Variety (Sep 1942)

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W«dne9d»y» September 23. 1942 CHATTER 53 Broadway Fredric March in from the Coast. R.*Lbo Michel beat a strep throat. K'n Healy recovered and back in '"c^rge WeUbaum, ill at home, im- B^'^kalmenson and Roy Haines '•&*Wa"}lWth. Warners' sales deSwtoent, battling intestinal flu. Sua Morgan, 'Variety's' tel^honist, badly bruUed by taxi, but back on ^"jiinmy Gillespie on exploitation tri to New Orleans and Atlanta for & S. Lyons office is repping cure Leonard, playbroker, on the 'Carles Burke to Chicago to han- dle press relations for Civic Opera '''cMree M. Cohan, Jr., in Army, traMferred to >Fort Jay, Governor's '^T^rry Turner, HKO field exploita tlon chief, oft for the Coast for studio "^Loretiz Hart in Doctors hosp re- cuping from a fever contracted in Mexico. Major Lynn Farnol. victim of the 'air marker' hoax, reinstated to ac- **^len"'^Ilarden reported angeling Paul Small's new vaudery for San Francisco. Edith Van Cleve (MCA) casting •Stage Door Canteen" for Sol Lesser film productions. Ward Morehouse. N. Y. Sun writer and columnist, back from England 10 poxmds lighter. Louis B. Mayer. Howard Strlckling and Victor Saville left Thursday (17) for the Coast. Milt Harris Installing hitching posts at drive-in tlieatre which he manages in Miami. ,„ , ,„ . Tempus fugits note; Ward (Sun) Morehouse's daughter married Air Cadet John Eric Forker. Arthur Willi, HKO Ulent scout, beads for the Coast and his usual fall studio confab next week. Mrs. Esther (Steve) Pallos now •tory editor for Korda Films. Pallos Is Alex Korda's eastern rep. Newspapermen and radio people visited Signal Corps Photographic Center, Astoria, by Invitation. Sports writer Sid Mercer entered {luron Road hospital, Cleveland, or stomach operation las*, week. George Gruskin, Coast radio man for William Morris, back west: Johnny Hydff east for a fortnight. Theatrical attorney and producer Harry H. Oshrin's daughter, Evelyn, engaged to Irving Glazer, non-pro Nancy Kelly has the lead femme role in touring 'Guest in the House.' Mary Anderson originated the part Arthur Levy engaged to wed Helen Marsh, widow of Leo Marsh, who was on the Morning Telegraph lUff. John Hodiak, Chicago legit-radio actor, was signed by Metro last week for a picture and left Immediately for the Coast. Ada May (Weeks), erstwhile musicomedy star, now songwriting and placed several new tunes for Shubert musicals. Showgirl Bunny Waters—highest priced line beaut in the biz, $125 a week—slated for a new Vinton Freedley musical. Publicist James B. Zabin, now on WAC chores in the pix Bond drive, made 'Information Please' with a $10 question last Friday. Harry Goldberg was in Philadel phia last week to attend the gradu ation of his son. Paul, frohi U. of Penn School of Architecture. Ruth Joseph, 'Star and Garter' showgirl, was engaged to Jackie Singer. INS war correspondent, killed in action in the Solomons. Dick Himber bought up a flock of Newsweeks this week to trailerize himself, because of a piece therein plugging the Essex House maestro. Al Jolson's pals are still gaggin about the red, beribboned Scotc tarn o'shanter he sported when get ting oft the Pan-Am clipper from Britain. E. K. 'Ted' O'Shea. back from Dal las and New Orlean.s on Metro prod uct dealsr stopped off at Helena, Ark., to visit his son, who's in the air corps there. Daughter Ruth Wilk (Mr.«. Marvi Notkins), herself a quondam play producer, made WB story chief Jake Wilk a grandpop for the nrst time. Us a boy. Al Jolson. back from Britain, could go to Hawaii and Australia to en tertain the troops but for his radit commercial which is now tying him up In the U. S. 