Variety (Sep 1942)

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A6 ORCHESTRA GROSSES Wedncflday, Septciul<er 2, 1942 All Band B O. Big; 2 DorseysTop $30,000 in M. andlndpk. Jurgens Fme 25G in Pitt. Ditto Monroe in Ckf (Estimates for This Week) Jimmy Dorsey, Buffalo (Buffalo; J 500; 35-55)—With 'Are Husbands Necessary' (Par). Colossal $32,000, breaking 10-year record at this house. Tommy Dorsey, Indianapolis (Circle; 2,600: 30-40-55)—With 'Post- man Didn't Ring' (20th). No help at all from picture, but Dorsey is pull- ing up gross to smash $30,000 or bet- ter. Sklnnay Ennls, New York (Para- mount; 3,664; 35-55-75-85-99-$1.10), With Ink Spots, others, on stage; 'Holiday Inn' (Par) on screen. Strong stageshow and film meant huge $67,- 000 on the fourth week ended last night (Tuesday), while the third skyrocketed to $77,000. Ennls and Ink Spots replaced today (Wed.) by the Will Osborne band and. the Charioteers. Dnke Ellington, Cleveland (Palace; 3,700; 40-60-70)—With 'Men ol Texas' (U). Ellington jiving bill up stead- ily to fine $22,000. Ina Ray Hotton, Seattle (Palomar; 1,350; 30-40-58)—Plus 'Marry Boas' Daughter' (20th). Band accounting III.- bulk of fine $10,000. Dlek Jnrgcns, Pittsburgh (Stan- ley, 3,800; 30-44-55-66)—With 'Jack- ass Mail' (M-G). First time for Jur- gens here and he's pacing for hefty $25,000, a very pleasant surprise, Sammy Kaye, New York (Strand; 2,756; 35-55-75-85-99-$1.10) — With 'Gay Sisters' (WB) on screen. On blowoff (3d) week holding up ex tremely well, about $40,000 being sighted. The second week built the stretch to big $51,000. Glenn Miller, Brooklyn (Fox; 4,023; 40-55-65-75)—With 'Priorities on Pa rade' (Par). Booming to magnifi- cent $33,000, marking resumption of stage fare at house after several years straight films. Vaughn Monroe, Chicago ( Orien Ul) (3,200; 28-33-44-55)—With'Grand Central Murder' (M-G). Monroe mak Infi his first midwest appearance i sock at $25,000, plainly due to the band. Will Osborne, Providence'(Metro politan; 3.200; 55)—With Andrews Sisters and 'Rubber Racketeers' (Mono). Big $10,000 in three days with a single admish price of S5c. Lonis Pnma, Boston (RKO Boston 3,200; 40-0^-65-75-85)—Plus Jackie Cooper, Judy Canova and 'Men of Texas' (U). Stage show is credited with major share of the terrific $32, OCC take. Alvino Rcy, Detroit (Michigan; 4, 000; 50-65)—'Male Animal' (WB) and King Sisters. Good picture coupling and due for an important $44,000 at the turnstiles. Claude ThomhIII, Chicago 'Chi- cago) C4.000: 35-55-75)—With Toot lipht Serenade' (20th). Claude Thorn hill's orch dividing credit with film frir sweet $50,000 intake, despite torn up streets around theatre. Paul Whlteman, Philadelphia (Earle; 2,768; 35-46-57-68-75)—White man's crew will wind up with okay $20,000. Band is teamed with 'Men of Texas' (U) and a couple of out side acts. Help Soviet' Confab Popular Music Committee for Rus sian War Relief will meet at the Astor hotel, N. Y., Sept. 16, to begin laying out plans to raise funds. Ted Wallerstein, president of Columbia Records, will preside. Major George Fielding Eliot, CBS news commentator, will be gqest speaker. Improved by Force There's one band leader In New York who worried about the draft taking his men. He told several music men last week that since the begin- ning of conscription he lost 14 out of 16 musicians—but 'now I've got a better band.' PANCHO, 1-A Bandleader Takes Army Physical In N. T. Friday (4) Pancho, bandleader currently at Ben Marden's Riviera, Fort Lee, N. J., is scheduled to take his physi- cal at Governor's Island, N. Y, Fri- day (4). He's had a 1-A-classifica- tion for some time. No plans have been made for his band, pending the results of the ex- amination. On the Upbeat Jurgens' $5,928 New High; Lpan HitsRecord$l,liOO (Estimates) Earl Hlnes-Cootle Williams (Savoy B. , New York, Aug. 30).