Variety (Dec 1942)

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Wednesday, December 9* 1942 Monty WooUey now making Sara- toga Springs his home. Don George, USO head in Hono- lulu, In N. Y. on a visit. Leon Schlesinger, producer of car- toons for Warners, is in town, Ike Weber home lU again and or- dered to rest for six months. Jack Cole also slated for the 'Ziegfeld floUies,' Milton Berle show. Danny Ahearn in second medical corps, 4th platoon, Camp Pickett, Va. John Emery replaced Vincent Price in 'Angel Street," Golden thea- tre. Morris lushevilz of Local 306, Mo- tion Picture Operators, nursing sci- atica. Bunriy Waters back to Hollywood for Paramount picture work in 'Lady In the Dark." While Wallace Downey i.-i readying for the Navy, Joe Sully of MCA is handling his acts. Gene Cavallero, of the Colony and the Monte Carlo, wants a name to hypo the latter nitei-y. Billy Goodheart, MCA v.p. taking his first vacation b^ Axing up his farm holdings in lUmois. Vincent Sardi, Jr., given surprise party at the Algonqum, Friday (4) night on eve of entering service. Satevepost next week spotlights Paul Draper as '18-Karat Hoofer,' personality story by Irving Drutman. Cora LaRedd, former Cotton Club singer and later femme bandleader, now reported driving a taxi in Har- lem. Monte Pi'oser recovering from his siege of intestinal trouble at Mt. Sinai; expected out in three-four weeks. Sam Levene arrives east the end of this week after completing a role for Warners in 'Action in the North Atlantic.' Roger Fen-i, editor of the Dynamo, 20th-Fox sales organ, Is back at the office with a limp after being struck by a taxi. Michael Myerberg oft to Florida, leaving general manager Ben Stein in charge of The Skin of Our Teeth' (Plymouth). Hal Home, publicity-advertising director for 20th-Fox, returned to work Friday (4) after being bedded with a cold. George Jessel pounding on his autobiog, which publisher Bennett Cerf (Random House) wants rushed for Feb. publication. Louella Parsons, vacationing in N. Y., back to the Coast this week. Her husband. Doc Martin, Is on ac- tive duty in Australia. William Mallard, former RKO v.p. and general counsel, has joined the law Arm of Phillips, Nizer, Benja- min & Krim, film attorneys. Gaston Laui-yssen. Belgian officer In the last war,, taking leave from St. Regis hotel as managing director for captaincy in Marine Corps. Hawaiian songsmiths Charles King and Alec Henderson (writer of 'Cockeyed Mayor') in town from hulaland. Now in Govt, service. Although the Metro script Ls not yet ready, Harry James and his or- chestra are heading west to go on salary, per contract, at the studio. Fefe Ferry, all set to don khaki, won't be called after all. The 38- year order saved him. He's out of The Monte Carlo: plans play produc- tion. Lena Horne. sepia songstress at the Savoy-Plaza, is a cafe anomaly In that her dinner business is rela- tively quiet, but Slipper trnde is terrif. Jack Diamond, Copacabana's pub- licist, landed nifty six-page layout on the Copa beauts in the curi^nt Life, one of biggest nitery breaks from a pic mag. Bernard Sobol. who went from cel- luloid to Celanese Corp. of America, back to special exploitation on UA's •In Which We Serve," still retaining his Celanese post. Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada and President Carlos Arroyo ^el Rio of Ecuador were guests of. G. S. Eyssell at the Music Hall dur- ing tlie past week. Chi publicist Jack Hess" Xmas card, with a War Stamp, one of the best and most practical. He mailed 'em early in order to .stimulate simi- lar ideas in others. William Dozicr, in charge of Par's story and writer department on the Coast, arrived in town Monday (7) to see plays, confer with Par execu- tives, publishers and writers. Jimmy Durante here to see his nephew, Bobby Romano, off into the Army. While east he guested on the Camel show (6) and returns to the Coast the end of the week. Adnan Milton Blackstone also doubling into defense work with his brother. Ex-MCA publicist Jack L«ar also doing defense production in.a factory partnership with a brother. New