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8 FILM REVIEWS U&RIETY Wednesday, July 7, I913 Victory Thru Air Power (COLOR)' Vnllcil.'Afl Win 1 i lismi'. »f .Wall isivey .production.. Hy.iinil wltli. MnJuV. Alexiinilor 1\ . de Si*vej>ky.. .Sf-v^'iJ-hy m imh-.s illre,-tc..I by H: ' C. VoVirr:.. animation supervision, D.ivld ll'nml: sU'ry direction. .Pore l'enri-'e: Fiitry'adriplntlon.' T. "Jlfo. Krdman. Penner..' "Win,, t'tiiuvli;' .llm lUidroro. tico. .Smlllni:-. Joso-. Rodriguez: music. l-;il\r;u-<l - Plumb, Paul J: Smith, ■ Oliver "Wallace:. sequence . directors,, Clyde- Geronlnil. Jack- Kinney, .Tallica AlKnr: nnrr.nlon. Art Maker; ilVirf- tor of .photography: • Hay Hennehnn: edi- tor, Jack keofo: ■ corps of artists'.' hnck- Ki'aunder*. and animator*. „Trndoshn\vn'ln X. Y., July 2, 'ft. nunnlng time; dSMIXS. 'Victory'Through Air Power! .is as timely as the Allied's invasion plans. In. fact it's almost out of /tomorrow's . headlines, excepting that. Major Alexander P,. de Seversky has been pounding , the issue long since. Un- der Walt Disney's aegis, in 65 snappy ■ minutes, a combination of super-ani- mation; all in color, plus Technicol- ored photography: with the Major himself participating, this is a highly skilled narration of the aerial scheme of things. . It's graphic, enough for a 10-year- old to savvy,, and-it's interesting all the' way. ' It's at skillful blend ; of ' cartoomcs, documentation and proph- esy, which should'combine well for the I ixoffice. Apart.from its enter- tainment values it should be. made a must for anybody and, everybody who is interested in the welfare of the Allied's war cause. . Historically, albeit' kaleidoscbplc- . ally, Disney and Major de Seversky trace the progress of aviation. It flashes back from the prophetic Gen. ' Billy Mitchell—to whom the film is dedicated—to 1903 when the Wright Bros, first succeeded in lifting a heavier-than-air craft off the ground. As it is unfolded, it indeed staggers the imagination, even in these fast- moving times;: how much progress has been made in aviation. In cartoon and narration is traced the Luftwaffe's exploits, plus the concluding arguments by de Seversky of how to beat Hitler in his Fortress < Europe and . finally, how to overcome the Japs' present air-based advan- tages. . The strategy of the use of air power, both across the Atlantic life- line versus Hitler, and in the Pacific against. Tojo v brings the war close to the auditor in a highly informative and graphic manner. Disney and his battalion of artists, animators and backgrounders have not permitted the seriousness of the theme to completely dwarf their hu- mor. There are the. usual imagina- tive complement of Disneyisms in his cartoonics, and an excellent musical score to point it up. Abel. CRIME DOCTOR Columbia."■rt'lvusii .of Itnlph Oi-hn ploOu'- ilnti. Slnrjt Wjirnor I,:ix'l.or. T^:iMhT(< M:ir- Kiiri't J.HHlsuy, John" 1-ltcl. I>lrci J.--. l>y Mh:>):icl (i'ml'ui. J*)i«(*l on 'i.uli.i \ii uemm. ■K.i'inii* Dnrlor.' Uy Mux -MiuviiT. t-iury. t.i;i- hjun Raker, nnrt I^ouls I,nniz: :i«luiit:iti«iii; Jo nine Oil 1 urn: eitltnr, DwIkIu i'i.II.vo).; eiimpin;''.ItmiOH S. Jirown. . Al(..<...<-. x., Y.. w<-t>U July "43., JttinnliiK Him'. «* ,M1N*. GALS, INCORPORATED (SONG) Hollywood-, July 2. Universal release of Will Cownn produc- tion. Features Leon Errol. ■ Harriet HII Hard, Pled Pipers. C'asa Lomn orch. TJI reeled by Leslie Goodwins. Screenplay, by Edward Deln. suggested by story by Dave Guold ami Charles Marion : camera. Jerome Ash; editor. Arthur Hilton: dances. Jo- sephine Earl; musicul director: Charles Frcvln;-songs. Milton Rosen. Kverelt Car- ter. Previewed jit studio July 1. 