Variety (Sep 1942)

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WedneMlay. September 2. 1942 PICTURE GltOSSBS IS Londui Booms; miniver' Smash 'Bambi $12,000, Wy bm' Neat m 2i W OK^at^ London, Aug. IS. Five 'outstanding factors account for the- present boom In London's Dictur« ^u^lness. They are (1) Workers* bulging pocketbooks, (2) atay-at<b6ine holidays in response to goyenunental requests, (3) tre- JnendoUs ^ux of Americans In imi- orro^ together with dally arrivals of troops on leave, all pleasure-seek- ers (4) oiTlclal advice to discontinue carrying gas masks, plus 15 months' immunity from air raids, (5) high standard of current offerings In al- most all West End picture houses. Ordinarily August finds London deserted by a good one-half of its population, this being the month most favored by vacationists for their annual Jaunts to seaside or country resorts. Transport re- strictions are keeping the people at home this year. Coupons tend to make it more and more difficult for the Londoner to buy luxuries at a time when he has more money to spend on such things than ever before. So the recent tilt- ing of prices at picture houses hasn't had any hurtful effect on 'the Customers' eagerness to line up in ne queue. 'Mrs. Miniver,' now in its sixth week at Metro's £mpire, and still turning 'em away, is the acknow- ledged picture hit of the year. Next floor at the Rltz, 'Gone With the wind' is also doing smash biz. iCroases, at rate of to the £, herewith.) Carlton (Far)—True to the Army' (Par). Just terminated two weeks to mediocre grosses of $5,000 first week, with around $4,000, the second. Now replaced by 'Salute John Citizen' (British National), which press likens to "Mrs. Miniver. Latter is due for at least three weeks. Empire (Metro) — "Mrs. Miniver' (Metro) (6th wk). ^as been aver- aging $32,000 per, and still build- ing. Terminates Aug. 20 due to gen- eral release date imminence, other- wise could stay on several more weeks. Ganment (GB)—'Shores of Tripoli' (20tR) (3d wk). Playhig to small coin, with first week under $8,000, and second week well below $6,000. Management looked frantically for replacer, due to disappointing re- turns, but could not fliid. anything suiteble, hence the forced holdover. Leicester Sqoare (GFD)—"Eagle Squadron'(U) (3d wk). Fairly good at $15,000 for first week, with second nearer $12,000, which warrants liold- over. Being replaced by The First of the Few,' Leslie Howard pro- duction starring Howard and David Niven, which is expected to stay lour weelts. London Pavilion (UA)—'The Gold Rush' (UA) (6th wk). Has proved moneyspinner, coming at time when 6omedy is in keen demand. Has been averaging $14,400 per we^' and is holding over right to eve of general release, hence 'Close Call' (Col) re- placing for one week, with 'Little Annie Rooney' (UA) following for run. . Marble Aroh PavUlon (GB)—'The oung Mr. Pitt' (20th) (7th wk). .[ere alone after doubling for six weeks at New Gallery (GB). Has touched as high as $6,400 for several weeks, which is good for this spot, but now nearer $5,500. Finishing this week. New Gallery (GB) — 'Bambl' (RKO) (2d wk). Was rushed in, re- placing 'Mr. Pitt* (GB) to cateh the kids' holiday trade, and has had yiem queuing up since opening. First week's inteke exceeded $12,000; good for eight weeks, and may even stay longer. Odeon (Deutsch) — "Pardon My Sarong' (U). Just terminated two weeks' run to hefty grosses, with first week topping $15,000. second stanza well above $12,000. First time this house has used Abbott and CosteUo pic, their product generally going to Leicester Square theatre. Had to told, as due for general release soon. Now replaced by Twin Beds' (UA). Plaza (Par)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) (3d wk). Has clicked from start, toppmg $22,000 first week, with second $21,000. Staying to general release date, which Is In two weeks, With 'Palm Beach Story' (Par) skedded to follow. Eejral (WB) — The Tuttles of Tahiti (RKO). Limped for fort- night to around $8,000, below recent average of house, which has