Variety (Dec 1942)

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Wednesday, December. 80, 1941 PICnmE GROSSES IS W Hits New Mark, Temf $43,000 In Solid Del; 'Story' Giant ZSG, 2d Detroit. Dec. 29. Holiday week finds Detroit mark* edly on the upbeat. Despite a wedk- end sleet storm which left the street glassy with ice, days off for ^he well-heeled war workers and a long holiday for the school kids conibined with other factors here for unprecedented biz. Estimates for ThU Week Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 80-65)— 'SnrinBtime Rockies' (20th) (4th wk) and -Junior Army' (Col). With a freshener added to the holdover, brisk $8,200 after last week's $7,500 with 'Sin Town' (U) as coupling. Broadway-Capitol (United De- troit) (2,800; 50-65)—'Mrs. Wiggs' (Par) and "The .Avengers' (Par). Showing strength at $12,500. Last week, 'Now, Voyager' (WB) and 'Dr. Broadway' (Par) (3d wk), good $8,300. Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5,000 ; 50-63) —'Black Swan' (20th) and 'Devil With Hitler' (UA). Setting a terrific pace due to crack the house record at $43,000. Last week, 'Between Us Girls' (U) and 'Sin Town' (U), nice $18,000. Madison (United Detroit) (1,800; 50-65)—'Bambi' (RKO) and 'Army Surgeon' (RKO) (3d wk), a great $12,000 after last week's sound $10,000. tey City Grosses Estimated Total Gros* Thli Week $2,681,7M (Based on 23 cities, 168 thea- tres, chie/ly first runt, tncludinff N. y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Tear $1,872,7M (Based on 22 cities, 151 theatres) mOCCO'LEADER IN DENVER, RECORD 17^ Denver, Dec. 29. Heavy Saturday snow ■ ••clipped most flrstruns but had little effect on 'Road to Morocco' at the Denham where it broke the house record. Naturally, holds over. All down- town deluxers are way above aver- age this wek. Estimates for ThU Week AUddIn (Fox) (1.400; 30-40-50-60) —'Flying Tigers' (Rep) and 'Youth on Parade' (Rep), after day and date week at Denver and Esquire. Fair $5,000^ Last week. 'Now, Voy- ager' (WB) after day-date week at Denver and Esquire, fine $7,000, HONEYMOON' BANGUP n8MD.C4'KEY'20G Washington, Dec. 20. Christmas lull is over though the- atres may be hit by the 48-hour week lor government departments because more than half the agencies formerly enjoyed Saturday half holi- day. • Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew) (3,434; 28-30-44- 68)—'Class Key' (Par) with vaude- ville. Neat $20,000.^ Last week, 'Journey for Margaret' (M-G) with vaudeville, liked by crix, but only fair $18,500. Colombia (Loew) (1,234; 38-44)— 'Major and Minor' (Par). Nifty $6,000. Last week. 'We Are Marines' (20th), pretty swell $5,500. Earle (WB) (2,216; 28-39-44-86) — 'Now, Voyager' (WB) plus vaude. Booming $21,500 indicated. Last week, 'Neved Lovelier' (Col) (2d wk), sub-normal $9,500, after open- ing week smash of $21,000. Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 40-50-65)— 'Once Upon Honeymoon' (RKO). Rolling in high for hangup $18,000. List week, 'Pittsburgh' (U), slim $7,500 in six days. MetropollUn (WB) (1.800; 28-44) —'Night to Remember' (Col). Snap* py $7,500. Last week, 'Gentleman Jim' (WB), slow $4,900. FaUce (Loew) (2,242; 28-55)— 'Springtime in Rockies' (20th). Looks like $13,000, after first week at big $17,500. Sock Biz for Pittsborgh; Ufashii^on Plus Stager $23,000, 'Morocco' 22^26 Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross Thte Week $545,0M (Based on 13 theatres) Total Gross Same Week Last Year $516,0M (Based on 13 theatres) 0-65)-Pal.n Beacn 15t5rF _ iPar} RnT'"Whiti rnriro' iM-G) and 50-65)—T*alm Helen Story iPat and 'Street of Chance'(Par) (2dwk). Riding much higher than in first stanza with $25,000 due to top first week's great $18,000. Palms-SUte (United Detroit) (3,- 000; 50-65)—'Forest Rangers' (Par) and 'Friendly Enemies' (UA). Great $22,000. Last week, 'Wings for Eagle' (WB) and 'Lady Gangster' (WB) (2d wk), fair $9,500 after first week's fine $17,000. Vnlted Artists (United Detroit) (2,000; 60-65)—'Yank at Eton' (M-G) and 'Pacific Rendezvous' (M-G) (2d wk), okay $12,000 after big $14,000 last week. 