Variety (Sep 1942)

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Wtiaea^j, September 16, 1948 nCtUBE OROSSES II Kay Kyser Hypoes 'Spitfire to Grant $40,000 in Frisco.'B'way'Gre^lC San Francisco, Sept. IB. Holdovers are occupyluc most local ■creens but the Golden Gate, one of exceotions, is setting a smasheroo pace with Kay Kyser on stage plus 'IHexican Spitfire's Elephant.' Kyser crew is largely responsible for a maKnificent $40,000. Only other newcomer, 'Broadway, l3 tallying a stout $14,000 tor United Ai lists. best for house in a long time. Eatlmates (or This Week Fox (F-WC) (5,000; 35-40-55)— Tied Piper" (20th) and 'Little Tokyo' (20th) (2d wk). Ringing bell for second sesh at $16,000. Last ■week $23,000, munificent. Golden Gate (RKO) (2.850: 40-44- 65)—'Spllflre's Elephant' (RKO) plus Kay Kyser s orch on stage. Kyser is running this up into stratosphere at $40 000. Last week, 'Pride of Yan- kees' (RKO) (4th wk) and stage show (2d wk). great $10,600. Orpheaa (Bliunenleld) (2.440; 35- 40-55 )--Pardon Sarong* (U) and •Sherlock Holmes Voice' (U) (2d wk). Pace that broke attendance record last week continues Into sec- ond round with smash $15,000 gross. Last week, $19,800. socko. rarsmrani (F-WC) (2,470; 80-65) —•HoUday Inn' (Par) ^ and 'Dr. Broadway' (Par) (2d wk). Torrid $18,000 (or second week. Last week, $27,000, sensational. ' St Fcncta (F-WC) (1.475; 35-40- SS)—'Footlight Serenade' (20tb) and •Henry. Dizzy* (Par) (2d wk moveover).^ Holding up to $6,000. Last week, $7,500, big. United . Artists (UA-Blumenfeld) (1 100: 35-40-55>—"Broadway* (U) and 'Madame Spy* (U). ^ Hypoing b o here to $14,000, best in long Ume. Last week, 'Lady in Jam* (U) and •Drums Congo' (U) (3d wk), $5,800, disappointing. _ ^ W«i«eM (F-WC) (2,650; 50-65>-- ■T^les o( Manhattan* (20th) and Thru Diirerent Eyes* (20th) (3d wk). StiU zooming along, elegant $18,500. Last week. $20,800. socko. TtvsU (Blumenfeld) (1,500; 35-40- 85)_'Lady in Jam* (U) and 'Drums Congo' (U). Drooping to $1,500 on moveover to this out-of-way house, 8(ter three weeks on Market Street Last week, 'Flight Lieutenant' (Col) and 'Meet Stewarts* (Col) (Sd wk), sad $1,700. 'Ambersons'-W.Hennan $16,000, Padns Mpls; Talk W Stent 13G Minneapolis, Sept IS, There has been a litUe drop from the boxoffice high in recent weeks, but the pace still is far above par and considerably ahead of a year ago. The slight dip in grosses Is be- lieved only temporary and POsfflWy due to less favorable weather. "The big noises currently are the State s Talk o( the Town* and the Or- pheum's combination of Woody Her- man on the stage plus ■Magnificent Ambersons.' . ^ Aster (Par-Singer) (MO; "-»>- ■Escape from Crime* (WB) VMjna- gers at Window* (M-G), G««^$2,50() in five days. •Padflc R^^o"* (M-G) and Different &«* (20th) opens Thursday (17). La»t week, •fSmbstone' (Pm) "?«»,. Convoy' (Col) split wiUi tflpii New Orleans* (Par) and Top Sergeant (U). big $3,500 in ei^^MS. Century (P-S) (1,600; 90-40-50)— 'Holiday Inn' (Par) (moveover). Plenty of zip left in this one after a big week attheSUte. Should reach good $5,500. Last week, 'Gone With Wind' (M-G) (2d wk) (40-50). $5,800. Gopher (P-S) (1.000; 28-30)—'Jack- ass Mail' (M-G). Fin«$4.000 in pros- pect. Last week, 'Sweater Girl (Par), oke $3,700. ^ Orpheam (P-S) (2.400; 40-44-55)— "Magnificent Ambersons' (RKO) and Woody Herman' orchestra on stage. Herman a (avorite here and hes iMOSting this combo to good $16,000. Last week, 'Broadway^ (U) and Claude Thomhill orchestra on stage (40-50-60). good $17,000. _ SUte (P-S) (2.400; 30-40-50)—Talk of Town' (Col). Showered with praise. Also a fine advance cam- paign is helping to a trim $13,000. Last week. 'Holiday Inn' (Par), $13,- 800. Uptown (Par) ( 1,100; 30-40)— •Kings Row' (WB). First neighbor hood .<;howing, nice $4,000. Last week. 