'Star Spangled' cocktail party American Theatre Wing benefit, i to be held Oct. 25 by its office per sonnel division, in which there ar over 550 members. Eugene Lyons, American Mercury U who ghosted Major Alexander de s>eversky's 'Victory Thru Air Power,' on the Coast to work with Walt D ley on the fllmlzation thereof. -.'Edward Duryea DowUng and John gnubert getting lieutenancies a specialists in the Army Corps. It', admitted there's an increasing need lor these as more shows go out. Arthur Brown, host at Copaca bana, may shift to Gene Cavalfaro's Monte Carlo when m.c. co-partners "5 « <headlne for the Navy) and Pefe Ferry, who is lA, depart. -,^en Clark, formerly head of Hays OBfce public relations in N. Y, on leave in Manhattan from his Army duties in Washington. He was com- missioned major several months ago. Ninth annual "Night of Stars' for refugee relief and Palestine resettle- ment is slated for Madison Sq. Gar- den, Nov. 24, again headed by Marvin H. Schenck's production aegis. WiU Weber, of the Anthony Phil- lips office, is booking the Greenwich Village Casino. In addition to Benny Fields the only acts set, so far, are a line of Noel Sherman' girls and Lenny Kent. Antoinette Perry is serving on the board for the United Seamen's Serv- ice Committee, along with Admiral Land, head of the Merchant Marine, and Joe Curran, prexy of the Na- tional Maritime Union. Dailies made good copy of U. S. mails denying postal privileges to the Police (gazette for obscenity. Heretofore the standard gag was, Did you read this week's Police Gazette?' 'No, I shave myself.' Ben Lyon and Bebe Daniels may become USO aides in England henceforth for any U. S. overseas entertainers going abroad. Lyon and his wife would manage them and generally direct things on the scene. Naming of Harriett Flagg by Da- vid O. Selznick as his eastern rep comes in nature of considerable promotion for femme. She served aa producer's secretary both in N. Y. and on Coast for, number of years. The William Fiflelds have moved to New York from Hollywood. He's the mag and radio writer whose short story won the 1942 'best' award the O'Brien collection. She's radio actress Mercedes McCam- bridge. Si Seadler of Metro has drawn up an ad for the program of the Army Emergency Relief show at Madison Square Garden Sept 30 reading; 'The motion picture industry salutes the greatest star of all.' Cut of Statue of Liberty is in the back- ground. Connie Immerman. former Harlem night club showman and also con- nected with the Cotton Club when latter was on Broadway, has been named manager of Duffy's Tavern. Latter spot is to be operated by Bill Duffy, formerly Primo Camera's mi-nager. All colored help is to be engaged, including the bar staff. London Buenos Aires By Ray Josephs Sono Film inked director Luis Sas- lavsky for '43. San Miguel inked exclusive deal with Elisardo Santalla. Andres Salas Edwards, Chilean film exec, here on biz trip. San Miguel signed Alberto Bello for two features during '43. Sixteen' passed 275th performance mark at Teatro Liceo, new high for house. Asoclacion Cinematograflca Argen- tina marked first anniversary with Alvear Palace hotel banquet. Asociacion de Extras Cinemalo- graflcos moved to larger h.q. with offices and experimental theatres. Belisario Garcia Villar back from location shooting on San Bias Film's 'Frontera Sur' ('Southern Border'). Luis Cesar Amadori started shoot- ing on 'Clara de Luna' at Sono Film with Legrand twins and Roberto Airaldi. Special studio built at Liiinilon for 15-year-old starlet Mario Duval, to allow fiilflllment of her radio com- mitments while Aiming. Spanish Revue company now at Teatro Mayo, featurinu saxoplionist Aquilino. Sarita Olmo."!. Lolita del Rio and Jose Pena Copla. A.sociacion de Pioductoics de Pcl- oculas Argentinas had testimonial to Don Joaquin A. Lautaret. local ex hib, for services tP Argentine in dustry. Lumiton finished 'El Vaije' (The Voyage'), original comedy based on .story by Sixto Pondal Rios and Car- los Olivarri. Meggcd by Francisco Mugica. Bobby Barnet mourning the loss of his father. Charles Clore has purchased 50,000 acres in Scotland. Tommy Bostock put to bed by his medico to avoid recurrence of pleurisy. Jerry, studio manager for British National, married to non- professional. itilly Bleach is area organizer with ENSA, covering Hampshire and Dorset districts. Charles Munyard has quit the J- ck Hylton office to join ENSA as entertainment organizer. International Ballet attracting en- thusiastic audiences for ita five-week season at His Majesty's theatre. Leslie Bloom re-elected president of the Gallery First Nighters Club for the 19th year in succession. Robert Donat, working on picture for Metro at Gainsborough Film sti'dios. is spending his off-time in a ho.,pital. Celia Johnson replaced Vivien Leigh in the leading role of 'The Doctor's Dilemma' at the Haymarket while latter vacationed. Provincial film business suffering all around due to general release of Metro's 'Gone With the Wind,' which is ;opping most of the coin. Billy Bennett's estate amounts to around $190,000, which he left to his t- ' sisters. Jessie Bond, old S-./oyard, left around $6,000. "larry Roy band returns to Em- bassy club after six weeks touring vaudeville, with Johnny Claes, who replaced him, taking up vaude tour. 