Variety (Aug 1943)

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10 FILM REVIEWS Wednesday^ August 11, 191 % LET'S FACE IT ■•- ■., . i songs) ' -v Pi'lHOlillllll l'» " H-"r'. -Kl ■ Uiillllllt'l i-mi- 1I11.1I..1) Sii:i- 1 [.;■■ lli^M-.' li. 11y lluiu-H:' l».lll|Vf> /.'l^ti l.'-H'S. I "ll >II ' J'wVlll't. Ilil.'l- \V ll.'..-k'.. i:v.!-» ii, .'.ijllv. K... \<-.:y<ii:. Ai'- r- l,.il.- YV-:n.-.r, i> . Ii-.iki;: 1>:im 1 ■ liy -fl.iii.V. i..iti'iifi<ii ■'. .-'■ ■ • niiV> : ..y . ii.iuy-- I">ii." i'i,iv i,;i>,-.i>., n ' n.ii-i :.i |.l:iy Jii.ii.ritiv ' ii i.i .iii li.i'v;:ifi.i .. ■■•!. i.:., r'M L V.-.-i.-.l. !»>■ -j'l.V.v: '..Vviin;^ ■. ,M''.-l!.' iV'.' I,J '' ' It'i'vv-lY.ii. Mi t.-.>.ii'i - v-y <'ul».; r.\.l- :\ •:iiiliii\V/'.ilrn;\-. .1 ii I.; 1 •'.■:> n-:. .-. '. J-''. l---|i' I .'in.liitl, tIv;'»iliij. \.'-i'-. »ii; ; K;.\»[: .■f. : \:\: .;J:nin'u ■ i:in ; .liny . ;-u>ri:... vrlniiV I'.iM' r ... i .. : • -iniiii ii:i-.1 ■Ikv>-"h "...:-.-* N; li'.'y'.i-MUirr-.i-.;.;. . I liTi iivv-. 11 rV»i;i I'll 1 . .. .. -. 'AK.KK'^ U:.-• . l-'i-jiiiKJO .l:'»iii>- ':,'.....■ .i.-iv' .....::■: ..V., Muiii.r, :, r'.-; . •'■ • • .I.llcul \V::l.-..n. : .-. ..i. '.|iiill.'.- il.'.'i I'::.. -i .-■'■.<■.if-.-i.-i.'.• - ■ >■ it- :kin: AVi^v-.'n-.- ■'.. Mi j. . WijiiP -i.Vnili. r..> tin ... Milk- -,Mii.i.!.'.' . ..:.'. I Visi.-..!>'. ll.-l'.V- :. wiiik }■■■ ■ ... .•>.;; . )) oil'- T- Kiii. . ■ .':. ; VII \I1.N"*.. . . I . . r-.MiAli-. H..|l.- ■. .-.;■*.iiy '.(inii'i'ii ;;-.. '. . .".'.iSii ri.i>': ':... .;v-,i'm iiK'.pii\;iii :_iiV;-.L'jj.-:. ■W-ll...-k AtO'C .-';< On::>■;-, l;■* Ikh*' s . ^...I'-i.'.* 1 V\ i'.ivm :.. . . j l.-lKl' I hii'-,.* . '. iiii'iiiil- ' Willlilli ll .-'. ...'Arili.' iv. .'K.vuli. * ......; -.. I. S11 ti ii •■■. i.i'f.1 .:.;;-.....1...-■<:•>-:!.!. ...... ;.,.'<u...i -'M.i> V- ....... :j i;>m- !••..••.:-»•» . v...\ll^l'.ri M"l'*' ..,H^ :. ■ l\i.\' I ;in.-..i i limi'ks i:• .. ■. ,v T. i'i>';i. .;ui>!h.< ■ iue! .t):iSlnTn;e ulid . 'I/i'i's Face IV. i.-' loailciL , ll's. ainiijior.bisj winner -lor Bob'Hope. Vime i-o- >(anirtj!y-\viih rtiatlwip Belly I.Uauni «ml supported 'by : ;vn ■r5ic'ell , i i ii.r Hiiiiy.-Ttisfiur.s strei-npliiy closely, follow's' Ihe' florbtii: a:vd'. oiollvy. ! Fields-Cole Porior nuisic;il. \v,hivli. in uiin.-.hiiri basic siiriiliirilios' \o flic play. 'Cradle Snalcher.C with lhc. writer.-- of lha'tV Norma AliidVell and- usseil G. v Mcdcr.!>ll'. iocludtd ill lhc .-crccn crodii. The yarn js aboul a : watkv .-ioldici-. who.. i wo pals;. KCts Involved wiih three n,k... dames' ";.fi(surinp torevenue.<in.)heir, phil.- ' arideriiig ■ hiis^biiikls by hii*1i))i ...sol-' . diers' as 'cdivsoi ts. TIkmt > ,.ihe dual- .deiibuemeiil of. .the * soldiers' .girl, friends ; tfiiH (lie . dames' husbands^ ■. Ia4ler -wilh. 1 heir respective- culics in low! surprisuig-ibe soldier.s in their reluctant love-making. Only devia- tion from (he stajje plot is the screw- ball finale.■ ih; which Bob Hope: Cully Hi'chards: and ave Willock capture a 'Geriiian /ub ih' Loiig Island Sound.; . Tugen.d.- however...■■liny managed to ifiject maiiy more, laughs than- was in the Broadway musical click, -which was' highlighted' by.'Danny Kaye'f delivery pX 'Melody in. 4-F." replaced her.<i with a Sammy Cahn-Jule'. Slype, number, -Who Did? 1 Did. Yes I Did.' The .laugh's,- in fact, come so often and so fast as to be sl'ep|)ing on. one another, with the audience estimated as missing. 25'i ol the gags:. Cole Porter's score lias been sacri- ficed' for ; the comedy content-.' wiih 'Let's Not talk About Love' • Betty Hullon.bounces in a cafe scene, and' "Let's F-ace It* the only tunes reta'ined^.thje 'latter strictly inci- dental. : Theie . are : no production numbei-s.' .-. ■ Bob Hope; a : master at fast, vaude -ville timing of comedy mate-rial, and •Belly Huttoh, glan'iorized.