Variety (Oct 1943)

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Wednesday, October ^0, 1913 PICTURES 27 Mayer s $949,765 Gross Shrinks Washington, Oct. 19. ;F,i I In industry furnishes 215 of the ;■ 922 persons who. were baid $75,000 or more, during' 1941, or during a JL-ical year beginning in 1941 : and ending ill 1942; according to figiires rclea.sed by .. Secretary of 'thfe Treas- ury Hei\ry iyiorgenthtiu. Of the .83: making $200,000•. or .jnore for the ':penotl,; pictures, led with' 39 narnes.v A< had been previously announced/ Loiiii iB. May€fl- led.the country lor the auh ! straight': year, with $949,705; or. $245,340 more than in 1940. Of the . first 10; one was a ' woman^. Ginger Rogers ' .With $355,000 to . bring hei- in ninth. Figures in the Lcasury announcement include: . ialiiiics, commissions, bonuses and other coiTiperisatipn of Mayer's near>~ ly $1,000,000 grosSi it's been figured' lie keeps aroiihd $140^000 net.; Several of the film' people.- such '.N.Bin.^ Crosby and Charles.Bpycr, \\erc on the payrolls ot two orymore .companic.^;. Treasury lists by in-: dividual corporations and Tor each, livrn li.-:!.-; Ihosc who got $7S;000 or ".inowe." . - . ■ ■ Thus, it a film star got $50,000 from each 6f two companies, he was,not H.^led at.all.. If hi? got $100,000 frOm ■ oniv slUdiii and . $50,000 fi'om a sec- ond, he wa.-; listed only fpr (he com- pany paying him the $ltl0.6op. lii tbc case of .yiiCh men a.s Crosby and.- Bob Hope, only Iheir plctl^re ci\in-- jnjjis arc given. No figures are.Riven on top radio, earning^ by arlisls.. : Fpllowins is the list.of film cor-: pprstions 'which 'pa,id the salaries' and those who gpt the big flisiires: . . I'liiii-lr*,-* f'iKinliil -VHui (,'ii|'|t.: .-c'Jrirli's C'hii|>llii. *|iH.l"HI. l>.'>;S. 'IViiiliii'iii|iis. Ini-.: .\irr,'i1 llilih- c.i.-!.-. JIT.-i.ilMi: li.ivlil (>. Si'1/.lilil;. *sT..".(:il: ,.S.iim'(»*I IJoldtt j ir,- lnV... r.l«l,: lliii'v ru<'l»ir; ■ ;:!i:i.lTT. • . . s;;irli),'lil.' Inc. :. Cliei;<>iy rj« C'uvn. - 2.'tii. ■;. (Siiliiry. u<-»'j'iic*l.' UurlitK' iM>i;iiill v».r- liiij :S«*iit. :!u. .'llfrj.. hut. t»y piHivlifimi.s iif: ('■.iitT:ii-t.'.»l:iiriI' '.S'uv. L'. -JO^O. pny.:ihlu <ih!y <i( iiiii' or *-.