'oe Young has replaced Sid Field In William Henshall's revue, with Field, who has quit, going over to Charles Tucker to star in a touring revue. Girls around Piccadilly asking un- necessary street directions from Jack Hulbert, resplendent In his war reserve police uniform, for a chance to talk to the star. ' florist at Beckenham, Kent, left about $80,000, bequeathed $2,000 to Gladys Cooper 'as a slight recog- nition of her kindness to him and his wife for many years.' George Robey's barrister son married in London. He has been on the staff of the Director of Public Prosecutions for 10 years. Denise Williams was the bride. Len Young back from Australia with discharge from the Australian A°.r Force, and inundated with vaudeville offers, providing he can ge' discharge from English army. Bbbby Barnett lonsidering reopen- in Giro's club, closed since 1938. It w )uld operate as dancehall, with Harry Roy band doubling from Embass. club, also owned by Bar- nett. "We'll Smile Again,' British Na- tional's picture starring Flanagan and Allen, has been booked for en- tire Odeon circuit, and gets West End pre-release at Odeon, Leicester Square. Lupino Lane has collected over $20,000 (at this writing) during the showing of "Twenty to One,' in which he appears at the Victoria Palace, for the Merchant Navy Com- forts Fund. Dora Gregory celebrating her 70th birthday. -She is mother of Alan Howland, actor and former BBC news announcer, and is herself ap- pearing in tl.. RAF play, 'Flare Path,' at the Apollo. The Grand Manner,' new play by Marguerite Steen and Derek Pat- more produced by Henry Kendall fo- Jack Hylton and William Molll- son. opened ^t Opera House, Man- chester, and plays two weeks in the sticks, after which it folds without o lening in London. Action against the manager of 'Fine and Dandy,' at the Sayille. which was mentioned in 'Variety,' Aug. 5. in no way involved Firth Shephard. He's not managing this show, as reported. Case reported in- volved the Board of Trade action pendix operation and Marjorie Mc- cann filling her WCAE slot. Al Marsico got his driver's license back just in time for rationing. Had it suspended 90 days for speeding. George Englehart, former WCAE news editor, is now managing editor of the Rockefeller Center magazine. Kid sister of London's Diane Ward, who used to be Pittsburgh's Bebe Fi>lvo, around auditioning. She's also a singer. Tony Conforti, Jr.. son of the cafe man; transferred from Camp Meade, Md.. to Miami Beach. He's in the Air Corps. Mervin Framer, radio man Walt Fiamer's brother, switching from WB publicity to asst. mgr. of Squirrel Hill theatre. iviera reopening unofficially for two weeks and at end of that time ro. dhouse will install a local troupe in 'The Drunkard.' Harris gang farewelled Bill Zeilor, circuit manager, who goes into Army next week as Volunteer Officer Candidate. Harold Daniels, former little thea- lii actor here and brother-in-law of Mannie Greenwald. Barry manager, si :ned to directorial contract by M-G. CPO Gray Carpenter, son of Brad do k exhib. here on seven-day fu lough. He's attached to public relations office at the Jacksonville, 1 '., naval base. Jackie Heller took a four-day en- g. rement at Miami's Olympia thea- tre and also spent some time with his brother, Pvt. Lew Heller, who's stationed at Eglin Field, FLa.. Vince Johnson, Post-Gazette radio ed, new correspondent here for Lucepapers. Succeeds Bob Hagy, Jr., who has gone with Time. Life and Fortune in the Chicago office. 