Variety (Sep 1942)

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38 RADIO Ifednesday, Septemlner 30, 1942 mW YORK CITY . . . TiiK Radio Trade Is Discussink; Steve Fiild s fate—lhe disappeamnce of the BrottdrasleTs Victory Council—T)ie iieu- lef/iiiitjiif on BBC's 'An- siriTiiiy You—Probable /n/ltience of Paley's Tereiil Irip lo London— Kay Kysers new prominence in propnynndn. Biiicc Kamman is produclion dircclor of Ihc NBC Sympliony. which resumed Saturday night (26).. .Sammy Hill clicked neatly as the other Kirl in the otherwise ill-acted finale of Maudie's Diary' Thursday night (24) on CBS...Ruth Matteson, legit-radio actress back from the Coast...Nora Stirling joined NBC scriplcr staff. . .Peter Michael left Wyoming for the Montana ranch that's the locale of the "Lone Journey' serial he authors for Procter & Gamble, on NBC...Bob Covcll. formerly musical researcher of NBC script department, resigned to take leaching a.ssigimient at a New England school.. .E.'c-announcer Norman Broken- shire now an inspector in a plane factory near New York City...Jean Holloway, scripter of 'Mayor of the Town.' Lionel Barrymore show from the Coast for Lever Bros., has returned east and will continue writing it from here...Blue network heaved a beefsteak feed Friday night (25) lor Raymond Gram Swing, whose series started Monday night (28). Eaile McGill, CBS producer-director, and C. E. Midgley, the network's sales service manager, teaching radio courses at New York University this season.. .'The Commandoes' was pure adventure stufi Saturday night (2G) on CBS, but the script by George Harmon Cox and Albert Barker lacked a pervading theme, or Idea...John Dietz's direction was noUbly expert and there was one sock performance, that of a Norwegian Com- mando. Show now moves to Sunday nights opposite Edgar Bergen...Lee Vines, formerly with* WCAU, Philly, has joined CBS as staff announcer ...Harry Frazee, Blue production chief,- to the Coast for huddles on the network's various shows originating there. Due back in three weeks. Actor Neal O'Malley commissioned Captain in the Marines and sent to Quantico. ..Bob Shaw has resigned from the NBC press department to script 'Front Page Farrell" for Kolynos toothpowder, through Blackett- Sample-Hummert.. .Legit-fllm actor Will Geer has joined 'Goldbergs' cast ... Walter Kaner, formerly press agent and special features director of WWRL, named to similar post with WLIB...B. S. Bercovici news-com- menting on WHN. ..Jane Crusinberry resumes scripting her 'Mary Marlin' serial Oct. 15. Dora Folliott has been summer-substituting.. .Merrill Denison now coUabing with Jack Byrne on the Prudential 'Family Hour' continuity.. .Milton Meyrowitz, WLIB assistant chief engineer, Joined Navy as warrant ofTtcer. John Vandercook switched from NBC to the Blue. Latter net now has Raymond Gram Swing, Lowell Thomas, Earl Godwin, William Hillman, Baukage, Winchell, Drew Pearson, Dorothy Thompson and Vandercook ...Robert Patt. WHN sales promotion manager, reports Monday (5) lor Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School...AI Tanger, WLIB announcer, joined Army as Second Lieutenant in Anti-Aircraft.. .Merrill Rogers scripting second "Land of the Free' dramatic series lor NBC's Inter-American University of the Air, which sterU airing Oct. 12....Nu-Ox Products sponsoring 'Klenzol Talent Quest,' with Bert Stanley as m.c, Monday nights on WWRL.. .Lenore Kingston and Sam Wanamaker have succeeded Joyce Hayward and James Monks, respectively, in 'Against the Stornv* Miss Kingston, a shortwave 'ham,' plays a shortwave broadcaster in the serial. John Mitchell has resigned from the Blue Network's script department to become assistant stage manager for Guthrie McClintic on the road company of 'Spring Again'.. .Harry Frazee. the Blue's production man- ager, is in San Francisco In connection with 'Alias John Freedom,' which goes Minneapolis-Honeywell on the team sponsorship plan. Anne Nichols, author of 'Abie's Irish Rose,' delivered with quiet sin- cerity a Navy recruiting message, at the close of Saturday's (28) radio Installment of the play over NBC. She spoke as a mother and was not present 'to take a bow,' despite studfo-audience applause. Dick Gilbert, the singing disc jockey, began a new schedule Monday (28) at WHN with double his previous time on the air. End of the Dodgers' baseball broadcasts by Red Barber and Alan Hale necessitated a change in programing, with Gilbert now doing his Radio Troubadour show from 1-3 p.m. daily and emceeing 45 minutes of 'Latin-American Rhythms' at 5 o'clock. In the past six months Gilbert has upped the rating of his daily 1-2:30 p.m. program, according to the Hooper survey, from fourth to first place among local Independent stations and has increased his listening rating from 2.8 to 4.9. ITS HOLLYWOOD... The Radio Trade. Is Discussing: Those rouyh-on-rudio pep talks by Kay Kyser and the grin-and-bear-it attitude o/ the agency and network biyyie at the receiving end—The effect on radio advertisers if and when zoning becomes effective—Untimely death of Harrison HoUiway. Ray Clapper's Preamble (Mutual. Sept. 24) In beginning this series of twice-a-week broadcasts I would like to emphasize that I have but one interest. All I want to do is lo tell you about Washington and the war, what is happening, and what it means in so far as I can. 