Variety (Dec 1942)

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Wednesday. December 23, 1942 fEff PIGTURB GROSSES Chi Off; Hockies'-Vaiide 34G, 2d. To Lead Town, 'Underground' Plus Stage Show 18G. 'Navy' Dualed 15G Chicago, Dec. 22. AU houses are down due to com- bination of Chrlsti las shopping, cold weather and diasUc cut in out-of- town visitors. Matinee business is holding up fairly weU. but night business is way off. Chicago theatre is holding 'Spring- time In Rocliies' for second week with a change In stage show. Estimates for This Week Apall* (B&K) (UOO: 35-55-65-75) _'Tlflh' (M-G) and 'Cairo' (M-G) (2d week). Poor $3,600. Last week ^'cliSi2!''(B&K) (4,000; 35-55-75)- •SpringUme in Rockies' (20th) (2nd week) and Christmas presentation show on stage. Headed for good (34,000 l>ast week Dick Jurgens baitd and first week of 'Rockies' hit big M0,000. olntok (B&K) (900; 35-55-65- 75) —"Major and Minor' (Par) and •Henry Aldrlch, Editor' (Par) (2nd week). Fair $4,800. Last week mild $5 500 Oriental (Iroquois) (3.200; 28-33- 4i-9S) — 'Secrets of Underground' (Hep) and Chuck Foster's orch and EUa Fitzgerald on stage. Fair $18.- 000. Last week $10,500 with 'Un- derground Agent' (Co!) and Earl Carroll's Vanities on stage. PaUee (RKO) (2,500; 33-44-66-75) —'Navy Comes Through' (RKO) and 'Other Woman' (RKO). Good $15,- 000. Laat week 'Nightmare' (U) and 'It Comes Up Love' (U) fair $11,000. Boeieven (B&K) (1,500; 35-55-65- 76) —'Gentleman Jim' (WB) (3rd tveek). Nifty $12,000. Last week •tout $16,000. Salt-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 35-55-65- 75)—'Now, Voyager' (WB) (6th week). Nice $13,800. Last week trim $14,000. United ArtlsU (B&K) (1,700; 35-45- rj-75)—'White Cargo* (M-G) (4th week). In last week. Pleasant $11,- m. Last we^, good $13,000. Woods (Essaness) (1,200; 33-44- 6&-75)— 'Hidden Hand' (WB) and 'Death Doctor' (Mono). Okay $6,700. Last week 'You Can't Escape For- ever' (WB) and 'Secret Enemies' (WB) nice $6,300. DETROIT^KAY; 'PALM BEACH' GOOD20G and 'Lad^ Gangster* (WB) (2d wk). Not holding up as well in extension, with only $9,500 following first weak'."! fine $17,000. United Artists (United Detroit) (2.000; 50-65)—'Yank at Eton' (M-G) and 'Pacific Rendezvous' (M-G). Big ^■14.000 sighted. Last week, 'Seven Sweethearts' (M-G) and 'Cairo' (M-G). dull $12,000. , . Detroit. Dec. 22. Final Christmas shopping week Is dipping into grosses here, but there Is no complaining, with the box- oHices clicking up what once were big grosses before the war boosted tnem to the recent Inflated levels. -,The Michigan, with 'Palm Beach Story and ^Street of Chance.' is »t""S7 ^^^^ level, with 'Between ys Girls' and 'Sin Town' at the Fox developing a sound figure. Also on the strong aide Is the fresh bill of Yank at Eton' and 'Pacific Rendez- vous at the United Artists. Rest of tne loop is holding up nicely with holdovers. Estimates for Tills Week .e***""? (Balaban) (1.700; 50-65)— - •£pHBgtnne in-RtiirBier- UOlhT wk) and 'Sin Town* (U). Combo Drought over from Fox, trim $7,500. Last week,'Sister Eileen' (20th) Mth Wk) and 'We Are Marines' (20th) fair $6,000. yo?!5H?*y-C"Pitol (United Detroit) (2,800j 60.65)—'Now, Voyager' (WB) n?!? J?; ?"