Variety (Dec 1942)

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Wednesday/Oeeember SO, 1942 PICT UBE GB088ES 11 Xargo,' 'Honepcion and Stage fiO Huge $34,000 Apiece m Hot Frisco San Francisco, Dec. 29. Holiday biz here is readilng terri- fic levels, with 'White Cargo,' mi tba Fox. pacing plx-only nouses. 'Once Upon a Honeymoon,* plus, a stage bill, at the Golden Gate, is equally powerful. E<Uma(es tor TUs WeA Fax (F-WC) (5.000; 50-fl5>—'White Cargo' <M-G) and 'Omaha Tr&iV (M-G). Building up to huge $84,- 000 Last week. 'Road to Morocco' (Par) and 'Wildcat' (Par) <2d wk), stout $18,000. Golden G»(c iRKO) (2,850; 44-55- 75) 'Once Upon H<meymoon* (RKO) plus stage show. Teriiflc $34,000. Last week. 'Army Surgeon' (RKO) and Ada Leonard orch and Shirley Deane on stage, $17,000, fair. Orpliciim (Blumenfeld) (2,440; 50- 65)_ Who Done UT (U) and "Great Impeisonation' (U) (3d wk). Hold- ing up to (inc $10,000 on third stan- ra. Last week. SI 1.700, okay. Paramount (F-WC) (2,470; S0-«5) — Thunder Birds' (20th) and Xlirl Trouble" <20th) (2d wk). Set for ■ hefty $21,000. Last week, strong (21.900. St. Francis (F-WC) (1,475: 50-65) —'Road to Morocco" and 'Wildcat' (Par) (moveover). Hitting a fine okay $8,000 on moveover after three weeks at the Warfleld. United Arllstii (UA-Blumenfeld) (1.100; 50-65) — 'Aircraft Missing* (UA) and 'Blackie Goes Hollywood' (Col). Great $12,000. Last week, 'Never Lovelier' (Col) and 'Devil With Hitler' (UA) (4th wk), good $5,800 on long stretch. Warfleld (F-WC) (2,650)—'Now, Voyager" (WB) and 'Secret Enemies' (WB) (2d wk). Holiday seMon wHl boom this to $23,000 for second gesh. Last week. $24,000, grand. •sroRir OJL ^/i IN HEFTY im MinneappUa, Dm. M. With boxoffices back In the iMl running for this holiday wtnw,^^ ■lump that set in COlscldtBt mtOl gasoline rationing's atart Mlllll ar- rested, temporarily at liait. A three-day weekend holiday for most store and office employeas pr cved a decided business stimalui; and crowds poured into the loop fte- atres despite unfavorable waaSiar. 'Palm Beach Story,' the wtA^ most important offering, has ttte State well out ahead of the padc, but the Orpheum is faring well enough, too. with 'The Navy CcnBcs Through.' both well received. The lone holdover is 'Forest RangeES,* the only pic able to barge through to a respectable gross the week be- fore Christm.ns. Headed by Charlie Barnet. the first stage show In sev- eral weeks hits the Orpheum mid- night Thursday (31). Esllmntes for This Week Aster (Par-Slnocr) (900; 17-28)— 'Sherlock Holmes and Voice of Ter- ror' tU) phis 'Get Hep to Love' (U). Good $2,200 in six days Indicated. 'Mug Town' (U) and 'Army Sur- f' m' (RKO) open Thursday (31). Last week. 'Daring Young Man' (Col) and 'Black!>> Goes Hollywood' (Col) okay $1,800 in six days. Century tP-S) (1.600; 80-40-50)— 'Forest Rangers" (Par) (2d wk). Heading for good $5,500. Last week, Sprmgtime in Rockies' (20th) (2d wk), $6,000. healthy considering pe- riod and on top of very fine $12,400 first week. Gopher (P-S) (1.000; 28-30)—'Mrs, Wiggs of Cabbage Patch' (Par). Lineup of attractions at this house recently hasn't been so forte from boxoffice standpoint or otherwise, ;]?5„„ grosses are slipping. Mild $2,000. Last weeK. 'Aldrlch, Editor' (Par), poor $1,500 .v®''"!;"™ ^P-S) (2,800; 30-40-50)— Navy Comes Through' (RKO). Well regarded picture ;omlng through to h'ce $8,500. Last week, 'Here We ^° Again' (RKO), miserable $3,800 "P.V *n *^:S) (2,300; 30-40-50)- Beach Story' (Par). Proving M^^*"^^ booking. Good »»,500. Last week, 'Forest Rangers' ^t^ar), same. •P.