'What 1 tell you will be based on constant reporting. It will reflect primarily what I hear around here, except that I'll try to shake out the phony stulT and deliver lo you a reliable size-up of what is going on. I'll be do- ing what each one of you would do if you were in Washington and had the time to get around- town and check up for yourself. 'I intend to express opinions when they seem appropriate and worth passing on but they will be based on many years of news- paper work in Washington— work in which I have always tried lo keep an objective point of view. I have no political af- filiations of any kind. Such views as I have from time to time grow out of my interest as an Ameri- can citizen and not out of any Interest in any political party, group, individual or school of thought. Roughly I am in favor of whatever holds promise of making our de- mocracy function more efficient- ly and more usefully lo our peo- ple. It is a simple rule, but one which I have found usually to be a reliable guide.' Unfriendly to Jups, H« Now Works in St Louis St Louu, s«pt as. W. R Wlllf, American newspaper- man and recent Toklo correspondent for CBS, who returned on the ex- change ship Grlpsholm, has Joined KMOX as a special news writer. Wills will interpret Far East news. He was also 'Variety' correspondent in Japan. Wills lived in Japan since 1B28 and afier the Pearl Harbor sneak at- tack was jugged until May 4 when he was convicted ol being unfriendly to the Nipponese and sentenced to two years at hard labor. He was released for repatriation last June 4. »»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦ * Argentine Acthrities :: *********************** By BAT JOSEPHS Buenos Aires, Sept. 16. Leuoona Clab Boys set at Radio Splendid (LR 4) for Vermouth Mar- tini. Group will work from station rather than Embassy Cafe, .where they are currently appearing. Carmen Valdee opens series on Mundo LR 1, dramatizing novel of Jacinto Amenabar 'El Otro .Corazon' (The Other Heart) Mondays and Fri days at 4:30 p.m. REVISED FCC SLANTS ON AMATEURS S»U Hermaaoi sets Sundays 10 p.m. series on Radio Belgrano LR 3 foi 'Legion Extranjera,' locally manufactured razor blades. Show is new twist quiz program with au- dience prizes. Jack Hurdle turned over the Benton 8t Bowles office keys and j>roduc- tion crank on Maxwell House Time to Al Kaye and aired back to New York for temporary assignment at B & B. An Al guy who's lA with Uncle Sam...Bill Hatch will wave the wand over the musicians on Lady Esther's Screen Guild opus, which won't seem like the same show with Oscar Bradley missing from the stand. Bill Hampton will edit the scripts...Upton Close to Chicago to start his new commentary series... Phil 'Blitzer' Spitalny taking all the lads at gin rummy and giving the coin to charity.. .Eddie Cantor shoves off on the new season Oct.'6 from Camp Callan, to the south of here. Ida Lupina occupies the guest niche ...Jean Hershol'l 'Dr. Christian' passed its 200th consecutive air per- formance'and the.cast celebrated with a party at Lurene Tutlle's home ...Harry Maizlish to New York on a biz safari for KFWB...Zero Mostel forsaking all radio while making faces at the camera in Metro's 'DuBarry Was a Lady'.. .George McCall being propositioned by St. Joe's aspirin to do a Capitol Hill series from Washington.. .The agency lads in the east ' are beginning to thmk up excuses for passing most of the winter by the not so pacific Pacific... Amus 'n' Andy back after three weeks in the east...Arch Oboler 'commercial' again with 'Lights Out' but he's still an amateur sartorially.. .That Pabst deal said to be stalled for 60 days on account of the uncertainty of this 'n' that...Fred Jones, who used to dish out publicity at Young ti Rubicam, will be a Marine any day now... Popular guy signed off when Harrison Holliway passed on last week. His last rites drew a throng of radio people, a fine tribute to the passing of a friend. Washington, Sept. 29. The Federal