Variety (Sep 1942)

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Wednesdajt September 23, 1942 PICTURE GROSSES IS 'Orch Wires' Sofid $20,000. Leadii^ Philly Newcomer; 'Squadron W/^ Philadelphla, Sept. 22. A sultry weekend plus the most .sacred day in the Jewish calendar is causing a slight dip this weelc alter bullish biz for some time. Getting the best play among the new pictures are 'Orchestra Wives* and 'Eagle Squadron/ Estimates for This Week Aldlne (WB) (1,303; 35-46-57-68- 75)—'Gay Sisters' (WB) (2d wk). Fairish $1^000 after solid $14,000 for '"AKadia (Sablosky) (600; 35-46-57- 68)—Crossroads' (M-G) (2d run). Good $3,500. Last week, 'Magnificent Ambersons' (RKO) surprising $3,100 lor third run. Bovd (WB) (2.569; W-$1.14)— •Yankee Doodle' (WB) (6th wk). Winding "P lonR run at hypoed prices with good $17,500 after fruit- ful $19,800 for round five. 'Talk of Town' (Col) preems Thursday (24). Earle (WB) (2,768; 35-46-57-68-75) —•Are Husbands Necessary' (Par) with Louis Prima band, Joe E. Lewis, Linda Ware, others, on stage. Only anemic $17,000. Last weelt, 'Give Out Sisters^ (U) with Charlie Barnet orch, okay ^,000. Foit (WB) (2,425; 35-46-57-88-W)— 'Orchestra Wives' (20th). Glenn Miller's crew in picture helping this to solid $20,000. Last week, 'Across PaciflC (WB), fine $14,800 on hold- over. Kurlton (WB) (1.066: 35-46-57-68) —'Across Pacific' (WB) (2d run). Satisfactory $4,500. Last week, 'Ber- lin Correspondent' (20th), $4,800. Keith's (WB) (2,220; 35-46-57-68- 75)—'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (2d run). Still plenty of power after long xun at Stanley; potent $7,000. Last week, 'Footlight Serenade' (20th), so-so $3,000 for five days in second week, second run. Mastbanm (WB) (4.692; 46-57-75) — Tales Manhattan' (20th) (3d wk). Dipping to $16,500. Last week, good $25,000. SUnley (WB) (2,916; 35-48-57-88- 75)—'Eagle Squadron' (U). Fine $17,500 in addition to extra $2,800 for Sunday showing at Earle. Last week, 'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G), final of seven- week stay, zingy $11,500. SUnton (WB) (1.457; 35-46-57-68) — Flight Lieut' (Col). Mild $5,500 after hefty $0J!00 opening week. 'Lady Jam'-Fields Orch $16,500, Omaha Leaden 'Sqoadron' Stout 8i€ Omalia. Sept 22. Wet, cold weekend may check rising grosses but the weather won't dent totals too much. Orpheum with Shep Fields band on stage and 't.ady In a Jam' is doing top oiz in town. 'Eagle Squadron' and 'Flying With Music' combo Is heading for a hefty total. Brandeis, with 'Across the Pacific' and 'Blondie for Victory,' also is solid. Eatlmates for This Week Orphenm (Tristates) (3,000; 20-40- 65-65)—'Lady in Jam" (U) and Shep Fields Band on stage. Good $16,500. Last week. 'Orchestra Wives* (20th) and Claude ThornhiU's band on stage. $15,500. Brandeis (Mort Singer) (1.500; 11- 30-44-50)—'Across PaclBc* (WB) and •Blondie Victory' (Col). Nice $5,500. Last week, 'Bambl' (RKO) and •HiKhways By Night' (WB) (2d wk). $4,800. Omaha (Tristates) (2,000; 11-30-35- 50)—'Eagle Squadron* (U) and 'Fly- Ine With Music* (UA). Stout $8,500. Last week, 'Holiday Inn' (Par) (2d wk) and 'Lady Gangster' (WB) (1st wk). $8,000. Town (Goldberg) (1.400; 11-20-30) —Texas Way' (Mono), 'Flying Cadet' (U) and 'Pacific Blackou? (Par) triple split with "Man Two Lives' (Mono). 'Mountain Moonlight* (Rep) and 'Cyclone Kid' (Rep). 