Variety (Nov 1942)

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10 PICTUBB GROSSES WednesdAyt November 4, 191-2 Triorities'-Crosby Great $38,000 In Del; 'Sarong-'Loves Poe' ^ 25G Detroit, Nov. 3. Only two fresh bills this week and they keep biz on the forte side. Hold- overs continue to stretch out for longer runs. Michigan is leading the city with Bob Crosby's orchestra on the stage with "Priorities on Parade.' Fox also Is brisk with Abbott and Costello in 'Pardon My Sarong' and "Loves of Edgar Allen Poe.' Estimates for This Week Adams (Balaban) (1.700; 50-65)— Talk of Town' (Col) (2d wk) and 'Careful, Soft Shoulders' (20th). Former moved over .ifter strong week at Fox, and with freshener, looks to a great $8,000. Last week, •Tales jManhatlan" (20th) (3d wk) and "That Other Woman' (20th), choice $7,500. Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5.000; 50-65) —'Pardon Sarong' (U) and 'Loves of Poe' (20th). Stout $25,000. Last week, 'Talk of Town' (Col) and 'Sherlock Holmes Voice' (U), $26,000. Madison (United Detroit) (1,800; 50-65)—"Major and Minor' (Par) and 'Fly By Night' (Par) (4th wk). After unusually long stretch at Michigan, these two pixs were moved in here with sound $10,000 sighted. Last week, 'Wake Island' (Par) and 'Twin Beds' (UA) (5th wk), $8,500. MichlKan (United Detroit) (4.000; 50 65)—'Priorities on Parade' (Par) and Bob Crosby orch on stage. Handsome $38,000. Last week, 'Major and Minor' (Par) and "Fly By Night' (Par) (3d wk), good $16,000. Palms-SUte (United Detroit) (3,000; 7S-$1.10) —"Yankee Doodle' (WB) (2d wk). Price tilt boosting this to a strong $18,000 following $24,500 in first week. United ArtlsU (United Detroit) (2,000; 50-65) — 'Somewhere Find ■You' (M-G) and "Born to Sing' (M-G) (4th wk). Nice $9,000 coming up, after good $13,000 last week. 35-50) — 'Springtime in Rockies' (20th) and 'Little Tokyo, U. S. A.' (20th). Trim $12,000. Last week. Priorities Parade' (Par) and 'Give Out, Sisters' (U), $10,500. Brandels (Mort Singer) (1,500; 11- 30-44-50)—'Sister Eileen' (Col) and Buses Road' (WB) (2d wk). Okay $8,000. First week, $8,600, close to house record. Town (Goldberg) (1.400: 11-20-30) —'West of Law" (Mono), "Gold Rush' (UA), "Moscow Strikes Back' (Rep) plit with 'Western Mail' (Mono), Lady Is Willing' (Col), 'Moontide' 20th). Big $1,200. Last week, Arizona Coach' iMono), 'Private Buckaroo' (U), 'World at War' U. 3.) triple split with 'Double Trouble' (Mono). "Fingers Window' M-G) and "Sombrero Kid' (Rep), Wife Takes Flyer' (Col), "Don"t Get Personal' (U), $1,100. 'Journey' Big $15,000, Leader in Proyidence; ^ar-Hadley' Nice 14G Providence, Nov. 3. With good bills all around and warm weather to help, all houses are doing well. Majestic's 'Desper- ate Journey' is headed for the top epot Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,300; 30-40-50)— 'Between Us Girls' (U) and 'Wings and Woman' (RKO). Though below past week's highs, still good at $8,- 000. Last week, "Invisible Agent' (U) and 'Strictly In Groove' (U), $8,500. Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1.400; 30-40- 60)—'Orchestra Wives' 20th) and 'Just Ofl Broadway' (20th) (2d run), Rates fair with $3,500. Last week 'Flying Tigers' iRep) and 'Apache Trail' (M-G) (2d run), nice $3,900. Fay's (Indie) (2,000; 29-39-50)- •Man In Trunk,' (20th) and vaude, House doing nicely with this. Nifty $7,500. Last week, "Jungle Siren' (Mono) and vaude. $7,200. Maleolic (Fay) (2,200; 30-40-50)— •Desperate Journey' (WB). Flynn's recent adverse publicity isn't hurt Ing any here, solid $15,000. Last week, 'Orchestra Wives' (20th) and •Just Off Broadway' (20th). $14,000. Metropolitan (Indie) (3,200: 30 65)—"One Thrilling Night' (Mono) and Charlie Spivak Orchestra. Jack Durant and Diosa Costello on stage. Good $7,500 in three-day weekend nm. Slate (Lcew) (3J0O: 30^40-50)-- •War vs. Mrs. Hadley' (M-G) and 1. ucky Legs' (Col). Promising $14, 000. Last week. 'Seven Sv.>eethearts' (M-C) and 'Eyes In Night' (M-G). $13 000 S'irand (Indie) (2.000: 30-40-50)— •Are Hu,sband"s Neces.sary' iPar) and •Wildcat" (Par). Still g<»d at $7,000. week. 'Sister Eileen' (Col) and •Atlantic Convoy' (Rep) '3d solid $7,500. 'JOURNEV18G IN BIG BALTO Baltimore, Nov. 3. It's full steam ahead in this boom town for the fllm houses despite two-week sellout of legit 'Lady in the Dark,' and two-day buyout of "This Is the Army.' Against all this, local first run Alms reached out for high figures, with 'Desperate Jour- ney' sensational at the Stanley, and Major and Minor' faring equally well at Keith's. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew'.s-UA) (3.000: 17- 28-35-40-55)—-Cairo' (M-G). Given a lambasting by the crix and only mild at $12,000 or under. Last week, Mrs. Hadley' (M-G), fairish $11,600. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,240; 17-28-38-44-55-66)—Here Go Again' (RKO) plus Major Bowes unit and Rajah Raboid. Big $16,500 looked for. Last week, 'Highways by Night' (RKO) leaning on Sammy Kaye orch for healthy $17,800. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,406: 17- 28-35-44-55)—'Major and Minor' (Par). Clicking merrily with blg- gest-in-weeks $16,000. Last week. Glass Key' (Par), nice $12,600. Mayfalr (Hicks) (980: 25-50)—'A- Haunting Will Go' (20th). Doing all right $6,000. Last week, third of 'Flying Tigers' (Rep) built socko run to grand total of $18,800 for three weeks. New (Mechanic) (1.680; 17-28-40- 55)—'Girl Trouble' (20th). Meagre $5,000. Last week". 'Orchestra Wives' (20th) completed two weeks to a grand total of $14,300 for the brace. SUnley (WB) (3,286; 17-28-38-40- 55)—'Desperate Journey' (WB). Spotted in on.short notice but ring- ing the bell for lusty $18,000, biggest in town and holdover. Last week, 'Across Pacific' (WB) wound up two weeks for total of $24,700. ValencU (Loew's-UA) (1,450; 17- 28-44-55)—'Mrs. Hadley' (M-G) (moveover). Very satisfactory $4,- 000. Last week. "Moon and Sixpence' (UA), pleasing $4,400. IHajor-Minor' $15,000 In OkeKX.;'Tigers'lOG wk), I policy ' .stout. . -Ka'jsas City_ .N/5v..:3 Tops here this week is 'Major and Minor,' which is outpulling any other picture in recent months at New- man. With Ina Ray Hulton and band on stage with 'Strictly in the Groove,' "(fie'Tower is stroiig this week. E.squire. Uptown and Fair- way, continuing new day-and-dale with 'Flying Tigeis.' is 'Key'-TbfflbstoDe' Fme $22,000, B'klyn Leader Brooklyn, Nov. 8. Booming biz reported at Fabian Fox showing 'Glass Key' and 'Tomb- stone.' Second week of 'Major and Minor' and 'Busses Roar' at the Paramount also fine. Strand opened strong with 'Wake Island and "Joan of' Ozark.' EsUmates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,274; 35-50-65)- Orchestra Wives' (20th) and 'Wings and Woman' (RKO) opened today (Tuesday). Last week. 