Variety (Sep 1942)

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Wednesday^ September 9, 1942 CHATTER 45 Broadway Pvt. Carl Laemmle, Jr., transferred to Fort Knox, Ky. Al Jolson cables from Belfast that he kissed the blarney stone. George Wellbaum at home with pneumonia, developed from strep tiiroat. Al Liackey plans a vaude-burley ahow witK^ the title of Victory Varieties.' Agent Mark Hanna started his OWI duties in N. Y. this week. Goes to London end of month. John Murray Anderson reported already engaged to stage the Ring- long circus for next season. Laudy liawrenee, 20th-Fox foreign sales chief, expected back from Lon- don within the next two weeks. Jacob A. Weiser will again con- duct evening classes In playwright- Ing and dramatics at City College. Former French film producer Jack Forrester back in New York, after a stay at Metro as an associate prod. John Byram visited his wife, Marion, who is asenting "Best Foot Forward' in Chicago, over the weekend. „ » Depending on fuel oil, the Mort Bluraenstocks like their Conn, farni 60 much they may sojourn there the year round. A lot of film people scrammed early Friday (4) for the Labor Day weekend. UA closed its office at 1 p.m, that day. Dick Morgan, Paramount attorney, •nnouBces his engagement to Con- stance Sullivan, secretary to another Par counselor, Walter Gross. Perlita Greco, South American film and stage mu.<!ical singer, into the Rainbow Room's new show next Wednesday (16). Her American debut Al Rosen, Loew's State manager, plans refbrning to the Mayo clinic soon for further treatment of the eye and nose trouble which had him laid up a couple years ago. Mardeivs Riviera calls it a season next Wednesday (18), closing for the winter. Lone exception to custom In 11 years was in 1941 which con- tinued into the winter and spring of this year. Anna Erskine. continuity writer of the 'Met Auditions' program, is pro- duction assistant on the Lindsay- Crouse legiter. 'Strip for Action.' Sally Chase now in the Lindsay- Crouse office. Hy Daab is handling public rela- tions for the War Football Fund of the War Dept., traveling with the Army Wastern eleven: also on na- tional exec comm. of War Golf Fund, firomoting for Army Emergency Re- ief. Annastean Haines, colored nitery songstress of the middle I930's, poped up again in the dailies as wlfie of Jos. Hilton Smyth, the paid Jap hireling who used her to spread Jap propaganda via a 'Negro News Syndicate.' Earle Allvinc. Movietone editor ■who did the editing on 'United We Stand,' spoke before 10 leading agen- cies of the Common Council for American Unity last Thursday (3) following a screening of the docu- mentary feature. Dated p.a. stunt: Lee Septembre, Hotel Edison publicist, for his 30th birthday, ^pt. 27. has invited Lois January, fredric March, Abe April, Marty May. Hamilton Rhode.s June, Herbert F. July, Robert August, Jack November and Martha Sunday Margo Stevenson, leglt-fllm-radlo actress, engaged to Pvt. Robert Rus- sell, former film scripter now sta- tioned at Camp Upton. N. Y. She revealed it in a radio interview Sunday night (6). Russell just com- pleted scenario of 'Come One, Come Air for Jean Arthur. Anthony Mele, prop, of Theo- dore's, takes over Le Ruban Bleu's active management and operation as of tomorrow (Thurs.). It's situ- ated above his daytime eatery Heretofore Herbert Jacoby fronted for Mele. Competitive preem is new show into LaMartinique. Jean Dalrymple back from Coast, where she huddled with Iturbi on publicity for his forthcoming film debut. Also dickered for a contract for George Sebastion. or- chestra conductor formerly with the Soviet radia, to be musical director of the film version of 'Mission to Moscow.' near Belleville, 111, after finishing 12-week stint at the Municipal The- atre Assn's Forest Park al fresco playhouse. Harry Fartlman, former concert- master of the National symph in Washington, D, C, has been engaged for the same stint with the local symph. He succeeds Scipione Guidi, whose contract was not renewed. Joe Goldstein, manager of the Vic- tory, a St Louis Amus: Co. nabe, operated by Fanchon & Marco, sport- ing the khaki at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He has been succeeded by Bob Johnson, former manager of the Au- bert, another St. L. Amus. Co. nabe. 