Variety (Sep 1942)

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40 Wednesdtj, September 9, 1942 Variety- Bills WEEK OF SEPTEMBER U Namcrals In conneotion witb bills below Indlcule openinf day of ■how, whether foil or split week. VKW YORK CITY !4lal« <10) kliirlirll Ayr<>« Ore Tip. Tmi & To« C'a nllnl A rren & nrftdcrlolc Cltnrl^H Kemper ri-nxHtBtiH Stitnlry (II) Jji-kir Cooper Oertrude Nlcnen Allen & Kent Bob Evans Hermanoa Williams WA8HINOTON CapHoI (11) Oane Krupa Ore Nonchalant* Rhythm Rocfcels yv.w voBK riTV raraiiMniiit <•) 'W ill ONlinrne Mil Willi* Shore Kulelit SiM <*liarltiliTr« Hiiioutlilrf <'HICA(;0 nitntce (II) riir>» splvak Bd fitnlrie Rowers ClicMlrr 1>o1pllln MIAMI Oljrmpla (»-lt) Ilflene A Hayes Knlth Clark Bernlpe Clolre .lurk Durante 8 Cliortli IM'I.I'TH nnrrk-k (ll-IS) Major Bowes l^nlt MINNKAPOUH Orpheam (II) Woody Ifeminn Bd Pat Hennlngs Lyda Sue Katherlne Wcatneld NKWBt'H<lH Rita (IB) Tony Pastor Bd Alan Carney Latbrop tc Ijee AMAHA Oiphewn (ID Claude Ttaornhlll B Sunny Rice Ben Berl Little Tooich Onyn BrPEIIIOB. WW. Palacr (10-17) Major Bowes Unit IMMANArOI.18 (iri'le III) Alvinu Ki-y Oi c KiiiK Si!* Kfino HriiN King Avihi.i NKWAHK AdaniH (ll-IS) Ink S|inlM I.ui'ky Mlllliiiler Ore SiM 'i'hari>f IVir l^s: J'.nipn CiOrdtin X- Uoirors rAssAic OnlrHl (ll-IS) nii k Ruk'rra Ore 3 Sloocei* Harry Wood l>o\-ul, Morlf At T-oe PHIf.AI»»A)-PIIIA ('■rmaa (ll-U) Kay * KendpllA Harriot <'roH^ l>lrk * IKU r.i'iiiy t'nppy ftnrrn nii> a (in-K) fiirnl ft Hay R4iiiie A- f:jiiit YOUIIR IdCIIM BKO AI.BANT Albany (l«) Ttom-Itconibrcs '42' Tliil Sherman Marllii A Allen VI.- llydp .1:ii'K Mann l.fx Hcol I.nwr. Illle & Stnly I.iiie nf '2t^ iclrls nOHTON Ronton (II) niriiii Miller Ore The Modernalres >larlnn HjDtton AI Rernle Buy Voriillflt '*> -~ Johnny lAtoM Oro Wully Hrown I'na Merkel T>e Vol Merle A Lee <-l.RVEI.AND Pals re (11) fllDn Kenton Ore Judy Canova Shea JCr Raymond Frank Paris (4) T.-J T.ewls Ore Oeraldipe & Joe Ton I Todd June Kdwards Kayne His Cerlrude Erdev •Snovvliill- Whittler roLinmrR ralaM (lS-17) Martba Rayc Co Wally Brown Toy tc Winn 6 Jaasleys Lester Ohnian (S-10) Alvino Rex Oro « King Sla H Klni; & Arlcna Lane Bros DAVTON CMobIbI (II) nuke ElllnKton Ore Pops ft Lnule Dusty Fletcher JtCBaw Jackson Bab7 Lawrence Betty Roehe (4) 4 Sidneys Dolly Dawn Don Cummlnffs Mary Brian MInnevltch Bovs VOTHEHTER Tempb (4-7) 'Beachcombers '4 Ral Sberman Val Setz Vie Hyde Jack Mann Lea Scot Lowe, HIte ft SInley Line of iO (Iris Waner MCW YORK CITY Atrmad (11) Vtrk Jurrens Oro lo'on. n ft Vanya 'Waller Nllsaon («) T>lrk JurKens Ore I.ynn. R ft Vanya T\'allor Nllsson i>iiii.\nRr«mA Rarle (ID rhnille Rarnet Oro Jili.