<H«> per week.) ' , I'iilOiitl)!:! I'ifiiireH: Stiniiier: niMltoff,'$I]'J.' 2.-.11: .•iuiiiuol isrisklnl WH.OlW; Slilri'v- Hi'iirli- iiiiiii. sv7.:i:i.i: linrry ( ulin. $I4.V.SIH): Jurk • f.ilin. S.vljKK)- Ji.innlil. C'uliniin. JIIHU""': <^iyy Ci^iiii. tKMi.niHi: .M jtHM, Jl.ll.-.ii.S: J'Vi'.iii.- .\hiivh. :!:|iHi.iHKi: AhiHliiim Miinin- K1II-. ST.v.-.i;!;: I'm ii', $1(io.ih((>; ■ liii.r i:ii.-<'<ili. suNi.fmo: .Abrahnm' Si'lini'ldriv ■ ):7.''..-iii;:.Sliiiiwyik. jao.uwi: i-viriitt Viiiint. if-'.-Llhlli..' ■ • ■ ■ . . •■I'.i.-i-Wi'.st \'ti-M*t. ABt' '■ . Cliarles. 1*. SI<i>Mi'(i>'.-^SMtu.tNlii, . Ini-.: |.;il«;ir.I .^i nnl.l. »rO(>.."".1.1: ■ Ill-Ills: .A.-.liiT; $;.-.:;.\\:nllnd- IWt-iy. »1-1(>..-' - OIKH;. I!ii.-<lfy- i;erk(-l.-v.. <i||.|.IKHI: l>iiiiil|-ii S. . 1:>>i-iniiii. t£u;,.'ill)lh-J):ivii1 Ui-riislein. f'.'.SI;-. ' Ti:i: l-'i:ihk- Hni-xiisc ?;'."i; 'Cllimirg Jlrinvii; T:>.in(l: .linil; (■:ri,-rlok. $T.H.T341; J. J. C.iliu. .v]ll.-,.i»IH>; fllin;ilil t'olilllin. tlH".. 3M:..i, vv.' i iiiisiiiiii^'. ,11-:. si;iMi-j.'i: j-.uu- . l*iill\v;iy,-.>!:>.-;.7."HI: .lurm; fi-jtwrnrj, ii"::; .i.n-1: (-*tllunlitl^'H. $ui."i.niHt; tli'iiVi:>. <*iiku»-. s-l-.iii'O; ^ li«\i-:M'ii ■ Dil'iz, $7.'i.:rii»: K"y ll'-l Uiith: 7.'j,7."ll; .MiMvyn IliiiiKl.-iw.: ?r-'-.',iai(l: Sam IvckiiKiit. .Ii-:. .^KM.Ji;; HiitrE.|.|y. flOI.'.'.Vl: Vlrliii- larmInK, tll.'I.- au;: si.lnoy. I.Vankliii.. .■;i.'i.'1.7.'iu; .\i-rhui- Kr.-.'rt, tld.VlKlO: Chijlt, »l!l.s.T.-,i); <ir.v.i- dii.-iiiti,,. «ll!;u: Ciililr C:llil>iinii. *'.ll.*i7.'; Hi^n r;iii-lz. fIli.-t.dlKi: ' .Krum-i-H fiUiiiiii .r.liidy Ciai-liilKll. -$1 M.IMHI;' Kallli-r- lm> ll«|>liiiin. ?l.v.s,!ilr,; l:. M. Ilyiniui. »-.1i'.Mnr.'; iiiiiii Kiilz. ?TJ I,.Itnbrrt '/.. ).' :il-il. ?'-'lli;rNHt; .Mi-i vili . I .i< Ilo.v, $i.s:i.- . 7." .M Lii'liliruin, .'■•J.*in..-iu;l: Aiiliiir LJh'W, ♦lill'.'-:::.; .\nliii .I.imih. ^k.s.;:7.'i; ..Myi-nii I.iiv, . .l.ihir l.i-i- .MiOliil. ;'7'.l.liu;: Jom-hIi JlNiiklfwu-K. .T|.-i7,.-,oiir K. .1. .Miinnl.-i. S:;'.4;- 1:!".: .1. <;. .M.-ivoi. t7.'<.7."ili; l.miis U. >l:iyi i-. »!M!'.7ii;.: Ki;iiik .xrinuaii. itIiKi.'a::.'; J.>:in>>iiv Mii>-.i>iMi:ii.l. faiHijini: .iiiiiii>s K. Mi-cnui- n.-iis.. ?lil.:(7.