'Pride of Yankees* (RKO) and 'Manila Call- ing' (20th) (3d wk), good $16,000. Kox (Fabian) (4,023; 30-50-65)— •Glass Key' (Par) and 'Tombstone (Par). Strong $22,000. Last week, "Desperate Journey' (WB) and •Blondie Victory' (Col) (3d wk), okay $10,000. Met (Loew's) (3,618: 30-50-65) — Yank at Eton' (M-G) and 'Calling Dr. Gillespie' (M-G). Nifty $20,000 Last week, "Panama Hattie' (M-G) and "Brooklyn Orchid' (UA) (2d wk), pleasant $12,000. MaJesUc (Siritsky) (1.850; 25-50)— Lure of Islands' (Indie) and Foreign Agents' (Mono) arrives to- day (Tuesday). Last week. 'Moscow Strikes Back' (Rep) and 'Old Home- stead' (Rep), fairish $4,500. Paramount (Fabian) (4,128: 30-50- 65)—•Major and Minor' (Par) and "Busse.s Roar' (WB) (2d wk) Trim $18 000. Last week, splendid $25,000. Strand (WB) (2,950; 30-50-65)-- 'Wake Island' (Par) and 'Joan oi Ozark' (Rep). Healthy ,$18.00p- Last week, 'Yankee Doodle (WB) (4th wk), okay $10,000. mo Done It?' Giant $15,000, Cincy's Ace; 'Voyager' Dandy 14G Cincinnati, Nov. 3. 'Who Done -t?' at the Palace, and •Now, Voyager,' in the Albee, are the big clicks currently. General trade is on the upgrade for first time in four weeks. The new Abbott-Costello comedy is pacing the b.o. race this week by nice margin. Results are good on most hold- overs. Esliroatcs for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,300: 33r40-50) — "Now, Voyager' (WB). Dandy $14,000. week, 'Springtime in Rockies' (20th), sock $18,500. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 33-40-50)— ■Sister Eileen' (Col). Third week of moveover, swell $5,000 on heels of last week's big $6,500. Family (RKO) (1,000; 17-28) — 'Sweater Girl' (Par) and 'Destination Unknown' (U), split with "Bowery at Midnight' (Mono) and 'Criminal In- vestigator' (Mono). Normal $2,100. Ditto last week on 'Grea Impersona- tion' (U) and 'Foreign Agent' (Mono), divided with 'Madame Spy' (U) and 'Deep Heart Texas' (U). Grand (RKO) (1,430; 33-40-50)— 'Springtime in Rockies' (20th). Moved over from Albee for second stanza. Wham $7,500. Last week, "Girl Trouble' (20th), sad $3,500. Keith's (RKO) (1,500; 33-40-50)— 'Seven Sweethearts' (M-G). Sorry $3,000. Same last week for 'Cairo' (M-G). Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 28-33-42) — 'Moscow Strikes Back' (Rep) and 'Joan of Ozark' (Rep). Mild $3,500. Last week, 'Here Go Again' (RKO) (2d run), $4,000. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 33-40-50)— "Who Done It?' (U). Giant $15,000. Last week, 'Glass Key' (Par), six days, no dice, $6^00. Sbubcrt (RKO) (2,100; 33-40-50)— TWajtn-a/Id ■ MinoT (Par). SSC()iTi(i week of moveover. Hefty $5,000 afler last week's stiirjy $7,500. 'Moon-SiipoKe' Sod( $40,000 in Two Hub Spots: IcejaniT Solid 25G, Solo Rockies" (20th) and 'Manila Calling' (20th), swell $20,000. Missouri (F&M) (4,570; 30-40-90) —'Springtime Rockies' (20th) and 'Manila Calling' (RKO). Moveover from the Fox should add another good $7.