'This Above All' (20th), $3,600 World (Par-StetTes) (350; 30-40-50- 55)—'Gold Rush' (UA). Flying high toward good $4,500. Last week, 'Footlight Serenade' (20th) (2d wk) $2,500. PIPER' $9,000 TOPS LmiE TITLE CHANGES Hollywood. Sept. 15. 'Lisien. Boys' is release tag on 'For Men Only' at Metro. 'Lone Wolf Goes to a Party' be came One Dangerous Night' at Co lumbia. Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Qrois This Week $392,«0« (Based on 13 theatres) Total Gross Sam* Week Last Year ....$340,00* (Based on 14 theatres) Louisville, Sept. IS Busine.<:s is pretty well distributed this week. Holdover of 'Somewhere 'U Find You' at Loew's State is benefitting other houfe;;, and doing okay itself. 'Pied Piper' on a dual at the Rialto is topping the town while 'Cay Sisters' is garnering coin at the Mary Anderson. 'Big Street,' at the Strand, also is making good. AU houses continue getting a ter- rific play over the weekends. All houses are ballying heavily for war bonds. EsUautca (or Thli Week Brown (Fourth Avenue-Loew's) (1.400; 15-30-40) — 'Holiday Inn' (Par), Shifted over from the Rialto after a big week at that house, and still shaping strong. Robust $3,500 as single. Last week. 'Pardon Sarong' (U) and 'Top Sergeant' (U), good $2,500 on third downtown week. Kentaeky (Switow) (1,250; 15-25) —'Johnny Eager' (M-G) and 'Lady in Jam' (U), split with 'Vanishing Virginian* (M-G) and 'Moontide' (20th). House back to split weeks. Average $1,700. Last week, 'Song Islands' (20th) and 'Gentlemen from Point' (20th). fine $2,000. Loew'i StaU (Loew's) (3,300; 15- 25-40)—'Somewhere Find You' (M- G) (2d wk). Fine $8,500 on h.o, stanza. Last week, terrif $14,000. Mary Anderson (Libson) (1,000; 15-30-40) —'Gay Sisters' (WB) Shaping up for stout $4,000, plenty okay for a single here. Last week, 'Wings for Eagle' (WB). slick $4,000. (Fourth - Avenue) (3.400;^ $30,000. Blallo 15-30-40)—'Pied Piper' (20th) and 'Loves Edgar A. Poe' (20th). Sturdy $0,000. Last week, 'Holiday Inn* (Par), sock $13,000. Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1,400 15-30-40)—'Big Street' (RKO) and •Highways by NUght' (RKO). Caught steady weekend biz. Excel- lent $3,800. Last week, •Tombstone' (Par) and 'Joan Ozark' (Rep), stout $5,000 'Sarong' Port. Topper, Big $12.000; "Tales'11'72 G Portland, Ore., Sept. 15. 'Tales of Manhattan* is rolling up a hefty score for the Paramount, riding in on good bally and plenty of names. •Pardon My Sarong,' how- ever, is the town's leader at the smaller Broadway. 'Eagle Squadron' is holding up well in its second stanza at the UA. Estimates (or This Week Broadway (Parker) (1.900; 35-40- 50)—'Pardon Sarong' (U) and 'Pri- vate Buckaroo' (U). Going over lor a sockeroo $12,000. Last week, 'An- nie Rooney' (UA) and 'Gentleman After Dark' (UA) (2d wk), satisfac- tory $5,500. Mayfair (Parker-Evergreen) (1,- 500: 35-40-50)—"Favorite Spy' (RKO) and 'Spitfire Sees Ghost' (RKO) (2d wk). Nice $3,000 in five days, after surprisingly high first week at $7,500. Orpheam (Hamrick - Evergreen) (1,800: 35-40-50)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Different Eyes' (20th). Looks like great $8,500. Last week. 'Flight Lieut.' (Col) and 'Dr. Broadway' (Par), hefty $10,000. Paramonnt (H-E) (3,000: 40-50-65) —'Tales Manhattan' (20th). Single billed but in line for a hefty $11,500. Last week (35-50), 'Pied Piper' (20th) and 'Escape from Crime' (WB) (2d wk), great $8,400. United Artists (Parker) (900; 40- 55-65)—'Eagle Squadron' (U) (2d wk). Rolling up strong $7,500. First week, grand $11,000. 'Bambr $7,000 u K. C, TmdYon'lOCBothHO. Kansas City, Sept. 15. Weather is warmer currently but even holdovers are not slowing up the business upbeat. 