'Jungle Book' (UA) 'Castle in Desert' (20th). with Saturday stage show. Oke $1,100. Last week. Phantom Plainsman* (Rep). 'Man Wouldn't Die' (20th) and TUght Lieut.* (Col), triple soUt with Orphans North* (Mono), Tittsburgh Kid' (Rep) and 'Pioneer Hitter' (Mono). "Magnificent Ambersons' (RKO). 'Spitfire Ghost' (RKO). stage revue Saturday. $1,300. 'Hohnes'-Hntton |6,500, PorL; Tales' 9iC m 2d Portland, Ore, Sept 22. Holdovers at all flrstrun spots ex- cept the Mayfalr which is featuring Ina Ray Button's band with 'Sher- lock Holmes Voice.' 'Holiday Inn' w holding its edge in a second stanza at the Orpheum. 'Pardon My Sarong' ai the Broadway is big while Tales ft Manhattan* at the Paramount is pacing the city on holdover with a bright toUl. Esilmales for This Week -.-■■'•S.^way (Parker) (1,900: 35-40- Pardon Sarong' (U) and 'Tim- ber (U) (1st wk). Great $8,500 In second week. First week, with r^'vate Buckaroo' (U). smash $13,- 000. Mayfalr (Parker-Evergreen) (1,500; 35-40-60)—'Sherlock Holmes, Voice Terror' (U) with Ina Ray Hutton band on stage. Nice $6,500. Last week, -Favorite Spy' (RKO) and 'Spitfire Ghost' (RKO), five days of second week, $3,000. Orpheum (Hamrick - Evergreen) (1,800; 35-40-60)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) aniL 'Spy Ship' (WB) (1st wk). SUll strong at $9,000 for second stanza after leading town last week coupled with 'Through Different Eyes' (20th), terrific $13,800. 4>aramonnt (H-E) (3,000; 40-50-65) —'Tales Manhattan' (20th) and 'Post- man Didn't Ring' (20th) (2d wk). High $9,500 and best in town. First week, single billed, super $13,200. United Artists (Parker) (900; 40- 55-65-)—'Eagle Squadron' (U) (3d wk). Holding up to satisfactory $G,000. Second week, hefty $7,500. H.O5SIND.C; DANDY'2D23i/2G Washington, Sept 22. Five holdovers in the downtown area this week, with grosses hypoed by 'Battle of Midway' short, wliich all houses are running. First-run product is piling up-and A features are being pushed out before exhaust- ing possibilities to prevent an over- sized backlog. Eallmates tor This Week Capitol (Loew) (3.434; 28-39-44-66) —'Tish' (M-G) with vaudeville headed by Patricia Bowman and Jack Durant. Film slugged hti crit- ics, but will roll in good $21,000. Last week. 'Invisibly Agent' (U) with Gene Krupa's band, swell $24,000'. CelDmblm (Loew) (1,234; 28-55)— 'Miniver' (M-G) (6th wk). No stop- ping this one. Got $9,500 in fifth week and is headed for brisk $8,000 currently. Earle (WB) (2,210; 75-$1.10)— 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) with vaude (2d wk). Grabbed sensational $34.000'with tilted scale in first week. Holdover looks like solid $23,500. Keith's (RKO) (1.800; 40-50-65)— 'Pardon My Sarong' (U) (2d wk). On holdover will t>ag neat $10,500. First seven days was sizzling $16,500, over expectations. Metropolitan (WB) (1.600: 28-44) —'Across the Pacific* (WB) with 'World at War' and 'Battle of Mid- way' (2d wk). Government docu- mentaries hoisted this one to red-hot $9,500 last week. On the holdover, good $8,000 indicated. ■ Palace (Loew) (2,242; 28-55)— 'Somewhere I'll Find You' (M-G) (3d wk). Third week's take on this red-hot celluloid will be $12,000. Second week was hangup $18,500. TACinC BANG-UP $21,000 IN NEWARK Newark, Sept. 22. Vaughn Monroe's band, teamed with 'Parachute Nurse' at the Adams, is pacing Ihe town with a record- breaking $22,500, the band account- ing for virrually