^^"*^ 'P^'^ fl-lM; 30-40)- bo& 'M-G). First neigh oorbood showing. Good $3,500 In (20t?w- i^^t 'IcSan" Si, $2,300. 50 «f"...'^"-S*«''es) (360; 30-40- Cll^hi7„^4°°" ^H}^ Sixpence' (UA), WMfc eoo^ $3,500. Last week. Flying Fortress' (WB) Od ^i^t^^^ ^'■'^ 12.800 %gW Strong 17€, 'Reunion'Solid 16G, Providence Toppers Providence, Dec. 29. Slight falling off. to be expected during Christmas week, wa.s more then offset by upsurge all around this week. Among .the biggies are Maiestic's 'Arabian Nights', Loew's Stale's 'Reunion in France' and RKO Albee's "7 Miles From Alca- traz.' Estimates far TUa Week Albce (RKO (2.300: 30-40-50)— *7 Miles From Alcatraz' (RKO) and 'Behind Eight Ball' (U). Holding to swell $12,000. Last week. "Seven Days Leave' (RKO) and 'Falcon's Brother' (RKO) (2d wk), nice $7,000. CarttoB (Fay-Loew) (1.400; 30-40- 50)—'Journey For Margaret' (M-G) and 'Silver Queen' (UA) (2d run>. Good $3,500. Last week, 'White Cargo' (M-G) and 'Boogie Man Gel You' (Col.) (2d run), same. ray'a (Indie) (2.000: 25-.')9-50)— 'Great Imper.sonation' (U) ahd vaude. Oke $7,000. Last week. 'Gentleman Jim' (WB) (2d run) K .Jestic' (Fay) (2.200; 30-40-50)— Arabian Nights' (U) and 'Over My Dead Body' (U). Riding high, wide and handsome for strong $17,000. Last week. 'Can't Escape Forever" (WB) and 'Flying Fortress' (WB). $12,000. MetropollUn (Indie) (3,200; 39- 50)—'Timber' (U) and 'Best Foot Forward' unit on stage. Packed them in nicely In three-day run. strong $7,000. Last week, 'Brooklyn Bridge' (Mono) plus Jimmie Lunce- ford orch, fair $5,000 in three days. PUybonse (Indie) (2,200; 30-40- 50)—'Jacare' (UA) and 'Bashful Etactaelor' (Rep). Frank Buck caught morning radio interview, met Governor, Mayor and was en- tertained at a luncheon several days prior to the film's opening, and even got good break in usually tough local daily, but biz Is still way off. Only $5,000, which is rated (disap- pointing. Last week, 'Mrs. Wiggi' (Par) and 'Agcata Meet Queen' (Col) (2d run), about same. State (Loew's) (3,200; S0-4O-S0)— ■Betmlon in France' (M-V) and 'Jtmior Army' (M-G). Up in the First Ros on Rroadwiy iSubita to centre; Week of Dec. 31 Aet«r—'For Me and My Gal* (M-G) (11th wed). (Rei^ieised tn 'Variety' Sept. 9) CapMol—'In Which We Serve" (U) (2d week). (Rerletced in 'Variety' Oct. 7) CrHerlon—'Whistling in Dixie' ,(M-G) (30). (Rcuiewed in 'Variety' Oct. 28) Globe—'Jacare' tU) (2d week). (Heuiewed in 'Variety' Dec. 23) Hollywood—'Casablanca' (WB) (6th week). (Reuieuied in 'Varict.v' Dec. 2) Music Hall—'Random Harvest' (M-G) (3d week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Nov. 25) Paramount — 'Star Spangled Rhythm' (Par) (30). (Retiieuied In current issue) RIalto—'Quiet Please, Murder' (20th) (2d week). (Reuieuied in 'Variety' Dec. 16) Rivoli —'Arabian Night.s' (U) (2d week). (Reviewed (ii 'Variety' Dec. 23) Boxy—'The Black Swan' (20th) (2d week). (Reviewed in 'Variety' Oct. 21) Strand—'Yankee Doodle Dandy' (WB) (2d week). (Reviewed In 'Variety' June S) Week of Jan. 7 Astor—'For Me and My Gal' ' «SpJBT5--'l i\'"\?riT?n''77e^erv?" (U) (3d week). Criterion—'Whistling in Dixie' (M-G) (2d week). Hollywood—^Casablanca' (WB) (7th week). Mnsle Hall—'Random Harvest' (M-G) (4th week). Paramoont — 'Star Spangled Rhythm' (Par) (2d week). BUIto—'Sherlock Holmes' Se- cret Weapon' (U) (4). (Reiriewed <n current Issue). Boxy—The Black Swan' (20th)' (3d week). Strand—"Yankee Doodle Dandy* (WB) (3d week). higher brackets 'with swell $16,4)00. Last week, 'Journey for M^ffgaref (M-G) and 'SUver Queen' (UA), average $11,000. Btaana (Indie) (2,000; 30-40-SO)— 'Priorities On Parade' (Far) and 'Daring Young Man' (Par). Nifty $8,000. Last week, 'Street of Chance' (Pat) and Traitor Within' (Par). $7,000. 