'SWAN' SMASH 32G, PHILLY Philadelphia, Dec. 29. TerriAc business over Yuletlde weekend is sending boxolTice' grosses zooming this semester. Topping the league is (he first showing of 'Yankee Doodle Dandy* at popular prices in the Mastbaum, with 'Black Swan', at the Boyd running a close second. Also faring nicely among the new- comers is 'Moon and Sixpence' at the Aldine. Whistling in Dixie' plus Tommy Tucker's band is also in the big money at the Earle. Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1.303; 35-46-57-68- 75)—'Moon and Sixpence' (UA). Plenty solid $18,000. Last week. Between Us Girls' (U), scraped bot- tom at $7,000. Arcadia (Sablosky) (600: 35-46-57- 68)—'Major and Minor' (Par) (2d run) (3d wk). Buoyed up by excel- lent Yuletide biz. fine $4,500. Last week, fair $3,300. Boyd (WB) (2,569; 35-46-57-68-75) —'Black Swan' (20th). Super-spe- cwl $32,000. with good $5,200 for special Earle show, Sunday. Last week, Me My Gal' (M-G) sloughed on on third sesh to $7,500. Earle (WB) (2.768: 35-46-57-68-75) — Whistling in Dixie' (M-G) with Tommy Tucker orch on stage. Tor- rid $31,000. Last week. 'Here Go Again (RKO) plus Tony Pastor orch, very pallid $15,000. Fox (WB) (2.425; 35-46-57-68-75) — Who Done It?' (U) (2d wk). Even Wer than initialer with $19,500. sow-in netted okay $18,000. Karlton (WB) (1,066; 35-46-57-68) M^j- ^'''''s' (20th) (2d run). $4,000. Last week. 'Gentle- *W^^' slightly better $4^00 for second run mO? ""i?, <2,220: 35-46-57-68) — Me My Gal' (M-G) (2d run) Til/ t\ Last week. 'Mar- l^otX: MMtbaum (W6) (4,692: 46-57-75) Lou^^^^- Dandy' (WB). showine'o?^ "5,000 for-initial a Inna^ ' popular prices. Pix had scale ^, i" at Boyd at advanced Here- fwn.'^'^''' Washington Slept wfth m^^^'' "P Ihird week wiin mediocre $13,800. •Stanley (WB) (2,918; 35-46-57-68- Juirfaf/VM^Jn^'""' «d wk). f,-V 514.500. Last week satis- factory $16,000 -■K'r.'^^l(1.457: 35-46-57-68) ^st wwt"'' *'»'50f after fine $8,800 60)—"White Cargo' iM-G) and Seven Miles from Alcatraz' (RKO), after week at Orpheum. Mild $3,- 500. Last week, 'Seven Days Leave' (RKO) and 'Wings and Woman' (RKO), after week at Orpheum, fair $3,000. Denham (Cockrill) (1,750; 30-40- 50-60)—'Road to Morocco' (Par). Big $17,500, for new theatre mark. Holds over. Last week, 'Glass Key' (Par) and 'Wrecking Crew' (Par), fine $9,- 000. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 30-40-50-60) —'Who Done It?' (U) and 'Great Impersonation' (U), day and date with Esquire. Fine $12,000. Last week, 'Flying Tigers' (Rep) and 'Youth on Parade'^ (Rep) day-date with Esquire, first indie double bill ever to play Denver, big $13,000. Esquire (Fox) (742; 30-40-50-60)— 'Who Done It?' (U) and 'Great Im- Sersonation' (U), day and date with lenver. Fair $4,000. Last week, 'Flying Tigers' (Rep) and 'Youth on Parade' (Rep), day and date with Denver ai}d first indie double bill to play Esquire, good $4,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 30-40-50- 60)—'War Vs. Mrs. Hadley' (M-G) and 'Seven Sweethearts' (M-G). Fine $l2;500. Last week, 'White Cargo' (M-G) and 'Seven Miles Alcatraz' (RKO) big $15,000 and would have held but for Christmas week. Paramount (Fox) (2.200; 30-45)— •Can't Escape Forever' (WB) and 'Man in Trunk' (20lh). Mild $6,500. Last week, 'Holmes Secret Weapon' (U) and 'Behind Eight Ball' (U) fine $8,000. Bob Hope Great $23,000, Newark; 'Done It' Big 18G Newark, Dee. 29. Biz back on the beam again after two weeks of pre-Chrislmas b.o. doldrums 'Road to Morocco' at the Paramount, is setting a dizzy pace. 