Variety (Sep 1942)

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Wcdnesdsyt September 30, 1942 PICTURE GROSSES 19 'BambMiiaHutton Sturdy $29,000 In Frisco; Dandy' Big 28G, Top Filmer San Francisco, Sept. 2S. Most flrstruns here have raised their admlsh scale permanently or are getting tilted scales for current shows. 'Yankee Doodle Dandy,' at the Warfleld, Is leading picture-only houses with a sensational $28,000. The Golden Gate Is doing substantial business with 'Bambl,' assisted by Ina Ray Hutton i.rch on the stage. Likely will hit $29,000. 'Walce Island,' at Paramount, Talk of Town' at the Orpheum, and 'Gay Sisters," in the ^ox, are also socko. Estimates for This Week Fox (F-WC) (5,000: 60-65)—'Gay Sisters' (WB) and 'Pierre Plains' (M-G). Fine $24,000. Last week 'Orchestra Wives' (20th) and 'Ber- lin Correspondent' (20th), nice $15,- 000 in five days. Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 44-55- 7S)—'Bambi' plus Ina Ray Mutton's orch on stage. At a new 75c top, terrific business is possible. Looks food $29,000. Last week, The Big treet' (RKO) and Cab Calloway orch, $34,000, great. Orpheum (Blumenteld) (2,440; 50- 65)—Talk Town' (Col) and 'Spirit Stanford' (Col). Great $20,000. Last week 'Pardon Sarong' (U) and 'Sherlock Holmes Voice* (U) (3d wk), $10,200 in nine days. Paramoant (F-WC) (2,470; 50-65) —'Wake Island' (Par) and 'Priorities Parade' (Par). Tremendous $26,000. Last week 'Holiday Inn* (Par) and 'Dr. Broadway" (Par) (3d wk), big $12,500. St. Francis (F-WC) (1,476; 35-40- 55)—'HoUday Inn' (Par) and 'Berlin Correspondent' (20th). Good for $7,- 000 on itioveover. Last week 'Pled Piper' (20th) and 'Little Tokyo' (20th) (moveover), $7,200. United Artists (UA-Blumenfeld) (1,100; 35-40-55)—'Broadway' (U) and "Madame Spy* (U) (Sd wk). Fine $8,009 for third stanza. Last week, $8,700. Warfleld (F-WC) (2,650; 75-$1.10) —■Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB). Great $28,000. Last week Tales Manhattan' (20th) and Thru Differ- ent Eyes' (20th) (4th wk), terriBc $13,000. TANKEES; $21,000, BIG IN 2 SEATTLE HOUSES SeatUe, Sept. 29. Same opus at two houses day and date is again plenty forte for the Hamrick-Evergreen string, 'Pride of Yankees' doing the trick at Fifth and Music Hall, where prices were upped to 65c. Estimates l«r Thla Week ' Bine Moose (Hamrlck-Evergreen) (800; 30-40-58)—'Holiday fan' (Par) and 'Poe' (20th) (4th wk.). (Setting around $3,700, big. Last week, swell $4,300. Flflh Avenae (Hamrlck-Ever- green) (2,349; 40-50-«e)—'Pride of Yankees' (RKO) and 'Just Off Broadway' (20tb). Day and date with Music Ha?l. fadicates immense $12,000. Lasc week, (30-40-58). •Crcssroads' (M-G) and 'Martha' (M-G). big $6,900 in second week. Liberty (J-vH) (1,650; 30-40-50)— Talk of Town' (Col) (5th wk). Looks for eood $6,000. Last week, big $6,20P Mosic Box (Hamrlck-Evergreen) (800: 30-40-SO)—'Crossroads' (M-G) and 'Martha' (M-G). Moveover from Fifth, headed for good $4,000. Last week. 'Pied Piper* (20th) and Through Differeht Eyes' (20th). nice $3,500 Music Hall (Hamrlck-Evergreen) 2^200: 40-50-65)—'Pride of Yankees' (RKO). Great $0,000 coming up. Last week. 'Manhattan* (20th) and Soft Shoulders' (20th), In date and date showing with Paramount thea- tre, set house record here at $9,300. ..O'Pheum (Hamrick-Evergreen) (2,600: 75-$1.15) - 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB). Roadshowed, with big Bally and upped newspaper space. Anticipate smash $18,000. Last week. (30-40-58). 'Gay Sisters' (WB) and Spy Shin' (WB) in second stanza, Breat $7,300. ..'a'oraBr (Sterling) (1.350: 40-50- 0!)—Give Out, Sisters' (U) with fowes unit on staee. Fine $9,000. Last week. 