- tb an■-ifiv-; ■ pvecedented degree for « hoydenisH singer", are .an okay rom.antit' .' They are :givcn better; than average support by Cully Richards and Dave • Willock-.: as Hope's pals; and Eve ■ Arden,- who was iii (he -Broadway cast, ZaSu Pills.and Phyllis -Povah playing the three matrons iii search of romance.'. Dona Drake.';Marjorie Weaver; Raymond.Walbiirn; Andrew Tombes and Arthur' Loft, latter, as the husbands, aVe in capable assist and a standout job is delivered by Joe Sawver;'as a tough sergeant! One of ihe 'highlights of the film is a comedy idqiice routine by. Nicco an<| Tanya, working in a cafe setting and ulilizing,some original business in their khoclcabout ballroom rou- iine. Nc'cco. teamed wiih. his wife. Grace, who : was ill when this film was made. is appearing ihis week at Loew's State;- on Broadway, in the same' dance routine. Director Sidney Lanfield iiept the pace fast and the'ovci-all result is i-.n AtI light comedy. Camera work is likewise gpod. ■ , . ■ Scli.o monplace story.. The Nazi's are-the Villuins—arid there yoti. (ire. : : That point is hi-.mmercd home, to a point of exliiui'slion. as Nl. tliis was the Ih'il - liI itv about Na'zSs, '. ". Bnsicnlly.- it's the story, ol 20. Czechs held as hostages:afiei- a Nazi, iirniy. ufficer dies by;. F,veii alter- the coroner lias called il a suicide, ih'eir > rrced(ShV i^. xlehied v -A. ^couple of Nazi schemer's ha,vi> do-, eided -to , weave lhc cireuhistantial net to iiiake-it appear like murder so thai, one- b'f the- prisoners, the. iii- llucntial' PreissiogOr-. i.Osear. -H(; ; mblka), cah be relieved of his; wealth .'.through: ■■eonfiscaribn, despite I- .'Jlis^col'aboi-atioa w.ftli; the. Nazis; ■ Among, the hostages-also is Jand- ! shik :i William Bendix I,: the uiuloi - j ■ gl-o'tinci lertdcr wJiose. identity'.is- tin-:- known to. his ciiplors until he makes j his;-.escape ' and . lends the suboia'.iie I <it the Nazi hiiHijtiohs dumps.'Around | .liihosbik slems- the' film'V rtiajbr ac- t tioii. with. lhe.iGestapo. ehief iPaul j' ^l,nk;is>.'.the:collaborationist's dnui;fi- : ier■•■Mi.'v* Raiii'er i and .another..under- ,; 1 liioiiiiKl' leader .ide . Cpnibva > . eoin- f i)i isiiig- : the othc;: : niajoi' links in the i ' ilrjuha. . . '■ .. :. - ■■ .''..-. . ; v ; I Two of the' i. ; t;ir.s. Bcndix and Liikasi :aire Ladly miscast. ..uarlicvi- | larly' : the fprmei; Havin. achieved considerable proiHiiicnee of Miniature Reviews '■• ■'•I.ffs Face U'. iSongs) (ParV Plvhty laughs, plenty boxpftlee :n vl)is : ;.Bob;llbpe-Betly. llullon starrer. ■-...' .■'-■'■ . ' -llqstaetK' (Par). isappoiivl- '■; i■ !>• .Vuzi nieloilrania geared for; • moderate -grosses, -•"•" --.- ..-•"'• '■. ..- "Trtie- to Life' i Songs* .'iParl, . • Pltasani albeit :lighiWeight eS-., ■ capis't roiiiaiicp. - ; - -—>- .. ::. ■: ;Tornailq' ■-'■|-S » n. g si ■ ,( Pa : r J< ■ (.'iie--ief MorrJs 'ahd. Nancy .Kelly in '.fait- action i-iiclodrairia. Strong supporter for regular duals. -'.'..: •The Good I-"ello\ys' . ; ' idn:ul0:is"-. farce-. : ■ '• Ciililjre:- lillc'r .diialer.' ■.' ■. ^, - . •'•Kronlifi' Baaincir (U)• Acllon- ; fill \veslerii'prOvidcsgpod.e.nfei-- lainnieirt of jI-s'. ,-iy-pc. : Strong., siipp,oi-w:r lur- regular duals'.. •> . ■ ■The . ;a'w Kidcs Again' (.MoiVo.V. • Kei.v -Mayiiiird, : 1 loot..Gibspii ride . agaiti; stiiiulard wes.lern. • saihe .roof and board: The ki ..ijjs- ,.U'r and' brother ^arc.'characters 'all ■hiic I their. . own. iiiTd Vevon Ma .('well I'.Uough'. his ' -desc-dose-dcin" lilm i lioupcd. bv jMabef Paige) isn't ex- ioles, : Bohdix is slrainitig ,cVcdence|>lw;ays-dn the-bcai-n. .