Variety (Sep 1942)

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14 PICTUIIE GROSSES Wednesday, September 2, 1942 Tales,' Sturdy $24,000, Tops Frisco; 'Serenade 21G, Tride-Vaude 22G, 3d ■fi- San Francisco, Sept 1. 'Tales of Manhattan' is pacing the town with $24,000 at the Warfield, while not far behind is 'The Pride of the Yanltees,' in its third torrid week at the Golden Gate. 'Pride' is being aided by a new stage bill. Estimates for Thla Week Fox (F-WC) (5,000; 35-40-55)— •Footlight Serenade' (20th) and •Henry, Dizzy' (Par). In the money at $21,000. Last week, 'Crossroads' (M-G) and 'Affairs of Martha' (M-G) (2d wk), $16,200, socko. Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 40-44- 65) Pride of Yankees' (RKO) (3d wk) plus new stage show. The new vaude, including Frank Jenks, is helping lift this to $22,000 for a third torrid week. Last week, $25,700, ter- rific. Orpheum (Blumenfeld) (2,440; 35- 40-55)—'Flight Lieutenant' (Col) and •Meet Stewarts* (Col) (2d wk). Clicking along at $8,000 for second sesh. Last week, $13,800, nice. Paramonnt (F-WC) (2,470; 35-40- 65)—'Gone With Wind' (M-G). Back at pop prices, adding up to $12,000. Last week, 'Tarzan's N. Y. Adven- ture' (M-G) and 'Fly by Nighf (Par), $17,800, h«fty. St Francis (F-WC) (1,475; 35-40- 65)—'Crossroads' (M-G) and 'Affairs of Martha' (M-G) (moveover). The third week downtown on this combo Is bringing in $7,000. Last we^, •The Big Shot' (WB) and 'Sweater Girl' (Par) (2d week of moveover), $7,300, big. United Artists (UA-Blumenfeld) (1,100; 35-40-55)—'Lady in Jam' (U) and 'Drums Congo' (U) (2d wk). Will reap nice $8,000 on second stanza. iLast week, solid $10,700. WarAeld (F-WC) (2,650; 50-65)— Tales of Manhattan' (20th) and •Thru Different Eyes' (20th). Prices were raised on this bill, bringing in robust $24,000 to lead city. Last week, 'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (6th wk), closed at fine $13,100. Tlvoll (Blumenfeld) (1,590; 35-40 65)—'AH Kissed Bride' (Col) and •CaU Ellery Queen' (Col) (second sesh of moveover). Fair $3,000, con- sidering it played three weeks at Orpheum before stopping here. Last week, also $3,000. 'Squadron' Terrific $15,000, Seattle's Ace; ' Talk Town'Huge 116 4r-58), 'Lady In Jam" (U) and 'Night New Orleans' (Par) (2d wk), good $3,500. Winter Card :n (Sterling) (800; 20- 30)—'Fantasia' (RKO) and 'Male Animal' (WB) i3d run). Excellent $3,500. Last week, 'Tortilla Flat' (M-G) and 'Wife Takes Flyer' (Col) (3d run), excellent $3,400. TALK' NOISY 18G IN CINCY Seattle, Sept. 1. Plenty of bally marked opening ©f 'Eagle Squadron' at Orpheum, which is leading the town. News- paper ads were upped and so was' the scale. Record $15,000 is the re- sult. 'Talk of "the Town,' at the Liberty, also is rated a smash hit. 'Sarong' is solid in its h.o. at the bis Paramount, after a great initial stanza. Estimates for This Week Blue Monse (Hamrick-Evergreen) (800; 30-40-58)—'Footlight Serenade" (20th) and 'Little Toyko* (20th) (3d wk). Hot from Music Hall. Swell $3,000. Last week, 'Blue Horizon' (Par) and 'Dr. Broadway' (Par) (4th wk), steady $2,800. Fifth Avenue (H-E) (2,349; 30-40- 68) — 'Pied Piper' (20th) and •Through Different Eyes' (20th). Big $9,000. Last week, 'Tarzan's N. Y. Adventure' (M-G) and 'Calling Dr. Gillespie' (M-G), moderate $6,300. Liberty (J-vH) (1,650; 30-40-58)— Talk of Town* (Col). Rolling off the show in 140 minutes helps, though lines form- at n^ght.