Communications Com- mission discontinued recently t'-e issuance of new, renewal or modified amateur station licenses in view of the administrative problems which have arisen in connection with the issuing of amateur station licenses as a result of the war. Inasmuch as many licensees are in the military service or engaged in war industries in various parts of the country the FCC said it is impossible for those licensees to exercise proper control of transmitting apparatus and the control of the premises on which the apiSaratus is located as required by the rules governing them. Previous FCC orders required com plete cessation of all amateur radio operation in the interest of national security. The Commission, however, continued to renew and modify exist iiit; amateur station licenses in view of possible utilization of them In connection with civilian defense ac tivities. Establishment of the Wa: En'ergency Radio Service, however, will provide civilian defense and state guard organizations with the desired em^gervcy communication in connection with national defense and security, according to the Commis- sion. FCC will continue Its policy regard to the issuance of new or re newal amateur operator licenses or modiflcation of such licenses for change in operator privileges. The holder of an amateur operator 1 cense desiring to maintain his ama- teur status hould submit applica- tion for amateur operator and ama- teur station license renewal in ac- cordance with the rules and regula- tions. La Canclon,' new Ian magazine, specializes in radio muslo; now on stands here. AxvM* Prodaeta (chocolate, coffee, mate) sets Sunday dance program on Belgrano and chain Primera Ca- dena Argentina de Broadcastings. Show runa fotir houra from 4 to 8 p.m. and originates at Ambassadeurs, largest nitery in South America, patterned after Paris spot. Qae es EiteT' (What is it?) orig- inal program of Freddy itey now on Mundo Fridays at 3 p.m. Ouiz show also has telephone angle with prize winners being piiblicly called from studio. Laboraterlea Sidney Bms (U. S. drugs) signs George Lanza for new Belgrano .-series Wednesdays and Sundays, based on poems of Roberto Volenti. STRIGTER WPB CONTROL OVER ELECTRONICS Washington, Sept. 29. Electronic devices Involving the use of vacuum or gaseous tubes will be brought under further control of the War Production Board. An order, effective Oct. 3, extends WPB control to everything used in the electronic field from microphones to antennae and including tubes, parts and complete equipment. The order provides that no one may manufacture, fabricate, as- semble or produce electronic devices in of a minimum inventory required to meet deliveries on orders rated A-3 or better. Inven- tories are permitted up to a 45-day supply, but may not in any case ex- ceed 12^ per cent of total 1941 sales. Ilem.<! using vacuum tubes and parts similar to those used in radio equipment are in great demand by the military services and are cov- ered by the order. The .order i.i designed lo prevent production of non-essential electronic devices so that necessary parts will be avail- able for direct militarjr use. The order makes no change in the nunner in which a person buys re- placement tubes and parts for his home receiving set. No rated order Is necessary. However, distributors of such parts may now obtain them only through the use of the usual distributor's application for prefer- ence ratings. Supplies of repair and replacement parts and tubes for this purpose are allocated to distributors on the basis of past sales. These articles may then be resold to civilian consumers without ratings. Materials lor maintenance and re- pair and operating supplies lor es- sential civilian communications««erv- ices may be obtained through the use of preference rating orders applying to the specific end use, such as P-129, covering radio communica- tion. Manufacturers of electronic equipment will continue to get their supplies of' raw materials through PRP. This order will be administered by the radio branch of WPB. It is estimated that approximately 500 manufacturers pr(>ducing about 700 items will be affected by the order. Sambra Castell, singer, goes to Ra- dio Portena. Jabon Campana (soap) now using three top cliains together with smaller stations in all-out campaign. Mundo. has daily except Sunday show with radio theatre company of Julia de Alba. Splendid airing a Monday and Thursday 8:30 show with All Salem de Baraja; and Belgrano run- ning Cera and Almidon Campana Tuesdays and Saturdays at 8. Radio del Pueblo LS 8 has two other shows one at 2:30 and the other at 9:09 p m- Cnbao singer Margarita Romero at Radio Argentina IM 2. Bridgeport.