Variety (Dec 1942)

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Wedneadftj* Oecemlier 16. 1941 nCXORB eROSSBS II Hlorocco' Socko $30,000, Leader h Frbco; Takon'-Slack Stout $25,000 San Francisco, Dec. IS. New entries at the first runs are traveling at a fast clip. Holdovers generally still are drawing big coin. 'Road to Morocco,* at the Fox, Is the pace-setter, and is tollowed by Tal- con's Brother,' plus Freddie Slack band and Jane Withers on the stage at the Golden Gate. Estimates for This Week Fpx (F-WC) (5,000; 50-65)—"Road to Morocco* (Par) and 'Wildcast' (Par). Hitting a terrific $30,000. Last week, 'Washington Slept Here' (WB) and 'Biis.<!es Roar' (WB), disappoint- ing $21,400. Golden« (RKO) (2,850; 44-55- 75)—"Falcon's Brother* (RKO) plus Freddie Slack orch and Jane Withers on stage. Slack and Withers are boosting this to a fine $25,000. Last week, 'Strictly In Groove* (U) plus Henry Busse orch, others on stage, big $24,000. Orpheum (Blumenfeld) (2,440; 50- 65)—Who Done It?' (U) and 'Great Impersonation' (U). Okay $14,500. Last week, 'Sister Eileen' (Col) (5lh wk) and 'Smith Minnesoto" (Col) (2d wk), $8,900, hefty. Paramount (F-WC) 2.470; 50-85)— 'Major and Minor' (Par) and Tomb- stone' (Par) (4th wk). Maintaining great pace into fourth sesh at $11,000. Last week, sock $14,700. 4^—i-I—»~v-fitBpfc-li<"'^—" •Busses Roar* (WB) (moveover). Oke $9,000. Last week, 'Gentleman Jim' (WB) and 'Careful, Soft Shoulders' (20th), $11,500, new house record un- der moveover policy. United Artiste (UA-Blumenfeld) (1,100; 50-65)—'Never Lovelier' (Col) and 'Devil With HiUer' (RKO) (3d wk). Solid $8,700. Last week, great $10,800. Warfield (F-WC) (2,650)—'Me My Gal' (M-G) and 'Night New Orleans' (Par) (3d wk). Strong $17,000 for third stanza. Last week, $21,300, ter- rific. 'Flying Tigers' Suitable $16,500 in Oke Newarlq 'Cargo' Wham at \m Newark, Dec. 15. Combo of Hedy Lamarr and 'White Cargo' has the SRO sign out at the State, but remainder of the town is only so-so, most of the fir^t-runs suf- fering from pre-Christmas doldrums. 'Flying Tigers,' at the Paramount, is the only other new entry getting by. Estimates for This Week Adams (Adams-Par) (1,950; 25-40- 65-75-99)—'Scattergood Rides High' (RKO) and Ina Ray Hutton orch, Guy Kibbce on stage. Mild $14,700. I,ast week, 'Spitfire Sees Ghost' (RKO) and Count Basie orch on stage, staunch $17,300. Branford (WB) (2,800; 30-35-60-75- 00)—'Gentleman Jim' (WB) and 'Strictly in Groove' (U) (2d wk). Pretty good $15,000, after smash $22,000 in initial stanza. Capitol (WB) (1,200; 20-30-35-44- 65)—-Yank Eton' (M-G) and 'Or- chestra Wives' (20th). Dull $2,700. Last week, 'Panama Hattie' (M-G) and 'Was Framed' (WB), sad $2,200. Paramount (Adams-Par) (2,000; 35- 45-55-80-75)—'Flying Tigers' (Rep) and 'Youth Parade' (Rep). Pacing trim $16,500. Last week, 'Forest Rangers' (Par) and 'Aldrich, Editor' (Par) (2d,wk), okay $11,700. Proctor's (RKO) (3,400; 35-55-65- 75-85-99)—'Navy Comes Through' (RKO) and Ibat Other Woman' (20th). Mild $17,500. Last week.-Ice- land' (20th) and 'Manila Calling' (20th) (2d wk), so-so $15,000. SUIe (Loew's) (2,600; 30-40-55-65- 75)—'White Cargo' (M-G) and 'Laugh Your Blues Away' (Col). Had the SRO sign oui, all week, wham $18,- 500. Last week, 'Married Witch' (UA) and 'Counter Espionage' (Col), $14,500, meagre. HEDY NICE $17,000 IN J. C;'RANGERS'DrnO Jersey City, Dec. 15. 'White Cargo,' at Loew's, is garner- ing the top coin this week with 'For- est Rangers,' at the Stanley, also strong. Estimates (or This Week Loew's (Loew's) (3,205; 35-44-55- 65-85)—'White Cargo'*-(M-G) and •Laugh Blues Away' (Col). Trim $17.