()00. Last week. Tales Man- hattan' (20lh) and 'Talk Town' (Col), $7 500 St Loula (F&M) (4,000; 30-40)— 'Mummy's Tomb' (U) and 'Night Monster' (U). Chillers do swell at this house, nice $6,500 in sight. Last week, 'Moscow Strikes Back' (Rep) and 'Man In Trunk' (20th), $6,400. 'WAKE' GREAT 18G. PHILLY Philadelphia, Nov. 3. Filmers are still ri(jing high this sesh despite opposition of four legit houses open at the same time—larg- est number of legiters in action since early in 1930. And one of the shows the pic theatres are bucking is "This Is the Army,' playing to jammed houses. Leading the pack this trip is 'Des- perate Journey.' Front-page pub- licity on Errol Flynn is really help- ing. Also plenty hot is the opening week for 'Wake Island," taking in a big league gross despite the fact that it's playing the Aldine, a compara- tively small-seater. Estimates for This Week Aldlire (WB) (1.303: 35-46-57-68-75) —'Wake Island" (Par). With Marine Corps and press beating the drums, 'Wake" is soaring to hangup $18,000. Last week. 'Pied Piper' (20th), good $0,000 for third sesh. ArcadU (Sablosky) (600; 35-46-57- 68)—'Holiday Inn' (Par) (2d run). Trim $5,300. Last week, 'Gay Sisters" (WB), fairish $1,700 for second week of third run. Boyd (WB) (2.509; 35-46-57-68-75) —"Desperate Journey' (WB). Flynn"s thriller cashing in with great $20,000 in the till plus a big $4,500 for extra Sunday showing at the Earle. Last week. "Somewhere Find You' (M-G), $12,500 for third stanza. Earle (WB) (2.768; 35-46-57-68-75) —'Big Street' (RKO), with Shep Field orch and Jack Carson on stage. Net- ting .satisfactory $22,500. week, 'Manila Calling' (20th), with An- drews Sisters and Will Osborne orch, sock $30,000. Fox (WB) (2.425: 35-46-57-68-75)— 'Sister Eileen' (Col) (3d wk). Plenty potent at $16,000. Last week, bright S22,500. Karllon (WB) (1.066: 35-46-57-68) —'Wings for Eagle' (WB) (2d run). Plenty good at $5,500. Last week, 'Pride Yankees' (RKO). neat $5,800 for second week of second run. Keith's (WB) (2.220; 35-46-57-68)— 'Pied Piper' (20th) (2d run). Okay $4,500. Last week. 'Panama Hattie' (M-G), fairish $4,200 on second run. SUnlev (WB) (2.916: 35-46-57-68- 75)—Pardon Sarong' (U) (2d wk). Sloughing off to $13,500. Opener a solid $19,500, plus good $3,900 for initialer. 'Yank at Eton' (M-O) preems tomorrow (Wed.). SUnton (WB) (1,457; 35-46-97-68) —'Flying Tigers' (Rep) (4th wk). Plenty of power at $6,500. Last week, profitable $7,500. 'Glass Key' (Par) opens Thurs. (5). 'Joomey' Tops Mont'l, Big $10,000; W9iGJ 'Rockies' Trim $12,000 In Omaha; Tales' 9G Omaha. Nov. 3. Amazing gross chalked up by 'Sister Eileen' plus 'Buses Roar' at Brandeis is close to a record (or the picture policy at this theatre. Second week has also opened with lonR box- ofTice lines. The Omaha with "Tales of Manhattan' and 'Ships With Wings" also is playing to big busi- ness, • rated a smash total at this theatre. The Orpheum's 'Springtime in the Rockies' and "Little Tokyo, U. S. A.' also is great. EsUmates for This Week Omaha (TrisUtes) (2,000; 11-30- 35-50)—'Tales Manhattan' (20th) and •Ships With Wings' (UA). Good $9,000 or near. Last w««k. 'Pardon Sarong' (U) (2d wk) and VIt. Bug to Town' (Par) (tet -vk), nice $7,800, O^pheam (Tristates) (3,000; 11-30- EstlmaUii for This Week Esquire, Uptown and Fairway 'USGIRLS'-BGWESISG, ST. LOUIS;'NOON'SAME St. Louis, Nov. 3. With Ihe Army War Show drawing (Fox-Midwest) <820. 