aU the take. Also getting great returns are 'Somewhere I'll Find You,' at the SUte. and 'Across the Pacific,' the Branford en- try, both pix Justifying second stanzas. The Paramount is getting hand- home results with 'Flight Lieuten- ant' while 'Pied Piper,' at Proctor's, is proving solid in its second canto. Estimates for This Week Adams (Adams-Par) (1,950; 25-40- 65-75-J9)—'Parachute Nurse' (Col) and Vaughn Monroe orch. Pacing for $22,500, a new house record, and appears likely to zoom even higher. Last week. Lucky Millinder orch and the ^nk Spots, plus 'Moonlight Mas- querade' CRep), magnificent $20,100 in six days, also a record. Branford (WB) (2,800:30-44-55-60- 75)—'Across the Pacific' (WB) and 'Give Out Sisters' (U). On way to hangup $21,000 and will hold for second stanza. Last week, 'Gay Sis- ters' (WB) and 'No Escape Crime' (WB) (both 2d wk), trim $15,CO0. Capitol (WB) (1,200; 20-30-35-44- 55)—"Are Husbands Necessary' (Par) and "Sunday Punch' (M-G). Pair doesn't figure for much better than sad $2,000 in six-day stretch. Last week, 'Cardboard Lover (M-G) and 'Malsie Gets Man' (M-G), okay $2,900 for moveover. Proctor's (RKO) (3,400: 35-44-60- 70-85)-'Pied Piper' (20th) and 'A-Hounting We Go" (20th) (2d wk). Will get stout $18,000 second time around, after pulling bofTo $26,000 in original -canto. Helped by two nights of vaude both weeks. Fmramoant (Adams-Par) (2,000; 35-45-55-60-76)— 'Flight Lieutenant' (Col) artd 'Meet StewarU' (Col). Trim $15,000 in sight for this pair. Last week. 'Priorities on Parade' (Par) and 'Live On Danger' (Par), very good $15,200. Stote (Loew's) (2,600; 30-40-55-65- 75)—'Somewhere Find You' (M-G) and 'Brooklyn Orchid' (UA). Boom- ing to smash $20,000 and figures to hold. Last week, 'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G) (4th wk), smart $12,000. 'Piper', $9,000, Good Draw in Mpls.; 'Sarong' Wrapping Up Sock IIG Minneapolis, Sept. 22. Current screen ammunition is suf- ficiently plentiful and powerful to keep loop theatres well over the top, where they've been entrenched ever since the current prosperity began to make itself felt. The chief contenders for first honors are 'Pied Piper' and 'Pardon My Sarong.' Two holdovers, 'Talk of the Town* and 'Gold Rush,' still are giving a good account of themselves. EsUmates for This Week Aster (Par-Singer) (900; 17-28)— 'Pacific Rendezvous' (M-G) and 'Through Different Eyes' (20th). Good $2,000 in five days indicated for dual first-runs. 'Postman Didn't Ring' (20th) and 'Timber' (U), also dual first-runs, open today (22). Last week, 'Escape from Crime' (WB) and 'Fingers at Window' (M-G), fine $2,400 in five days. Century (P-S) (1,600; 30-40-50)— Talk of Town" (Col) (2d wk). Moved here after big first week at State and continuing to roll. Stretching toward big $6,000. ^Last week, 'Holi- day Inn' (Par) (2d wk), good $5,700 after smart $13,800 initial canto. Gopher (P-S) (1,000; 28-30)— 'Flight Lieutenant' (Col). Timely film in the right spot to catch the young folks. Nice $3,800 indicated. Last week, 'Jackass Mail' (M-G) and 'World at War,* good $4,200. Orpheum (P-S) (2,800: 30-40-50)— 'Pardon My Sarong' (U). ZoomiiTg along to very big $11,000 despite some critical disfavor. Last week*(40-44- 55). 