Variety (Dec 1942)

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411 Wednesday, December 9« 1942 Variety Bills WEEK OF DECEMBER II Numerals to connectloD witb bllb below Indleal* openlnf day ol •how, whether foU or split week. NEW YOHK CITV The HerzoKS Sibyl Bownn DIgatanoH « Cross & Dunn MInevlich Rnsi-als <*ontlos DroM I'ITT.<*BIR<:II Hlanlry (II) Jolmny l.oni; & Co WASIIINOTON rupltal (II) I-ou rarker Pnra Ann McCabo niiylhm Hockels riinz Chas*' Nll» * N:iilynne Kulonnnn .1. (". Olsfn Paramooot KKW YOHK riTY Punimount (9) \ViM>dy Hcniian BJ Hnz<>l Scotl ArroinanlaoM r;it HenninR THICAtiO Chlcaico (11) Dick Jergens Dtl Maysy * "Brach Colstons MIAMI Oljrniiiln (9-lt) Kay & Karol l.ynn Bros Vn| Irvine Cus Van Pane £ Concltlta Doyle & iioed The Jolllellers I.TNnROOK Lrnbrook (ll-li) Donolly tt Drtty Harriet Walker Ernest & R Colenin 12 (o nin I.VNN Cmiiiol (10) Funzallre I'nit NKWABK Ailarna (ID Inn Hne Hutlon Or Put* Ryan I 'luy Klbbee I Sitiiyne A ArmslrnR I I'ASSAU- rentriil (10) Iloiiih.'<heilK of I!I43 I PATEK.XON \ Miijrsdr (10-13) Till' ;i;ii"-lilona I.:il^os:i Si:< Mary .\!:irlo .Iiic- Rodi (H-IA) S Wftve-t M Waeky Wayne Trosky & Clilinp J Mann s Fiehls PIIII.ADKI.rHIA Cllrmnn (II-I4) Shupsn Hutnanetles Ch;is Alllinrr Harris. Clare & S (in-i7) The Hnuirhfnns Victory 2 Sully & Thontaa 6 Abdullah Ula F*»'» (ID Ink Spots Bobby & P Johnson Jim Wong Troupe Al Cooper Ore Apus & Esirelltn PROTlnENTK MrtropnIllaB (11-13) Charlie Burnet Ore l..eon Klelds The Marveleltes KtMt.'n & Arntilehl KKAniNd rspiini iio-r.>) .1 I'oniH :i DrewH Joil Drttiley Co Bud Sweeney The Wallahlea ITICA rnlnnlnl (11-1(1) A IJ .Marcus Rev Hob Howard DeMay Moore £■ M WATKRBrRY Pnlfa (lt-9) (■eo White Scanil.ilH U'OONSOCKET New Piirk (11-11) The Drakes Cappy Burra Boys " threat I.esler nORCK.STKR Plymoolli (7-9) Pun/afire Vnlt BOSTON Boston (III Bob Crosby Ore S»lly Ranil Ray & Trent Billy Rayes Kvelyn Fiirney {*) Hal Mclntyre Ore Mary Small Jackie Miles Lathrop & Lee ri.EVKI.AND Patore (II) Sammy Knyc Ore Ray EnRllah 'Sterner 2 (4) Tony Pastor Ore Bonnie Baker Knight Sis 9 Snllora COUJMBt'B TMace (IS-17) 'Salute to Hawaii' Ray Kinney Ore Arren & Broderick i Aloha .Mnlds Hob Itromlex rilz & Carroll (8-10) Ted I^n-is Ore .Tune Kdu'ards Kayiie Sis , C Snowb.