2.043 and 700: crowd.s currently and the Missouri 11-35-50)—'Flying Tigers'(Rtp). NicciU-Greai Lakes gridiron attracting a $10,000. Last week. 'Iceland' '20th) mob Saturday (31) the edge is oft (2d wk), okay $7,500. - Ihc usual b.o. take at the dc- Mldland (Loew s) .3..')00: ll-.3,'i.50. I"""'- ^^^^l ^*<'*', -"Sister Eileen' (Col) and 'Sabotage' ''' .Amba.ssador with Squad' (Col). Medium $10,000. ^VZ*1L^ul^'!u^ ^-^^^^J^^^A week, 'War Vs. Mrs. Hadley' m-G)\^l^t'J^^? t^'V^B-F"'-:.^.^??^^^^ and 'Lucky Legs' (Col), $9,500 Newman (Paramount) (1.900: 11- 35-50)—'Major Minor' iPar). .Socko $15,000. Last week. 'Across Pacific' (WB) (2d wk). acceptable $6,000. Orpheum (RKO) (1.600: 11-35-50) —'Desperate Journey' (WB) and 'Spitfire's Elephant" iRKO). Thin $5,500. Last week; "Here Go Again' (RKO) and 'Falcon's Brother' (RKO) (2d wk), satisfactory $7,000. Tower (Fox-Joffee) (2,110; 11-35- 50)-T-'Strtctly in Groove' (U) and Ina Tlay Hutton band on stage. Dandy $10,500. Last week, 'Voice of Terror' (U) and 'Man in Trunk' (20th) with vaud«, brl^ $8,000. Sixpence' at Loew'.s is just as .strong. E>(lmale<i for Thin Week I.oew'B (Locw) (3,172; 30-40-50)— "Moon and Sixpence' (UA) and 'Fingers at WincJow' (M-G). Good $1.5.000 in sight for this one. Last week. 'Panama Hattie' (M-G) and "Annie Rooncy' (UA) (2d wk). $13,- 700. Ambassador (F&M) (3,000 : 30-40- 50)—'Between Us Girls' (U) and Maj. Bowes' Eighth Anniversary unit on stage. Average $19,000. Last week, 'Major and Minor' (Par) and 'Wildcat' (Par), mild $13,100. Fox (F&M) (9,000; 30-40-50)— 'Here Go Again' (RKO) and 'Wings And Women' (RKO). Mild $14,900. Fair. Last week, 'Springtime In Montreal, Nov. 3. 'Desperate Journey' is swinging to smart $10,000. 'Talk of Town' at Loew'sr' is running a good second 'Orchestra Wives' and 'Moon & Six- pence,' latter In sixth stanza, are still good. Estimates for This Week Palace (CT) (2,700; 30-49-82)— 'Desperate Journey' (WB). Pointing to smart $10,000. Last week, 'Wake Island' (Par), $9,000. Capitol (CT) (2.700; 30-49-62)—'Or- chestra Wive.s' (20lh) and 'Spy Ship' (20th) (2d wk). Sighting nice $5,500 after good $7,000. Loew's (CT) (2.800; 35-53-67)— 'Talk of Town' (Col). Big weekend crowds signalling good $9,500. Last week. 'Somewhere Find You' (M-G) (2d wk), nice $7,500. PrinccM (CT) (2..300: 30-40-52)— 'Glass Key' (Par) • and 'Wildcat" (Par). Average $4,000 in'sight. Last week, 'Nnight of Love' (Col) (reis- sue) and 'Atlantic Convoy" (Col), $4,600. Orpheum dnd) (1.100; 30-40-60)— 'Moon & Sixpence' (UA) (8th wk) Still bringing them in for probable $2,000 currently following trim $2,500 last week. St. Denis (France-Film) (2,500; 30- 40)—'Katia' and 'Le Chanteur de Minuit.' Fair $3,900. Last week, French plays. Boston, Nov. 3. Some more Indian summer failed to compete with the variety of po- tent product in the Hub this week and ^ood grosses are the rule down the line. The big surprise is "Moon and Sixpence,' generally considered here a crix pix, which is nudging $40,000 at the two Loew stands. Equally lively is 'Iceland' at the Met' going to $29,000 with holdover likely! Estlmales for This Week Boston (RKO) (3,200; 44-55-65-75- 85)—'Between Us Girls" (U) phis Horace Heidt orch. Nice $32,500 Last week, 'Big Street' (RKO) with Billy Rose's 'Diamond Horseshoe