-.; Xoniiiin ■ .Mi-I.ciul, :-Sli.';jl<):- Jn-e|ili l*:ist«>i-n:ik, 5:l'J7.M.",sv ^V;iIll■^ -I'itlc- CiMi. ¥lMl.7.-.ri: Kli-;ill<>r IViWi-ll, ?si).llj.-.: Wil- l|:iiii i'..w.ri. $'J4l'..".(i<i: llm-ry l!ai>f. jum;.. ii-.'i;: 1-;v-. n n liliikin. ^H4.iiii(>: W.. ISh-^i-vm. Itniii.iiiid: .\ii,-Kpy IJuinx-y.. $).vi.o.>c:: .J. Wai- I'-l' lOflii'li.. XWI.'.JHK); ,1. Itiil'l^i-t lUlMil. SJi;:i.v:ii;. \v.-.«i. y Huiicics. ^L'rj.iij'.; vi-i..i- .s^ivni.'. .•i,i(i.-,.c(iiti.: iiiii'i- s»-Ij;ii-y.. >;*<t.!iV.''; '.V. M.. >it-iii.;u.k. s-iicni-cc .'^i';!-/.. .S7i:.- .71111; .\-ni:iii;i slii:ii'<-i-. M^i'i.tHK): lUiln SlH-m- l"'!..-. xji;7..".iM'; Niiiiii:in T:iin-iii.'.' XK-'; '-"!!: lt.i'..i'i-l 'r;tyl..i-.'. !:jul,i;*HI; ni-iij'aliiili - 'Cll.iil. - *l7;i.v77; *rliiii-|ii;. >;i|..s7.",; Sri'iit«-r Ti-iii y. :-.':::;. 1(11: w. s. .Vim li.vki-. i. liii: . Kl\it: ' \"i.l.ii-. SIMl.MIlt); l:ii\v.i-<-ni'i- W.-iii- . K.-tiii'n. ■ ^'.'1 i.ii-ji:':. (.'im-v. 'W.ny.'ii. $ini:.:int: AVUlhlirt Wyli-1-, $(:!-.'.-jllK; Udiuil Viiliii;;. $IL':'..!llli:. Shim X,illl1i:i linl.' .'«s--',iuii1 .Mnl'<-u?i Ijit-vv lliiiikii'ii; .N-^-. i-y: -T.. l-'r1. il- m-.iiK iLv(..villi;- r. c. .xrnsUiiwir/.. siiii:;iiiHi. J. i;.; v.rjci. i;7!i..".«ii>. '.\.il iiiiiii|.. ■Tlio;tti-i'.i - .\tiiii!». --.f'o.-. [HI-.: f llal-|i\.. l\ Skiiui-lis. ?1'J-.'.(i:i.-i; . Sl'.M'i': .*lki>in-aH. .s-j.-.:;,!!!!.*., ' ' . I'.ir.iiitiitjilt i.'irlllri^*. Inc.; rlantli^ ]:itiyAii,' *'t:.-.'.".ll:,'.ell:,!-!!';-! Iiiiyi;i-. -^HiIi.immi; . l-'rank - llns.-.'ll .l:nll.-i.: ■S.SI..-11III: .\1:iil.-li-in.-. (• in-.i|l, . *I-.'.7:W:. t.'t:iu.lf.,tTr l'oIlif'l-|. Ul.lHlil: llai-ry li. Mtihl;) l*i-,i, l.y.^-;in(.<NH): Ci-Oliro 15, lllllih" li.' .s.vl>a, »-.'.-.ll.U'll; V. Knilik l-'i-i-i-n'-lii. sMi.i.iKHi; lu-iii-\~ liiiislicii;. itlHi.-Jili|; I'liMli-ii.- <i-. I'lar.i. .<:i;i'j,7:i7: l>il«-:ivd'lliilUi«-,-< i;i-itriiii. >;i-.-i,:i.':r.; i-ni. iiai"-.!: Aiihiii'.llani- I'lt'w. ..If,. sl,'ii;,lHlfi; liiiriilhS' S, Kainiif-yiv * II' 'lly l.aliatiii-),- S11n:ll-'--'>r Jaiuo,^-Milrlll*)[ I. M-.-n. xvi;n,-.; l-'i.,.l .\I.-.\liii-ra>-. *-j;ill.:i:c;; ■ I ,.\l..(-|-. a. X|i;il,,-.s:!: .Millanil. KT-'l.- •(■^l:- ,\laik S„|a|i-ii-ll, !f|-.'ll,7llV; Vli'tm- ,-J|'lli>l'l - Zliii;.-!-. .SIUI.IHMl; I'l-i-Vl.