-iU W':ii(tlcl < Audrey Zyin Geraltllne DuDols ' l.lndsey LbV & B B Kave K- T.oul8e I I>AYTON I C'olonhil (II) I Hilly Rose Uevue (*) Ted Weems Ore Oiford Boys Carr Bros Patricia KInR . JAMAICA Aldrn (4-7) Terry Sla Ore Victor & Ruth Tyler Thorn & B Bert Walton Co The Batlntorea Cabaret Bills NEW YOEK CITY KEW TORK CITT Strand (11) Olen Oray Ore Le Brun SU Dean Murphy Gaudamlth Broa (4> Olcn Gray Ore L« Brun Sle Dean Murphy Oandamlth Bros rnn^DELPHiA Barl« (11) Jerry Wald Ore Betty Jane Bmilh Juok Ollfnrd <4> Bob CroMby Ore Hay & Trent Billy RayeR Evelyn Farney riTTSBlROH Slanlry (II) Qeo Whlt«» Scandala (4) Bowev Annl Unit VTICA Stanley (11-10) Jerry Wald Ore 3 SiooKea Roaallnd Gordon WASHINGTON Unrle (11) Roxyettes The Wllleye Sheila Bnrrett (4) Rniypiies 3 Swifts Marie HolHs NKW YORK CITY Maalc Hull (iB) Paul Hankon MellfMa MnHon CApL lleyer Co Ivan Felrov Murle GrlmaldV Droadbnrnt Thenire Cieorg#» JenBcl Jnrk Haley Ella Logan The De Marcos Berry Bros Bob Winiama Crtn Colleano OlHen & Shirley Luellle Norman Rosy (8) Hal L«Roy Mary Healy Ruftt Dnvia Raye & Naldl Roma SIb Bob Hannon BROOKLYN Xarlna (IS) Ellzabetb'0 Dogs Young & Cairo <3 to fill) Mayfalr (13) Ellzabeth'H Dogs Toung & Cairo (3 to All) RldK«wood (11) Bnlznr Ble 9 Byrnes SIb (3 to All) ATLANTIC CITY 8C«el Pl«r (IStli only) BImpson Humanclte Chas Althorr Sammy White e Abdullah OIh BALTIMOHE HlftiMdroinr (11) Sandy Lnng Co MItzl Green Don RIee Glenn Miller 5%lngerf< Royal (ID Count Banle Ore Chuck it Chuckles Billy Bailey Stat« (10-12) 8 Waves Luellle Mathews Joe MorrJB Sc. Ryan (li-ie) Arthur LePlcur Co TIeleo Honan Sammy Cohen Mnngean GIb BRIDGKPORT Lyric (7-9) nomb}<hell.'* of 1943 CAMDKN Ton-erH. (10-13) Kntherino Harris Viclnry 2 OhexziH Sully * TliomiiA The llallaioren KI.IZARKTH IJberty (10-13) 3 Balabannwtt Rome fc Oaut Jackie Vincent Georges & Mann (1 in fill) FALL RIVFB Empire (H-10) Great T.^Hter Leon Flehlti Irene Vennillinn Co Kealon A ArmHeld (1 to All) HARTFORD R<:it^ (11-18) Duke Elllnfpton Ore Pot. Pan & Skillet Jig Saw Jackson Baby l..nwrence Frank Sinatra HOLLYT«'OOD El Capltao (It) Ken Murray Gene Austin Marie Wilson HofTman &. Rebner Fred Sanborn Jack Mulhall Roy Davis H'wnod Eldrblooms Helen Charleston Joyce DufTIn Doris Sherretl JuMr Rooney Vivian MarNhall Lorraine PnKe Jimmy O'Breln Park & Clifford Maldee & Rsy Kandy A Koko Renfrew * 'Dslsy' Glamourlovelles Cnrltnn Kelnev'n Or INDIANAPOLIA Clrcl« (II) Tommy Tucker Ore Ames A Arnn Lew HofTman WInck & Mar JAMAICA Januica (10-13) June North Co Tdin O'N'enI AfiUHrlum KrMt. Ainn Kane (^n- Snnt MeiKliMciiim Dan He:ily HIII llrrtolotirs Kuthryn Harvey Kvflyn Dnw Alf>ya GlfTord PeKffy Anne Ellis Lynn & MarKinne Norma Liicero Pat Ogden Helen Stuart Don Sylvio Ore Roberto Ore nin's <;a7 m** Ethel Gilbert Harry Donolly Charlie Rosa Bemle Graner Gay 80*8 Quartetta Cafe Life Diane Courtney Smith & Boyd Don Tannen Bobby Parks Ore Leonardo Ore Cafe Society (.MIdlonn) Zero Mostel Hazel Scott Revuers B & K Kraft Dill Mnore Trio Teddy Wilson Ore • <'iifi* Si»rlrty (VllhiRe) Baby Hhies Albi.'1-i