Variety (Apr 1942)

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54 Wednesdaj, April 29, 1942 OBITUARIES liOVIS B. (DOC) ADAMS liOuls R. (Doc) Adams, 65, one of the most peculiar characters around Broadway, died April 23 In New York. He was Called £)oc Adapis and few knew his first !^ame. He is said to have emanated from Chicago. Adams had a large bulbous nose and it was no secret that he was ad* dieted to low grade whiskey. He spent his days at an oSlce In the former Longacre building, 42nd and Broadway, where for the last two or three years he would bet'on the races, having a linilt' of |1S0 dally, win, lose or draw. Adams is reputed to have consid- erable sums in a number of savings banlis and, while he dabbled in show business, he cleaned up in kindred fields, such as handling advertising in benefit shows of fraternal organ- izations, when the take was 50 He claimed to have backed a one- night tour of 'Scandals,' but those who knew Adams' said it was diffi- cult for the vet^an to tell the truth. He also' arranged theatre parties to considerable profit and for a time was claimed to have been a press «gent in burlesque. ' A physiclani lii reporting his dem- ise to an office building tenant who was friendly with'Adqms, said, 'He had everything the matter with him except measles.' appearance In "Musical Bells/ toured the continent with their own act after having met and married when they were with the same circtis troupe. Mrs. Engers, daughter of actor-par- ents, had toured the United States and Canada on showboats, in stage shows and under the big top. She claimed to -be the first womaii to do the iron- jaw act in public—the stunt requir- ing, the perfdrmer to be suspended in midair by a twirlliig rope held in the teeth. C. M. HALLABD C. M. HaUard, 76, British actor, died in a Surrey, England, hospital recently. Dramatic actor for 50 years, he commenced his career in F. .R. Benson's repertory company, appeared in many Shakespearean pro- ductions and In ck number of plays with Beerbohm Tree, Also acted with John Hare, Julia. Neilson, Fred Terry, and Marie Tempest before go- ing into management on hU own. Played in U. S. wltii Marie Lohr, toured South Africa and Australia with Irene Vanbrugh and Dion Boucl- cault, and in between times the Lon- don stage saw him in Countless char- acterizations. From 1917 he had also appeared in a number of films. AliBEBT DAVIS Albert Davis, 80, iormer show-card painter and owner of one of the best collections of theatrical data, died in Brooklyn - April 22. .The collection was valued at $75,000 and Included 100,000 photographs, 100,000 pro- grams and 60,000 lithographs - and miscellaneous itfems. His earliest was from 1852 and was a picture of the first Uncle Tom's Cabin' company. He had had a bri^ tmsuccessful stage career falmseli °' Davis \t^^. also been In Hollywood, his collection being used as a guide for pictures with Victorian back- grounds, Ainong' some'of the pic- tures in his coUectloh were those of Sarah Bernhardt, Lily . Langtry, Lillian Riissell, Nat Goodwin, David Belasco', the Barryitiores, . Billy Rose, Bill Robinson, Edwin Booth, Charles Frohman and the' Floradofa Sextet, He started to co^ect in 1800 but by 1915 he was maUng mote money out of his collection than from show- cards. 