Variety (Jan 1943)

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22 RADIO Wednesilay, January 27« 1913 Court Resenres Dedskm in Golaqnars Snh for Injonctioii vs. Coupe's Teaser A fcmporary injunction seokingV' 1o restrain the American Tobnccn Co.. as sponsor of 'Infnrmntion. Flease." from further use of the Unscr: 'the best tunes of all move io CarneRie Hall: yes, the best tunes «.f all move to Cariiepie Hall:' on the two remaining Lucky Strike pro- iirams before "Irtfo* switches to its new sponsni;. was soucht in N. Y. fiipromc court Monday <25i in a •iiit nied by Dan Golenpiiul, pio- duccr of quiz show. Argument on the writ was heard ^ yesterday iTue.sday) before Justice j Bernard L. Shientag. Decision was (escrvcd. Named as drfondantjs in the suit •re the American Tobacco. National Broadcasting Co.. and Milton J. Cr<>.«s and Basil Ruysdael. announc- ers. Plaintiffs, listed as Dan and Anne Golenpaul. 'owners of Golcn- paul A.<i.sociates.' are also asking $100,000 damages from the tobacco firm, charging latter violated con- tract for the production • of 'Info' entered into August S. 1940. Complaint recites the friction ex- isting between George Washinuton Hill. American Tobacco prez. and Golenpaul. ever since the former )n.sisted on the insertion of the 'Green goes to war' slogan oh the quiz stanza Prof. Doubles in Agcy. Chicago. Jan. 26. Lloyd Tlerrold, professor of a«lver- Roy WilsoB, In lOOG Suit Vs. Riggs, Wins Ct Round Fov WiUfin. OBCnt. won the late.'l round of his l»»:iil .^kirnv..-h with Tominv Ricijs lii-t weik when Jus- lice Carroll Walter in the N.Y. su- preme court <iisnii.''sml a motion for dismi.-s;il. Wilson i.-: suing Riggs. wl-o is ciirri'iiily en NDC fur Lever Bros., for an alleucd broach of contract. He is a.-k:n« for damages of JIOO.OIK) jising .at/arthweMern Uni^^si^. ,-j^^ h^TS^^iUoir^f'^i;^ *of ^s^^io^. 'col I ui?^;-"io --^ ^^--^^^ - pany here as research director: j P". ,^ Rcinlieinu.r. Prof. Herrold, «;hose. «xpenenoe I "''■•••/^ j. , i„e attacTi- covers a Per.od^ of 20 years ,™hi,/uopfld E«sinK«n. coun- continue to conduct clr..s..=es at the , , wiUon. explained that his Nothwestern Universuy . , chcnVs use of a N Y. a.ssignce for spend four days eoch week at the I " . . Kastor office, where he will be in absolute charge of re.<earch activities. the company.'s purposes of bringing the action had been made neces.'sary by the fact that Riggs collected his radio salary in N.Y. and Wilson lived in Florida. Wilson, in his .>uii. charges that Riggs and Henry Cox. who originally was employed by Wilson to manage Riggs, conspired to breach Wilsoh's man- agement contract with Riggs.^ This f-anni-on T«n 9« Bgrecment, according to Wilson, does San Francisco, Jan. 26. » . „ jj^j The complaint In a « of promot.on.s and .sh ^^^^^rge.-i Cox with breach of a NBC-KPO/IN FRISCO, SHUFFLES PERSONNEL among top personnel at NBC-KPO here. Ray Buffum, producer, will step in as program manager Feb. 1. succeedinie Robert R. Seal, who is transferring to NBC progrom de- partment in Hollywood; William E.'Shcn. Jr.. publicity di- rector, transfers to production, and Resultant "feud over 1 Louise Landis, his assistant, moves the slogan led to Golenpaul's can-; into the job, which .-^he held din ing a previous tenure at station. Floyd Farr, supervi.xor of announcers, will add post' of assistant to program manager to his present duties. Changes in traffic and sales traffic cellation of the contract la.<:t Nov. K. with the producer's affidavit charging that Hill's refnsnl to dis- continue the slogan was in direct violation of the contract. Golenpaul contends that the pro- firam's use ol the early 'green goes to war' slogan and the later inser- tion of the 'best tunes of all' teaser im: a plug for the tobacco firm's forth- coming 'Old Time Hit Parade' series, to air from Carnegie Hall, 'impaired and destroyed the educational and entertainment value of the program.' Latter .show bows in Feb. 12 on NBC in place of 'Info Please' for Amer- ican Tobacco. , 'Info' winds up for Lucky Strike on Feb. H and switches over to its . . new sponsor. Heinz Products. Fob. ''""S \i I ductmg a weekly commentary pro- in view of the imminent tirmina-1"'".