been on upgrade since introduction of Band policy to help pictures. Now replaced by 'Lady Is Willing' (Col), expected to stay two weeks at least. Kill (M-G)—'(3one With Wind' (M-G) (I22d wk). Here's record un- precedented in annals of picture Wind' has topped $730,000 in biz, Its r.un at this smallle, which only seats 435. and is stiU doing capacity. Picture has been booked for general release, on two weeks' run policy, and sold out for full run as soon as 'I opened. Result Is exhibitors have been clamoring to Sam Eckman, Jr., local Metro head, to permit exten- sion of runs. Will continue at this hoiise even after general release. Warner (WB)—'Juke Girl' (WB) (2d wk). Did fairly in first week, topping $10,000, and not likely to go belqw $8,000 in second week, after which it vacates to niake room for 'AU Through the Night' (WB). HOLIDAY INN* $17,000, CLEVE. Cleveland, Sept. 1, 'Men of Texas' is being jived up by Duke Ellington for wham biz at $22,000 at the Palace, which has been hitting the bull's-eye with name bands recently. 'Holiday Inn' also is rolling along strongly at the State. Hipp enjoy- ing an unexpected heavy play on 'Magnificent Ambersons.' Estimates for Thto Week AUen (RKO) (3,000; 35-40-45-55) —'Pride Yankees' (RKO) (4th wk). Catehing nice $5,000 in fourth stanza after batting out $7,000 last frame. Hipp (Warners) (3,700; 35-40-45'5S) —'Magnificent Ambersons' (RKO). Smartly built up and sturdy at $14,000. Last lap, 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) (2d wk). at $1.10 top, somewhat disappointing for that scale, just okay $17,000. . Palaoe (RKO) (3,700; 40-60-70)— 'Men of Texas' plus Duke Ellington on stage. Another musical winner with Ellington's orch whipping it up to an extra fine $22,000. Last round, 'Ladjy in Jam' 'J) with Horace Heidt band, smashing nouse mark at $38,000. State (Loew's) (3.450; 35-40-45-55) —'Holiday Inn' (Par). Astaire and Crosby, fortified by unanimously rave notices, had the ropes up over weekend. Excellent $17,000 or oetter, Last week, 'Husbands Necessary' (Par), pleasant $11,500. SUIInum (Loew's) (1,872; 35-40- 45-55)—'Annie Rooney' (UA), Not more than $4,000 at best. Last week, "Twin Beds' (UA) (2d wk), satis factory $5,200 on moveover. Tanama Hattie' Trim $16,000 b Mild Pro?.; Icings Eafle' High 14G Providence, Sept. 1. Nothing big around town this week, though all spots are healthy. 'Wings for the Eagle' at Majestic Is in a happy frame of mind as is 'Panama Hattie' at Loew's Stat?. 'Pride of the Yankees' is in its third week at RKO Albee and is still knocking them over with packed houses. Metropolitan reopened to nice biz with name band-pic policy. EsUnuUes for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,300: 35-40-65)— 'Pride of Yankees' (RKO) (3d wk) and 'One Born Every Minute' (U) (1st wk). It's a holiday hereabouts, with house consistently strong on holdovers. Constant plugging has gone a long way in keeping interest alive. Looking for neat $6,000 after sock $13,000 in second session. Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1,400; 30-40- 50—'Talk of Town' (Col) and 'Bion- die Victory' (Col) (2d run). Level- ing off at nice $3,000. Last week, 'Tish' (M-G) and 'Sabotage Squad' (Col) (2d run), oke $3,000. Fay's (Indie) (2,000: 30-40-50)— •Call of Canyon* (Rep) and vaude. Autry's good for a nice play here- abouts; swell $7,200. Last week, 'Mad Doctor Market St.' (U) and vaude, good $6,500. Majestic (Fay) (2,200: 30-40-50)— 'Wings for Eagle' (WB) and 'Escape Crime' (WB). Sheridan appeal Is ap- parently helping this one to solid $14,000. Last week. Ten Gentlemen from Point' (20th) and 'Magnificent Dope' (20th), nice $14,000. Metropolitan (Indie) (3,200: 55)— 'Rubber Racketeers' (Mono) plus Will Osborne band and Andrews Sisters. House has been shuttered for past month and opened Its reg- ular weekend showings to big $10,- 000 in three days. State (Loew) (3.200: 30-40-50)— 'Panama Hattie' (M-G) and 'Grand Central Murder' (M-G). Paced at nice $16,000. Last week. 