Variety (Sep 1942)

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Wedaesday, Seplember 30, 1942 CHATTER SS Broadway Ed Stair In from Detroit (or a visit. Bunny Waters to the Coast; mother ailing. George Nlcholal up trom . im Beach for short stay. John WUdberg, around after pneU' monla, lost 21 pounds. Ne^Armstrong teaming with E 11 Doll on 'Janle' publicity. Duffy's Tavern, originally 'La Hiff's, opens Friday (2). Hotel Plaza maestro Bob Grant pencilled in for the Army. Texas publisher Amon Carter to London soon. His boy's over there. Louis Nizer, film industry attor- ney, back from month's rest in Ari- zona. Louis Sobol's contract renewed another year by Hearst from next November. Owen Davis, Jr., transferred from Ft. Monmouth to Photographic Cc tei, Astoria. Leo Devaney, RKO division sales manager in Canada, here to discuss product deals. Arthur Willi, RKO eastern talent •xec, off to Coast for huddles with Charles W. KoemA. Eddie Elkins, former bandsman, is now a Wall Street trader, and suc- cessful, too, he claims. Jack Price one of many civilian expert photographers with Army* Signal Corps at Astoria. Charles Laughton In town over the weekend after a week of bond sell- in;! through New England. Scenic designer John Root and ac- tress Margaret Mullen (Mrs. Root) have returned from Fire Island. Sidney Piermont, the Loew book- ing boss, slated for a commission In the Army Special Services Corps. Savington Crampton, erstwhile radio man with ad agencies, now in D.C. service with the Treasury Dept. Dave Eldridge has become man- ager of the St. James theatre, Sam Tauber being switched to the Ply- mouth. Bill Danziger, with Donohue St Coe ad agency, handling special pub- licity campaign for M-G's 'Du Barry Was a Lady.' Billy de Wolfe, to the Coast this week for his first Paramount assign- ment, 'Dixie' (BIng Crosby), thence Into the Navy. Lieut. Eddy Duchin in from Great Lakes on leave to visit his boy, Peter, wha resides with Mrs. W. Averell Harriman. Moe Silver, zone manager for Warner Bros, in the Pittsburgh area, in town to discuss theatre matters with Harry M. Kalmine. Arleen Whelan may go into a Broadway legit this fall. Her husr band. Alec D'Arcy, in U. S. Army, now stationed in Egypt. Quentin Reynolds sojourning here until Xmas, when he returns to Lon- don for Collier's, as he 'doesn't want t« miss that second front.' Besides the hoteliers beefing at those come-off painted stockings, the boy friends, while dancing, find it's also adding to their valet bills. George Fraser with War Activi- ties Committee on the industry's bond drive, has joined Columbia Pic- tures publicity staff on special work. Jay Leyda, technical director at Artkino, U. S. distrib of Soviet films, to the Coast t&t Warner Bros, as technical adviser on 'Mission to Mos- cow.' Those playful pranksters, Orson Welles and George Jessel. are knock- ing each other out with gags and practical jokes in the boites around town. Radie Harris, production aide to Sol Lesser on his 'Stage Door Can- teen* pic, arrives from the Coast Friday to contact 'names' for appear- ances in the film. Mark Hanna off to England and Ireland, for OWI, was farewelled by his cronies at Toots Shor's last Thursday. Clippered to the British Isles over the weekend. A service flag in honor of the 1,121 employees of Loew's and Metro now In the armed services was raised Fri- day (20) by Nick Schenck in front of the home office building. _ Nate Blumberg. Univcr.<;al prexy. js due in shortly from the Coast on his periodical fall visit. He will be accompanied by John Joseph, com- pany s ad-publlcity chief. Gene Buck, w.k. for hLs allergy to puttmg on any weight, finally added seven pounds, and looks much better. Claims the ASCAP troubles don't sit on him as heavily as before. Gasoline and rubber rationing starting to catch up with local preweries. Several of them now de- livering kegs in the old open trucks, powered by hefty oat-barners. Harry Hershfield heads a stage committee to elect George J. Mlnt- «er. Republican and A. L. P. nomi- nee for the Supreme Court judge- ship. Lee