Variety (Jul 1943)

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26 Uj/MRIETY Wednesday, July 7, 1913 'AMUSEMENTS TUB NEW YORK TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE «, 1943. 'AMUSEMENTS VOTE BY CONGRESS SCO RED BY R ABBIS .,/arriding of Roosevelt on the ( Anti-Strike Bill Declared to Show Intemperance UNENFORCEABILITY IS SEEN Ntw Army Chocolate Bar RtmUHtatUptoUQ" it it'll 1« To Kn T«U Tqoj- JER6EY CITY, June 17—The Arm/a Jersey City Quarter- master Depot tod chocolate manufacturers have developed a chocolate bar that will remain a ■olid up to 120 degrees Fahren- heit, ll was announced yesterday b y the Quartermaster Depot. Tho average ' ch«<oUtf~ m ™ i, * mell * " ~~ — BIDS NATIONS FIGHT RAC E PERSEC UTION Grind Master Hoffman Talli rith Abraham an. Intar- National Pact la Ntaded groups during the Tunisian cam- paign. The problem of rehabilitation tn North Africa emphasises th« need of a program which will promote better relation! between Jew and Moslem," he said. A message from President Roosevelt, read to the delegates, expressed hope that del' at the coi 15,000 GI VE WEEK 'S WORK Teacher* Yield Part of Vacation to Aid Draft loanta Fifteen thousand school teachers In this city will perform ona week's volunteer work ' 1 , Stad ' fourth annuaj*j Motel Ktw'Yog ' resolution diaepprbvni of the Connslly-Smllh anti-strike I The Mttrou bill by Congreis over FreildentL.. Boose veil's veto. The resolution, su bmJlJ conference's coi and p«ac« i 'delegj lice and all our people! ment alike. Join with* have expressed great c< the manner and method of the en- actment of the' Conn*] I y 1 -Em I In bill, which,, because of their intemper- ance and impatience, may Jeopard' it* the orderly democratic proce- dures which stone must be de- pended upon to adjuit our difficult economic relationships In the days to come. New Study Suggested "The Central Conference of American Rabbis suggests that the law be carefully restudled In the light of the progressive social leg- islation of recent yesra and.that a more sober and helpful measure be upply l and those of our Allies Ahl ^necessary tools _ . . . ..filch *lo fight ..the the sn- , nem y. [the Independent^ ~ wttfc of thou- 'inte and the prep- (ion of the official forms reports. The assistance- % highly qualified " "" ftMyYiT* - OOK 'o fine examptej Mia point de gax£ Mum. It 1; made soi 1873 be to genie. R. ' ed to the mi his wife, son, an unusual' l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^______ r _ enly European c*n^bsWa^VHa«sWtlii^9V¥rTOe<) the efforts porcelain horse of the Ring Hellof Gen. Dwlght F.iienhowtr and period and two exam plea of Eng- other Allied chieftains to reconcile llsh Bristol glass. ' "*"*" the differences belwtrn 'racial . je^ university ftool could develop more effective training programs to cope with war casualties and expansion of research. The Infirmary is at Thirteenth Street and Second Ave- nue. rat sut months 43. $9,309,400 was allocated for aid to refugees In Spain. Swit- " Portugal and from coun- ' ' Hltlef. This their emigration to Western Html- land. food, clothiog. tedlcal aid will be giv children who are ex- brought out of France Already M03.0O0 has prlated to aid refugees 'Asiatic Rusala. $300,000 for an emigrants who hsve en resettled In Central and South America. . and 1100.000 for the maintenance of 400 Dutch refugees In Sarinem. Help will be given refugeea released