film editor for Liberty mag Is Harriet Gould, who departs the Earle Ferris office for the post. Sis- ter of Joe Gould, former publicity head of United Artists' eastern office. Major Irving Somach, Medical Corps, commuUng between his new Baltimore station and Broadway. Medico is one of Oscar Serlln's theatrical backers and w.k. in show biz- . ■ Dave Kleckner. ' nr years' owner and operator 'tit Xiavt'e Bhle Room, hat been appointed manager of the Park Central Hotel's Coffee Shop, which has been renamed Dave'i Royal Room. Elliott McManus, who was a cor- poral in the State Guard, has been forced to withdraw due to necessity of covering exhibitor accounts at night. He's a salesman in the 20th- Fox N. Y. exchange. Joseph I. Breen, head of the Hays office production code, has three sons in the service, one now fighting on Guadalcanal.. A second son is with the U. S. Marines and the third Is an Army instructor in Kentucky. Harris Ashburn and Virginia Browning iThe Ashburns) who danced for more than a year at the Rainbow Grill were married in Coral Gables, Fla., last week. He is now training there for army avia- tion. Jack Robbins' boy. Buddy, in the music dept. with 'This Is the Army," escorted the late Grace Vaughn, one of the Cocoanut Grove, Boston, Are victims while 'Army' plnyed the Hub. He and other soldier-actors missed the Sat. nlte tragedy by ex- traordinary luck, since the Grove was their hangout, Robert, vet captain at Versailles, upped by Nick and Arnold to maitre d'hotel, since Alfred shifted to LaMartinlque. Maitres, when they're established, really rate as assets, .such as Charlie Journal, John Steinberg, Chrlsto (now selling Trommer's beer), Ambrose at the Waldorf, Maraschino and a few others. St Louis By Sam X. Horst Phil D'Rey, ventriloquist, .headlin- ing floor show at Club Continental, Hotel Jefferson. Charley Goldman, operator of the Lyric and Senate here, taking the baths at Hot Springs. Frank Benenle, formerly of Iron- wood, Mich., new manager of the Wayne, Waynesville, Mo. The Little Theatre of St. Louis last week teed off its 16th consecutive season with "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals.' Joe Goldfab has relighted his 285- seater Gem, Upper Alton, 111,, as a week-end house. He also operated the Uptown, a 640-seater. in tlie same town. Stewart Cluster, who has been managing the Palace, Johnson City, ni., for his father Robert, who heads a circuit of Aim houses in southern Illinois, now sporting khaki. F. L. Loew, head of the Star Thea- tre Co.. which operates the Star, Leb- anon, Mo., and several houses in Kan- sas, has moved his headquarters from Sterling, Kans., to Lebanon, Mo. Benj. Temborius, owner of the Grand, Breese, 111., escaped injury when auto ran off the road near Leb- anon, 111. Mrs. Temborius. who was riding with her husband, suffered cuts and bruises. CHA ttIbr 53 Baenos Aires By Ray Josephs Alberto Belo signed by.Pampa for *43 season. Warners opened n<w branch in interior city of Tucun\an. Biggest turnout' on recotd at Dia del Cine (Day of the Cirip) bating. Pablo C^vallo l)0ught Cin? Guemes at auction for 381,000 pesps (over $9,000). Indu.stry shocked by suddei? death of young daughter of exhib Joaquin Lauteret. Form commission to aid CfSa de Descanso Gente de "Teatro, fCtors' rest home in Sierras de Cord^a. Miguel Montardit, wealUiy.'.Span- ish cmema owner, just arriv6^.and expected to buy into local exhibition field. San Miguel started worb on 'Eclipse del Sol' starring LlEei-tad Lamarque and megged by Luis* Sas- lavsky. Ready release of Dante Quint^rno's 'Upa en Apuros' ('Upa on the SPot'), first color cartoon ever ma(^ in Latin America. Pepe Arias finished season at Odeon. Did 252 performances of 'Ovideo' but not as well with 'Un Golpe de Viento.