--Smash hit at $11,000 and run is anticipated. Last week, 'Kukan* (UAJ and'Ellsrv tiueeh Meels ' Agents^' (CoT), oke 96,900. Mode Box (H-E) (850; 30-40-58) —'Miniver* (M-G) (7th wk). Still holding nicely, «4,700. Last week, same Aim, great $5,000. Masie HaU (H-E) (2,200; 30-40-58) —'Reap Wild Wind' (Par) and 'Fly By Nighf (Par). Going along for very good $6,306. Last week, second of 'Footlight Serenade' (20th) and Xittle Tokyo' (20th), nice $4,800. Orpheam (H-E) (2,600; 40-50-65) —'Eagle Squadron' (U). Big cam- F?i91«*'*'P'"8 this picture, terrific $15,000. Rapid turnover making this record take possible. Last week (30-40-58), 'Invisible Agent' (U) and •Lady Gangster' (WB), so-so $7,100. Palonur (Sterling) (1,350; 30-40- 68)-'Marry Boss Daughter* (20th) §Ius Ina Ray Hutton band on stage, and accounts for most of business and swell $10,000. Last week, 'Klon- dike Fury* (Mono) and 'Unseen Enemy' (U), plus vaude, mild $7,900. Paramonnt (H-E) (3,039; 30-40-58) —'Pardon My Sarong* (U) and 'No Hands Clock'' (Par) (2d wk). Great $7,300. Last week, same duo, landed marvelous $14,500. Boosevclt (Ste^g) (800; 23-40) — 'Married Angel' (M-G) and 'Gentlemen from Point' (20th) (2d run). Good $3,000. Last week (30- Cincinnati, Sept. 1. Boxoffice score is above summer par though slightly under last. week. Current topper is 'Talk of Town* at the Albee. 'Pied Piper' is furnish- ing sweet music for the Palace. Of the holdovers, 'Reap Wild Wind,' is hanging up a stout second session at the Capitol. Veterans of Foreign Wars are here this week for their 43d annual encampment, which means the downtown nouses are deriving some added biz from the visitors. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3.300; 33-40-50)— 'Talk of Town* (Col). Smash $18.- 000. Last week. 'Bambi' (RKO), very good $13,000. Capitol (RKO) (2.000; 34-44-55-60) —'Reap Wild Wind* (Par) (2d wk). Big $10,000. Last week (1st), socko $18,000. Famllv (RKO) (1,000; 17-28)— 'Through Different Eyes* (20th) and 'Dr. Broadway* (Par), split with 'Spy Ship* (WB) and 'Girl From Alaska* (Rep). Steady $2,100. Ditto last week for 'Kid's Guns* (PRC) and 'Night New Orleans* (Par), di- vided with 'Hillbilly Blitzkreig* (Mono) and 'Men St. Quentin' (PRC). Grand (RKO) (1,430; 33-40-50)— 'Friendly Enemies' (UA), six days, Brutal $2,500. Last week, 'Footlight Serenade' (20th) (2d run), fine $6,500. Keith's (Libson) (1.500; 33-40-50) —'Bambi' (RKO). Moveover from Albee for second week. Good $5,000. Same last week on 'Wings for Eagle' (WB) (2d run). Lyrlo (RKO) (1,400: 28-33-42)— 'Footlight Serenade' (20th). Second transfer for third stanza on front line. Fair $3,500. Last week. 'Par- don My Sarong* (U) (3d run), big $4,800. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 33-40-50)— 'Pied Piper* (20th). Merry $12,000. Last week, 'Are Husbands Necessary' (Par), neat $11,000. nicely located to cash in on action- full releases. Estimates for Tbis Week Century (Loew*s-UA) (3,000; 17- 28-35-40-55)—'Tish* (M-G). Getting a fairish return at $11,000. Last week, fourth of 'Mrs. Miniver," (M-G) brought total for run to solid $71,200. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,240; 17-25-28-3 B-44-55-66-75) — 'Pride Yankees" (RKO) (3d wk) plus vaude. All right in third stanza at possible $13,000 after strong $41,400 for pre- vious brace; upped prices helping figure mount. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,406; 17- 28-35-40-55) — 'Big Shot" (WB). Rather steady action to $13,000. Last week, third of 'Pardon Sarong' (U) brought grand total for entire run to swell $45,300; best chalked up by any Abbott-Costello comedy in Balto. May fair (Hicks) (980; 20-40)— Tombstone' (Par). Nicely spotted for better than average $5,500. Last week, second of 'Annie Rooney' (UA), added steady $2,900 to strong opener at $4,600. New (Mechanic) (1,581; 17-28-35- 44)—'Footlight Serenade" (20th) (3d wk). Holding to okay biz to bring total to $14,600 for three sessions, nice 4gure for limited seating at hand. Current week, near $3,000. Stanley (WB) (3,286; 17-28-40-55) —'Wings For Eagle* (WB) (2d wk). Very nice in h.o. at possible $11,000, after rousing $16,300 on Initial sesh. ValenoU (Loew's-UA) (1,450; 17- 28-44-55) — 'Mrs. Miniver* (M-G) (moveover). Steady at $6,000 after big four-week run in downstairs Century. Last week, 'Sherlock Holmes* (U), fair $3,200. TISH'MILD IIG, BALTO; 'WINGS'BIG $11,000 H.O. Baltimore, Sept. 1. Most downtowners here are mark- ing time with h.o. product and point- ing for the fresh Labor Day start. Of few new entries current. "The Big Shot,' at Keith's, and 'Tish,' at Loew's Century, are attracting fair- ish response. Some rather nice action ported for 'Tombstone, the Town Too Tough to Die,' at the Mayfair, Ulail'-Jnrgens Crack 125,000 in Pitt;'Wings' Bigl7G,Tiper'7G,H.O. Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. Biz still sturdy with the weather continuing to be considerable help. Nice cool weekend had everybody doing well. Stanley is out in front with 'Jackass Mail* find Dick Jur- gens orch. First time around here for Jurgens but new band is pulling strongly. Fulton is getting a first- rate fourth and last week out of 'Eagle Squadron.' Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 35-44-66)— 'Eagle Squadron' (U) (4th wk). Winding up a month's stay to okay $5,000, fine. Last week, fine $7,000. 'This means $30,000 or slightly better on the run for first picture getting advanced prices here. Latest h.o. pushes back 'Private Buckaroo' (U) and 'Footlight Serenade' (20th) to Saturday (5) opening. Harris (Harris) (2,200; 35-40-55)— 'Pied Piper* (20th) (2d wk). Click at least $7,000, and moves tomorrow (2) to the Seiiator for third week. Last week, 'Piper* was almost $12,- 000, best here In some time. Fenn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 30-40- 55)—'Wings for Eagle* (WB). All of crix had a good word on this one and it*s sticking close to the $17,000 mark, fairly steady figure here lately. Last week, 'Gay Sisters' (WB) about $17,500. Biti (WB) (800: 30-44-66)—'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (6th wk). Moved here after two weeks at Warner and three at Penn. Enough left for swell $3,800. Last week, 'Crossroads' (M-G). on moveover from Penn. thin $2,200. Senator (Harris) (1,750; 30-40-55) —'Road to Glory* (20th) and 'Sabo- tage Squad' (Cel). Second time 'Glory* has been reissued locally in last couple of years. Hardly better than weak $2,500. Last week, 'United 'Crossroads' Wow $15^00 in Phiily; 1)andy'32&3dWkr'liiiver'l(iG,5th We Stand ' (20th ) ana ' A-HaunlUig Will