'Talk of Town' (Col) and 'Blondle Victory' (Col), good $14,000. Strand (Indie) (2.000: 30-40-50)— 'Dr. Broadway' (Par) and 'Joan Ozark' (Rep). Above average trade at $7,000. Last week. 'Night New Orleans' (Par) and 'Suicide Squad- ron' (Pnr). noal S8.000. First Rims on Broadway (Subiect to Change) Week of Sept. 3 Aster-'Pride of the Yankees' (RKO) (8th week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Julv IS) Capitol—'Somewhere I'll Find YouLj(M=G) (2d weelO.. (Revleued in 'Variety' Aug. S) Criterion—'Pardon My Sarong' (U) (2d week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Aug. 5) Globe—'Moscow Strikes' Back' (Artklno) (4th week). (Reviewed in "Variety' Aug. IS) Hollywood — 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) (15th week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' June 3) Mnsle Hall—Talk of the Town' (Col) (2d week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' July 2») Paramonnt — 'Holiday Inn' (Par) (5th week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' June 17) Boxy—'The Pied Piper' (20th) (4th week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' July 6) Strand—'Acros.s the Pacific' (WB) (4). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Ad^. 19) Week of Sept !• Aster—'Pride of the Yankees' (RKO) (Bth week). Capitol—'Somewhere I'll Find You' (M^) (3d week). Globe—'Moscow Strikes Back' (Artkino) (Sth week). Hollywood — 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) (leth week). Mnsle Hall—Talk of the Town' (Col) (3d week). Paramonnt — 'Holiday Inn' (Par) (6th week). Boxy — 'Footlight Serenade' (20th) (9th). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Julv 8) Strand—'Across the Pacific' (WB) (2d week). Tride' Record $5,000 In Lincolii for 11 Days Lincoln, Neb,, Sept. 1. A new house record 'is being chalked up at the Varsity currently with 'Pride of the Yankees.' Film pulled a full house for 11 days, longest run in several years. Estimates for This Week Lincoln (J. H. Cooper-Par) (1,503; 10-30-44)—'Orchestra Wives' (20th). Looked Uke it might go as high as $4,500. Last week, 'Eagle Squadron' (U), $4,000. Nebraska (J. H. Cooper-Par) (1,236; 10-30-44) — 'After Me in Kampf (PRC) and 'Ahnost Married' (U). Light $1,100. Last week, 'Toe Sergeant' (U) and 'I Was t'ramed (WB), $1,000. State (Noble-Overman) (B86; 10 20-28) — 'Playmates' (RKO) and 'Power Town,' Kyser brought It up to $1,200. Last week, 'CMd Rush' ^UA) and 'New Wine,' $1,200. Stnart (J. H. Cooper-Par) (1,859; 10-30-44) — 'Calling Dr. Gillespie' (M-G). Sad $2,800. Last week, 'Pied Piper' (20th), $3,600, very good. Varsity (Noble-Overman) (1,100; 10-30-44)—'Pride of Yankees' (RKO) Pulling a new house record in 11 days, $5,000. NX's Wow B.0, Continues; A.&C Ride Record $36,000, Lana-Gable Hot 4SG. Town' Bii^llOaiinmilivan SOG- With a powerful weekend under their belt, Broadway theatres are heading for a very fancy total this week. From the smaller first-runs to the larger houses, business ranges from good to socko. Despite rain on Saturday (20), the day was one of the biggest ever, while Sunday also was much above normal. The street Includes several hold- overs that are doing extremely well. Their staying powers must be largely attributed to the huge turn- over in transients each week in downtown N. Y. New shows moved into the Capitol. Music Hall, State. Criterion and Rialto during the past week. Among these, a sensation at the box- office is 'Mrs. Miniver' on second- run at the State, with Ed Sullivan and the Harvest Moon dance win- ners on the stage. The way it looked yesterday (Tuesday), when'business was running almost neck-and-neck with opening day (Thursday), the former all-time record of the house of $50,317 would be broken. That figure was attained by Eddie (^tor and 'It's a Wonderful World' (M-G) in 1939 In the July 4th week. Should the current State bill ride over that figure, it becomes all the more remarkable since no more than five stageshows can be done, due to length of 'Miniver,' whereas Cantor did six. 