'Nights' Sock $43,500, "Voyager Big 43G, Hiree LA. Houses; 'Honeymoon Great 41G, 'Story' 32y2G, 2 Spots 'Rangers'H^h $9,000 In L'viUe; 'Reunion' 'Ice-Capades' 4i€ Louisville, Dec. 29. With a holiday, closed schools, and soldiers in town on week-end leave, biz began picking up from Thursday (24) on through Simday. All houses reported mu(^ t>etter Christmas week biz than last year. 'Forest Rantiers" at the Rialto is go- ing along okay, as is 'Reunion in France' at Loew's State. 'Ice-Capades Revue' at the Strand is pulling strong biz. Estiautes far This Week Brawn (Fourth Avenue-Loew's) 'Navy Comes Through'" (RKO) and Traitor Witiiin' (Rep). Should grab fine $3,800 on moveover week. Last week, 'Black Swan' (20th) and 'Yanks Are Coming' (PttC), fine $1000 on moveover. KcotMky (Swilow) (1,250; 15-25) good $1,900. Last week. Tales Man- hattan' (20th > and 'Berlin Corres- pondent* (2001). $1,700. . LMw*a State (Loew's) (3,300; 15- 30-40)—'Reunion in Ftwice' (M-G) and "Smith MinnesoU' (0>1). Nice twosome for the family trade and school vacationers, good $8,500. Last week, 'Journey for Margaret' (M-G) and 'Silver Queen' (UA), oke $8,000. Mary Anderson (Libson) (1,060; 15-88-40)—'Washington Slept Here' (WBf (2d wk). Still displaying plenty of activity, excellent $3,600, following last week's nice $5,000. ■lalto (Fourth Avenue) (3,400; 15- 3O.40)—'Forest Rangers' (Par) and "Street of Chance' (Par). Kiting the b. o. windows basy. Cuncat; pace promises fine $9j000. Last wuik > 'Navy Comes Tbrrni^' (BKO) and Traitor Within' (Bep), oke $$,500 and OMiveover. Stra^ (Fourth Avenue) (1.400; lS-a0-U>—1ee-Capiadec Revue' (Rep) and <X Maiks SpOIT (Itep). PulUng excdknt biz at potent $4,500. Last week, "Mummy's Tomb' (U) and "Ni^t Monster' (U), horror combo, fairly good $3,300. NATIONA L BOXOFFIC E SURVEY White Christmas For Exhibitors As Biz Booms— Serve,' 'Harvest,' 'Honeymoon,' 'Nights,' 'Johnny' Outstanding It is a White Christmas for exhibitors generally over the country, and particularly In New York where astounding totals are being chalked up. Many dis- tributors are trotting out some of current hits for the key cities, and smash business Is reflecting the strong product Among the new pictures to preem are 'In Which We Serve' (UA), 'When Johnny Comes Marching Home' (U), 'Reunion in France* (M-G), '/acare' (UA), 'Arabian Nights' (U), and 'Ice-Capades Revue' (Rep). Additionally, 'Once Upon a Honey- moon' (RKO). 'Palm Beach Story* (Par), "WhisUing in Dixie' (M-G) and 'Black Swan' (20th), while out before, are giving a real inkling of their possibilities in several keys. Also, 'Yankee Doodle Dandy* (WB) is .showing up nicely on first popular-scale engage- ments. Noel Coward's 'Serve' is soaring to a huge $75,000 or near at the Capitol, a theatre which has been offish for some time. Only two previous attractions have topped this figure in recent years, and both were at higher scales. 'Johnny' is leading Cleveland at a smart $25,000 with a stage unit. 'Reunion,' rating good at St. Louis and Louisville, solid $16,000 In Provi- dence, hefty $12,500 in Kansas City, is merely a steady $17,000 in Baltimore and sad in Cincinnati. 'Arabian Nights,' with sock $43,500 in three Los Angeles theatres and excellent $50,000 or better in New York, looks a great $15,000 in Pittsburgh, strong in Providence and solid $19,000 in Baltimore for best in months at house played. Picture's first week classes as one of the highest at the N. Y. Rivoli in ave years. 