'Two sons ^d a brother survive. H. H. CABBUTBKBS. JB. H. Manful (Buddy) C^arruthers, 20, ■on of H. M. Camithers and the nephew of Glenn Carruthers, Grove City, Fai, exblbs,.was killed recently ln< a ,Miami airplane crash in wliich four other-fliers and passengers per- illed. Young Carruthers was a pilot instructor, one-of the'youngest iri the country, and only recently had been in charge of training ^a group of British flying cadets. He lost his !Ilfe when the plane In which he was practicing blind ■ flying. With Instru- ments struck another shipsjin mid- air, killing the occupants of both crafts instantly. The elder Carruthers and his brother, long an active exhibitor, acquired the . Guthrie theatre In Grove City five years .ago. Body of the yoimg pUot -was placed In ctypt at the Woodlawn Memorial Fark cemetery In Miami. KENDAL WESTON George K. 'Weston, .79, known on the stage as Kendal 'Weston', 'and an actor and director for over 50 years, died In Cambridge, Mass., April 25. He began his career 60 years ago as an assistant stage director in a Bos- ton theatre. , .As an actor he had appeared in ' many . Skakespearean roles as well as ..other plays. As a stage director Weston dl- xected for Andrew Mack and had performed with Robert Mantell, Ed- -wln Booth,. Ciiarles Blckford, Edna May Oliver, Maurice Costello and Donald Meek. He had played the lead in Tair of Sixes,' which had a successful tour of the U. S., retiring a decade ago, but he returned to direct the 1934 Hasty Pudding Club Show at Harvard CoUege, his last theatrical enterprise. Survived by a brother. He had lived In BuCtalo the last 27 years and bad painted murals for theatres and restaurants. BIBS. JULIA B. MeCOBHICK Mrs. Julia B. McCormIck, former concert singer and member of the old Boston Grand Opera Co., died In Taunton, Mass., April 21. HONTE BREWER Monte Brewer, eight - year • old member of Brewer' family' of kid actors and singers, died April 21 in Hollywood of a stomach aliment With his sisters, Betty and Elene, be acted In pictures and sang on the radio. PBOFESSOB LEBOT Wilfred Amnot, 62,-former vaude- vUlian^ died in I^ynn, Mass., April 20. lOtown as ProL Fred Leroy»4^" Von' contortionist Mrs.'C»rrle Osrrett-Shaw, 62, wife of Lien G. Shaw, Detroit Free Press drama editor, died 'at her home- in Detroit Thursday (23) following a loiig ninths. BJQEBN BJOEBNSON BJoem. Bjoemson, 82, son of the late Bjoemstjeme BJoernson, famed Norwegian writer and dramatist,'and in his own right an actor, -manager and dramatist, died in Oslo, Norway, April 14. He was a founder of the Norwe- gian National Theatre and had ap- peared in many roles including that of Peer Gynt Of his three plays. The Sun is Shining* is the best, known. He had also written books and articles about his father and had totured America In 1928. BUiBALD FBOST Harald Frost, until recently Par- amount's manager in Denmark, died last week In Copenhagen, according to a cable received by- John W. tlicks, Jr., Par's foreign chief, from Carl York, company's general- manager in Stockholm. Catise of death was not given. Frost handled f .e Danish business from the Copenhhgen office until re cently. When Paramouilt completed the liquidation of all Denmark busi BEBNABD FlEDLEB Bernard Fiedler, 64, violinist with Boston Symphony Orchestra for more thari 40 years, died April 20 In Brookllne, Mass. He had been an active member of the symph's strings section almost since Its inception. It still includes his brother, Emanuel Fiedler. MBS. BETTT