Variety (Sep 1942)

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Weiliicsday^ September 23, 1942 RADIO SI >4 »♦♦<♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ M » M > MM »»»«»»» PayroU Traffic ♦<♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦4 MMM «4 M » Buffalo. — Carl Coleman, church organist and for 12 years a flxture on WGR-WKBW, switched to WBEN slaft this week (14), and was im- mediately assigned an across-the- board morning spot. Dan Brittain, for six years trum- peter in WBEN staff orchestra, was named director Friday (11) to suc- ceed Bob Armstrong, who enlisted in Army Signal Corps last month. Boston. — Edward L. Philbrick, WEEI studio engineer, -has—been made a warrant officer in the Navy. George W. Slade, former news- paperman, has been upped at WBZ from the news desk to publicity head, succeeding Eugene Stafford, who entered the Army. Jay Wesley, coordinator of war broadcasts and veteran special events announcer at WEEI, joined the Office of War Information in N. Y., and has been assigned to make transcriptions. been promoted to chief of the sta- tion's promotion department. Ernest Neff, WJAS newscaster- announcer, left that station after seven years. He's being replaced by Tommy Rodgers, who moves over from WJAS' sister station, KQV. Rosey Rowswell's commercial, 'Rosey Bits," shifts from WCAE to WDKA Monday (28). Homer H. Martz, assistant farm agent of Erie County, Pa., has been appointed Farm Director of West- inghouse station KDKA. He suc- ceeds Don Lerch, who resigned a month ago to accept a post with the Department of Agriculture in Wash- ington. San Francisco — Anne Director moved into sales promotion manager job at KQW, succeeding C. W. Reed, who joined Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn. Robert Fasson, former British newsman, becomes a KPO commen- tator Saturday (19). Frank R. McDonnell, from CBS in N. Y., got job as director of na- tional sales at KSFO. San Francisco.—Chief Announcer Clarence Leisure of KYA, and Dean Stuart, formerly of KYA, are newest additions to KQW announcing staff. Madeline Attabit resigned as as- sistant traffic chief, KPO-NBC, and Vera Lash, traffic staff member, stepped into job. JBlanche Ames becomes second woman named to KPO-NBC g^iest relations staff. . Kansas City.—Bill Shipley is new- est addition to WDAF announcing (taff. Martha Alice Horner added to continuity staff at KCKN. Milwaukee.—Cliff Roberts, an- nouncer and dramatic actor former- ly at WHA and WIBA, Madisori," Wis., has joined the WnviJ-WSSM announcing staff here. Wendell Palmer, WTMJ continu. ity writer, inducted into the Army and replaced by Robert Carman, of Milwaukee Journal trade relations department. Hartford.-WDRC employees are aller|ic to service, eight joining up 1.1 past several weeks. Most recent to go into uniform are chief an. nouncer Ray Barrett and announcer Bob Provan, both entering as volun^ teer offlcer candidates in the Army; and announcer Edwin G. O'Connor, to Coast Guard. Replacements in elude Bob Avery, ex-WTHT, and James H. Garrett, ex-WLOK, Lima Ohio. Tom Carr and Ed Begley off WNBC announcing staff, former transferring to WTIC and latter go Ing to work as an actor in N. Y. Paul White, ex-WHDH, Boston, and Bob Mooney from Granville, N. Y, joined WNBC spielers. New London, Conn.—Bill Keniski, ot WNLC technical staff, to Army, and Francis Stevens, ex-WMFF, Plattsburg, N. Y., succeeds. Other additions to WNLC engineering de- partment are Morrle Koffer, ex- WNYC, and Sam Friedman. PblUdelphla. — Henry T. Mur- dock, recently appointed assist- ant publicity director of WCAU, has been upped to director of tjiat office, replacing Kenneth Stowman, who has been named gen- eral manager of the Pennsylvania Network, an organization of 19 Pennsy outlets, of which WCAU Is parent station. Greenville, S. C—Hubert Brown resigned as WFBC chief audio en- gineer after seven years to join WKRC (Cincinnati) engineering sUff. Philadelphia.