Go' (20th) $2,700. SUnley (WB) (3,800; 30-44-55-66)— 'Jackass Mail' iU-G) and Dick Jurgens band. Beery pix are al- ways fairly consistent around here but nothing like this, which means Jurgens can take plenty of credit for crack $25,000. That's extraor- dinary because Jurgens is com- paratively unknown locally. Last week, Paul Whlteman and 'Are Husbands Necessary' (Par), lust short of $23,000. Warner (WB) (2,000; 30-40-55)— Gay Sisters' (WB) (2d wk). Shifted here from Penn, but oke $6,000. Last week, 'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) great at $9,000 for fifth week. 'SARONG' 14G DENVER ACE Denver, Sept 1. With heavy war plant activity and the city also getting Its share of pa- tronage from servicemen, first-runs are having no difficulty in rolling up nice grosses. 'Pardon My Sarong' 1» packing the Denver for top coin cur- rently while 'Beyond the Blue Hori- zon' still is strong in the second week at .the Denham. Estimates for This Week AUddIn (Fox) (1,400; 40-50-60)— 'Winss for Eagle* (WB), after week at the Denver. Nifty $4,500. Last week, 'Tales Manhattan' (20th), after a week at Denver and playing day- date with Broadway, great $5,500. Broadway (Fox) (1,040; 30-35-40- 50)—'Maisie Gets Man' (M-G) and 'Tarzan's N. Y. Adventure' (M-G), after week at the Orpheum. Fair $2,500. Last week, 'Tales Manhattan' (20th), after a week at Denver and day-date with Aladdin, good $3,000. Denhara (Cockrill) (1,750; 30-40- 50-60)—'Blue Horizon* (Par) (2d wk) and 'Tombstone' (Par), Fine $10,000. Last week, 'Blue Horizon' (Par), opening week, packed house to a huge $14,500. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 30-40-50-60) —•Pardon Sarong* (U) and 'Postman Didn't Ring' (20th). Big $14,000. Last week, 'Wings for Eagle* (WB) and 'Murder Big House' (WB), big $12 000 Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 30-35-40- 50-60) —'Cardboard Lover' (M-G) and 'Favorite Spy' (RKO). Fine $11,000. Last week, 'Maisie Gets Man' (M-G) and 'Tarzan's N. Y. Adven- ture' (M-G), big $12,500. Paramount (Fox (2,200; 30-45)— 'Flight Lieutenant" (Col) and 'Blondie Victory' (Col). Nice $7,000. Last week, 'Sergeant York' (WB) and 'Was Framed* (WB) (2d wk), big $7,500. Det Still on Upbeat; 'Serenade' Wham 28G, 'Animal'-Rey $44,000 'Men of Texas-Prima-Canova Giant in Hul; 'Sostm Spee$ 2^ Boston, Sept. 1. With the streets still swarming after dark, the picture houses are catching big trade, especially since a considerable improvement in the weather has made life tolerable. Be- sides the stage show and 'Men of Texas' at the Boston, which is un- usually strong, only 'Gay Sisters' at the Metropolitan is standout, among the new entries. Holdovers are okay. Estimates tor This Week Boston (RKO) (3,200; 40-55-65-75- 85)—'Men of Texas* (U) with Jackie Cooper, Judy Canova, Dick and Dot Remy and Louis Prima's band. Live talent is pushing this to terrific $32,- 000. , Last week, Andrews Sisters, Will Osborne's band and 'Favorite Spy' (RKO), 34,500, tremendous. Fenway (M-P) (1,373; 30-44-60)— •Are Husbands Necessary' (Par) and 'Lady Gangster' (WB). Moderately okay $5,000. Last week, 'Beyond Horizon' (Par) and 'Sweater Girl' (Par), tepid $4,000. Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 40-55-65- 75)—•Pride Yankees* (RKO) and 'Flying With Music' (20th). Bol- stered with new second feature and holding up In third frame at a solid $20,000. Last week, single featured, $21,000. Metropolitan (M.