-: ; a part .that's antithetical to;that 'which , he's 'become known... As Czech- patriot, he ; occasionally laps .;- into . Br.ooklyjicso/ Lukas is tori irifelligehl an actor id milke ' is miscasting distinct, it's, a liltle far-felcived to' fathom .h-ini..s.o : llipid -as the parr of the .-'tiipo chief would have him. ' ?•/ •Miss Raiher's part is poorly de-: fiiied. though she docs well in ;i role' that's- coinpara'tivcly. . minor despite the: star: billing..- In the book -the ' characte'rizatioivbf '.the-collaboration'-, ist's daughter was . more, . clearly, etched.: Homojka gives.-' wl-iiil is. probably the HLni's outstanding p'er- formahce: De Cordova, is creditable,- loo, as' an undergrouhder Who's !uh- suspettcd. by . th'6 Nazis, -though in: constant contact with (hem: Rest of the cast, headed'by Katina I}axinou,..;are outstanding- for types., ••'•hil'fe .the -direction' notably' lacks in r siveness 'aiid development, of the characters. Letter Cole and Frank Butler adapted...and'they' followed the book pretty closely in a wordy, script..' ':■■.. ' K«Ii/i. HOSTAGES ■ V;n s :nni*\inr rfl<MSi».' uf Si»r*i'*. Sl« n« I inn .(In* i'm-Vi. ..^i.'tiw J.'* Itiijiji iv I'rml ' l.nkiif Ai'inhd ■■;»■:. l Vr»l"V:i" jn"wl ' \V*111:>i|i . jit |uh\- ■ i-:\l\jyvrt • « : 1>tiu' : 1141111 • j 1K a. |\ii(iti:< l'u.N i'tiuii. I >U'M'tiM,\'V»y.- i-'iii'Mli TuViltf; . S.-rm ni0:ty, lii'-tiii'i-- Ooti' ..:iHil . )*' iint iV ; l'.lif 1« i ; inln|H fr<iin ii«vj;1- l«y. ^1/ ti.'x't 11 «'> in: ' :iiiii-iu., \'U' ^•■r MiiiwM-;. tiitiyn-,' \ ivini' Vi-iifiK-: *-Hmr i-iiMiii. -Y'i; '.Vine."-'"*, Miliijlii ]'tVi>Miii:i-r;>'. Jntir)>lttK, . .. ..:.', ;\; ].-v •: Vtt'tf^U^vi'. . . .Mni-.Ui.....,... i;lnri^ll:il^lv ..... ,m> '.,., i.*nj>'. ■ l'iit'/.»"'r.'..-.. ] m;.- \y i>a >-iii i .v . stttviK,........ IV111- I.iplil>tn\ ,r/ : .'....., riiit-ki^«-)i '.. : . r . ; .IitStM.ll.*.,:. ■.' .Ki>lli-l-, : . . .. .1,:» ; ui. • .M<1-triii:iii11'. /,'ur. in*in'.-.... -' Y<ilf ii|r" "N.iV.I -StiMit-r-. .. kl.l-' ilv .iiil.Ti. i . ,sn>;t'.ii»( KtipnliiK Unit' mix '.-i . ^-l.iiiMr' 'lliihii' . ..Wllliiini, li: ; n .-..; .<. ijtiijjiiiii" vsj[i' .'• 'f;Ilitltli'ilftU i.v ,..'.. ' il ' i ;U'i tn:inh .,l«Vir\' Mn>] ; . ..\|ji h:t>| Vlsiinin" . Ki ii*. Ki Idt'.ry .. .> .. .-f«)ipi .Mj luii^. . ..Miklivit ' M;mimny ..I'liilHi; Vim /.iiinH .... H«■ V.- U lJIiitUls ' ,'.'..... j hills->'(»nvliMt ..Lnyis' .VUinr i:irli:Vi .| JtjMi' . .. . .Kill T UliiillUl TRUE TO LIFE l.*:illicill 111 l>'.lo:iHt'. (ir.'-JMlll .lmu»s lli'inlm'--. in|l. Sl;ir« . Mury .Mliriiii.. J:*r;ilii'lxtil ■ TtHHV L>li-k ' INiweli; . rt'iiluriiH. VIi-ivh- >Iuui:ii. . 'I^1-". ■Oi-H'il -|)y <je<il-Kf. Al.-n-.vlliill. - .Sr"l *-l-l'l'tii:i..\:. Diiil Ifn'v.ltiifrn. .Il;l|-ry -|'iik<*i>iI: <i|-ij;liii.l. % -Hi'ii ii,l "Snl il:ir/,m:i'n.' l>t*ss 'I'lirV tr Himty; IIiihkV. 01 nilchiicU :itihnny- ■Morri'V'.' ci'V-ri'.'-\'i»'i»n nitiiKr. 'roiprra. <;h»i 1 li's l.iini;. .Ir.Htft-i. lii-f-i-iur,. Arthur. Hluvk.".' .'ri:iiii"*liiiwii. -Aux. ' 4,1. ..ItunnlnK-.UiHi'. ti ..>ll.\«:- ' . • Ijuiinlc rorivr.'.-. . .-.: .. ■iHi-ripr' M;ir\'ln'.-'.'..'. ink. PrjrlH, !oi>.' I^nrlt-r,....:.. Aiijni . l'lii'tl-'r.':. .-.. : :.; . I'wi|i.«. . ........ . :. "Icm.. .. aUv... Ost-iir Klklns.' : Mi'.. MuKjrliiM..'....'... Air. iMiison .{:ill<|. (he MulliM ... .Mr. : .Miiniimil..,....... .Mr.«. Kiickow K.\|ir'*'»i,il:iH.....' ..;. . Mil' Mini,' . !. Illi '.-.iii '....:... it .Wniiiiiii...;.. .- iiri'HHin "lit liuk'-r^.. AlinnlliH'f'r': Kr:un IJIroi-riir.... Ill.illn' I'np. ..'.:... .. . . Umllo K iny K.'mJIo >Tnm . .... .':. .''. '. l:>i.iin simcr:...-.i.,.-. U.llliii lli'n\->-. . ; . ,. . Knillo .hiko.... Itlliiifl .SiMlliy;-. . Itmliu - Mini. : , .'. ^l.:i.*;ir' 1 ittiii ki-.r-iR«-i- .-iii : : l . i. . ...:..:;..... : <iiri ■ Ilrl........'..., Mun mi I'll*. 11ul'lr ii*i lUitt. ..'..-. I!fi.'i'nr...'-... .:-...,..' rnxii-uli l>rlvcr..