Variety (June 1942)

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W^dnesdajr. June 24, 1942 ftAAlO 39 ^ > M > ♦ I ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦♦<>!»> I > M i M M ♦ From the Production Centres i m NEW YOBK CITY ... The Radio Tsatb Is Discussing; Columbia's totre to Ford—The Office of War Infonnation'if one-two to Broadcasting Magazine—The harsh " qiialitt; networks now Inject into propaganda programs, once so mild. •Just Mary Stories,' as broadcast over the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. network by Mary Grattan, has made its appearance in book form ($1, W. J. Gage, Toronto) profusely illustrated with line drawings....Miss Grat- tan waq. a delegate to the last Ohio State Institute for Education by Radio Julian Street, Jr., spends hall time In Washington, rest in Radio City as a literary liasion for the U. S. Treasury... .British Broadcasting Corp. much interested in possible transoceanic program tieup with Universal's new 'Eagle Patrol' film Abe Schechter makes his appearances in the latest Princeton" Public Opinion Quarterly bibliography bs Abel Alan •Schechter C A. Siepmann of OFF, has lectured, at Dartmouth on radio and Carl J. Frledrlch, of Harvard, follows for same summer class Lindsay Wellington, of BBC, finally got a seat in a plane and is now in London—Bea Wain plays, the Bath and Turf Club, Atlantic City, July 23-24.. ..Jiist finishing week at Loew's State... .her radio career mean- time spans 18 years, and she's only 23.' Lesley Woods, a lead in 'Bright Horizon,' played a part Sunday night (21) in 'Crime Doctor'—Tom Howard, George Shelton and Harry Mc- Naughton will be the leads in 'It Pays to Be Ignorant,*' new sustainer quiz starting tomoriow night (Thursday) on WOR-Mutual Roger Bower will direct it Santos Ortega, title player of 'Bulldog Drummond' and a principal of 'Ellery Queen' and 'Blue Theatre Players,' gets a new romantic part with 'Joyce Jordan, Girl Interne,' for Hi Brown... .Gene- vieve Footh, assistant caster of the Compton agency, recuperating at home after recent operation—Mary ^hipp played the lead last week on "Man-- hattan at Midnight.' ' Lee Cooley, RuthraufC & Ryan staff director, to become a father John L. Oberg, non-pro writer, won the $2,000 'Dr. Christian' scripting prize, his first sale—Walter Compton, m.c. of 'Double or Nothing,' doing afternoon news strips on Mutual from Washington.,. .Instead of coming east, Hendrik Booraem will remain on the Coast when the Burns and Allen show folds ibr the summer, and will direct the Tommy Riggs series ....Cilenhall Taylor will probably direct the Jack Benny show when it returns in the fall, succeeding Murray Bolen, who shifted from Young & Rubicam to Ruthraufl & Ryan to handle the new Edna May Oliver series When the Eddie Cantor program folds for the summer Bob Welch will probably remain on the Coast for a vacation:.. .Y. & R. plans for him after that are undecided. Dorothy Lowell, title actress of 'Our Gal Sunday,' just completed flock of presentation spots for Metal Salvage Commission' and is recording 'You Can't Do Business With Hitler' Frank Phares is advance man-researcher on 'Cheers From the Camps' and collabs with Herry Mc'Gill on the script for General Motors'... .Maurice Hart subbing on 'Make Believe Ballroom' for the vacationing Martin Block. .'.Art Millet recuping from an opera- ' tion Dennis James doing Sunday recorded show on WNEW formerly spieled'by Allan Kent... .Ben Kagan writing 'You Can't Do Business With Hitler,' succeeding Elwood Hoffman and Frank TeUord, who relinquished it to work on the 'This Is Our Enemy' series fo.r the OEM Ann Barley touring war plants gathering material on femmes in industry, for the War Department. ^ Bob Meyer resigned from the Compton agency radio department to take a publicity job with the Fleetwings plant of Sikorski .aircraft, Bristol, Fa. ... ..The Hal Jameses (Florence Sperl) and their infant Son vacationing in