'J camera crew due in next week from Hollywood to shoot background stuff for 'Pittsburgh.' Lou Davidson from home office, was in several days ago making the arrangementa, Jeanne Owens (Mrs. Harry FieldsK local gal formerly of dance team of Liberto and Owens, in chorus of Tfunt Me In.' She retired three years ago to marry. Ex-partner's in "By Jupiter.' Mexico City By Donglas L. Grahame Miami By Leslie Harris Pall Mar dancers' stand extended al Clover Club. Veronica Lake will be guest of local Victoi-y bond dinner. Local Paramount bond preview of 'Wake Island' was good for $125,000 sale. Fran Garden. N. Y. radio actress guesting on army radio shows while visiting. Lou Walters reported planning on spring local Latin Quarter early in December. Sgt. Ross Evans, producer of army show 'Contact,' on furlough. Draper Lewis will handle directorial reins during absence. Clark Gable has lost 10 pound.":, and Is now an upper classman at OCS. From now on he can stay up till 10 every nite. Gonzalo Curiel. composer, home , after u South American tour. I Tito Guizar to debut soon in the Follies Bergeres, local revue house, Hipolito Lazaro, Spanish tenor, debuted (13) at the Teatro Arbeu in operatic selections. He flew here from Havana Pie colony threw a birthday party for Agustin J. Fink, prez of Films Mundiales, S. A., winner of the 1941 Oscar for Mexico's best film. New pic producer is Carlos Orel lana, who Is also an actor and meg ger. He has ended his teaming with Vicente Piquer, producer. Ray Smith, American marionet ruanipulator, and Jeanette Hackett find her line gals (6) heading the floor show at the WaiklM'nitery Nestor Mesta Chaires. featured tenor of Coca-Cola's weekly radio show at XEp here, doubling in Paco Miller's presentation at the Follies Bergeres. local revue house. Claudio Arrau, the Latin-American pianist, .«kedded for recitals at the Palace of Fine Arts (National "The' atre). Sept. 25, 28 end ."tO and Oct after which he goes to the U. S. Norman Foster expected here late In September to meg a revival 'Santa''), based on the old novel of the same name. New pro ductlon is to be by Francisco de P, Cabrera Alonso Sorda Noriega, radio sports announcer and now the chief fed cral air stutions inspector, feted by announcers of station XEW upon his return from the U.S., where he went on official business. Amanda Ledezma. Argentinian pi .-ictress. signed for 'Solamente un Vcz' ('Just Once'), which Gonzalo Pittsburgh By Hal Cohen Clair Meeder. president of Local 60 down with flu. Catholic Theatre Guild will open .season shortly with "Letters to Lucerne.' Al Ritz reopened Club Petite in East Liberty's Ritz hotel with Jack Peck's-band. Oscar Serlin flew to Washington from here on biz during 'Strip for A'-tion' tryout. Lieut, (jcorge Lazard, Jr.. son of Nixon Cafe's major domo, home on a short leave. ^, Diosa Co.stello added to the Charlie Barnet band show opening Friday (25) at Stanley. Jackie Cooper turned 19 during his engagement here last week at the Stanley the.itre. Dorothy Thompson booked here for Nov. 17 in May Beegle's Town Hall lecture series. Nat Dorfman in ahead of 'This Is t> Army' and Bill Fields here drum- beating 'The Pirate.' Bill Cullen will be teamed with Joe Tucker on WWSW's broadcasts of Steclers football games. Polly Rowles recuplng from ap- Bud Abbott and his wife adopted baby boy. Ava Gardner filed suit for divorc* against Mickey Rooney. Em Westmore became chief of Re- public's makeup department. George B. Seltz back at his Metro desk after 10 weeks of illness. Virginia Hall, screen actress, suing Charles K. Mathay for divorce. Joan Fontaine earned her diploma a Volunteer Red Cross Nurses' Aid. Joe E. Brown appointed a member of Los Angeles Playground Commis- sion. Fay Bainter to Washington for the oremiere of 'The War Against Mrs. Hadley." Rita Hayworth, hospitalized with a breakdown, ordered to quit work for 30 days. Bette Davis back in town ndcr two weeks of bond selling in the midwest. Sara Allgood .sprained an ankle on the set of 'City Without Men' at Co- lumbia ranch. Grace Cunard, former serial star, returned to Universal for a bit role in 'Pittsburgh.' Jean Bosquet leaving 20th-Fox to join Cliff Lewis' publicity staff at Vultee aircraft. Ginger Rogers vacationing on her Oregon farm before shoving off on a War Bond tour. Joel McCrea, who actually raises cattle, is taking time off from his Aim chores for calf-branding. Eddie Norris, once Ann Sheridan's husband, flleil suit for divorce against June Satterly, film player. Carole Landis became a director of Screen Actors Guild to