Posner on publicity. Capt. Edward Duryea Dowling Is on detached duty from Ft. Meade to nandle Olsen and Johnson, et al., for the Army Emergency Relief benefit tonight at Madison Sq. Garden. Merle Oberon into a local hospital tor a little rest cure following her return from entertaining in Eng- land and Ireland with Al Jolson, Pa- tricia Morlson, Allen Jenkins and Prank McHugh. Paul Whiteman helped put hlg Jersey farm in order during his re- cent trip east. Now raising pedi- greed cattle. Maestro back to the Coast today to resume with Bums and Allen radio show neat Tues. Th« Walter Wlnchells, who had o alntalned three N. Y. apartments for a time, besides a country place, giving up the C. P. West and Hotel St Moritz penthouses to concentrate in their present place, heretofore the third residence. Ward Morehouse, N. Y. Sun col- umnist, scripting the sequence anent Al Jolson's entertainment for the troops in Ireland, which he wit- nessed, Jolson meantime flew to his Miami Beach house for a week be- fore returning to the air next Tues- day. Washington Constance Bennett dined locally with husband. Private Gilbert Ro- land of Air Corps. Roxyettes of Earle theatre tossed a $1,000 plate breakfast. Sold $44,- 000 in war l>onds. Joan Fontaine, in Red Cross uni- form, attracted plenty of attention in Senate dining room. Kermit Bloomgarten here to smooth out details for 'Luncheon Follies,' playing industrial centers. Harry James booked for the Vic- tory room of the hotel Roosevelt for eight weeks. Arrives Nov. 2. General George C. Marshall, chief of staff, had a party of 20 for the $18.50 opening of 'This Is the Army.' Irving "Berlin hosted the drama critics to bgffet supper in Cabinet room of Hot*] Willard Sunday night (27). J L. Stoddard Taylor, (or 22 years manager of the Belasco, came down from Toronto for the opening of the Canteen in his old playhouse. It's now Lt. Don (^raig. Former drama critic of Daily News and 'Variety' mugg got his golden shoul- der bars last Friday (25) at Camp Lee. Herman Shumlln wanted Washing- ton for opening of "The Big Step.' But juvenile law bars booking be- cause of two youngsters. Also blocks 'Watch on the Rhine.' Miami By Leslie Harris Manuel San Miguel back in town. Gloria Daye set for El Bolero opening. Conrad Tibault and bride honey- mooning here. Veronica Lake bedded for day by tooth extraction. Mary Carlisle appeared in local army benefit show. Fred Pope is new assistant man- ager at Olympia theatre. Knox Manning, coast radio ^.n- nouncer, at Officers Candidate School. Al Jolson back at the Lord Tarle- ton for brief rest Officiated at local Victory bond celebration this week. Ai-my has nixed any more appear- ances by Clark Gable until he grad- uates from Officers Candidate School. Philadelpliia By SI Shaltx Pat Stanton, v.p. of WDAS. has enlisted in the Coast Guard Reserves, Joe E. Lewis confiding to his friends here that he's 1-A and ex- pects marching orders soon. Abe Neff, orchestra leader, has joined the Harry Biben booking office as head of the band depart- ment. Edna Phillips (Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenbaum) returns as harpist with the Philadelphia Orchestra after year's hiatus. Ross Mulholland. WCAU spieler, handling the 'Matinee from Meadow- brook' and Brookline Country Club airings Saturdays. Lincoln Wilmerton, stage manager of Stage Door Canteen, (eted Satur day night i26) by Canteen crowd prior to joining up. Jack Charlton, onetime terpcr. new contact man here for Paramount Music, replacing Maxic Kendrick now a nitery nabob. U. S. DX Continued from page 1 amorata. What happens? As soon as a gag is hatched in Rome or Milan or Genoa or Florence, somehow it gets to England pronto, and almost within the week the Italian-speaking propagandist from London will ad lib this nifty. This pleases the Ital ians, who thus respect the EInglish men's clever espionage, which so readily gets even local color comedy. With this, the English shortwaver slips in a ripsnorting piece of data about what the Spitfires did over Mimich or the Commandos did at Dieppe. From America, we supposedly feed them fanciful figures about Flying Fortresses, much building, etc., but there's no achievement to sock home the point. This Is said to be the prime shortcoming of Yankee DX at tack via shortwave. London Oscar Deutsch left around $1,425.