^ i CoHtello Valler 'I>iiro' Waht <*' lInrA.-e Held! Orc ■ I-ITTHRIIRUH Hliinley (11) Allen ft Rent Bob Bvdns H Wllllatns t Oertrude Nlesen Jackie (hooper (4) Lou Breese Ore 3 Stooges Berry Bros WASHIWOTON EABTJE (ID Raxyeltea Mario ft Floria Amaut Bros <4) Roxyottes Billy Bayes Davidson ft ForffU H Williams 3 yv.W YOKK CITT Muslo Mali (l«) Selma Kaye Johnny W«iodB l.lnda Ware I'Onya Kalbousa Vol»a Marl(» MIgho Vonllreff Rou- (11) Dob Hannon Adrianu ft Charlie ■\Vally West \'aHeonceIIOH 46lh M. Thentrc (II) Lou HoU-/. Willie Howard Phil Maker l*HUl Draper lluzel Scott Gone Sheldon Luba Mallna Irou Fornmn Bricklayers BROOKLYN Marina (IS) Clayton ft Church LoIh Bradley The Taylors (2 in fllK Muyfalr (12) Claylon ft Church 1.0IH llr.idley The Tiiylors C to nil) Rldgeweoil (0) Wynn ft Hurwyn Tifle Mnrmer Cillrone ft Starr T O'Neal ft Kathe Renald ft Ruddy BAYONNE Vlrtor>' (IS-IS) Remrie t'hilds Ore Bob Howard Arthur ft M Havel 3 Coeds T O'Neal ft Kathe LVNBROOK Lynbrook (It) Jerry Lorraine Weber ft Wall Burke-Bacon ft M (2 to All) BAITIMORE ,Hlppodnne (II) Jerry Cooper Sue Ryan Harrla, Claro ft S Larry Adler BojBl (11) Charioteers Bonny Carter Oro Joe Arena Co Whitey's Jitterbugs Tom ft Hulchle _ State (1»-1«) Rosalie ft Lewis Tola Oall (lS-19) June North Co Bobby Baxter PrlmroHe ft Gold CAMUEN Tower* (11-13) Shayne ft Armstrng Lee Roaa Carol ft Ray Val Irving Toung Iduas HABTFDRIt State (11-13) Teddy Powell Orc (11 only) Ice Parade ot 194 Murtagh Bis Val Sets <I4.17) Cnrl Hoff Orc Fuy'a (II) Ann CiTiu Mully I'k-on One FoMter Olils Tho IltiMnrloi* rRoviitK.NCF: Mrtropallfn (11-13) Martha Hiiye fleno ft (llenn l.athrop ft Lee Dave Barry WATtUtRI^RY Poll's (»-IOI nirk »tnblle Ore Oracle Harrle The Snioothies I'ouirlaH Bros WII.I^W 4iROrK willow Urove Park (IS OBly) Harriet Crose Kay ft Kendells Cappy llarra Hfi\-s WOBCKNTKH Plymouth (7-11) Noble SIswIe Orc Gertrude Kleaen Arthur ft M llnvel 3 Coedii Cabaret Bills NEW YOBK CITY Bar Maslo RoRer Itoland Felix da t'ulii Mlko Doyle Ben ManleB Riviera Chavez Orc Pnnrlio Orc Mil Bertelolira Evelyn Uaw Lynn ft Marianne Norma Lucero Blilrl Thomas Don Sylvio Ore Roborto Orc Bill's Cny M'i filhel Gilbert Harry UoneJIy Charlie Itoss Dcrnle Crauer Gay 90'a Quartette Cafe Seelely (Mldlonii) Hazel .Scolt Joe Bulllviin Eddie South Ore Carol Cl)aiinlng Cafe Sodely (Village) Teddy Wilson Ore Albert Amnions Kdward Tyler I'ete Johnson Revucrs Caslao Bass* Nina Tarobova Saslia Pollnnfr Michel MIchun Nadia ft Saalia Dinllrl Matvlenke Krifl Kay Orc Nicholas Alatthey 0 Cerotll's Walter Lynch Mae Barnes Mary Talley 4 CUaDtlclcers Cluiteao Maderae Rosal'd MacNamara Maurico Sihaw Oro