-P) (4,367; 30-44- 55-60)—'Gay Sisters' (WB) and 'Spy Ship' (WB). A little spotty, but pulling satisfactorily at $23,000. Last week, 'Wings For Eagle' (WB) and 'Postman Didn't Ring' (20th), thin $15,000. Orphenm (Loew) (2,000; 40-65-70) —'Crossroads' (M-G) and 'About Face' (UA). Good in second frame at $16,500. Last week, $22,500. Paramount (M-P) (1,800; 30-44-60) —'Are Husbands Necessary' (Par) and 'Lady Gangster' (WB). A new bill here and better than expected at $12,000. Last week, 'Blue Hori- zon* (Par) and 'Sweater Girl' (Par), sad $9,000. Stote (Orpheum) (3,600; 40-65-70) —'Crossroads' (M-G) and 'About Face* (UA). Slowing down in sec- ond round to nice $11,500. Last week, $17,600. Trsnsinx (Translux) (900; 17-28- 44-55)—'HeUo Annapolis' (Col) and ■Things to Come* (UA). Pointing to $4,200, okay. Last week, 'Night Train' (20th) and 'Top Sergeant* (U), $4,500. Detroit, Sept. 1. Figures here continue in the high er brackets each week as Detroit's mechanics spend their 'vacations' in the film houses rather than at re sorts. Currently business is climb ing above the already high summer level with the city's population swelling fast under the armament ,- . ■B(m.r'^w*-»m^;«w».w'*r*i»..?««!te;'>S^^ taking no time off this year. -Michigan -w.UI be .tops with. The Male Animal' coupled with Uie Al- vino Rey orchestra and King Sis- ters. Fox is hitting a big figure with -Footlight Serenade' and 'Little Tokyo, U. S. A.,* the only fresh pic- ture bill in the loop besides the Michigan. Estimates tor This Week Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 50-65)— 'Eagle Squadron* (U) (3d wk) and 'Hope Schuyler.* Former picture moved over after two strong weeks at the Fox. Nifty $8,500. Last week, 'Flight Lieutenant' (Col) and 'Blondie Victory' (Col), great at ditto figure. Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5,000; 60-65) —'Footlight Serenade' (20th) and 'LitUe Tokyo' (20th). Sock $28,000. Last week, 'Eagle Squadron' (U) and 'A-Haunting Will Go' (20th) (2d wk) tucked a choice $23,000 on powerful $32,000 for first stanza. Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000; 50-65)—'Male Animal' (WB) and Al- vino Rey orchestra on stage. Swell $44,000. Last week, 'Gay Sisters' (WB) and True to Army' (Par) (2d wk), surprise $22,000 added to first week's $29,000. Palms-State (United Detroit) (3,- 000; 50-65)-'Gay Sisters' (WB) and True to Army' (Par) (3d wk). Pair moved from Michigan look for a Philadelphia, Sept. 1. There's still plenty of money in this sector and the wickets are turn, ing at a feverish pace currently. Week marked the reopening of the Aldlne after a summer-long hiatus with healthy biz reported for Hedy LaMarr's latest starrer, 'Crossroads' Pic was hypoed by plenty of bally'> hoo attending Miss LaMarr's per- sonalling here today (Tues.) in con. nection with War Activities Com- mittee bond drive opening. Also in the blvie chips are hold- overs of 'Yankee Doodle,' and .'Mrs, Miniver.' Most of the films will holdover to ready for Labor Day product splurge. Estimates tor This Week Aldlne (WB) (1,303; 35-46-57-68- 76)—'Crossroads' (M-G). Initial week for newly reopened house is netting sock $15,500, plus extra $4,- 800 for Sunday showing of picture at the Earle. Arcadia (Sablosky) (600; 35-46-57. 