'Holiday Inn,' at the Newman, is in its third week, 'Somewhere i:il Find You,' at Mid- land, is in its second, and 'Bambi' is also h.o. at the Orpheum. Estimates (or This Week Eaqnire and Uptown (Fox-Mid- west) (820 and 2,043; 11-35-50)—'Pied Piper' (20th). Fine $8,500. Last week, 'Footlight Serenade' (20th), $7,000. Midtond (Loew's) (3,500: 11-35-50) —'Somwhere Find You' (M-G) (2d wk).. Gable-Turner combo headed toward splendid $10,000 after colos- sal $16,000 initial week. Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 11- 30-44)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) (3d wk). Plpasant $7,500 to better than $30,000 for three weeks. Last week, stout Town'Talk of LA. Hefty $42,500; 'Pacific' So-So 306, W Oby 20G In 3d Wk, 'Crossroads' M9d 24^26 Key City Grosses estimated Total Gros» This Week $2,324,200 (Based on 27 cities, 182 thea- tres, chie/ly flTSt runs, mcrudtng N. Y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Year $1,644,800 (Based on 25 cities, 172 theatres) Orpheom (RKO) (1,600; 11-30-44) —'Bambi' (RKO) and 'Highways by Night' (RKO) (2d wk). Strong $7,- 000 after surprise $10,000 opening session. Tower (Fox-JofTee) (2,110; 11-35- 50)—'Postman Didn't Ring' (20th) with vaude headed by Bonnie Baker. Hai)dsome $10,000. Last week, 'Joan of Ozark' (Rep) and 'Dr. Broadway' (U) with vaude, $8,000. 'GAY SIS' 12G. BALTO 2D WK. Baltimore, Sept. 19. Tliere's only one lone new entry in the downtown lists this week fol- lowing the extra-strong lineup un- leashed for Labor Day. 'Joan of Ozark,' the newcomer, is faring nicely at the Mayfair. Of the hold- overs, 'Somewhere I'll Find You,* at Loew's Century, and 'Holiday Inn,' at Keith's, are extra solid. 'Gay Sis- ters' also is stout at the Stanley In its second week. Estimates (or This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3,000; 17- 25-30-38-40-55)—'Somewhere I'll Find You' (M-G) (2d wk). Holding strongly at $14,000 after rousing $18,' 600 on first time round. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,240; 17-25-28-38-44-55-66)—"Talk of Town' (Col) (2d wk) plus h.o. of vaude headed by Larry Adier. (lood $13.- 000 after ringing up a steady $17,800 on initial sesh. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,406: 17- 28-35-40-55)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) (2d wk). Verj' solid at $11,000 after bullish $16,400 on first sesh. Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 20-40)—'Joan of Ozark' (Rep). Town's lone new entry. Nice $6,000. Last week, sec ond of 'Tombstone' (Par), added nice $4,100 to good $5,300 for first frame. New (Mechanic) (l,r-81: 17-28-35 44)—'Pied Piper' (20th) (2d wk). All right in h.o. at $5,000 after good $7,200 in previous week. Stanley (WB) (3,286: 17-28-40-55) —'Gay Sisters' (WB) (2d wk). Stout $12,000 after rosy $16,800 in first Valencia (Loew's-UA) (1,450; 17 28-44-55) — 'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (moveover) (3d wk). Still going nicely at $3,Sm after good total of $9,700 on previous brace. NATIONAL BOXOFFI CE SURVEY Better Fall Biz, Stout Product Brings Record Number of Holdovers—10 Films Now Getting Big Coin With some 15 new, strong pictures, five of which have been out for several weeks, presently spotted in key cities through the U. S., holdovers dominate first- nm situations in nearly every important branch ^t. Latest product list of moneymakers appearing most often in larger city theatres include 'Holiday Inn' (Par), Tales of Manhattan' (20th). 'Bambi* (RKO), •Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB), 'Talk of Town' (Col). •Pardon My Sarong' (U), 'Somewhere Til Find You' (M-G), 'Pled Piper' (20lh). 'Across the Pacific' (WB) and 'Footlight Serenade' (20th). Others figuring prominently in bookings, but around for some time are 'Gay Sisters' (WB) and 'Pride of Yanlftes' (RKO). Additionally, 'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G), which continues to run on and on, and 'Eagle Squad- ron' (U) still are around the key.s. 