Claremoat laa Charlotte ft Benson Joe nicardel Orc Clover dab John Hale Heleob ft Hayes Poll Mar Dane ShhcIivz Orc Five tl'I'Inrk Clak Noel ft Nuinu Rllnor Hlierry Eddie liosarth Orc riBb Ball Bernlcc t'lnlre Herbert Dexter Willie Smith Ball-etles Tommy Nunez Oro Earle Hanson Oro Club Caravaa Jerry Bnker lU'leik Fox June linrrett Dolores Colrert Marlon Myles Allan Slii Larry Ward Ore Club Samoa Klaholle RuHsclle Ltn<la Cuatro Ching Dlanioad Homealioa Harriet Hortor W. C. Ilnndy Pansy the llora* Willie Solar Calls Farm Hilly Wells Four Fays Herman Myd« Co I-urlcnnc ft Ashour Eddie Kddy PcrlUn Virginia Mnyo Pedro I.niH'Z June Melva Great Daniel Emma Fraiicia Norlne RoblnMon Nellie Durkin only Banka Perry Uijskln il Montgomery Roy Fox Orc Sid I'rusHin Ore I>n>er's (Sawdust Trull) Bobby llenth Julia Garrlly Tominlu Baxter Frnnrca O'Uunnoll Marin Daley Dorothy Mack ■ Marleiie Francis Pauls Vulera Chib 18 Frnnkle Hyers Roy Sedley \'lncc Curran Lillian l-'ltxgrrald Diane Fnntnno Haxel McNully On ye I'tlxnn Jerry Blanchard Joe FriHco £1 Chleo Dnrlta ft Valero Connuolo Moreno Gloria BelmoDte Jack Reynolds Sandro Roaatl Bennett Oreea Jerry Green Uunny Howard Hotel reaasylvanla (Cote Booga) Glen Gray Botel Plerro (CotUlloo Boom) Margaret Scott Stanley Melba Ora lOddle Mayehoff ilotal BooseTelt Waller Pernor Orch Hotel Bavoy Plaia (Cafe Loonga) Renee DoMarco Jodie, Normie ft R Hoy Rons Ore lintel 81. Regis (Vlcnneee Root) rthcl Smith En* I'aull Sparr Ore Hotel Tatt Vincent Lopez Oro UotH Waldorf- Astoria (Starllgbt Boot) Carlos Ramlvez l>l Gntanoa Xavlcr Cugat Oro .MIschn Borr Oro Hotel Warwlrk (Ralelgb Boob) Vlchl George Sande Williams Orc Horricaoe Billy Vine The Wholans Ann Lester Bnrr ft Eatea Jerry Bergman ()ulnlon Orc Warren Oro Iceland Bastaoranl Freddie Bernard Jack I*ane Co Frcdorlcka Monn WIndell Bogash ft Bardin* Kolette ft Dean* Carroll Sis Jack Deopsey's B'way Bastaaraat McFurland Oro Betty Angels Twin Quartet Dick Shelly Jnck Holmes Mildred Fentoa Sid Toinac Rolaa Bros Cully Richard* Danny Rogers Joe Oakle Lollta Cordoba Florida Reautle* Manny Gates' Oro leib Bel* Clak Marlon Powers 3 Caddies Angel Velei Ore Snub Mosely Ore Ooyi Cluk Bobble Dunne Dole llpliiiont Ann White baby nines Old Hoomnnlaa Sadie llntikn Frodtllc Dcrnard Ada Luhinn Ginger Lnyno Joe LaPorte Oro PInrr Mrgnnle Bill I'ancll Vincent de I'osla Art Tuhcrllnl ErneKt Fi'iiii7 Ore Queen Mury Vera Noin Carrol Clnippella Bottv Cartel' Bill UlHSH (Jrc Qoeens Terrac* Phil For.Hler Kpple Bruce Healy ft I'lxiina Agnes Dwyer Jack Allyn Ned Harvey Ore Oroovcrncers lUlNhon r.rill Ruas Smith Oro Vera SanoK Aahburns RalDbow Room Perllla Croco Walton ft O'Rourke Ray