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Broadway Bill Danzlger hitk from Rto. Maestro Eddio LeBaron now In wartime special Intelligence. Benito Collada. El Chieo's l>onl* face, to Arizona for hU health. Ruth Rlcbmond spending vacation at Sea View Country Club, Absecon, N. J. Tom Waller, Par publicist, U un- dergoing treatment for a bad sinus attack. Joe Cook got rid of all his cocktail glasses because tbey were too small. Got bigger ones. Iloger Clement, Paramount attor- ney, back on the job after an illness of several weeks. Bob Weltman returned Monday (31) after-- several days' vacation with his' family upstate. Otto Hulett will replace Paul Mc- Grath in 'Lady in the Dark,' cast otherwise intact for road. Martha Hodge, actress-manager, and daughter of the late William Hodge, ill in Hollywood. Publicist Earle Ferris out of the ho.spital following a heart attack, but still recuperating at home. WB story editor Jake Wilk's boy. Max, himself a theatrical publicist, into Camp Upton this week. Danny Aheam, turned down' by army at last minute, due for internal operation at St Vincent's hospital. When Romney Brent gets his com- ntisslon, Gino Malo (Mrs. B.) plans going into Red Cross overseas ser- vice. Austin C. Keough, Par's general counsel, up to his ears recently in UMPI and other matters, is on a va- cation. Sam Lewis the songwriter, tussled with a stuck window, result being a gash in his left palm requiring six stitches. T. X. Jones, accountancy execu- tive of the Wilby-Kincey circuit, in town huddling with Par theatre hicher-ups. Robert Reinhart, magico and one- time 'Variety' reporter, has specified himself as a conscientious objector to his draft iMard. The new Coffee Tavern in the RCA bldg., main floor, makes the 33d restaurant in Rockefeller Cen- ter. Preemed Monday (31). Men in show biz who hold mem- berships in the Lido club at Long Beach, to be taken over by the Army, are wondering al>out refunds. Luba Malina, doubling from 'Pri- orities' into La Vie Parisienne, nitery, has been placed under con- tract by Lee Shubert for musicom- ed.. Unveiling for Mark Block, Newark theatreman, who died a year ago, is behig held this Sunday (6) at West- chester Hills cemetery. Mount Hope, N, Y. Paul Murphy, Loew's Ziegfeld manager, is on health absentee leave to build himself up for mili- tary service, as he wants to join the . forces. Camel Cigs smoke ring display at Times Square is in the Army again. Last couple of months a gob was doing the rings, now the painters are daubing on the khaki. John Harkins, assistant to Mitch Rawson of the Warner h.o. publiAty department, left for the Coast over the weekend to discuss angles on forthcoming WB pictures. John J. Wildberg, attorney asso- ciated in the production of the 'Porgy and Bess' revival, had his physical last week and expects to be called for service within two months. Sign space on the Mayfair Theatre Bldg,, which has been vacant since Luew's took over the theatre, is now a bally for Schaefer's Beer. Sign is unusual in that it right-angles around the building. Playwright Andrew Rosenthal, after being inducted, found himself almost pronto in a hospital for six or seven weeks, and the Army mus- tered him out as too much of a physical liability. Yeoman Bill Walters, former N.Y. and Hollywood writer and publicist, east over the weekend on week's furlough, his first leave in more than a year. Walters composed 'Fight- ing Sons of the Navy Blue.' Overseas Press Club has its first luncheon of the season today (Wednesday) at the Behnont-Plaza. Speakers will be Jan Ciechanowski, Polish ambassador to the U.S., and Harold Butler, British minister to the U.S. Worse than some of the class nit- enes around Gotham being taken in by phoney officers' braid are the nyper-romantic gals v ho have gone overboard. The phoney Col. Lund- oerg had one ame songstress com- pletely whacky about him. CHATTER 61 taIla, .l(o,, mvDfld lait week be- • a mob iff ^OOS. Jlinjny Lynches ath Dodgers u one M the enter- Dinent featuret, Sergt. Joseph C. Cochran, sta- tioned at the Jefferson Barracks Re- glacement Centre, bad a small role t 'Show Boat' at the Municipal The- atre Assn,'« alfresco theatre ki For- «rt Park. He played a ei-week run with Ethel Barrytnore in The Com Is Green.' The Army Relief Fund will receive $20,938, the profit from the one-week run of 'Ready On the Firing Line,' an original musical comedy produced by soldiers from the Ft Leonard Wood, Mo., camp several months ago. The St. Louis Variety Club sponsored the show. 