Variety (Feb 1943)

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30 RADIO Wednefldaj, Fcbrnary 24, 1943 PayroH Traffic Portland, Or».—Don Parker has Joined sales staff of KXL. Don Kneass. announcer at KGW and KEX for nine yenrs. has been riHnied chief news editor of the iwo MalioMs. In addition to ediling the three news services, Kncass dot.- somc of the spieling. Four new faces around KGw- KKX: Day Foster, from KORE. Eu- gene. Ore., named war program man- BKcr. Frank Coffin. ex-KXBO. Aberdeen, and Ed Bennett, veteran slage and radio actor, have joined the aiuiouncing staff, filling Jobs left va- cant by Fenton Ford, who left for Naval training, and Ted Hallock. now Army Air Cadet. Hartford.—Charle." S. Mas.<tini has been named chief operator and act- InK chief engineer of WTHT. He i.- serving as head of the technical de Of KwW. Eads Ball named head ai diting department of KQW. Ruth Franklin stepped Into wO' men's editor job at KLX. Denver — Bert Mitchell, formerly with the Texas Slate Network in an executive capacity, has joined KOA as coordinator between the program and sales department.-;. He had been in Government work prior to his affiliation with KOA. Albanv—Tom Pendergasl is a new announcer at WOKO-WABY. The station.-: supplied two more mikers to the Army in Bill Tompkins and Lyie Bti^ilcy. both now stationed at Atlantic City. the ab.senco of nicliard now in Government panment ni Blackburn, service. . Robert Marlineau has been ele- vated to post of commercial manager. Takes over duties formerly done by manager Glover Delaney. Greenfleld, Mass.—James L. Spates, general manager and chief engineer at WHAI. has been commissioned a first lieutenant in the Marine Corps rc:>ervc and' is awaiting assignment. toulsvllle—Red Bauer appointed sales manager of WINN. Stuart Brooks. WINN staff pianist, joined the Army Air Force, He has been replaced by Jimmy Clishin. Bob Campbell is WINN's new sales pro- motion manager, coming from WSBT. South Bend. Pete French is new WHAS. from WIRE. Another new spicier John Conley. coming III. Howard Dorsey announcer at Indianapolis, at WHAS is from Peoria, WHAS an- nouncer, entered Air Force Training School at Hanover. Indiana College. Joe Weeks, announcer, left WHAS for Fort Benjamin Harrison. Greenville, S. C.—Greenville's first femme radio announcer Is Mrs. Rob- ert W. 'Youmans, WFBC. Her hus- band, a former WFBC announcer, is now a sergeant in the marines. Det Moines—George Sudermann, formerly with KSAL, Salina. Kans., has joined the news staff of KSO. Prior to radio, Sudermann was a history professor, lecturer, writer and newspaperman. New Tork Cltj—Arthur E. Gold- man, director of publications and printed advertising for American Tobacco, has Joined the Blow agency as account executive. He was for- merly with Lord It Titomas. Samuel E. Gill, formerly with Lord Sl Thomas and previously head of his own research firm and with Crossley. Inc., has-Joined the Blow agency as marketing director. San Antonio—Doug Romine, for the past four years announcer and night program supervisor at KTSA, has been upped to station promotion manager. ' San Antonio.—Zelda Zinn has been added to continuity department of KTSA as well as part-time an- nouncer. Bernard La Beauna is the latest member of the WOAI staff to join Army Air Force. Ernest Dimeline replaces him in traffic department. Minneapolis—WCCO has brqught back Mildred Simons to pinch hit on ■Yours Truly" for novelist Darragh Aldrich. who Is In the hospital, and ti sub for Kay McKee, who left 'Are You Listening?' to go to California. (Continued on page 32) George Grimes Lands With Omaha Stations Omaha, Feb. 23. George Grimes, who resigned his managing editorship berth with the Omaha World Herald last week, has been appointed head of the Public Services Dept. of the Central States Broadcasting Co. (KOIL, KFAB, KFOR). Grimes will be in charge of news policies, special events, and will serve as contact man with the Government agencies. City Editor Fred Ware succeeds Grimes as World-Herald m.e, and Reed Zimmerman, night editor, has been upped to c.e. ARMY TAKES OYER NEW SITKA, ALASKA, OUTLET Sitka. Alaska, Feb. 23. The Army has acquired a new station here, WVCX, which was re- cently licensed by the FCC. It re- lie.- principally on transcriptions cut of popular shows beamed by CBS, NBC. Mutual and the Blue and Ave daily OWI newscasts, radioed from S. F. Special events, features, and sports pn>grams are also sent by the OWI. The transcribed commercial .shows include Kate Smith. Kay Kyser, Lux Theatre, "Eaisy Aces," and 'Reveille Roundup.' They. are sent Rrali.