—Hines and Cootie Williams' new band bat tied each other before 4,^58 patrons and drew fine $3,085. Carl Hotr-Tcd Herbert (Raymor- Playmor B., Boston, Aug. 28).— Hoff and localite Herbert accounted for neat 1,900 in twin danceries, drawing $1,300 at 75c-65c. Next night (29) Hoff and Guy Ormandy, an other local, drew better, 2,100, at same prices for $1,470. Dick Jurgens (State T., Harris- burg, Pa., Aug. 24-26). Fresh from stand at Meadowbrook, Cedar Grove, N. J.' Jurgens cracked this spot's early week record for three days; drew $5,928. Guy Lombardo (Empire B., Al- lentown, Pa., Aug. 26).—Lombardo did well for Andy Perry, luring 2,600 coUegiates and factory work- ers at $1.10. JImmIe Luncelord (Brookline C. C, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 29). Spot almost doubled play of last few weeks with Lunceford, playing to 060 dancers at $1.10 per. Previous Wednesday (16) Lunceford played to $5,800 worth of business at City Auditorium, St. Louis. Abe Lyman (El Patio, Reno, Nev., Aug. 24). Lyman busted this spot wide open, setting new record; about 1,600 at 50c and $1. Rudy Wallace (Totem Pole B., Aubumdale, Mass., Aug. 24-29). Wallace doing well here; played to 7,000 dancers in six days at $1.'45 pair for $5,075, good, all things con- sidered. Lee CasUe orchestra begins two- week stay at Pelham Heath Inn, Pel- ham. N. Y., Friday (4), replacing the current Bob Allen. Bob Chester orchestra Is booked for a stay at the Casa Manana, Cul ver City, CaL, opening Sept. 17. DIok Stabile band scheduled to do a Pathe short, start shooting around Sept 14. Count Basle orch signed to play In 'ReviUe With Beverly' at Colum bia. Benny Goodman orch started work in the Charles R. Rogers picture, "The Powers Girl.' CUIre MoCllntook, Pittsburgh drummer, has replaced Frankie Miller, off for army, with Freddy Nagel band at Bill Green's, Pitt. Jimmy Palmer, singing with Lou Breese orch, is the former Jimmy DiPalma, Pittsburgh radio star. Kennywood Park, Pittsburgh, sea son will wind up Labor Day (7) with Jimmy Dorsey one-nighter. Mary Marshall and her Esquires open at Merry-CJo-Round, Pittsburgh Saturday (5), replacing Howard Baum outfit. Latter's been at the spot for 21 weeks. Bob Strong orch now touring the midwest. Currently at Trocadero Club, EvansviUe, Ind., with next-date scheduled for Eastwood Gardens, De. troit, and then Chicago. MASS PRODUCTION IN WAR SONG PUBS Fred Waring's publishing firm Words 8c Music, Inc., seems to have put the output of war songs on an assembly line basis. It has within recent weeks turned out a song for practically every branch of the service and had them recorded by Decca. The W&M numbers are 'Look Out Below (Song of the Paratroopers)', 'Roll, Tanks, Roll 'The Fighting Quartermaster Corps, 'Song of the Unsung (Merchant Ma- rine Song)' and 'Sky Anchors (Naval Aviation Song)'. Couple other newcomers of war inspiration are 'We're Off to Berch