'i'J. Run. nlnjr. time, 60 MINK, Ctirnellus. .•; ..,.. .Leon Errol Owen.'.'.... Harriet Milliard Molls- tSruce McDonald Hill... ... David Macon "ttfaM»»»»> Hetty Kean Hubbies.. .. Maureen Cannon Vlrkl , ...Lllllnn Cornell Jennifer .'.Minim Phillips Virginia; Murlon Donlels Pled Pipers len Oray nnd Cosa Loma Orchestra Musical numbers—to total of 12— predominate in this program num- ber that will suffice as supporter Tn the subsequent duals. It's another in the moderate budgeter group of mu- sicals on the Universal program. — .'Idea of group of girls operating a nightspot,'backed by a senile play- boy, provides necessary, but decid- edly fragile, framework for plenti- ful display of songs, dance •special- ties and musical numbers by Glen Gray and the Casa Loma ork. Play- boy, Leon Errol, masquerades Grace McDonald as his wife when his sister arrives from the west to cut off his income unless he's settled .down. Usual farcical episodes ensue, in- cluding arrival of^Errol's son to grab ' the girl from the pater. Gray and his band provide musical accompaniment throughout, and also step in for three spotlighted, band numbers. Grace McDonald, Harriet Hilliard and Lillian Cornell split up the solos,, while Pied Pipers (.quar- tet of three men and a girl) deliver two; songs,. Betty Keah catches at- tention with two comedy dance rou- tines, while Margery Daye does an ■ acrobatic dance.at floorshow. Three new songs by Milton Rosen and Everett Carter are handled by Misses McDonald and Hilliard. Former sings 'All the Time It's You' and" 'Here's Your Kiss.' with latter hav- ing fair chance for plug •attention* Miss Hilliard steps in front of the band to solo: 'Hep, Hepi Hooray.' Errol broadly sketches the elderly playhoy, with okay assistance from the girl contingent headed by the Misses McDonald, Hilliard and Keani Leslie Goodwins keeps things mov- : Ing at fairly: consistent pace, but the . gags in dialog and situations on the story side are all familiar. .Watt. Holterl' Onlway...' t Si nce Fleldlnif.-... .Three 'Klnifers:.'.. Dr. Ciirey.. Joe. .Nick.......i...'.,. Captain Wheeler. Hetty.:... Pearl....'. Myrtle............ : .AVarnrr - HuMcr . .MarKHit'l T.inilsay ....:. . . ;.Ii4iii T.H«'l ..'.'. llaj-.t'iilllns Hn'rhlil ■ Huber ....... :D.m Ciisd-llo. ,'l.eon Ames .'..C'onslance Worth . .:. Unwnhv . 'I'l-oe ..':,:.:;. Yi ..Vtlient* 'Crime Doctor,'- starring Warner Baxter, long with 20th-Fox and the old Fox company, but now under ■contract to Columbia, is a.much-bet- tef-than-average melodrama' .which, in spite of a. denouement that is slightly fantastic, holds interest all the way.- The market' potentialities are good. This is the first of what is likely to become a series with Col,-which obtained , the rights to the 'Crime Doctor' air. programs. written, by Max Marcin and on the CBS net- ■work'for the Philip Morris cig peo- ple. The screenplay, by Graham • Ba- ker and -Louis Lantz, and the adap- tation by Jerome- Odluni, expertly done, make. 'Crime Doctor' enter- tainment of the better grade in the meller classi largely through the careful plotting of the yarn and the suspense maintained. ■Baxter plays the former- brains of a burglary gang who loses, his, memory as result of being: batted oh the head by his suspicious com- rades 'in crime and then, starting Out, from scratch; becomes a famous spy- chiatrist. All along the line he is trying to find out who. he formerly was but not until he has become head of a state parole board and get- ting hit ori the head again, in get- ting mixed up 1 with old-cronies, does- he learn of his criminal past. The