English Murtlia Krnille Lawr. Andrlnl Oro Jane Deering Contlneutain Cavallnro Orc Rogers Corner Johnny Pineapple Harry J.efcourt Orc Jean CInIre Pat Roouey, Sr Edsawatar Bsash HetsI (MoilM Ba) Ruas Morgan Ore Maxine Turner Don Julian ft MarJ Oorben Ols Eltal's Heidelberg Octet Hans Muenzer Ens Ralhakellor Louie ft Gang SlOO Clak Danny Thomas Magley Ols Mark Fisher Or* ■BB Cluk Radio Aces Jutly Manners Jack ft Jll Warner Mark Talent Oro Johnny llonncrt Carrick Slagcbar June Price Ascot Boys Uownbest Rm Stuft Smith Orc Kat ft the Fiddle 3 Shnrpa ft Flats Gladys Palmer (■raeroere Hotel ((•lass Uonse Rn>) nilly Chandler Ore Ulleen O'llara Mary Sinclair llelalnga (Vodvll lioung*) I Commanders 3 Mokobelleves New Ttjrkors Orc diet Roblo Jane Kaye Ivaahoe Flnrenca Schubert Harney Uiclinrds O Vlerrn llnwallans Helen Sumnor L'Alglon Splroa Stamos Orc Gwendolyn Veausell Murray ft Gumming George Devron lnobel dt) Marco Joss Jtnnssnsrss O ImUm Qurt*r V. Brsgsle's Oro • Jo* Normans Or* Jon Murray D« Simon* Ols B ft B Burnells Dorralne Elll* Tip Top Ola Jo* Norman Or* Palmer Hooae (Empire Boom) Griff Williams Orc Th* Hartmans Carlyn Trues Walter Long Del RIos Abbott GIs Rainbow (lanlens Donn Murphy Joe Frisco Doane Jonis The Valdcz Ballard ft Rae Ruth Qulnn Marten's ft MIgnon Rainbow Ula Arnle Barnctt's Orc Phil I^vnnt Orc Sherman Hotel (Celtio Cafe) Gene Korwin Ore Jarus Sis (Panther Boom) Jimmy Dorsey Orc Dob Eberly Helen O'Connell College Inn Models Carl Marx «M Clak June March Paul Mall Suzan Shaw Janin* C?ainp Bobby Joyce Diane Hay Voyer Florenzu C0< GIs Dolly Sterling Sol Lake Ore Tripoli 8 Yar Beat Geo Scherban Oro Dclcn Ortega ft a ATLANTIC CITT Babette's Club Helen Murray Norma Patte Bright BOOKING THE NAT^OXTS LEADING INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES EDWARD SHERMAN AGENCY NEW YOBK BEVEBLY HILIS. CAL. 3 Quitars Trio Mlxteeo Del Dues Orc Herman del Tore El Morocco Chauneey Grey Orc Chlqulto Orc Famous Door Satch ft Satchel Marco Good Herman Chlttlson Carol Lord Tookle Hunter Red Norvo Oro Fefr'a Uonta Carlo Narlta Sonny Kendia Ore ftl Club Tommy Raft Tubby Rives Rarbara l.e* Harriet Brent Rene Villon Sbifny l,nvett Louise Stuart Stuart Ore Fislier'a Gay M's Annie Kent Betty Jane Carlton ]<ounle Grace Minnie Allen Gay 90's 4 ft Orc Havana-Madrid Nell Fontaine Franco & Beryl Nino ft Lcnora Myria sllva Maya Orc Don Ollberto Orc Latin Am Senorllas nicbory Hons* Ancll Sweet Peggy Stevens Jesn Murray Larry Bennett Oro Hotel Astor (Aslnr Root) Harry James Hotel Belmont Plata (Glass Ust) Rill Johnson I'lerce ft llnland Jock Marshall Bob Parka Joe Pafumy Ore Hotel Blltmor* Ileasley Twins Hazel Franklin Ray