Variety (Jan 1943)

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212 Thirty-seventh p^^gffFf Annivenary Jftnuary 6, 1943 GREETINGS SEASON'S ,,en.« H«.e. ScoU, Teddy WiUon, and ,.ave iH^come .he national inMiluUon Only villi 8ucli great Zc^ro Mostel could Cafe Society tliut i, is today. 1 am happy to lM5 ae80ciate«l with ihem. Barney Josephson and VICE VERSA GOES DOUBLE FOR US HAZEL SCOTT TEDDY WILSON . . . pianist-vocalist. Cafe Society Uptown (4th year), also in Columbia's forthcoming picture: "Something To Shout About", heard on Decca Records, just finished participating in 7th record-breaking week at Paramount, New York. . . . Pianist Composer TEDDY WIL- SON and his orchestra at Cafe Society Uptown, Columbia Re- cording Artist, also in picture: "Something To Shout About". Press Representative, IVAN BLACK ZERO HOSTEL . . . "Outstanding New Male Star of the Year" —>^otion Picture Daily (Annual Poll), starred on Blue Network, soon to l>e seen in M.G.M.'s "Du Barry Was A Lady". . . . Always Fair and Friendly To the Performer (ASK THOSE WHO'VE WORKED HERE) Nouvean Riche NKW YORK CITY Wishing Everyone As Much Success in ihe ISew Yenr As Ife'cc Enjoyed During the Past Fourteen, Best Wishes of the Season SAMMY WALSH li^ON PAREE NEW YORK Direction WILLUM MORRIS AGENCY New York—London—Ciiirago^Hollywo<Ml Continued from page 207 ol nocturnal divertissement. Tradi- tional Thursday and Sunday dine- out habits exceed everything in the past. If the war news is good, some Mondays and Tuesdays are bigger than the pre-Pearl Harbor Saturdays used to be. The provincials, when migrating to Gotham, seem to throw the rub- berbands away for their night of whoopee. The famed boites like the Stork have had to put ihcir tapes out to the gutter, usrng the sup- port of their fancy canopies to brace the ropes and thus ease the milling traffic. The mas.s - capacity Broadway spots, especially where Ihe emphasis is on girl shows—for that seems to get them, whether in or out of imi- form—have done consislenlly well. Right now the spectre of possible curfew and even prohibition, al- ways a wartime hazard, especially when the pseudo-welfare of the men in uniform is concerned and is em- ployed by Ihe bluenoses as a clarion call, is still another problem. Wise- ly, the spots themselves are trying 10 police it by controlling those greedy side-street bars and taverns suspected of rolling drunks nn or out of the service), or of being clip joints. Happy New Year Mitzi Green Personal Direction WM. MORRIS A(;ENCY SEASON'S GREETINGS BOB EVANS and JERRY CLEARY Exclusive Management EZ KEOUGH 203 North Wabash Ave., Chicago Sbortage of Acts ■i I GREETINGS GINGER HARMON America's Number 1 Jitterbug Singer Now Playing CAPITOL THEATRE, Washington Direction FREDERICK BROS. ARTIST CORP. CHAS. V. YATES Talent continues, per usual, to be a problem. Acts are enjoying a bull- market. Attractions are few. USO- Camp Shows, Inc.. has siphoned so much itinerant variety talent for the Army camps that it's created newer and fancier value.s for what's left, especially if the other side of 3A. Bands have gone Hollywood or to the wars. Their road tours cur- tailed by ODT priorities and their jukebox builder-uppering curtailed by Pelrillo, the bands that are left for hotels and other spot engage- ments are in a class by themselves foi- boxoffice. But there aren't enough of them, with result the girl door .show vogue is singing a come- back. This is being embellished by other wrinkles of specially written numbers and semi-rcvu<'.-(|uc quali- ties to bolstci- the talent. As for 1943—it should be socko. GIBBY'S Meeting Place of Celebrities Entire Second Floor 192 North Clark St., Chicago Luncbeons... Cockfails... Dinners and Suppers Season's Greetingg FHO.M THt: Oi;TSTAM>IN(i IN'DKrKNDENT AOENCT ARTHUR FISHER AGENCY SELWYN THEATRE BLDG. NKW VOHK BByant \t-tiit