*.... M:i.H' III. Silliwny... ... -Wumiin In Suliwny. .- i:ir mil:,,......;. ■SuliWHv < ^niiril..:..:.. lilt 'Mnh' iin tlu's. ..... tilt Witiiliiil. mi. ItiitJ, 1111 - Wiillmn.: .n ..,., IHl Wiiii;;.ft . ; .It. ...:M|ii.v M:i;iln ..-|-:i':,|l,-llul -|jiiii.' .-. „|)ii.k l'i«,l| .. . Vli iiir' '.\h-uri. ...Miilnl l'till;i- Mi-vV-ily l-fuilSHii . . I{:i\ iniiilil Idir .I'll!' .D'hi'.hTm . .I'^rin M- Tri'i'X . i "l:n»*n,.f' K,,ll, -lliii-'ry- Sltuni^i.ri- .t'll-U li-.i 'M'lU.llV . . ...-Tim. I{\ mi. l.t.\.*l--:>liliutiill .- I 'Inn |i-s' l':,iu. r,'llii;l) M:ii-|li,liiilii . .. . l-'ri-it A .- K Its-"*V .. •.. .'.lir-n-v Jli'.'In . -...—l.-iiilev AinliV'ws . . . . . K'-n i ";i (|irui i-:' .. .'. . . . 11:111 > -I l l-i . .'. . .-. Hun v IliiV'ti-n . . . Allii-'l ii'i iin ....... Mil. I«it::. -h'i "il" . . Sllii t'cv Klllv I'll I', ln-r ....... Itllil .1:1 in lytin ; . . . l:.ili< r) Winljli'i- ,.. . ..Iiii-k . i l:ii iliii..i . I'::ltl \«. Winn .-. ..flit i>n>tihi r. K Inu , M.r-xini'' -AmIi-II . . . V'Viilliii' Hi; t':ii |ii. ::.,..: . . Alli'i- Kll't.v ,^ .M.lK'i'llii I'lllllttlH . . :, .-.: ..ii-i-W h":ni-v . . . :'. . . :'. lll-il . K^IT . . ...Wliirii'l'ii 1 lW':illiti' . . . . . , . Mill I Mi l liluli v. . . W' i" Si.'.l. i'IIhk .'..t-iin-r.i»•.'•* r.nrily .. ,l)i',-'i,tlty. CisniLi'i- J^'lil :itil S. I'hi,ll,i|,-i . .■;'. l-'i :illk i.'itli.llllill .... .'l'Mti:i H'-imi-Vt I'll lie) .i t'liii Willi:, ins Powell .takes down . their daily hoiisehoUl sayings literally :-t he. rad.1'0. seripl .-iulden'ly - becomes a lop CiosVley; Tone; a frank Wolf, mean- time -waftIs; to. cut- in on' Kfiss Afar-, tin: and in between all of this pick. Powell tries 'to 'keep the- SunnysidO Porter faniily : from ever-hearing Inc. radio. 'Farmor -Faniilyi'.--for fear of their:.'' . 'especially the. TCtiiianeo iii tcrcsi. ■ . : .-■'■-'.:'■ Action, shut lies bptWc.n the' boilr,- geois Suimysid'e .. . menage and -the lush apartment dnd slick Radio' 'City ■ environment of' the R0\vell-T6nc teant Three*s'ongs, all gobd v are skillfully interwoven and the finale -is a madcap radio pickup of how .things right themselves.-Miss Martin '.handles-!'Mr. Bluebird' as an incidental .-in.', the in'tr'd. of her lunch wagon scene; and Powell, punches' oiil 'Old Music"'Master.' !and 'There She Was.' ■: Well-paced direction by' Geforge Marshall and sortie excellent script- ing from. Don. Harlman and Harry ■Tugena: do much .to hold the madcap proceedings together.. What ifiight have evolved a :clambake comes .out all right,: aided and :abelted by sea- soned bit players who - troupe, every- thing they do, .to : the.-.hilt.. Thus. Charles' Moore a$" the .colored butler;. Clarence Kolb as the apoplectic radio spoiisor: -Ernest: -Truex- arid Han'.v- Shanijon as his aides;- Beverl.Y.:Hudr. sori and Raymond Roe. as: thevPorleiv '.kids.:-and so on down the line, eom'e up with a Satisfying collective-job."- .- ■ '•".. Abel: folding around lhi> nrine shafts aiid: tiinnels. Camera work by Fred Jack- man, Jr., is okay. ■'.': ' Walt. THE GOOD FELLOWS lloliywood.-Atig.10. ..'.' . -ii;itii..Htit ' n Ii-ti>r .-ii'f Wiillfr .Mi.-'K.WPn '''Prixlii."ir--.ii.- l^i liMlt/-.. 1 Vi-iI ' |\'rllinviiy, ■.M:il.. l I'.iit;.'; II. !.'tl'.Wiill.ii-. .I.iiil(;f Ili-.iiyii.- (il.inij. I Ii. li-.- . I Ml f : i it >l liy .Itt <irilllHlil. ^s'.-r-.-ni'liiy ■ liy : JitiKlt W.-ill.i.-k.' ."tr .'• hihI. MvvmliiI siiyii.-r.' i.'ii^i'-.l.-..ti .i'iny hy .-Itriir^t'- >J.. . Kiinfiniin :.:utii ' If111:111'- M,i"tiki.-w iiy.': III. r.l-.' 'I'lti-i'.-l..'!.' S|i:uk.lllllV --|:.lll..r. Altlntl- Srilli'i.ll, '-il' ^It.iivn il\ I.; A.. ".Slltf.-.ll. '-I.'l.- iMlI'liilli: lillii'.. till-..illNM.- '. il K.-IIMviiy .lint - IIU1011 .\| i.s -K lint,,.-, K1I11-I llilii.n, I'.lnt .Mt'.t.\ H .