Variety (Sep 1942)

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20 PICTURES Wednesday, September 30, 1942 WB's New Season Shorts and OWI s "Salvage Tip Strong '42-'43 Fare By MIKE WEAR Previewing its first t>atch ot 1942- 43 one and two-reel pictures last week, Warner Bros, offered repre- sentative shorts from different series whicli plainly evidenced the company would be among producers with stronger short features lineups in the new season. Several other majors recently indicated, via sam- plings from the new year's array and closing films of the old season, that the '42-43 shorts lineup would be an improvement over the past year. Another example of showmanly shorts was contributed by the Office of War Information film unit with its 9-minute film, Salvage.' Briefle marks a new peak in worthwhile contributions from government pic- ture-producing agencies. 'Salvage' (WAC release of OWI production, 9 mins.)—This is about the neatest short to come from the Office of War Information on a spe- cific national campaign. It marks great strides made by the OWI film production unit, and is a subject that the industry's War Activities Com- mittee should have little trouble placing with exhibitors Oct. 1. Covers the scrap situation in thor- ough-going fashion, pointing up the need for the wholesale collection of scrap material for U. S. war effort. Nicely photographed, cut and backgrounded, it boasts an amaz- ingly fine spoken narrative by Don- ald Nelson, head of the War Produc- tion Board. Nelson's voice and pungent style mark him as a dis- covery both for radio and pictures. More like this subject from the OWI, and the industry will have no trouble getting them played by exhibs. 'Beyond Line of Doty' (Dramatic short, WB, 20 mins., with Capt. Hewitt T. Wheless, U. S. Army Air Corps)—Produced with War Dept. cooperation, this is story of current wartime heroism at its best. Capt. 'Shorty' Wheless plays himself in this reenactment ot his flying fort- ress exploit over the Philippines which won him the Distinguished Service Cross. He looks like a screen discovery, despite his short stature—unfortunately for Warners he's back on active flying duty at some foreign front. President Roosevelt's recent radio address in which he told of Wheless* heroic feat is the peg on which the Eubiect is hung. It is a retracing of the entire exploit. Shows Wheless volunteering from his Texas cowboy duties for Armv aviation, training at Randolph Field, then going into ac- tion over the Philippines and fight- ing oS 18 Jap planes to reach his target. Narrative for this portion is Roosevelt's recital of the events (taken from sound track of his radio talk), easily recognizable and doubly effective as such. Warners have given this as much attention as many features. Direc- tion by Lewis S. Seller is intelligent end forceful. Much stress is laid on the training at Randolph Field, but this is excusable because a strong point for aviation recruiting service. The Hep Cat' (Looney Tune color cartoon comedy, WB, 7 mins.)— Screwball cat which is always bare- eluding' the hungry jaws of a dumb m,ongrel is basis for this ex- crutiatingly funny cartoon. Cartoon makers lately have discovered far- cical chase sequences can be made highly laughable. Besides original touches, excellent voices make this actionful subject a top entry on al- most any bill. •Spirit of West Point' (Musical, WB, 20 mins.)