OLVEBA Mrs. Bet^ Olvera, one of the Rlef- fena'ch Sisters, formerly In the Ring- ling circus, -died -in Louisville, April 16. . Equestrienne had been In a hos- pital since January, when she was critically burned after a stove ex- ploded in her trailer. Act had been with the Cole Brothers circus- more recently. Father of Harry Minor, who's with the Ringllng circus b.o. staff, died at his home In Cameltpn, Ind., April 13. Mrs, Cole CMom') HoElroy, died April 21 In Portland, Ore. She was wife of Cole ('Pop') McElroy, Port- land bi^lroom. operator. Mrs. Eliiabetii Olyott Loker, 70» mother of Don Carey, Hollywood film actor, died April 20° in Natick, Mass. HELAINE L. BBOWN Helaine L. Brown, dancer known as "Brownie,' die^ April 21 in New York after a long illness. She had worked in the chorus of 'Anything Goes' and Earl Carroll's "Vanities,' among other Broadway musicals. Mother, two sisters and a brother survive. MBS. HATTIE BELL ENGEBS Mrs. Hattie Bell Engers, 70, who ■tarte4 her stage career , at the age of three and retired in 1936, died April 20' of pneumonia In a Fort 'Worth, Texas, hospJtaL She and her husband, both of whom were kno-wn as Sattle and Ru^ Bell since their MBS. GEOBGE N. KNOX Mrs.' George N. Knox. 61, died April 6 6t her home in St Albans, Vt She appeared with the comedy musical act, Knox Bros, and Helene, over the Kelth-Proctor, Western Vaudeville Association; and Pantages circuits. Survived by husband and brother. BUBE OBEENBEBO Rube Greenberg, 31, operator of the Rex theatre, Irvlngton, N. J., was killed In a crash of Hudson tube trains at Jersey City, N. J., Sunday night (26). Survived by his widow, and a re- cently-born baby. Further details in film section. BOBEBT F. KABKCNOFF Robert F. Karkunoff, 70, scenic artist who had painted the sets for The Red Mill' and "The Wizard of Oz' as well as other stage produc. 'Uons, died in Buffalo, N.Y., AprU 23. BUIs Next Week ^ontiaaed from page 47g B'way Showmen jCosttnaed from paie : fli too, also summer resorts where cars are not ai must Seashore- re- sorts such as Atlantic City should boom, despite the dimming of lights along the coast, cars not being used to any gteat extent An- Indication was had around Easter, -when the seashore was' Jammed. Fact that there are no war works-.anywhere near such 'resorts should make the'm safe from possible bombing, it Is argued. Strawhat o'perators were - Jittery over the outlook even before the gas reports, which had the effect of stopping preparations In some hide- aways; Around E|qulty it was pre- dicted that the number of stocks would be cut away, down, thafbeiag supported when Washington, while denying .that gas supplies would be cut as much as reported, said that ■motoring as usual' is out. If the summer theatres are clipped it is assumed that road houses will be as badly off. - Many motorists in the east are re- ported having already put their cars in--'dead storage. .That is evident even in suburban N. Y.^ where long lines form to ride In busses. Only summer theatres near metro- politan centers may be able to op- erate if gas rationing is as tough as indicated. Hideaway sho^ shop audiences go to and from the shows is cars almost- 100%, and country busses could not begin to accommo- date playgoers. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Horace Finney, son. In Burbank, Cal, April 2. Father is purchasing agent at Warners. Mr. and tlSsa. John Beck, son. In HoIlywoodC April 28. Father Is with Music Corp. pf America there. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nesbitt, daugh- ter, in Pittsburgh, April 10. Father is with Monogram exchange, Pitts- burgh. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dolan, son. In New York April 18. Father is head of exploitation-publicity for Colum- bia Records. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Haymer, son. In New York, April 22. Father is saxo- phonist with Woody Herman orches- tra. Mr. and Mrs. I Raymer, son. In Chicago, April 21, Father is with Producers Releasing Corpi Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lynch, son, in Oklahoma City, April 18. Father is sales representative for CBS sta- tion KOMA, Oklahoma City.' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwards, daughter. In New York, April 27. Father is creator-conductor ,of radio show 'Truth or Consequences.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, daughter, in Pittsburgh, April 23. Father is a newscaster at KDKA, Plttsburgli. -Mr., and Mrs. Paul Moore, son. In Seattle, April 4. Father is a sales- man at KOMO-KJR, Seattle. Mr, and Mrs. Mac Swltzer, son, In Denver, April 19. Father Is auditor at 'KS'ELi, Denver. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Sims, daughter, in Indianapolis, April 13. Father U announcer at WFBM, Indianapolis. Ros«r Roland Ken SUTtni DIok Wlnilow OrA ■ Bdtaira* Bowl Rat* DkTli Rosen D»nc«n Bob Shea Larry suwart Tbaodoro & Doneaba Phil Harris Orr Caaa Uanuw Joe MarUn Dootala Wllllanu O Jati Savitt Ore Ooooanat Orova Bklnnay Bnnia Or« Carmen* - Earl CarroU i'be I>ebonalra W Wett & UcQlnU Qall ObII WlUla Weat, Jr Moyer Hue Willi* Morlne Howell Beryl Wallace .St Clair & Uar Mare Balleco Bill Brady Michel Ortiz Bd Manny Stranil Oro Florentine Oaidea I<^d Scott Kay Hayneld Su'car Oela* Jerry Bergen Martah Slaters Oraoe Pocsl R Frlmt Jr Oro Obarll* Floy's Ctab Charley Foy curt Bd-irarda Ellxabeth T' Martin -Oleic Harrla Red Stanley Oro Oraca Haye* Lads* Valadez Mary Bealy Ineclto F Llnd Bayea Oro Bollywood Trople* Mack Malone Dolorea Oar Mazlna Lewla Paul Nelsbbors Ore Dick Tbfmaa Hens* sT Huphi Fred Thompson Bob Mnrpby Beth Reynolds FrankI* .aalla|har Utile Troo Victor Bone Mocambo Roaeann Stevens Rita ChrlatlanI . Billy Barnett Ore Mseambe rats Volero BIstera Carloa Ramertc . Felix Martinique Art Cnppen -Oro FalUdlnin Harry James Oro 8e*eB Bras Chlec Sautlnl Malua NohealanI Rddle Buab Oro Stanley Wheeler Charlie Openui Stopsy Mazles Benny Lesay Jaokle Oleaaoh Billy Reed May WllllRras PattI Moor* Sam Lenio Joe Plumer Oro 6'tieeta of Paris Ivy, Vem ft Tono Anatln McCoy WInnr Manona Ore Bwannea Ibd Mead liQx' Lewis Bddle Beal Lourael Moritao I . . ' Trianon J>nh* Ellllnictrn Oro ■TioaeUls - Joe Turner Lee * Lester Slim ft Slam Spirits ot Rhythm ' CLETELANS Alpine Tlllas* Del Kay Jaok, Jim Warner Kurtis Marlonettea BlKlna . Willie Matthias Oro Myron Ryan Eldorado Club Jim MaoKenzle Ore Kteddle'a Cafo Renee Villon Beth O-Malley Southern Olrla . Chaney ft Harley Larry Vincent Al Laokey Oro Goarmet Clab Royal Hawillana O Hotel AllertoD Henry Plldnfr Oro Hotel Carter Thlxlon Sprenger Charles Wick Oro Jacqnellna Hotel OlevelsBd Carmen 'Cavallaro O Hotel Fenway Hall Jules and Webb Poison Gardner Coram Hotel Hollendea Laura JS DUtt6n" Lucllle, Ed Roberts Robinson Twins Katharine Hoyt Tickl