tesgaden,' published by Mills Music and written by Charles Richardson Harry Filler and Frank Capano and Shapiro-Bernstein's 'Here Comes thp Navy.' Diaicnltles of traveling have caused Baron Elliott, band leader, to quit the road and take a staff job on WCAE, Pittsburgh, for the dura- tion. Bands at Hotel B. O.'s (Presented hereioltlt, as a weekly tabulation, is the estlTnated cover charge business being done by name bands in oariotts Seio York hotels. Dinner business (7-10 p.m.) not rated. Figures after name of hotel give room copacitv and cover charge. Larger amount designates weekend and holidav price.) Harry James .. Ray Heatherton Xavier Cugat* . Johnny Long .. Lani Mclntire . Glen Gray Pennsylvania Jerry Wald Lincoln (225; tVrcks Hotel Pligred .Astor (1.000; 75c-$l) 2 . Biltmore (30O; $1-$1.S0) 18 .Waldorf (550; $1-$1.50) 9 .New Yorker (400; 7Sc-$l.S0) 16 Lexington (300; 7Sc-$1.50) 20 (500; 75c-$1.50) 7 75c-$l) 21 Cover* folal _Pai» Carer* Week. Od Data 7,100 700 3,isa 2,050 1.500 2,050 975 13,850 10,825 25,375 33,250 43,050 14,550 14,325 * Asterisks indicate a supporting floor show, although the band is th« major draw. Los Angeles Freddy Martin (Ambassador: 900: $1-$1.50). Trade continues brisk and no letdown from his previous weeks around 5,000 covers. Joe Belchman (Biltmore; 1,200; 50c-$l). Sellout weekend plus heavy early week by Leglonaires' convention added up to smart 5,600 total. Chicago Tommy Tucker (Empire Room, Palmer House; 600; $3-$3.S0 mln.). Combo of Tucker and with Billy DeWolfe, impressionist, is dragging 'em into this class spot, with Tucker attracting 4,500 attendance for week. Jimmy Joy (Walnut Room, Bismarck hotel; 300; $l-$2 min.). Still a prime midwest favorite with a strong following, continually building. Joy' came through with 3,000 people for week. Charlie Splvak (Panther Room, Sherman hotel; 800; $1.25-$2.50 mln.). Outstanding band attraction of the town Splvak has proven surefire around Chicago. They're jamming this nite rendezvous, reaching 6,000 climax in past seven days. Eddie Oliver (Mayfalr Room, Blackstone hotel; 350; $2.50 mln. Sat.). Combo of Eddie Oliver with Georgie Tapps doing fairly good biz at this sedate dining room, reaching 2,000 people In week. Minneapolis Frankie Gelson (Minnesota Terrace, Nicollet hotel; $l.S0-$2 min.). With Dorothy Lewis ice revue, 'Symphony on Skates,' the magnet, room con- tinued record breaking pace in eighth and final week; approximately 700 nightly. Gelson (local) orch. remains over, supplemented by three acts— Harry Stevens, Carole Ac Sherod and Barbara Lee. Philadelphia Herby Woods, Garden Terrace; Benjamin Franklin hotel; 500; $1-$1.50- $2 min.). Still keeping up healthy pace with 1,291 supper customers for eighth sesh. Walter Miller (Stratford Gardens; Bellevue-Stratford hotel; 225; no cover or min.). Meyer Davis unit doing neat biz in the swank Bellevue's new room. Played to 935 supper guests, despite small capacity. Harry James' and Guy Lombardo's orchestras will altei'nate at Conven- tion Hall, Philadelphia, Sept. 18 at a dande for the benefit of the West Catholic Charity drive. Lombardo plays 9-11:30, James 11:30 to 2 a.m. Jimmy Dorsey band booked Into Kennywood Park, Pittsburgh, for one-nighter Sept. 7 (Labor Day). Mary Marshall and her Elsquires open at Merry-Go-Round, Pitts- burgh. Sept. 4, following Howard Baum, who will have been there five months