suspended sentence he receives, is a bit contrary to expectations, also the fact that fingerprints fail to identify him, but palpably there\was ho other way out for the" happy ending achieved. , Margaret Lindsay, as a parole worker, plays opposite Baxter, givr ing an impressive performance. ' A trio of gangsters are well. portrayed by John Litel, Harold Huber and Don Costello. Lessers include Hay Collins, a doctor who helps to push- Baxter after treating, him for am- nesia; Leon Ames, a convict Baxter reforms; Constance Worth, a nurse, and Dorothy Tree and Vi Athens, gals who got in dutch With the law. Miss Tree is riot "on long in a parole board hearing sequence but makes the minutes count and appears to be in line for better things; Ralph Cohn's production is ade- quate and the direction' of Michael Gordon-skilled. Char. Law of the Northwest ' -Columbia, release of Ja'^k Pier' production. Stors Charles Stnrrelt; features IShirley Pat- terson, Arthur 'Arkansas' Hunnlcult. Di- rected by \Vllllnm Berke:' story, and screen- play by Luci Word; camei-n.- Jtrajnmln KUn<r; editor, Jerome .Thorns. -At' New Tor*. N'."'V., dual, week June 20. 'A3: RunnlnB time, S7 MINS. Steve. Klnfe*. .-.. Michel Daicy ....... Arkansas Near Clayton.. George llradley.. Frank Mason.., Paul Dnrcy....., Tom Clayton.'.....: Jean. Dnrcy..' -. .Charles Stnrrett .Shirley Patterson- Arthur Hunnlcult ...Stanley Hrown .DnuKlns Lcnvltt .. .Donnlii Curtis .. Douglass Drake -...Davison Clark .Reginald Barlow Charles Starrett is playing: the smart mountie again in this western, which Is in the usual outdoor opus groove arid up to standard of this series! This one is about, the race lo get a road constructed in time to trans- port valuable war minerals for Al- lied forces. Angle is so vaguely de- veloped that it looks as though added at the : last minute. Main theme is' the struggle, between law-and^ordet boys (represented by the Northwest, Mounted Police) and a crooked con- tractor. There's plenty of gunplay as mountie Starrett personally sees that the road is rushed to completion in time. ' Per usual with, recent ..westerns, dramatic moments are tipped by the exciting music. Picture has mote than usual quota of night scenes, ail well: photographed by Benjamin Kline. Starrett is riot overly burdened with bright lines, but chips in with his familiar suave hero role. Shir- ley Patterson shapes i-p .well as the femme of the production, while-Ar-: thur Hunnicutt provides a neat com- edy portrayal. Stanley Brown,' Douglas Leavitt and Doug^ss Drake head the support. Wear. FALSE FACES ■ RSpuWmi release of CcoY-iie Shci-niaii pro- duction, directed by Sherman. I-'eauires Stanley llld^cs, UIH Hinry,- Rex Williams. \-eda Ann Jlonr. ycioenplny, Ciiit Slod- mak: ctnhern, Wllllnm l'rmlfivnl: editor, Arthur Itoberis. At strand. Hrooklyn; July .«.-'.<■•, nunnlni:;tline. M .SUS». Slunley HnrdlnK.. ..sdniiey nidces .Dun WCslcotl,...,.. "' Oals lliirdinK...... Joyce Ford....... ■.., Diana .... ... Copt. O'Urlen,...... Maniiper............ Stewart..........., . Mallury Jimmy Magnolia.,.......... Mao Miniature Reviews . . 'Victory. Through Air Power* (UA-Disney). . Excellent trans- mutation of the Major de Sever? sky best-seller.' . 'Gals,. Inc.' .(Songs) (U). Pro- gram fllmusical with 12 numbers to dominate footage. Okay dualer, 'Crime Doctor' (Col). Good meller entertainment. . 'Laws,of the Northwest' (Col). verage Chas. Starrett western. • 'False Faces (Rep). Trivial, whodunit, strictly, in the filler category. '. ' •Ghosts on the Loose' (Mono). Another East Side Kids comedy thriller; lower half of duals. : '' 'Flrjs .in., the Straw' tErench- . made). Jean Benoit-Levy pro- duction; a topflight French film. 