^.yA' /■""' because of tion of the Lucky Strike spon.or.ship S.'n'^"'I'^^T^l V^'f-i^f.": ^! charges fiduciary duty. Goodyear Tests Plugs for Heels Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. isi testing out a. group of programming ideits preliminary to launching a spot . , u . 1 . • campaign in behalf of its brand of departments bnng about .t:ompk'ie . „ national scale. Six feminization of these units. Fay Pattee iSmi*h is new KPO traffic and sales . traffic supervisor, and Mury Jane Porter takes over as a.<sistimt sales traffic supervior. Ex-Vauder, Now Politico, Cuffos on Frisco Air San Franci.sco. Jan. 26. Controller Harold J. Boyd. markets have been selected for the te.'t. N. W. .^yer. agency on the account, has laid out four different program patterns for tryout among the six stations. The pattern which proves mii.«t .suecc.-sful from the viewpoint of test response will be adopted for the national campaign. The four pat- terns are a.^ follow.s: 1. A flve-minute recorded program across-ilie-board. 2. A quarter-hour of local talent in a daytime spot on the basis of five or six limes a week. 3. Participation for IS minute.s. five ,$10,000 a year salar.v by "outride ac- i times a week in a 'musical clock' set- City of the quit show, and Justice Shien-; ,• •, tag holding his decision in abeyance.; „,. . . . i. u- It's the impression of the trade that!, "« cliscu.-cses whatever catches hi.- Colenpauls court litigation is more!'""S' l'"*** " ':"u*"J?"l in the nature of a publicity stunt. Vi!.'"L",5.!:.":r!" In presentmg arguments m .'up' port of the writ. Charles F. Gold' berg, attorney for Golenpaul. sub milted a. transcript of the last pro « gram, in which the 'best tunes of all' Hunt SpontOr fOr Lewis was repeated 20 limes. The | Phila-delphia. Jan. '26. repeated announcements, he argued. | up between T and 8 a.m 4. of three or four one-minute announcements five day.s a week. to the nickname. 'FrLsco.' for San Francisco. Subject is a touchy, one here. Technician Diet in Battle only tend to hold the prosram up to ridicule and threaten its CAB ralinn. After rending the script. Judge Shientag admitted 20 repeats 'would be annoyina.' Geurge W. Whiteside, appearing on behalf of the iubnccn Company, argued thai le.«s than tJiree minutes of time has been consumed in repeating the teaser and defended the right of the .sponsor to treat the property as it sees At. 'We're paying S8.500 a week io .he producer for this property." he ar Denver. Jan. 26. I Word was received here recently .of ihe(loath of J. R. JacnVjes. former KLZ rudlo irchniciaii. The 3.^-year- dld scrgraiu was a radio operati>r The nightly commenlui'y of Fulton ■ for tlit- .W;- F<n-c(<< and was killed Levvi.s. Jr.. Mutual news analyst, is •.-mnc wlicie in Africa while m action being offered for local .spon.ior.-'hip . ag.-.iii.'-t the <-nemy.' by WPEN. : N'f> furlhrr <lelails wei'c given in IJ^ NEW YORK CITY ... Wilbur Welsh, formerly with NBC. joined Mutual .-ales force.. .AIny. .-ius Christie, of CBS photo.department, joined the .^rmy yesterday iTurs- (lay) Len Finger. Blue staff writer, will script the new Gnniher >how. 'Where Do ^e Stand?" for. Ciark candy... .Only lUlier Blue .staffer to have a commercial is Jay Sonimers. who writes the Stoop. n.igle .show for Metro Berry Kroeger now i.l.iying Sohimon in the Bible serial, 'Light of the World.' replacing Sidney Smith, who rfsigned the part to go on the road with 'Harriet.' the new Helen Hayes legiler.... Norman Paul and Francis Forrest joined CBS iM e.