'My Fair Lady.' written by Mar- garette Scott Lawler. a native, will be presented by the Town Square theatre, strawhatter. WUlard Hol- land, director, will have lead role. Cast includes Juanita McGuire, Ralph Cook, Wallace Culver. Mal- colm Collins. Jay Holmes. Wright Kind, Thomas Heim and Evelyn Sears. By Hal Cohen »ackie Cooper pencilled Into the Stanley for week of Sept 11. Both Stanley and Warner coming around to gal ushers. They'll insUll 'e-..i next month. Singer Betty Smiley and Private Wesley Schelhaus will exchange 'I do's' in OctoI>er. Betty Lee expects to join the Met ballet when her partner, Joe Lee, goes into the army. Singer Ruth Wayne, now at Yacht Club, going into new Georgie Hale musical in the fall. Bill Fields in town month ahead of the Lunts, who come to the Nixon Oct. 5 in 'The Pirate.' Margie Mahar has left the Broad- way Debs at the Villa Madrid to try for a Broadway :,how. * Joe Lescsak will be the pianist at the Bar of Music when Al Mercur opens his downtown spot. Zd Bartell. who used to be with Earl Truxhall's band, now singing v.. \ the Tommy Carlyn outfit. Ann Barrett local gal who was in 'Panama Hattie,' signed for the Ger- trude Niesen film, 'Follies Girl.' Mrs. Pete Dana, wife of U ex- change manager, home again after vacationing for two months in the east oe Flynn here drumbeating new 'Hellzapoppin' and Reuben Rabino- vich in' getting town excited about 'PrioriUes.' With Jimmy Murray moving over to KDKA as publicity director, John Trent will fill hU sports commercial at WCAE. Bill Stich, former theatre supply man, has resigned his GOP nomina- tion to state legislature to remain in defense work. Drummer Hal Davis has quit the Airliners for a spot in Al Marisco's band. Eugene Fabrisi replacing him with Airliners. Allan Overands (he's saxman with Freddy Nagel and she was formerly of Orrin Tucker's Lorraine Sisters) expect a baby. 'Strip for Action' company ar- rives Sunday night (6) and will re- hearse here for three days before opening at Nixon. London Chicago SL Louis By Sam X. Horst .Jane Pickens headlining floor show at Crystal Terrace in the Park Plaza hotel. The Chandra Kaly dancers a h.o. Chase Starlight Roof of Hotel ..The St Louis Amus. Co. has sold rl* .oW Arco theatre, in South St. wuls. The house has been dark for years. Tony ScarpeUl, owner of Club •■lantatlon, midtown nitery, in New »orlc booUng talent for winter season. Missouri's 42d annual slate fair at E. T. Gomersall, western division manager for Universal, visiting the Chicago exchange for a few days. Fifth Avenue theatre, a new neigh- borhood house, opened last week in Gary. Pete and Jim Bikos Owners. Larry Koerner of the William Morris Agency staff, joined the Army this week. No replacement as yet. 'Pride of the Yankees' opened with a fanfare of trumpets Wednesday night, house a complete sellout pre- ceding performance. Harry Qelmar, production head at USO-Camp Shows, in town foi- a gander at talent and confabs on (all production schedule. Tack cards exploiting the Army Relief Show, slated for Sept. 2 open- ing, were recalled because the copy was improper in several instances. Heads of the various Chicago cir- cuits and theatres will remain in the city over Labor Day in order to help spearhead the September Bond Drive, which is sizzling locally. Frank Thielen, one of the origina- tors of WUMA, who sold out to Great States, has disposed of the last of his holdings In the Aurora Race lY'ack and Aurora Exposition Grounds for $150,000. Meeting of all Chicago press agents, amusement editors, newspaper pro- motion managers, etc., was held in Blue Room of Hotel Sherman last week to cook up publicity and ad- vertising campaign for September Bond