Nevada Bill McCun* Ore. Hotel SeaUer Clint Noble Oro I« Coaga CiDb jTreddle Carldna Oro Lindsay's Bkybar Nan Blakatona Sue Bandera Pearl de Lucca Monaco's Cafo Don Beator ;0ro Hoabds Clab Croes ft Dona- Regal CInb Dnohy Malvln Oro 3700 CiBb Cy Reovea Roberta, Evelyn Scott Hal Hall Hollle LaVelle - Don Walsh Oro BOSIOH Beachcomber Barry Morrlssey Oro Chico SImone .Ore Judy Blllngbon Clarissa Clare ft Arena Beach-oharmers (B) BIlBStmb's Peter Bodge Oro Boyd Heathen Terese Rudolf Cortelll Canines Marlon Belette - BngllUi Bros Club Uayfair Ranny Weeks Oro Hal Roberts Ore Iris laon Oeorgle Price Una Cooper Artlnl ft Consuelo Maybelle Toung R Clob Vanity Fair Al DIokerman Oro Madel'e Harrington Stella Ray Dalrlo Miami Cocoannt Grov* Mickey Alport Oro Don Rico Ore Buater Helm Re* Billy Paine Woods 'ft Bray Ann Bronte Carr Bros (Melody Loonge) Marjorle Qarretson Herb L«wls Copley Floss (Sheraton Boom) Hal Saunders Oro Dorothy Lewis Lucille LsMarr John Farrell (Uerry-Go-Boand) Mark Gilbert 1 Copley Squire Hotel Al DeForrest Arthur Ward Crawford Rons* Freddy Rubin Ore Crawtordettes Sally Keith Ralph Fielder Harriet Fox * Hounds CInb (Bbamba Casino Boom) Marlon Frances Paul ft Mae WInIk Barron Lynn Gla Charles Wolk Oro Milton George Oro Hl-Hat Pet* Herman Ore Frank Petty Hotel Bradford (Circus Boom) Jack Davis Lucille ft J Maloney Hotel Bnclcmlnlater ' (National Boom) J Domlnguez Oro Hotel Bssex Ken Travers Oro Jack Manning Ore Billy Kelly Ada Marov* BlU Groin Vin Daley Tean Monti Bally Harris Hotel Fensgats (Satire Room) Beverly Burk* Nell Phillips Luollle & F Roberts Walter Boag Irwin Polk Dr H . Armanskl Hotel Lenos Bob Hardy Oro Kay Ivirs Hotel Mlnerra Bunny MoVey Oro Barbara Douglaas Hotel Boraeniei (Ballness Boom) Harry Marahard O Hotel sutler (Terrace Boom) Leigbton Noble Ore (Cafe Rouger Saivy Cavlcohlo Ore Hotel Vendome (Flfs A Dram Bm) Oscar Elgart Oro Jolene Ella Wilson Helen Douglaas Helen Shepard Ken Club' Farren Bros Oro Ruas Howard Jerry ft Lillian Latin Qoarter Anthony Bruno Ore Rhumbollers Oro Sid Tomaok Rels Bros Shayne ft Armstr'g Blltmorettes 6 Lovely Ladles Don Arden Gls"' (Lounge Bar) Hum ft Strum Sara La Platta Bio Casino George Harris Oro -. >Harry de Angelts O Helen Carrol Coley Worth Fatrlola Shelley Oliver Sis ft Lewis Arthur Blake Buster Kelm Rev (Garden Lonnge) Mai. ft F DearboB Stenben's (Vienna Boom) Lew Conrad Oro Ada Gonzales Trio Dorothy Deerlng Doris Abbott Jimmy Marr The Cars Don DIBona Oro JACk FIsb'er Taraara Dorlva Blvea Cortes Jimmy Marr PIr-ettea (E) ' Tie-Too Bob Astor Oro Dell. Parker Tnmoat Flais Duk* Lorenxo Oro DETROIT Book-CadUlae BsUI (Boob Caalno) - Mela Stauqer Frank Gagen Oro (Motor Bar) Dlok Rock - Bowery Mlacha .Auer Joyce Hunter Four Frank* ' How Paceo Dancer* Capt Frank* ft Pals Alice Kennedy Mils ft Nadynne Tvette Dare Don Arden Oano Johnny King Charlie Carlla!* B*nny Rash Oro Brass B*n D«l Parker Seymour Hoffman Roy Bwartc Jeanne Rand Caaanova Lopez & Lynton' victor Charles VIckl i;.a Meer Jessica Oarwm,d Heman Zlehl 1.00' Waltern Ore CInb Congo Congoettes Larry Steele Margaret Watktns Billy Adams Sauaaga ft P'kohops s Calloway Dancers SahJI Bob Parrlah Congo <3n Corktown TtaTora Don Harrla Hart ft Alllaon - Panohlta Villa Phil Bklllman Oro' F^tler Baneb Irving. Harmon NIoky ft JImmr Margaret Andrews Artie Fields Ore Grand Termco Gloria Parkei' Oro Earl Parchman Haymarfcrt Ted 'Cookie' Cook Henri