Canada |Caye Brinker and iSlanfred Lee will be married July 4.... she's the radio actress-writer and he co-authors (with Frederic Dannay) the 'Ellery Queen' program, films and books Blue network contributed a total of 71 hours, 43 minutes to the war effort during May that in- cluded 62 hours, 21 minutes of sustaining time and nine hours, 22 minutes of sponsored time, but excluded such service shows as 'National Farm and Home Hour'... <BiU Ramsey, of P. & G., in town this week accom- panied by his 11-year-old' son this time Harry Ackerman, of Y. & R., will produde the 60-minute program and the spot announcements during July for Ted Collins, Radio Coordinator for the Conservation of Man- power Drive for the Labor Department Don Becker, Transamerican script and production supervisor, ill and will take a layoff of several weeks at his 'Virginia farm. David Davidson, scripter of 'Second Husband,' has left for a Government assignment In Ecuador Ruth Borden, writer of 'John's Other Wife,' adds the 'Second Husband' authorship Walter Payne resigned as WOR en- gineer to join the Army as a private Arthur Bruce, 'Venzuella Jones and Juan Hernandez joined 'Young Widder Brown' cast.. i .Dorothy Sherman quit the WOR program department to Join her husband In New Orleans and Mabel Delamater joined t(ie-station's general staff, telephone room— Cliff Carpenter added to 'Lorenzo Jones' troupe and Bert Transwell cast- for 'Second Husband' show Clinton Foss quit WOR en.glneering staff to take an OCD job, while Ann Davidson joined the station's engineering force, succeeding Peggy Bliss, resigned..-. .Joan Cecile'Downing replacing Audrey HUme in WOR engineering staff John'Lund, Sammy Hill and Frances Carlon Added to current 'Mr. Keen' case... .Eileen Farrell subs for Vivian della Chiesa on 'American Melody Hour' next Tuesday (30).. Leighton & Nelson will soon unveil WSNY, Schenectady, completely without speeches, stuffed shirts, ceremonies or cheesecake art Charles J. Rol'o has another piece on shortwave radib, this time in Coronet.*... John Carlile, of the University of Alabama ^nd former CBSer, may go Into'Army'publicity work Phil Spitalny has a hunt on via 'Hour of Charm' lor best song ol World War II. Claudia Morgan, feftune lead of Tliin .Man' and » principal of 'Against the Storm,' cast lor new part in 'Help Mate' Mark Van Doren finishes 'The Scarlet Letter* today (Wednesday) on his 'Radio Reader' series on CBS and loUowa it with another Hawthorne story, The Ambitious Guest,' tomorrow and Friday (26-26)\...He then leaves for vacation, with an as-yet-unselected spieler starting Monday (29) to i-ead 'Jane Eyre'— Barry Wood has taken a place in M6odus, Conn..*. .Kay Kyser program broadcasts tonight from Ft. McPherson, Atlanta, and then toes to the Pensacola Naval Air Station....Ed Cashman.directs the show—Mrs. Ed Byron' home from the hospital after recuping from critical operation ....hiuband is' producer-director of 'Mr. District Attorney' 'Miss Meade's Children,' slated to go off Mutual, gets a reprieve and sticks In- definitely. Henry Flsk Carlton, Radio Writers' Guild national president, JU at his Plac^ at Harmon, N. Y..., .Script for this Friday night's (26) 'Grand Cen- tral Station' program was authored by Patsy Ingersoll and the cast will Include Lois Hall, Carlton Young, Arthur Allen and Charlie Cantor.... finale of the series, July 3, is scripted by Mary Brinker Post, mag writer and sister ol Kaye Brinkei-.., .it's her first try at-dramatic writing lor ra- dio—with Lever Bros, dropping 'iStatlon,' the Lambert tc Feasley agency, which, owns the package, will offer it to other sponsors—Martin Horrell produces it-aad Ira Ashley directs Teddy Bergman back again as a reg- ular on the Philip Morris 'Playhouse' he was off the show for a while after slugging adaptor-director Charles Martin durfng a studio tiff. IN HOLLYWOOD . . . ' The Radio Trade Is Discossino; Al Nelson, ei-NBC, opening hi* own advertising agency