- 000. Last week, 'Married Witch' (UA) and 'Counter Espionage* (Col), only $10,400. Stanley (WB) (*,t>00; 3S-44-55-65- 85)—'Forest Rangers' (Par) and •Nightmare' (U). Away to a fast start, and should finish at good $17,- 000. Last week. 'Gentleman Jim' (WB) and 'Strictly in Groove* (U), nice $17,000. State (Skouras) (2,200; 35-44-56-65- 85)—-Sister Eileen* (Col) and 'Boogie Man Get You* (Col) (2d wk). Fain $9,000 on holdover sesh aftet'Brlili% $12,000 opening week. Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gross Tbia Week ,..$2,295,SM (Based on 20 cities, 182 thea- tres, chiefly first run<, (ncluding N. y.) , Total Gross Same Week Last Tear $1,522,500 (Based on 27 cities, 184 theatres) mOROCCO' BIG 19G IN BALTO Baltimore, Dec. 15. There's a slight seasonal dip here but the strong product lineup is oft- setting any seriou.<; inroads. Leading the parade is 'Road to Morocco,' at the Stanley, with 'White Cargo,' at Loew's Century, nearly as bullish. Rest of list is ^ot at all bad con- sector. - - Estimates for This Week Centnry (Loew's-UA) (3.000; 17-28- 35-44-55)—'White Cargo* (M-G). Solid $17,000. Last week. 'Me My Gal' (M-G) (2d wk), nice $12,400. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2240; 17-28-38-44-55-66)—'Falcon's Brother' (Col) plus vaude. Flesh helping to bolster this to fairish $15,000. I.ast week. 'Bambi' (RKO) and vaude, mild $13,900. Keith's (Schanberger) (2.406; 17- 28-35-44-55)—'Nightmare* (U). Sold strongly for all right $10,000. Last week, •Forest Rangers' (Par) (2d wk), okay $12,200. Mayfair (Hicks) (980: 25-50)— •Priorities Parade' (Par). Nicely spotted for good $6,000. Last week, •Manila Calling* (20th.), fair $4,300. New (Mechanic) (1.680; 17-28-40- 55)—'Springtime in Rockies' (20th) (2d wk). Holding strongly at $5,000 after ringing the bell soundly at $8,- 400 in first week. Stanley (WB) (3.280; 17-28-38-40- 55)—'Road to Morocco' (Par). Bang- up $19,000. Last week. 'Gentleman Jim' (WB) (2d wk), fine $12,700. ValeDeU (Loew*s-UA) (1,450; 17- 28-44-55)—•Me My Gal' (M-G) (moveover). Very solid at far above average $7,000 after two resounding previous weeks In downstairs Cen- tury. Last week, 'Omaha Trail* (M- G), mild $3,900. Done It' Pacemaker In Seattle, Huge 15G, Despite Biz Decline Seattle, Dec. 15. The effect of gasoline rationing plus the usual pre-Christmas week slump is knocking down grosses all over town. About the sole excep- tion is 'Who Done It?' at the Or- pheum. which is going for a terri- fic total considering conditions. It is far ahead of the next best grosser. Estimates (or This Week Blue Mouse (Hamrick-Evergreen) (800; 40-50-65)—'Bambi' (RKO) and 'Aldrich, Editor' (Par) (4th wk). Good $3,800. Last week, great $5,- 000. Fifth Avenue (H-E) (2,349; 40-50- 65)—'Forest Rangers' (Par) and Tliat Other Woman' (20th) (2d wk). Headed for nice $8.8()0. Last week, same pair, swell $11,500. Liberty (J-vH) (1.650: 40-50-65)— 'Never Lovelier' (Col) (3d wk). Oke $4,000 in four days. Last week, big $8,000. Music Box (H-E) (800; 40-50-65)— 'Springtime Rockie.s' (20th) and 'Manila Calling' (20th) (4th wk). Hot release from Paramount, big $5,000. Last week. 'Major-Minor' (Par) (6th wk). fine $4,000. Music Hall (H-E) (2.200: 40-50-65) —"Here We Go Again' (RKO) and •Wings and Woman' (RKO). Day- and-date with Paramount. Fairish $5,300. Last week, 'Forest Rangers' lovelier Lively $27,500 in 2 L A. Spots But life at 8:30' Mild 26I/2G In 3 Houses; 'Morocco' Big 32'/^G, 3d Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross TUs Week $339,00* (Based on 13 theatres) Total Gross Same Week Last Tear $251,900 (Based on 13 theatres) mm wow 18G, D.C. 2D Washington. Dec. 15. Xmas is putting the bite on the boxofTices currently. 