Heatherton Or Hotel Edison Bobby Byrne Oro Hotel Esses lloase (Casino on Park) Rich. Hlmber Orc Perry Martin Hotel T^eslagtoa (Uawalktn Rm) Kahala Tallma Momlknl liAnl Orc Nanua Lollanl laea Hotel McAlpIn Dick Robertson Orc Hotel New Yorker (Termce Room) Johnny liong Oro Ronny Roberts Poter Klllam DLvelle ft Farley Mark I'lant Arlano Lee Beauties Hotel No. 1 Oth Ave, Delores Anderson Downey ft Parker Hazel Webster Hotel Park Central (Cocoanut Grove) Tncht Club Boys Glover ft La Mnye Buddy Clarke Ore Benny Howard (Bnynl Palm) Dell O'Dcll Jimmy Kelly's Carter ft Sharp Montmarta Boys Ilclen Holmes Danlta Rivera Margaret Gray Fiktth Arleo Joe Capello Oro Kelly's SlabI* Nelda Duprls Jerl Wltbee Leonard Wars I Dlanne Reed Rosalie GIbeon Thcltpa Carpenter Walter Fuller Oro Kitty DaTis Bill Ames Frank Msrlowa Rose Hagrlll Johnny Silvers Oro La Coagn Jnck GIKord Bstellta La Hartlnhpia Jackie Miles Ruth Clayton La MartlnlQn**na Emil Coleman Ore Noro Morales Oro Lathi Onartar Doc Marcos Slate Bros. Fay Carroll Stanley Twins The Chadwicks Paul Remoa Oil Gelvsn Fuller Sextet Helen Carroll La Tie ParislfBM Luba Mallna U. Ray Terrell Gabrlell* Rasha ft MIrko Leon <s Eddie's Eddie Davis Adrian Dancers MItzl Martin 4 Kit Kats Kirk ft Madeline Paula Drake Francis Carlyls Dob Field Joan Mode Golden Pair L* Ruban Bles Julius Monk Maxine Sullivan Fred Keating Delta Rhythm Boya Ruth Herman Herman Chlttson Mother Kelly's Renee Rochelle Ross Msel.enn Harold Green Bnsslan Kretclima Vladimir l.azaroff Ell Bplvach Gypay Norma Norma Lucero Arcadl Stoyonovsky Adla KoznotzolT Nastla PollaKovs Marusla Sava MIsclia Vzonoff Cornelia Ccdolban O Splvy's Root Spivy Arthur Blalte Noblo ft King Stork Club Grace Rellly Cliarles Hnnm Orc Ted Steele l>rc The Pkir* Irene Rarkley Pat Ring Evelyn Kroek Slceeis Tulbert Vbangl Clob Leon Abbey fin' Churchill ft- .Monlg'y Tondalayn l.opez Al Ouster Derby ft Krcnclile Chorus Belle.) Versailles I.lnda Ware Bon ('utier Oro I'anehlto Ore Wally BoMR MarJ Fielding's Co ItoHsl Slat era J Mlgiipo Ilea Kevin Mao Klondell Mary Ganly Village Bam John Cirimn The Blentons DIalio Davis Alkali Hie Al Robinson Ylllage Vangnard Richard D Bennett Tony Ferrar Anna Hnblnson Eddio lleywoud 3 M'lvel Bob Lee Lllyan Dell Tommy li.iydea Doris NcllHon Chas Bowman Ore Theodore IJrouks The I'aulens CHICAOO Ambassador Hotel (Pomp Boom) John Klrby Bismarck Hotel (Waloot Boom) Jimmy Joy Oro Talla Hadley GIs Don ft Sal Jennlnga (Tavern Boom) Edith Lorand Orc Ulackhawk Hnp Hazard Dorothy Dale Jerl Sullivan Art Jarrett Ore RlackateiM Hotel (Ballnese Bm) Johnny Duffy Oro Paltl Clayton Breroort Hotel (Crystal Boom) Tony ft Lisa Bob Billings Eddie