*'*''ay' <Par) (3d wk). "'"-Switched in after two solid weeks ''ili'^"" **es good $8,500. Last week. 'Road to Morocco* (Par) and -V'nw "j5Si <RKO) (3d wk), Okay $8,000. ^« (Fox-Michigan) (5,000; 50-65) nvifr^*'??,'; G'rls* (U) and 'Sin »iB^« ^^h No complaining, with s'ehted. Last week, 'Rockies' 'M wk) and 'Get Hep to registered fine $22,000 after »J4.000 in first week with 'SUnd By, Networks* (Col) as coupling. nn^tf'^J (United Detroit) (1.800; g°;i»2-.Ban)bi' (RKO) and 'Army fD«?*!S". ^'^^Q^ <2d wk). Nicely hoIirttSc**v'^*f]' Juvenile trade on In fl, P' add sound $10,000 '^JJfst week's $15,000. Kn fll\ fff, (United Detroit) (4.000: BnH -cT^^ ^ach Story* (Par) $20 000 (^i>°'.^*«"'"' <P"). Good VovJl«J"'!«?i*.^- Last week. 'Now. (pIt^VL^^,^.^ Broadway' week*, fl^ ^Jii ^^<^«d to "rsl weeks fine $24,000. 000'RoS;?*"JS,/"''*'ed Detroit) (3.- uw. 50-eS)-'WIng8 for Eagle' (WB) 'Escape'-'Fortress' StoHt $13,000, ProY.; IMargaret'Si»-so IIG Providence, Dec. 22. Christmas'week is off slightly but not as much as in former gas- abundant days. RKO Albee's hold- over of 'Seven Days Leave' is bright, while Majestic's 'You Can't Escape Forever' leads the list among the new entries. Estimates For This Week Albec (RKO) (2,300; 30-40-50)— 'Seven Days Leave' (RKO) and 'Fal- cons Brother' (RKO) (2d wk). Snappy $7,000. Last week grand $10,000. Carlton (Fay-Loew) (1.400; 30-40- .501 — 'White Cargo' (M-G) and 'Boogie Man Get You' (Col) (2d run). Fair $3,000. Last week, 'Wash- ington Slept Here' (WB) and 'Hid- den Hand' (WB) (2d run), nice $3,- 500. F»T*s (Indie) (2,000; 39-50)-^'Gen- tleman Jim' (WB) (2d run) and vaude on s.tage. Stepping along all right for so-so $6,500. Last week, •Half Way to Shanghai' (U) and vaude, nice $7,000. Majestic (Fay) (2.000; 30-40-50)— 'Can't Escape Forever* (WB) and 'Flying Fortress* (WB). No com- plaints here at nitty $13,000. Last week. 'Gentleman Jim' (WB), wow $16,000. Metropolitan (Indie) (3,200; 30-40- 50) — 'Neath Brooklyn Bridge* (Mono) andi Jimmie Lunceford orch. Three-day week end run brought in fair $5,000. Last week, 'Aunt Emma,' (Mono) plus Charlie Barnet, fair $3,000 in three days. ruyhouse (Indie) (2,200; 30-40-50) — Mrs. Wiggs' (Par) and 'Agents Meet Queen' (Col) (2d run). Switch- over from Strand for second week not proving so hot. Mediocre $5,000. Last week. 'Road to Morocco* (Par) and 'Spirit SUnford' (Col) (third downtown wk). great $9,000. State (Loew's) (3,200; 30-40-50)— 'Journey for Margaret' (M-G) and Silver Queen' (UA). Doing ave- rage biz at expected $11,000. Last week. 'White Cargo* (M-G) and 'Boogie Man Get You* (Col), nifty $17,000. Strand (Indies (2.000 ; 30-40-50)— 'Street of Chance' (Par) and 'Traitor Within' (Par). Swell $8,000. Last i#eek. 'Mrs. Wiggs' (Par) and 'Agents Meet Queen' (Col), fair $5,000. 'Swan' Sturdy $11,000 In Spotty Kansas City Kansas City, Dec. 22. Christmas shopping and wintry weather are more responsible than mileace rationing for the spotty ■grbsses" ai the delliirtfr?' Here thiS" week. Day-and-date Esquire, Up- town and Fairway are in the lead with 'Black Swan." Tower, with 'Halfway to Shanghai' and Polack circus on stage, is Ijetter than aver- age. 