'Major and Minor' in its second session at the Palace Is shaping up as the best all- Los Angeles, Dec. 15. Trade currently is holding up fairly well though off somewhat from recent bullish weeks. Still is ahead of last year for this pre-holi- day stanza. •Road to Morocco,' play- ing third week at the two Paramount houses. Is cracking through for great $32,500, the Hollywood Par figure be- ing better than the second week's total. Big surprise is being turned in by the Hawaii with the chiller combo of 'Mummy's Tomb' and 'Night Monster.* l^ls twin setup is posting $8,000, terrific for this Hollywood spot. 'You Were Never Lovelier' is trim ^7.500 at the Hillstreet and Pantages. 'Life Begins at 8:30' Is modest $26,500 at the Chinese, State and Ritz. Estimates for ThU Week Corthay Circle (F-WC) (1,516; 33- 44-55-65-85) — 'Bambi* (RKO) (7th wk) and 'Mrs. Hadley* (M-G) (3d wk). Still nice at $2,600, following okay $2,900 last week. Chinese (Grauman-WC) (2,034; 33- 44-55-65-85)—'Life at 8:30" (20th) and 'We Are Marines' (20th). Gas pinch r »¥ I iiitoiiiiiiiii Orphenm (H-E) (2.6Q0; 40-50-65) —'Who Done It?' (U) and 'Great Impersonation' (U). Big campaign helping to grab $15,000, terrific in view of current handicaps. Last week, 'Desperate Journey' (WB) and 'Comes Love' (U) (2d wk), big $9,200. Paloraar (Sterling) (1.250; 40-50- 65)—'Behind Eight Ball" (U) and 'X Marks Spot' (Rep) plus vaude. Fair $8,000. Last week, 'Hi, Neighbor' (Rep) and 'Secret Enemies' (WB) and stage show, oke $8,700. Poramonnt (H-E) (3,039: 40-50-65) —'Here Go Again' (RKO) and •Wings and Woman' (RKO). Day- and-date with Music Hall, good $8.- 300. Last week. 'Springtime Rock- ies' (20th) and 'Manila Calling' (20th) (2d wk), superb $8,800. Boosevelt (Sterling) (800: 40-50- 65)—'Desperate Journey' (WB) (3d wk). Moved from Orpheum. Pass- able $4,500. Last week (30-45). second run of 'Priorities Parade' (Par) and 'Moscow Strikes' (Rep), later changed to 'Magnificent Amber- sons* (RKO), In last half, slow $3.- 000. Winter Garden (Sterling) (800; 20-30)—'Gay Sisters' (WB) and •Affairs Martha' (M-G) (3d run). (}ood $3,500. Last week, 'Footlight Serenade' (20th) and 'Joan (3zarKs* (Rep) (3d run), nice $4,000. round bet while 'White C^rgo,* also . ^ vaudeville, is running' about even in the larger Capitol. 'Seven Days Leave' is also strong at the small Keith house. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew) (3.434: 28-39-44- 06)-— 'White Cargo' (M-G) with vaudeville. Good $18,000 holdover after developing an amazing strength at $26,000 In first session CoInmbU (Loew) (1,234; 28-44)— 'Me My GaV (M-G). Nifty $6,500. Last week. 'Moon and Sixpence' (UA), oke $5,000. Earle (WB) (2,216: 28-39-44-66)— 'Never Lovelier" (Col) with vaude- ville. Yuletide slump means oply fair $18,000. Last week .''Gentleman Jim' (WB) (2d wk), so-so $14,500. Keith's (RKO) (1,830: 40-50-65)— 'Seven Days Leave' (RKO). Started slow but finished fast for good $11,- 000. Held over for five days. 'Pitts- burgh' (U) goes in December 15. Metropolitan (WB) (1,800; 28-44) -'Sister Eileen* (Col) (2d wk). Nice $6,500 after swell $8,500 first session. Palace (Loew) (2.243; 28-55)— •Major and Minor* (Par) (2d wk). Will get grand $18,000 on second seven days. First was walloping $22,- 000. NATIONA L BOXOFFIC E SURVEY Gas Rationing, Bad Weather, Pre-Xmas Buying Blamed For Offish Theatre Biz—'Morocco,' 'Cargo' Best Currently Business hit the skids in many localities this week, gas rationing, usual Xmas shopping and storms being singled out for blame, with all three factors probably responsible for the more drastic declines. Sharp down- beat In such keys as Philadelphia. New York, Pitts- burgh, Los Angeles and Seattle hurt even the better films. 