Aiiinions Pvte Jonniu)n Connie Berry Jericho Quintet L & L Young Oro t'nnino Hu«h« Ulailita La Belle Alexia Jascha Davldoff George Saltan NnOia & Rasha Oypsy Chorus r>mUrl Mntvlcnko Kris Kny Ore C Coflolbnn's Ore Oruttl's Brlckiop Giirl.inil Wilson . Kddie Steele 4 <'hjiillIclopfs Chtttenu Mtideroe Uaryon Dale Dorothy Tanner Terraco Moys Cluh IR Ann W.iii*- Km m il- M \ 1-18 Uud Sweeney Currlu I'iniu-ll Vini-o rurnin Lillian KiiXKcraia Diane l*'ontane Iluzvl McNulty nnya IMkoii Jorry Mlanrhard Joe PriMrn Gordon Andrews O Frankle Froebu Ore CInb 61 Jnvkle Croen Ginger Uritton Palsy Ann Patricia Ryan Pearl Williams Arrhle Towns CiDb l-S-3 Roger Stearns CopiiJ*iib:inn Joe E. r^wls Berry Bros. Connie RusseP Pierre D'Angeio Olga Sarf Juan Fernando Alvarez Samba Slreni« Ted Stroeter Ore Frank Mnrtl Ore Johnny Coy Jack Dempaey's Mugsy Spanler Terry Sands JlnKtlmer!) HosR Maclean Milt Herth 3 DIuinoiul Uorwalio* Harriet Hoctor W C. Handy Pnnsy the Horse Willie Solar CaltB Fnrm Billy Wells Four Fays Herman Hyde Co Luclenne & Asbour Eddie Eddy Perllla Virginia Alayo Pedro Lopez June Melva Botol LealBftoa (llAwallaa Bm) Kahala Tallma Momikal I^nl Mclntyra Ore Kca Lako r..ellanl laea Hotel LIncolo (Blue Room) MItclioll Ayros Ore Warren Covington Hotel UcAlplB (Marine Grill) nindys Tell Johnny Messner Oro Hotel New Toriier (Terraec Boom) Bonny Goodman Ore nob Ru8s«ll Ronny Roberta Audrey Miller George Bnnyaa Grace May BIsHelle St Farley Hotel riirh Ceotrai (Comaoot OroTO) Bill RuHKCll Dnro .V i'ltrda Di^il O'lVIl T.aTifiiM A I'nfrinnos Arturo Ai'iiiros Ore Holnncnurt Ore Hiinny finword (lliiyal riilm) lu-ii o'lieil .liii-k KcyiiitidB Snnilrit RosatI BtMinelt (irf^en lorry Grooti Miinny Mnward llntrl I'rnnsylvnntn (Cnff Rouge) Bub Allen Ore J RndrlKuoz Oro Hotel n4>rre tCulllllnii KtHim) June rickens Sianluy Mollin Ore Hotel PlMia (Pcr>t|ini Room) HlldeRardo Bob rtiant Ore Motel HucHiFvelt Cuy Loniburdo Oro WnlliT I'orncr Orrh Hotel Tivoy rinn H'utr l^nniee) l.rn-i Hnrno Piiiii Baron Ore Itnlel SliiTiitnn (S itlrr Knoin) IJal V:iteH Noble Hi Klne Jprii Ulnnchard Townsmen Ore Uaxt Bergera Ora Socassee Oro Latin Quarter Georgia Francis Tonl & MIml Worth Seven KredyAons Corlnne & T Valdez Jerry & Turk Harold & I^lQ ClarlHsa Hlbord. Bird & LaR Mickey King Nanry Newton Dorothy JefTers Ray Rno Cnrnirlltc Ben Tost Vikings La Vie Parlol^nar Josh White Rasha & HIrko G Ray Terrell John SebaMtliin Irvino Orton Lou Springer LIhby Hnlniitn Gabrlolle Leon A Kddle'B Eddie Davis Cousin Mn Pauline iirynnt JanIno Duval Bob Klelds Gonzales Trln Rdn.i Joyre Joan He n Reicr Mon Pareo Sanimv Wnl:4h Adeinldti MnfTet Roberta Runwm Yvonne Mouvler Moil Pnree I'reilles