'Magnificent Ambersons' (RKO) and Woody Herman orchestra head- ing stage show and almost entirely responsible for fine $17,500. State (P-S) (2.400; 30-40-50)— 'Pied Piper' (20th). Highly praised picture and should stretch to good v9,000, even without boxoffiivnames. Last week, 'Talk of Town' (Col), fine $11,400. Uptown (Par) (1.100; 30-40)—'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G). First neighborhood showing and smashing through to tremendous $6,000. Last week. 'Kings Row* (WB). big $4,500. World (Par-Stcffes) (350; 30-40- 50-55)—'Gold Rush' (UA) (2d wk). Looks like satisfactory $2,500, after good $3,500 initial canto. 'BAMBF WOW $15,000 IN PROV.;'CAIRO,' 12G Providence, Sept. 22. Rainy Sunday kepi park-going Rhode Islanders close to home and tl. theatres reaped a harvest. 'Bambi,' at RKO Albec, is sure bet for holdover. Majestic's 'Footlight Serenade' and Loew's State 'Cairo* f( 'ow in that order in b.o. draught. ^ Estimates for This Week Albeo (RKO) (2.300: 30-40-50)— 'Bambi' (RKO) and 'Highways by Night' (RKO). Stepping .along to zowie $15,000. Last week, 'Ships With Wings* (UA) and 'Marie Rogef ill), very nice $12,000. Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1.400: 30-40- 5*.—'Pardon My Sarong' (U) and 'Berlin Correspondent' (20th) (3d downtown wk). Looks very healthy at $3,800. Last week, 'Panama Hattie' (M-G) and 'Grand Central T'lirder' (M-G) (3d lownlown wk), Sood $3,000. Fay's (Indie) (2.000; 25-39-50)— 'Buses Roar' (WB) and vaude. Action-packed bill going nicely, strong $7,000. Last week, 'Men of Te:cas' (U) and vaude. good $6,800. ajestic (Fay) (2,200: 30-40-50)— 'Footlight Serenade' (20th) and 'Loves of Poe' (20th). Looking for grand $13,000. Last week, 'Pardon Sarong' (U) and 'Berlin Correspond- e ° (20lh) (2d wk), knockout $12,000. etropollUn (Indie) (3,200: 55)— 'Harvard Here I Comi.' iCol) and 'Beac'icombers of 1942' on stage. Show received nice press notices, bu response was so-so $5,800 in th.ce-da- weekend run. SUte fLoew) (3.200: 30-40-50)— 'Cairo' (M-G) and 'World At War.' Spot should hit average $12,000 on this one. Last week. 'Somewhere Find You' (M-O) (2d wk), nifty $12,000. rand (Indie) (2.000; 30-40-50)— 'Wake Island' (Par) and 'Alias Boston Blackic' Col) (3d wk). Fair $5,000. after knocking ofT W(ham $13,000 in second session. "Sarong'-Bojangles, Big $36,000 in Hub; 'Holiday Inn'-Dr. B way; Lush Lana-Gable Torchy $18,000 m Jersey C. Jersey City, Sept. 22. 'Somewhere I'll Find You,' at Loew's, is the staunchest entry in town this week, the Gable-Turner starrer getting magnificent returns. Also on the potent side is 'Pied Piper,' at the State. Estimates for This Week Loew'a (Loew's) (3,205; 30-35-40- 55-60)—'Somewhere I'll Find You (M-G) and 'Sunday Punch' (UA). On way to $18,000 and will stick for week. Last frame, 'Flight Lieut.' (Col) and 'Meet Stewarts' (Col), blah $9,000. Stanley (WB) (4,500; 30-35-40-55- 60) — 'Eagle Squadron' (U) and "Blondie for Victory' (Col). Pointing to so-so $13,000. SUte (Skouras) (2,200; 30-35-55 60-70) — 'Pied Piper' (20th) and ■A-Haunting We WiU Go* (29th). Fancy $13,000 indicated for this po- tent dual. Last week, 'Magnificent Aijibersons* (RKO) and 'Little Tokyo, U. S. A.* (20th). trim $13,000. LANA-GABLE HOT 18G, CINCY Cincinnati. Sept 22. There are but two fresh releases on the main line currently, yet the general b.o. score is in step with last week's okay early autumn tempo. On top by a wide margin is 'Some- where in Find You.' Palace is in the black with 'Between Us Girls.* Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,300; 33-40-50)— 'Somewhere I'll Find You' (M-G). Lana Turner, and Gable .wham $18,- 925v,^st week, 'Orchestra Wives' (20th), smooth $11,500. Capltel (RKO) (2,000; 33-40-50)— 'Orchestra Wives' (20th). Moveover from Albee for second week. Fair S4.000. Last week, 'Heap Wild Wind' (Par) (4th wk), at 34-44-55-60, good $5,000, bringing total for 28-day. run to sweU |4T000. Family (RKO) (1,000; 17-28)—'Live on Danger' (Par) and 'Parachute Nurse' (Col), spltf with 'Call of Can- yon' (PRC) and 'House of Errors' (Rep). Steady $2,100.. Same last week for 'BUly Kid Trapped' (PRC) and 'Postman Didn't Ring' (20th). divided with Timber' (U) and 'Smart Alecks' (Mono). "GKuid (RKO) <1,430; 33-40-50)— ■Holiday Inn' (Par) (2d wk). Hold- ing for second week after initialing at Palace. Very good $5,500, after last week's big $7,500. Keith's (Libson) (1,500; 33-40-50) —'Across Pacific" (WB). Transferred from Palace for second stanza. Fair- ly good $4,500. Last week, 'Talk of Town' (Col) (2d wk), dandy $4,800. Lyric (RKO) (1.400; 28-33-42)— Talk of Town" (Col) (3d run). Fair $3,000. Last week, 'Pierre of Plains' (M-G) and 'CaUing Dr. GUlespie' (M-G), six days, no dice at $2,500. PaUce (RKO) (2,600 ; 33-40-50)— 'Between Us Girls' (M-G). Alright $10,000. Ditto last week for 'Across Pacific' (WB). Shnberi (RKO) (2.100: 33-40-50)— 'Pride of Yankees' (RKO) (3d wk). Fair $5,500. Last week (2d),»okay $8,000. Will hold for fourth week and l>e followed by limited engage- ment of 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) at a 75-$1.10 scale. Boston, Sept. 22. Bill Robinson, Ella Fitzgerald plus Pardon My Sarong' are terrific at the b.o., but the phenomenon is still the $20,000 the Met is taking on 'Holiday Inn* in third week. Nor is $12,000 to be dismissed for Pride of Yankees,* which terminates a six- week run today (Tuesday) at the Memorial. Opening of schools hasn't brought on any slump in the Hub's feverish biz of late, the slightly lower .-■il- around grcsses attributable mostly to wcakish first-runs and holdovers. Estimates for This Week Boston (RKO) (3,200: 40-55-65-75- 85)—Sarong' (U), Bill Robinson. Ella Fitzgerald with Doc Wheeler band. The combination of vaude and Abbott and Costello is sock here and, with 85c top, will reach robust $36,000. Last week, Glenn Miller and 'Little Tokyo, U.S.A.' (20th), went to $47,500, stupendous. Fenway (M-P) (1,375; 30-44-60)— 'Give Out Sisters' (U) and Tomb- stone' (M-G). Not overly hefty at $5,500 for a first-run. Last week, 'Pri- orities on Parade' (Par) and '(3rand Central Murder' (M-G), $6,000. Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 40-55-65- 75)—'Pride ot Yankees* (RKO) and 'Flying With Music* (20th) (6th wk). Mightily pleasing $12,000 in sixth and final frame. Laist week, $16,000. MetropollUn (M-P) (4,367; 30-44- 55-65)—-Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Dr. Broadway' (Par) (3d wk). Snaffling very tasty $20,000 to approach the all-time record of 'Rag Time Band.' Last week. $27,000. Orphenm (Loew) (2,900; 40-65-70) —'Jackass Mail' (M-G) and 'Sweet- heart of Fleet' (Col). Nothing spe- cial, but satisfactory at $19,000. Last week, 'Somewhere Find You' (M-G) (2d wk), $21,000. Paramennt (M-P) (1,800: 30-44-60) —'Give Out Sisters' (U) and 'Tomb- stone' (M-G). So-so for a first run item at $U,ODO. Last week. 