Variety (Apr 1942)

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S6 RADIO Wednesday, April 22, 1942 TELEVISION'S CONTINUANCE DURING WAR ARGUED AT CHILLY FCC MEETING IN D. C. Licensees Must File Reports of Recent Activities to Answer Fly's Suspicion They Are Stalling—WPB Unsympathetic to Television Material Needs Washington, April 21. Relaxation of present construction and operation ' rules but little help In getting materials lor either trans- mitters or receivers seems about the best television Interests can antici- pate following a huddle here with the FCC about the effect of the war on development o( visual radio. In an atmosphere generally de- scribed as 'chilly,' approximately two dozen representatives of the tele- vision licensees (and equipment makers) gave conflicting views—that have come to be traditional—about ■the progress to date and future pros- pects, while Chairman James L. Fly accused the license-holders of 'stall- ing' about inaugurating service and the Commish showed no disposition to flght with the War Production Board on behalf of either the sta- tion owners or the set manufacturers. Making no commitments and giv- ing few hints as to their attitude, the regulators called for prompt prog- ress reports from holders of con- struction permits and took under ad- visement the Idea of extending the deadline on outstanding tickets. The 17 permittees were directed to submit Immediately comprehensive state- ments about their efforts to get set for regular operation. Reports must show: Degree of completion of construc- tion; expenditures for equipment, land and labor; man-hours of work done In last six months; equipment and materials on hand; what still Is needed to complete construction, with estimate of the cost; personnel needed to finish work and estimate of the man-hours still to be expend- ed; personnel presently employed; date when construction may be fin- ished. Philco'i Fears The operator group divided about the same as it has on each former occasion, with Philco- most enthu- siastic about keeping on and seem- ingly apprehensive that any mora- torium would merely react to the ad- vantage of RCA. But neither"RCA nor CBS waa. enthusiastic about the early prospects, both feeling the FCC should relax the rules and every- body" should slow down research and experimentation until the war ends. The Industry delegation came to the huddle with two obvious primary interests: First, to get the FCC to take up its'cudgels at the WPB, to further attempts to try loose mate- rials needed for both receivers and stations; and, second, to induce the Commish to lower the present 15- hour minimum operating time figure. There was no real unanimity or co- hesion, however, on either point. FCC Divided On the Commission's side, senti- ment was similarly divided. Some of the regulators clearly showed a feeling the permit-holders are lay- ing down on the job and trying to shirk their public obligations; there also was evidence of a conviction that television is just about dead un- til the war ends. While they were not in accord on the reasons or where the blame should fall, the FCC fac- tions did seem pretty well convinced that progress has been far less, im- pressive and encouraging than was hoped when the commercialization go- policy was agreed upon and the ahead-cautlously sign flashed. ^ Fly Sees 'Slackers' Old animosity—which prompted the regulators to rescind their per- mission for limited commercializa- tion after RCA started its 1940 sales drive—flickered momentarily. Some of the ticket-holders were not too coy in Insinuating that the FCC cold water treatment is largely responsible for the limited amount of headway during the last couple of years. To this Fly reacted that certain ele- ments in the industry were delib- erate slackers because the regulators decided against permitting money- making at this stage of growth. Instead of sitting around the table and taking their hair down, the par- ticipants practically talked at each other. The Commish adhered to its dignity and mounted the bench; the industry spokesmen were put on the witness stand (though not required to testify under oath); and formality prevented any real meeting of minds. Just what the permit-holders will be expected to do remained conjec- tural after the parley. The Comi- mish did not Indicate clearly whether it will grant