take the place of Tim Holt now in the Army. Angle Ross is new chief of Re- public's trailer department, suc- ceeding Jim Hathaway, who went over to Walt Disney's. Zita Lucachevitch, Hungarian act- ress, filed a .separate maintenance suit against Joseph Lucachevitch, French film producer. Ray McCarey laid up with stomach trouble, with Otto Brower pinch-hitting for him as director of Dixie Dugan' at 20th-Fox. Bernle Kamins checked out of Paramount to handle publicity for Harry Sherman Productions, now re- leasing through United Artists. Hal Hall joined the staff of Arch Reeve, secretary of film Industry's Public Relations Committee, to cover activities of Hollywood Vic- tory Committee. on against the show s >"a"»8er because; produce. Latter has re he allegedly used more material than ^ „,.„.,ni,(,d his company, which is now allowed ^i^der rationing law with, ^^^^^ .^^ Hidalgo Films. S. A, the West End-Managers Assn. taking ^ p^^,.^ .j. gambcrg. the Engli.shman up ease. j ^v|,q pu Manchu ha.s become standard '' magic act in Lati America, was signed by Films Mun diales. pic producers, for a series that is to start at the end of Sep- tember. Juan Bustillo Oro. one of Mexico's ranking pic producers-meggers, ten- dered a farewell banquet by Santiago Rcachi. pre/of Films. S. A., on the eve of his departure for a South American biz tour that will take him lo Buenos Aires. Franci.sco (Pancho) Beas. owner of the Circo Modelo Bcas. one of L.-itin-America's standard circuses, celebrated his 25th year as an im- prci.irio (5) by doing his lion-tam- ing act during a performance. Beas bcg<in his career as a lion tamer. All-out. ail-American flimusical. 'Canto a las Americas' ('Sing to ihe Americas'), into production hore .• Ramon Pereda and Manola Fcrrnndiz. Franci.sco Benitez .script- ed. Paco Miller, magician-ventrilo- qui.-it. and Donato. new comic, fea- tured. Clementina Otero, young dramatic actress who has done well here, awarded a Rockefeller Institute .•■■cholarship to .study in the modern theatre in New York. Arturo Arnai'z y FrcR, dramatist. Is tn .study hl.story in Ihe U. S. under a Guggenheim scholarship. Mae Hallett band at Cafe Caprice, Roger Smith hotel. ■Treasure Island, new night club, opened Friday with Paul Kain's band. Toby Tyler, first trombone and arranger in the Capitol theatre band, into the Army. Paul Schwarz, president of Local 161, back from Chicago after meeting with 'Music for Victory' committee of the Petrillb union. Theodore Tiller, II, now doubling in brass for the Willard hotel roof players. Sings and acts in The Drunkard' and doing the publicity. Bernie HarriMn, drama editor of Times-Herald, into the Army Sept. 29. Katherine Smith takes over the desk. She has been serving as woman's page editor. National Symphony orchestra hit by draft. Jobs open for first viola, two cellos, two basses, six violins and one trumpet. Apply lo George Caul, Musicians Local 161. Bob Folliard. just named district manager for RKO, was dined by Variety Club Monday (21). with Ned Depinet coming down from New York to be honor guest. Edward Arnold brought along Sergeant Schwarz of Camp Crowder to spend the weekend furlough with him and Mrs. Arnold in Washington. Soldier was raised by the Arnolds. F.-iy Bainter and Arnold were cock- tailed for critics and feature writers ot the Carlton. Here for world premiere 'War Against Mrs. Hadley.' Austrafia By Erie Gorrkk Williamson-Tait revived "The Girl Friend' in Sydney with local cast. Herbie Hayward has been put In charge of exploitation for Hoyts. Will Mahoney and Bob Geraghty doing- okay with vaude-revue in Brisbane. J. O. Alexander has replaced Cres- well O'Reilly as Commonwealth Film Censor. Alexander was for- merly Bankruptcy Registrar in Bris- bane. Jan Rubinl. after completing run here as conductor for Hoyls, will re- turn to the U.S. Wife, Terry Walker, also goes along after finishing legit contract. Arthur Greenaway and Bland Holt, oldtimers In the legit world, died here recently. Former was fea- tured in Shakespearean roles, and latter was retired producer. Ken G. Hall producing ace short* for th^ Department of Information for use here and in the U. S. An newsreel boys have been given tini- forms so that they can enter military areas without hindrance.