«s dcparimenl ... Actor Waller Vaughn flunked his Army phy-ical.. . .Vincent Sexton, a pilot m the war. reigned as night editor n( CBS publicity to lake a ea|)taincy in Army public rel.ttions.. . .Mary Elizabeth Plummer iMrs. Dave Taylor, wife of the CBS assistant program head >.. may have her Mrs. Wiiloiighby mag series piiblLshed in book form Paul Kennedy, former Cincinnati radio editor, joined the Coordinator of Inler-.^mcrican Alfairs. So did Dorothy Gordon, who formerly conducud children's programs Gregory Abbott! former Paramount newsreel announcer, joined CBS spieler .staff ... Philip Morris is still mulling possible change for its-Friday night 'Piayhoiise' .series on CBS, through the Blow agency. It proliiibly won't move the show to the Coast. Margaret Mullen ..(Mrs. John Roiit. wife of llie mViic designer) expects a baby iher .second) in April, N. Hay Kelly, a staff director, appointed assistant to Lester O'Kecfc. .NBC eastern production manager 'Chuck' Lamphier, of WEMP. Milwaukee, in N. Y. last week and huddling with Joseph Hershey McGillvra. station rep in town and confabbing with McGillvra were Joe Hardy, of CHRC. Quebec; Bill Poto. of WMEX. Bo.ston; Bob Worth, of WGKV. Charleston Mr.s. Cole P. Wiley, of KPU, Wsnelchec, Wash., due in last night iTues.) When WNYC rcbroadcasis recordings of 'Eyes and Bears of the Air Force' originally aired on WMCA, it edits out the author, director and other production credits, although the show is a benelli job by all the . talent concerned Joe Hasel, WJZ .sports .spieler, reports for the Anny today I Wedne.<.day) ot Camp Upton That 'Famous Actors Guild pre- sents Helen Menken's billing pn.Ihe 'Second Husband' serial is a hanger-on from an old Blackett-Sample-Hunur.eri program on which the .iclress appeared. Ethel Barrymore. who prec«-ded her on the Famous Actors Guild' stanza, no longer uses- that credit line for legit or radio The Norman Corwin script on the Jan. 13 Cie.sta Blanca 'Carnival: w.ts di- rected by Arthur Daly, not Corwin. a.-' reported. Dolphc Martifi, of WEEI, Bo.ston. in town for CBS confabs Goddurd Licbcr.son. music director ot Columbia Recording, now pcrm.-uicnt pro- gram annotator of the Philharmonic broadcasts over CBS, joining Deems Taylor..With her hu.sbund. dircclor Bob Welch, being inducted into the Army, Templcton Fox is rc-'uming her acting career. 'Chamber Miusic Society of Lower Basin .Street' to be houked for vaude dates... .Robert Paul Smith, formerly of CBS and ihc Ksty agency, joined the .scripting .staff of Foote, Cone & BcUling a,eiMicy lluinlinldl J. Grieg, formerly national sales manager of McClaichv Rroad'casiin-^. juined Blue network sales... .Transport Workers Uninn .~ponsi.riiig l.'i-ininutc -erics Sunda.vs on WLIB to air their r.n.<e against the city... Jnhn.son bark from her Virginia farm and available for radio, after a roiir-ninnth layoff Doug Kdwards handling the New York end of -'.The World Today' news .series for CBS. succeeding John Daly, who's on his way to Cairo. Pedlar tt Hyan looking for an evenint .-how for Procter & Gamble, with the 'Amos and Andy' .spot on CBS in mind...Earle Mctiill roplace<l Bill Rob.son as producer of 'Only Yesterday" on ("BS. with Larry Berns tak- ing, over as director.. .Marx Loeb now direcling 'Good Listening''for CBS', but with Robert Louis Shayon remaining as producer.. .Kate Smith has been asked to become m.c. of 'Woman Power' on CBS...Jean Heaton doing solo drnmntic .-hows on television statiint W'.INY...Hal Bi"owne, former with Rockhill Productions, joined engineering staff of WLIB... John D. Seymour joined WOR announcer staff, replacing Dan McCullough, i who )"esigiied to enter an airline navigation .school... Raymond Edward ■Johnson. House Jameson and Peg La C'entra in Friday night's i'29i Broad- j way opening. "The Patriots.' joining the list of radio actors in legit. I Vivien delta soprano of 'American .Minim of Familiar Music' and '.American Melody Hour.' repealing Sunday <'M) as guest with ; .