- 000. B,.rney Jacobs had severe heart attack. David Toff, London head of South- em Music Co., snatched belated 10 days holidav. Simon Van Lier, head of music section of Keith, Prowse, off on two weeks vacation to Cornwall, Southern Morris has added an- other picture house to his circuit by leasing the Coliseum, Ilford, Sir Gordon Craig has put re- ceivers in at the Palace, Hammer- smith, for debt incurred by T. Kans- sen, the lessee. George Black and Jack Hylton hre again on speaking terms. Cele- brated renewal of friendship, at the Ivy restaurant Palace theatre, Westcllff, presented to the local council as a gift by the widow of Frederick Mouillot, the theatrical manager. Bon Blott who is appearing in the Phyllis Dlxey revue at Whitehall theatre, was torpedoed while serv- ing in the Merchant Navy Service, losing several finger*. Irene Browhe replacifig Fay Compton in 'BUthe Spirit' Latter rehearsing for the production by H. M. Tennent Ltd., of'Little Foxes,' due in the West End at the end of October. NBC cabled its London office to airmail copy of Richard Addinsell's new march, 'Into Battle'; Addlnsell- Is author of 'Warsaw Concerto,' which is proving one of the biggest hits in town. Arts Theatre Club bad to cancel its performance of 'Magic' on Sept 13, thieves having rifled the dress- ing-rooms and stolen all the men's clothes. An unsuccessful attempt had been made to break into the wine cellar. Lee SphValm and Emile Littler jointly producing 'Sunny River,' Max Gordon's Broadway musical of last season. Show goes to London Coli- seum or Stoll's Kingsway, sometime next March, with Evelyn Laye to play lead. Sidney Beer, for years a famous racehorse owner and sportsman, has formed the National Symphony Or- chestra which he wilL personally conduct at a series of Sunday con- certs at the Phoenix theatre com- mencing Oct 11. Vaude and screen comedian Will Hay elected honorary chairman of Variety Artists Federation. Of the si:: nominations (or the post. Harry Claff, Bud Flanagan, Ronald Fran- kau. Will Fyffe and Albert Whelan withdrew, leaving Hay to be elected unopposed. Chicago Greer Garson a Chicago visitor for day en route back to west coast. Nat Depinet, RKO prexy, in Chi- cago for several days on business. 20th-Fox planning elaborate local campaign for opening of 'Pied Piper' in Chicago Oct. 9. Leo McCarthy, western division manager for PRC, in Chi from Mil- wgltkee on cbmpany business. Film Bookers Club held dinner Thursday night at Kingsholm Restau- rant for members and their families. . Motion Picture Bowling League, representing teams from all picture company exchanges, opened new season. Auditorium theatre and hotel have opened for entertainment of service men and can handle 20,000 uni- formed men daily. Grand theatre opened Saturday (26) with two first-run PRC pic- tures, 'Secrets o( a Co-ed' and 'Bombs Over Burma.' Dorothy Lamour replaced Rita Hayworth in Aurora. Elgin, and La Porte. Ind.. in appearances for September Bond Drive. Bob Allen joined United Artists country sales staff. Allen was for- merly with Warners. Abe Fischer, country salesman, will take over city route. Herman Belersdorf appointed dis- trict manager of the newly-created 20th-Fox Great Lakes District, in- cluding Chicago. Milwaukee and Detroit. Belersdorf was formerly branch manager in Dallas. Pittsburgh By Hal Cohen Opening night seats for "This Is the Army' here on Oct 12 scaled to $11. Variety Club will hold Its annual election of officers next Monday night (5). Rita Hayworth had to cancel her bond rallies in tri-state area on ac- count of illness. Oscar Serlin took his army physi- cal here before 'Strip for Action' pulled out of town. Gardens gets 'Icecapade.'i' in No- vember and 'Ice Follies' for Xmas- New Year's weeks. Harry Morton, the agent, came on with 'Hellzapoppin' troupe