Bill (llnsM Ore Aiontr Ciirlo Sonny Kendlf Ore Quinton On- Nft villi Joe Kcjcr lUth Hide Club Slevu Murray • Barbiira I.eo Oblnuitn Voni^la Mii-kuy Maliory Mlir Mnnn Ore Nnmbrr One 1*Hr Williant Ru^fell Allele Arilen Hub Downey •"'redili* Viinn Haz4-1 Wc'ONler Onyi Cliil) nilly nni:l<-.s PiMc i'nnvn Winio \UiUiH Toy Wilson Baby Hine> Olfl Itir:*- :inliin Sadie lliinu." Skeeta Tolbert Lovely Lana Jerry Smith ToDdelayo A Lopes Peek & Peck D Wilson & Frnchy ColumbUB Ore VervaOlaa Emil Coleman Oro Paocblto Oro K A Blaine Barry Gloria Gilbert Cyril RoAney Lois Dannernmn Carolyn Marsb 6 Ver-slffhs Ylllaffo Barp Lucy Coatcllo John GrlfAn Blentena Diana Davla Alkali Ike Al RoblnaoB Walter Donabua Irvlo Corey Katherlne Heyl Bddia Haywood Ore R Dyer-BenDott Marianne Lorralna Laura Duncan Don Fry WItoI Bob Lee Adcle nivle Chas Bowman Ore Sal^ndaa Ulng Toy Tommy Haydes June Hammond atlahtic citt Alpine Tnvera Serenaders Eva. Beaiy, Margie Bubetlr's Dave HofTman Ore BeBHon'M Kay Kajfan jRt-k Curler Clintriiu Renaall 8ld Roue 4 3 KuiRhtfl St Day Cllqunt Club Raninnu El Morocco Danny Hart AOO Cafe P Trovers St Men Chna. Swler flablea Inn (HUck llorH Pike) Sylvia Brown Nan Deroar Monty Walker Bill Jennings Chas Newton Oro Gmb*a Cafe Bill Ockenlander Herman's Music liar Al Milter Peach Orchard Willie JncUaon Duke JoliDHun Art siatili'y Peon-AUaatlc Hotel (l*alm Boom) Ai Frnneis Ore Tiilty-Ho TMTrm (n'hite Horse Pike) Paul Jcrrriea Commodorea BOSTOH Bllnslrult'e Peter BodRe Oro Boyd Heathen Itarlielle tk Deebe .Timmy Rae Maxino Br & Bobby (MiialcQl llnr) Alice 0'I.eary Adrian O'Brien Copley IMnu (Ovul Room) Edily Oilier Ore Morton Downey ropier Square Hnlel (.Masic Roi) .\drian Kolhnl (3) .lohnny Cole OnnaUl Von Wart I IcIlmanH BOOKING THE NATION'S VAUDEVILLE LEADING INDEPENDENT THEATRES EDWARD SHERMAN AGENCY NEW YOBK BEVERLY HILLS. CAL Great Daniel Emma Francis Norlna Robinson Nellie DurklD Billy Baoka Perry Bruskla Roy Foi Ore aid Prussln Ore Jimmy Dwyer'a Linda Hall Bobby Heath Pat O'Sbea Arleno Bea Foley Frances O'Connell Morle Daley Dorothy Hack Maricne Francis Paula Valera Kl Cblco Dorlttt & Valero Snrlta Herrera Teresita Osia Juan Jose Saro Inca Indian Trio Juanlto Sanabria Or El Morocco Chauneey Grey Ore Cbiquito Ore Famous Door Zorlta Frances Wayne Roy Stevens Ore Lennle Kent Ore Greeawlcli Village Inn Benny Fields Johnny Morgan Ciias Sl K Cerncy Joey Dean c; & E Broderick Dlnorah Ore Irv, Carroll Ore. BaruDa-Mndrld Norn Morales Ore RoHlUi RIos Rnyiio I>n Sol Onrnr Lopez ranl;ln R- Lllon I'eidlo Ore Hickory Hoosr Millon Pngc Anrl! *;w<»c( N'nrma Siirpherd Eddie South Ore Hotel Aator (Astor Roof) Jan Savltt Ore Lorraine Benson Cocktail