^rluro Toscanini and the NBC Syin|>li.. Richard A>h joined WOR re- '. cording as .-alcsman. > Actor Warren Bryan, formerly a "Mr. l<ccn" regular, ■ licard Fiiday i2'2i on "Johnny Doughlioy Reporting." via shorlwavo from ' London... .Vlbert Moi"gan. Molidpiililan Television .-l.iff writer, sold script Journey Into Time.' to Young & Rtiliieam for "Manltattan at Midnight'... Inskle Stuff-Radio 'Truth and Con.vequenccs' prouram ■ Procter & Gamble) got an ex- traordinary break in newsprint and other kinds Lewi.-' .-how is not Ciirrled by the Wa- Drparlinent toicR^m rc-'''""'''■"''•"" f"''"*' '''" ""'^^^ WIP. Philly Mutual outlet. 'ccived by Jacobe.-' mother " i '"'"'''"' '»"' auenev s Chicago .serials. 'Romanre ! or Helen. Trent" ..Casting: Gertrude Warner. Virginia K.tyt- cCh.'ipliiin Jim'I. Dick Bi.-hop fOiir Gal Sunday" i. Margaret' AlacDonald-'"Amanda of Honeymoon Hill'). Ian Martin. Vivien Smolen '"Front Pngi Farrel!'), James Meighan. Winifred Lenahan. F.thel Owen rDavid Harum'). Hester Sondei'gaard. Ed Bogley i"Mi". Keen"i. Flora Cnnipbcll I'.Stellu Dalla.s'). James Mahoney. formerly with Cra-sley. Inc.. has joined Mutual sales promotion as chief stalisliciiin James Soniar, draftsman, and Walter circulation analyst, bolh of Ihc Blue network re.-earch deparimrnl. into the Army this week Jerry .McGill, who recently took over wriiiiic of 'Famous Jury Trials' for Tiansainerican. has also as.siimed direction of the .-how Orin Tovrov. .-criplcr of the 'Ma Perkins' .serial tor Pioctf-r & Gamble, resigning to join ihi- .service. No siicce.s.sor yet cho.-in ..."Kitty Foyle' ends Feb. 26 as'the '.Siories America Loves' vehicle for Geiural Mill.s, with the new yarn still undecided. "Scripter Cai'l Bixby of publicity from a stunt I'p ,. •,. Itued. "In addllion. we're paying S'22.-; which Ralph Edwards, the m.c. made part of his .VBC broadcast of last ' °' ■"• 000 a week for radio time. It co.-t; .Saturday i23). The mother of a .service man was one of the parlicipaiiis American Tobacco S1.2G0.OflO for the| on ;his <.how and. as a 'con.'eciuonce' Edwards .>'iiL'gested that the listeners program alone since taking over, mail her a penny .so that .--he could buy a war bond for her boy. By ye-- 'Informalion.' Of that, lerday (Tuesday) the mother, who lives on Simcn I.-land. hiid received amount $970,000 went to the pro- 90.000 Idlers fr'im listener.-. Few or th<.ni contained ju.-t pennies, while «luccr. As .such, he contended." a large proportion of the letters did have dollar hills. Practically every American Tobacco reserves certain, one of the New York papers nave the mail driusc a new- or picture break.! ' I'^o^nbly concentrate exclusively on 'Life Can Be Beautiful' serial., rights for itself. Aucluncloss Quits F.C.&B. to Freehnce [while the newsreel companir.! each a-si.ened a crew to do a clip of ihc : " -"'I'Posed si ill on the Ward Wheclock payroll and incident only u\ Transamerican to oversee 'he agency's 'Reader's Dige>t' seiies, The question she missed had to do with the niin'iher of kings England Bourbon is al.-o supervising script im 'Parker Family' and Famous has had that were named Edward. She an.-w'rcd five: there have been eight .^rch Oboler. currently east on a three-week vi>it. ordered Harry Feeny. a member of the CBS prc.-s deiii.rtn.enl. out of the studio Tuesday ! Goldsworthy, WAIT new.-ca.-tcr. in Ihe ..Mercy ho.-pilal following il9i during a rehcaisal of his 'Lights Out' program to be heard on Ihe'* throat operation... .Ben Bernic in Coliforniy for month to pick up network thayniuht. Feeny has since been (irdered not to enter any'studio j "if^erlal for his WBBM show in Coast war plants. In his ab.