Variety (Sep 1942)

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Wedneedsr, Seplenber 30. 1942 fJSitlETt PICXUBB 0B08SSS Pacific'-Eddy Howard Orch Stout $42,000, Pacmg Chi; fake Is.Tme 12G. H.O.. Han s World'-Fttlds 21G Cbicago, Sept. 29. Rainy and cold weather plus badly tom-up streets are blamed this week for slight dip in total Loop theatre business. However, most houses jtood up weU considering product and number of holdovers. 'Across the Pacific.' with Eddy^ Howard band, local favorite, U leading the city at the Cbicago with $42,000. EsUoutes for This Week ApeU* (B&K> (1,200; 35-59-65-75) —'Mrs. Miniver' (M-O). Remark- able SB.OOO for eleventh Loop week. Last week, "Wake Island' (Par), ex- ceUent $8,700. CblcafO (B&K) (4,000; 35-55-75)— 'Across Pacific* (WB) plus Eddy Howard's orch, local favorite. Fine $42000. Last week, 'Orchestra Wives' (20th) and Tommy Tucker, $40,000. Oarrick (B&K) (900; 35-55-65-75) —'Holiday Inn' (Par) plus 'World at War* (U.S.) (2d wk). Nice $6,000. Last week, same biU, $7,100. Oriental (Iroquois) (3,200: 28-33- 44.55 )_'Man's world' (Col) plus Shep Fields and Dolly Kay. Strong $21,000. Last week, 'Highways by Night' (RKO) plus Ann Corlo on gtaee. sad $16,400. KlMit (B&K) (2,500; 33-44-06-75) —'Pride Yankees' (RKO) (5th wk). Great $12,000 after sock $16,800 in orevious seven days. •^ ■ooseveK (B«cK) (1.500; 35-55-65- 75) _'Wake Island' (Par) (2d wk). Big $12,000-in second week, alter great $13,700 in initial session. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 35-55-65- 76>—'Somewhere Find You' (M-G) (4th wk). ExceUent $16,000. Last week, terrific $18,200. o5t*d ArtW. (BiK) (1,700; 35- 55-65-75)—'Gay Sisters' (WB). Fine $15,000. Last week, 'Mrs. Miniver (M-O) (10th wk), $14,300. Weeds (Essaness) (1,200; 33-44-55- 76) —'Between Us Girls' (U) and 'Destinatkin Unknown' (U). One of best weeks in history here, solid $9,900. Reopened this week. Rain CBps Pitt B.O,BDtA.&C Snappy $11,500 Sept. 29. rday Pitteburgh. AU-day downpour Saturday (26) cost Golden Triangle a bundle and washed out, with one exception, the week's top day for biz. Single ex- ception was the Fulton, where 'Par- don My Sarong* laughed at the ele- ments and came through with siz- zling gross. Penn wasn't hurt too much either, 'Panama Hattie* man- aging to stand up fairly well, despite the notices and the weather. In both cases, 'Battle of Midway' short can be credited with more than Just a slight assist Stanley's taking it on the chin with 'Syncopation^ and Charlie Bar- net's band. Estimates for This Week FnltOD (Shea) (1,700; 30-40-55)— "Pardon My Sarong' (U). Apparently there's no stopping Abbott and Cos- tello, whose b.o. potency, rather than abating, seems to be growing by the picture. Sliouldn't have any trouble saUing through to great $11,500. Last week 'Private Buck- aroo' (U), went to pieces after first- rate getaway and wound up weakly at $3,500. Harris (Harris) (2,200; 30-40-59)— Talk of Town' (Col) (2d wk). Drop- Slng sharply on h.o., but not enough > stop third week at Senator. Looks like $8,000 or better for windup at ^^spot, on top of fine $14,000 last Penn (Loew*s-UA) (3.300; 30-40- 56)—'Panama Hattie' (M-G). Sour notices for this one, but there should be no complaints with $17,000. In lact, that*s just about as much as Holiday Inn' (Par) did last week, disappointing for Crosby-Astaire musical, but okay for 'Hattie.' BHi (WB) (800; 30-40-55)—'Some, where Find You' (M-G) (4th wk). Moved here after fortnight at Penn and another week at Warner and Bnishing out its downtown string very respectably at $2,500. Last weelt, fifth of 'Gay Sisters' (WB), weak $1,600. Senator (Harris) (1,750:30-40-55)— Spirit of Stenford* (Col) and "Coun ter Espionage* (Col). Just another tSzSi.^ bill here and getting poor «.p00, if that. Last week 'Tales Man- hattan (20th). shifted here after fortnight at Harris, n.s.h. at $3,300, ina at advanced prices. Stanley (WB) (5.800; 30-44-55-66) ,~?y"<=opation' (RKO) and Charlie with Dio.