'Who Done It?' also is substantial at the Branford. EsUmaUs tor This Week Adams (Adams-Paramount) (1,- 950; 25-40-65-75-99)—'Smith Minne- sota' (Col) and Earl Carroll 'Vani- ties' on stage. Bright $16,500. Last week, 'Powder Town" (RKO) and Bob Allen orch, others, on stage, $13,800. Branford (WB) (2.800: 30-35-60- 75-90)—'Who Done It?' (U) and 'Great Impersonation' (U). Nice $18,000. Last week, 'Flying Fortress' (WB) and 'Behind Eight Ball' (U), $15,000. Capitol (WB) (1,200; 20-30-35-44- 55)—'Wake Island' (Par) and 'Mar- ried Witch' (UA). Bright $3,800. Last week. 'Now, Voyager' (WB) and 'Get Hep to Love' (U), $2,000. Paramount (Adams-Par) (2.000: 35-45-55-60-75)—Road to Morocco' (Par). Riding to terrific $23,000 on seven show daily. Last week. 'Fly- ing Tigers' (Rep) and "Vouth Parade' (Rep) (2d wk). i-.lright $12,000. Proctor's (RKO) (3.400: 35-55-65- 75-85)—'Seven Days Leave' (RKO) and 'Dr. Renault'.s Secret' (20th). Okay $17,500. Last week. 'Thunder Birds' (20th) and 'Seven Miles from Alcatraz' (RKO), $16,000. State (Loew's) (2.600; 30-40-55-65- 75)—'Never Lovelier' (Col) and 'Pierre Plains (M-Gi. Will finish around $17,600. tidy. Last week. 'White Cargo" (M-G) and 'Laugh Blues Away' (Col) (2 wk), n.g. $8,- „„ _. (U) very dullUh - - -^-"n'l-- ^-^ 1 ■^'-'r) rilTtf t'^"" '^"i-''*^'t1^~^?*^4?V^^i '*^^' " i r~"T iTTtfIijS c" i"'"—^ ■ 'Morocco' Socko $2^000 in Cincy; Dandy' Fine 14G Cincinnati, Dec. 29. Christmas week's boxoffice score for cinema center is almost double that of last week. Far in the lead is 'Road to Morocco' at the Albee, with a local season's high. 'Yankee Doodle Dandy,' back at pop prices, is start- ing off a run in the Capitol with a fine figure. 'Reunion in France' at the Palace is below expe^ctations. Grand is above par with 'Night- mare.' Estimates tor This Week Albee fRKO) (3.300; 33-40-50)— 'Road to Morocco' (Par). Socko $22,- 000 for Cincy's high of the season. Last week, 'Johnny Marching' (U), six days, lively $9,000. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 31-40-50)— 'Yankee Doodle Daiidy' (WB). En- coring at pop scale for several weeks. Swell $14,000. Last week, 'White Cargo' (M-G) (2d run), sad $3,500. Family (RKO) (1.000; 20-30)— Texas to Bataan' (Mono) and 'City Silent Men' (PRC), split with 'Lure Islands' (Mono) and 'Tominrrow We Live' (PRC). Back in stride at $2,- 200. Last week, 'Scattergood Sur- vives Murder' (RKO) and 'Man's World' (Col), divided with "This Was Paris' (WB) and 'Old Home- stead' (Rep), around $2,000. Grand (RKO) (1,430; 33-40-50)— 'Nightmare' (U). Okay $5,000. Last week, 'Whistling in Dixie' (M-G) (2d sun), light $3,500. KelUi's (Libson) (1,500 : 33-40-50) —'Life Begins 8:30' (20th). Disap- pointing $4,000. Last week, 'Street of Chance (Par), season's low here, $2,000. Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 28-33-42)— 'White Cargo' (M-G). Second move- over for third week on main line. Good $4,000. Last week, 'Eyes of Un- derworld' (U) and 'Give Out, Sis- ters' (U), fair $3,500. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 33-40-50)— 'Reunion in France' (M-G). Sad $8,- 500. Last week, 'Night to Remember' (Col), okay at $8,500. Shubert (RKO) (2.100; 33-40-50)— 'Night to Remember' (Col). Trans- ferred from Palace for second stan- za. Fair $3,500. Same last week on 'Black Swan' (20th) (3d wk). lajor' Stout $11,000 In Omaha; Tigers' And 'Get Hep' Fme $10,800 Omaha, Dec. 29. Best pre-Christmas week here in many years is being followed by strong business despite a blizzard. EsUmates for This Week Brandels (Mort Singer) (1.500: 11- 30-35-50)—'Flying Fortress' (WB) and 'Escape Forever' (WB).' Nice $6,200. Last week. 'Never Lovelier' (Col) and 'Daring Young Man' (Col) (2d wk), good $6,000. Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 11-30- 35-50)—'Major and Minor' (Par) and 'Behind the 8 Ball' (U). Great $11,000. Last week. 'Yank at Eton' Pittsburgh. Dec. 29. Wow Xmas bix for most of tha Golden Triangle. And is it wel- come, coming after worst December that the oldest citizen can remem- ber. Highest fliers are 'Road to Morocco' at Penn and 'Arabian. Nights' at Fulton, both soaring to standout trade; for Par, 'Morocco' will turn in biggest gross one oflhat studio's pix has ever collected, at this S| 3t. Ina Ray Hutton, backed by excel- lent stage support and 'George Washington Slept Here,' is putting Stanley back in higher brackets af- ter succession of depressing weeks* while "One of Our Aircraft Is Missing' looks like a modest winner a'. Senator. 'Icecapades' is a disap- pointment at Harris, with long run of original here recently believed to have taken the edge off it, while 'Bambi' at Ritz. on moveover from Penn, doing fine. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) ("1,700; 30-40-55)— 'Arabian Nights' (U). A solid smash. Grabbed sensational $6,000 Xmas and day following, and even with expected letup should have no trou- ble getting great $15,000. That means a three-week run at least, maybe more. Last week 'Sherlock Holmes ana Secret Weapon' (U) and 'Give Out, Sisters' fair $8,500 Omaha (TrisUtes) (2.000; 11-30-35- 50)—'Flying Tigers' (Rep) and 'Get Hep to Love' (U). Stout $10,800. Last week, 'Somewhere Find You' (M-G) and 'Secret Enemies' (WB), very fine $9,800 for second week. Town (Goldberg) (1,400; 11-20-30) —'Jungle Siren' (PRC). 'Too Many Women' (PRC) and 'Kid Law and Older' (PBC) triple split with 'Bar- nacle Bill' (M-G), 'After Mein Kampf (Indie) and 'Pardon My Gun' (Col), 'Hillbilly Blitzkrieg' (Mono) and 'Living Ghosts' (Mono). Good $1,600 or better. Last week, 'Pierre Plains' (M-G) 'King of Stal- lions' (Mono) split with 'Roving Tumbleweeds' (Rep). 'Mr. V (UA) and 'Song Islands' (20th), nice $1,400. 'Jim' Stoot $24,000 In B'klyn;'Morocco'30G,H.O. Brooklyn. Dec. 29. Holiday weekend resulted in hefty biz among practically all downtown deluxers. Several attractions bet- tered their first-week figures on holdover this week. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,274; 30-50-65)— 'Once Upon Honeymoon' (RKO) and 'Time to Kill' (20th) (2d wk). Bright $20,000. Last week, nifty $18,000.' Tqx (Fabian) (4,023; 30-50-65)— •Gentleman Jim' 'WB) and 'Secret Enemies' (WB). Heading toward great $24,000. Last week, 'Sister Eileen' (Col) and 'Counter Espion- age" (Col) (3d wk), good $12,000. Met (Loew's) (3,618; 30-50-65)— 'Who Done It?' (U) and 'Behind Eight Ball' (U). Solid $20,000. Last week 'While Cargo' (M-G) and 'Apache Trail' (M-G) (2d wk), oke $12,000. Majestio (Sirit..<ky) (1,850; 25-50)— 'Dawn Great Divide' (Mono) and "Pride of Army' (Mono). Okay $3,- 000. Last week, "Rear of Enemy' (Artkino) and 'Silent Men' (PRC), mild $2,000. Paramount (Fabian) (4,126; 30-50- 65)—"Road to Morocco' (Par) and ■Aldrich,' Editor" (Par) (2d wk). Whammo $30,000. Last week, hefty $24,000. Strand (WB) (2.950; 30-50-65) — 'Flying Fortress' (WB) and 'Wild- cat' (Par) (2d wk). Nice $11,000. Last week, ditto. Johnny-'Scandals Wham $25,000 In Forte Geve.; 'Morocco' Huge 20G Harris (Harris) (2,^00; 30-40-55)— 'Icecapades Revue' (Rep). Prac tically reduced to a five-day holiday week since it opened the Wednesday (23) before Xmas and got practical- ly nothing beginning of run. Rated choice date here only because of natural tieup between picture and Harris outfit, since John H. Harris, head of theatre, is chief owner oi the rink show. Doesn't look like more than $7,000, sad. Last week 'Night to Remember" (Col) only $6,000. Penn (Loew's-UA) (3.300; 30-40- 55)—'Road to Morocco' (Par). Cros- by-Hope