<. WVCX was built under the direc- tion of Lt. Daniel M. House, station manager. Col. Walter A. Shoaff is president of the board, and the per- sonnel is exclusively Army. The 1220 kilocycle station used the call letters KRAY before it received its FCC licence. Mass. Station Heavily Flagging Uncle Sam' Worcejiter. Feb. 23. Intensive promotional effort to sell 'Uncle Sam.' new OWI series, to pub- lic as well as sponsors is being made by WTAG here. Located in a vital war industry area, .station sees in program opportunity to help step up production. . Series is aired Mondays through Fridays at 6:30 p.m. to obtain evening listening audience, with station run- ning dally ads in Worcester Telegram and . Evening Gazette to publicize show. Efforts of Frederick Rush ton in the Gazette and Paul W. Larkin in the Telegram have been enlisted to promote 'Unble Sam' in their col- umns, and the Sunday Telegram Is co-operating with spreads on press release.<i. Industrial plants and companies working on war orders are showing interest in sponsorship of program morale-builder. Already contracting for alternate nights and weeks are Worcester Gas Light Co., Lundquist Tool Manufacturing Co., Fitzwell Girdle, Wyman-Gordon. and Bot- winik, Inc., all on war work. IN NEW YORK CITY . . . 'Eyes and Ears of the Air Force,' the documentary series produced on WMCA by the Radio Directors Guild and Radio Writers Guild fur Uie First Fighter Command, shifted fronv Tuesday to Wednesday nights Howard Teichmann, author of 'Valiant Lady' serial for General Mills, joined the scripting staff of the overseas broadcasting branch of the OWI —Muriel Dickson, Met Opera soprano, guested last Wednesday on WQXR, sihging a group of Ralph Benatsky compositions with lyrics by Dorothy Parker Bill Tuttle now directing 'EUery Queen,' replacing Knowles Entrlkin, who went to the Coast....Pvt. Bob Welch, former Young tc Rublcam director, transferred to the Coast to complete his basic training — His wife, actress Templeton Fox, will probably follow him there in a few weeks... .PrlsclUa Kent, author of 'The Crcightons' and 'We Believe' for NBC, resigned to Join the Transamerican scripting staff —Capt, Brice Disque, Jr., formerly NBC script editor now with Army Intelligence, in town last week on visit John Bassett takes over script- ing 'Kittle Foyle' on the 'Stories America Loves' serial, succeeding Carl Bixby, who went to Florida Lyn Murray no longer doing the music on 'Radio Renders Digest' Eddie BIrnbryer, NBC staff scripter. wrote some of the material for the current and forthcoming Roxy stage show.... Arnold Perl writing some of the 'Uncle Sam' recorded series for the OWI on a freelance basis. - Katharine Reht and Jack Smart, lattat additions to the cast of NBC's 'Snow Village' CBS war correspondent Bill Dunn, back from 25-monlh coverage of the Pacific war zone, was toasted by his web yesteTday (Tues- day! at an Amb.issador hotel luncheon Frank Chase is the new radio director of the William H. Weintraub agency Arline Judge will do a guest shot on 'Stars Over Hollywood' (CBS) Saturday, Feb. 27 Paul Sullivan takes over John B. Kennedy's CBS Monday and Friday. G to 0:15 p.m., news spot for .Barbasol. Sandra and Gerda Michael writing a script about the Danish under- ground for the OWI's 'Uncle Sam' series Orchestra leader Ray Bloch, unable to buy pipe cleaner.^ in town, asked his musician acquaintances to get some for him in the suburbs, and now he has enough to do him a lifetime — Kate Smith program goes to the Quantico (Va.) Marine Base Friday (26). to Ft. Meade. Md., the following week. March 5, and the Rome (N. Y.) Afmy Air Force Base March 12 Bill Hawes. formerly with the Ralph Edwards production staff on 'Truth or Consequences' and no\^ In the Navy, writing a column for the .service paper at the New London Naval Base....Max Marcin, author of 'Crime Doctor.' ill at his Norwalk (Cunn.) home... .Irving Vendig, scripter of the 'Judy and Jane* recorded serial, in town from Florida with a new show Lyons Sc Lyons has a new variety show with Judy Canuva for sponsor audition Basil LouKhraiie. who directed 'Mary Marlin' when it first went on the air from Chicago, has. returned to the same assignment... .Anna Er.skinc. produc- tion assistant in the Howard Lindsay-Rus.sel Croiise legit office and con- tinuity .writer of 'Metropolitan Auditions.' working on a new daytime serial script..'