Drive. Dave Nathanson, who recently sold his PRC franchise In San Fran- Cisco, spending a few days In Chi- cago on business. Other visitors to Chicago include Ben Kalmenson of Warners, here on business, and Harry Goldberg, circuit 'advertising manager for Warners, on inspection tour. "laughter born to comedian Rich- ard Heame and his actress wife, Yvonne Ortner. Maurice (Bill) OsUer ill again with recxirrence of old. throat trou- ble, and is now recuperating at Tring. Tom Arnold's 'Happidrome' re- turns to Blackpool for five weeks, then comes to Wimbledon theatre for fortnight Walter Mycroft, former produc- tion director of Associated British at Elstree for a number of years, is writing a book about that village. Lady Yule's recent purchase of Rock Film studios, in Elstree, has caused change in name of studios. They are now known as National Studios. On and off several times, Sydney Howard is now definitely signed for lead in J. P. Priestley's 'When We Are Married,' which British National is to make in the fall. British National has completed the Max Miller film, 'Asking for Trou- ble,' which is now in cutting process. Will take two months l>efore it's ready for trade showing. All shows in the West End now start around 6:30, to avoid sending patrons home in the blackout Last shows, where there's twice-nightly policy, have dropped off consider- ably. George Black is appealing against his recent fine of $8,0<)0, with similar amount inflicted on 'Paprika,' com- pany which he is operatmg, for hav- ing bought dress materials without coupons. Noel Coward acting in the West End for the first time in six years. He took over the part played by Cecil Parker in his own play, 'Bliihe Spirit,' at the St James, Par- ker taking a holiday. Sydney Burns' Rosaire's circus has been booked by Moss Empires for two weeks in each town, opening Sheffield Nov. 18. First time twice- 'nightly attraction has been booked there for fortnightly stands. Newly formed Three Admirals have been signed with the Lucan and McShane 'Old Mother Riley' unit which starts touring the sticks, opening Palace, Blackpool, Sept 21, with Moss and Stoll circuits to fol- low. George Elcock, who resigned from Odeon circuit, which he helped to create with late Oscar Deutscli, has purchased the Broadway cinema, Wfflham Green, and Mayfair, In the East End of London. They are both indie houses. Government has commandeered the Mount Royal to be used for American troops. To make it easier for those civilians who have been staying there for years, 25% of them are allowed to stay on, with re- mainder to be military. William Pamell, son of the late Archie Parnell and grandson of Fred Russell, reported missing in the Middle East where he was serv- ing as a corporal in the Tank Regi- m:nt. He was formerly manager of the (Croydon Empire theatre. Atlantic City By Mildred Carter Josephine Delmar heads new revue at Bath and Turf Club. Andrews Sisters skedded for Labor Day weekend at Hamid's Pier. Glenn Miller returns to Hamid's Pier Sept 5^ and 6. Dick Rogers plays Sept. 5, 6, 7. Jimmie Lunceford's orch played concert Friday (28) imder direction of Arctic Avenue Y.M.C.A. Pvt Jarges L. Bates, Hollywood organist; Pvt Paul Lauretta, who drew 'Superman' cartoons, and Capt John W. Ehrle. former Broadway actor, among those at Army Air Force Center here. Jack Beck, manager of Globe the- atre (burlesk). has gone to Water- bury.' Conn., and Hartford to open two theatres there. Aai-on Cohen is in charge of Globe here until it clo.<!es Labor Day night. Everything ready to open 'Miss America' beauty pageant Sept. 7 at Warner theatre on Boardwalk. Looks like Army Air Corps will make up most of audience this year. Bob Ru.