'Road to Morocco* (Par) and 'White Cargo* (M-G) are bucking the downward trend probably most ef- fectively. Both prove that neither storm, gas dole nor pre-Christmas lull can keep a good picture down. •Morocco* has been going like a house-afire for sev- eral weeks, and continues unabated. Bob Hope's com- edy Is socko $30,000 and tops in San Francisco, and bang-up $19,000 in Baltimore. It's still strong at the N. Y. Par with $46,000 for the fifth week and great $32,500 for third session in two Las Angeles theatres. Film Is doing surprisingly big $12,000 for third stanza In downtown Providence, lusty on Boston moveover, strong in third sessions In Buffalo and K. C, while big for fifth downtown sesh In Detroit 'CARGO' PICKS DP SPEED A bit uneven In the previous week, 'Cargo' is great $20,500 to lead St. Louis, nice In Indianapolis, hefty $17,000 In Providence, big $13,000 in K. C. wham $18,500 In Newark, nice In Jersey City, solid in Balti- more, very good In Cincinnati, fine $12,000 In Louis- ville, stout $15,000 in Buffalo and good in second Wash- ington stanza and third Chicago week. •Who Done It?' (U) also continues to solve the biz slump, with only Boston, where off. reporting mild total for the third frame. Abbott-Costello comedy appears oke In Frisco, paces Seattle with compara- tively terrific biz and rates good for N. Y. holdover. 'Gentleman Jim* (WB) also manages to thrive. It's rated' nifty in Providence, nice for second Newark session, fine $16,000 in Chi second stanza and satis- factory $35.1)00 for third week at N. Y. Strand. •Now. Voyager' (WB), also stacking up strongly, is nice $23,000 In Boston, strong second Det. week, pert fifth Chi session and fine In Denver and Buffalo. MANT NEWCOHEBS FABE BADLT Outside of 'We Are the Marines* (20th). doing well in dual setups In L. A. and nice $11,000 In N. Y.. new entries, found the going extremely tough. 'Pittsburgh* (U), preeming In Pittsburgh, Is receiving no great wel- come at mild $8,500, whole steel city being off. 'Whis- tling in Dixie* (M-G) also encountering trouble In Cincy. where biz generally is off. 'Life Begins at 8:30' (20th) is finding lukewarm response, being fairly good In N. Y. at $48,000 and mild $28,500 (highly disap- pointing even for this season) In three L. A. soots. 'Seven Days Leave* (RKO), while no dice at $13,000 In N. Y.. I.I! snappy in Prov., good in Washln(<ton and okay $13,500. Denver. 'Palm Beach Story* (Par) rates thin $20,000 In Its N. Y. opening stanza. •You Were Never Lovelier* (Col), getting out to more key cities, is faring comparatively well. Though only fair in Wash, and so-so In Omaha, the Astalre- Hayworth film is lively In two L. A. theatres, good $82,000 for .second stanza at the N. Y. Music Hall and •solid for third Frisco frame. 'Me and My Gal' (M-G) looks strong $17,000 for third FrLsco week and okav for second PhlUy 'Casablanca' (WB) Is travel- ine along well at $22,000 for third N. Y. stanza. From the keys: 'Springtime In Rockies' (20th) will get bii! S40.000 in Chicago with band and strong at $22,000 for .second Detroit session. 'Bambi' (RKO) Is doing brisk $15,000 in Detroit. 'Sin Town' (U). paired with band, good $26,000 In Boston. 