in San Francisco—The Paciflc AdveHiaiTig conven- «entJon at Tacomo—Return to commercial radio of Vick Knight after •pell of Government chorea. WWDC'S BIGGER FUTURE Wa.shineton Station Fromisea More Talent and Bettec Broadcasting' Washington, June 23. Family feudhig that resulted in several court actions by disgruntled members was terminated—as far as the trade and local listeners were concerned-rby final FCC approval last week of the sale of WWDC for at a fancy price. The Commish put its seal on the $110,000 agreement by which Stan- ley Horner, Ed Spence and Dyke Collum peddled the low-power out- let to Joseph Katr, G.. Bejjknett Lar- son and Charles M. Harrison. The plant wiU be the Washington outlet • for the promised but vague- new Arde Bulova seaboard network and also plans to be a 'sounding Board* for government agencies, ac- cording ^to information given the Commish. More live talent will be used and the operating schedule lengthened. Noting the plant lias been runnmg in the red to the tune of $1,500 per month, the purchasers advised the FCC they will pyt the station in a stronger situation and terminate liti- gation that has complicated affair for months. The multiplicity of cross- suits no longer will jeopardize the enterprise, the application empha- sized. Katz, head of the agency with of- fices in J^ew York and Baltimore and former department store adver- tising executive, will be the head of the venture, with Harrison, his partner, handling financial aspects. Larson will be station manager. Springfield, Mass;—Norman Paul, Holyoke native, most recently with WMUR at Manchester, N. H., is new announcer at WMAS. ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » » . ■ PayroD Traffic Indianapolis. — Don Menke, copy editor of WFBM, local CBS affiliate, has transferred to the sales depart- ment. He Is succeeded by Dave Milligan, formerly a continuity writ- er. James Matheny, who Menke re- placed in sales, has iqined the Army. Richard Morris (Pittenger), WFBM announcer, left June 18 to report for supplementary training in the Naval Air Force at Glenview, (lU.) Naval Air Base. Norman McDonald, form- er New York actor, has" joined the announcing staff, but expects military call soon. WiUes-Barre, Pa. — J. Melville ('Tiny') May, formerly with WRAW, Reading, Pa., and WCBA, AUentown, Pa., has joined the sUff of WBAX, local Mutual outlet, as commercial manager. Worcester—Hal Miller, formerly of WNAC, Boston, has joined WtAG, replacing HoUy Wright, now with WRC, Washington. Jean Connelly, secretary to 'WTAG program-pro- duction manager William T. Cava- nagh, has resigned for post at NBC, New York. Colorado Springs—Dale McCamp- bell, formerly •with the United Press in Denver, has joined the staff of KVOR, Colorado Springs, as a news- caster. William. Danneman, formerly with KYUM, Yuma, Ariz., has joined the KVOR engineering staff and Jenny O'Brien has joined the same station as receptionist. Portland, Ore.—Bob McCoy, bari- Sidney Strotz chose 'Don't be a Quitter' Armed forces have taken a total of 107' employees -of the major nets here to date. KNX- CBS tops the list with 51, NBC seconds with 24, KMJ-Don. Lee lost 12, and the Blue net saw off, 10... .Vincent Callahan, treasury Dept. rep for press-radio, here early in week said: 'Radio is doing the outstanding job in hypoing War Bonds sales,' but admitted he was here to get some fresh ideas to bolster the drive and caucus with producers and directors on new approaches via radio. He's touring the - Coast before returning East with new bag of tricks he hopes to harvest.... Norman Blackburn, J. Walter Thompson's local'drum-beater, out of St. Vincent's-after treatment.of.a kidney ailment.