<:.soll to emcee event as in past two years. Cleyeland By Glenn C. Pallen Alceo Pierre, cafe operator, and Clara Rada, his pianist hitched last week. John Palt. WGAR. rounding out 20 years in radio biz with anniversary party. Griff Morris, who gave up band to l>ecome inspector in defense plant, heading for Army. Gertrude Menzel quit RKO Pal- ace for General Electric plant after being chief usheret nine years. Frederic McConnell raising Play House's curtain in October with Maxwell Anderson's 'Eve of St Mark.' Ray Senne.s. nitery booker now stationed at Camp Lee, and Jeanne Schiesser wed at Petersburg, Va., la.st week. Leon ('Poison') Gardner, singing pianist, returning to Fenway Hall with Don Di' Flavio to awaken Its Coral Room. Sophie Tucker drummed up De- fense Bond sales in song auction for Army and Navy Relief meet at Thistledown track. Freddie' Myers, who can't get mu- sic permit for his Paradise Cate, in- tending to form new nitery part- nership with 'Doc' PhiUy. Harry Newcombe, director, known on radio as Hank Keene, became father of son last week. Mother's the former Jeanne Fadden, 'Miss Ohio of '37.' Addle Williams here to start sub scription season at the Hanna the atre, the ISth city to join the The ati'e Guild fold, with Lunts. in The Pirate,' breaking the ice Sept. 21. George Young, Roxy burlesk op- erator, invited to the capital Mon- day (31) by Abbott and Costello u> attend testimonial luncheon given for them by Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Miami By Leslie Harris Bernice Claire holdover at Ball. Ned Sparks slated for Olympla appearance. Arthur Schwartz new manager of Tivoli, local Par house. BInnle Barnes in town to visit hus band Lt. Mike Frankovitch. Perry Lafferty, formerly with CBS, will enter Officers Candidate School Larry Schwab plugging establish- ment of municipal operetta season (or Miami. Car'y Grant reported to be shortly joining ranks of Officers Candidate School here. Cecil Van Nordstrand, formerly pianist with late Hal Kemp, slated to enter service with Signal Corps band. Bill Hightower, former WIOD spieler, now with NBC in New York, Ijocal nitery bii spotty, with SRO Saturday nights. Washington Rick La Falce, of Warners' pub- licity, into the Army. Orson Welles notified all the city desks and told all at a Mayfiqwer cocktail session. American Theatre Society and Theatre Guild announced plans (or the season at a Variety Club bnmch yesterday (1). D. W. Griffith went out to Boiling Field and gave some of the Air Corps photographers a few lessons on the camera. 'Yankee Doodle Dandy,' which Secretary of the Treasury Morgen' thau has seen five times, comes to the Earle Sept 11. Bucky Harris, manager of the Senators, after specialist's commis- sion with Army to administer base- ball's contribution. Tyrone Power just didn't care. He gave Annaliella a sweet kiss after his enlistment while the Mayflower Lounge sippers gaped. > Carlton hotel got most of the stars here for the bond drive. Result was lobbies haven't been so packed with autograph hounds since the Birthday BalL President Roosevelt turned down quite, a few flrstTruo specials to take a private peep at 'The Big Shot' Asked for a picture without any war in it. All Washington night clubs are in the money. Looking forward to smashing winter business. Treasure Island. latest class spot opens after Labor Day. Republic Pictures is first with a story about the WACCs. Script of 'Yankee Girl' now in the hands of Col. W. Mason Wright for a War de partment green light. War department gave out all of the tickets for the 'Command Per- formance' radio show at the National (lieatrc and keol them in the mill tary family. Plenty of squawks. )lew Haven By Harold M. Bona Lou Schaefer's boy Dick now a Marine. Mrs. Leonard Sane Is new man- ager of the Lincoln. Bijou (Tuesday) is town's only vaude spot currently. Freda Svirsky's operation cost her 22 pounds. But okay now. Local promoter mulling winter stock for suburban West Haven. Will Osborne unfurls Sunday band- vaiide season at Shubert Sept 13. Savin Rock amusement park due for early fold after hectic (dlmout) season. Stony Creek climaxed eight-week strawhat season Saturday (20) plenty in red. Louis Townsend, New Mllford slrawhat imnresario. reports good biz for seasonrs last half. Jupe Pluvius washed out three Sunday community concerts in a row on maestro Eddie Wittstein. , Chandos Sweet treks back to Broadway after a summer as busi- ness manager of a hayfield troupe. Localite Spencer Berger has bought some of the John