<ia Costello. -omDo strictly for the iit'.erbugs anri there aren't enough of them to make the week pay. Indifferent $16,000 Is the outlook and that means • liberal 5)la8h of red Ink. Last week 'Across aciflc' (?m) and Zasu Pitts-Bonnie Baker, satisfactory $17,500. Waraer (WB) (2,000; 30-40-55)— 'HoUday Inn' (Par) (2d wk). Moved here from Penn and, by comiwrlsoii, doing better at this spot than It did at the bigger seater. Shooting for good $7,000. Last week 'Somewhere Find You' (M-G), after two weeks at Penn, okay $6,000. GRID DPS MPI& BO. WAKE' GOODllG Minneapolis, Sept. 29. Given a terrific exploitation cam- paign, 'Wake Island' is doing a good but not sock business currently. Jan Garber's orch plus 'Are Husbands Necessary?' at the Orpheum will make a respectable showing, too, and a pair of holdovers, 'Pardon My Sarong' and "The Pied Piper,' are getting attention. Cold weather and the football sea- son's opening helped weekend trade all along the line. Estimates for This Week Aster (Par-Singer) (900; 17-28)— •Spitfire Elephant' (RKO) and 'Enemy Meets Queen' (Col), dual first-runs. Headed for fine $2,400 in five days. Last week, 'Pacific Ren- dezvous' (M-G) and 'Through Dif- ferent Eyes' (20th), split with 'Post- man Didn't Ring' (20th) and Tim- ber' (U), all dual first-runs, good $2,900 in nine days. Century (P-S) (1,600; 30-40-50)— 'Pardon Sarong' (U) (2d wk). Moved here after very big week at Or- pheum. Stretehing toward good $5,- 000. Last week, "Talk of Town' (Col) (2d wk), very big $8,600 on heels of hefty $11,400 initial canto at State. Gopher (P-S) (1,000; 28-30)—'Men of Texas' (U). Looks $3,000. light Last week, 'Flight Lieutenant* (Col), very good, $4,000. • Orpheam (P-S) (40-44-55)—'Are Husbands Necessary?' (Par) and Jan Garber orch. All-around good bill, although opinions relative to film are mixed. Garber well liked here. Climbing to good $16,000. Last week 'Pardon My Sarong* (U), great $10,500. SUtc (P-S) (30-40-50)—-Wake Is- land* (Par). Much talked al>out pic- ture had bond night premiere in ad- vance of week's run. Looks good $11,000. Last week, 'Pied Piper' (20th), disappointing $6,500 in six and half days for very fine picture. Uptown (Par) (1.100; 30-40)—'Gay Sisters* (WB). First neighborhood showing. Big $4,500 indicated. Last week, 'Mrs. Miniver* (M-G), first neighborhood showing, very big $6,200. World (Par-StelTes) (350; 30-40-50- 55)—'Pied Piper' (20th) (2d wk). Moved here from State. Looks like good $3,200. Last week, 'Gold Rush' (UA) (2d wk), satisfactory $2,000. 'EAGLE SQUADRON' NEAT lOG IN 2 B. A. OPENINGS Buenos Aires, Sept. 20. 'Eagle Squadron* (U), rated as one of the best pro-democratic films of its kind to come here, drew the top biz of the week in double opening at the Ideal and Sulpacha. Film drew approximately 20.000 pesos to each house for a total of about 40,000 pesos ($10,000) and should go for several more weeks. It was far ahead of anything else. Collectlvo- bus strike, still on, hit Uke generally Other estimates, all given in Ar- gentine pesos, curre?itlv at about 27c U. S., follows: „ ^ Ambassador (Lautaret & Cavallo) (1400; 2.50, 2.00)—'Man Who Seeks the Truth' (French-made). Neat 14,000 on second weelt. Last week, excellent 24,000. Ideal (Lococo) (970; 3.00, 2.50)— 'Eagle Squadron' (U), 20.000. Last week, 'Mister V (UA), n.s.h. 8,M0 for .second week after 14,500 on the °'Rex'"(Cordero .Cavallo 4 Lautaret) (3 305: 2.50, 2.00)—'Tortilla Flat* (M-G) O.K. 30,000. but might have done better. Last week, also some- what off with 'CourUhip of Andy Hardv' iM-C). o.k. 29.000. Ocean .Coll. Gatli & Cia.) (2,800 iirst Runs on Broadway (Subject to change) Week •! Get 1 Aator—"Pride of the Yankees' (RKO) (12tb week). (Retiteued in 'Variety' July 15) Capitol — 'Panama Hattie' (M-G). (Reoteued (n 'Variety' Julv ») CilterloB—"Pardon My Sarong' (U) (6th week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Aug. 5) Glebe—'Manila CaUing' (20th) (2d week). (RetHeued in 'Variety* Sept. 16) HoUywood — 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) (19th week). (Reviewed in 'Variety* June 3) Mule Hall—Tales of Manhat- tan' (20th) (2d week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Aug. S) Parameaat—"The Major and the Blinor* (Par) (3d week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Sept. 2) BUIte —'Eyes of the Under- world* (U) (3). BlvoU —'Wake Island' (Par) (5th week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' June 3) Boxy—'Orchestra Wives' (20th) (2d week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Aug. 12) Strand — 'Desperate Journey' (WB) (2d week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Aug. 19) Week of Dot 8 . Aster—'Pride of the Yankees' (RKO) (13th week). Capitol — 'Panama Hattie' (M-G) (2d week). Bollywood — 'Yankee Doodle DandyV(WB) (20th week). Mosle Hall—"Tales of Manhat- tan' (20th) (3d week). Paramount — 'The Major and the Minor* (Par) (4th week). Blvoll —'Wake Island' (Par) (6th week). Boxy-'Girl Trouble* (20th). Strand — 'Desperate Journey* (.WB) (3d week). N. Y. B.O.S Hold Stride Despite Rain; Tales'Wags Great $110,000. lives' Hefty 55G. 'Journey' Fast $52,000 2.00, 1.50)—'Moontide* (20th). Fair 14,000 on second week after disap- pointing 26,000 for the opener. Opera (Lococo) (2,400; 2.50, 2.00)— 'Broadway' (U). OX. 22,000. Espe- cially good considering U. S. locale and previous draw of its star. Last week, 'Wings for the Eagle' (WB) with Ray Ventura stage show, fair 20,000. Normandie (Lococo) (1,400; 2.00, 1.50)—'Saboteur* (U). Smart 12.000 on second run. Last week, 'In "This Our Life' (WB), o.k. 10,000 for sec- ond week of pop prices, alter open- ing with 14,000. Honnmentsl (Coll, Gatti & Cia.) (1,300; 2.00, 1.50)—'Dumbo* (RKO) and 'My Favorite Spy,* 12,000. Held for second week. Last week. 'In- vaders' (Col), wobbly 6,000 for sec- ond week. Snlpaoha (Lococo) (950; 3.00, 2.50) — Eagle Squadron,' 20,000. Last week, 'Butch Minds the Baby* (U), week*s worst with only 5,000. Broadway (Lautaret & Cavallo) (2,863; 2.00, 1.50)—'Ven, Mi Corazon Te Llama* (Lumiton, Arg-made). Strong 18,000 for this national and likely to hold on for repeat. Last week, 'Cruza* (San Miguel. Arg- made), fairish 10,000. 'HAITIE' SPRY $12,000 IN INDPLS^ DANDY/9G Indianapolis, Sept. 29. First cold snap of the season has made no appreciable dent in local grosses. Biz is generally good, with Woody Herman*s band at the Circle heading for healthy $16,000 to lead the town. 'Panama Hattie* will top the pix with $12,000 at Loew's. Price balk holding 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' to $9,000 at Indiana. Estimates for This Week CIrele (Katz-DoUe) (2.600; 33-44- 55)—'Just Off Broadway* (20th) with Woody Herman orch. Band is big draw for dandy $16,000 first time at house. Last week, 'Across Pacific' (WB) and 'Pierre of Plains* (M-G), surprise $8,600 at 44c top. Indiana (KaU-DoUe) (3,200; 75- $1.10) — 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB). High prices prove handicap to Cohan film; $9,000 in sight. Last week, Tales of Manhattan* (20th) took good $12,000 at 40-55 scale. Keith's (Ind) (1,200; 28-44)— 'Powder Town* (RKO) plus vaude Nicely varied stage show packs $4,000 punch in four days. 'Hi, Neighttor' (Rep) and vaudeville settled with $4,100 last week. Loew's (Loew's) (2,450; 28-33-44) —'Panama Hattie' (M-G) and 'Miss Anpie Rooney' (Rep). Musical hijinks cinch for nifty $12,000. Last week, 'Talk of Town' (Col) and 'Pacific Rendezvous' (M-G) got fine $9,700, Lyric (Katz-DoUe) (1,850: 40-44- 55)—'Tales of Manhattan' (20th). Heading for satisfactory $4,500. 