'My Fair Lady,' comedy, will wind up the current season of the Town Square theatre, strawhattsr operat- ing atop a west end office building. Willard Holand is directing. Lead roles are l)eing handled by Jean Au- buchon, Ralph Petersen. Toby Mc- Bratney, Wright King, Mady Stevens and Laura Howard. St Louis By Sam X. Hurrt Casa Loma ballroom on Ibe South Side opens season Friday ill). The 48th annual state fair at Se- dalla drew a toUl of 90,000 payees during the eight-day stand that closed Aug. 30. Les Levy, former salesman for Monogram, has written friends here that he now is second cook with his outfit now stationed somewhere in Alaska. Vince Vernon, a member of the Municipal Theatre Assn's warbling and terping choru.":, now bookrr and producer of floor shows at the Palms, a north side nitery. Frank Rcidelberger, corpulent magistrate of a Justice of the Peace Court in Venice, 111., again waving the baton in the pit of the Grand, this burg's sole burlesk house. Joe Winters has returned as maes- tro of his orch to Club Royal, nitery London PittsbDrgh By Hal Cohen Bill Green will inaugurate supper dances this weekend at his Casino. Pittsburgh Savoyards will open their season on Nov. 11-12 with 'Ruddigore.' Al Ritz getting his Club Petite at the Ritz hotel ready for a fall open- ing next week. Pvt. Fred Burleigh, the former Playhouse director, has shoved off for foreign duty. Station WJAS will raise its night time power from 1,000 to 5,800 watts in a week or so. Couple of Pittsburghers. Howard Blaine and Gloria Ingles, in cast of 'Strip for Action.' Joe Vera, recently inducted into the Army, Is organizing a band at Camp Meade, Md. Lew Harmon quitting RKO ex- ploitation berth in this territory and will return to New York. Al Marsico's Nixon Cafe band spotted this week at WCAE as the staff orch for six days only. Mary Frances Ackerman, Play, house actress, now on the advertis- ing staff of the Bulletin-Index. Aragon Ballroom gets the fall and winter dance season started Satur- day (12) with Howard Baum's band. George JafTe peddled $25,000 in War Bonds at his Casino theatre on first day of industry's September drive. Little Jackie Heller doing a fort- night at the San Club in De- troit before coming back to his local nitery. Vic King band (Vaclav Klimek) has opened an engagement at the Westwood Supper Club in Rich- mond, Va. Pvt Dave Wald. former WB man- ager now at Camp Butler. N. C, has announced his engagement to Geraldlne Lange. J. K. Robertson, Jimmy Totamns asst in Waroer advertising depart- ment, coming around okay after serious operation. Harold Goldstein, new continuity chief at WCAE. engaged to An- nette Robin. She's a cousin of song- writer Leo Robin. ^ j Shfa'ley Heller's new husband, Harry Gordon, a N. Y. business man. is Army-bound, so she's coming home for the duration. Florence Parry, daughter of local columnist, Florence Fisher Parry and formerly with RKO publicity department in N. Y., has been ap- pointed p.a. «t the Playhouse for this season. She succeeds Vahan Tashjan. Chicago Eddie Cantor a Chicago visitor. Betty Glixon, secretary to Alex Halperin, Warners booker, has joined the WAVES. Jack Clark. Warners booker, was inducted into the United Stales Army Signal Corp.". Spyros Skouras, 20lh Century-Fox prexy, and his advertising aide, Hal Horne, Chicago visitors. T. F. Murray, manager of branch operations for Universal, here from New York on inspection tour. J C. Osscrman. RKO district man- ager, to Kansas City and Milwaukee this week to hypo theatre sales for circuit. ..... Julian King, formerly with Metco, started at United Artists this week ,ns a salesman in the North Illinois t6rritory. . , , Si Lax. Univer.-ial booker, has been transferred lo the Detroit office. He is replaced locally by Mildred Zbilutt. .lay Jone.s, general manager of the Stevens Hotel for four years until the Army took it over, has been appointed resident manager of the Hotel Sherman. Irving Yergcn: Warners press agent, drafted by Amusement and Recreation Division to handle all personals of picture stars in the Chi- cago area for the bond drive during September. Inclement weather, which ground- ed planes of celebrities slated to ap- pear, caused cancellation of the Mil- lion Dollar Bond Dinner at the Pump Room of the Amba.'v'sador Thur.