Variety (Sep 1942)

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^ednesdaj, September 23, 1942 PICTURE GROSSES fake7niis42^.()MndFreein, Big$22J)()0mCliil)uo;Laiia-Gable 3d lity 18G. Tride'4th $13,000 Chicago, Sept. 22. Hie news of the week was the oreem of 'Wake Island' at the Roose- Selt with seats given to purchasers of from $500 to $5,000 in war bonds Heouted $2,300,000 was taken in at o pening. Pjcture opened next day 61 Apollo also and xs nf «)ek $22,000 in both spots. 'Mrs Miniver' is in its 10th robust week at United Artists. 'Somewhere I'll Find You' is still going strong in its third week at State-Lake, while 'Pride of the Yankees' is holding up nicely in its fourth week at the Palace. Estimates for 'This Week Apollo (B&K) (1.200; 35-55-65-75) _'Wake Island' (Par) garnering sock $10 000, following fSir $W00 for sec- ond week of 'I Married An Angel' ^'cWciifo (B&K) (4,000; 35-55-75)— •Orchestra Wives' (20th) plus Tommy Tucker's orch and Billy De Wolfe. Neat $40,000. Last week, great $56,200 with second week of 'Holiday Inn' (Par) plus Charlie Soivak orch. Garrick (BiK) (900; 35-55-65-75) —'Holiday Inn' (Par). Fine $7,500. Last week, fair $4,100 for 'Footlight Serenade' (20th) and Through Dif- ferent Eyes' (M-G). Oriental (Iriquois) (3,200; 28-33- 44-55)—Highways By Night' (RKO) plus Ann Corio on stage. Fair $17,- 000. Last week, 'Tomorrow We Live' (PRC) plus Ted Lewis on stage, sock $21,600. FaUce (B&K) (2,500; 33-44-66-75) —'Pride of Yankees' (RKO) (4th wk) and 'Give Out Sisters' (U) (2d wk). Still holding up well with nice $13,000. Last week, good $17,600. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 35-55-65- 75)—'Wake Island' (Par). Sock $12,- 000. Last week 'Jackass Mall' (M-G) and 'Live on Danger* (Par), good $9 300 State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 35-55- 65-75) — 'Somewhere Find You' (M-G) (3d wk). Going for snappy $18,000. Last week, sock $23,300. United ArUsta (B&K) (1.700; 35 B5-65-75) — 'Miniver' (M-G) (10th wk. Still doing great at $14,000 Last week, sock $14,000. OK Fix, but N.G. Biz in Pitt; Talk' 14G. Inn' $17,000 Pittsburgh, Sept. 22. Biz is drooping a bit this week and disappointment Is keener than usual, since town's over-run by a flock of excellent pictures. TTiere were rave notices right down the line for 'Talk of Town' at Harris. 'Holiday Inn' at Penn, and 'Across the Pacific' at Stanley with Bonnie Baker-Zasu Pitts, but none of them are coming up to expectations although doing alright. 'Private Buckaroo' got a fair weekend at Fulton and then slipped off to nothing, while h.o.s of Somewhere I'll Find Y»u' at War- ner. Tales of Manhattan' at Senator, and 'Gay Sisters' at Ritz are just get- tmg by. Estimates for This Week Fnlton (Shea) (1,700; 30-40-55)— Private Buckaroo' (U). Got away pretty good, Andrews Sisters and Harry James bringing In a flock of Jitterbugs, but doldrums set in after first couple of days and doubtful If musical will climb above $4,700. poor. Last week, second of 'Footlight Serenade' (20th). alright at $5,500. Harris (Harris) (2,200; 30-40-55)— Talk of Town' (Col). Everybody went to town for this one and It's doing okay, although not what was expected of such a marquee draft and • especially after the raves. Mat biz locally down to nothing, which is whats holding Talk' to $14,000. Last week, second of 'Tales of Manhattan' (ZOth), at advanced prices, $10,500. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3.300; 30-40- 55)—Holiday Inn' (Par). Another nit thats not getting either what was expected or what it deserves. Headed for around $17,000, which may or may not be enough to hold it nere. Last week, second of 'Some- Jjhere I'll Find You' (M-G), good $15,500. Rill (Wfi) (800; 30-40-55)—'Gay Sisters' (WB) (5th wk). Third ses- sion for SUnwyck film at this small- j «; following week each at Penn and Warner. Merely holding because of general product shortage. Will wind up downtown flrst-run satis- factorily enough at $1,900. Last week, it was a couple of hundred lucks better than that. Senator (Harris) (1,750 ; 30-50-65) —'Tales Manhattan' .