'Road to Morocco* is holding up nicely in fourth stanza at New- man, while 'Washington Slept Here* i< okay in its second frame at Or- phcum. Midland is oft with 'Cairo' and 'Silver Queen.' Eatimalea lor This Week Esqolre, Uptown and Fairway (Fox-Midwest) (820, 2,043 and 700; 11-35-50)—'Black Swan' (20th). Big $11,000. Last week. 'Thunder Birds' (20th), pleasant $8,500. Midland (Loew's) (3.500; 11-35-50) -•Cairo" (M-G) and "Silver Queen' (UA). Mild $8,000. Last week, 'White Cargo' (M-G) and 'Counter Espi- onage' (Col), acceptable $11,000. Newman (Paramount) (1.900; 11- 35-50)—•Road to Morocco' (Par) (4th wk). Nice $8^500. adding up to a grand total of $35,000 for run. Orpheam (RKO) (1.600; 11-35-50) —•Washington Slept Here' (WB) and •Spy Ship' (WB) (2d wk). Tidy $6,- 500 after good $9,000 initial session. Tower (Fox-Joflfee) (2.110; 11-35- 501—•HaKway to Shanghai' (U) with Polack circus on stage. Healthy $8,- 500. Liisl week. 'That Other Woman' (20th) with Ann Corio and Cecelia Paik<;r on stage, satisfactory $9,000. First Rons on Broadway (Subject to Change) Week of Dec. 24 Astor—'For Me and My Gal' (M-G) (10th week). (Reviewed 1» 'Variety' Sept. 9i Capitol—'In Which We Serve' (U). (Reviewed tn .'Variety' Oct. 7i Criterion—•Who Done It?' (U) (4th week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Nov. 4) Globe—'Jacare' tU) (26). (Reviewed l>i current issue) Hollywood—'Casablanca' (WB) (Sth week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Dec. 2) Hnsic Hall—'Random Harvest* (M-G) (2d week). (Reviewed In 'Variety' Nov. 25) Paramount—'Road to Morocco* (Par) (7th week). (Reviewed in 'V.nrlety' Sept. 71 Blalto—'Quiet, Please, Murder' (20th) (21). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Dec. 16) RIvoll—'Arabian Nights' (U). (Reviewed in currunt i.<!sue) Roxy—"The Black Swan" (20th) (23). (Reviewed In 'Varleti^' Oct. 21) Strand—'Yankee Doodle Dandy" (WB) (25). (Reviewed in 'Variety' June 31 Week of Jan. 1 Astor—'For Me and Mv Gal' (M-G) (11th week). Capitol-'In Which We Serve' (UA) (2d week). Criterion—'Whistling in Dixie' (M-G) (30). (RetHewed in 'Variety' Oct. 28) Globe—'Jacare' (U) (2d wk). Hollywood—'Casablanca" (WB) (Oth week). Mnslo Hall—'Random Harvest' (M-G) (3d week). Paramount — 'Star Spangled Rhythm* (Par) (30). (Reviewed In current i.uue) Boxy-The Black Swan' (20th) (2d week). Strand—'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) (2d week). BIRDS' IIG IN SAGGING BUFF Buffalo, Dec. 22. Shopping for Christmas is socking picture theatre business currently, but not as severely as usually ex- pected for pre-Xmas week. "Thunder Birds' is the leader with only a so- so total at the Buffalo. 'Now. Voya- ger* is holding up remarkably well on its second session at the Great Lakes after hangup first week. Estimates for This Week Bnffalo (Shea) (3,500; 35-55)— 'Thunder Birds' (20th) and 'Undyintf Monster' (20th). So-so at around $11,000. Last week. 'White Cargo' (M-G) and 'That Other Woman' (20th), fine $16,000. Great Lakes (Shea) (3.000: 35-55) —'Now, Voyager' (WB) and 'Hidden Hand'' (WB) (2d wk). Holding up nicely at approximately $9,000 after hangup $15,500 on the initial session. Hipp (Shea) (2,100; 35-55)—'White Cargo* (M-G) and "That Other Woman' (20th) (2d wk). Scant $5.