comedy geared for sma^h $22,500. Should have no trouble spreading a month's run over its subsequent spots, Warner and Ritz. Last week 'Bambi' (RKO) was the biggest disappointment of the year at $8,500. -BU« (WB) (800; 30-40-55)—'Bam- bi' (RKO) (2d wk). Moved her* from Penn and by comparison doing twice the bi2 at this small-seater. Getting big play .rom the holiday- ing kids and ought to come pretty close to $3,000, which is wonderful here. Last week 'For Me and My Gal' (M-G), in third week after pre- viously playing Penn and Warner, held up pretty fair, $2,200. Senator (Harris) (1,700; 30-40-55) —'One of Our Aircraft Is Missing' (UA). Brought in here at last min- ute, with no chance for the buildup nameless foreign hit needed. Got set of swell notices and word-of- mouth should help it to at least $4,000. Good but not outstanding. Holds. Last week 'Laugh Blues Away' (Col) and 'UncTerground Agent '(Col) in the dumps at $2,700. Stfinley (WB) (3,800; 30-44-55-66) —'George Washington Slept Here' (WB) and Ina Ray Hutton's band, Marion Hutton and Modernaires and Jack Durant. WB deluxer coming out of the doghouse again with this strong hookup for both stage and screen, and should clock an easy $23,000, perhaps even more. That's more than double last week's ter- rible $11,000 with Les Brown"s band and 'Flying Fortress' (WB). Warner (WB) (2.000; 30-40-55)— 'Mrs. Wiggs' (Par) and 'Aldrich, Editor' (Par). House didn't know until 12 hours before what it was going to play Xmas week. Would hardly have made much (iilTerence for this bill. Getting some of the juve trade but not enough to ac- count for more than $3,500, brutal for Xmas. Lost week 'Forest Rang- ers' (Par), on moveover from Penn. under $3,000. Cleveland. Dec. 29. It's 'Road to Moroccb' at State versus George White's 'Scandals.' linked with 'When Johnny Comes' at Palace. Both are slugging it out for the top money, with the girl show getting an edge. However, 'Morocco' is terrific. Biz in general is excellent. Estimates for This Week Allen (RKO) i.l.OOO: 35-40-45-55)— 'Who Done It?" (U) (2d wk). Very healthy $9,000. Last week, 'Spring- time Rockies' (20th) (2d wk), mild $4,300. Hipp (Warners) (.3.700: 35-40-45- .■55)—'Once Upon Honeymoon' (Col). Pointing to satisfactory $15,000. Last week. 'Who Done It?" (U), fairish $11,000. Lake (Warners) (800; 35-40-45- 55)—'Springtime Rockies' (20th) (3d wk). Better than house average. $2, 400. Last week. 'Now.Voyager' (WB) (3d wk), good $2,300. Palace (RKO) (3,700: 40-60-70)— 'When Johnny Comes" (U) plus George White"^ 'Scandals' on stage. Girl-and-leg revue is helping this to smart $25,000. Last week, 'Night to Remember' (Col), with Sally Rand, Art Jarrett's band, light $15,500. Stale (Loew's) (3.450; 35-40-45-55) —'Road to Morocco' (Par). Going to terrific $20,000. Last week, 'Glass Key' (Par), sluggish $10,000. Sllllman (Loew's) (2,700: 35-40-45 55)—'Aircraft Missing' (UA). Dull $5,000. Last week, 'White Cargo' (2d wk), oke $5,500. •Done It' Nice $17,500 In J. C; 'Tigers' Forte 16G Jersey City. Dec. 29. Strong lineup and holidays hava business booming. Surprise entry is 'Flying Tigers,' which is doing terrific biz at small-seating State. Estimates for This Week Loew's (Loew's) (3.205; 35-44-55- 65-75)—"Never Lovelier" (Col) and "Pierre Plains' (M-G). Lively $10.- 800. Last week. 'White Cargo' (M-G) and 'Laugh Blues Away' (Col) (2d wk), $7,500, dismal. SUnley (WB) (4.500: 35-44-55-65- 85)—'Who Done It?' (U) and 'Street of Chance' (Par). Bright $17,500. Last week. 'Flying Fortres.<!' (WB) and 'Varsity Show" (WB) (reissue), sour $14,500. State (Skouras) (2.200: 35-44-55- 65-85)—'Flying Tigers" (Rep) and 'Life Begins at 8:30' (20th). Nifty $16,000 for this spct. Last week, 'Navv Comes Through' (RKO) and 'Other Woman' (RKO), blah S9.500.