68)—'Take Letter' (Par) (2d run). Good $3,100. tiast week, 'This Above All' (20th), $3,200 for third run. Boyd (WB) (2,569; 75-$l.l0)— Yankee Doodle' (WB» (3d wk). Plenty of pep left in this one, with hangup $32,000 for third session. Last week; smash $32,000 plus $4,000 extra for Earle Sabbath showing. Earle (WB) (2,768; 35-48-57-68-75)— •Men of Texas' (U) with Paul White- man band on stage. Okay $20,000 but way behind previous week. Last week,^Spy Ship' (WB) plus Glenn Miller orch, near-record $45,800 for combo. Miller likely would have hung up new mark ahead of old record of $46,700 but three broad- casts from stage hurt since there was little turnover these nights. Fox (WB) (2,452; 35-46-57-68-75)— •Footlight Serenade' (20th) (2d wk). Dropped to $13,500, but still fair. Initial week jood $22,000. Karlton (WB) (1,066; 35-46-57-88) —'Friendly Enemies' (UA). Satis- factory $4,200. Last week. 'Allen Poe* (20th), slightly under $4,000. Keith's (WB) (2.200; 35-46-57-68) -'Magnificent Ambersons' (RKO) (2d run). Not so good at $4,000. Last week, 'Saboteur' (U), pale $2,800 for second run. Stanley (WB) (2,916; 35-46-57-68- 75)—^Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (5th wk). Still keeping solid pace with nifty $16,000. Fourth semester last week), hangup $17,500. Stanton (WB) (1,457: 35-46-57-68) —'Jackass Mail' (M-G). Drawmg fine W,000. Last week, 'Tarzans Adventure' (M-G) okay $5,500 for holdover sesh. J. Dorsey-'Hnsbands' Cracks 10-Year Mark In Buff., Sock $32,000 Buffalo, Sept. 1. Another great week is coming up currently with holdovers playmg a prominent part. Jimmy Dorsey is smashing the 10-year record at Shea s Buffalo,'and probably will top a sen- sational $32,000. Holdovers of "Gay Sisters,' 'Pride of Yankees' and Blue Horizon' at the Lakes, Century and Hipp respectively are doing fine. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,500; 35-55)-j 'Are Husbands Necessary' (Par) and Jimmy Dorsey Orch. Came in a- , swinging and should hit new record at colossal $32,000 or near. Last week, 'Blue Horizon' (Par) and 'Fly by Nighf (Par), $15,000. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,000; 35-55)— Gay Sisters' (WB) and 'Escape from C;tiin».'»< ..'-:iJTiV. C%< -v k). Strong $10,- iKW. Last week, same combo, glit- tering $19,000. Hipp (^hea) (2,100: 30-45)-Blue Horizon' (Par) and 'Fly by Night (Par). Will earn neat $7,000. I^t week, 'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (4th wk), final sesh grand $10,000. Bafayette (Hayma'n) (3,300; 30-44) —'Men Texas' (U) and 'Almost Mar- ried' (U). Stout $10,000. Last week, 'Atlantic Convoy* (Col) and 'Blon- die's Event' (Col), bettered robust $8,000. 20th Century (Ind) (3,000; 44-65)-- 'Pride Yankees' (RKO) (4th wk). Ijast round should better zingy $8,- 50O. Last week, hefty $11,000. Last week, 'Joan ci 'Jackass Mail choice $11,000. Paris' (RKO) and (M-G), big $14,000. ^ ^ ... United Artists (United DetroiJ) (2,000; 60-65)—'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (4th wk). Fine $18,000 following $20,000 last week. Tonll Be Seein' Double Hollywood, Sept. 1. WUUam K. Howard draws double screen credit as director and writer of 'Storm Out of the West; start- ing next week at Monogram. Cops-and-robbers yarn deals wiln one of the public enemies of a fe* years ago.