'Under Secret Orders' (Guar). A dull remake about a German -. Mata Hari. . 'MaravllU Del Toreo' (Mexi-. can-made). Weak on script, but strong on bullfight shots. Eng- lish titles. 'False Faces' falls into filler cate- gory for the subsequent^. •■■..:.' It opens with a shot of a man (Rex Williams) in a nitery bar looking into a glass. He registers sadness. Maybe because the girl (Veda Ann Borg) is singing. Possibly because: the glass is empty; : Later there's a brawl with a mys- terious, unidentified stranger. The girl is. eventually killed. The dis- trict attorney's son, Williams, again, is implicated. So's his' pal Bill Henry. It finally turns out to be the fat little hotel manager whodunit Williams registers. photogenically as long as he keeps his hat on. Other- wise his hair is combed high up, like a Zulu warrior. Bill Henry, as the' band leader, fills a colorless role nicely while Stanley Ridges as the conventional, hard-boiled district at- torney, handles .his "assignment ca- pably. Afori. Ghosts' on the Loose - Mo'npKram release of ^npi Katzmah-Jnck Diets production. Stars Leo Gorcey. Huntz Hall.'Bohhy Jordan. Hela LukosI; features Ava Gardner. - Directed by William. Denu- dlne. Screenplay hy Kenneth Hlgglns; camera. Mack Sienirler'. editor, Cnrl l'ler- son. At New York, X. YV. dual, week June -II. '43. Running'time, 64 MIN8. Mugs ... ..: , ... .Leo Gorccy Glimpy. • Huntz: Hall Danny......... l.lnliby Jordan 13mlI. Be Ift LubosI De«V .....Ava Gardner Jn," k; ••••' ••.'..Rlc Vallln Hilda. : i. .Minerva Vecal Tony..: ; Wheeler Oalcinan Stash Stanley Clements Benny. .-.Billy Deneillct Scruno. .Sammy Morrison. Dave. .......„;............ Bobby Stone .Hill lli-m-v .-...Rex Williams ....\'eda, Ann Roi-k .'...'.Janet Shaw ../.Toseph Crt'h.in ...Chester: Chile ... -.John 'Maxwell nick Vessel ....Rilly Nelson. ..Ulln Mi-Diinlel ...'..". .Nlcoileinus.- An ill-contrived whodunit, lack- ing suspense, and Weakly motivated, Loosely constructed comedy thriller contains plenty of laughs despite.the long procession of venerable gags. 'Ghosts on the Loose' differs little from other East Side Kids epics, which means the muggs hog most of footage. Okay for supporting fea- ture on twinners. While main theme of yarn centers about a mystery house, found later to be headquarters for. Nazi under- cover agents in N. Y , many initial sequences concern a wedding and the clowning of'the East Siders in aiding Huntz Hall's (a gang member) brother to get married.. This is de- tailed too much, with the young- sters' choir practice stretched threadbare. Newly weds are supposed to spend their honeymoon in a Haunted house, but don't. Instead, the East Side Kids visit the dwelling, expecting to get it into shipshape after they learn that the married couple is going on a trip out of town. Usual sliding panels, disappearing pictures, hidden passageways arid trick gadgets provide the. bulk of the hoke. Of course, the kids'iiltimately uncover the hiding place of Nazi underground operatives. Leo Gorcey, ' the "'little ' toughie' leader of the kids, is tops, in the troupe, though mugging far too much. Huntz Hall, his No. 1 stooge, is okay. Bobby Jordan and Billy Benedict.also do well as other young mobsters., lela Lugosi, as the prin- cipal; menace,, is the Nazi chief, but has little to do. :.. ..;Picture is almost a screen test for Ava Gardner as the newlywed, and ■k« y eood. . Rjc,Vallih is the groom. William Beaudine's direction is far better than the plot. . . Weor. FIRE IN THE STRAW (Xe Feu de Paiile') / ' (FRENCH-MADE) Carl Lacmmie release of Jean Benoit- Levy product Ion,-directed byhlin. Features Orane Demazls. Jean Kuller. I.uclen Ba- roux. Screenplay hy Jean' nenolt-I.ovy and Heiirl Troynt: adapted from Henri Troyafs novel, GiTindeur Xnlure'; camera. Marcel I.uclen; editor, Diirlou-e. At World N Y week July. J. N3. Runnlnn time.