Roth Oro ' Brown Derby Three Ryans Thclma White Margie Kelly ' Mel Cole Oro Nan Houston Mllton-Ann Cordon ft Sawyer Ted Smith Cliez Pare* Graelo Fields ClioHlcr Dolphin Evans Adornblcs Franklin Orc Club Alabnm Florence While Paulotto IjiI'lerrs D Dc llouk-htvn Cnl Herbert Cassandra Del Estra Allan Coe Dave I'nell Oro Eddie lloth Ore Coloslmos Primrose ft Gold Workmans Mildred ft Mnurire Charlotte Vim Dal Blolso A<lalr Jack Prliira Don Long Ore Dmk* Hotel (CamllU Hons*) Adrlenne Mary Nneli Val Rrnle'H Ore Carlisle Slaters Milton Iluber Oro Chatean Benault Sid Rose 4 Stylists Chei Pare* Novelettes Ruth 'Martin Valerie ft Susan aiaaot CInb Lenny Rosa Tonl Borrell Ruth Warren Jaeque Bill Clak Nemad Annette Ross Dixie Sullivan Bobby Bernard , SM CInb Pat Travera Bill licye Hennaa's Maslo Bar Jimmy Solar Paddoek Intl Frances Csrroll Willie Dennis Marie KIbbey Bob Bell Maxine De Shone Penn Atlnntle Hotel (Palm Boom) Al Francis Oro BOSTON Beachcomber 11 Morrlosey Orc Chlco SImone Or* Artie Dann Beach-charmers (S) Eleanor Teeman George Brodenck Sllrlani Johnson Jack ft Lorraine Bllnstrab's Peter Bodge Ors Boyd Heathen Harold ft Lola Suzanne ft Christine Elaine Condos Casa Manaaa (Thentn-Clob) Eddie Lands Oro Harrison Aulger Addison Aulger Louise Sherwood Billy Keller (Unsicai Bar) Alice O'Loary Adrian O'Brien CInb Hayfalr Billy Dooley Ore June Welting Marie Austin Mary Jane Brown I'lerce ft Roland Dud Sweeney K McCabu Girls Monrlnuetta Brazil Coconnnt Grove Mickey Alport Orc Alfred Pineda Oro nustcr Kolm Rev Billy Paine Sandora Bros. Joan Tapper Vlvlenne Rand May Castol (Melody Loanse) Herb Lewis Marjorle -Qarreteon Copley Plasa (Sheraton Boom) Ray Morton Oro Illldogarde (Merry-Go-Bonad) Mark Gilbert 3 Copley Sqnare Hotel Al DeForrest Arthur Ward Crawford Boose Freddy Rubin Ore Fox ft Hoonds Club (Bbnmba Casino Boom) Marlon Frances Charles Wolk Ore Milton George Orc Romas ft Annette ni-Hat Pete Herman Ore Frank Potty Hotel Bradford (CIrrns Boom) Kenny Brilliant Lucille J klAloney Botel Essex Buddy Smith's Oro Jack Manning Oro Bill Cronln Dorothy Dennis Jean Monti Bally Harris Hotel Fensgate (Satire Boom) George Lloyd Nell Phillips Harry Baker 'Hotel Leaos Don Joss Oro Clarlta Hotel Bits Carlatoa (Bits Boot) Nat Brandwynns O Snub Mosely Orc Connie Russell Walter Long Hotel Bheialon (Bbeeatoa Skj Gardes) Don Dudley Or* Hotel Statler (Teirace Beam) Jack Edwards Or* {C*U Boose) Sslvy Cavlcchlo Ore Hotel Tendem« (Fife A Drma Bm) Jimmy McIInls Orc Jolene Nan Vincent Helen Douglas Elaln* Morrison Eea Bill Davidson Oro Russ Howard Pee Wee Russell lAtla Qoarter Tony Bruno Oro Don Rico Orc Jay ft Lou Seller Buster Shaver Helene