(20th). Moved here after fortnight at Harris, but apparently it ran out the string at former house. Getting advanced prices here, but at $3,500 won't do as well as click dual reissue last week of 'Can't Take It With You' (Col) a nd 'Lost Horizon' (Col), $4,000. ^ '^i^uU. o^ali d.^i.Ud ikeat- Slanley (WB) (3.800; 30-44-55-66) —'Across Pacific' (WB) and Bonnie Baker-Zasu Pitts. Obviously they don't want vaude here, only name bands. Despite fact that WB deluxer has its best picture in months, take will hardly go above weak $17,000. Last week, 'Tarzan's Adventure' (M-G) and Jackie Cooper-Gertrude Niesen, was even under that at $16,- 700. Warner (WB) (2,000; 30-40-55)- Somewhere Find You' (M-G) (3d wk). Shifted to this spot after two weeks at Penn and will account for at least $6,500, fair. Last week, 'Call- ing Dr. Gillespie' (M-G) and 'Friend- ly Enemies' (UA), awful $3,300. 'Eyes'-Alvino Rey Big $19,000Jops SL Lonis; Ulaisie'-'Jackass' 18G Fnrst Rons on Broadway (Subject to change) Week of Sept. 24 Aator—'Pride of the Yankees' (RKO) (11th week). (Retrieved in 'Variety' July 16) C^ltol—'Between Us Girls' (M-G). (Reuietued in 'Variety' Scot. 2) Criterion—'Pardon My Sarong' (U) (5th week). (Reviewed In 'Variety* Aug. 5) Hollywood — 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) (18th week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' June 3) Maslo Hall—Tales of Manhat- tan' (20th). (Reviewed in "Variety' Atig. S) St. Louis, Sept. 22 Alvino Rey band with Through Different Eyes* at the Ambassador, should lead the city at trim total. Unseasonably hot weather is not af- fecting grosses thus far. Estimates for Thb Week Loew*a (Loew) (3,172; 30-40-50)— 'Maisie Gets Man* (M-G) and 'Jack- ass Mail' (M-G). Off to a nice get- away and big $18,000. Last week, 'Somewhere Find You' (M-G) and shorte. (2d wk), $15,800. Ambassador (F&M) (3,000: 40-50- 60)—Through Different Eyes' (20th) and Alvino Rey and King Sisters on stage. Upped admish scale and first stage show in several years at this house, swell $19,000. I^t week, 'Tales Manhattan: I20th) and 'Berlin Correspondenf (20th) (2d wk), $11600. Fox (F&M) (5.000; 30-40-50)— 'Across Pacific' (WB) and 'Invisible Agent* (U). Only nei* screen fare In midtown will cop $15,000. above av- erage. Last week. 'Holiday Inn (Par) and Tombstone* (Par), sprang a surprise for a sock $19,600. Missouri (F&M) (3,570; 30-40-50)— 'Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Tombstone* (Par). Moveover from Fox should collect $7,500, neat. Last week, 'Eagle Squadron' (U) and 'Are Husbands Necessary' (Par), $6,900. St Lonls (F&M) (4,000; 30-40)— •Pardon Sarong' (U) and 'Joan of Ozarks' (Rep). Not more than $4,500 for this revival. Fair. Last week, 'Just Off Broadway' (20th) and •Loves Edgar A. Poe* (20th), $4,600. tales; $12,000, TALK/ lOG, NIFTY IN INDPLS. Indianapolis. Sept. 22. Customers here are getting used to it after weekend rain six weeks in row, so current grosses are good despite J. Pluviui. All houses but one show an advance over last week. T , of the town is Tales of Man- hattan,* at the Indiana, with Talk 0- Town.' at Loew's. a cinch for second money. Estimates tor This Week Circle (Katz-Dolle) (2,600; 28-33- 44)—'Across Pacific' (WB) and 'j tre of Plains' (M-G). Public taking $8,000 worth of thriller. 'Joan of Ozark' (Rep) with Alvino Rey orch and King Sisters on stage gleaned healthy $17,000 at 55c top dlana' (Katz-DoUe) (3,200; 40-44- 5o)—Tales of Manhattan* (20th). Clicking for good $12,000. 'Orchestra Wives' (20th) and 'Careful, Soft Shoulders' (20th), settled for medi- ocre $8,100 at 44c top last week. Keith's (Ind) (1.200; 28-44)—'HI, Neighbor* (Rep) plus vaudeville. A'ts are main draw for nice $4,000 in four days. 'Yank in Libya' (PRC) and vaudeville got $3,800 tast week. Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 28-33-44) —'Talk of Town' (Col) and 'Pacific Rendezvous' (M-G). Doing fine at $10,000. Last week, 'Somewhere Find You' (M-G), husky $8,700 in second S6Sll Lyric (Katz-Dolle) (1,850; 28-33- 44)—'Private Buckaroo' (U) and •f.-.A of Texas' (U). First run dual in moveover house grossing mild $4 800. Last week. "Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Loves of Poe' (20th), fair $4,500 on moveover. Palace—'J^usses Roar' (y/b). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Aug. 19) Paramonnt — The Major and the Minor' (Par) (2d week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Sept. 2) Bialto — 'Counter Espionage' (Col) (26). Blvoll —'Wake Island' (Par) (4th week). , (Reviewed in 'Variety' Aug. 12) Bo»y—'Orchestra Wives' (20th) (23). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Aug. 12) Strand —'Desperate Journey' (WB) (25). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Aug. 19) Week of Oct. 1 Astor—'Pride of the Yankees' (RKO) (12th week). Capitol — 'Panama Hattie' (M-G). (Reviewed in "Variety' Jul]/ 22) Hollywood — 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) (10th week). Moslo Hall—Tales of Manhat- tan' (20th) (2d week). Paramonnt — 'The Major and the Minor* (Par) (3d'week). BlvoU —'Wake Island' (Par) (5th week). Eoiy—'Orchestra Wives* (20th) (2d week). Stnnd — 'Desperate Journey* (WB) (2d week). HAITE' $11000. L'VILLEWHAM lajor'-Pasto^Andrews, $82,000, Newest Wow in OK N. Y.; 'Serenade' 2nd Nifty $50,000, Talk' 3d $90,000 Ijouisville, Sept. 22, First class product is the rule this we^ in all downtown houses and biz la following through in fine shape. 'Orchestra Wives/ at Rialto, and 'Panama Hattie,' at Loew's State, are both flirting with near-record takings, while b.o.'s at the Brown and Mary Anderson are stacking up pretty potent. Weather has taken a cool turn and is right up the alley for the film houses. Weekend brought some op- posish. however, in the first major collegiate football game of the sea- son Saturday (19) between Ken- tucky and Georgia. Hillbilly show at the Armory Sunday (20) drew two big houses and also put a slight crimp in b.o. takings. Estimates |br This Week Brown (Fourth Avenue-Loew's) (1.40O; 15-30-40) — 'Holiday Inn' (Par) (2d wk). Moving along at smart clip in third downtown week, second at this house. Likely $3,000. Last week, excellent $3,500 on move over from Rialto. Kentneky (Switow) (1,250; 15-25) —'Shores Tripoli' (20th) and 'Favo- rite Spy' (RKO). Good $1,800. Last week, 'Johnny Eager' (M-G) and 'Lady In Jam' (U). split with 'Van- ishing Virginian' (M-G) and 'Moon- tide' (20th), average $1,700. Loew's State (Loew's) (3.300; 15- 30-40)—'Panama Hattie' (M-G) and 'Calling Dr. Gillespie' (M-G). Younger 'set is going for this one in great shape; zingy $12,000. Last week, 'Somewhere Find You' (M-G) (2d wk), good $8,500. Mary Anderson (Libson) (1,000; 15-30-40)—'Gay Sisters' (WB) (2d wk). Still drawing 'em In, particu- larly the distaff side. Indications are for okay $3,500, after last week*s robust $4,000. Blalto (Fourth Avenue) (3,400; 15- 30-40)—'Orchestra Wives' (20th) and 'Soft Shoulders' (20th). Glenn Mil- ler's orch is the dish for the younger patrons. Heading for whammy $13.- 000. Last week, 'Pied Piper' (20th) and 'Loves of Poe' (20th). sturdy $8,000. Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1.400; 15-30-40)—'Wings and Woman' (Par) and 'Live on Danger' (Par). Point- ing to medium $3,500. Last week. 