'Bashful Bachelor' (RKO) and Murder in Big House' (WB) puis vaude. nice enough $8,600. „^?"niount (Hamrlck-Evergreen) ;n.u>- 40-50-65)—'Tales Manhattan' J^oth) and 'Soft Shoulders' (20th) Sees good $8,300. Last wefk, $13,400. immense. ««oseveU (Sterling) (800; 30-40-58) fw^-^ Sisters' (WB). Moved from "rpheum and expects good $4,000. Last week. (40-50-65). 'Eagle Squad- s'«4 100 fourth big \veek inT"",'*'" Garden (Sterling) (800; 20- „f D Horizon' (Col) and 'Joan « Paris' (RKO) (3rd run). Anficl- S2,'*,ereat $4,500. Last week: 'Broad- (U) and 'KiR-sed Bride' (Col). Key City Grosses Estimated Total Ores* This Week $2,417,6M (Based on 26 ctttes, 180 thea- tres, chie/lv first runs mcrudtno N. 7.) Total Oress Same Week iMt Year $1,839JtM (Based on 27 cities, 184 theatres} im $29,000. SOLID IN HUB ffoston, Sept. 29. Two new and potent releases are catching most of the robust trade which has characterized the Hub's tempo the past few Aionths, with 'Wake Island' at the Met and Talk of the Town* at the two Loew spots as the contenders. 'Holiday fan' has moved over to the Paramount and Fenway to continue its powerful take In town, while the Bill Robln- son-'Pardon My Sarong' combination remains for a second frame at the RKO Boston, where h.o.s are rare. Estimates for This Week Boston (RKO: (3,200; 44-55-65-75- 85)—'Pardon Sarong* (U) with Bill Robinson, Ella Fitzgerald, Doc Wheeler orch (2d wk). Catching solid $22,500. Last week, $38,500. Fenway (M-P) (1,375; 30-44-60)— 'Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Through Different Eyes' (Par). 'HoUday' brought in from Met (with new com- panion film) after three weeks and plenty lusty at $7,500. Last week. 'Give Out Sisters' (U) and Tomb- stone' (Par). $5,500. Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 44-55-65- 77)—'Pride Yankees' (RKO) and 'Flying With Music' (20th) (7th wk). Jumping to fine $14,000 for its last sesh here. Last week, $12,000. Metropolitan (M-P) (4,367; 30-44 55-65-75)—'Wake Island' (Par) and 'A-Haunting We Go' (UA). Hefty appeal for males and getting fine $29,000. Last week, 'Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Dr. Broadway' (Par) third week, rousing $19,000. Orpbenm (Loew) (2,000; 40-65-76) —Talk of Town' (Col) and 'Atlantic Convoy'. (Col). Satisfactory $21,000 and will h.o. Last week, 'Jackass Mail' (M-G) and 'Sweetheart Fleet' (Col). $18,000. Psramonnt (M-P) (1,800; 30-44-60) —'Holiday Inn' (Par) and 'Through Different Eyes' (Par). The second feature is new, but 'Inn* Is still doing the business, although this is its fourth week In Hub: $14,500 Indi- cated, tiast week. 'Give Out Sisters* (U) and Tombstone' (Par), $11,000. State (Loew) (3,600; 40-65-75)— Talk of Town* (Col) and 'AtlanUc Convoy* (Col). Stout $16,500. Last week, 'Jackaai Mail' (M-G) and 'Sweetheart of Fleet' (Col), $14,000. Tranalu (Tranalux) (000; 17-28- 44-56)—'Joan of Ozark' (Rep) and 'Foreign Agent' (Mono). Good $5,000. Last week, 'Man Hunt' (RKO) and 'Panthers Claw' (PRC), $4,800. TALES.' $im CLICKS IN CINCY Cincinnati, Sept. 20. Four major houses, as compared to only two last week, are showing fresh product and general trade is up several degrees. Tales of Manhattan,* fa the Cap- itol for a limited engagement, is the top tugger currently, closely fol- lowed by Tanama Hattie* in the Palace and 'Desperate Journey' at the Albee. All three are winners. Keith's Is down under on 'Tomb- stone.' Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3.300; 33-40-50)— 'Desperate Journey' (WB), Fairly good $11,000. Last week, 'Some- where Find You* (M-G), big $18,000. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 40-44-50-60) —'Tales of Manhattan' (20th). Lim- ited engagement at slightly upped admlsh: very good $13,500. Last week, 'Orchestra Wives' (20th) (2d run), at regular 33-40-50c scale, fair $4,000. Family (RKO) (1,000: 17-28)— 'Sweetheart of Fleet' (Col) and Thundering Hoofs' (RKO), split with 'Police Bullets' (Mono) and 'ReguUr Fellows' (PRC). Normal $2,100. Ditto last week for 'Live on Danger* (Par) and 'Parachute Nurse* (Col), divided with 'Call of Canyon' (PRC) and 'House of Errors' (Rep). Grand (RKO) (1.430: 33-40-50)— 'Somewhere Find You'(M-G). Move- over from Albee for second stanza. Great $7,500. Last week. 'Holiday Inn' (Par), second week of switch extension, excellent $5,000. Pic got sock $18,000 in first week at Palace and wham $7,500 in succeeding week at Grand. Keith's (Libson) (1,500; 33-40-50) —Tombstone' (Par). Dull $3,500. Last week, 'Across Pacific' (WB) (2d run), tame $3,800. Lyric (RKO) (1.400: 28-33-42)— 'Holiday Inn' (Par). Second trans- fer for fourth week on main line. Okay $3,5'00. Same last week for Talk of Town* (Col) (3d run). Palaee (RKO) (2.600; 33-40-50)— ■Panama Hattie' (M-G). Good $11,- 500. Last week, 'Between Us Girls' (M-G), alright $10,000. Shabert (RKO) (2.100: 33-40-50)— 'Pride of Yankees* (RKO) (4th wk). Flnallng to $3,000, n.s.h. Last week (3d), fair $5,000. Back on the Range Hollywood, Sept. 29. New western series of Texas Rangers for Producers Releasing Corp. 1942-43 program gets under way at the Talisman lot Oct. 15. Top spots go to Jim NewllI and Dave O'Brien, with Alexander Stem producing. Patriotic Pix M L A.; 'Journey Fine $4im W Big $39,000, Henie Cutting Up Fancy $31000 Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $399,S0« (Based on 12 theatres) Total Gross Same tVecK Last Tear $S4S,SM (Based.on 14 theatres) TAGLE.' $13,500. SPRY IN CLEVE. Cleveland, Sept. 29. Charlie Spivak's tooters, Ann Oorlo and Borrah Mlnnevitcb, abetted by 'Sherlock Holmes Voice,* are whammfag the town for a big $28,000 at Palace. "Eagle Squadron* Is also going good at Hipp, but 'Seven Sweethearts' not doing much for State. Estimates tor This Week AUen (RKO) (3,000; 36-40-45-55)— 'Gay Sisters* (WB) (Sd wk). Lining up okay $4,500, after grabbing nice ^,000 last stanza. ' Hipp (Warners) (3,700; 35-40-45- 55)—'Eagle Squadron' (U). Good b.o. action with this air thriller, $13,500 in sight. Last frame, 'Foot- light Serenade' (20th) rather dull $10,000. Lake (Warners) (800; 35-40-45-55) —'Footlight Serenade' (20th) (2d wk). Only so-so $2,400 for this moveover. Last week, 'Across Pacific' (WB) reopened the re- decorated house, catching fine $3,700. Palaee (RKO) v3,700; 40-60-70)— 'Sherlock Hohnes' (U) plu^ Charlie Splvak orch, Ann Corio, Borrah Mfanevltch. Solid bill has momen- tum of 14-ton tank, crashing through to what should be big $28,000. Last round. 'Invisible Agent* (U) with Jackie Cooper, Charlie Bamet's orch, Dlosa Costello on stage, also formed torrid combo, nearly $26,000. State (Loew's) (3,450; 35-40-45-65) —'Seven Sweethearts' (M-G). Not robust enough against all the com- petish; ordinary $11,000 at best. Last chapter, 'Panama Hattie' (M-G), had more push, $15,000. SUlIman (Loew's) (1,872; 35-40-45- 55)—'Panama Hattie' (M-G) (2d wk). Getting along satisfactorily on holdover; $5,000; Last week. 'Some- where Find You* (M-G) (3d wk), swell $7,500. NATIONA L BOXOFFIC E SURVEY Calibre of '42-*43 Product Holding Up—'Journey,' 'Iceland/ 'Yank At Eton/ 'Hattie' Among New Releases third run, sweet $3,700. String of new pictures are gettfag first samplings in principal key cities with scattered playdates hint- ing that the calibre of new season product Is stacking up well. "Moon and Sixpence' (UA), 'Yank at Eton' (M-G), The War Vs. Mrs. Hadley' (M-G), 'Iceland' (20th), 'Between Us Girls' (U), 'Desperate Journey' (WB), 'The Major and the Minor' (Par) and 'Panama Hattie' (M-G) are the promising newcomers this week. Bit too early to tell just which will be standout. 