Variety (Nov 1942)

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Wednesday, Npvepiber 4» .194> BADIO ST Director and Writer Credits Contlni" >m 'page 30 , •Mr. Keen' <Hiisioal Steelmakers' 'National Barn Dance' Old Gold 'O'Neills' 'One Mao's Family' 'Our Gal Sunday' Frank Parker 'Parker Family' •Pause That Refreshes' Jack Pearl 'People Are Funny' 'Pepper Young' 'Playhouse' ■Plantation Party' 'Portia Faces Life' Dkk Powell 'QnU Kids' ■Badlo Headers Digest' "Bed Byder' 'Beveille Boondnp' Tommy Bigga ■^Ight to Happiness' 'Road ol Life' 'Romance of Relent Trent* OUvIo 'Santoro •Saturday Night Serenade' 'Soreen Oolid Theatre' 'Sgt Gene Autry' . 'Second Husband The Shadow' Dinah Shore Bed Skeltoa Kate Smith Kate Smith Speaks BpoUlght Bands 'Stage Door Canteen' 'Stars Over Hollywood' 'StelU Dallas' 'Stories Anterlea Loves' HarrMaiUa' - - Takt It or Leave It^ Telephone Hour Thanks to the Tanks' That Brewster Boy' Theatre of Today' Thin Man* Lowell Thomas Those We Love* Today at the DnaiSBBB' Tme or False* True Story Theatre of the Alr> Truth or Consequences' 'Valiant Lady' 'Vie ani Sade* •Voice of Firestono' 'Vox Pop' 'WalU Tine' I'red Warlar "We Love and Leam' •We. the People' Oraon WeUea 'When a Girl Marries* Tonni Dr. Malone' 'Young WIdder Brown* Your Bit Parade* Kolynos Wheeling Steel Alka-Seltzer Lorillard Standard Brands Standard Brands Anacin Squibb Jergens Coca-Cola Cresta Blanca Brown St Williamson Procter St Gamble Philip Morris Brown St Williamson General Foods Campana Alka-Seltzer Campbell Langendorf Bromo-Qulnine Lever B-S-H (N. Y.) Critchfield Wade Thompson Bates Thompson B-S-H (N. Y.) Geyer, Cornell St Newell Lennen & Mitchell D'Arcy Weintraub Seeds Pedlar & Ryan Blow Seeds Benton St Bowles Aubrey, Moore St WalUce Wade Wheelock RuthraufF St Ryan Seeds Young St Rubicam Martha Atwell J. L. Grimes Ed Simmons Robert Brewster Chick Vincent Carlton E. Morse Stephen Gross John Macdonell Procter St Gamble Procter St Gamble Bisodol Thrive Pet Milk Lady Esther Wrigley Bayer Blue Coal Compton Compton B-S-H (N. Y.) Clements Gardner Pedlar St Ryan Thompson B-S-H (N, Y.) RuthrauR St Ryan Bristol-Myers Pedlar St Ryan Brown St Williamson Seeds General Foods General Foods Coca-Cola Com Products Dari-Rich Phillips General Mills ' Procter-!: Gainblo Eversherp Bell Telephone Camel Quaker Oat< Armstrong Cork Jergens Sun Oil General Foods Sunkist J. B. WUllams Howard diothes Procter St Oamblo General MUli Procter & Gambls Firestone Bromo-Seltzer PhUUps Liggett St Myers (general Foods GtiU LockhMcl Pruaentlal General Foods Baysr Ami erlcui Tobacco Young St Rubicam Young St Rubicam D'Arcy Miller Sorenson B-S-H (N. Y.) Reeves Benton St Bowles Blow Ayer Esty Ruthrauft & Ryan B.B.D. St O. Lennon St Mitchell Roche, Williams St Cunnyngham Young St Rubicam Lord it Thomas* "Thompson Redfleld-Johnstone Compton Reeves Compton Sweeney tc James RuthrauA & Ryan i-S-H (K. V.) Nawell-Enunett Young & Rubicam Young St Rubicam Lor^ 4^ Thomas Benton St dowles Benton St Bowles B.»-H (N. • Lord it Tho Byron Lawrence Klee Bill Vance Ed Rice David Victor, Herbert Little, Jr. Carlton E. Morse Ruth Borden Oliver Barbour No One Set George Zachary Gilbert Seldes Arthur Daly Billy K. Wells John Guedel -John Guedel Chick Vincent Elaine Sterne Car- rington Charles Martin Watson Humphrey Roy Bailey Mona Kent £^1 Ebi •"'^ Bloodworth Henry Hayward Robert Tallman, For- rest Ely, Al Perkins Paul Franklin Paul Franklin Watson Humphrey Glenhall Taylor Sam Perrin, Jack Douglas, George Bal- zer, Al Lewin Guilford Gibbons Art Gladd Guilbert Gibbons Gertrude Prys Les Mitchell Mary Watkins Reeves Dorothy Masterson Roland Martini Bill Lawrence Bradford Brown Freelance Martha Atwell No One Set Knowles Entrikin Jack Hasty, Sid Slon Max Ehrlich Bill Lawrence Keith McLeod Edna Skelton, Jack Douglas, Ben Freed- man, Dick McKnight, Leo Sullivan, Alan Woods Ted Collins (Harry Ackerman) Ted Collins Paul