and spent the week here. Louis Kaufman, the broadca.stlng barrister, back on the Job after three weeks in the hospital. Barbara Burns. Tech drama senior and Playhouse actress, has been added to KDKA artists staff. Irving Jacobs, M-G booker, has en- roller in civilian defense and study- ing to be an air raid warden. Nikolai Fatula, local dancer, will tour with Gertrude Lawrence in 'Lady in the Dark' this season. Garry Davis, upped to one of the leads in 'Let's Face It' went to the Tech drama school for a year. Run of 'Art of Love' and 'Bedroom Diplomat' at Art Cinema finally ended last Friday (24) at 21 weeks. Frances McC:abe gets lemme lead in Playhouse's opening show. Max- well Anderson's 'Eve of St. Mark.' Ted Viehman has picked 'George Washington Slept Here' for his sec- ond show at the community theatre. Carmen LaPorte, exotic dancer, has launched a comeback at Villa Madrid after a retirement of three years. Secret marriage two months ago of Sid DIckler, nitery p.a., and Flor- ence Gill, a nurse, has just been an- nounced. Bud Crozier, Baron Elliott's sax player, injured in auto accident and Ereddy Heft-lck is temporarily re- placing him. ° Sal Recchi, violinist and accordion player, new addition to Johnny Kaaihue musical troupe at Hotel Roosevelt ' Grace White, Johnny Harris' pri- vate secretary, was sworn into the WAAC's a few days ago and shoves off this'weekend. Nick Lomakin, Local 60 saxman. sitting in with Del Courtney at Bill Green's imtil a replacement arrives from west coast Carmen Rummo, Max Adkins*' pianist who was rejected by the army, months ago, has been ordered up for another physical. St. Louis By Sam X. Hurst Sibyl Bowan, comedienne, here for a tonsllectomy at St Lukes. Anita and Armand, ballroomolo- gists, currently at Club Continental, Hotel Jefferson. Christ Ethim, owner of the Star, an indie house in.midtown, putting the house through a face-lifting. A special war bond pre-showing of Paromount's 'Wake Island' was held at the Fox theatre last week. The Ringling circus will open a five-day stand here Oct. 9. Previ- ously the extravaganza had stayed only three days. Former Mayor Henry W. Kiel was elected prez q( the Municipal The- atre Assn. sponsor of the Forest Park theatre, for the 25th consecu- tive time. Beraie Evens, former exploitation man for UA in St. Louis, now holding same stint with Metro with head- quarters in Kansas City. Evens suc- ceeds Claud Morris, resigned. The Wellston Amus. 'Co., owner- operator of the Wellston, an indie nabe in the west end, has purchased the building . it 0(;cupled for a re- ported $115,000. John W. Vainko is manager. The County Club, a northside nit- ery, surrendered its 5% beer license to the Excise Commissioner who had cited the club's manager. John A. Hughes, for offering intoxicating liquors for sale without a proper li- cense. War Spending i Continued from pace 2 ; —provided they or their money or both last that long. The shipbuilders give the ball- rooms around Southgate and the vi- cinity a heavy play, while air- crnfter.s. usually living near their plants, become Friday night habi- tues of neighborhood bars and night spots, often spending much more than they can afford. Property owners and taxpayers of the state, in fact are visibly alarmed b.v this symptom, feeling that the end of war here will be only the beginning of an onerous burden which they must shoulder; namely, the support of a lot of drifters and casual labor who are not normally self-supporting. As a general thing, they are people who formerly didn't hitve I bosom to their pants and suddenly find themselves handling sums that, by contrast, seem pro- digious. They consequently go 'sailor' rich —much as the same type of man cid in the last war. 'It'll be worse this time.' adds 0!dfteld, morosely. 'In the flist place, most of these people are far from their real homes and, without rubber and movement money, they'll become a charge on this state, or any other that has the same condition. 