-•.... .". . '-• .M.tiy ■ lhlli.ii.,. I.1I111. '.I >r.i,t t.iit Mti*'. y Piiii lim. ill^I'lK." irarvt-y'.'-:^..V l:i:ik.-.. ;. '.-.'.. .. .: ■ -M;il.rl :I'll Iki?: .. il. ii-it V tilkVt- .'. . . . .- . ..I.illi'-.l* ■ tlliiWtt . I Hi. Itii l l lllf ; Ivul|lili;i ; n ' i.iirkinjfl .. I iinit:l.ii.i W.iiiiil N.'r llni .. Vtlrili'ii. ',. t :. . .. .". .i iiiti' linwiiii :: :i;,'ri.iti, i-'.iiii.lot> , W-illlatll- II. 1 l1;iViilj.nn The Law Rides Again : MnnoSriun rt-lon/to' 61. nuln'ri 'I'tuv. V ,,,„, . tlui'llun. Sims Ki-n" Miimui.I, Mii..i •.tit,,". tittn.; ; ftnltllt'H .Ill.'K-'J-tiHll^. lit n> . .M--.IJI-. .'Dlrnt-uiU liy. .Altin ■ .Iiiiih h: 's.-j',. • \.^ ly '' PriMii't-ii.' KHViiiii^iitlt:. i-miti-i 11.'. , 'nr.. 1 y ^' Plrtiiil;-. cillliir. Kri'ii." Ilitiit. .V. Y.. "wd-K.-AtiK.- 9,'.'- , 'i:!, 1I1110, B0 .UINK. At \i \V v.. ., .InkI..'- ■ Kill.' Il|inl '. /...,,'. : , lll'lty..;;..... onii.n..... I'-HJfIt* lOyi». -.'Htiniiiiuit,: ,' llid.l;iir,. . 1 'iiiiinYI)^iilMi(.i: ■ilvl'.i.'.:. . iiu ttk. :.Mtir:.linl,. ShOrlfT.-.^-....... 11. 1 i l l Hill .t>yii: This one " fumbles and' s'lumbles Ih'rougb lift minutes of ruiiniiig.lime'' in • ineffectual attempt to pul over a. light farce thai fails to jell aiiy- w.hci-e along Hie.route. Jf's- a bore- some mid u'fifunny tale whieh will get siipp'ort . 'v.-hviv- nothing. i>|se .is av.ailiiblo: for-(111-in bmikidgs: Sioi-y a I tempts- lo. Iirpadly the hii.mpr of .fraternal order 'eulh'us.iasls. but inissejs.eolnpleteiy. iii bolh script' aiid-direct ion. Ceei l Kellaway is ..the head of ii SinaO-towii lodges and' is h) cbnlimiat- liiianeial '.'dllTicultic* at lionie' Ihrouglv Ivis eoiil-ributioiis 10 the'.fialerrial.oi-deV'. It's .synihetic all the way. with lodge meeluigs;pn ?lis^' play at several points bending .to the silly side. : After/- wTndin through series "of episodes thai projec.1 Keila-- wiiy f-ui'ther -into, ''dcbl, situations finally deve'loji ror -hijn to hit live' "jackpot and gain- ilhah'cial stability, . P)ay on-which: rVlhi is.based, whjeh- was known as 'The. Good - Fellow,' ?«\yas '-produced.,-in: 1M'26 by • Crosby CaigeVbut fliv'veS. Cast is. forced to overplay the vari- ous- assignments-, aiid- direction is far below par. Best thing- about the pjclure'is ihe ..title, , - .': Wall. FRONTIER BADMEN Hollywood.,. '. .. •. I'ttlvtM-fiil .'rHi'a.'*i- 1 ..i.r l'*.ii : ii ■Mi-i'lii- iiHiilin'--' tiuti:. .lit' .■!»>- lilflu-.. ^.'Ki.iiiiii-i-k' ItiilH'iil I'iiiKt'. -A ii'm "livyyinn-. N.inlt i*H.;fy, -.Ir... J.lit.lnr l';iri:y iiiiiii'. -I,t:ii..t.-i.i l illn." . Aiiily 'Ot'- villy. 'rtlo.iiiits ti.iim-x. W'rDkiiii K;it nlmi. .liiitl <'».y. :iirlii;i-itii(-.-li.-i in..nt.l:.v. ■' l.'y. '.Itoi-iilil lloi-;.i>;iily. iin.l .Mn-l::^!i II-. I'..\ :->-.i iili'.r:i.. W11 - 11:1111 Sjl.'km t-:\»-'tUiir. I'l.-.l ' I-i il'^liiitiy. :ir. I'revi.'wi-.l ni jIIIIIniii'i i. I., A:: :An>'. '.'.:-'"Hil. .lilliiiiitiK nut*:.' TI .^IINS. ■ .Hoot Gibson .aiid Ken Mavnard, - known as'- "Trail., Bla/.eis'.. iii this .'- serie's, go .through routine western , gymnastics in this .oats opera.. A coiiVicted. .bandit is-: eiiiplmypH in : ti'ap f). ; ban<| of badmcn siifii'tig up'-'■'.. inju'n trouble-,ih -Arizona. .Gibson and Maynard; use Liiritie as a means : of ;.uncovering a ■ supposedly : honest - Indian agent. It recjuifes abdui >ix '.'■■■■ rcclj; to .bring (he phoney agtm. at'ni. : his..gang:.lo jtistice.-. - '•'.•■.'■.■''.''.'.■'.■.■■,".■ Maynard- and Gibson.' bMj*.: now' appearing: slightly uver-wciglil. make. good pair of western heroes; •Bniiv .an Vide, flgbt and slicioi. . Bet ly" Milas,.boasting a southern: aeeeni. K" .J okay as ihe heart>iniei : est. Kenneth- Harlan, .vol of silohl'rilms; -s ctkay as the ' ci'opked Indiaiv. agent \ -hiie ". LaRu'e goes over,'as usual. . -Brya«i : ': Woshbiirn,. another lead' of: bygone screeiidays,- has a .minorwbit as e'«m-.