'Hattie. 'which was launched the previous week, is accounting for $11,500 in Cincinnati, a nifty $12,000 total in Indianapolis, okay business in Pittsburgh and lusty $13,000 to top Kansas City. 'Sixpence,' quietly opened in Montreal, is credited with a big opening week. 'Desperate Journey' is off to a fast start with $52,0()0 in N. Y. aided by a band, fine $41,000 in Los Angeles, neat takings in St. Louis and trim $11,000 in Cincy. 'Iceland' is chalking up a fancy $31,000 in Its L. A. preem. 'Between Us Girls," with light $15,000 in N. Y., is however, rated sock at a Chicago small-sealer. 'Mrs. Hadley" is getting nice $23,000 in Washington, backed by vaudeville. 'Major-Minor," still big on second N. Y. session, also Is wham at $18,000 in Newark. 'Yank at Eton" is smash $18,000 in Providence, $17,500 in St. Louis and good on second Montreal stanza. "Oichcstra Wives' (20lh), while only average in St. Louis, is a hefty $55 000 at New York's Roxy and big $13,500 in Denver. 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' ^WB), "Pride of the Yan- kees' (RKO), 'Holiday Inn' (Par). 'Tales of Manhattan' (20th) and 'Wake Island (Par), continue in the news as rugged b.o. winners. "Dandy" is racing to a great $28 000 in San Francisco, is tops at $17,500 in Portland, good $10,500 In St. Louis, fine on third Wash, session but only so-so at $9,000 in fadianapolis where the upped scale is rated no help. 'Pride' looks a smash $38,000 in Detroit, great $32,000 fa Philadelphia, big $21,000 in two Seattle houses, giant<912,000 in St. Louis, $12,000 in fifth Chicago stanza and fine $14,000 for seventh Boston sesh. 'Wake Island' Is shaping up as strongly over the country as was indicated in first playdates. List in- cludes Frisco, terrific $24,000; K, C, nifty second week; Boston, fine $29,000; Detroit, smash $22,000; Omaha, smash $12,000; L. A., big $39,000 and Chi a great $12,000 in second week. "Inn" is repeating its previous week's high totals with top biz in Montreal, good on Frisco moveover, great $22,000 in Wash., $22,500 on Boston moveover. big fourth Denver week and fine on Detroit and Pitt moveovers. "Talcs,' with a great $110,000 in the big N. Y. Music Hall, IS stout in Cincy, sock in Louisville and okc in Indianapolis moveover. "Bambi" (RKO) also still is attracting attention, doing a sockeroo ^3,000 in Frisco with band, and nifty on second Providence sesh. 'Pardon My Sarong' (U) still figures big, with sock $19,000 in Jersey City, great business In Pitt, solid $22,500 in Boston on its second week with band and trim on third Wash, stanza. 'Gay Sisters" (WB) is racking up a fine $24,000 in Frisco, fine $15,000 in Chi and $12,000 in Providence. Off the ticker: 'Talk of the Town' (Col), besides a great $20,000 in Frisco. Is getting $37,500 in two Bos- ton spots. Footlight Serenade' (20th) looks terrific $25,000 in Newark. 'Across the Pacific' (WB). fine $42,000 m Chicago with band, and oke $13,000 for second Newark stanza. 