* ^ Mecha Ortiz signed by Ltnnlton for two in '43. Carlos Hugo Chrls- tensen to meg one. Georges Bigaud signed for mmimum of three. T San Miguel opened new stage, largest in South America. Being used for 'Los Hijos Artifldales,' megged by Antonio Momplet. . Carlos Borcosque finished/ 'Un Nuevo Amanecer' CA New Diwn') with Silvia Legrand. Will hi re- leased this year at Monumeot^^ ■ - Studio Rio de la Plata shooting 'Pal otro Uido.' Story by Enrique Rodriguez Johnson and directed by Jose Borh: Chilean actress Ana Gonzalez in lead. Side started work on 'Los Hom- bres las Prefieren Viudas' ('Men pre- fer Widows"), directed by Gregorio Martinez Sierra and starring Cata- lina Barcena. Will be included in program of San Miguel. Minneapolis By Les Bees Night Club Reviews Contlnned from page 45 ; than overcome this by their dexter- ity on the blades. Standout in the show is Bette Wharton, a blonde eyeful. The gal has plenty of grace and despite the small space, brings salvos from the crowded diniiig room with her lightning spins and graceful glides. She also is pleasing jn a novelty jit- terbug routine on ice. Bobby Duffy and his partner. Claire Simone, likewise arc plenty clicko with their ballroom routines on the blades. Miss Simone, a tiny dark-haired gal, registers neatly in a solo 'doll dance.' The 'Lambcttes' (Marvettc Mosic. Vera Palmer, Mary Alice Lowery and Adele Henny) present a series of precision numl>ers attired In eye-flll- ing costumes. Miss Henny teams up with Miss Wharton in a Ixiton-twirl- ing-number that's colorful and plenty difficult. Only weak spot in the show is the attempt at comedy essayed by Bobby Heam. He's a talented skater but his try at being funny falls short. The show could use a good comedy routine to round it out. Billy Mar- shall acts as m.c. Marshall'^ band, which started here under the handicap of having four key men drafted, is rounding into shape nicely. The band accompanies the show handily with Marshall and Betty Ann McCall doing a nice job on the vocals. . Latter was formerly with Woody Herman and Charley Barnett. She's lost none of her ability to sell a song. Her voice, if anything, has improved. Nina Korda is a holdover. She's become quite a fave with the Ben Franklin's patrons. The tall, brun- ette looker, knows how to deliver a tune. Rhea Louise (Mrs. Billy Marshall) fills in the lulls on tht bandstand on harp, vibraidione and celeste. Room was- filled to capacity (900) when reviewed. Shal. Betty Miller addition to 20th-Fox ofTice staff. Alexander WooUcott in St. Paul tor lecture. Three-nighter I'or Art Jarrett at Palm Ballroom. Fletcher' Henderson returning to Happy Hour Dec. 23. 'Watch on Rhine' due at Lyceum here after first of year. Sol Malison of Independent Poster, father of seven-pound boy. Bill Sears, Jr., son of Orpheum manager, now in armed forces. University of Minnesota Playhouse offering 'Alice in Wonderland.' L. A. Hummel, former Par sales- man here, now a major in Army. Ethel Shutta into Turly's nitery— her second engagement at this spot. Harry Hirsch, burlesque impre- sario, in Chicago to attend circuit meeting. Art Anderson, Warner Brothers' branch manager, in Cliicago for sales meeting. Horowitz and Milstcin in town for concert and Minneapolis Symphony orchestra appearances. Eddie Rut>en named chairman of committtec iii charge of 'United Nations' theatres collections for this territory. Dave Cantor. RKO cxploiteer, ar- ranging jubilee celebration drive to honor L. E. Goldhammer, company's district mi.nager here. St. Paul high .school all-star sridders received gold footballs on St. Paul Paramount stage through ■courtesy' of Mickey Rooney, star of 'Yank at Eton." current Aim. Hallie,' reported secretly married to army private. Lt. Russell LaBelle, son of WB's personnel director, home from over- seas for a short visit. He's with Air Force Ferry Command. Maurice Spitalny's 'Music As You Like It' commercial has faded from WJAS. His 'Tap Time' on KDKA for same sponsor continues. / Lige Brien, manager of WB's K-:nyon, copped $100 War Bond from M-G for his exploitation job on The Vanishing Virginian.' Capt. Joe Valentine, former U cameraman, and Lt. David Miller. ex-Metro director, here making shots for ordnance department film. San Francisco By Sherman Miller Edgar Kubak. executive v.p. of Blue Network, here conferring with KGO execs. Mrs. Dorothy Rankin has taken over Woman's Magazine of the Air under name of Jane