. .John McMlllln, v.p. and radio head of the Compton agenc.v. to the Coast for two weeks to confab with Carlton Morse, author-director of the *i Love a Mystery' serial starting March 22 for Procter & CairJjIe Alonzo Dean Cole negotiating for a film deal. He has a 'Mystery Hou%e' radio .show available Julie Haydon guests March 3 on 'Man- hattan at Midnight'....'Joe and Ethel Tiirp" goes from three to five times a week (4:30-4:45 p.m.) on CBS March 1 Burl Boyer has been cast for the new CBS sustainer, 'Meet Corliss Archer.' Bill Robson directs. Cincinnati—Vernon Gilmore has Joined the WLW-WSAI publicity staff. Bliss Harris, from KVOO. Tulsa. Okla., is the newest member of WLW's continuity staff, writing femme programs and directing the station's Home Forum series. Latest addition to the WLW-WSAI announcing staff Is Fred Harper, formerly of WFIN, Flndlay, O.. and ' WMBC, Detroit. Grand B>plda.-^oe Hooker, an nouneer at WKZO, Kalamazoo Grand Rapids, has been made pub lie relations director in charge of operations in Grand Rapids studios. Replaced in his former post by Don- ald Mullen, of WrCWL Traverse City, FhlUdelphta.—Ray Walton, for- merly of WEST, Easton. Pa., has joined announcing staff of WIBG Other new additions to WIBG staff Include Kay Cooper, formerly with WIP. and Florence B. Mclntyre. both of whom Joined program de- partment. New Tork City,—Fernandez Al- dana. former Spanish and Mexican newspaperman; now with CBS short- wave publicity 4ept., and Rene-.: Glasser into a post with the web's regular publicity dept. Miss Gla.fser formerly did features for Washing- ton and Baltlmj»re lepers. San Ftanelsco—Don Victor, re- cently of KSHL, Chico, Calif., ap- pointed acting program manager at KLX, Oakland ' Zizz Black, showman associated for more than 20 yius with Fanchon & Marco, Joined program staff of KQW In^ Slnif-Radio One of the cuter radio stories making the rounds on the Co^st Is that of the prez of^ big outfit bankrolling a network show who likes to dic- tate selection of guest stars. Last week, when a certain marquee name was pencilled by the agency producer, the sponsor wavered slightly, explaining that he didn't think he had ever seen him on the screen. Pro- ducer suggested that they both run oiit to a naborhood theatre where the actor's latest opus was screening, which was done. As the footage spun on. the sponsor cooled on the producer's selection and said he would much rather have the other guy in the picture. Which explains why an announcement was speedily sent out to the effect that so-ond-so wovild replace so-and-so as the guest star on such-and-such program. It wasn't that easy, though, because the actor the underwriter wanted is In the Army and it required some sweat and toil to get him off for the broadcast. Negotiations for renewal of contracts for the broadcast rights to the fights of the 20th Century Sporting club are now on between Gillette Razor, the Mutual Network and Mike Jacobs, president of the club, and the indications are that signatures will be exchanged within the next two days. The agreement for the broadcast rights expire Monday (1). whereas the time contract with Gillette for these events has until Jime to go. The closing of another year's deal with Jacobs will automatically bring the network an extension of the time commitment. Much of one day's (18) broadcast schedule was devoted last week by WHOM, Jersey City, to the American Red Cross blood donor drive. Sta- tion carried 15 broadcasts in nine languages from the Red Cross blood bank in New York, starting at II a.m. and continuing until 8:30 p.m. Shows were mostly in the form of Interviews and on-the-scene color stuff. As part of the day's activity, members of the WHOM staff made blood donations. To answer the flood of queries on rationing, blackout Instructions, and recruiting appeals that follow each Office of War Information, Civilian Defense and Office of Price Administration ipot announcement. WMCA. N. Y., has established Its own War Service Section. Forms are mailed to listeners requesting clarification or additional information on the order of the day. Unusual for a network sustaining program is the cooperation that NBC is getting from its affiliates for the Sunday matinee Red Cross series. That They May Live.' NBC has succeeded in getting 126 out of its 129 stations to clear the show each week. Lewis Titterton, NBC's script chief, was largely responsible for the show. As.a stunt for the inaugural of the 'Superman' series for Kellogg (Pep), the Mtj^tual Network's publicity department has got up a one-sheet news- paper that will be distributed to 350.000 grocers. The sheet will contain stories about the strip and merchandising ideas that will be used in con- nection with the program. -Ten NBC stations carrying transcription of Procter k Gamble's 'Snow Village' are four weeks behind live airinKS opening .scripts had a character playing a pimo. The author forgot about the Petrillo ban. so all waxings had to t>e changed, delaying the i-cbroadcasts. IN