'Orchestra Wives' (20th) and 'Priorities on Parade' (Par) are thus far not outstanding. Number of second and third weeks being played by pictures this week possibly will hit an all-time high. Hie week sees 'Ships with Wings' (UA), being launched with bright $12,000 in Providence, and 'Hat- ter's Castle* (Par) getting under way with excellent biz in Montreal. Of the 'Big Ten' lineup, current stanza Is virtually a repetition of last week excepting pictures are play- ing second sessions. 'Inn,' which is current in about 18 key cities covered by 'Variety' correspondents, is stacking up solidly on holdovers. It's on third weeks in Cleveland, K. C. and Los Angeles, the L. A. take justifying a fourth week in two spots. Film is stout also on moveovers. and has a fine $40,000 for Its sixth week at big N. Y. Paramount. A big 55G in Chicago, fine in St. Louis and great in Portland, the Irving Berlin opus is rated solid to great on second weeks in Frisco, Omaha, Brooklyn, Baltimore, Detroit, Bos- ton, Seattle, Buffalo and Denver. Promises to equal its opening week mark in Denver. 'TALES' HEFTY 'Tales,' hefty $11,500 on opening week in Portland, Is trim on its second sessions in St. Louis and Pitt, $26,000 for Philadelphia holdover and wow $18,500 on third Frisco sesh. 'Bninlii' i« nirc to sirone in sernnrt stanzas In Omaha, Denver and K. C. Talk of Town' is rated fins in Minneapolis, $13,000 in second Balto week, stout on second Buffalo session, big In Denver and topping L. A. in two spots at $42,500. Film is getting an amazing $05,000 at the N. Y. Music Hall on its third week and holds over. •Dandy* Is listed terrific at $35,000 in Washington, with vaude; $22,000, fifth Ptiilly session, and $18,500 for 15th week in N. Y. at $2.20 top. George M. Cohan story begins string of additional runs in next few weeks at 75c-$1.10 scale. 'Across the Pacific,' now in second week with band at N. Y. Strand at stout $41,000, Is nice in Buffalo, great on Philly h.o., okay in Cincinnati, trim on second Jersey City sesh and $30,000, two L. A. spots. 'Sarong' is great $21,000, third N. Y. week; topper at $12,000, Portland; 'grand on second Providence stanza, hot $15,000 in D. C. and smash Frisco second session. 'Wake Island' continues to hold up well In N. Y., with sock $40,000 on second stanza, being also solid on Providence holdover. 'Find You' Is equally strong on second sessions as in initial weeks. On second weeks it is $23,000 in Washington, strong in Indianapolis; $17,000, St. Louis; $25,000, Chicago: nice in Providence; $14,000, Balto; great in K. C: $16,000, Pitt; $35,000, two Boston thea- tres; fine in' LouLsville, $15,000, Buffalo; and $17,500, Cleveland. 'Footlight Serenade,' strong $60,000 in N. Y., is fine on third Detroit stanza, nice oh Pitt h.o., and good on Denver second sesh. 'Gay Sisters' is spurting into prominence again cur- rently with $10,500 in Seattle, fine $16,000 in Philly and good $12,000 in Cleveland. It has great second sessions in Newark, Brooklyn and Balto. 'Eagle Squadron' is strong $22,000 in Brooklyn and stout on Port, holdover. 'Pied Piper,' i.s rated satisfactory $20,000 In Brook- lyn, great $22,000, second Detroit session; tops in Louisville, okay second Balto stanza; wow $23,000, Newark; and $16,000, second Frisco week. 'Pride' now mostly on extended dates in big city deluxers, is swinging fine $16,000, fifth Boston week; $19,000, ihirH r^y■ " -"1 y -» Los Angeles, Sept. 15. Most pictures currently are feel- ing the effects of early gasoline wor- ries and the end of school vaca- tions, but recessions are not severe. Talk of Town' is hitting a hefty $42,500 at Pantagcs and Hillstreet. 