'Priori- ties on Parade* (Par) and 'Grand Central Murder' (M-G). $12,000. State (Loew) (3,600; 40-65-70)— 'Jackass Mail* (M-G) and 'Sweet- heart of Fleet' (Col). Plugging along at $15,000. Last week. 'Somewhere I'll Find You' (M-G) (2d wk). $14,000. Translax (Translux) (900; 17-28-44- 55>—'Man Hunt* (RKO) and 'Pan- ther's aaw' (PRC), with 'Battle of Midway.' Average $4,500. Last week, 'Black Doll' (U) and 'Lady in Morgue' (U), $4,500. BARNET SWINGS'AGENT' TO $25,000 IN CLEVE. Cleveland, Sept. 22. Huskiest take is being conjured up by 'Invisible Agent,' at Palace, main- ly hypoed by Charlie Barnet's orch. Jackie Otoper and Diosa Costello. 'Footlight Serenade,' at Hipp, and 'Panama Hattie,' at SUte, are doing okay. EsUmates for This Week Allen (RKO) (3,000; 35-40-45-55)— 'Gay Sisters' (WB). Pleasant $5,500 in sight for moveover from Hipp. Last frame, 'Pride Yankees' (RKO) (6th wk). swell $6,600. Hipp (Warners) (3,700: 35-40-45- 55) —'Footlight Serenade" (20th). 7.^ts of life in this musical: good .'(15,500 indicated. Last round, 'Gay Sisters' (WB), surprised with $15,000. Palace (RKO) (3,700; 40-60-70) — 'Invisible Agent' (U) plus Jackie Cooper. Charlie Barnet's orch, Diosa Co.stello on stage. Jitterbug clientele out in regiments, building to mighty sweet $25,000. Last folio. 'Across Pacific' (WB) with SUn Kenton's orch and Judy Canova. fine $22,000. SUte (Loew's) (3,450: 35-40-45-55) —'Panama Hattie' (M-G). Poor press notices, but satisfactory $15,- 'DANDY', 30G, TALES,' 16G, SOCKO IN BALTO Baltimore, Sept 22. The big clicks here this week are 'Yankee Doodle Dandy.' at the SUn- ley. and 'Tales of ManhatUn,' at the New. Both are in at increased^ prices, with "Yankee' reaching for a new house record. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew's-UA) (3.000; 17- 28-35-40-55)—'Panama Rattle' (M- G). Hitting excellent pace figured at $16,000. Last week, second of "Somewhere Find You* (M-G), steady $13,200. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,240: W-25-28-38-44-55-66) — 'Qlg Street' (RKO) plus Blue Barron orch and James Barton on sUge. Good re- sponse at indicated $14,000. Last week, second of Talk ot Town' (Col) plus vaude headed by Larry Adler, got nice $13,300. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,406; 17- 28-35-44-55)—'Holiday Inn*(PBr)i3d wk). Holding nicely at $8,000, after very strong toUI of $^0,200 for pre- vious brace. Mayfalr (Hicks) (980; 20-40)— 'General Died at Dawn' (Par) (re- issue). Getting okay $4,000.. Last week. 'Joan of Ozark* (Rep), good $5,400. New (Mechanic) (1,581; 17-28-35- 44-66)—Tales of ManhatUn' (20th). Upped scale helping to rousing $16,> 000: a phenomenal gross tor this lim- ited scater. Last week (17-28-39-44), second of "Pied Piper' (20th), added $5,100 to solid $7,200 on first time round. SUnley (WB) (3,286; 28-40-75- $1.10) — 'Yankee Doodle Dandy* (WB). Going to town in sensational style, with $1.10 top helping toward record $30,000. Last week, second of 'Gay Sisters' (WB). strong $11,700. ValencU (Loew's-UA) (1,450: 17- 28-44-55)—'Somewhere Find You* 'M-G) (moveover). Nice $5,000, after extra-good brace in downstairs Century. Last week, third of 'Mrs. Miniver' (M-G), great $12,600. 000. Last lap. 'Somewhere Find You* (M-G) (2d wk), $14,000, okay. SUIIman (Loew's) (1372; 39-40-45- 55)—'Somewhere' (M-G). Move- over gratifying $8,500. Last gallop, 'Holiday Inn' (Par) (2d wk), good $6,100.