Lee, at KPO. Margo Kennedy, of Warner Bros, exchange, resigned to join hustuind in Arizona. He's in the air corps. Michael Mann, son of Thomas Mann, German author, joined San Francisco Symphony orchestra as a violinist this season. George P. Webster, who began career as thespian at old Baldwin theatre here 62 years ago, celebrates Both birthday Jan. 19. Virginia Mikulak, KGO continuity clerk, learned via news dispatches that her husband, Capt. Michael Mikulak, is with AEF on Lex Carlin In from Philly is acting treasurer at National theatre while Eddie Kellar undergoes a Mt. Alto checkup. Tom Blaney of Warner Bros, con- tact department worked up to Satur- day. Donned Navy blue Monday morning. District Commissioner John Rus- sell Young called in Washington showmen Monday (7) to map pre- liminaries for Washington celebra- tion of President's birthday, Jan. 31. Joe Heldt of N. Y. Theatre Guild, guest at Soviet Embassy. Stalin's envoy, Litvinoff. is helping out on first performance of Konstantin Simonov's play, "The Russian People.' Loew's division manager Carter Barron told by the Navy Depart- ment to rename 'Cargo of Innocents' <M-G>, pic with service background. His suggestion of 'Stand By For Ac- tion' was accepted. Warnerites from Hollywood here last week included Jack Warner, Charlie Einfeld, Whitney Bolton, Mort Blumenstock and Jake Wilk. Latter looked over 'Three Sisters' as Bctte Davis possibility. By SI Shalt! By Hal Cobcn 'Bambi' iMoked here. Opens at the Penn Dec. 17. Tommy Delbridge, as.sistant man- ager at the Pcnu, reclassified 1-A. Baritone Raymond Buechner is a new addition to the artists' staff at KDKA. Midnight benefit at Stanley netted nearly $3,000 for Variety Club's Canteen. Bert Saunders, old-time hurley comedian, convalescing in hospital at A.spinwall. Esther Heller, of Yacht Club staff and si.ster of owner, hospitalized by auto injuries. Edward Hunt, Tech drama grad. gave up teaching.berth at Penn to take role in 'Lifeline.' Bob McKenna, until recently m.c. of WWSWs 1500 aub. has joined announcing .=taff at WCAE. Bill Beal backing Sigmund Rom- berg orche.'itra's two concerts at Syria Mosque Christmas week-end. Freddy Castle, band leader, tak- ing a in aerial ordnance at a naval training station in Newport, R. I. Tung Pin Soo, magi at Wilham Penn, and his a.sslstant celebrated their first wedding anniversary last Ann Barrett, local singer who re- placed Betty Hutton In 'Panama Powers Gouraud back at his old stint on WCAU after illness. Bucks County Playhouse shut up shop for the season at the Bellevue- Stratford Saturday night (5). Sam Bushman, erstwhile nitery flack, has been upped to technical .sergeant at Air Corps base in Okla- homa City. Dick Olanoff, formerly of the Record staff, has joined WIP as as- .sl.stant to Joe McCaulley, pilot of the 'Dawn Patrol.' Penny Davis. Club Bali rhumba instructres.s, is now teaching the Latin-brand of terps to service men at the JWB-USO canteen. Jerry Stone, former head of pub- licity at WDAS, graduated as sec- ond lieut. from Officers School at Fort Monmouth last week. Radio row turned out en ma.ssc at Kuijicr's Arcadia to farewell Mur- ray Arnold. WIP program director, who left for the Army Sat. (5). The Entertainment Managers As- .sociatlon gave its outgoing prex-y. Jimmy Loughran. a farewell dinner at Palumbo's last night (Tue.s.). Althca Hoffman, executive assist- ant to Theron Bamberger, head of Bucks County Playhouse, lectured on 'summer theatres" at Haverford Col- lege last week. Hollywood Guy Kibbee east on a stnKC tour. Deanna Durbin celebrated her 21st birthday. Jeanette MacDonald back from :iu eastern tour. Gary Cooper back from hi. Broad- way vacation, June Havoc, film actress, divorced Donald S. Gibbs. Barry Fitzgerald, screen player, in the hospital with Au. Elissa Landl back in pictures (or the first time in four years. Gordon Richards, British actor, became an American citizen. Matty Fox and Ralph Austrian in town on official WPB busine.s.s. Florence Sherman divorced Hany Sherman, United Artists producer. Norman Moray in town for con- ferences on short suljjcru at War- ners. Leon Errol ordered ; take a rest cure to recover from bond selling tours. Jean Wallace (Mrs. Franchot Tone) underwent successful appendicitis operation. Endre Bohcm upped to .