—New treatment for the usual band short, with the back- ground and history of West Point traditions highlighted. U. S. Mili- tary Academy's band is aces, playing thp entire score, including typical army songs. Crack cadet choir sings The Corps," so familiar to all U. S. Armv officers, and 'Alma Mater' of the Mint. Graduation ceremonies are shown as an excuse for flash- back of high points in four years' training at West Point. Film gives a worthwhile closeup of West Point and its varied activities. High-class 6ui-,ect suited for most exhibs. 'Sniffer Soldiers' (Sports, WB, 10 mins.)—Depicts training of dogs for army duty, with setting at Ft. Mac- Arthur, Calif. Excellent photography and direction marred by corny dia- log. Idea of having somebody speak fo.' canines is old, and out of place in supposedly serious subject. Good despite this. 'Fox Pop' (Color cartoon comedy, WB, 7 mins.)—Trim scripting by Ted Pierce makes routine animal yarn worthwhile. Silly, but funny, smartly gagged and animated. Strong subject. 'Sweeney Steps Out' (Hollywood Novelty, WB, 10 mins.—Routine trek through Bronx (N. Y.) zoo made ap- pealing by. hooking up the adven- tures among animals by the kid, Michael J. O Donnell. Superb camera work and deft spoken narrative by John Kieran. Fine novelty. 'V. S. Marine Band' (Master band •hort, WB, 10 mins.)—Imaginative direction by Jean Negulesco makes this band subject outstanding. Ma- rine musical organization bandmas- tered by Capt. W. F. Santelmann is shown In most favorable light with chorus and string ensemble setting off 'Marine's Hymn,' 'Les Preludes,' 'Song of the Marines' and 'Semper Fidelis' in fine fashion. Worthy of most programs. 'A Nation Dances'. (Brevities mu- sical novelty, WB, 20 mins.)—War- ner production staff has culled about two reels from approximately CO.OOO feet of film photographed in Mos- cow, showing the harvest time dance festival. Even though deftly cut, 20 minutes of Russian dancing with little dialog to break the monotony does not make for universal enter- tainment. Faulty lighting and hap- hazard recording further mars the results, which may be highly in- structive for dance teachers and ar- dent Soviet fans, but hardly suffi- cient to keep the average American audience interested. Polka that is a polka, a dance from Leningrad that is far ahead of others, the Buba and the climax dance ensemble are ex- cellent. This would have beeen much better in 7 to 8 minutes of screen time. Wear. Current Short Releases (PRINTS IN EXCHANGES) (Compiled by Besa Short) 'Canadian Patrol' (U, 9Vi mins.). Variety views. 'Song ot Victory' (Col, 9 mins.). Color cartoon comedy. •Our Last Frontier* (20th, 6 mins.). Alaska travelog. •We Refuse to Die' (Par, 16 mins.). Dramatic victory short produced for WAC. ■Onlllble Canary' (Col. 7^ mins.). Color cartoon comedy. •U. S. Air Force Band' (WB, 11 mins.). Band musical. 'School Daie' (20th, ev^ mins.). Nancy color cartoon comedy. 'Women ot America' (Red Cross, 2 mins.). Plea for nurses' aides. Henie Skates Across Border m 'Quota Girl' Hollywood, Sept. 29. Sonja Henie's next starrer at 20th- Fox will be 'Quota Girl,' much of which will be filmed in Quebec in January. Company figures the location tour will cost less than a duplication of sets at home. Film Reviews Continued from page 8 SIN TOWN lease promoter Leo Carrillo, bunko team of Brod Crawford and Con- stance Bennett arrive in the boom town of Carsin. Crawford, with per- suasive salesmanship, saves Ward Bond from a lynching, and moves in to take over half interest in the town gambling layout and bar. Not satisfied with the legitimate take, Crawford gets tangled with the law- abiding element—especially with the town's newspaper published by Anne Gwynne. But Bond has his henchmen rouse things up, with re- sult