I^nge Dick Kuhn Hotel Bel mom riaaa (Glaaa Hat) Shlrl Thomas Jack Marshall Ca^italn Sc Barry Anita Rosal Joe Pafumy Ore Hal Saunders Ore Hotel BUtmora Heasley Twins Hazel Franklin Ray Heatherton Ore Hotel Commodoro (CentutT Boom) Four V's I^e Sisters Marylin Duke ZIggy Talent R & E Reyes Peter Rotunda Ore Vaughn Monroe Ore Hotel Dlile Teddy Powell Ore Peffffy Mann Hotel EdUoa Blue Barron Ore Hotel Eaiea Hoase (Gailiw on .Park) Don Brown Rosalie Grant Kerwln Somervllle Judith Arleo Dolores Oro. Hotel St. UorltE Ford Harrison Ore Dolores Del Carmen Hotel tat. Revbi (Irldlam Boom) Ethei Smith Ens Paull Sparr Oro (Malaonettei Bob Terry Ore Freddy HUler Ore Hotel Taft Vincent l^pez Oro Hotel IValdort- Aatorla Wedirwoed Boom Frakson Rosarto St Antonio Lena Roway Mlacha Borr Ore Xavier Cugat Oro laOOBKe Rest. Michael Zarin Ore Hotel Warwirb (RalelRh Room) VIekl George Sande Williams Ore Hnrrknne Frank Paris Robin Adair Rlgolettu Broa. Bob Kennedy Gulll-Gulll Dorothy Killer Quinto Tores TlK'a Llnd Duclde Kerekgartu Carola Haimonel les The Clymas Cai»elia St Patricia The Gibsons DkU Warren Ore Iceland Seataarani Danny White Urady St Uarion Nils Nadypne Pent! Si Opvoo Kiki 1.^8 Kianicr I''rjiiM-ir» Mlllcr f.inila Fallen .loan Har\ey .Irine Waring Tfd Ed<lv Ore AnKoio Ore Don Jallo'B Itculian .^l»''iii JuanlKi I.M Mnnyu D' l Key Helenita Rivera Senor Leon Ore 4ltiim> Kelly'* Gienda Hop* >Ielen Holmes Rence Eleanor Rus»ell Mildred Perlee I<orna Rhode Roflita St Romero Mona Chavez Mnruaret Gray Faith Arlcn Joe Cnpello Oro Kelly's Stable Leonard Ware I Madeline White Ed Welncr Dorothy Manners Theima Carpenter Geo Woods Oro 1^ Coagm GooFKle Price Estellia Carter & Kathle Clairo St Arena Carmen DeRivero Jerri Vance Carlos & Carlta Machlto Ore Jark Harris Ore La Martlnlqoc Bob Evans Larry Huard Jerry U'I.>i:ary Mlini Kellnrmnn Ray McUroffor Martlnlqu«>pns Freddie Burns rn Ada Lublna Jno LaPorle Ore GIneer Lnyne Place BIrffnnte Bill Farreli Vincent de Costa Ari Tubertlnl Ernest Fronz Ore Qoeen Mary Noel Toy Joan Collier Allen Sis Carol ChapiHil Jackie Wallace Ore Qaeens Terrace Phil Foster Susan Carol Jeane St Pbllllpa Adams & Dell Jack Aliyn Ned Harvey Ore Rainbow Grill Russ Smith Ore Vera SanofT Irmgard & Alan Rainbow Inn Chick Darrow Nan Houston 'Judin' Wong Durls Ruby Earl LIndHcy Ols Sid .launders Ore Buaila Ore Rainbow Konni Leo Relsnian Oro llosltn Segovia Walton & O'Uourke Eleanor French Daclta Rlobamba Jane Kroman Chandra Kaly Dcrs Ann Graham Nat llninilwynno O Chavez Ore Kngrrs Corner Korn ivobhlora Juan .Mukuia Ore Harry i.of'onri ori Barbiiry Cnasl BoyH Jeanne Claire Charlie Carlii<^ Johnny Pineapple O Hoyal Cii'tlno Kay HottH