'Miniver* and Sullivan bill holds over a second week and may go a third. Another show definitely estab- lishes a new high for the house which it is playing. Picture is 'Par- don My Sarong.' On its first week at the Criterion ended last night (Tues- day) it drew a smash $36,000, best the smaU-seater has done since built about seven years ago. Music Hall, on its first week with 'Talk of the Town,' is breaking the speed limit for a likely $110,000, im- usually big, while 'Somewhere I'll Find You,' with Lana Turner and Clark Gable, should take the Capitol to a rousing $48,000 or over. Both pictures hold- over. Take on Talk' at $110,000 tops the opening week's $109,000 for 'Miniver* at the Hall. Doing an extraordinary business is 'Holiday Inn' and the Skinnay Ennis band, plus -the Ink Spots, which on the fourth week at the Paramount concluded last night (Tuesday) got $67,000, lofty takings. Picture held two additional weeks, becoming the first in the 16- year operation of the Par to have that long an engagement. Only one other show went five stanzas. Due to prior bookings, Ink Spots are out of the Par anew starting today (Wednesday), while Ennls goes back to the Coast for a rest. Replacing is the Will Osborne band and the Charioteers. 'Pied Piper' Is another holdover that displays remarkably fine con- sistency. It remains in the upper 'Eagle ScpiadrimTme $12,000 in Da C; 'Crossroads Plus Vaude Solid $25,000 Washlngton, Sept. 1. Holdovers this week brought the regulars Into the Capitol and Keith's. 'Miniver' is still husky in its third session and Talk of the Town' Is substantial on repeat week. 'Pride of the Yankees' closed strongly after four stanas. "Eagle Squadron,' new Keith entry, is doing a resounding $12,000 at normal ad- mish scale. Estimates for This Week Capltel (Loew) (3,434; 28-39-44-66) —'Crossroads' (M-G) plus stage show headed by Larry Adier. Solid $25,- 000. Last week. 'Pled Piper' (20th) with Tony Pastor's band on stage. Picture got fine word of mouth and rolled up a stout $25,000. Columbta (Loew) (1,234; 29-44)— 'This Above All' (20th). Only fair $6,000. Moveover from Palace. Last week, 'Blue Horizon' (Par), $6,000 and no complaints. Earle (WB) (2,210: (28-39-44-66)— 'Talk of Town' (Col) with stage show. Critics sang hosannahs and walloping $23,000 is re.sult. On the holdover, this week, $18,000, plenty good. Keith's (RKO) (1.830: 40-50-65)— 'Eagle Squadron' (U) and back to normal prices. Swell ^12.000 and holds. Last week. 'Pride Yankees' (4th wk), near $10,000. Metropolitan (WB) (1.600: 28-44)— 'Sweater Girl' (Par.) First rate $7.- 000. Last week. 'Gay Sisters' (WB), hefty $7,500. Palace (Loew) (2.242; 28-.';5)—'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G). (3d wk). Will grab tip top $19,000. Earlier sessions $29.- 000 and $26,000. lerriflc. T. ToWhamSOGmlmlpk 'Serenade' Big $10,500 Indianapolis, Sept. 1. Tommy Dorsey's band show Is the. bellringer this week with 'Postman Didn't Ring' at the Circle, Band is packing them in consistently with plenty of standees. Tootlight Ser- enade' Is leading the straight fllmers, better than average at Indiana. Business otherwise is spotty. Estimates for Tbis Week Circle (Katz-DoUe) (2,600; 30-40- 55)—'Postman Didn't Ring' (20th) with Tommy Dorsey band. Solid jive show with strong supporting acts is getting powerful $30,000, second best biz of season. Last week, 'Magnificent Ambersons' (RKO) and 'Flight Lieutenant' (Col), fair $8,500 at 28-44c scale. Indiana (Katz-DoUe) (3,200: 28-33- 44)—'Footlight Serenade' (2ath) and 'Little Tokyo, U.S.A.' (20th). Strong $10,500, Last week, 'Wings for Eagle' (WB) and 'Tombstone' (Par), $8,700, shade over average. Keith's (Ind) (1,200; 28-44) — 'You're Telling Me' (U) with vaude- ville, nice $3,900 In four-day run. 