ttiat the irate citizenry pounces on both con men, death of Bond fol- lowing a dllly of a rough-and-tumble battle In the frontier saloon. Craw- ford rides out of town with Miss Bennett, broke but happy to escape a debacle. Crawford grooves neatly as the con operator, with Miss Bennett pro- viding a slick portrayal as the blonde accomplice. Anne Gwynne and ^atrlc Knowles are in mainly for minor romantic Interest, while Andy Devine and Carrillo turn out to be a pair of shills. Bond makes a most acceptable heavy, while Arthur Ayls- worth Is the pussy-footing sheriff and Ralf Harolde is Bond's nemesis at the finish. Producer George Waggner has scripters W. Scott Darling and Ger- ald Geraghty point up their story for action and cliaractwization, with director Ray Enright developing the yam at a fast clip. Production mounting is okay, including pho- tography by George Robinson. Walt. RIDERS OF THE WEST Monogram release ot Scott R.' Dunlap pro- duction. Features Buck Jonen, Tim McCoy and Raymond Hatton. Directed by Howard Bretherton; orlRlnal screenplay, Jesse Bow- ers; camera, Harry Neumann: editor. Carl Pleraon. Reviewed at New York. N. T., djgh^ Sept. 23. 'IS. Run :ng lime. « Buck Robert* Bui k Jones Tim Tim McCoy Sandy Raymond Huiion Ma Turner Sarab Padden Duke Mason Harrv Woods M"ler WKlier MHJrnll Holt Wiilier Fraier Steve Donnls Monre Hope ChrlMlini' Mnilnlyre "«<1 Bud Osborne Lack of gunplay and action makes this entry to Mono's 'Rough Rider' series a weak one. Most of the foot- age is too Ulky and has the boys more dramatic than heroic. Story has absurdly looped situa- tions in the old idea involving the apprehension of cattle rustlers. Buck Jones, as the U. S. marshal, Tim McCoy and Raymond Hatton, latter as the comic aide, eventually rout the rustlers and free the ranch- ers from the yoke of mortgages. Sub-par photography is coupled with an overdose of night scenes. MARIA DE LA 'O' (SPANISH-MADE) Columbia release of S. UlnvEul produc- tion. Stars Carmen Amaya; features An- tonio Moreno, Pastora Impcrlo and Julio Pena: others In cast: Rosnilo Rojse. F. Nequeras. M. Polance. Tina Jiisro. Candc- lara Medina. Nina Dc Linares. Juan E. Shuerrtan. At Teatro Hispano. N. T., Sept. K, '42. Running time, 80 MINS. (In Spanish; no English Titles) Although Carmen Amaya carries the stellar role, this film, made in Spain before the Civil War, is strictly for Latin patronage. It was made before her departure to South Amer- ica and subsequent success in the U. S. Dated performances in the film, together with absurd story dealing with Spanish gypsies, exceed the few presentable scenes in which Miss Amaya dances. Authentic gypsy costuming and atmosphere are lost in the wooden dramatics. Also in the lead is An- tonio Moreno, former star of Ameri- can silents. He plays a traveling American artist who 'discovers' a young gypsy dancer, Miss Amaya. Latter proves to be his daughter. Availing himself of gypsy tribal cus- tom, he buys the girl. Identities are eventually revealed as the girl is restored to her sweetheart. Pho- tography is poor. PRISON GIRL Producers Releasing Corp. release of Les- ter Cutler proilucllon. Stars Rose Hobart, Sidney .Blackmer: features CInIre Rochelle, l.ynn Starr. Directed by William Beaudine. screenplay by Arthur St. Claire from orig- inal by Octavua Roy Cohen: camera. Marcel Le PIcard: editor. Fred Bain. At New York. -N. T., Sept. 23, -42. Running tme, 10 MTNB. Rosemary Wulsh Rose Hobart Steve Sidney Blnckmer Nellie Claire Rochelle Linda Lynn Starr Lucy Walker Jane Novok Baldy vince Burnett SherllT Veroer Jack Baxley Pete Saunders Crane Whitley Judge Stevens John Ince Luke Walker Prank Brownlev Nick Morelll Richard Clarke Ben Walker...