1.1 the second place, this isn't pro.sperity war, like the last one. Most of the pay checks I are under $40.' Briefly, then, it would appear that the cafes and bars here may be having .something of a splurge now, atid everything seems superb. But the bill hasn't come around vet. Claire Trevor hospitalized In Santa Fe, N. M. Red Skelton ordered by his medico to slow down. Eddie Aqulllna, stunt man, in Vet- erans Hospital for major surgery. Jackson Parks joined Bill Hebcrt'a publicity staff on the Goldwyn lot. Lewis Stone upped to the rank of colonel in the California state mili- tia. George Brent appointed civilian flying instructor, out of pictures for duration. William Farnum home from the hospital to recuperate from ab- , doininal surgery. Barbara Mace, Ear% Carroll cho- rine, divorced Warren Kenneth Mace, stage player. Arllne Judge sued here for $1,600, claimed as apartment rent by her New York landlord. Jinx Falkenburg bruised by a fall from a horse during a War Bond rally In Casper, Wyo. Lynn Bari, screen actress, filed suit for divorce against her husband- agent Walter Kane. Viola Brothers Shore in town to work on the novel, 'Seventh Cross,' for New York staging. Jeri Lee, model, divorced George 'Bullets' Durgom, attache with Tommy Dorsejrs orchestra. Raoul Walsh asked for $10,566 in additional income taxes for 1941 by Internal Revenue Department Walter Temple moved up as head of 20th-Fox trailer department to succeed Jim Simmons, now a soldier. George Robinson, chief camera- man at Universal, turned over his 44-foot motor cruiser to the Coast Guard. Henry Jaffa arrived from New York to draft modifieations of a new contract between AFRA and the Art- ists Managers Guild. Jean Parker, film actress, filed suit for divorce against H. Dawson San- ders, former radio announcer, now in the Coast Guard. L.eonard L. Levlnson slated to go to Washington next week for OWI, visiting in the radio division under BiU Lewis and Nat Wolff. Walter Wanger back from Texas where he lined up collegiate co- operation for his forthcoming pic- ture, 'We've Never Been Licked.' Bud Abbott (and Costello) filed suit against his former bookkeeper, Arthur Anderson, demanding the re- turn of various documents, cancelled checks and bank statements. Havana Stanley Chase of Paramount haa arrived in town. Ramon Peon, Cuban film director, to Mexico to work for producer Ramon Pereda.- The Nadonal, now playing Amer- ican pictures, may switch to Span- ish films again. Harry Bryman, new local manager for Metro, is in from Montevideo to take charge here. Tantasmas del Caribe,* local pic- ture directed by Ernesto .Caparros, nearlng completion. Much talk about an American pro- ducing and distributing company contemplating building of a theatre In Havana. Carlos Rocha, editor of the maga- zine Clnegraflco, and secretary of the Motion Picture Writers' Federa- tion, off to New York on business. Chela Campos, Mexican songbird who looks like Dorothy Lamour. making p.a.s in eighborhood movies and nearby towns. Achieved notable success in Havana. Smith-Valcarce circuit plans to run stage shows only at the Amer- ica during the month of November, and perhaps continue that policy should It not get together with local film distributors on terms. By Les Bees Harry Kuh in town ahead of 'Ice- Capades.' Paul Draper and Larry Adler Into Lyceum for one-nighter Oct. 12. Wesley Little theatre players of- fering 'Arsenic and Old Lace.' Ben Meshbesher resigned frorA Republic to join Warners' sales staff. 'Ice-Capades' opens indefinite en- gagement" at St. Paul Auditorium Oct 6. Joe Morrison headlining Turf club .show that includes Lucille and Eddie plus Ann Scott Hirsch-Katz Alvln opened Mid- west burlesque circuit roadshow sea- son with 'Crazy Show.' Fred Strom, Northwest Allied ex- ecutive secretary, back on job after fortnight's vacation In east. Marjorie Garretson, singing come- dienne, going Into 14th week at Hotel St. Paul Club Casino. Tony Di Pardo's orchestra back at Nicollet hotel Minnesota Terracs for second time in five months. Twin City Variety club Hniru up theatres to hold children's matmees to collect phonograph recortb en which cash will be realiaif for