'Unseen Enemy' (U) with Ken May- nard and horse heading vaude wound up with dandy $4,100 .last week, Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 28-33-44)— ■Jackass Mail' (M-G) and 'Calllns brackets at $60,000 on the third week ended last night (Tuesday) and begins a fourth-final canto today. Strand, now on Its third (con- cluding) round with 'Gay Sisters' and Sammy Kaye, continues - a strong pace at around $40,000 on the blowoff. Closed for most of the summer, the Rivoli reopened last night (Tuesday) when 'Wake Island' had a special preem for the benefit of the Red Cross. Theatre Is being oper- ated by a joint committee represent- ing the United Artists Theatre circuit and Paramount, latter having taken a 50% interest in the house. Estimates for This Week Aster (Loew's) (1,140; 55-65-$1.10) —'Pride of Yankees' (RKO-Gold- wyn) (8th wk). Holding Its stride beautifully, the seventh stanza end- ing last night (Tuesday) being $25,000, close behind the prior stanza's $25,500. Capitol (Loew's) (4,620; 35-55-85- $1,10-$1.25) —'Somewhere I'll Find You' (M-G). Biggest biz-getter here ~ In long time, with potent $48,000 or better sighted. Holds. Last week, second for 'Ambersons' (RKO), un- der $22,000. fairly good. Criterion (Loew's) (1,062; 35-44- 55-75-85)—'Pardon My Sarong' (U) (2J wk). Begins holdover today (Wednesday), after socking through to tremendous $36,000 on first seven days, new high for house. Laat week, 'Invisible Agent' (U) (3d wk). $9,000, fine. Globe (Brandt) (1,250; 35-55-75- 85)—'Moscow Strikes Back' (Art-„ kino) (3d wk). Looks $14,000 or close, very good, while last week (2d) ran to $17,000, excellent HoltU. a fourth. HoUywood (WB) (1,226; 83-$1.10- $1.65-$250) — 'Dandy' (WB) (14th wk). Roadshow film started the cur- rent (14th) Week strongly by getting $9,800 on the first three days; last week (13th) pushed 'to $18,2007 a tidy profit. FaUee (RKO) (IJOO; 28-35-44-55- 66-75)—'Wings For Eagle' (WB) (2d run) and 'Give Out, Sisters' (U) (1st run). This duo won't pull more than about $8,000, fair. Last week. Top Hat' (RKO) (reissue) and 'Duke West Point' (20th) (reissue), $8,200. Paramonnt (Far) (3,664; 35-55-85- 99)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) and Skin- nay Ennis band, plus Ink Spots. Raced on the fourth week through yesterday (Tuesday) to take down a bagful! at $67,000, while prior stanza (3a) hit high in the clouds at $77,000. Picture goes two more weeks, with Will Osborne's band and the Charioteers replacing Ennis and Ink Spots on stage. Badio City Mnsle HaU (Rockefel- lers) (5,945; 44 - 55 • 85 - 09 - $1.65)— 'Talk of Town' (Col) and stage show. A wow at the boxofflce at $110,000 or close, and holds. Last week. Sec- ond for 'Bambl' (RKO), $90,000, strong. BUIte (Mayer) (504; 28-44-55)— 'Just Off Broadway' (20th). A good $7,000 seeny same af the prevloua week with 'I Live on Danger^ (Pair). BlvoU (2,092: 35-5S-7S-8S-99)— 'Wake Island' (Par) premiered here last night tTuesday), with all pro- ceeds going to the Red Cross. Starts regular run today (We'dnesday). House has been closed since early in July. Boxy (20th) (5,886; 40-65-65-75-85- 99)—'Pied Piper' (20th) and stage show (4th-final wk). Starts windup stanza today (Wednesday); the third week, up last night (Tuesday), mounted to a sock $60,000, while the second was $67,000. State (Loew's) (3,450; ?9-44-9S-75- 99-$l.10)—'Miniver' (M-G) (2d run) and Ed Sullivan with the Harvest Moon dancers. This show Is very rich in b.o." vitamins aiid may scale the heighta to over $50,000 for the best gross theatre has done in its 21 years of existence. Turnover prob- lem prevents more than five stage- ^ows. Former high of $50,317 was scored in 1939 by Eddie Cantor and 'It's a Wonderful World' (M-G). Last week, 'Tarzan's Adventure' (M-G) (2d run) and Smith and Dale, others, over $24,000, good. 'Miniver' and the current stageshow holds o^t. Strand (WB) (2,756: 65-55-75-85 99-$1.10)—'Gay Sisters'^ (WB) and Sammy Kaye (3d-flnal wk). Con- tinues sturdily, looking $40,000 or thereabouts this week (3d). The second built to a surprisingly Juicy $51,000. 'Across the Pacific' (WB) and Dick Jurgens' band open Fri- day (4). Dr. Gillespie' (M-G). Meager $8,500. Last week. 'Crossroads' (M-G) and 'Blondie's Event' (Col), very nice $10,300. Lyric (Katz-DoUe) (1,850; 28-33- 44)—'Wings for Eagle' (WB) and Tombstone' (Par). Routine $4,000 on moveover. Last week, 'Pardon Sarong' (U) and 'Tough as. Come' (U). fsmash S5 7nn In movpovpr.