- 000 for second stanza downtown, coming here from the Buffalo. Last week, 'Road to Morocco' (Par) and 'Live on Danger' (Par) (3d wk), sat- isfactory $7,000 for third session downtown. Lafayette (Hayman) (3.200; 36-50) —'Mummy's Tomb' (U) and 'Night Monster* (U). Neat $9,500 in eight days. Last week, 'Counter Espionage' (Col) and 'Daring Young Man' (Col), oke $6.500^.... _ _ 20th Centory (Ind.) (3,000: 35-55) —'General Died Dawn' 'Par) and 'Cowboy and Lady' (UA) (re-issues). Unexciting $7,000 in eight days. Last week, 'Can't Escape Forever' (WB) and 'Flying Fortress' (WB), bullish $9,000 or better. J. C. Reels; Dull 15G For 'Fortress' Dual Jersey City. Dec. 22. Seasonal letdown plu.s inclement weather has biz on the run. with none of the first-runs showing any b.o. strength. 'Navy Comes Through." at the small-seating State, is the only pic on the Square with a 50-50 dhance to break better than even. Estimates for This Week Loew's (Loew's) (3.205: .35-44-55- 65-85)—'White Cargo' (M-G) and •Laugh Blues Away" (Col) (2d wk). Dipping to a new low for the year and will be lucky to hit $7,000. Last week, snappy $15,000. SUnlev (WB) (4,500: 35-44-35-65- 85)—'Flying Fortres.-;' 'WB) and •Varsity Show' (WB) (reis.sue). Skid- ding to dull $15,000. Last week. 'For- est Ranger.s' (Par) and 'Nightmare' (U). okay $16,000. SUU (Skouras) (2.200: 35-44-.').i-C5- 85)—'Navy Come.': Through' <RKO) and 'Other Woman' (RKO). Leaning 'Random' Smash 112G in N. Y. Despite Pre-Xmas, Cold; 'Journey Bad lOG, 'Hyinglortress'-Wald Slow Uim Sudden cold snap which hit town, sending the thermometer on Sunday (20) to the lowest it's been in eight years, with Monday (21) also very frigid, proved highly unwelcome in New York. Coming during Christmas shopping, it's doing plenty of dam- age. Coupled with these factors, lack of fuel oil and gasoline for the operation of cars was no help. The theatres had a good Saturday (19) but most of them were off rather sharply on Sunday-Monday, while also not peppy yesterday (Tuesday). Numerous new shows are being moved in for Christmas which falls propitiously on Friday (25). A few will be on holdover for the first of the year-end holidays, among them 'Random Harvest' which the Music Hall opened last Thursday (17). In spite of the drawbaclcs, on the first week 'Harvest* will hit $112,000 or over, exceptionally big for the week before Xmas or any time for that matter. Along with it the Hall has its customary annual Christmas show In addition to a reguUr presentation unit.. Paramount is another house that will not have a new bill for Xmas week. Still playing 'Road to Morocco' and the Woody Herman band, the house had no complaints altout pre- Xmas shopping, cold, etc., in view of the fact it got $41,000 on the sixth stanza ended last night (Tues- day). The seventh week, first tiine any show will have played the Par that long, takes it over Christmas.. Capitol brought in a one-weeker last Thursday (17), 'Journey For Margaret.* It Is doing vet; badly and probably will not top $10,000. 'In Which we Serve' will be given a special preem tonight (Wednes- day) for the benefit of the Overseas Press Club, with house scaled from $1.65 to $11. 