-ence. Bobby during an Oboler rohOarMil and to -la.v away from Ihe writer-director ] during his slay e.i.-t Gordon Atichincloss. director of 'Your Hit P.Mradc' and the forlhcom- Ing 'All-Time Hit Parade' on CBS for Lucky Strike, has resigned from the Fonte. Cone Si Beldina agency Btaft. effective July 1.5. In freelance. I Be.-ides dirccllni; Ihe two pro..;iams. : j,, ,|iai lime a icporter for. the N. V. Post, wrote an interview about a he also formerly wrote j;onlimiity : ^^.ji^, Qboler expre.-sing unhaliering opinions of Greta Garhn. It K.r them, as well as the Kay K.vser ■ ^^.^^ ^^^^ jj,,,^ obolers iioiorious Gj-bo-lc-s President's Birthday B.ill »how for the .s."ime spon.--or. >lc has tjioiidca-t ■ been with the agency six ycais. • • • ^ Succe.s.-'nrs for the two a.-sicnineiii.- « ill be selected in time for a couple ' «f month.-' break-in. j Jury Trials." neither of whiph is a Wheclock show. IN CHICAGO Brown, producer'of .-how. is acting as enicee J. M. LcGaie. manager . WOD. Mianti. and J. Leonard Reinsch. general manager WSB, Atlanta, Obolei-"s reason for oi"drring Feeny from the .-mdio wa.s that ihe latter. ! ^^"•'re .\BC \ isitors.... .John Holbt"ook's WON news program has been re- ne-.ved for 13 weeks by the Corn Products Rellning Company through C. L. Miller Conipnhy, New York F. Clinton Stanley, a.-sistanl manager of produciion for Blue network, ha.s reported to ihe Great Lakes Naval Training Station as a lieutenant, senior gratis Harvey Carey. WBBM annoubcer.. is in the Army being attached to the Army Air Forces in Atlantic City—Lou Singer, drummer on the CBS Ben Bernic program, sHffcred a severe back strain when his aiuo got n-.ixcd up with another in a crash "Shoot ihtf Work.-.' Ihc WGN quiz show, wa.s bio.ndcast from the Eighth Street theatre, with members of the Armv Air Force Technical Training School as gue.<ts.... Alvin J. Sleiiikopr. WBBM news an.nlyist, is author of a 16-page story 'Europe. Undergroiind.' which will appear In the .^pril i.-sue of Coronet magazine The three "Mile-of-Dlmes" booths in Ihc Loop spon.sored by stations WJJD. WENR and WBBM collecletl Wh<n his army call bec:inic imminent. Vill lomiel. WWSW, Pittsburgh, engineer, decided to teach the trade lo his wife. Vera Iinmet .«o .-he i could carry on f->r him wliiie he wa.- in the -ervire. She worked with I him on .-everal remotes, spcni con.-ideralilc li:iie at ihe siation learning I the ropes and. when the tiine for hi-r hii>ljand"s iiidiiriion came up. Frank ' Smith, manager of WWSW. nan-.ed Mrs. Immel lo replace her husband. downtown office m take the offer. But to hi.s job. WWSW. Lydia Returning Lydiun Pinkham, a major .--pot lime : She gave up her regular job in a downtown office m U.>-er in year.s, i.s retiirnjngjo the • at the last miniiic. Immel was rejected and reiiirned field Feb. I with a limited campaign. | liguring it was bound lo lose a couple more u-ehnieians before the war's SIl.Hon.nT during the llrst six days of the Infantile Paralysi.s drive 12,522 It's going into 16 market.' with a schedule, ot a daily minute, announce- inent for 13 weeks. Before the ac- count went ofT the air late lest year it bad 167 stations plugging the product, Erivin-Wasey it the agency. over, put Mrs. Immel on the payroll anyway; an apprentice engineer ' .-iiidcnis graduating from Chicago elementary schools will hear Supt William H, Johason. of the School Board, deliver his annual commence- Neville Miller, president of the National A-.sociation of Broadca.ster.s. , menl address over WIND The three Rnmeo.s. heard over the Blue net- docsn't like to be quoted as a booster of a b'Mik he"> never read. Attention i work, was reduced lo a duo last week when Bovce Smith was laid uP of the NAB heod has Just been directed to the book, 'The Rape of Radio,' with laryngitis,.. .Shep Chartoc has been appointed CBS-WBBM pub- (Contlnued on page 241 | (Continued on page 26)