'Big Street' (RKO) and 'Highways by Night' (RKO). good $3,800. Those Boys Again Hollywood. Sept. 22. Universal assigned Erie C. Kenton as director of the next Abbott and Costello comedy 'Hold Your Horses.' Picture rolls Sept. 28. with Alex Gottlieb as a.'i.sociatc producer. Several new shows came into New York this week to supplant pictures that have been on extended engage- ments. The past stanza brought in only one major first-run, 'Major and Minor.' at the Paramount with the Tony Pastor band and the Andrews Sisters on the stage. Par is doing- a landofflce-business,- with a big Yom Kippur Monday (21) play sending the initial seven days through last night (Tuesday) to $82.0010. Other downtown theatres likewise enjoyed a big Monday. In some locations the week's gross will not show up well, but the majority of stands are looking to fine totals. Free admission to down- town houses yesterday (Tuesday) to folks buying a bond cut into the day's grosses negligibly. The second-run State is among the disappointers. Playing 'Tish' on first- n n, an occasional switch here, plus Franl- Fay, Una Merkel, Anne NageU others, on the rostrum, the take probably will not top $22,000, fair. Continuing to exceed the speed limit is 'Talk of the Town,' now on its concluding (3d) week at the Music Hall and looking to snare fine $90,000. House opens Tales of Man- hattan' tomorrow morning (Thurs- day). Roxy brings In 'Orchestra Wives' today (Wednesday) after two high profit-getting stanzas with 'Footlight Serenade.' final seven days going to $50,000. Across the Pacific' and the Dick Jurgens band, currently on the third (final) week at the Strand, will end at about $38,000, very good. Succeed- ing on Friday (25) will be 'Desperate Journey' and Horace Heidt. Maintaining a strong public pitch is 'Wake Island.' which wound up its third round last night (Tuesday) at $35,000, excellent, and continues indefinitely at the straight-film Rlvoli. Capitol ushers in a new one to- morrow (Thursday), 'Between Us Girls,' after three good weeks with 'Somewhere I'll Find You.' Blowofl, however, is on the lighter side at $23,000, but still okay. 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' went off quite a bit last week (16th) to finish at $15,000, but still a suitable profit. Expected to exit from, the Holly- wood in October, when picture is slated to play Brooklyn and Newark. (Setting a big weekend and Mon- day (21) bi2, 'Pardon My Sarong' went to $20,000 on its fourth week, big, at the Criterion and starts the fifth today (Wednesday). Estimates for This Week —'Pride of Yankees' (RKO-Gold- wyn) (10th wk). Holding up well, this week (10th) appearing $20,000, while last (9th) was' $22,000. Date of departure not set. Capitol (Loew's) (4,620; 35-55-85- $1.10-$1.25) —'Somewhere I'll Find You' (M-G) (3d-flnal wk). Jewish holiday helped a bit to push blowoff week to $23,000 or thereabouta, oke, while last week (2d) topped $27,000 'Between Us Girls' (U) moves in to- morrow (Thursday). Criterion (Loew's) (1,062; 35-44- 55-75-85)—Pardon My Sarong* (U) (5th wk). A sustained wow at the b.o., the fourth lap ended last night (Tuesday) having been $20,000, while the prior (3d) week was over $21,000. Remains on indef. Globe (Brandt) (1.250; 35-55-75- 85)—'You Can't Take It With You' (Col) (reissue). Doing satisfactorily at $8,500. Last week, fifth for 'Mos- cow Strikes Back' (Artkino), $7,500, o.k. Hollywood (WB) (1,225 ; 83-$l.I0- $1.65-$2.20) —'Dandy' (WB) (17th wk). Lightening as run goes beyond fourth month and will probably vamoose In October; last week (16th), $15,000, fair profit. The pro- ceeding (15th) stanza was $18,500. Palace (RKO) (1,700; 28-35-44-55- 65-75)—'Pied Pipei;' (20th) (2d run) and 'Mexican Spitfire's Elephant' (RKO) (1st run), dualed. Under hopes at $8,800. Last week, 'Amber- sons' (RKO) (2d run) and 'Spy Ship' (WB) (1st run), $10,800, good. Paramonnt (Par) (3,664; 35-55-85- 99-$l.lO)—'Major and Minor* (Par) and. on stage. Tony Pastor band, Andrews Sisters, others. Starta second lap today after rounding out the first, ended last night (Tuesday), at smash $82,000. second best week scored here outside of one New Year's. Last week, sixth for 'Holi- day Inn' (Par) and second for Will 0.<;borne, $40,000. good. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5.945: 44-55-85-99-$l.e5 'Talk of Town' (Col) and stageshow (3d-flnal wk). Losing none of ita fast pace at $90,000 on the windup (3d) round, close behind the prior (2d) week's gross of $93,000. 