'Private Buckaroo' (U) and 'Men of Texas' (U) closed with fair $5,200 as first-run dual at 44c top last week. Weekend rain in New Yorlt mildly strafed attendance, hurting night trade on both Saturday and Sunday (26-27), but nevertheless business is generally good to socko. The Mon- day (28) t^ke was excellent in some spots. Tales of Manhattan,' long waiting to get into the Music Hall, is a new- comer that's in terrific demand. Studded with star names, it's a box- office natural, as evidenced by a first week's gross of $110,000. The mezz seats for the first tour evenings were sold out in advance, indicating a strong carriage-trade draw. Another new one of the past Week is 'Orchestra Wives.' It finished the first week at the Roxy last night (Tuesday) at $55,000, big. and starts the second today (Wed.). 'Desperate Journey.* brought Into the Strand Friday (25) with Horace Heidt on the stage, is also getting Its share of this week's prize money. House had one of its biggest Mon- days ever and if the pace doesn't slacken the first seven days of the run should hit $52,000 or thereabouts, immense. The rival pitband house, the Para- mount, which today (Wednesday) enters its third week with 'Major and Minor,' plus Tony Pastor band. Andrews Sisters, is likewise pulling 'em in. On the second week through last night (Tuesday) the house got close to $70,000, massive takings. Capitol, with 'Between UstSirls' on the screen, is being passed up. Strai^ht-filmer will be lucky to top $15,000 with this one and musters ft out tonight (Wednesday), with 'Panama Hattie* due tomorrow (Thuft.). The second-run State may push to $25,000. good but not fancy with 'Holiday Inn' plus a stageshow with Carmen Amaya, Peggy Fears and Jack Durant Picture was well milked at the Par Qrst run on a six weeks* engagement. 'Yankee Doodle Dandy,' which dropped to $13,000 last week, its 17th. but still an okay profit, will go out of the Hollywood Oct 18, with Now, Vogayer* (WB) slaved to open Oct 22 at pop prices. Lesser Broadway runs are headed by the continued pull of 'Pardon ISy Sarong,' which wound tip its fifth week last night (Tuesday) at $15,- 000 and continues for another. Estimates for This Week Astor (Loew's) (1,140; 55-65-$1.10) —'Pride of Yankees' (RKO-Gold- wyn) (11th wk). Dropping a little currently to about $16,M0, but still satisfactory and continues on. Last week (10th) was near to $20,000, good. Capitol (Loew's) (4,620; 35-55-85- $1.10-$1.25)—'Between Us Girls* (U). A one-weeker at only about $15,000, lean. Last week third for 'Some- where 1*11 Find You* (M-G), topped $23,000, suitable. Criterion (Loew*s) (1,062; 35-44-55- 75-85)—'Pardon My Sarong' (U) (6th wk). On the fifth stanza, up last night (Tuesday), $15,000, nice, while the previous (4th) week hit $20,000. Globe (Brandt) (1.250; 39-55-75)— 'Manila Calling* (20th). Looks over $6,000, good, and holds. Last week. 'You Can't Take It With You* (Col) (reissue). $8,200. Hollywood (WB) (1,225; 83-$1.10- $1.65-$2.20) — 'Dandy* (WB) (18th wk). Ctetting over on the light side, first three days of the current (18th) lap being $6,000. Last week (17th) was $13,000, still profitable, but exits Oct. 18. with 'Now, Voyager* (WB) opening Oct 22 at pop scales. Palace (RKO) (1,700; 28-35-44-55- 65-75)—'Gay Sisters* (WB) (2d run) and 'Busses Roar' (WB) (1st nm), dualed. Combination will accoimt for strong $10,000. Last week, 'Pied Piper' (20th) (2d ran) and 'Mexican Spitfire's Elephant* (RKO) (1st run), $9,500. Paramount (Par) (3,664; 35-55-89- 99-$l.10)—'Major and Minor* (Par), Tony Pastor orch, Andrews Sisters, others. Starts third week today (Wednesday) after smashing through on the second to nearly $70,000. Initial seven days mounted the em- pyrean to hit $81,500, second best non-New Year's week scored here. Radio City Mnsic Hall (Rockefel- lers) — (5,945; 44-55-85-90-$1.6S) — Tales of Manhattan' (20th) and stageshow. Getting strong play, in eluding carriage trade. First week will look like boxcar numbers at $110,000. Begins second round to- morrow (Thursday). Last week, third for Talk of Town' (Col), re- markably consistent grosser, was $91,000, big. Rialto (Mayer) (594: 28-44-55)— 'Counter Espionage' (Col). Suffer- ing from vitamin deficiency and will not gel more than aronnd $6,000. 