then. Location Jobs, Not in Hotels (Los Angeles) Woody Herman (Palladium B, Hollywood, sixth week). Cut himself another hefty 27,000 and finished the run high among the leaders. Ag- gregate biz (165,000 in six weeks) better by one-third over his last year's stand. Abe Lyman, opened tonight (Tuesday) with Matty Malneck, held over as intermish crew. Lionel Hampton (Casa Manana B, Culver City, Cal., second week). Climbing gradually and should pull around 8,000 payees on the week. Count Basle (Trianon B, Southgate, Cal., second week). Hottest band here since Jimmle Lunceford and heading for a smacking 10,000 or better. Band broke every individual night record with exception of Saturday, last week, its first. Johnny Blohards (Casino B, Hollywood, third week). The turnover Is the thing here and he stub count should be somewhere around 3,500. Ted Flo BMo (Florentine Gardens, N, Hollywood, eighth week). Will get up to S,OQp admissions, which is normal average, aided by Nils Gran- lund's revue and Mills Bros, in the Zanzibar Room. (Chicago) Buddy Franklin (Chez Paree; 650; $3-$3.50 min.). New in the busi- ness, but with a strong show supporting him. Franklin played to 4,000 people in seven-day period. Art Jarrett (Black Hawk; 600; $1.25 min.). Favorite in Chicago, this successor to Hal Kemp attracted 3,000 for the week. Dick Mack. Jazzy Gurney and Bill Bickel, all of whom left Baron El- loitt three months ago to join Blue Barron, back w'"i Elliott in Pitts- burgh again. Lorraine Benson, with Orrln Tucker, with Freddy Nagel Green's, Pittsburgh. former singer now thrushing outfit at. Bill Charlie Barnet band pencilled into Stanley theatre, Pittsburgh, week of Sept. 25. Ken Harvey's recently organized dance band, which in a drug store balloting contest was declared Mil- waukee's favorite orch, thereby gain- ing a coast-to-coast hearing on the Fitch Band Wagon a coupla weeks ago, will replace Freddie Fisher be- ginning Sept 14 at Lakota's, Milw, downtown spot. Cuban Terrace Room, Cleveland, which will be redecorated in an American motif for autumn launch- ing Oct. 1. Jules Duke's cocktail unit now playing in hotel's small Cafe Rouge. Nick D'AmIco band bows out of the Detroit Statler hotel Sept. 13 to go to Buffalo, with the Dick Kuhn outfit replacing in Detroit Howard Magee, colored trumpeter, is set to join Charlie Barnet in place of 'Peanuts' Holland, also a Negro. Bob Opitz's Versatilians coming back, to Monaco's Cafe, Cleveland, Sept 7 to replace Herb Hagenor's band. MCA trying to line up Velva Nally to Join Opltz, who is also add- ing new drummer as vocalist for this date. Barry WInton crew from New York is reopening Hotel Statler's Gabe D'AmIco, saxman formerly with Raymond Scott; trumpeter Patsy Oliver, ex-Red Nqrvo, and Reed James, pianist who used to be with Isham Jones, have joined Art Farrar's band at the Vogue Terrace, Pittsburgh. Estrolltos,- Mexican orchestra. Is the first below-the-border crew to be tried out by Hotel Carter Fiesta Room, Cleveland, where they open its fall semester Sept. 11. Latins signed by Allen James Lowe, hotel operator, to supplement Charley Wick's orchestra. Tm going to move to The Outskirts of Town" AND "Dasie Bloes" Columbia Record No. 36601 COUNT BASIE And His Orohestra Per. Mgt: MILTON EBBINS Dir. William Morris Agency Sept, 4—Starting Third Enoagemant ROSELAM), NEW YORK WJZ—CoasUte-Coast ^!.N;i;.\-T COR?.