Dudley, prod.; Charles Bulotti, James Knox, James Burton, dirs. Earle McGill Paul Pierce Richard Leonard Rikel Kent Don Cope Bruce Dodge | Wally Magill Jack Meakin Owen Vinson Kenneth Webb Hi Brown Jane Tompkins Frank Wilson, Hal Block Freelance Helen Walpole Freelance Jane Crusinberry Ruth Barth, Irene Conrey Hendrik Booraem William Gay Wickliffe W. Crider Norman Livingston Herb Moss Pauline Hopkins, Owen Vinson Freelance Freelance Prosper Buranelli, Lewis Sherwin Agnes Ridgeway Fred Runyan Sig Miller, Louis Vittez Ed King Ed Dunham John Cole Bruce Kamman Howard Teichmann Paul Rhymer Harold Carr Dave Levy Additiw to Peabody Awards Board; 'Window Dressing' Names Dropped Freedom Marches On." patriotic musical playlet with score by Ted Mossman and book and lyrics by Gladys Shelley, will be radio- preemed Nov. 8 on Madge Tucker's Coast-to-Coast on a Bus" program on WJZ-Blue. Piece was written for performance by youngsters of high school age, so ts stage production would involve simple settings and costumes. Score is published by Robbins Music as a juvenile sequel to the Latouche- Robinson 'Ballad for Americans." 'FREEDOM MARCHES ON' Patriotic Playlet By Ted Mossman and Gladys Shelley Set MUTUAL BOWS TO OLD ACa. The Mutual Network won"t take a duplication of Pall Mall"s Gracie Fields series out of deference to own tobacco account. General Cigar Co. After RuthraufT & Ryan, agency on Pall Mall, had inquired of Mu- tual whether it would be agreeable to joining the Blue Network in air- ing Miss Field"s flve-minute spot Ave nights a week, MBS consulted General Cigar through the J. Walter Thompson agency and found that General Cigar didn't favor having a competitor preceeding the Raymond Clapper (White Owl) program. Pall Mall is on at 9.55-10 p.m. and Clap- per has the Mutual 10-10.15 p.m. period Monday and Thursday. Pall Mall is controlled by the American Cigar & Cigaret Co., which is a subsidiary of the American Tobacco Co. The latest Hooper report shows Clapper running ahead of Raymond Gram Swing, his precessor on the account. Clappwr has a rating of 4.7, while the Swing series (Socony) on the Blue stands at 4.5%. Menthalatum Uses News San Antonio, Nov. 3. The Menthalatum Co., is airing a new series of newscasts over the Texas State Network and station KABC Monday through Saturday. Newscaster is Porter Randall. Other stations airing the series are KRBC, Abilene; KFDA, Amarillo; KNOW, Austin; KBST. Big Springs; WRR, Dallas; KRRV, Sherman; KFJZ, Fort Worth; KFYO, Lubbock; KRLH, Midland; KPTL, Paris; KGKL, San Angelo; KTEM, Temple; KCMC, Texarkana, WACO, Waco; and KVWC, Vernon. Radio stations and other aspirants for the accolades of the Georg* Foster Peabody Awards Committee must Ale reports by Dec. IS. This is the third year for the awards, which are named after a N. Y. flnancier and administered by the University of Georgia with the cooperation of the National Association of Broad- casters and the advice of an advisory board. Board has been increased recently by additions of Ralph Casey, of Uni- versity of Minnesota; Joseph Henry Jackson, literary editor of the San Francisco Chronicle; Beatrice Ros- sell, of Quarrie Foundation, Chicago; Keith Tyler, of Ohio State Institute for Education by Radio; Earl J. Glade, of KSL, Salt Lake City. Rest of Board includes the active work- ing members of the flrst twn years, notably Edward Weeks, of the At- lantic Monthly: Waldemar Kaempf- fert, of the N. Y. Times; Alfred Knopf, John Benson, of the Four A's, Bruce Barton, of B.B.D. & O. and Mark Ethridge, of WHAS, Louis- ville. Dropped from the Board were such window-dressers as Grace Moore, who never attended a meet- ing and was never expected to. There has been considerable back- stage dispute as to the proper line for the Peabody Awards to follow. One camp has urged that they con- centrate on radio stations, as was the case the flrst year. Another group argued that the Advisory