^ Spec O'Donnell Jane Inez Cole Jed nicks Pat McKee •Sarah Ruby Dandrldge i;eni..«l» Henry Hastings Based on an Octavus Roy Cohen story, 'Gallant Lady,' published in Collier's, 'Prison Girl' falls short of its dramatic pretentions. A dualer. Story deals with a woman doctor. Rose Hobart, escaped from a prison farm where she had been convicted for a mercy killing. She is harbored by Sidney Blackmer, a sympathetic country doctor who provides the happy ending after complications with the local police. Miss Hobart stands out in an in- consistent cast. Well handled bits are done by Jack Baxley and John Luce. Film is overlong, photog- raphy poor. That Set-ties It Hollywood, Sept. 29. Governmental restrictions on the cost of studio sets squashed Uni- versal's plans for a revival of 'The Phantom of the Opera,' which had been rewritten for production in Technicolor by Henry Koster. Much of the value of the picture would have been lost without ex- pensive sets. Miss Y Gets Around Hollywood, Sept. 29. 'Miss V from Moscow' is returning to Producers Releasing Corp. as a sequel, 'Miss V in Berlin,' slated to roll late next month. Lola Lane and Noel Madison, who topped the origi- nal cast, are scheduled to play in the follow-upper. George Merrick, who produced the original picture, dealing with a Soviet spy, also repeats. FILM BOOKING CHART (For ln/onn«(loi» o) theatre and film fxchange booker* Variety present* a complete chart o/ (mature releases of all the American distributlna com* ponies for the current ttuarterly period. Date of reviews a» given in VARSTY and tl^e running time of prints are included.) Key to Type Abbreviations: M—Melodrama; C — Comedy; CD —Comedy- Drama; W—Western; D—Drama; RD^Romantic Drama; MU—Musical, Figures herewith indicate date oi Vabiety's revietv and running time. Blondle For Victory (Col) Crossroads (M-G) 6/24 Smart Alecks (Mono) 9/9 Klondyke Fury (Mono) 7/15 Call of the Canyon (Rep) 8/19 It Happened In Flatbush (ZOtb) Pardon My Sarong (U) 8/5 8/3 C P. singleton-R. Lake RD 34 w. Powell-H. Lamarr C 66 R. Pryor-M. Rosenbloom W 68 E. Lowe-L. Fairbanks W 71 G. Autry-S. Burnett CD 8« L. NoUn-C. Landls C 83 Abott & CosteUo WEEK OF RELEASE—8/13/42 Bad Men of the HIUs (Col) W Mrs. Miniver (M-G) 5/13 D HUlbUly BlltzkreIg (Mono) 9/16 C Timber (U) 8/12 C The Old Homestead (Rep) 8/26 C C. Starrett-L. Walters 133 G. Garson-W. Pldgeon 63 B. Duncan-E. Kennedy 58 L. CarrUlo-A. Divine 68 Weaver Bros. WEEK OF RELEASE 8/20/42 Talk ot tbe Town (Col) (7/29 CD 118 Borders ot tbe West (Mono) W Are Husbands Necessary (Par) 6/17 CD 8U Priorities on Parade (Par) 7/28 MU 79 Bambi (RKO) 5/27 CD 70 The Pled Piper (20th) 7/8 D 84 Sbadows of the Sage (Rep) W C. Grant-J. Arthur B. Jones-T. McCoy R. MUland-B. Fields A. Miller—J. Johnson (Disney Cartoon) M. WooUey-R. McDowell Three Mesqueteers WEEK OF RELEASE—8/27/42 One ThrlUlng Night (Mono) 7/1 Calling Dr. Gillespie (M-G) 6/17 Loves ot Edgar Allan Poe (20th) 7/8 M 69 J. Beal-W. McKay M 84 L. Barrymore-P. Dorn M 67 J. Sheppard-L. Darnell WEEK OF RELEASE 9/3/42 Vengence ot the West (Col) W SaboUge Squad (Col) 8/5 M 60 Arizona Stagecoach (Mono) W The Big Street (RKO) 8/5 CD 88 Orchestra Wives (20th) 8/12 MU 97 Across the Pacific (WB) 8/19 M 86 B. EUlott-Tex Rltter B. Bennett-K. Harris Range Busters H. Fonda-L. Ball G. Montgomery-A. Rutherfd H. Bogart-M. Astor WEEK OP RELEASE 9/10/42 Spirit ot Stanford (Col) Isle ot Missing Men (Mono) Youth on PaMde (Rep) Sunset Serenade (Rep) 9/9 ' Bells ot Caplstrano (Rep) 9/16 