Barrymore relics (or eventual presentation to Yale. { Hollywood Mel Riddle Joined RKO's advertis* Ing department Duncan Sisters back In town after night-clubbing around. William Famum in the hospital for a possible operation. Dick Purcell filed suit for divorce agahist Ethelind Terry. Adele Rogers St John, mag writer, filed divorce suit James Reid, fan mag writer, Johied 20th-Fox publicity staff. Ginny Simms returned from a three-week visit to Mexico City. Col. Darryl F. Zanuck planed to Washington on a military mission. Harry Willson appointed vice- president of the Zeppo Marx agency. Bette Davis was elected president of the Hollywood Canteen for serv- icemen. Y. Frank Freeman back at his Paramount desk after homeoffice huddles. Leon Schlesinger at his be.ich home while his cartoonery is closod for vacation. Margaret Hayes and Leif Erikson filed suit for annulment of their re- cent marriage. Alexis Smith and Craig Stevens, film players, announced their en- gagement to wed. Michele Morgan postponed her wedding to William Marshall for two weeks because of flu. George Dembow, general manager of National Screen Service, in town for huddles at Fox-West Coast Jean Gabin, French actor, back in town following a trip to Mexico to comply with immigration laws. Variety Club, Tent No. 25, cele- brated its flrst anniversary with a shindig at the Ambassador hotel. Terry DeLapp, once studio pub- licity chief at Paramount, moved into Universal in the same capacity. Tyrone Power back from New Lpndon, Conn., to wash up his last picture before joining the Marines. Edgar Bergen played 51 shows during his 12 days of entertaining the soldiers In Alaska and the Aleu- tians. N. Peter Rathvon, president of RKO, arrived in Hollywood for hud- dles with Charles W. Koerner on future productions. Henry Cox, treasurer of National Theatres, moved in with his staff of assistants from New York to open permanent offices here. Joan Bennett tossed a fiesta on her Wllside estate for the American Women's Voluntary Services to raise funds for recreation at Army camps. George E. Bodle. attorney for a dozen film guilds and unions, as- sumed new duties as special assist- ant to regional director of U. S. Manpower Commission. By Lea Bees Edyth Bush Little Theatre reopen, ing with 'Funatlcs of 1942.' Joe Floyd, Welworth circuit Sioux Falls. S. D., manager, a visitor. Wife of Fred Ableson, Universal city salesmai^ returning to hospital. George Smith, Paramount western division manager, in town for few days. Ray Herbeck into Happy Hour nitery, with Ada Leonard under- lined, Abe Gill, former Farmington. Minn., exhibitor, inducted into Army here. 'Still Waters Run Deep' opening University of Minnesota Playhouse season. Roller Derby at Auditorium wound up most successful local en- gagement 'Gone With Wind' to return to Century for second run, pop-price engagement. State, Minnesota Amus. Co. house at Sioux Falls, S. D., closing to per- mit installation of new seats. Film Row Bowling Jeague sus- pending for duration because so many members are in armed forces. 'Darktown Scandals' from New York Famous Door into Turf nitery with cast of 35, including 10-girl line. Twin City Variety Club tying up with theatres in drive to obtain old phonograph records to swell charity fund Charles Winchell of Mhmesola Amus. Co. in New York for Para-\ mount's 'Wake Island' publicity parley. Bill Decker, Paramount shipper, inducted into Navy and given fare- well party and gift by fellow em- ployes. Orphetim's stage show underliners Include Claude Thomhill. Woody mrman, Jan Garber, Bob Crosby and Benny Meroff. Don McElwalne here' from M-G studios to confer with War Activities committee regarding Hollywood stars' visit for bond drive. Latest efforts are to obtain early winter engagement of Army's big war show, which cancelled 'when use of University of Minnesota foot- ball stadium was refused. With three supplementary acts, Harry Stevens, Carole and Sherod and Barbara Lee, Frankie Gclson's local orchestra holding over at Hotel Nicollet's Minnesota Terrace follow- ing departure of Dorothy Lewis' ic« revue after eight-week run.