-.. .Bums and Allen move into the Victory Parade spot'on NBC June 28 Lux Theatre stars Wal- lace Beery on June 29 in 'The Bugle Sounds' Robert McAndrews, NBC western sales promotion manager, now a second lieutenant in Army Air Force, at Santa Ana Keith Kiggins, Blue net's station relations-head- man, returned Elast alter visiting Coast sites 'When 'Date With Judy* takes over Bob Hope time for summer, starting July 23, DeUie Ellis will be in the title role. Ruthrauff & Ryan have decided on July 2 as ter- minating date for-^Edward G. Robinson's 'Big Town' for the usual 13 weeks hiatus—Diana'Carlson, production assistant to Dick Mack on the Sealtest show, exited Hollywood hospital lor home recupeing after mii)or surgery Former flimite. Neil Hamilton, title roles CBS Coast net sus- taining series 'Return of Raffles.' Ted- Bliss producing, Paul West scripting and Gaylord Carter organloguing Frank, Forest, tenor on KHJ-Don Lee-Mutual's 'Double or Nothing,' coming to Hollywood .lor vac^h July l...,Cobina Wright, Sr.'s .'Just Between.Us,' spon to start on NBC, gets Gail Laughton, swing harpist... .Ransom Sherman partying his gang ^ a larewell. today (Wednesday)'alter washing up....Switch in Jiramle Fid- ler's Blue net time lor all but local tuning-la. puts him on Sunday in- stead ol Moifday, Coast sivpw remains at 7:30 p.m. period on Mondays, while Supday' program lor Mountain, Central and Eastern tlnie airs at 6:30 p.m 'Visalia's KTKC broadcast—saluted by Blue .net to celebrate po^er uppage to'5,000. watts... .Warren Lewis is new addition to NBC.'s writing staff. IN CHICAGO.. . . ■ , _ ThiI Rad»> Tbadk Is Discussikg: The delight of advertising agency men to get jobs, in stations or networks for the durotion—The 'reop- pointnvent of Chairman Fly, .ending one wishful thought of titme radioites. . . Marry Witt, KNX sales manager, to Tacoma for annual meet of Pacific- Ad Clubs Association Don Gilman, Blue net v.p. to 'Frisco on •business • ...For his first speech since appointed head of NBC Western Division -Two more men have departed from NBC for service jobs. They are David J. Klempkes, engineer, and Paul Anderson, .announcer's clerk...'. Johnny Coons, of 'Stepmother' cast, returned to. hometown of Lebanon, Indiana, for a special benefit. He was a magician there in early days... x Ima Phillips' new show, 'Lonely Women,' replaces 'Arnold Grimm's Daughter,' with Sahara Luddy as'the star... .National B^n Dance gang getting things ready for the.-cut to a ball hour early in July....John Hodlak, actor, now • private in army. Another actor,- Billy Idelson, ol 'Vic and Sade,' doing public relations work lor the navy, with Author Charle Ludlow also a middle. Pierre Huss, guested on WBBM, telling of experiences as foreign cor- res^iondent Les Carr, WBBM engineer, off to Washington for war-time post In Navy's R^dio Division... .Cliff Johnson assigned, to announcing duties on new WBBM 'What Cba Doin'?' show....Myma Dee Sargeant airing.morning chats five times weekly -on WJJD:,. .Frank Sweeney, WJJD announcer, back at work after three-week illness... .Betty liou Gerson added her fifth radio part this week Beverly. Ruby, ol 'Secret City,' east, hobbling around on a twisted ankle Paul McCluer, NBC sales manager, back from-trip to northwest, with Frank Oljcary, salesman, off to St. Louis Blanche Brand is back , at desk alter leave of absence. She's-secretary to Roy Shield Paul J.. Moore was recipient of wrist watch given by colleagues ^when he left lor A^my -this week.. Lou Cowan's Quiz Kidt program will celebrate its second anniversary on the June 24th biloadcast over the Blue network and will have as contest- ants seven boys and girls who made the most appearances during the first year. Incidentally, l^t weelc^ panel ol five missed six questions, which Quizmaster Joe Kelly termed 'an all-time high.' With Jack Scott of Schwimmer & Scott introducing the speakers the Office of Facts and Figui;es meeting here a week ago had this represen- tative turnout of Crflcago admerf and broadcasters: Robinson Murray, L. J. Sholty, C. S. Lund, Burke Herrick, M. E. Blackburn, E. B. Savage, Max Wiley, M. H. Schwartz, Edw. Nix, L. M. Bell, J. W. Hosberg, Wm. N. Con- nelly, P. McCleur, Jim