'Navy Comes Through' (RKO). Is smash $20,000, backed by strong stage unit. Thunder Birds' (20th). feeline the Phlllv slump, rates poor $13,500 In the Quaker City. 'Black Swan' (20th). while nifty in Indianapolis. Is mild In Louisville and Just good $12,500 In St. Louis. 'Cairo' (M-G). a weak sister In nearly all spots, also a dull tl2.000 In Detroit. 'Nightmare' (U), Is satisfactory In Baltimore, nice $13,000 in Chicago and fine In Denver. 'Washington Slept Here' (WB). way off In third L. A. session, looks mild $17,800 on Its PhlUy holdover. Bqt the Jack Benny opus Is fine In K C. and oke in Frisco. Cargo' (M-G) and 'Eyes in Night* (M-G), fared better but not exciting at $11,500. Downtown (WB) (1,800: 33-44-55- 65-75-85)—'Washington Slept Here* (WB) (3d wk). Not resting well at $8,000. Last week, lightweight $9,000. Hawaii (G&S) (1.100; 33-44-55-65- 75-85)—'Mummy's Tomb' (U) and 'Night Monster' (U). Good mid-week opening indicates horror combo will do $8,000. terrific for this spot. Last week, 'Aircraft Missing' (UA) (3d wk), hit by rationing), $2,200. Hollywood (WB) (2,756; 33-»4-.55. 65-75-85)—'Washington Slept' (WB) (3d wk). Virtual nightmare at $5,500. gas rationing hurting. Fol- lows last week's poor second stanza of $7,500. Orpheum (D'town) (2.200; 33-44- 55-65)—'Invisible Agent' (U) and 'Smith Minnesota' (Col) (2d runs), with house-produced circus. Will be okay $13,000. Last w :k. 'Marie Roget* (U) (2d run) and 'Basses Roar' (WB) (1st un), disappointing $13,000. Pontages (Pan) (2,812; 33-44-55-65- 75-85)—'Never Lovelier' (Col) and 'Blackle Goes Hollywood' (Col). Opened well and should snag trim $12,500. Last week. 'Nightmare' (U) and 'Moonlight in Havana' (U), meagre $8,000. Paramennt (F&M) (3.389; 33-44-55- 65-75-85)—'Road to Morocco' (Par) and 'Street of Cliance' (Par) (3d wk). Proving If it's good, they still come. Strong $20,'00, only a bit off from last week's sock $23,500. ParamoDnt Hollywood (F&M) (2,204; 33-44-55-65-75-85)—'Morocco' (Par) (3d wk). Not faring as well as downtown house but bettering the second week's total with hefty $12.- 500. Second session was good at $12,000. BKO Hillstreet (RKO) (2.873: 33- 44-55-65) —'Never Lovelier' (Col) and 'Blackle Goes Hollywood' (Col). Chalking nice $15,000. Last week, 'Nightmare' (IT) and 'Moonlight in Havana' (U), tepid $12,000. State (Loew-WC) (2.204; 33-44-65- 75-85)—'Life at 8:30' (20th) and 'We Are Marines' (20th). Some animation at $12,700. Last week, 'White Cargo' (M-G) and 'Eyes in Night' (M-G), pay load at $22,400. UA (UA-WC) (2,100: 33-44-65)— White Cargo" (M-G) and 'Eyes in rnght' (M-G). Okav $7,000. Last week, 'Mc My Gal' (M-G) and 'Omaha Trail' (M-G), also move- ov::rs, fair $6,200. Wllshire (F-WC) (2.2f6; 33-44-(S) —'Cargo' (M-G) and 'Eyes in Night* (M-G). Fair $5,200. Last week. 'Me My Gal' (M-G) . nd 'Omaha Trail* (M-G). somewhat better at $6,000. Wlllern (WB) (2,756: 33-44-.55-65- 75-85)—'Washington Slept' (WB) (3d wk). Just dozing at $4,500. Last week, more sound at $6,000. BIti (F-WC) (1.372; 33-44-55-65- 85)—'Life at 8:30" (20th) and 'We Are Marines' (20th). Geared to okay $5,800. Last week. 'Cargo' (M-G) and 'Eyes in Night' (M-G). day- dating with State a d Chinese, bright $6,900. Hot Sands for Anne Hollywood. Dec. IS. Anne Baxter shifts from 20th- Fox to Paramount on loanout for the top femme role opposite Fran* chot Tone in 'Five Graves to Cairo,' an Egyptian war yam. Script Is being whittled Into shape by the vet writing team of Charlet Brack^it and Bllly^ Wllf4>r ,whe arc also functioning respecUvdy>ta'asso- ciate producer and director.