'Sherlock Holmes' (U) went eight days, turning in $9,500, oJl BlvoU (2,092; 95-55-75-85-99)— Wake Island' (Par) (5tb wk). Still holding up well, the fourth inning ended last night (Tuesday) going to $28,000. Prior stanza (3d) was $35,. 000, very good. Boxy (20th) (5,888; 40-55-65-75-85. 99)—'Orchestra Wives' (20th) and stageshow. Pulled very substantial $55,(>00 on the first seven day.s and starts the second week today (Wed- nesday). Will not be held further than that due to an accumulation of product 'Girl Trouble* (20th) being slated for Wednesday (7). Last week second for 'Footlight Serenade (20th), $49,000. especially fine. State (Loew's) (3.450; 39-44-55-75- 90-$1.10>—'HoUday Inn* (Par) (2d rtm) and, on stage. Carmen Amaya, Peggy Fears, Jack Durant. Prior six-week run of film at the Par holding business to about $25,000, but entirely satisfactory, tiast week, Tish* (M-G) (1st run) and Frank Fay, Una Merkel, Anne Nagel, $22.- 000, fair enough. Strand (WB) (2.756; 35-55-75-85- 99-$1.10)—'Desperate Journey* (WB) and Horace Heidt Film In champ class at $52,000 or thereabouts, very high bracket for this house and holds over. Last week, third of 'Across Pacific' (WB) and Dick Jurgens, $38,000, meaty. HATTIE'13G K.C Kansas City. Sept. 29. 'Panama Hattie,' at the Midland, Is leading the field this week, with the combo of Sally Rand, in person, and 'Loves of Edgar Allen Poe,* at Tower, a close second. 'Orchestra Wives' is okay at day-and-date Es- quire and Uptown. 'Wake Island* is holding up nicely at the Newman for a second stanza. Rain and colder weather did not slow down business over the week- end. Estlniates far This Week Esqnire and Uptown (820 and 2,- 043; 11-3S-S0>—'Orchestra Wives' (20th). Sweet $8,500. Last week, 'Pied Piper* (20th) (2d wk), $6,500. HMIaiid (Loew's) (3.500; 11-35-50) —'Panama Hattie' (M-G) and 'Grand Central Murder' (M-G). Lusty $13,. 000. tast week, "Crossroads' (M-G) and 'Bom to Sing* (M-G), stout $12,000. Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 11- 35-50)—'Wake Island' (Par) (2d wk). Nifty $8,500 after sock $13,000 initial stanza. Orphenm (RKO) (1,600; 11-35-50) — Gay Sisters' (WB)> and 'Escape from Crime' (WB) (2d wk). Pleasing $7,000 after surprise $10,000 opening frame. Tower (Fox-Joffee) (2.110: 11-35- 50>—'Loves Edgar A. Poe' (20th) and Sally Rand on stage. Solid $11,000. Last week, 'Men of Texas' (U) and Blackstone, magician, on stage, $10,500. LANA-GABLE, (22,000, BLAMG'IN BROOKLYN Brooklyn. Sept. 29. Fabian Fox, with 'Across the Pacific' and "Moonlight Masquerade.* and Loew*s Metropolitan, with 'Somewhere IH Find You* and 'Pierre of the Plains,' will emerge on top this stanza, both houses scoring heavily. Strand, shuttered for summer, re- opens Friday (2) with 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' at $1 top. EfUmales fer Thb Week Albee (RKO) (3,274; 30-50-65)— 'FooUight Serenade* (20th) and 'Sherlock Holmes Terror* (U). Satis- factory $18,000. Last week. 'Pied Piper* (20th) and 'Just Off Broad- way' (20th) (2d wk). ditto. Fox (Fabian) (4.023; 30-55-65)— 'Across Pacific' (WB) and 'Moonlight Masquerade* (Rep). Strong $22,000. Last week, 'Sweater Girl' (Par) and Lucky Millinder's band and Ink Spots, healthy $25,000. Met (Loew's) (3.618: 30-55-651— 'Somewhere Find You' (M-G) and 'Pierre of Plains* (M-G). Lana Turner-Gable starrer pulling husky $22,000. Last week. 'Lady in Jam' (U) and 'Invisible Agent" (U), good $18,000. Fararaoant (Fabian) (4.126: 30-55. 65)--'Hollday Inn' (Par) and 'Agenta Meet Ellery Queen' (Col) (4th wk). Winding up with nice $12,000. Last week, okay $16,000.