Shelby, Geo. StiUman, Vic. Hunter, Vem Brooks, Geo. Budway, Jack Louis, H. C. Kopf, Lavinia Schwartz, Jack Van Val- kenburg, Harry Gilman, Jcck North, Mr. '^Moore, Leon Meadow, Ben Green, Frank Chizzini, Walter Schwimmer, Kenneth Hinks, H S. Thomp- son, J. A. McDonald, Mary Duffy, James Woodman, R. A. Sorenson, L. --H. Ploetz, A. E. Myerhoff, Ed. Simmons, Nelson Shaun, Judith Waller, Jules Herbureaux, Miss Lahey, Jack Scott, Myron Chon, Alvln Kabaker. tone on KOIN-KALE staff, leaves July 1st to join the Army. Bob Harris, announcer for KOIN- KALE, joined the Coast Guard and leaves June 26. New York City—JameS J. Cahill, formerly of WAAT, Newark, has joined the sales staff of WQXR, New York. Duncan Pimie, formerly with the student station at Harvard, has joined WQXR as an announcer, Montreal—Herbert Hewetson, pro-^ gram-director for CFCF has been commissioned second lieutenant, Canadian Grenadier^ Guards, Re- serve Army. Boston—Charles Burgoyne, WHDH chief control tobn\ operator, has re- ported for active duty in the Navy..- - \ . New York CBy.—Clarence Van Auken, formerly in ' charge of th( mall room at WOR, New York, has been transferred to the sales service department, succeeding George Kler- nan, resigned. He is succeeded as mail room head by John Ruddley, formerly of the buUdlng- - service division. Bob Davis, formerly with the War- ner Bros, publicity department on the Coast, has joined the WOR presii department as a copy writer. Al Durante has shifted from day to night assignment in the presis depart- ment, succeeding John Anspacber, who has been called for Army duty. John Perrin, formerly with .'W OKO , Albany; WBZ, Boston, and WTIC, Hartford, has joined the WOR an- nouncer-producer staff. Charlotte. Heinig joined the WOR engineering office, succeeding Gefaldlne Swan- son, resigned. Troy, N. Y.—Cecil Walker, director of mercha ndis ing service , and pub.-^ lieity at 'WTRY, has been com? missioned an Ensign in the Navy. St. Lonb^Edward Wilson, for- merly of WLS, Chicago, newest gab^ bing addition to'KWK.- He also waf connected with NBC in Chicago. Al Brandt, KXOK news gabber; has donned the khaki at SCptt Field, Ill- Alex Buclian, former KXOk sportii gabber Who left to fly iiJ the RAF in England hat returned to the U.S. to fly for Uncle Sam. Currently assigned at Corpus Cbristi, Texas. Ray Schmidt, former sports gabber at KWK and KXOK now dping same stint pt WTMV; Plttshorfh — Dave l^son, who joined WWSW staff year and a JiaH ago has been hlmted chief'announcer. . Dick Abels, , from WPAR lA ParkersbOfg, W.' V,. has joined the announcing st^ at WJAS. - ., .' Marie YfUk. . wpointed nro'^nm manager lor WWSW's' FM corn* ponent, W47P./ Akrcn, 0.^-Opal Winder has Join- ed trafflf department of WAKB, wbUe Bob Smll^ tau joined WAKR'-s anoounefaig staff to succeed Steve Richards who goes into the army. Glenn PhilUiMi out of high stihool Into announcing tankfi at- WJW. Jack Ffankel and Gene Peterson new ad- ditions also {it WJW. Call Ayres and Don Worrell leaving station lor- war plant jobs. CleVdju>d.-^Arihur Hannea, for- merly Qf Erie, Pa., has been adde^ to the, announcing staff of WGAR. San FraacisM.:—Agnes Eason, for^ merly of KIRO, Seattle, named ns- sistant to . Marie Houlahan, KQW and Columbia Broadcasting Systenl publicity director here. Margaret Roberts Is new secretary to Bob Cwan; KGO program direc- tor. Byron Nelson has Joined KGO sales staff. . Toledo, 0<—George L. 'jfoung,. auditor and assistant to the vice president of WSPD, Toledo, has re- ported at Quonset Point, R. I., as a Na-t^y lieutenant - Fort Wort^Wllliam G. Fields^ has, been named commercial man- ager of .station KFJZ, key station of the Texas State Network succeeding Harvey Hardey, \yho has been named manager of .the TSN outlet in Austin, KNOW. Fields comes from'KABC, San Antonio and. was sales and sports staff member of the TSN staff. Harttord.—Stanley Peer, control operator of WDRC, has joined th* U. S. Coast Guard.