'Flying Fortress,' at the Strand, is another that was brought in for just one week to fill the gap before Xmas. With Jerry Wald on the stage, the outlook is for about $31,000, rather mild. New layout opening Friday (25) is "Yankee Doodle Dan- dy* at pop scales and the Jimmy Dorsey band. 'Casablanca,' which remains at the run Hollywood for the holidays, is currently in its fourth week there and holding up okay at an Indicated $18,500 or thereabouts. Boxy today (Wednesday) brings in 'Black Swan.' An opening tomorrow morning (Thursday) will be 'Arabian Nights,' which displaces 'Palm Beach Story* after two slender weeks of playing time at the Rivoli, second being less than $13,000. Second-run State, weekly-change house, currently has 'Forest Rangers' on the screen, with Guy Kibbee, Lew Parker and the Ciro Rimac orches- tra in person. The going Is very sluggish, with no mofe than about $16,000 seen. Estimates For ThU Week Astor (Loew's) (1,140; 55-65-$1.10) —"Me and My Gal' (M-G) (10th wk.). Starts lOith round today (Wed- nesday); the ninth dropped to $10,- 000, mild but over the holidays there should be a pickup. The eighth stan- za was $12,000. Capitol (Loew's) (4,620; 35-55-85- $1.10-$1.25)—'Journey For Margaret' (M-G). Very poor, looking $10,000 tops. Last week 'Seven Days Leave' (RKO), $13,000, likewise floppo. 'In Which We Serve' (UA), opening to- night on a special premiere for the benefit of Overseas Press Club, be- gins its regular run tomorrow morn- ing (Thursday). Criterion (Loew's) (1,062; 35-44-55- 75—'WhQ.D£>ltflIC.'U) sUr.ta./oucth- final week today (Wednesday) after three good money-making weeks al- ready played, third being $10,000, second $15,000. Globe (Brandt) (1,250; 35-55-75-85) —'We Are The Marines' (20th) (2d- flnal wk.). Sliding to lean take of $6,500 on holdover but first was good at $10,000. 'Jacare' UA) comes in Saturday (26). Hollywood (WB) (1,225; 65-75- $1.10-$1.25)—'Casablanca' (WB) (4th wk.). Looks about $18,500, entirely satisfactory for the week before Christmas. Prior (3d) stanza hit $22,000, strong. Remains through New Year's. PaUce (RKO) (1,700 ; 28-35-44-55- 65-75)—'Now, Voyager' (WB) (2d run) and 'Great Gildersleeve' (RKO) (Isl run), dualed. This twin bill will get about $9,000, fair enough, same as done last week by 'Navy Comes Through' (RKO) and 'You Can't Es- cape Forever' (WB), both 2d run. Paramonnt (Par )(3,664; 35-55-85- 99-$1.10)—'Road to Morocco' (Par) and Woody Herman, plus Hazel Scott, other acts (7th-flnal wk.). Sets up a record length of run by going > seven weeks: the sixth concluded last night (Tuesday) held up exception- ally well to hit $41,000 while the prior (Sth) semester was slightly over $47,000. A tremendous profit will be realized on the 49-day en- gagement. House brings in 'Star Spangled Rhythm' (Par) and Benny Goodrnan next Wednesday (30). Badio City Mnsic Hall (Rockefel- lers) (6,945; 44-55-85-99-$1.65)—'Ran- dom Harvest* (M-G) and stage show, plus annual Xmas spectacle. Upsets all pre-Yuletide dope by reaching for a smash $112,000 on the first week ending tonight (Wednesday). Holds through both Christmas and New Year's. Last week, second for 'You Were Never Lovelier' (Col.), $76,000, fair. RUIto (Mayer) (594; 28-44-55)— 'Quiet Please, Murder' (20th). Opened here Monday (21) and started out well enough to suggest good $9,000 on the week. 