- H» MINSi Vtntolno A'nutler.............Luclcn llnrmix Jeanne, \nuller.; ..Ornne Dcmaals ( hrlstlon Vautler •„.. . .Joali Fuller Monica.... -..., . , Jeanne Helbllnir Ouerttiuin ......................,.,. AlnicS (In French;' English titles) Story of a French musical com- edy actor who can't resist the smell of grease-paint Ihough the parade has passed him by has, been made into a potentially strong French pro- duction by Jeari Benoit-Levy, While not up to his 'Ballerina' and 'La Ma- ternelle,' it is easily the best French picture seen in the. U.S. in months. 'Fire In the Straw', should prove worthwhile bbxbJIice at foreign lan-. guagc and arty theatres. Benoit-Levy has taken a Goncourt prize novel,' 'Grandeur Nature,' by Henri TroyHt, and made something of a -yarn that obviously was not too weighty as a screen- vehicle; It traces the rise of a school child to fame in motion pictures, only to find that the public has become tired of him. after his initial successes-!— arid that the acting profession is a tough one, just as his father had discov- ered.- The director- pictures the dis- appointment of the little boy's father, not only : over the lad's sudden rise but- high-salaried fame while he is struggling to get bits in radio or pictures. -'■ ' While inclined to be. a bit wprdy, the skillful portrayal of the lad's father and mother-in-their happiness arid 'disappointment over the pre- cocious youngster's rise arid fall makes a forthright vehicle. Pro- duced well ahead of Nazi, occupation of Paris, the whole picture repre- sents considerable outlay in produc- tion'values.. Scenes in the picture studio are . excellently done. Jeari .Fuller,- 12-year-old French actor, contributes much to the real- ism of the story. Shift from the typical schoolboy to the important screen star is never overdone. 1m- clen Baroux makes a typical. actor- father, who is babied by his pretty .wife, and spurred to have faith ■ .in -himself despite his cruel disappoint- ments on the stage. Orane Demazls, -French actress who has been in nu- merous' French pictures lately;. is highly effective as his faithful wife.: Jeanne Helbling, cast as the Im- petuous blonde dancer who's always on the make for Baroux, is outstand- ing in the, supporting cast. Even in the disrobing scene (which the cen- sors, have cut to less than a flash), she is convincing in ari. unsympa- thetic role. Jean BenoitiLevy's di- rection is intelligent, aside from the bid tendency to draw but sequences. English-titling Is topflight. Wear. . Under Secret Orders (BRITISH-MADE) Guaranteed Pictures release. . Directed' by Fdmond Urevllle. Fen lures Krlcli Slro- helm. DKh Parlo. John Ixnler. Claire Luce. Story by tieor>;e Neveux and I. Cube: see-- narlo, Krnesl Belts: adaptation. R. ner- haurv camera. ..otto Heller; editor. Hay Pitt. At Strand. Hrooklyn, Running;Mine. .M >I1N°S.. Col. MHtlieHlus) ' 9lmonls (-.'..;.....'.-.. Lieut. Peter Carr.:.,;.....; 'Annc-Marle I.esser. Gaby Lieut. Hans.Ho hiun........ Coudoynn.. Armand....: ;.... Mario.*:......'."; Carr's Orderly.......... .French Geper.-il....... Col. Burgoyne.-'..: ; .. Prop, tit B|ue Peacoi k •. Molly Homley CllfTord Col. von Stelnher ; Raymond J.ov«ll Col. M:irih;fnil. Frederick Lloyd Cnpi. FilKinaurice Clnu'd Horlon July 1, . 'rich fltrnbelm ;... .John' Loder . .. .