-Jday evening (3). Riallo cinenia, adjoining blitzed C-fe de Paris in Piccadilly, reopen- ing shortly. Glynii Johi.. wed Lieut. Forwood in London Aug. 29 after few weeks' e oagement. Kathleen Moody, wife of Lou Gride, is undergoing .voice training t>y Gwynne Davles. Leslie Banks' daughter, Diana, marrying into th- RAF, groom being Ccrporal Peter Gough. Bill Gill is out of the Bert Ambros«^ office, having returned to his former bosse.--.. Grade & Smith. .osaire's circus is being used by the Miniitry of Information as sub- ject for propaganda fllni. 'Rebecca' closing at Strand thea- tre replaced by Firth Shephard's re- vival of 'Night .f the Garter' Sept. 9. Mrs. Charles Munyard out of hos- pital, where she had been confined for several months with internal trouble. :;ver,Tl hotels and theatres have recently been fined for using too much electricit> in their auditoriums and lobbies. Leon Valley, former head of con- tract control department of United Artists, is now a cop in the London poliCw force. Prince Littler has signed Nervo and Knox, Naughton and Gold and Sonny Hale 'or Christmas panto- mir.)e at London Coliseum. 'Maid of the Mountains,' at the LondCii Coliseum, is folding shortly, with 'Jc'Ie of New York,' currently touring the sticks, to replace. Fred Emney on fortnight's fishing in Scotlam', after which he is to be Ss tured in Columbia Pictures' new fl; starring George -Formby. Leon M. Lion joining forces with Tom Walls to produce plays. Their first venture is new play by Arnold Ridley, who wrote. The Ghost Train.' 'Merry Widow' to be revived by ■Emilc Littler, with Jack Warner be- \n". considered for the Prince Danilo rolj. It'll likely go to the Winter Garden. Daughter born to the Christopher Hassalls recently. He won the Haw- thorden Prize for poetry in 1939. He and his wife. Eve Lynett, were both on the stage. Collinj and Grade have closed deal with Harry Cohen to revive Brie'.ix's 'Damaged Goods,' on 50-50 basi.<>. Show coes on ihe road, and opens in West End later. . Billy Revel shed 42 pounds since he joined the Army five months aco, and is now prepared to put in bid for t End juve <ob when he gets back into civvies. Jack Melfcrd. musical comedy star, just revealed secret marriage last September, to actress Cynthia Teall. Both will be in the revival of 'Niglit of the Garter.' Eric Barker, The Compere' of The Evening News, out of hospital, where he has been :onflned for over six months with broken pelvis. Expects to start working in a few weeks. Nancy Brown, chorine and former singer, is to be leading femme to Richard Tauber in his new show, T ■ 1 Chelsea,' in which he is to star. If.- being presented by Bernard Dclfonfs . company headed by Major H. A. Procter, Member of Parliament, has been formed for the production and distribution of films. Arthur Dent he. been approached to 'take over th . managing directorship. Burglar broke into agent Harry Foster's apartment while he was asleep, and woke Foster by shining electric torch full in his face. Foster jumped out of bed and chased the intruder, but the thief outdistanced hiin. oe Friedman, London head of Ci :umbia Pictures, giving the once- over to Ted Ray, who has replaced To.iimy Trinder in 'Gangway' at the Palladium. Wants him for next pic- ture, in which Vera Lynn is being starred. Overcoming many spirltcd-bids. Prince Littler has closed deal with Louis Dreyfus to revive 'Show Boat.' which is likely to l>e successor to ' Marie' at Stoll's theatre, but not for .some time as latter is in the big grosses. George Black has taken up option on Vera Lynn for 'Gangway, the Palladium musical, Jp which.she re- placed Bebe '^anlel^. Contract was fo • four weeks with option, which was taken up after three weeks for indefinite run. tine pict made by French director Jacques Constant, shortly. San Miguel Studios' youth film, 'Juvenilia,' still shooting at SIDE. Local University students