Ore JTry I.e.Htrr Peggy KejirH Jane Kean Cabot Sl I tresden Stanley Twins Alan Drake Jane Southard tin ban niea Maxine SuMlvnn Eddie MayehofT Ruth Uerman Delia Ithvtitni linys Bill Baird Julius Monk Herman Chiiiluon 3 Rosalan ftreteima Darla BIrse I^la ZallpHkayo Sonya Karavaelff Michel Michon Nlcholaa Malthey Vladimir KayalofT Naslla Polla)40vs Marusla Sava Cornelia Cedolbnn (> Splvy's R4>ot Spivy Hlldegardn llninOHy Noblo & King Htorb aob Oraen Rellly Charles Bnum Orr Knuslo Curltclo fJrr MIko Markei Ore The Place Irene llnrkley Pnl R(n(i Kvf\yu fitork Tanya Virginia Hayes Peggy Hangarter (Grill) Paul Zara Ore Hl-Bat Pete Herman Ore Frank Petty Hotel Bradford (CIrens Boom) Jack Davis Kitecn Hunter Hotel Essei Buddy Smith's Oro Jack Manning Ore Bill Cronin Dorothy Donnla^ <:aliy Harris Dot Dunloa Paul SlH Hotel l^nox Bob Hardy Ore t^inrla Carroll Guy Prlnripalo lloiel Kintler (Trrrnce Kiiom) Chick Floyd Ore' KdiDi Caldwell tC^fe Hoage) Saivy Cavlrrhin Ore Hotel Vendonie (t-'lfe A Hrom Bm) Jimmy Melinle Ore .lolone Nan Vlnecni Helen Douglas Klalne Morrison (Vendome Room) Oscar Bigart Oro Savoy Subby Lewis Oro Btealwn'a (Vienna Boom) Lew Conrad Ore Harold & Lola Carl & Fay Simpson Zoska Jimmy Marr Doris Abbott The C^TO Jack Fisher Oro Tamara Dorlva Golden Pair Frankle Brooka Jimmy Marr \ Plrettes 6 ioe GiB Dolly Sterlint Sol Lake Oro Tripoli a Tar Beat Geo Scnerban Ore Lorraine Wesifall Claudia Coram CLEVELAND CHICAGO Bismarck Hotel (Walont Boom) Art Kasset Oro Gloria Hart T & F Vallett Maurice & Maryea H. Smith Ols (Taven Boom) Edith Lorand Ore BInckhan'h Cbleo Marx Oro Skip Nelson The Albins Elllse Cooper Woody & Uetty Blackstone Hotel ■ (Ballneae Bm> Jobnny DufTy Ore PattI Cluvton (Muyfalr Boom) Neil Bondshu Urc Renee De Marco Brevoort Hotel (Cryatnl Boom) Tony St Lisa Bob Billings Brown l>erbj Three Uyans MarKie Kelly r.upH & Sheiiard Merry MaiilH P'cheil & Itlanlin Oi Teil Snitch t'liea Pare* Sophie Tucker Kay Allen Matu tit Hari Callahan Sis Jack Sprait Adotables I. ou BrecHc Ore Clab AInham Florence While Rita Ray Cat Herbert Jane Joi'dan Cassandra Del Esies Allan Cos Davo llnell Ore Eddie Roth Ore Coloslmos Ralph Cnok Charlotte Van f>riy« TullQh Sl .Mia 4 LaVernen Vloyd Christie Leo Royce Val Brnio Oro Don Lang Ore Drake Hotel (Camellln House) Dttwn Roland Simms llomuy Bnitey Bdffewater Beach Hotel (.Marine Rm) Henry King Ore Lischeron &. Adams Juno Howard Marteils Si .Mlgnon Bill Hroit Dorben Gte RUePa Octette Ore Eleanor lyultor^ VaHlllerr Slnsern Ratliakellnr l.'Miiij A Ganc aiM Clab Danny Tbomaa Magley Girls Hark Fisher Ore WU Clob Billy Vine Chausto Shea Lane St Small Mark Talent Oro Johnny Honnert Gar rick Stagetwr