substantial continuances of the outstanding papers—the New Deal faction has Indicated oh various occasions a deep-seated distaste for extending indefinitely the date when construction must be completed—or hold them to their promises despite the WPB's new bans on construction, manufacture of various articles, and consumption of strategic materials. McGillm Reps KYOD KVOD, Denver, has named Joseph Hershey McGIllvra as its national sales rep. Station is affiUated with the Blue Network. WMT CEDAR RAPIDS-WATERLOO KRNT D E 5 MOINES i KSO D t 5 MOINES WNAX SIOUX CITY - YANKTON From the IVodoction Centres ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4«>»«««««»«»«««»««»»«««>«t I >««-»■ m NEW YOHK CITY ... The RAD19 Trade Is Discvssino: Janet MacRorte, Wil/red Roberts, Axel Gruenberg, Ray Nelson, Burke Miller~-PM'3 alam at WMCA's medici- nal copy from Blackett-Sample-Hummert—Kate Smith—Ted Collins' • morole broadcast Sunday —Morole generally —Archibald MacLeish and Morale — The Writers War Board and Morale—Fly's speech in Atlanta— 'Big Sister' renewed by Lever Bros, for another year Santos Ortega has taken over the narrator assignment on 'Let's Fight,' local recorded show on WEAF... .Lawrence_DeFoy scripted the May 1 chapter of 'Grand Central Station'....Ira Ashley directs the series... .Carroll Nye, former- ly publicity man in the Coast office of Young te Rublcam, joined the writer-reporter staff of 'We, the People—at War' Lever Bros, has dis- continued 'Helen's Home,' recorded series it was testing In the west, and the show has been submitted by the Rowell agency to other sponsors.... 'Miss Meade's Children,' Mutual sustainer' serial from WGR, Buffalo, moves May 4 from night to 2:15-2:30 p.m. spot... .Joseph McDougal writes it and Herbert Rice directs... .Ted Bates agency auditioning vocalists and announcers for a series of one-minute discs for Octagon soap. Adrian Samlsch, after a short stay as film director at Paramount, planed east last week to rejoin the Young & ,RubIcam radio staff and will be as- signed to the 'March of Time' program' temporarily... .'Mystery Hall,' new sustainer dramatic series from WGR, 'Buffalo, replaces 'Symphonic Strings* on Mutual Sunday nights, effective this week/(26)... .Pete Lyon scripted, Paul Stewart directed, and Kal Kirby batoned a single-shot CIO program on WOR last week for the benefit of American and Allied war relief.... All talent was AFL... .Thomas J. Smith, account executive and formerly in the radio department of Young & Rubicam, Into the Navy as lieutenant (s.g) Bert Tilt, of the same department of the same agency, recently joined the navy with similar rank.. . .Eleanor £arly starts femme com- ment series tomorrow (Thursday) on Mutual from Washington for Pep- perell Maixufacturing... .Robert S. Larkin, formerly assistant manager of the merchandising department of the Compton agency, has been up*ped to manager, succeeding S. R Conger, who is now a major in the U. S. Army. Johannes Steel has written an original, tentatively titled 'War Story,' which has been submitted to Hollywood script departments....It's based on material from Uhited Nations' Intelligence departments... .Steel au- thored several yarns for British pictures before he came to the U. S Les Damon and Claudia Morgan, leads on the 'Thin Man' program, are not exclusive on that series.. . .Cornelius ('Connie') Desmond, formerly sportscaster in Columbus and Toledo, assisting Mel Allen in spieling the Yankee and Giants games over WOR for Wheaties... .Peter Donald was ill last week. , ^ John Gunther, substituting for Raymond Gram Swing on Mutual during the letter's three-week vacation. In mentioning the report that Dr. Alexis Carrel who, with Charles A. Lindbergh, developed an 'artificial heart,' might become minister of health In the Laval cabinet, said Laval 'Is the artificial heart of France, but I don't know what kind of blood he is pumping.' Doris Dowd read the Jergens dramatized commercial Sunday night (19) on the Walter WincheU program on the Blue... .Arthur Van Horn, WOR staff announcer, reads the flve*'mlnute daily news spot on Mutual for Aspertane Jean Graves, Johnny Rogers and Russ Palmer, vocalists on WINS, await army Induction momentarily....When the Eddie Cantor show goes to the Coast next week. Bob Welch will go along as director, .Joe QulUan, Izzie Elinson and John Rapp ias writers, and