'Tales of Manhattan' (20th), bought a long time ago, comes in tomorrow (Thursday). Biallo (Mayor) (594: 28-44-55)— 'Sherlock Holmes' (U). Doing well at an Indicated $8,500. but will not be held over. Lnsl week, scrnnd for 'World at War' ,(M-G). $5,500, lean, ish. Blvoll (UA-Par) (2.092; 35-55-75- 83-99)—'Wake Island' (Par) (4lh wk). Showing plenty of b.o. stamina, with the third week through last night (Tuesday) ringing up resound- ing $35,000. The second session was -^9 (XK). B«sy (20th) (5.886; 40-55-05-75-85- 90)—'Orchestra Wives' <20th) and stageshow. Opens today (Wednes- day), now the regular change-day here; -'Footlight Serenade' (20th) YoIIed up a terrific profit on its 14-day run. final week being $50,000, the first $61,000. State (Loew's) (3,450; 39-44-55-75- 99-$1.10)—'Tish' (M-G) (Ist-run) and vaude bill including Frank Fay, Una Merkel and Anne Nagel. No more than about $22,000, fair. seen. liSst week, 'Lady In Jam' (U) (Ist- run) and Mitchell Ayres orch. Car- dinl. others, $21,000. Strand (WB) (2,756; 35-55-75-85- 99-$1.10)—'Across Pacific' (WB) and Dick Jurgens (3d-flnal wk). Much groflt accrues to the right side of the idger on the 21-day run of this show; current (3d) and final week $38,000, nice, while the second stanza hit $41,000. 'AmbersoDs'-'Jam' Fine $2i000 In ing Detroit Detroit. Sept. 22. Boom here, which saw down- town pix houses holding-over last week and product being backed up, will mean an added starter next week. The Madison, downtown house used for reissues by the United Detroit chain/ will move in as the switchover house in the loop with the Palms-State using fresh product. It will boost the first-tun houses here from five to six. Fox, which coupled 'Magnificent Ambersons' and 'Lady in a Jam* for this week's fresh entry, will top the generally strong biz this week. Only other new picture to get into the loop is 'Lucky Legs,' a freshener with the continuing 'Pied Piper' at the Adams. ' Estimates far This Week Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 50-65) — 'Pied Piper' (20th) (3d wk) and 'Lucky Legs* (Col). Former switched in after two strong weeks at the Fox and given a freshener, will get big $8,000. Last week, 'Footlight Seren- ade' (20th) (3d wk) and 'Counter Espionage' (Col), nice $7,000. Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5,000; 50-65) -'Magnificent Ambersons' (RKO) and 'Lady In Jam' (U). Socko $24.- 000. E&st week, 'Pled Piper' (20th) and 'Magnificent Dope' (20th) (2d wk), great $21,000 after sock $32,000 opening week. Bflcblgu (United Detroit) (4,000; 50-65)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Spy Ship' (WB) (3d wk). Unusually long h.o. stretch for this house, but brisk $16,000, after a healthy $10,000 in second week, explains it. Palms-SUte (United Detroit) (3,- 000; 50-55)—Take Letter' (Par) and Calling Dr. Gillespie' (M-G) (3d wk). Still showing strength, wilh $11,000 anticipated after $13,000 last week. United Artists (United Detroit) (2.000; 50-65)—'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (7th wk). Keeps surprising vigor, with $10,000 sighted after moving up to $12,000 last week. 'Lady In Jam,' on Dual, Good $18,000 in Blilyn Brooklyn, Sept. 22. Fabian Fox, with the Ink Spots, Lucky Mlllinder's orchestra and 'Sweater Girl,' is getting swell biz. Third week of 'Holiday Inn' at Para- mount is also satisfactory. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,274: 30-55-65)— 'Pied Piper' (20th) and 'Just Off Broadway' (20th) (2d wk). Tolerable $18,000. Last week, good $20,000. Fox (Fabian) (4,023; 30-55-65)— 'Sweater Girl' (Par) and Lucky Mll- linder's band and Ink Spota. First- rate $25,000. Last week. 'Gay Sis- ters* (WB) and 'Night New Orleans' (Par) (2d wk), splendid $20,000. Met (Loew's) (3.618; 30-55-65)— 'Lady in Jam' (U) and 'Invisible Agent* (U). Good $18,000. Last week, 'Eagle Squadron' (U) and 'Annie Rooney' (UA), strong $22,000. Paramount (Fabian) (4,126; 30-55- 65)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Agents Meet Queen' (Col) (3d wk). Okay SlfiOnn r.act wppW health.- f>tnnn