^tory edi- torship of the short subject depart- ment at Metro. Walter Woolf King retired as an actor to become an a.ssociate in the Sam Jaffe agency. Harold Hopper returned to Wash- ington after Hollywood huddles for War Production Board. Mlmi Chandler, daughter of Sen- ator Chandler of Kentucky, making Aim debut at Paramount. Dr. Corydon M. Wassell resumed , IS with AEF in North , ^ ^ . , . Africa as one of chief miliJai v coDS^ ^^S^ ParanwUBt afWf~» -tettttt* - - *• •'^tour""Ch-Wh-8irof Navy Relief. Osa Massen, in charge of Motion Picture Relief Fund's sale of Christ- mas cards, reports the entire stock of 30,000 sold out. Freeman Gosden, Amos (and Andy), was appointed guardian of his two children to protect their property interests. Julius Stem, veteran of the film industry, recently married in New York to Edith Steiner, honeymoon- ing in Hollywood. Connie Bennett and Robert Preston appeared on the War Bond Rally Show at Bayfront Park. Ben Grauer. NBC announcer, in town for Winchell-Jergen's broadcast and right back to New York. Harry Richman back from the Mounds club in Cleveland and ap- pearing on the Navy Radio Show. Walter Winchell, now on active duty as Lieut. Comdr. in the Navy, temporarily stationed at the duPont Building. Condos Bros, into Kitty Davis' Air- liner from Oljrmpia theatre for eight days before opening at the State, New York. Milton Berle and his wife, the former Joyce Matthews, spending a few days on the beach with Mrs. Berle's family. Will Osborne orch opening at the Frolics Danceiand. Popular dance hall for service men goes into name band policy, with Clyde Lucas to follow. Eddie Cantor has furnished a Red Crass room for Mrs. Catherine Argo, Home Secretary of the Red Cross, through the efforts of Yeoman Billy Reed, former m.c. now at Naval Air Station. Mrs. Normaii Krasna. former Ruth Frazee of the Frazee Sisters, left for the Coast with a stopover in Chicago to adopt a baby. Norman Krasna here producing a picture for the Army on the Officer- Candidate School in Miami Beach. il ASCAP Melon C'ohtlnned frem page □ ditatcs that the economy wave started within the organization In early 1941 will t>e carried to the point where (he Society will be able to operate on appreciably less than 20','r on the collected dollar, which is current ratio. When the ASCAP board meets to- morrow iThursday) it will be asked to give its approval, a formality, to the distribution of $1,200,000 for the final quarter of 1942. This Is but $38,000 under the all-time record divvy for any one quarter. As Is customary, the checks for the cur- rent quarter will go out to writers and publishers in ample time to give them spending money for Christmas. Chicago Aaron J. Jones, Sr.. .seriously ill in a Miami hotel. Tom Gorman, RKO theatres dis- trict manager, ill. Fuel oil supply of local theatres has been cut to 67%. Sammy Rauch, t^rlent booker for the Roxy, N. Y., in town looking for act.s. Samuel StoU, ex-Metro salesman in Kansas City, added to Paramount .sales staff here. Alfred G. Rackett, James C. Pet- rillo's assistant, is another on the sick list. Has been home six weeks. Sammy Clark, ex-Warner exploi- tation man here, now publicity head of Jack Benny's Aim company, a Chi visitor. Jimmy Savage, of the Balaban & Katz publicity department, in the Illinois Masonic hospital with an eye infection. WLS Barn Dance stars presented a program at war bond rally at the Times theatre. Admission by pur- chase of $25 security. Blue Network toasted Mrs. Irene Shafer, selected as the typical Navy, mother, at a Tavern Club luncheon for press and network execs. Opening night :eats for 'This Is the Army' at the Civic Opera House are all sold at $11 each. Show opens jwo-week -engagement Jan. 4. Amusement and Recreation Divi- sion of the Chicago Commission on National Defense trying to arrange an amusement Industry luncheon lionoring IrvlnK Berlin when his show plays here.