'The two Warner houses are getting a smart $30,000 with 'Across the Pacific' Veloz and Yolanda. heading the stage layout, with 'Hello Annapoli.s,' will land an okay $17,000 at the Qrphcum. 'Crossroads,' heading the dual combo at the St,ite and Chinese, is not too good at $24,500. 'Holiday Inn' is holding up so well at $20,000 in tlie two Paramount theatres on third sesh that it .stays over fourth week at both houses. (Estimates (or This Week) Carthay (F-WC) (1,516; 33-44-55- 65-75)—'Miniver' (M-G) (8th wk). Good $4,000 in view for what looks like last week. Plenty stout at $6,100 on seventh stanza. Chinese (Grauman-WC) (2.034; 33-44-55-65-75) — 'Crossroads' (M-G) and 'Affairs Martha' (M-G). No great shucks at $9,500. Last week, 'Pied Piper' (20th) and 'A-Haunting Go' (20th), profitable $13,400. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 33-44-55- 65-75) — 'Across Pacific' (WB). Opened big and heading for so-so $16,000. ' Last week, 'Yankee Doodle' (WB) (4th wk). exited with good $13,000. Four Star (UA-WC) (900: 33-44- 55-65-75)—'Pied Piper' (20th)~ 'A- Haunting Go' (20th) (2d wk). Mild $3,600 following nice $5,000 in Initial week. Hawaii (G&S) (1.100: 33-44-55-65- 75)—'Parachute Nurse' (Col) and •Spy Ship' (WB) (2d wk). Profit- able $3,000 in prospect after strong $3,300 last week. Hollywood (WB) (2,756; 33-44-55- 65-76)—•Across Pacific' (WB). Mod- est $14,000 indicated. Last week, 'Yankee Doodle' (WB) (4th wk), bowed oift with fine $11,000. Orpheam (D'town) (2,200; 33-44- 55-65)—'Hello Annapolis' (Col), with Veloz and Yolanda headlining stage bill. No complaints at $17,000. Last week, 'Through Different Eyes* (20th), with Cab Calloway on stage, just missed T>reakine house record with whopping $25,000. Pantages (Pan) (2,812; 44-55-65- 75)—'Talk of Town' (Col) and 'At- lantic Convoy' (Col). Started with bang and likely will land a healthy $22,500. Last week, 'Pride Yankees' (RKO) and 'Spitfire's Elephant' (RKO) (3d wk), oke $10,000. Paramonnt (F&M) (3,596; 33-44- 55-65-75)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Live on Danger' (Par) (3d wk). Still counting profit at $11,000. Ex- cellent $19,5()0 in second week. Paramonnt Hollywood (2,204; 33- 44-55-65-75) — 'Holiday Inn' (Par) (3d wk). Aiming at good $9,000, fol- lowing bright $12,000 in second week. BKO Hlllstreet (RKO) (2,872; 33- 44-55-65)—'Talk of the Town' (Col) and 'Atlantic Convoy' (Col). Head- ing for rugged $20,000. Last week, 'Pride Yankees' (RKO) and 'Spit- fire's Elephant' (RKO) X8d wk^nlc* $12,000. SUte (Loew-WC) (2,204; 33-44-55- 65-75)—'Crossroads' (M-G) and 'Af- fairs Martha" (M-G). Not too potent at $15,000. Last week, 'Pied Piper and 'A-Haunting Go' (20th), nice $19,000. UA (UA-WC) (2.100; 33-44-55-65) —'Pied Piper' (20th) and 'A-Haunt- ing Go' (20th) (2d wk). Trim $6,000, after $7,600 first week. Wilshire (F-WC) (2,296: 33-44-55- 65)—'Pied Piper' (20th) and 'A-Haunting Go' (20th) <2d wk). So-so $5,000, following healthy $0^00 opening week. 'Horizon' Great $9,500 In Mont'l;'Castle* 6«/2G Montreal, Sept. 15. Standees at all houses downtown over weekend despite many hold- overs. 'Blue Horizon' looks best currently. Estimates (or This Week Palace (CT) (2,700; 30-45-62)— 'Blue Horizon', (Par). Wham $9,500 in sight. Last week. 'Pardon Sarong* (U) (2d wk), $7,000. Capitol (CT) v2.700: 30-45-62)— 'Hatter's Castle' (Par) and 'Priorities Parade' (Par). Excellent $6,500. Last week, 'Are Husbands Necessary' (Par) and 'Dr. Broadway' (Par), good $5,500. Loew's (CT) (2.800: 35-53-67)— 'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (5th wk). Pacing smash $7,500 after $9,000 last week. Princess (CT) (2.300; 30-40-52)— ■A-Haunting Will Go' (20th) and 'Little Tokyo' (20th). Sighting nice $4,500. Last week. 'Flight Lieut.' (Col) and 'Blondie College' (Col), fair $3,500. Orpheum (Ind) (1.100; 30-40-60)— 'Blockade" (UA) and 'House Acrosi Pay' (UA) (3d wk). Good enoueh