Dennlson Armando ft LIta Jerry Krueger Hum ft Strung Don Arden IS^ Bio Casino Harry de AngoUs O Sid Walker Janice Tylor-Thorn-Robcrta Dottle Blair Arthur TjS Flour Buster Kelm Rev Sflvoy Sabby Lewis Orc Steuben's (Vienna Boom) Lew Conrad Oro Eleanor Kay Jimmy Marr Doria Abbott The Cave Don DIBona Ore Jack Fisher Tamara Dorlva Edna Rt>gers Tommy Foran 3 Ross Johnson Jimmy Marr PIr-ettos I He-Toe 'Hot Lips' Paige CLETELABS Alpine Tillage Fayne ft Foster Lord ft Lyon Burns T ft Evelyn Myron Ryan Bruce Norman Willie Matthias Oro Gregory ft Raymond Eldorado Clob Olga Godeu Johnny Rallhol Oro Tlona d* Bournnt Hotel Carter Charles Wick Orc Hotel Cleveland Estrolltos George Duffy Oro Hotel Fenway Ball Poison Gardner Don Dl Flsylo Hotel Hollenden Raul ft Bva Reyes John Tlo Elaine Barrett Henri NelU Webb Sloan ft Gary Sammy Waiklns 0 Hotel Statler Jules Duk* Oro I* Coaca Clob Chick Alborgo Oro IJndsay's Bbybar Four Kings JIv* Marys Uanley Pearl de Lucca Monaco's Cafe Kay ft Glenn Jorle Livingston Herb llagenor Oro Regal Club Ducky Malvin Or* 870a CInb Barry Parks Bdlih Rogers Da hi Phil Kaye Hal Hall Don Wulsh Ore SETBOIT Book-radlllac Hotel (Book Casino) Ben Toung Oro Jau Martel (Motor Bar) Eddie Fritz 4 Bowery Duvall ft Wnnda Dlan Rowland Martha Raye Beeliee Rubyettee Jean Mona Isabellta Harvey Stone Donn Arden Co Johnny King Betiny Rosh Oro Brass Ball Del Parker Skccter I'lilmer ltn.v Swarlz Jack HoSH Casauovn Frances Knyc Harvey Whitney Jana ft l>ans Valencia ft li'iilnnila Eiiilllu Cacores Orc Clob Congo Congoottes Rhythm Hrown Beverly White It A F Johnsun I'hil ft He» L'luudhi Oliver Congo Ore Hay market Mel Snyder Al Tucker Orlando llovorly Sales Kay I^ewlH Jane Lynd Wally Johl Charmottea Orc London Chop House Tanner Slaters Ethel Howe Ruby Ore Sammy Dllberl Oro Olile Wayne CInb Jimmy Clark Ore Palm Beacb Gun Howard Cnrl ft Arlene Oonschl ft Sonnen Don Pablo Oro Royals Sheila Barnett 3 Make-Belleves Muriel Page Royalottea ('arl Bonner Bill MoCune Ore ITomler Bar Aylone Mnson Madelon Bnker Manuel I^pez Ors Guy Welsh Oro LOS ANGELES Band Bos Pete Snyder Jackie tireeu Mae Urewater Geo Tibbies Or* niUy Snyder billy Lankin Bar of Mnsle Ann Trlola Bill Iloniiian Bill Jordan I<arry Hurke Dick Wlnslow Orc BHtmore Bowl Ray Wllbcrt Jimmy llay Harris ft Shore Penny Lee H Pnyaey Dancern Joe Helchmafl Orc Caaa Manana Lionel Hampton Orc Cocoanat Omve Freddie Martin Ore EnrI Carrolls West ft McGlnty Gall Gall Happy Fclton LaVonn Mover Dorothy Ford Wlere Bros. Beryl Wa liars St Clair ft Day Aurora Miranda Roily Rolla Slilrloy Wayne Al Norman Bill Brady Manny Strand Ore Michel Ortiz Orc nerentloe Garden Fred Scott Mills Bros Sugar Qelse