being used as well as regular performers. Artistas Argentinos Asociados and San Miguel, indie studio, arranged for joint release of picts and inter- change of A.A.A. stars and associ- ates Enrique Muino, Angel Magana and Francisco Petrone. IS By Les Rees Locally owned 'Roller Follies' to open second season in Arena, Chi- cago, this week, with Auditorium. Milwaukee, to follow. Harry Hirsch in Chicago in con- nection with burlesque matters. Bill Crystal, former branch man- ager and film salesman here and now in Army, promoted to corporal at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Wife and three children of Harold Field, prominent independent cir- cuit owner, ill with pneumonia. Harry Katz, former burlesque im- presario here, now a tank battalion sergeant at Ft. Lcwi.s, Wash., and recommended as candidate for of- ficers' training school. Hy Chapman, Columbia branch manager, took one morning off to sell $5,000 of war bonds. For ballyhoo. Cliff Gill. aoth-Fox exploiteer, rigged up replica of Army tank and ran it into North- west Allied convention, an accom- panying attack of tiny parachutes carrying war stamps to delegates. ' W. A. Steffes down from his northern Minnesota estate to hob- nob with national Allied States' biK- wlg friends, here for Northwest Al- lied convention. David Gillman, former Gayety burlesque operator here, now a film exhibitor at Jamestown. N. D. New downtown Monday store hours, noon to 9 p.m.. hurting the- atres, but helping loop night club biisiness that evening. Bill Decker of Paramount enlisted in Navy. Major Bowes' eighth anniversary revue into St. Paul Orpheum the past week, but will not play Min- neapolis. Charlie Rubenstein. independent circuit owner, won golf tournament , at Oak Ridge club, j Marjorie Garret.son held over at Hotel St. Paul Gopher Grill. Manuel Contreras orchestra, which appeared in 'Flying Down to Rio,' currently at Hotel Lowry Min- jicsota Terrace. Howard ChJsholm resigned as manager of Metro, indie nabe house, to enlist in Navy. Wilfred Perper succeeded him. By SI Shalti Arthur Simon, general manager of WPEN, has arthritis. Johnny Carlin, ex-studio pianist at WFIL, now a chief warrant officer in the Army. Clarence«Fuhrman and his KYW house band returned last week after five-week tour. Janet Jenkins, formerly KYW's 'Janet Jenkins,' female spieler, has been commissioned a second looie in Ihe WAAC's. Prank A. Logue. auditor for West- inghouse Radio Station.s. Inc.. com- pletes 30 years of service with iiiGhouse today (Wed.). H. Gager. KYW's chief engineer, and hi<: assistant. George Ilagerty. arc doubling as member of the radio faculty at Drexel Institute. Frank Carver, also a KYW engineer, has joined the faculty of Temple University. Income Ceiling Bnenos Aires By Ray Josephs Muria Duval signed by SONO for luo picts in '43. San Miguel signed Alberto Bcllo for two films in '43. EFA Films inked Hugo del Carril and Luis Sandrini for three years. Luis Cesar Amadori started work on new film at SONO starring the Legrand Twins and Oscar Valecclli. Mario Soffici .started .shooting 'Tres Hombres del Rio' t'Three Men of the R;vei'> in Alta Parana sec- tion. Carlos Schlieper finished shooting 'Manana Me Suicido' ('Tomorrow I'll Commit Suicide') with Amanda Lcd- e.sma and Alberto Vila. United Artists announced it will relca.^e '.Sinfonia Argentine,' Argen- SsO""*""' from pace '.^ss a> consistently as previously for top ci>in since their lO't cut would .-.I'lnmatically be higher and their ncl income more sharply reduced. Good Effect Long range effect of salary liml- t:.iion would be to set up. new .^-tand- ards of production and earnings in Hollywood, with overall co.'-t of film production likely to be lower. The |->. wou''l also effectively put a stop I.- attaciT- on the industry bs.sed 0 1 the p-.cmi.-e that Hollywood con- tinues to run away with itself via extravagance in private living and in expenditures while the war is on. Net company profits within the inuastry are not likely to benefit as a result of any lowered production ccst, since increased corporation t,-<xc.-. will absorb virtually all of the ocesK prnflt.s, but impression that it will be 'C3.