June Pries Ascot Roys Downbeat Bm Kat & the Fiddle 3 ShorpB & Fiats Gladys Palmer tlmemere Hotel (Glasa House Rm) Don Fielding Oro Nova Patterson Helslnva (Votlvll Lonnse) Betty Rellly Nino Milo Tho New Yorkers Chet Robles Ivanhoe Kiurenre Schubert Llarnoy Richards O Vierra llawallans llelon Sumner L'Alglon Splrus StamoB Ore Gwendolyn Veausell Murray St Simon fttnbei de Marco 1^ Salle Hotel (Pnn-Am Boom) Al Chamberlain lose Mnnznnores O Opnilta Ijitin Qoarter V Bragalo's Oro Eddie PrippB Oro trrirts Cross Bernard Dancers .Tackle Heller Rulh Dayo Joe Norman Oro Palmer Hooae (Empire Boom) Grirr Williams Ore Tho Hartmana Carlyn Truax Walter l..onff Del RIos Abboit GiB Bhcrmiio Hotel (Celtle Cafe) Gene Kerwln Ore JarOB SIb (Panther Boom) Aivino Roy King Sis 3 MokobelioveB Ruth Pryor Alfred Floyd ■ 6oe Clnb Paul Mall Mardelle Jon St Ingbord Jann Crosby Juanlta Jackson & Nodra Blllle Beck Romayne l-*ioinn7.n I AJplae Tlllase TIebor'a Seala Woods A Bray Myron Ryan Ruyoite Troupe Bruce Normao Willie Matthias Ore Eldorado Clnb Jobnny Kallhua Or Botel CnHer Charles Wick Oro Hotel OleTOtaod Jimmy Joy Ore Hotel Penwny Hall E'kloe Butterwortb Hotel HollandeD Dornlne ft Ellis Randolph Hollywood Co-Eds Carmen de Aragon Stoplinnle & Carol Sammy Wntkins « Hotel Statler Barry Wlnton Ore Ln Conca Clob Chtck Albergo Oro LfaKhaya Bkybar Harlem Hi-landors Anasteen Halnea Poison Gardner Pearl da Lueea Monaco's Cafe Harlnells Virginia Morgaa Dorothy Dale Franc Reynolda Veraalillans Ore SIM Clob Al Schenck Virginia Rae Don Walab Ore DETBOIT llook-Cadlllac Hotel (Booh Casino) Leonard Keller Dully Dawn Anthony. Ailyn & 11 Eleanor Knight (.Motor liar) Pedro Do l^eon Bonlta Montex Bowery Joe Morrison Marjorio Galnawrlb Radio Rogues Victory Ols Noveteer:* Harvey Stune Lee Fox Johnny King Benny llcsh Ore Brass RnU Del Parker Skcetcr Palmer Roy Swartx Earl Boaudrle '.'SHttlUIVU Kim 1.00 Sisters Don Se Jean Ford Ge«irgo Ponj* 1'oiiij ^ Ciaudelte t:hl.o Helen Dovo Hobby Stevcnsiin Or Clob Congo ConKooito?« Larry Steele Una Mae Carlisle Ix)ronzn Robonsoo Hrown Twins Prinrc Spencer VIoln Jerrersnn Claudia Oliver Congo Ore Club Mur-Jo I.ydia & Joresco Runny Hallow I<ou Asho Emillo Carerea Ore Clab San Diego TalA Clifton Alfreda St I<eonoro Shirley Weber Sally Palmer Bob Hopkins Don Pedro Oro Clnb Three «4« Three 666 Trln Count Leroy Bunny Rrlggs Three Shades Ton Sugar Cape i Cracker Jacks MarcellUB Wilson M 'Swing' Brown Prince Albert Taylorettes 8 Joa-Anna Holmes George Banders King Kolax Ore Club Tliree Trees Allen Drew 'Dink' Patterson Snowball Irene Young Lucy Reed DUk Kowler Dave Wllliourne Or Haymurket I.ovey Stacev Warner St ^largie Dniothy Snow Mel Snyder