harlan. Cast: WRllam Boyd, Bill George! Andy Clyde, Chris-Pin Martin. Esther Estrella, An-' tonio Moreno. raraamat Plx in PredaeUsa .THE ROAD TO MOROCCO, comedy-drama; asso; prod, Paul Joner, dir., David Butier; no writing credit^no camera credit set' Cast: Blng Crosby. Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, Donna Drake, Vladimir Soko> lofl, Mikhail Rasumny, Jamiel. Hasson, Monte Blue, Louise lA Planche, Theo de Voe, Brooke Evans, Suzanne Rldgway, Patsy Mate, Yvonne de Carlo, Poppy WUde,.Ralph Penney, Dan Seymour, Pete G. Katche- nero, Brandon Hurst, Richard Loo, Im Mostovoy, George Glvot, Leon Belasco. STREET OF CJOANCE, formerly THE RLACK CURTAIN, mystery; prod., Sol C. Slegelj asso., prod, .Burt Kelly; dir.. Jack Hlvely; screen play, Garrett Fort; based on story by Cornell Woolridi: camera, Theodor SparkuhL Cast: Burgess Mereditii, Claire Trevor, Sheldon Leonard. Jerome Cowan, Frieda Ines- cort, Adeline De Walt Reynolds, Louise Piatt, Arthur Loft Edwin Maxwell, Milton Kibbee, George Watts, Gloria Williams. Keith Richards, Cliff Clark, Sonny Boy WlUJajns, Helen MacKellar, Ruth Gillette, Harry Tyler, Basse Wade. Ralph Dunn; James C Morton. WAKE ISLAND, drama; asso., prod.', Joseph Sistrom; dir., John Farrow;, no "tilting credits: camera. Theo- dor Sparkuhl. Cast: Brlah Donlevy, Robert Preston. THE MAJOR -AND "isat MINOR, romantic comedy; prod, Arthur Homblow; 'dir., Billy Wilder; no writing credits; camera, Leo Tover. Cast: Ginger Rogers, Ray Milland, Dorothy Comlngore, Robert Benchley, Dolly Loehr, Edward Fielding Janet Beecher, Frankle Ihomas, Jr., Charlie Smitti, Dickie Jones,' Billy Cook, Stanley Desmond, Maty Fiekl, Will Wright, Freddie Mercer, Carlotta Jelm, Ethel Clayton, Lynda Givy, Gloria Williams, Tom Dugan,. Tom McGube, William Newell, George Anderson, Stanley Andrews, Emory PameU. PRIORmss OF IMC, musical; prod, Sol C. Siegel; asso, prod, Burt Kelly; dir., Albert S. Rogell; no writ- ing credits; camera, Daniel 'Fani. Cast: Betty Jane Rhodes, JOhimle Johnston, .Ann . Miller. Vera Vague <Bari>ara Jo Allen), Jerry Coionna. R«piUic PramlMfl C«B- Saw 41-4t pleted Ids Gattias Tcso Ftataoca . M U S 1 U Weatan^ ' S> U ■ 1 11 Serials 4 2 110 Totals..... «e SS 5 • U Pictures in cutting room or awaiting release: SPY SMASHER, serial; prod., William Sullivan, dlr, WUliam Whitney; no writing credits; camera. Rieggle Lannlng. Cast Kane Richmond, Sam Flint Margnenta Chapman, Franco Corsaro, Hans Schumm, ^istram Coffin, Tom Llndon, Paul Bryar, John Jamies, Crane Whitley, Richard Bond, Bob Stevenson, Ken TeireL GIRL FR6m ALASKA, adventure; prod., Armand Schaefer; dir., Nick Grlnde; no writing credits; cam- era. Jack Marta. Cast: Ray MIddleton Jean Parker, Jerome Cowan, Robert Barrait, Ray 'Mala, Francis Hc- Donald. HOME IN 'WYOHIN*, western; prod., Harry Grey; dir., ^1 Morgan; no writing credits; camera, Ernest Miller. Cast: Gene Autry, Smiley Bumette, Fay Mc- Kenzie.' RepnUIe Ptac in ProdoeUon REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR, meUer; prod, Albert J. Cohen; dir., Joseph Santley; original screen play, Isabel Dawn and - Malcolm Stewart Boylan; camera, Ernest 'MiUer. Cast—Don Barnr, 'Fay McKenzie, Alan Cnrtis, Ian Keiffa, Mayaard HOlmes, Shys Williams, Sis B<irnwnn, Robert Emmett Kene, Diana Del Rio." IN OLD CALIFORNIA, hlsbnlcal drama; prod, Robert Kmtii, dir, William McGann;'original, J. Robert Bren. CSaOrt Atwater: screen play, Getrnde Furc^; camera. Jack Marta.' Cast: John Bayn^Binnie Barnes, Albet DddcK, Dick PurceU, Edi^ Kenniady, Patsy Kelly, Lynne Carver. THE PERILS 5F'^ NYOKA, serial; prod, WQliam, D'Sullivan; dir., William Witney: orl^nal screen play, Ronald Davidson, Norman S. HaR. WiUiam L&el^, JoE^h OTk>ns^ Joseph Poland; parra.rf Reggie Lan- otag. Cast: Kay Aldrldge, Lorna Gray„ SPRmGTIME IN THE ROCRIES, western; prod, dlr, Joseph Kane; no writing credits; camera, tmas- signed. Cast: Roy Rogers, George 'Gabby* Hayes. BEYOND THE GREAT DIVIDE, weriern: prod, Hany Ck«y; dir, unasslgned: no writing cred&: cam- era. Bud Thackerey. Cast: Gene Autry, Smiley Bur- nette. RKO-Radio rmmlMd Com- Shoot- Kew _ 41-« pletod ^los CMUa* To SO Studio .... 80 26 '0 4 0 Westerns « 6 • • 0 W.01aney 8 0 0 • 8 S. Ooldwyn 3 1 • 1 1 H. Wileox 2 0 • • t W. IHcteclB 2 0 « 1 1 JerrsM Bcandt... 3 2 \ 0 • i J. Votton... 1 1 \« « \ Totals 62 M *4 ^ 8 Pictures In cutting room or m'walUig xdease: SYNCOPATION, drama; prod, dfr, WiUlam Dlctefle; asso. prod.; Charln I„ Gtetl; taiggaSL Yalentfai^ Davitd; .^^WS*i.Va:iep41pejI)ajvlss.^d Jphp. O'Hpra; cam-