=ier lo do bu'inc^s' wi talent prevails. Roundup of indu.stry opinion on th«: Coast and in New York, when Picsident Roo.sevelfs $25,000 income ceiling was first broached .several months ago, Tjrought viitually unanimous support from industry hc.'.ds at that time. Hollywood Constance Bennett laid up with laryngitis. Doris Houck, screen actress, is now Doris Howe, William Famum recuperating after abdominal surgery. Eddie Cantor back In town after three weeks in the east The Guy Kibbees celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Jack L. Warner turned over her motor yacht South Wind, to the Navy. Katherine Booth, film player, re- covering from emergency apendec- tomy. Robert Steven-s, film player, di- vorced by Bebe LaMonlc, fashion model. Michele Morgan and Bill Mnrshnll, screen players, took out a niarri<ii;e license. Edmund Hartmann returned to his film writing after recovery from an eye injury. Betty Linde, actres.-. divorced Clarence Stroud, member of the twin acting team. Tim Whelan, directing 'Nightm iic' at Universal, fell off a camera bojm and sprained an aukle. Kathryn Grayson withdrew her divorce action against John Shclton, actor, now in the Army. Katina Paxinou, Greek iictiess. collapsed on Paramount's 'For Whom the Bell Teals' location. James Crtize, once top-salaried film director, left an esUte of $l,0OO, consisting of personal effects. Tony Martin, now in the Navy, has been asked to pay an additio:ial $24,753 on his 1941 income Ux. H. M. Warner donated a concert grand piano to the Motion Picture Relief Fund's Country House. Jill Stern, whose father, J. David Stem, publishes the Philadelphia Record, joined the Universal pub- licity staff. Charles Buckley, legal head of Fox-West Coast, returned from New York, where he spent a week in a hospital for .skin Irritation. Serge Semenenko, president i>f First National Bank ol Boston, which finances plenty of pictures, visiting with Nate Blumberg. Dave Davidson, formerly with CBS, moved Into the Warners .stu- dio exploitation job left vacant when Ben Cohn moved into the Army. Harvey Poster back in town to be treated for blood poisoning caused by a wound sustained as n.ssistant director of 'Commandos Come at Dawn' on location at Vancouver. 01 Gilbert Roland, Connie Bennett's husband, is a private and stands guard at Boiling Field. Phil Hayden, who runs the biggest dancing school In town. Is tagged by Uncle Sam for October. Rick La Falce turned down by Army for minor physical defect He'll get treatment and try again. J. Edgar Hoover's office force pre- sented a minstrel show at the Sylvan theatre, Saturday night '$>. Glen Echo Park closed Labor Day after greatest season in 28 years his- tory. Potomac outdoor spot was war workers' favorite. Civilian committee will push sale of tickets for This Is the Army'.s" premiere. Pasteboards scaled at $18.50 per orchestra plush. " John J. Payette, Warners zone manager, had the office force down for a house wanning when ,he oc- cupied his Virginia mansion estate. Leo Freedman here ahead of Ed- die Dowling show. Dick Mancy ahead of 'Vickie' and Nnt Dorfman beating the drum for This Is the Army.' Harry Soincrville, manager of Hotel Willard, has resigned, effec- tive Sept 15. Owners will give him a banquet at which he will announce future plans. Mary Bryne, Office of Price Ad- ministration secretary, arrived back in town Labor Day morning after completing her bit In Bob Hope pic- lui«?. 'They Got Me Covered.' Miami By Leslie Harris Harry Richman back in town to appear at army benefit. Binnie Barnes guestinit on 'Con- tact,' local Army Air Force radio show. Frank Katzentine, owner of WKAT, has been promoted to a Lt Colonel. Sol Flelschmann. WDAE an- nouncer, in Miami before joining Coast Guard. Greer Garson a po.ssibility ns guest of local theatres lor $1,000,000 Vic- lory Bond dinner. Sam Parker, vet WIOD annniinci r, has resigned. Will enter Pan-Amvri. can Ferry Service. Billie Dove, foi-mcr .screen star, while her husband com- pletes training at Officers Candidate School. 'Sonny' Shepherd, manager of Lin- coln theatre, into Army Air Corpi as in.structor. Leonard Allen takes over his chores.