'Ice-Capades' is big $10,000 in Seattle with vaudeville, potent in Balto and Louisville, but sad in Pitt. 'Jacare' looms a strong $20,000 in N. Y., terrific In Boston, with tops for theatre being played, and smash in L. A. 'Whistling,' starting in N. Y. this week, is torrid $31,000 in Philadelphia aided by band. 'Story' paces for a giant $25,000 in Detroit, nice $32,500 in two L. A. spots, big in Minneapolis but slow in Boston. 'Black Swan" is terrific $43,000 in Detroit, for new high; giant $32,000 in Philly, trim In K. C. and mighty $110,000 at the N. Y. Roxy. with strong sUge show. This mark is the best for the theatre under current policy and scale. 'Honeymoon' is terrif $34,000 in San Ftan(^o with stage bill, hangup $18,000 in Washington, big $41,000 in two L. A. houses, bright $20,000 for second Brooklyn session, okay in Cleveland and solid $10,000 in K. C. 'Dandy' really dandy at pop scale in Cincy, likewise stout $35,000 in Philly and sensational $70,000 in N. Y., viewed'as particularly outstanding because of limited seating capacity of the Strand. 'Night to Remember' (Col) grand in Buffalo and solid $18,000 In Balto helped by stage revue. Other standouts currently are 'Random Harvest' (M-G), and 'Casablanca' (WB) in N. Y. 'Harvest' is doing mammoth $125,000 in second week at the vast Music Hall, best Clirlstmas week in the 10 years of operation and third best of all time. 'Morocco' hit a wham $70,000 in its seventh week at the N. Y. Para- mount, a theatre which never before ran a picture more than six weeks. 'Casablanca,' in fifth stanza, is sock $33,000, second best week during N. Y. en- gagement. 'Morocco' continues toppling records wherever film plays, with a colossal week in Chicago, sock $22,500 in Pitt, hangup third sesh in Balto, smash in Cincy for season's best business there, wham $30,000 for sec- ond Brooklyn stanza, great in Newark, record $17,500 in Denver, giant second session in Seattle and huge $20,000 in Cleveland. 'Who Done It?' also continues racking up big totals. Fine on third Frisco stanza, it is big on Cleve. move- over, nice in Jersey City, solid $20,000 in Brooklyn, hefty $10,000 in Newark, trim $16,000 in Denver and big $19,.'>00 in. Philly to better the opening week 'You Were Never Lovelier' (Col) rates a great $39,000 in two Boston houses, lively $16,800 in Jersey City and fair on Philly holdover. 'Navy Comes Through' (RKO) is besting its opening week with fine $18,000 In holdover and is nice in Minneapolis. 'Moon and Sixpence' (UA) big in Chi. solid $18,000 in Philly and good on Minneapolis m. o. From the keys: 'Washington Slept Here' (WB) is solid $23,000 in Pitt with band, hefty in Chicago and lively $17,000, Buffalo. 'Forest Rangers' (Par) topping Buf- falo and Louisville, and great $22,000 in Det 'Ni^t- mare' (U). fine $24,000 in Boston, with band. ■ 'Air- craft Missing' (UA), great In Frisco. 'White Cargo' (M-G) at huge $34,000 tops Frisco fllmers. 'Now, Voyager' (WB). smash second sesh In Frisco, booming $21,600 in Wash, with yt^ude, ^greiit. $43>000 in. thJTCe L. A. spots and sock in Seattle.-'-'F;^itig'^e>$';:<B^>' great $16,000 in small Jersey City' lumtSe: ' Thunder Birds' (20th), hefty $21,000 on Frisco holdover. Los Angeles, Dec. 29. Town is overrun with spenders in uniform and from various wartime plants, and the picture theatres aia getting a healthy cut otit of what's being put into circulation. All first- runs are getting in on the biggest divvy in years regardless of attrac- tions. Saturday following Christmas day proved a record-breaker in most situations while Sunday also brought out long lines at nearly all perform- {uices. Fact that three attractions this week passed the $40,000 mark testi- fies to the terrific trade generated by the four-day holiday. Estimates for This Week Csrthay Circle (F-WC) (1.516; 33-44-55-65-85)—'Bambi' (RKO) (9th wk) and "We Are Marines' (20th) (2d wk). Hit $2,500. best biz here in several we^. Last week, $2,100. Chinese (Grauman-WC) (2,034; 33- 44-55-65-85)—'Arabian Nights' (U) and Time to Kill' (20th). Climbed to strong $14,000. Last week. 