—Ray Harriman, for- merly with Baltimore stations, now a member of WIP engineering staff. Lee Vines, WIP staff announcer, joins the CBS chain In New York next week. Mort Lawrence, longtime pilot of (Continued on page 39) Ed Cashman in New York Hollywood, Sept. 22, Ed Cashman has wound up duties here as producer of Kay Kyser pro- gram and hauled east to take over new duties as radio head in New York for Lord & Thomas. Norman Morrell continues to head L&T ra- dio department here and Arnold Maguire directs Kyser show. Radio gang tossed going away party for Cashman at Knickerbocker hotel. Federal Judge Enjoins P. K. Ewing From Wage-Hour Law Disregard KNX Loses Pair Molly Picon Returning To WHN, New York City, For Maxwell House Java Hollywood, Sept. 22. Two KNX-packeged shows, 'I Was There' and "Hollywood Showcase,' are playing out their string after year and a half on the Coast CBS network. Latter expires under Hudnut spon- sorship, a victim of priorities, and 'I Was There' bows to Coast spread of Raymond Gram Swing for So- cony-Vacuum. 'Molly Picon's Parade,' variety half-hour starring the Yiddish musi- cal comedy actress, will be spon- sored by General Foods for Maxwell House coffee and Diamond Crystal salt, starting Oct. 6 on WHN, New York. Same account bankrolled the show last season. It will originate 8-8:30 Tuesday nights from the Chamber Music in Carnegie Hall, N. Y., with a studio audience. Benton & Bowles Is the agency. Salt Lake City.-Following loss of Ted Kimball, KSL Farm Director, station . appoints staff announcer Mark Austad to that position. VICK'S SAN ANTONIOS Allernatlny Janice Jarretl, WOAI and 6ouar Romlne, KTSA San Antonio, Sept. 22. Vick's will be well represented locally this season. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, newscasts will be aired over station WOAI with Janice Jarrett and the WOAI 'Women's Page of the Air.' On Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day newscasts will be aired over KTSA by Doug Romine. Each newscast will be a quarter hour in length and all were placed through Morse International. New Orleans. Sept. 22. Federal Judge Wayne G. Borah Friday (18) signed a permanent in- junction restraining P. K. Ewing, Sr., commercial manager of WDSU, and who does business as WORM in Mis- sissippi, from violating the provi- sions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, commonly known as the wage-hour law. Specifically, he is restrained from paying any of his employees less than the minimum rates of compensation established by the act, and from failing to pay his employees the proper overtime com- pensation. Ewing is also ordered to maintain records as re- quired by regulations of the wage- hour administratoi. The suit was filed by Abe Kup- perman, Louisiana attorney for tho wage-hour drviiion after an inves- tigation of the firm's business by th« Mississippi state office of the divi- sion. Ewing offered no defense or ob- jection to the injunction, and the de- cree was issued upon motion for th« attorney of the administrator, plain- tiff in the suit. • • • Philadelphia — WCAU announced the following changes: Hugh Wal- ton, staff spieler, has been upped to supervisor of announcers. Charles deKlyn takes over as head of the transcription department. Carl Owen has been named morning supervisor of the sUtion. Gil Babbitt, a member of the Philly Inquirer staff and onetime radio and newspaper columnist, re- turns to the radio fleld this week. He will take the post of publicity and promotion boss of WPEN and Will also handle special production. Pittsburgh.—Peg Conlin, formerly Of the WCAE sales department, has FOR JOHN BLAIR AND HIS MEN We're making this posy public . . . because we think lt'« the kind of trl> Bute that ought to be shouted from the housetops. WFBR appointed John Blair on March 1st, 1942. And as our books close for July 1942, on national spot announcem«ots, OUR NEW REPRESENTATIVES PRESENTED US WITH THE BIGGEST MONTH IN OUR HISTORY! For July 1942, WFBR is 64% ahead of July 1941 and 63% ahead oj July 1940/ And we said JULYl One of the poorest radio selling months known. So to you and your associates, John Blair.. .WFBR expresses Its appre* elation for your enthusiasm, hard work and Intelligent presentation of th« WFBR sales facts. RADIO STATION WFBR f f A. M. X. •AlTIMORI