Phelps ft Callenblne Dot-Wyler Te-d Davis Laura Jean Band's Sun Val Serenaders London Chop Honse Connie Barleau Chet Bverhart Rubv Oro Clab Mayfalr Marty Joyce Carol Crane MerviD Jeneen Dorothy Qerron Phil Olson Oro Hlehey's Billy Meagher Charles ft R Jenkins La Temple Ray Vincent Dolores I.amont Mlokeyettes Joe Banket Oro Neblolo's Fay ft Andr* Jobnay PoUey Laskoy Bis ' Cl*m Hawklna Laonard 8**i Oro Nortbwood In» Dal* Rhod*a Theresa-Rudolpb Uon Amato Ray Carlln Oro Old* 'Wayno Clab Howard Benedict O Jaok London Falm Beach Pat Patterson' The De Winters Nellie Clark Kay Mackaye Beatrice Gardner Qa Lion Pablo Oro ' 'Fenobaeot Clab Fatrlola Wlllla - Paula Drake Jimmy Clark Pamela Britton Ramon Ramoa Oro Hack's Redfom inn —LMao. McOrawr.Oia BoyalO Pat Henning ft Sua Carol King The Gaylords Doralne ft Bills Faber Dancers Stan Morris Oro Statler Hotel Pancho Orr '' Hoffman ft Kayo Dorothy Snow Tyron Sisters Billy ft Jaok Billet Tatt-Kretlow Gls Harvey Stone Pete VIera Oro Ban Oles* Gene Emerald Olento Dale The Bordena Dotty Sloan Cliff Arvin Al Alexander Oro Slevadora Good ft Goody Great Selgfreld Eddy Bhepherd Jaok Thomaa Oro I Tbo noptca - Al Tuckei"-. Lyie Carlvle Oro Dale Rhodea Bernlce Balls Boy Twardy Babette Fetlto Tork ft Theresa, Bill Traor Jaok Nelson Oro Wblttler Bolel (OoM Cab Boom) Herman FIno Wonder tint Madelon Bakor Manuel Lopea Oro Sammy Dlbart Oro SM Clab Oal* Rhodea Dl Giovanni Dottle Ard Jean Moor* Joy ft Juanltn Delia ft Drlgo Horace Boucb Ore Stars Sell Bonds s^sContlnaed from page l^ss flclals In Washington and New 'York, 30 'stars will sell War Bonds and Stamps in 120 cities in a coast-to- coast campaign ' opening June 1. Supplementing personal appearers will 'be a nationwide all-star radio drive and a series of short films showing many of the Hollywood toppers who have entertained at Army camps; Importance of the colored film and stage players in the wartlms effort is recognized in the appoint- ment of Hattie McDanlel as a mem- ber of'the Hollywood 'Victory Com- mittee. Her elQfluence will be de- voted chiefly to the Southern states and to the large Negro sectors in New York, Chicago and Detroit Special sub-committee to coordin- ate radio and film war activities consists of Sidney Strotz, Don Gil- man, Donald Thomburg, William Forges, Lewis Allen Weiss, Bert Allenberg, Bette Davis, Rosalind Russell, Feldman and Fred W. Beet- son. - In addition, a speakers bureau has been organized, with Edward Arnold as chairman, to make up a list of industrial biggies available for patriotic addresses. MARRIAGES Mary Ellen HCfhderson to James Sotus, In Pittsburgh. AprU 18. Bride is assistant music librarian at KDKA, Pittsburgh. Margaret Woodward to Oliver D. Kichel, in Washington, March 29. Groom is son of Pittsburg^ exhib and a radio engineer Instructor for army and navy. Lois Tinsley to Theron Holt, in San Antonio, April 26. He Is assist- ant news editor of station WOAI, San Antonio. Salome Simmons to Mark Hansen, In Denver, April 22. Couple do a program on.KFEL, Denver. Julia Rice to Leland Hargraves, In Indianapolis, April S. Bride Is with WFBM, Indianapolis. Mary Plotczyk to Carl J. 'Vos- burgh, In Pitt^field, Mass.) last week. He's business manager of Cleveland Symphony Orchestra. Irene Coleman to Robert Andrews, In Beverly Hills, Apjll 25. Bride )B film player; he's a scenarist, Geann Morris to Nado Herb Brown, In Yiima, Ariz., April 27.