'Mar- ried Witch' (UA) and 'Silver Queen* (UA). slump off to $8300. DowirtowB CWB) aiKO: 33-44-53- 65-75-85)—'Now, Voyager' (WB). P|£gtg4g 5,ffjl), T^st.wpfk .a>a^<>lwa;yCT»>>i ;j *i i> m\»'JS^ - BawaU (G&S) (1,100; 33-44-55-65- 75-85)—'Jacare' (UA) and "Dudes Are People' (UA). Surprisingly stout with $8,000, smash biz for this root Last week, 'Mummy's Tomb* (U) and 'Night Monster' (U) (2d wk), stnms at $4AX). ■a llf a aad CWB) (2,756: 33-44-55- 65-75-85)—"Now,. ' Voyager' (WB). Solid $14,000. Last week. 'Flying f<irti«ss^ (WB), Xmas week filler posted $8jO00. OiplllBW (D'town) (2.200; 33-44- S5-<5>—'Johnny Doughboy' (Rep), wUit Ma}or Bowes' Eighth Anniver- ary Sevne holding over, on stage. Ban up to $16,000, largely on Bowes' setaiP' Last week, 'Man's World' (Col) and 'Other Woman' (20th). wtOi Bowes gang -istaiJing, good $UMO.' ranUgefi (Pan) (2,812; 33-44-55-65- 75-85)—'Once. Upon Honeymoon' (RKO) and 'Holmes Secret Weapon* (U). Torrid $20,000. Last week, 'Never Lovelier' (Col) (2d wk) and 'Counter Espionage* (Col) (1st wk), in low gear at $8,000. Paramonnt (F&M) (3.389: 33-44-55- 65-75-85)—'Palm Beach' (Par) and ■Aldrlch, Editor' (Par). Walloning $21,000. Last week, 'Rpad. ^to^^o-' rocco' (Par) and 'Street 'CKanre' (Par) (4th wk), okay $13,500. Paramonnt Hollywood (F&M) (2.- 204; 33-44-55-65-75-85)—'Palm Beach* Story' (Par). Robust $11,500. Last week. "Morocco' (Par) (4th wk), slow $7,000. . ESQ Blllstreet (RKO) (2,875: ?.3- 44-5JM5)—'Once Upon Honeymoon' '(llKO) and "HtilmcR Secret Weapon* (U). Bangup ^21.000. Last week, "Never Lovelier' (Col) (2d wk) and 'Counter Espionage' (Col) (1st wk), gloomy $10,000. State (Loew-WC) (2,204 ; 33-44-55- 65-85)—'Arabian Nighls (U) and "Time to Kill' (20th). Happy days at this spot, smash $21,500. Last week. Married Witch' (UA) and 'Silver Queen' (UA). $16,700. UA (UA-WC) (2.100; 33-44-55-65) —"Married Witch' (UA) and 'Silver Queen' (UA). moveovers. Hapny $7,500, bii" at this theatre. Last week. White Cargo' (M-G) (2d wk) nnd "Life Beeins 8:30' (20th) (1st wk), light $4,900. Wilshire iF-WC) <2296: 33-44-55- 65)—'Married Witch' (UA> and 'Sil- ver Oiiecn' (UA). moveovers. Okay $4,800. Last week. 'White Cargo* (M-G) (2d wk) and "Life Beains* (20lh) (1st wk). moveovers. lifeless $4,300. WIKern (WB) (2.756: 33-44-55-65- 75-85)—'Now, Vovapcr' (WB). Socko $14,000. Lnst week. 'Flving Fortress* (WB) crufhed to S4,500. Wtc (F-WC) (1.372:33-44-55-65-85) -'Arabian Nichts' (U) and 'Time to KiU' (20th). HcAl S8.000. plenty big for this soot. Cast week. "Married Witch' (UA) and 'Silver Queen* (UA). uncxcitine $6,200. Wilby-Kiiic^'sDifvy The annual directors meeting of North Carolina Theatres. Inc., a Par- amount-Wilby & Klncey subsidiary, was held last week at Charlotte. N. C. with a dividend, amoimt un- known but said to be substantial, be- ing declared. Stock in the compapy is held by Par and the Wilby- Kini^ 'biterests, R. B. Wilby presi> dent Leon Netter, from the Par homeofTlce, who Is a director in N. C. Theatres, attended the directors* meeting. Wbile In former years, Wilby. Kincey have always annual 'ff^ iar all (tmp'ta^jtfi'fi^f^ the yeat-ehd holidays, tKw 'Vfeaif It haa been called off due to war.