-.Dim Pnrlo ... .Claire Luce ...Gyles Ishnm Clifford Kvnns ..:.John Abbott Anthony Holies .. tidwnrd Lexy : Robert Nalnby ,, .-Uriah Powley This^ British pic is a silly piece about espionage during Wbrld War. I> It's a trite, insipid talc and if a remake or a reissue it's certainly ill-timed. There's no tie-in with the currerit war, not that it would help- any if the yarn were more topical: Moreover, there's an almost pro- German slant in the treatment'ac- corded Dito Parlo, as the German Mata Hari. Trying to act the glamor girl, Miss Parlo flops miserably. She's too ma- ture aside from being photogenically inadequate. • There's a 'It Happened One Night' bedroom, scene wherein John Loder and Miss Parlo photograpH so Un- attractively and are . so stagily'.han- dled that it's not even suggestive. Erich Von Stroheim is the German secret service mastermind. In Sa- lonika' he does a Sherlock Holmes in wig and mustache which fools no- body except . the cast. Miss Parlo purloins the plans about British troop movement's from the un- believably stupid British captain. British secret, service .finally catches up with the German agents and Miss Parlo and Stroheim are shot—66 minutes too late.:". - Mori. Martivilla Del Toreo ('Marvels of the Bull Ring') (MEXICAN-MADE) (Songs) Clasa: Studios production and release. Stars Concliita t'lntron: fenlurcs Pepe Or- tiz: Directed by Raphael J. Sevllla. Screen-, play. Pepe:Ori!Z: coincra. Tloss Fischer. R. Mnrllncz-Solarcs: music. Carlos'M. Baenti. At BCImont. N. v:. week July 8'. '43. Run** nlnB. tlme, lOs'.MINH.- Rosltn .:..,.:.-...;. Conchiln Cintroh Jose. Miirern., .......Pepe OrlU Fernanda.. ... .I'iluka- de. Foronda Curro Flnrenclo Cnatello Rene.,-. . ........ . .nafael Icntrtfo Don . Pedro.............; Miinuel Arvldo Rlcniilo. .Tony ■ Dlnz 'Chiclanero'.,....... ..... ufael Uaniiuells ..(In Spanish; No English Titles) Despite a Hackneyed overlong story weighted down further by the lack of English titles, 'Maravilla Del Toreo 1 .should draw bullfight fans and. readers of Hemingway. The bull-ring sequences built around the activities of two bona fide practition- ers 6f the art, Conchita Cintrori and pepe Ortiz;, are intensely, interesting 1 because they avoid phoney dra- matics. Miss Cintron is known as the world's top femme bull fighter and JMfc is Mexico's No. 1 matador. Uri- ortunatcly. therr- skill in the bull 'ring does., riot carry, over..to th. sound stage, so they emerge^* !' couple of top athletes 'gone Hc-ily. wood' to cash in- on their reps. The. story itself revolves -around Ortiz's Idiscovery' of Miss Cintron on a Peruvian rarieh. As the claunh. ter of a ranch owner she haV acquircd considerable. riding skill and amateur, bull fighter status o r tiz, a great Mexican matador, takei her under, his wing. Their ultimate triumphs; in the. arenas of Mexico and Spain are overshadowed bv their love for each other despite Or- tiz's marriage, and his.grbwing blind- ness. His wife conveniently runs off with his, manager arid they're killed making the getaway. Ortiz and Miss Cintron have a clear field, but he nixes the idea after he has gone blind-.