Harry Von ZeU as announcer... .Latter will also continue on the Dinah Shore program, which likewise goes to the Coast. ...Bill Lawrence, of Pedlar Sc Ryan, takes over direction of the Shore series from Harmon Nelson, of Young St Rubicam, and there'U be a new continuity writer succeeding Jerry Rice, who remains east to script 'Hobby Lobby'....Minneapolis reports that Oscar Levant, of 'Information Please,' ascribes his ready wii in front of the mike, which 'freezes' most speakers. Is because he has 'no editorial sense.' . With Anne Nichols concentrating on her 'Abie's Irish Rose' series, Al Van Ronkel is now writing most of the Irene Rich programs. . . . Skippy Homeler has a running part on 'Bright Horizon'. . . , Dean Carlton has joined cast of 'Help Mate' VUma Kurer, legit character woman, appearing on The Shiek' stanza. . , . KIrby Hawkes, Benton & Bowles radio head, back from the Coast, after stop-off in Chicago. . . . Ned Weaver joined 'Second Husband' cast. . . . Harold Vermilyea, Vivian Smolen and Richard Widmark added to 'Mr. Keen' troupe. . . . Roy Bailey recovered from iUness and returned to directing 'Portia Faces Life,' with Fritz Blocki, who subbed for him, do for another assignment . . , Al Kohn, of 'Waltz Time' arranging' staff, to be Inducted into the army in June. . . . Donald Crisp guests Saturday (25) on 'Lincoln Highway'. .. . Allan Jones- Jane Pickens get the nod the following week (2) jn a musical show and Kay Kyser takes over the mike the week after that (9) in„ a straight comedy script.- . ', . Leonard Feathei: now doing the 'Platterbraln;' quiz series on WMCA, succeeding Bob Bach, who enUsted and Is at Ft. Mon- mouth, N. J. . . . 'In Care of Aggie Horn,' sustaining serial on the Blue from Chicago, goes off the air in two weeks.. John Babb, host to the swarm of . friends and Relatives.-that attended authoress Elaine Sterne Carrlngton's debut Saturday night as a song- writer on 'Hobby Lobby' . . . between broadcasts mob congealed in the Babbatorium, or penthoiise. . . . W. B Lewis spent a night, last week ex- plaining to his coUeague-to-be, Ken Dyke of NBC, how the new Radio War Guide of the Office of Facts and Figures will work ... Bill Law- rence, of Pedlar & Ryan, off for Hollywood this week. . . .back in June after setting details of couple of programs, ... Ed Easts have put their Manhasset, L I., house up for sale fearing the tire shortage problem later on. . . . they have beei^f>ving in .every morning at 6:30 tp make their WJZ broadcasts. . . . Lepnard Reinsch, of WSB, Atlanta, visiting in New York for newspaper group meeting .... N. Y. Post, coincident with change-of format to a tabloid, has become, one of Bessie Beatty's sponsors on WOR. . , Niles Tramm'ell, recuping at Miami home of an NBC sponsor, up. and around with a cane ... maybe back on job in May . . . Frank Stanton of CBS now spending more time on Government work than with network . . . has same train reservations coining and going reserved weeks ahead. IN HOLLYWOOD., . The Radio Tr/vde Is Discussing: Prograjns that devote more of their plugeroo time fo the giveaway than the product—KFrs 20 years on the air and Headman Harrison Holliway's discreet Tecognitiort .of the e'uent — How Pete De Lima can find so many nice things to say about people in radio who become subjects on his KFl'er,- 'Nothing But Praise.' NBC mugging everyone that passes in and out of the studio and making them flash their phiz at every entry, . . . Alumni of Frisco's early variety show, 'Carefree Carnival,' being reunited here for a salute to NBC's new Frisco studio. Among them are Ned Tollinger, who emceed the old stand- by; Meredith Willson, stick waver; Arnold-Maguire, producer; Tim'and Irene,'Vera Vague, G(jgo Delys, Charles Marshall, Don Stuart and Elmore Vincent... .That the giveaway has lost none of its pull was amply proven on the Burns and Allen program. Agency claims that four announce- ments on the show offering gladiola bulbs with Swan soap boxtops brought 300,000 letters....John B. Hughes puUed out of Blue network's 'ABCD in the News,' exercising his prerogative of withdrawing if' the show wasn't sold after four broadcasts., Clfete Roberts will become the A (for Amer- ican) member of the South Pacific commentators....'Al Poska. was the 10th member of KFI-KECA staff to change over from mufti to O. D.'s, (Continued on page 37)