-. missibner, : . . tVeiir. -.; TORNADO (SONGS)- .Holly^tbodV Atlg. 10.;. --I'm; itii.ilMl i."I..--. n** or' .IMni T -'.riii.iniiji friir ■ llti-i i..ii. -Stiirii 4'Itcs'li-r ' Miil l'l-*. 1 .Vjiii.-y K.II.V;' .iiiii'.'t'.'.t l-y -Wlllitiin. Ili'ik.-.. S.''r.'t'.n. fl./y-l-y ..Mi'i * \v. JJ sli:mt.\ titiiiiiloil rl'.uti Hit.i'v. I.\. .1.-Ini 'lilt.:«l.-l:■ .-tiliu'l-ii-. . j-'rotl .l:it ; Utli:»i. .ir.- : j-.iin.i-, wllliiini XelKlvr: n.iitL-s. ■ l«V.I|>1> J'*» .'l .l. l-'ri-iln l.'K I li.lliinil'-r.' .rnnik I .ni-H-cr. -*l'iI..J4 -lijjii ii' tn'l/.' A. 'Auk; : . : -l'*-. 'Kmininu • ii.i.. HO M'INS. It t"- |t:!ilisl : y....... \'i.'l.-iy Kiin^..... l:..l. iiMiiis-i-y:. . i "It: i ti.-- I(.i' w ... S'«lly vi.u lir-k.'.. ; iiiini.'i: 1 ..1 lid. n:'.'.'. liiiiy l.iti'li n. . -» . ii|.I .M::it .l.iint.Mi-. I'.iK :|...- \ I.k:I|..I(. .'. .Cliosl^i- Mi.riiK , N:ili.'\ ; .Ui-tli- .. .. . . .Itill ll.inr.' ....... .Jill-. Sii WVi'i: ..'. .C'' l\.'ii-yiill' ... Mill ie .M.. | l<ni:(l.l ...Xnil'Kttn i'ni.w^y . .'. .l-'t';.|ilt l.:^i. Itfr ... . , Nrstn*' l';iivn ■.tili.ll:. . Latest in" the Pine-Thomas scries of action fcalitrcs for Paramount' provides stronger dramatic' tale llian has usually been the case wilh pre- vious .issues'of I he "PT product. 'Tor- nado': is it wcll-lold and rica'tly-piiced melodrama that will catch plenty of datings as a strong dual supporter. Coal mining, district of ^Illinois, forms background for the plot 'which- —although' hitting.: usual di*amalic sii idcsVr-has sonic hew.'twists injected to hold audience interest in- good style. - Chester : Morris :' . a young miner, w^ho'falls in lovq. with wati- Titi». tw ».»«i™ i ri .i:;■'»', -.1, "■! dcrihg .showgirl; 'Hahcy/Kelly,' Who Taking. Ihe premise, in ait-a..cUt>lc i t, rPe zeK into town to get singing spot i;i, miners' c?fe.J1angout. 'Girt is par s»i(-v».-;. CllniJ,. .. .Mm........ is • ■lull t 'liiniln'.. .,-:, . stiiii.v.:....;il1l. ..... ! .'Il.-liiliri---, ,'s . Is'i.ili'lAi'l It:111 . i 'lt:iniii.. . . . . ..-.. . :^. '.-. lt..l.i'i-t-|*.'iii:o ..'.'.. : - ..-. v ..Aiiii-:' ljuyiiii't- .-.\Vii|i' |:.'l*i v. Ji- . I .. . Ili:iii:i.. I'.iiri'Vlilitre .... .I..-X.: t'itrrillti ... I tr-ylnr ...,.'. . .Tlii-llll'ii' ■ 1 i!.iiHt->.. ,. . .... nk- l.:i.-ktci>n ... . W.illi^ili l-'iirnlllll .'..... .'. I.on. .fltitnpy Si Ileym's novel of the past. 1 sea.son; is the- basis for ihis^Para- " mdurit nielod.i-auia' about the Czech. ''.underground: moyemeni. ah always iiileri.iely: iiiieresliiig .picturje b.ecatise of ' the' subject' maltei'v .But . as.: a ; fllni \vilh :. iis- miscasting, leisurely- pace and ihdeci«iv6'.';iloi'y;: clcyelop- ment, it's unlikely: lo achieve more (hah mGderaie boxoffice- success..-. It . will have to depend .mostly :on the novel's reputation - oiid. the^ 'cast ■ headed bv'Luise Rainer.-Paul Lukas, • Wjlliariv Behdix and Arltir6.(lc Cpr-. dova foi'M'.s h.o..'di'<~w. ■ s .-Hoslages' actually is. just: 'a..corny intro title that "lif,e should mjiroc t be- movies, -instead • of: the. mo vies re- flecting life-.' the escapist theme of ■'True ,lo -Life" is. ciuickly. set. ' What .unfolds• -wciifthlvi'.-nor .even 'Sturdy', 'but.'sufficient unto the-light entertainment purpose thereof. And with ■ Mary-Martin.'