—Howard Sullivan of WICC news staff goes into Army. Belgrano finished first year of Esso reporter hews program, with special show on which Jaime Yankclvtch, Direct General of outlet and H. R. Barber, v.p. of Standard Oil, wbose Iccal affiliate West India Oil Com pany sponsors of show appeared. Toddy (U. S. Foodstuffs) present ing Maria Tuval and company with 'Novia de Primavera' (Spring Bride) on Splendid chain daily except Sun- day at 4 p.m. Show also features Alfredo Jordan, Carlos Cores, n'. juvenile pict discovery, Ricardo Pa: sano, Ma'ianita Marti and Ruftno Cordoba. IJS CHICAGO . . . Mary Ann Mercer, formerly heard on NBC's 'Uncle Walter's Doghouse,' Joins WBBM's vocal staf^ with 'Victory Matinee' her first a.ssignment... Alex Dreier has left Chicago lo replace Robert St. John, NBC news com- mentator in London, who returns home for a rest...WBBM is pushing Army recruiting drive for 7.700 skilled mechanics in their 'Midwest Mobilizes' program.. .Howard Wiley has been appointed assistant produc- tion mgr. of NBC's central division.. .Clifton Utley back on Skelly Oil newscasts for 13-week spell.. .Upton Close moves his Sunday afternoon World News Parade to Chicago.. .NBC's 'Hot Copy* broadcast celebrating second year on air.. .John Hodiak. Chi leading man of 'Bachelor's Children' and 'Lone Journey,' to M-G-M on contract. 'Of Men and Books,' conducted by John T. Fredericks, professor of Journalism at Northwestern University, ended its fifth season on CBS Sept. 26. It moves this week from a Saturday to a Wednesday afternoon spot. Howard D. Crissey, NBC engineer, goes to San Francisco this week on active duly as radio warrant officer in the Navy George Goebel, who joined WLS talent staff at age of 12, will be inducted into Army Air Corps this week Ben Bernie will m.c. Russian War Relief Show to be held In Hotel Sherman, Oct. 1... .Stan Raymond, NBC office employee, joins Sta- tion KHMO in Hannibal, Mo., as staff announcer and newscaster... .Ed Yocum, general manager of KGHL, Billings, Mont., a Chicago visitor Sidney Strotz, Western division vice prexy, stopping hare enroute to Coast from N.Y Guy Wallace, formerly of WCFL, added to WBBM announc- ing staff—Joy Hodges guesting this week on 'Victory Matinee.' Harold Isbell celebrates 20th year in radio by taking over m.c.'s spot on WBBM's 'Meet the Missus,' replacing Jim Conway who Joins Na-vy Art Harre, WJJD sales manager, to New York on business... .Tenor Jack Baker is temporary m.c. of Blue network's 'Breakfast Club' show while Don McNeill hunts pheasants in the Dakotas Sgt. E. N. Axtell, former asst. lo pres. of Russel Seeds Agency, transferred to Fort Banning, Ga., as candidate for Officer's Training School Bill Evans m.c.'s Sears show on WJJD in place of Rye Billsbury who is vacationing Manley Hardi- son ol Seeds Agcy joins Army and is assigned to Ft Custer, Mich.... Jimmy Dudley, sports announcer at WCFL, inducted into Army Air Corps, glider division, last week in special ceremony at Chicago's Treas. Center, with Capt. H. T. Crane ofTiciatlng. Springfield Station Squares Tavoritism' Rap of Candidate Springfield, Mass., Sept. 29. Because it apparently violated the FCC regulations covering equal op- portunities for political candidates, WSPR will give Atty. John J. Gran- fleld. Democratic candidate for Con- gress, free time before the Nov. 3 election to answer talks which it permitted Congressman Charles R Clason to give without charge. President Quincy A. Brackett Said this week that an amicable settle- ment was being worked out with Granfleld as the result of his protest to the FCC. Granfleld, a brother of Judge William J. Granfleld, Clason's predecessor in Congress from the Second Massachusetts District, com- plained to the FCC that the station had violated the commission's rules by letting Clason broadcast without charge after he (Granfleld) had an- nounced his candidacy. Running on a pro-administration program, Granfleld objected to the free biweekly WSPR broadcasts be- tween the announcement of his candidacy on July 3 and the Con- gressman's last free talk on Aug. 30 when the station told him - there would be no more talks without charge due to the imminence of the primaries. Granfleld charged that since Clason's talks contained many 'misrepresentations,' he should be permitted lo put the other side of the questions lo the voters. Loveton to Lord-Tliomas John Loveton, staff director with Ruthrauff & Ryan, leaves that agency Monday (5) for a similar job at Lord & Thomas. His assignments at his new post have not been decided. He directs 'CJood Will Hour," 'Board of Missing Heirs' and The Shadow' for R. Ac R