'Somewhere I'll Find You' (M-G). big $16,000 in fourth Chicago week and sturdy $14,000 on Newark holdover. Los Angeles, Sept. 29. Strong Impact of war fever Is be- ing felt at Warners and Paramount houses, whose screens have strong militant fare day-dating. Pairs had best weekend attendance in years, helped along by brisk autumnal weather, 'Desperate Journey' piling UP $41,000 for Warner houses, while 'Wake Island' is tilting take to $39,000 at Paramount pair. Sonja Henie's 'Iceland' Is cutting fancy figures at State and Chinese for combined $31,000. Estimates for This Week Carthay Circle (F-WC) (1.516- 33- 44-55-65-75)—'Miniver' (M-G) dOth wk). StlU healthy at $3,000 follow- ing last week's $3,200. Chinese (Grauman-WO* (2.034; 33-44-55-65-75)—'Iceland' (20th) and 'Little Tokyo' (20th). War-themed combo should post a nice $12,500. Last week. 'Panama Hattie' (M-G) and 'Pierre Plains' (M-G), no com- plaints at $12,000. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 33-44-55- 69-75)—'Desperate Journey* (WB). Opened strong and geared for. stout $19,000. Last week. 'Across Pacific* (WB) (2d wk), hauled in $10,200 in eight days. Poor SUr (UA-WC) (900: 33-44- 55-65-75)—Tied Piper* (20th) and 'A-Hatmtfag We*ll Go* (20th) (4th wk). Fair $3,500, after third stanza attracted $4,000. Hawaii (G&S) (1.100: 33-44-55-65- 75)—'Gunea Dfa* (RKO) and 'King Kong* (RKO) (reissues) (2d wk-5 days). Okay $1,800 following strong $4,000 on faitial w^k. HoUyweed (WB) (2,756;.33-44-55- 65-75)—'Desperate Journey' (WB). Very good $22,000. Last week, 'Across Pacific' (WB) (2d wk-8 days), nice $9,600. Orpheum (D'town) (2,200: 33-44- 55-65)—'Parachute Nurse' (Col) and 'Escape Olme' (WB) (2d runs) with Lionel Hampton band on stage. Thin $13,000. Last week. 'Not Ladles' Man' (Col) and 'Tombstone' (Par) (2d run), with George Olsen's band on stage, fizzled out with $10,500. Pantages (Pan) (2.812; 44-55-65- 75)—'Talk Town* (Col) (3d wk) and "Give Out. Sisters' (U) (1st wk). Making b.o. talk to tune of $11,000. Last week. Talk* (Col) (2d wk) and 'Spirit SUnford* (Col), sizeable $10,500. Paramount (FIM) (3,506; 33-44- 55-65-75)—'Wake IsUnd' (Par) and 'Youth on Parade' (Rep). Fine $23,000. Last week, "Holiday Inn' (Par) (4th wk) ■ and 'Priorities Parade' (Par), exited with smooth $10,000. Paramonnt Hollywood (F&M) (2,- 204; 33-44-55-65-75) —"Wake Island' (Par). Nifty $16,000. Last week. "Holiday Inn' (Par) (4th wk) and 'Priorities on Parade' (Par) (1st wk), nice $7,000. -RKO HillsUeei (RKO) (2,872; 33- 44-55-65)—'Talk of Town* (Col) (3d wk) and 'Give Out, Sisters' (U) (1st wk). Should snag fine $11,500. Last week. "Talk" (Col) (2d wk) and 'Spirit SUnford' (Col) (1st wk), bountiful $11,000; State (Loew-WC) (2,204; 33-44-55- 65-75)—'Iceland* (20th) and 'Little Tokyo' (20th). Nice Ukings at $18.- 500. Last week, 'Panama Hattie* (M-C) and "Pierre Plains' (M-G), $19,200. UA (UA-WC) (2,100: 33-44-55-65) —"Panama Hattie' (M-G) and 'Pierre Plains' (M-G). Trim $5,500. Last week, 'Cros.eroads' (M-G) and 'Af- fairs Martha' (M-G), $4,500. Wllahire (F-WC) (2.296; 33-44-55- 65)—'Panama Hattie' (M-G) and 'Pierre Plains' (I*"G >. Strong iM9». Last week, 'Cro.<!sroads' (M-G) and 'Affairs Martha' (M-G), $5,800. 'Sarong/ $19,000, Lone Bright B.O. in Dull J.C. Jersey City, Sept. 29. Only outstanding entry In town this week is 'Pardon My Sarong,' the Abbott and Costello starrer keeping the wickets humming at the Stanley. Remainder of the Durg Is so-so. Estimates for This Week Loew's (Loew's) (3,205: 30-35-40- 55-60) — "Somewhere Find You' (M-G) and 'Sunday Punrh" (UA) (2d wk). Okay $10,000. following bang- up $18,000 in opening c:)nto. Stanley (WB) (4.500: 30-S5-40-55- 60) — "Pardon Sarong" (U) and " Roar' (U). Reaping nifty $19,000 and may go even higher. Last week, "Eagle Squadron' (U) and 'Blondle Victory" Col), so-so $13.- 000. State (Skouras) (2.200; 30-35-59- 60-70)—"Lady In a Jam' (U) and 'Invisible Agent' (U). Doesn't figure for better than $11,000. mediocre. Last week. "Pied Piper" (20th) and 'A-HauntIng We Go" (20th), fancy $13,500.