. Fraricbot Tone. Dick' Powell.: .Victor ";Mo6rc. plus sbme good" direction and scripting^ this one emerges'a's.Satisfactory film - .:'.' '- ' ... •' .' : , ■";'''" mine operator who;c6nriives to pie ( .It treats pdio family serials with, vent -Morris'- shaft from producing tongue-in-cheek but'utilizes -the.sra- After ' weaving through series of dio soap. opera,upper; /or. the-plot | us ty.dramatics, climax comes when bulwark of a frothy film. Tone an ; d tornado twister disposes- of : the wife Powell iire the all.wr.ilten-.oul. radio | and Con way,.while- Morris gets his K')!!?i crs 0I ? ine .V«'ge ,of. losing their finances. in shape, for succeKsfiii op-'. lieuiarly' aihbitious- fot; wealth ;ahd' position, and. pushes. Morris until he becomes . a shaft 'y>uperiiilendcnt. Fjiiding. coal outcropping" oh- farm. :W.i|lpcl. to Miss Kelly-—who's sccrdtl.y mai'ried' to Morris^Jatter-form? iie\v company and gets capital for opera t tion.. ■:'■While' '-'Struggling", lo make: things gov the' wife : gels involved in a ff a ir >• i l h Morgan Con way.:, socia I i le S1.000-a-\ve'ek jobs becaiise their. 'Kitty-Farmer' serial .lias become ;lo'o ; phoney... Powell; iii search for.clow.n- to-lhc : pc4sants material. .rViis into hash-house Waitress.' Mary.-.'.Martin: whose, real-life- faniily. and their: zany behaviorisms provide- the aUth'oVs with almost literal libretto. Her family ia'Sunhyside iN. Y. suburb)..-is one of those-'You Can't Take- IfWith You- famil'ies. • Pa .Vic- tor- Moore is a slap-happy inventor and overly. ardent alr-riiid warden. Suffering ma ha? a shiftless brother.- Bill Dcmarest. to • whom .'Moore doesn't . sneak, allhoitgh .- harihg ' the- shape, tor succostiil- op eratioti. •-:.-■''.':■■..'•...■: .Mnxwcll Shane has devised an in- IcreMing script, which is unfolded at a fast and consistent pace by director. William Btrkc. Morris capably.han- dles" the lead spot, with Miss Kelly okay il> the scheming and opportunist wife; - Good support, is-provided by, Bill Hrni-y, Joe. Sawyer; Owen Koh. yhii/- Conway," Trank- Reichof and N.estor P.aiva.,. Miss^Kxilly sings two songs^-'l-hi"Afraid o/You.' and 'There Goes My Dream—but delivery is' rather-weak... - ' . 'Adequate, production: mbtinling. iK prnvidrdv wiih several seqiicnccs un- ronlier '. adincn' is- actioiiful arid exciting 'entry . in I ho. higher-budget western field' and will shape up as strong programp-iOr of its-type for good siippoi t in all datings. Current audience interest, in 'escapist' action drama insures profitable biz... .. Picture., carries:'-usual' quota ^of western' herpicK .including fist aiid Run fights.' to make it hil .usual groove. Uhiversnr combined large group of its coniiacv reiitui'cd lalcn.l ^several in: first .wcslcrii appear- ances—rin the. citst.- Robert Paige, Anne Gwyhiic. Diana Barryinore and Loti. Chai\ey join up'-With- wcsleril vets Noah Beery. Jr.. Andy. Dcvinc. Leo Carrlllo and William Farntim to provide good cast imniifting. ..: Yarn' concerns efforts of Texas ranchers to break Hp cattle-buying monopoly at the Abilene (Kan.) rail- head-, with; Pa Tge leading the bailie to p.i:evcnI rooking of the ranchers through controlled low prices for .cattle. Noah Beery. Jr.. as Paige's sidekiek. geiierales a revirained ro .manee with Texas girl, Miss Gwynhe. while Paige . initially -"outwits ■ card dealer -Diana:- arrynioie. but flirts around'.Mg enbtigli- to fall in .love' with the latter, -'Dcviiie and Carrillo provide their .nsuai coiwdy and dia ; lecl routines for- generous audience reaction. Thomas Gomez heads.the cattle riiig. while Chaney is his wil liiig.'henchman-.axious Tor, guripliiv at all times. - '. ■ Fbr.d ' Beobe.-' handling combo : of pi'oducer-di-roclor cliorcs". keeps the la|e moving at a fast gait, arid- injects Wo - cattle' stampedes through the town to heighten excitement for the customers:- Cast is well sot up..- Paige fits nicely?'as- the heroic aiid hiippy- go-Jucky ?Texan, witK.Beei'y. Jr-.,:de: liVering able -performance : as - the' conservative inemher of the: duo MissoGwyniio .clicks : the Texas chariiier; while j^iss ' iirrymorc catches allention, as. the dealer; de -spite her .minor'-footage. Devihe and Cai-rillo. arc in Tor- usdal.-. siandnrd comedy, relief.