'Cat People' (U) which got stroni; $10,000 on its first week, went an additional nine days to grab another $9,000. Bivoll (UA-Par) (2,092; 35-55-75- 85-99)— 'Palm Beach Story' (Par) (2d-anal wk). Under $13,000 sighted, weak, while the initial seven days tallied less than $20,01)0, ako very disappointing. 'Arabian Nights' (U) opens tomorrow morning (Thurs- day). Boxy (20th) (5,886; 40-55-65-75-85- 99)—Black Swan* (20th) and new stageshow open here today (Wednesday) after two mildly dis- appointing weeks with 'Life Begins at 8:30* (20th), second being $37,000, the first $46,200. However, fair profit. Stete (Loew's) (3,450; 39-44-55-75- 09-$1.10)—'Forest Rangers' (Par) (2d run) and, on stage, Guy Kibbee, Lew Parker and Ciro Rimac or- chestra. Very little action here cur- rently with only about $16,000. lean, being seen. Last week 'Flying Tigers* (Rep) (2d run) and vaude bill headed by Cross & Dunn, $19,- 000, mild. Strand (WB) (2,756; 35-55-76-85- 99-$1.10)—'Flying Fortress' (WB) and Jerry Wald orch. May get $31,- OOO, rather slow, and will be dis- placed Friday (25) with 'Yankee Doodle Dandy* (WB), which had a prior advanced-price roadshow run at the Hollywood. Jimmy Dorsey band comes in with 'Dandy . 'Gentle- man Jim' (WB) and Glen Gray on third week, plus an ailditional day's run, $22,000, weak. towards average $11,000, but may go hifilier. Last week, 'Sister Eileen' iCol) and 'Boogie Man Get You" (Col) (2d wk), pretty good $9,000. IViggs Mad 8G, Mto, IHorocco' Fme $14,000. H.O. Baltimore, Dec. 22. Exhibs here are marking t;-ne prior to the Xmas opening cf major product. Of new entries, 'Mrs. Wig^js of the Cabbage Patch' is mild at Keith's. Exceptional trade attracted by 'The Road to Morocco,' in its second week at the Stanley, has a third stanza already underlined for CThristmas week instead of the usual strong entry aimed at holiday trade. Estimates for Thb Week Century "(Loew's-UA) (3.000;' 17-" 28-35-44-55)—'White Cargo" (M-G) (2d wk). Holding up nicely at $12,000 after solid opening sesh to $16,700. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,240; 17-28-38-44-55-66)—'Seven Miles Al- catraz' (RKO) plus Hal Mclntyre orch, others, on stage. Drawing soma response at $14,000. Last week, 'Fal- con's Brother' (RKO) and vaude, sluggish $14,300. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,406: 17- 28-35-44-55) — 'Mrs. Wiggs' (Par), Rather uneventful $8,000. Last weik. 'Nightmare' (U) was sold strongly but mild at $8,800. May fair (Hicks) (980: 25-501—'Sin Town' (U). Drawing a masculine re- sponse but thin $4,500. Last week, 'Priorities Parade' (Par). $5,200. New (Mechanic) (1.680; 17-28-40- 55)—•Springtime Rockies' (20th) i3d wk). Holding all right to $4,000 after totaling -strong $13,600 for previous brace. SUnley (WB) (3.280: 17-28-38-40- 55)—'Road to Morocco' iPar) rad wk). Maintaining extra-strong pace at $14,000 after going above previ- ously estimated first round to $22,200. Valencia (Loew'.vUA) (1.4.i0: 17- 28-44-55) — 'N o r t h w e s t Rangers' (M-G). Sad S3.500. Last week. 'Me My Gal' (M-G) in movcover from downstairs Century, okay $5,700.