Bonia T^vkovs Jean TIglie Tonl Todd Dr Giovanni Ted Flo Rllo Ore Cbarll* Fay's Club CItarley Foy Eddie Parka Tim ft I reu* Jan* Keane Les Barnett Ore Grace Hayes Lodge -Casey Thompson .» Vivian Marshal I' Llnd Hayes Ore Doloree Gay Joan ft JImmIe Grace Hayes II Carroll ft Paulln* Hollywood Tropica Maxine Lewis Paul Neighbors Ors Markers ft Dais Dick Thomas HoBse of Mnrphy Jean^Meunler llcth Reynolds George Redman Margaret Padula Bob Murphy I^mMana Jean ft Walton Don Jose ft Royce B Eddie LaBaron Oro Macambo Cafe Phil Ohmaii Ora Palladlnm Abe Lyman Oro M Maln*ck Ors Slapsy Blaxles Ben Blue Archie Bobbins M'ray 'Hats' Parksr Peanuts Bohn Patricia Pag* Jean Scott Stan Ross Jos Plumer Or* Streets of Paris Art Tatum Mead *Lqx' Lewis Wlngy Manons Ore Swaoaee Inn Tioumel MorgsB I Dudley Brooks Trtamm Count Basis TraUTllle Olab Barney BIgard Ore MTAMT Bar of .Musle Roger Roland Felix De Cula Mlk* Doyle CIsver Clob .Tohn Hale I'al Mar Dano CInb Ban Irene Wolf Ballettes 3 Tommy Nunez Ors (?blck Thomas Sanchez Oro Hy Sanda PHILADELPHIA Alpine MbsIcbI Bar 3 Pals Owen Sisters ClBb Ball Dellsso ft Dwlglit Arthur Blake Floria Vestoff Donna Dovel Balllovollca Marly King's Ore Luis Fernandez Oro Stratford Ganlea (Belleviie Stratford Hotel) Walter Miller Orch Hen Frank lln Lucille Johnson Carney Twins Helene Slandleli Barbara Blnno Corday ft Triano Jane Ashley Patricia King Herb Woods Oro Carroll's Dick Jones Rays Irene Keys Dick Jones lEKle Wolllngton E<ldlr While The BrandowB Bob Carney Gaines Orc Currollettes College Ino Estclle Dui-Ue Lou Daerl Louise Allen Skcoter Terry Tyler Crescent Quintette Jerry Delmar Oro Dl Pinlos Pock ft Peck Zaran Allen I/Undle Marie Lnl'eli Phil Fletcher Pedro Blanco Orc Embassy Graco Edwards Leona Miller Anne Rupert Dee Rogers Dorothy Whitney Embossylphs 4 Ceo Clifford Pat Sherlln Oro Oermantowa Bar Sam Price Kenny Shafer 3 <H Walton Boat) Rose Gallo Ruth ft B Ambrose Nanoy Healy Don Richards Peggy Loob Glamour GIs Eddie D* Lues Oro Hopblns'BalbskeUer 1^0 Wnrwich Fays Merrll Ruth Tenipleton l.une Sis Dave Gold Oro i^xlagton Casino Jackie Lee Eddy Klnley Dawn I>ovely Clark Bros TiCnoro Jaxon Bnos Lillian Fitzgerald Lanny Vale Tod Oliver Oro Little BatbskeUet Johnny ft George Ugo Martlnelll Eddlo Schaffer Victor Hugo's Oro Delores ft Del Vage I«n's Chancellor Bat Gloria Mann Boyd ft .Smith Don Rennldo 4 Mlostrel Tavern Margie March, Tuota Claudius Joe Hamilton Anita Thoma Sally Foy Michael Wayne Sissy Glnnl* Loftus Moravian Bar Bon-Bon Buddies Cookie Williams Nell Dleghon's GIrard ft Carollns Victor ft Ruth Serenadors Catherine Wolf GIs Warren Bodcn Frank Murths geo Mnrchettl Ore <Continiiec1 on page 47)