HOLLYWOOD ... Bill Randol, Jr., formerly with CBS, Is office manager of the Warwick & Legler agency, set up to handle the Pabst program. Producer Dick Mack will shuttle between W. Ic. L. and McKec Si Albright offices, a block apart..., Don Thornburgh's frau christened a Liberty ship last Monday (22) Hal Bock. NBC Coast press head, thought so well of the speech he delivered at the War Clinic that he'll do it over again at the Pot and Kettle club— Jack Benny due back from his peregrinations March 14....Eddie Cantor goes to Camp Elliott, Marine base down the coast, tor Ms March 3 broad- cast and will have Private Tyrone Power as gue-st Niles Trammell had the NBC gang over to the Roosevelt hotel for dinner for a friendly get- together C. B. DeMille's own opus, 'Reap the Wild Wind,' will be dramatized on Lux March 8....George Welles scripted Lux adaptation of 'This Is the Army' from his bed, where he was put by a strep throat.... Jack Edwards, Jr., radio actor, turned back to civilian life by his draft board due to physical defects....Those 'Command Perforntance' records are gathering dust here in a stock room, but everyone afraid to touch. Commercial deal is cold and 'house' pitches by networks also going wild. Latest to covet the platters Is Jack Runyon. Const radio head tor Co- ordinator of Inter-American Affairs AI Pearce deal for Fleetwood dgarets understood curdled. - . i. The check of the Co-operative Analy;>is of Broadca.sllng kuvc Pie.'tidenl Hermina GIrson, formerly of I Roo.«evelt'$ Feb. 12 broadcast a rating of 67"/. The event was the talk KGVO, Missoula, Montana, added to' before the annual dinner of the White Hou:^e Press Corre.«p(>n(lents° in s:.les promotion-publicity staff of Washii-.gton. f/V CHICAGO . ; . Jack Benny and his troupe here for a couple of weeks. Will do broad- casts and put on shows at the U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, and Army bases at Fort Sheridan, 111., and Camp Custer. Battle Creek. Benny's first few days in town were spent in bed nursing a bad cold contracted in Toronto Bob Murphy, formerly with KSTP, Minneapolis, and Bob Farrall. ex-WWJ, Detroit, are new members of NBC announcing staff, ...Carl W. Simonson, Northwestern University journalism grad. added to Jack Ryan's NBC press^department John Harrington. WBBM newscaster, has been signed to S2-week contract by Manhattan Soap Co., for Sweetheart Soap, for Monday, Wednesday and Friday broadcasts. 7:15 to 7:.'m a.m., CWT....WJJD sent 11 from their talent- staff to entertain war veterans at the Edward Hines, Jr., hospital Joe Wilson, formerly on sports staff of WGAR, Cleveland, has Joined WJJD as an announcer.... Schwimmer & Scutt have placed spot announcements, seven days a week, on a 52-week basis, on WENR. WIND and WCFL. in behalf of ChicaKO Daily News... .Fletcher Wiley, head of 'Hpu.sewives' Protective League' In town for several days... .Durward Kirby has been made m.c. of the Bloc Network's 'Meet Your Navy' show Mrs. Everett Mitchell, wife of NBC's Farm program commentator, hobbling about with a fractured ankle AFRA conducting an intensive campaign to enlist its members as blood donors. Has received 240 applications for donations so far. . '. .Henry: David and John Salt, representing the BBC, here studying midwest broad- casting situation partict^arly from the farm program angle John Ke.vs, NBC press department news editor, appointed to staff operations commit- tee of company Mandel Bros, renewed ftve-mlnute news periods, every hour 24 hours a day, over WIND, for 52 weeks through Schwimmet & Scott Paul Courtney, Chicago Sun new.swrlter, has returned to WBBM as newsman and agricultural expert.. . .Frank W. Ferrin named v.p. In charge of radio for the Leo Burnett Co., following hi^ resignation a.- v.p. and Procter tc Gamble account executive of the H. W. Kastor & Sons Advertising Co. He succeeds Burke Herrick at Burnett. Clyde J. White, WGN senior engineer supervisor, who Was commis- sioned as a lieutenant in the U. S. Naval Reserve on Jan. 14, has been ordered to report for duty on Feb. 25 Margery Mayer, a member of the 'Hymns of All Churches' choir, left here Feb. 22 to Join the San Carlo Opera Company on tour In the east Pat Flanagan. WBBM sportscaster. in Florida on vacation—Jack Brickhouse, WGN sports announcer, ad- dres.«>s the Peoria Advertising & Selling Club March 8. with 'Sports in Wartime' as his topic. Lawrence Gilliam, Director of Features tor the British Broadcasting Corp.. left for the Coast following his visit here Gil Faust has .suc- ceeded Harry Stewart as a producer on the WBBM production staff. He is a.ssislant producer and actor on the CBS 'Ma Perkins' serial