- The tpp players are too wooden in their roles, and only come to life when they are shown in .the bull ring. But the other members of the cast perform With adequate profes- sional poise. The camera: work, in general, is poor. The scenes have either too much or too little lighting, and the bull-ring episodes are muffed. The . camera rbves around promiscuously, passing by some ex- cellent action opportunities. On' the other hand, the film is musically standout; especially a flam* enco sb.ng and dance number. Mex- ican guitar and chorus routines also ' help give the picture a much-needed lift. • JUVENILIA (ARGENTINE-MADE) Buenos Aires, June 18. : Sah MlKUeV production released by Pan* ntnerlchnau Stars Fllsa Onlve; featuring' Jose Olarra, Ernesto Vllchesv Rlcnrdb P«s- sano; Jr., Rloy Alvarez,'. HufiTn' Plmentel, Mario Medrano, Riifacl Frontaura, ■ Gre* Korlo . Verdi, Doralnird Marque*, Francisco- Lopez SHVa.. Jorge Vllloldo. Salvador Lo* tlto; Nelly. Daren, Goffo Andreu, Iris Poty ,; tlllo, -.Marcoo Zucker, -Alfredo .' Almanzn, Chela.. Cordero, . Mary . Do'rmal,; .'.Knrlqus Cbalco, Peplto-. Petniy, Moi-cna : Chlolo. ■ Fausto Fornonl. and .A. -Bemia.'. Directed by Augus'to Cesor. - Valteone: Story -hy ■ Mliruel Cnne: screenplay, by Dr. .Pedro E. Pico. A. de la Gu'anlla and. Manuel 'Arto* . mayor: camera,' .Francis. ■Itoenl.nKer and Hugo Clilesa. Reviewed nt 'Ambassador,' Uuenos - Aires. Running time/-105 MIXS. Based on book that has already be- come a standard text in Argentina; and other Latin American schools, 'Juvenilia,' first important produc- tion by Manuel Pena': Rodriguez for Estudios San Miguel, is a definite step'iorward for the national indus- try. Ti is an interesting possibility for elsewhere in the Americas and U. S: Rodriguez, former film critic for 'La Nacion,' daily here, becomes the flrsV,; independent Argentine producer.'-'^iyith . this. Previously there were-no producers, directors being responsible to studio- heads. It's likely thattthe Hollywood pattern will be~fbllowe=d rhore in the future. Job of transferring the Miguel. Cane story to screen was difficult be- cause-of its epist*iUc character. A sort of Latin 'Gooc3 t bye Mr. Chips,' it needed cinema piil^ch, which often is lacking. ^' '■ Parade of sketches resulting has led to gaps in development and to a slow start due to over emphasis on detail. ';However, it picks. \\t> consid- erably arid the scenes of student life go over well. Story is laid in Uyienos Aire's , of 1860 when the city was starting to grow up. As directed by Augusto Cesar Vattebne, story m|- manizes the characters, their furtive loves, their midnight feasts, their books and songs, and their, rivalries. While given feature billing, Elisa Galye is not outstanding,. but viva- cious. Veteran Jose Olarra, as the wise and audacious professor Jacques, cops lead acting honors, and Ernesto Vilches, as. the understand* ing Padre Aguero, is also sure-fire. Interest centers, however, on.Ricar- do Passano, Jr., young juve, who car- ries the principal student role. Film's emphasis on national theme arid its pro-democratic overtones are also rare for here,, most, nationals to date,..,having been purely escapist fareJ Photography by Francis Boeri- i'nger and Hugo Chiesa is somewhat, uneven. Music by.Alejandro Gutier- ' riez tjel Barrio and H. Garcia Morillp is adequate. . Ray. Pay Tilts Continued from pace 5 by the firm to the. highest hourly - paid employees. In -the succeeding higher levels, the rate of the increases will be scaled downward, according to rules to be set up by Bureau of Internal Revenue and the regional offices of its Salary Stabilization Unit: Approval of the increases by in-' ternal Revenue will be required in all cases 'except where the employer had a regularly established overtime payment plan' in. effect on Oct. 3, 1942, and neither the plan, the rates, rior the hours have been changed. 1 'This plan may be followed,' said Internal Revenue, " 'with respect to all- salaried positions between the highest hourly rated employee re- ceiving hourly compensation at over- • time rates and the highest salaried ppsition'for which overtime compen- sation is required.'