-'wiih' aid from Frank Liickteen. a -stoje. Indian k^iifc-toss-' expert, Chaney grooves: okay .a>- aide to heavy .Gomez. . • Wall. Three Bands in Mono Pic ':..■'"•■. . Hollywood. Aug? 10 '. Three name bands, bended by Jan .'Carber;-' Phu-' Ohmaii ' and Henry ilCii.ig.' will werk in-; thc^Monogram iniisical. 'SwceUica.rts-- of ihe U.S.A?.' sialed 'to ?<iart- Aug.- 16 wiih -.Lester Qutler pnidueing; "•"'''"' In-ihe; cast will be Parkyakarka.'! itbseht f iom: lh« screen for'.several ycitt':." >.--. ■''.'"• .K'-n - Mi.Vi .,r.( ■ ■..:,..(.';ii •;.!-)..'.■).• , ..... . . tli.lty M|„ , ......,..,il'".i. r.nJ:.i«' ..:,'.;-. Kuiiii.u. ■ l.iini .... , K. nil, ill U..i^ir iiiif-'rii in .•:.,i„i ."'... Ilr> lini : \\' ii.lni liii,l v -.,'. i."'. .-. l-'ri'.l ■ |i;,.',Ke .' . .i.'li.-.sV .M-ii.ii). ,-.:. ■ ■ . . I Ifai.k - ii i-n 7 MU( .U)iliy ; .| |.«|„. r IN 6-MONTH REPORT Increase- of more Ihaif 7(5'! in 'ihe.'" indicated asset value of Al las Co'rp. common stock, iii- the year ended June 30 the : niial report issued las! \vep\t:[ boinvt - $10.39 a Share last June.ttfl as against $11.01 a year ago. Floyd B, Odium,, president, in a letter; lo stockholders .. announced oslablishmoiit: of, serve for a .prOiniiim on. rcdemplioh of .preferred shares. Because '(he-preferred is-redeem-, able at. $55. pr $5' hiore'"lhart- Ihe share par.yali!0 : ofi$S(f.'-O<lluin.pi>in'i.? . ed out .that the reserve of $1,718,845'. was being' sot up .to prevent (l.educ- lion on the commpii shares oulslaiid'-'. liig, neppri reveals that the largest- * single holding .of Atlas is 4li'-i: of . ' RKO- common. .,Allas" holdings ii) cominoh shares "of- amiiseiiiehl com- - : pani'es-.represent 41.d'.'- of ii]1- com-: iiion. stock's heldi - - In' six ? iiipn.t hs covei ed. hy Atlas' -. report. di.vfdeiidS.- pa id .on .o'ulstand- .iitj ,preferr6d iimouniod \6\ 451(1.372, and- on commbri. ; $fi02.23R. Besides ihe' regular 75c divvy on. pi'.eferr'o'cl -■. payable Sept./l tb:.sloekholders . record Aug. 14. Atlas also has clarcd.' 25c dividend on coninjon, ' ; payable : Sept. l'0: to. stoekholdc-i's'. oh' record Aug. 14. Con 's 13-Week Net Up Despite $177,024 -provision for : Fed- eral'.iioi'mal and suiiax.-Consoli'dated Film Industries net -'.profit .amounted to $245,704 for Ihc quailor ended last Juno 30. as againsl. $11(1,866 in ihe 1942 second quarto-, this is after ail charges .and provision for taxes In .both-cases. The net is equal to 50c. per jjreferreci. shase and' .Ac on '■". the common? as. compared wilh -.'Klc shown.-on the preferred and nothing- on-the commori. in the second quarter', a year ago. '.' - -'•' Consolidated (wil'h heavy 1 stake in Republic Picttnesl aetualiv showed lief.profit of $4'2:!.(i28 before piovid-*: ing.'fbr Federal luxo.-i. ' Coi-poralion lias 400 000 shares of jirefei recl and 524,973 common shiires outslanriin Earnings are subject t» the ien'e'iioli-- atioii: provisions or ;the Na'tibniil liCT fchs'e" App'rbprial i ■ Aei;: the., coin-?. ■ pahy, reported?-'?'•' :•: -? ': ■ Studio Contracts '?■':".. "." . Hollywood; ; ilgV .. -•' . Nacio Herb "Brown . inked one- year songwriter P.acl at 20th-Fox. . Leigh Jason renewed as dji ector at Columbia: . : . ■ .Cecile ; Kramer signed' contract.. by?IliaiTy. Shevrrtaii.' ' Dennis Day.- i-adw w;;rbiei',-Metro. •'; Guy } Pearcc j-cnew.c< i!6th -Fox . as makeup chief. . Valya Terry's 'mii!Or:.contr;rci : ?\Vil-h;' Repti.birc': -'japprovod V '•' •••'-.'Stipori.or- Court. • : ,."'■' ':';."■'■■-• •' "■'■ ■ ; - Ted Duiiean, Vomposei'-arriingori. Metro. :... Erford Gage's player option lifttd - by RKO. - -.' ■ ?.... '■' ;■ ..' : ■:>. ; ? ; ■ Charles Lalig's actor opiiori -picked up by 20.lh. '".\■'■-'■■■ ..Twinkle . minor pact with Republic .\ approved " ■' • Superior Court. •' .-' •'. .-' • ■ ' -.