from internment camps In North Africa, as well as to destitute native populations in Algeria, Casablanca and Tangier. enacted, which will not sacrifice any of the gains which American labor has achieved through the year* and which will be fair to all concerned." The resolution noted "with' satis- faction that American labor has to a remarkable degree adhered to Its 'no strike pledge' and because ef It and the cooperation'of man* agement and the public, our coun- try has achieved an astounding rec- ord of production for the war ef- fort to defeat the Axis powers." It continued: "Even those who arc not op- posed to many of the provisions of the bill have admitted that ll has been hastily drawn up, some of Its provisions altogether unrelated to the war emergency, unenforceable and, therefore, llkvly to weaken the respect for law and authority." Achievement ef Harmony The new president of the con ference, the Rev. Dr. Solomon B. .Freehot or Rodef Shalom Congre- gation. Pittsburgh, said harmony on major Issues had been achieved at the six-day meeting. "Perhaps the .reason for the spirit of cooperation which bridged all differences," he commented, "was the fact that In our con- sciousness was the vivid awareness of the tragic slate of European Jewry: In the light of that un- speakable tragedy, the conference was more concerned with help to martyred world Israel than with debate on theoretical differences." • Other officers elected were Dr. Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland, vice president: Rabbi Harry 3 Itargolls. St. Paul. Minn.; tress- urer; Rsbbl L. Regner. Resiling. Pa.; financial aecrelsry: Dr, Iraac E. Marcuson, Macon. Gs., admin- istrative secretary. EVERYBODY'S HAPPY AT RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL! Joan Bennett *Hn Daughter SM<'»I io tut Nf* tf«»K Tiura-' HOLLYWOOD, Calif., June 27— Jmti Bennett, film artreu and wife ef Wahcr Wa'r.ger. Hollywood mo- tion-picture producer, gave birth to a daughter lait'nlght at the Ccod Samaritan Hospital. The child wsa named Stephanie. MIm Bennett's other children are Dlant, 15, born of .MI m . B en nett' s marnag e to Joh n[ Fox, and Mellnrta Markey, daugh-' ter by Eugene Markey, writer snd producer. .Mr. Wanger and Miss Bennett were married In Phoenix In January, HHO. *fot4 el Of METRO GOLDWYN MAYER'S HILARIOUS COMEDY! She got their autographs in jj^&lj X VIRGINIA WE1DLER • EDWARD ARNOLD JOHN CARROLL* JEAN PORTER OirnMt hy EDWARD BUZZBLL C*)i it Ullrt. Sj*fU*j Qribut*. Cmui Sim In ASTOR i-nri*!*!*. Er.S.*ST reeuler Print C*Mlnv«v» fr«m 10 A.M. ' le*r, SS«« 1*4 SMA^, bhw* e**» wmmw. n« T*?«a >e. Web | A4*r. • aur w*t aeaiai "U*» M***e Mt • M*-*4 m4 CAB/N ^.O fA's Talk of the Town V^A RADIO CITY MUSIC KHL ^r. "THE YOUNGEST PROFESSION" •I* VHtQMIA WUM.DI • EOWAM ARNOLD * JOHN CAffftOU 1IAN PONTW < And FlYI IMPORTANT OUC5T STARS A t.'tltO GOiOWTN-MAYt* rtCTUtf MAaCH 0» TIMI—INVAIION'' TV ItKt: PltlHTlrg 1^0 w«rW-f#-N>/1 Dot COIMEt Oorvi ^ Iff* efl l«rv'id li-MAN AtOuT TOWN", (*c4jc*J ty l«e«-"^e«J...»;**> itnto^ Corpt d« toe«l. 3r"* h *'/ 0»c»Miifo;eifi(ii« cl t"9 ,£<**•••■ 1*4),I II. i W. 10.10 * 1M«« «r. 11 1*. 110.4 It. * " nlll MIIAHlKt llAtl lltltylO W AOVANCl tmVUCOOOSLotUM IDA LVriNO MSN IJtST.TR Th« HARD WAY' * UK IJ*. lit. f:«t 4 t. 'MALIA Mtr.cmii4r.2-jj/0j 1 *)M C4XH ViMI 1 DIimt'i "IIIUDOI ANIIOt"] Jk sen*. -HiiToav it siaoi if niihi"' UorirVHonoUa tiNMU Timer- wmm mmm]