Board co'uld not possibly be familiar with BOO-odd radio stations, but could plausibly pick out distin- guished radio programs. The promi- nence of the National Association of Broadcasters in the Peabody project has been deplored as "trade polities' and defended as 'a realistic nec- essity.' In general it has been felt that a couple of shake-down years should be given the University of Georgia, whose Grady School of Journalism has primary jurisdiction. The latter has lacked intimate knowledge of the radio industry, but apologists state this lack is being flUed in. Meantime, the Advisory Board has revealed a disposition not to think of itself as a rubber stamp. The hope remains that the Pea- body Awards will be administered hereafter in a style commensurate with the claim that they are to be the Pulitzer Prizes of radio. 'Old World Melodies' Goes On Cleveland, Nov. 3. Benesch-Federman Furniture Co. chalked up decade of broadcasting when it renewed sponsorship of 'Old World Melodies' over WCLE, Sunday p. m. Music of European nations hold spotlight, via Jerry Pobuda orcliestra. Production Centres Continued from page M , Don Becker Ted Adams, Cecil Carnes, Dick Dana, Vivian Skinner, Paul Adams, Julia Dorne (N. Y.) nomas James Fonda Don Cope Don Cope Jtfartha Atwell Gordon Auchincloss Elaine Sterne Car- rington John Pickard, Frank Provo Elizabeth Todd department with Marion Reuter as assistant, Dick Faulkner taking over Seymour's post as night supervisor and Producer George Clare moving up to assume Faulkner's duties in production scheduling.. .Lyman Bryson, CBS education director and Leon Levine, his assistant, due here for annual School Broadcast ConferencOr.Chicago, Nov. 10-11-12.. .Pat Burton, formerly of KFMB, San Diego, joliis WBBM writing staff...John T. Frederick, CBS literary critic will conduct weekly column called 'I've Been Reading in Chicago Sun'...Ned LeFevre, actor-announced, sworn in as apprentice-seamen in Coast Guard this week...Bill Ray, NBC pub- licity head in Chicago, to Louisville, Kentucky, on company biz and for reunion with his family. Tom Builta, announcer on W67C. Columbia's FM station in Chicago, upped to mike post at WBBM, replacing John Dunham, now in U. S. Army Air Force. Ira Hirsch, Chi free-lancer, takes over Builta's position ...Fran Allison and Yogi Yorgesson join Ben Bernie CBS show...Crit- chell Miller Insurance Co., through Doremus & Co., has taken 50 one- minute live announcements on WMAQ starting this week...Nell Murphy of NBC Chi accounting department inducted into U. S. Army; Ned LeFevre, announcer, enlisted in Coast Guard.. .Harry C. Kopf, vice prexy central division and William Wedell, network salesmen, NBC, to Cincin- nati and New York on biz...C. L. Menser, vice president In charge of programs, NBC, a Chicago visitor.. .Bernice Martin of 'Romance of Helen Trent," joins radio committee for Chicago's C^ommunity Fund Drive. "The Ben Bemie program on CBS for Wrigley's- gum was broadcast Friday (30) from Toronto, in connection with Canada's current Victory Loan drive. Bandleader-comic made numerous personal appearances In Toronto during the day and Saturday (31) proceeded to Ottawa, where he made more bond sale appeals and broadcast that night over CBC. Pro- gram returned to Chicago Sunday (1) and resumed Its regular broadcasts from here Monday (2). Sharon Grainger stars in 'Soul of the Great Bell,' repeat presentation on Author's Playhouse, WMAQ, Nov. 4...Whitey Ford honored at Treas- ury Center this week for selling $3,000,000 in war bonds.. .Beryl Vaughn, recently cast as Holly Emerson in NBC's 'Helpmate,' named 'most photo- genic radio star' by Chicago Press Photographer's Assn United Drug Company, Boston, has taken new WBBM contract for four quarter-hour transcribed programs, 'Parade of Stars' through Spot Broadcasting Inc., N. Y Glenn Ransom is new producer at WGN, having been brought here from KVOO In Tulsa.