Serhrlsi Wally Johi Pharmetlea Ore leondon Chop Hooae 3 Music Hall Boys Ethel Howe Frank Gagcn Ore Sammy Dibert Ore Bernard Mickey's Ktnc * Klynn Ernie Rich, m.a BfMrart BilUe Richmond Jan Latin l.H ri:iir^o Mickeyettci .Mar OH Joe Itaiil^et Ore Olde tVayne Clob Jimmy Clark Oro Pnltn Beach Que Howard Phil De JorKh Leola Tavlor Hlsncho &■ Klli.ttt BunfleIdH Don Pablo Oro BoyaJe John Buckmohter Tails Wermuth I.eRoy Mariuiieltes Caryl GouM Winnie Hoveler Gls Jimmy Dale Goo. DufTy Oro Saks Johnny Morrison Sammy Morris Michael & Melba Madelon Baker Jackie Hllilard Delbrldge Oro Dottle Dawn Vemea Jimmy Rooney Ray Klndall Ray Lacey Don Carlos Ore Wonder Bar Joanne Rand Charlea Costello Ore 4 Vocalions LOS ANGELES Hand Boi Richard T.iomas Billy Qrey Mae \Vllllaina Chlcli D«nt Oeo TIbblaa Ore June 'Kit' Caraon B«T af Mtialc Ann Triola Bill HolTman Jan Clayton rhilllp Lorner Eclwaril Rebner Dick WInalnw Ore BlllfDon B«wl Harria & Shore Paul ReKnn Paul Gordon Curtla & Clare Joe Relchman Oro Com MaiwBa Freddie Slack Ella Mae Morse Cocoaaot tiruve Freddie Martin Oro Eurl Carrnlle Happy FoUon Jane Elllaon llarbara Perry WIere Bros. Dorothy Uardlnur Dk'k Addlaon Ueryl Wallace Aurora Miranda Shirley Wayn. Dill Price Coleman Clark Al Norman Manny Strand Ore Michel Ortiz Oro Florealloe Oarden Fred Scotl Three Peppera The Three Dunnes SuKar Qelae NTG's 'Army' Gertrude Nleseo Diamond Droa Franrla & Qrey Jeanne Foreman M Marrelllno Oro Grace Hare* Lodffe Maurice O'Brlea Mary Lee Dolores Gay Grace Hayea MaicBle Tounir RoBM of Horvhr Both Reynolde Charley Thorpe Dob Mnrpby LaolalaBa Wally Vernon Georslne Le Moyne Joette Roblnaon Margaret Lee Les Hits Ore Macamba Cat* Phil Ohman Ore Bddls LcBaron Oro Palladtam Gene Krupa SInpay Mnxire MaKle Rnsenbloom Arrhle Itobblni Patty Moore Doris Do Nelt Den Leasey Stan Ron Joe ptumer Ore Streete of raria Art Tatum Jenn Taylor Murray Mclilkren Swaaca laa Charlie Davis Eddie Heal Trio Trlaaan Jan Clarlier TrouTllle Clab Ray Bourbon Loumel Trio Loren/a Flennoy Or PHTLATELPHIA (Alpine Maaleal Bar) Pot Travers Men About Town Roac VenutI Benny the Bam'. Warren Thomas Alma Anita Chandler Clab Ball Alan Gale Barbara Lee Balllovellea Earl Denny Ore Stuart & Lee Helen DonlKon Luis Fernnnd^c Ore Blnchaaa Hooae 3 Chocolates Vo^alalres Sonny Williams Simtford Garden (Hellene Slrnlfnnl Ho4«l> Walter Ulller Orch B«D Fnaklln Bobliy Hearne Uette Wharton Nina Korda Claire Shnone Bob DulTy Mary Ann McCall ^my Marshall Ore Cadlllao Tarera l.ambettea (I) Harry Dobbs Ore Henrique St A Dee Relly Joe Cainpo Jtny Sl8 Cadillac (C) Carmni's Masleal Bar Dons Rlilott Bobby Merrill Raa Parker Carroll'. Suxan Carol (Continued on page 54)