Mexican Spltare's Elephant (RKO) Berlin Correspondent (20tk) 8/12 Give Out Sisters (U) 9/2 8/5 CD M W w w C M MU F. Albert-M. Chapman 67 H. Howard-G. Roland jr. Hubbard-M. O'DrlscoU 68 R. Rogers-n. Parrish 73 G. Autry-8. Burnett 61 L. Velez-L. Errol 70 V. Gllmore-D. Andrewi 65 Andrews Sisters WEEK OF RELEASE 9/17/42 King ot the Stallions (Mono) Somewhere IH Find Voa (M-G) Wings and the Woman (RKO) Caretnl, Soft Shoolder (26th) 8/12 Halfway to Shanghai (U) 9/9 One ot Our Aircraft Is Missing (U) W Thnndercloud-D. O'Brien 8/5 RD 107 c. Gable-L. Turner M 92 A. Neegle-R. Newton M 70 V. Bruce-J. Ellison ■ M 61 I. Hervey-K. Taylor M G. Tearle-E. postman WEEK OF RELEASE—9/24/42 My Sister EUeen (Col) 9/16 CD Police Bullet* (Mono) H Bandit Ranger (RKO) W Just on Broadway (20th) 8/12) CD Stai Town OJ) 8/30 M Desperate Journey (WB) 8/19 D 97 66 73 107 R. RDSsell-B. Aheme J. Marsh-J. Archer T. Holt-C. Edwards L. Nolan-M. Weaver C. Bennett-B. Crawford E. Flynn-R. Regan WEEK OF RELEASE—10/1/42 Lucky Legs (Col) MU Phantom Killer (Mono) M Highways by Night (RKO) M 63 Iceland (20th) 8712 MU 79 Gtt Hep to Love (U) 8/10 MU 79 Moon and Sixpence (U) D Moscow Strikes Back (Artkino) 8/19 55 J. Falkenburg-K. Harris D. Pnrcell-J. Woodbury R. Carlson-J. Randolph S. Henle-J. Payne G. Jean-J. Frazee G. Sanders-H. Marshall (Documentary) WEEK OF RELEASE 10/8/42 Daring Tonng Man (Col) C Foreln Agent (Mono) M Here We Go AcUn (RKO) 8/26 C 75 Girl Trouble (Stth) 9/23 CD 81 Destination Unknown (U) M Ton Can't Escape Forever (WB) 8/26 CD 77 Flying Tigers (Rep) 9/23 M 68 J. E. Brown-M. Chapman J. Sheldon-G. Storm E. Bergen-McGee ft Molly D. Ameche-J. Bennett I. Hervey-W. Oargan G. Brent-B. Marshall J. Wayne-A. Lee 75 66 125 101 108 75 73 .-.ght In New Orleans (Par) 5/6 H Once Upon a Thursday (M-G) 5/20 M Yankee Doodle Dandy (WB) 6/3 MU Holiday Inn (Par) 6/17 MU Eagle Squadron (U) 6/17 RD Tombstone (Par) 6/17 ' W I Live In Danger (Par) 6/17 M Apache TraU (M-G) 6/24 W 66 United We Stand (20th) 7/1 66 The Toung Mr. Pitt (20th) 7/1 M 118 Footllght Serenade (20th) 7/8 MU 81 The Pride ot the Yankees (RKO) 7/15 D 128 Flyhig Fortress (WB) 7/15 M 110 War Against Mrs. Hadley (M-G) 8/S D 85 Journey Into Fear (RKO) 8/5 M 68 Tales ot Manhattan (20th) 8/5 CD 117 Cairo (M-G) 8/12 MU 101 Wake Island (Par) 8/12 D 87 A Yank at Eton (M-G) 8/12 CD 88 Now. Vo.vager (WB) 8/19 D 117 Wildcat (Par) 9/2 CD 70 The Glass Key (Par) 9/2 M 85 The Major and the Minor (Par) 9/2 CD 100 Between Us Girls (U) 9/2 CD 88 Eyes In the Night (M-G) 9/9 D 80 Me and Me Gal (M-O) 9/9 MC 104 White Cargo (M-G) 9/16 D 89 The Omaha Trail (M-O) 9/16 W 61 Springtime In the Rockies (20th) 8/26 MU 90 Tjie Hard Way (WB) 8/26 D 108 The Hidden Hand (WB) 8/26 M 67 George Washington Slept Here (WB) 8/26 CD 93 The Forest Rangers (Par) 8/30 M 85 Henry Aldrlch, Editor (Par) 8/10 CD 72 The Falcon's Brother (RKO) 8/30 M 70 Street of Chance (Par) 8/30 M 74 D. Lamour-B. Denning M. Hunt-B. Carlson J. Cagney-J. Leslie B. Crosby-F. Astaire R, Stack-D. Barrymore R. DIx-K. Taylor C. Morrls-J. Parker L. Nolan-D. Reed (Documentary) R. Donat-R. Money J. Payne-B. Grable G. Cooper-T. Wright R. Greene-C. Lehman E. Arnold-F. Balnter J. Cotton-D. Del Rio (All star cast) J. MacDonald- R. Young Donlevy-R. Preston Rooney-E. Gwenn Davl8-P. Henreld Arlen-A, Judge Donlevy-V. Lake Rogers-R. Mllland Barrymore-C. Cummlngs E. Arnold-A. Harding J. Garland-O. Murphy Lamarr-W. Pldgeon Cralg-P. Blake Grable-J. Payne Luplno-D. Morgan Stevens-E. Fraser Benny-A. Sheridan F. MacMurray-P. Goddard J. Lydon-C. Smith O. Sanders-T. Conway B. Meredlth-C. Trevot B. M. B. R. B. G. D.