Re- vue,' $29,000. Fenway (M-P) (1,373: (30-44-60)— 'Desperate Journey' (WB) and "Loves Poe' (20th). Flynn is getting a play here on move-over from Met with new picture, $4,500, okay. Last week, 'Glass Key' (Par) and 'Pierre Plains' (M-G), $7,000. terrific. Memorial (RKO) (2.900; 44-55-65- 75) — 'Bambi' (RKO) and "Meet Stewarts' (Col) (2d wk). Five days only on holdover, sturdy $15,000. . Last week, $18,000. Mctr«polltan (M-P) (4,367; 30-44- 59-65-75)—'Iceland' (20lhJ and "Ber- Un Correspondent' (20th). Solid $29,000, with second week likely. Last week, 'Desperate Journey' (WB) '•and 'Just Off Broadway' (20th) (2d wk). $17,600. Orpheum (Loew) (2,900; 44-54-65- 75)—'Moon and Sixpence' (UA) and 'Dr. Gillespie' (M-G). Making a surprisingly strung bid at very staunch $23,000. Last week, 'Yank at Eton' (M-G) and 'Sabotage Squad' (Col), $21,900. Paramount (M-P) (1.800; 33-44-60) —'Desperate Journey' (WB) anil 'Loves Poe' (20th). New companion piece for 'Journey' after ftvo frames at Met, shipshape $10,900. Last week, 'Glass Key' (Par) and 'Pierre Plains' (M-G), terrific $15,500. SUte (Loew) (3.900; 44-85-75)— 'Moon and Sixpence' (UA) and Dr, Gillespie" (M-G). Great $17,000. Last week, 'Yank at Eton' (M-G) and 'Sabotage Squad' (Col), $16,000. Translnx (TransUix) (900: 17-28: 44-99)—'Mummy's Tomb' (U) and 'Night Monster' (U) (2d wk). Hold- overs are scarce here but horror bill does it, stout $5,000. Last week, $5,800. 'Rociues'-'Destination' Tall $16,000 in Denver; 'Big Street' Trim 116 Denver. Nov. 8. 'Springtime in Rockies' and 'Des- tination Unknown' at the Denver is taking the smash money to lead the town this week. "Big Street" dualed with 'Jackass Mail' at the Orpheum also Is stout. EstlraatcB for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1.400; 40-90-60)— 'Across Pacific' (WB), after weeji at the Denver. Okay $9,000. Lail week, 'Sister Eileen' (Col), after Denver week, big $7,000. Broadway (Fox) (1.040; 30-39-40- 90-60)—'Here Go Again' (RKO) and 'CaUing Dr. Gillespie' (M-G). after two weeks at Orpheum. Fair $3,900j Last week, 'Somewhere Find You (M-G) and 'Spitfire's Elephant* (RKO), after two Orpheum weeks, okay $4,000. Denham (Cockrill) (1,750; 30-40- 50-60)—'Ate- Husbands Necessary' (Par) (2d wk), and'"'Wiracat'-tP^V (1st wk). Good $7,900. week, 'Husbands,' solo, fine $10,000. Denver (Fox) (2.525: 30-40-50-60) -''Springtime in Rockies" i20lh) and 'Destination Unknown' (U). Big $16,000. Last week, '.^ Paciflf (WB) and "Moonlight Havana" (U), ditto. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 30-35-40- 50-60)-'Big Street' (RKO) and 'Jackass Mail' (M-G). Fine $11,000. Last week, 'Here Go Again' (RKO.) and 'Oiling Dr. Gillespie' (M-G), trim $9,900 for second sesh. Paramount (Fox) (2.200: 30-45)— 'Between Us Girls' (U) and "Eyes Underworld' (U). Sturdy $9,000 or near. Last week, 'Sin Town' (U) and 'Half Way to Shanghai' (U), $9,000. Coast Fitm Workers On $3.77 Per Week in Sept Sacramento. Nov. 3. Motion picture workers earned an average weekly wage of $51.68 dur- ing September, a drop of $3.77 a week from the previous month, ac- cording to figures is.sued here. Wage earners worked an average of 34.1 hours a week at an hourly rate of $1,515 In Seplember. Aver- age weekly wages for the corre- sponding month in 1941 were $47.59.