-n >:illl-i;..'.-<, .SV;;|I.SI i; I 11,111-. . '|-ii-,.i.,i " siiii.iiii;; .A'iminia V,-11 sT;,.siUi: w'miiiiii VV(-lliiiali. :f'"l.- I Svii; A.a,l|.ir-/.,ii;,.i-. xi-.-i.-.;mi. . '.I .1: Ki i-Ua-Tlai 'rii'tiiri>. I in-.:. 1 laviil V.iiil'j-, ,;, SI l-'.ilrM ; N.-.l . Jir|ilil..-1; S77^J|ll: I l.-.ri-.v 1-: i- ' lii-,:t,.M.; .sin::.:;:;::; Ta.s - (.im ii':i<. ' .STii-;. i;i;i. .' /■ 'p.. 1^,-1111.. .-^iiil..*ii;-_':-. I'liin-li--- l,;iiii;llii'ii.-1 ."I'll.Vili; (-;ii,;-,. .[,,1111 iihl.' $117..1ll:; Vi.-;..|- ,M--l,-p;:i:-,i.. .<v_>.-jj-j: [;,,iiiM,,,i-. ».v..i:r.r.; | ''• i-ui T' .<nll.llllll; l-.illhtll l-i'll-Pi'li. I f'\-.'.".i!: ' iix.ii!, W-rlli'.";'?|lHl,l|ilii. •.-I'Di r-'i.;; :. ii,.,i - ,\i)i, <-ii..., .<;i-;;;::;;r,: , .1 -^la li. ■III. il.'Sl-jl. Ml; ,.Uii-), l;i-li-u,. 1.1 ,: I'l ii, , i -„|l„.|-i. SI.-il.lHiii: , li-i M--;.! I'liii 11.■! si::ii,i:.VM: Kii-ljiif-il vVi-i>i.-ii Ii.n , ; - )i7-:.iicifi; ,l--.n. .':.-iri<.i. ii;i;;- ||,.|i|-i. K,,ii.i.i. .1 .>ii:.s,v7.".. .i,,|,i, K„,.i. .<H!i.,-,>.:';. .r.-.n.- i,;r.i,': . ' S-.".,lliill: U lllialii Cm 1-.!, ."illll.ll'lll: Ma.l. I h - ; lli.';;-r. SI/.il.ll'lll: " '. .aija llMi;-. SI li;.'..\i. i ■ Niii..i..;i., .iiiii-in,,ii. stii-j.'j:.ii; l;n-ii-i . 'r • K,iii.,, .Mliii.iiiii; s. i;. K-. iii. xi'ji;..-.!!!': 11.111- ■ Ivi-i'.- :f(i;7.;,iiii; Kiit-niu, s7'.;|iini.> \\.''--r.'l.i'i.-j, .>:i'ji:i.:i;, » iii.nni i..- r:.-.-..i.. ,i!;i:.-iiiiM: l:,,i|i ,.|| \l.ii.,..ii|;.,„. .^77..'Ji,i>; ' \i'.;.ie .\ri.\o. fI lii.i:;,".; >iiiiri' .\r.;^-;-,.-5;7s.--\ Sounds Like Tom' Show ; Hollywood, Oct.-19., irst starrer for Vera Hruba Ral- stohi skater, under heir new player coniract at Republic is '.The. Monster and . the .Lady.' Last' tag oii her monicker was sUidip-inspired. ' Eilnimg ."starts this Aveek with George: Sherman as producer-dircc- tpr.- ' ,. ■ 12 Filiii Companies Sued For $474,000 In N. J. Anti-Trust Action Newark,: Oct. 19. Suit 'motion-pictiire convpanics was filed in Federal Court licie: Thursday ifl4) - , MaUin AmusetnCnt Corp:,- optrators of the Park theatre in Highland Park; N. J,. Damages totaling . $474,000 : were asked .. the' corriplaint, .which charges unfair pi'actices : and mo- nopoly under the Sherman Anli- Trust Act. ■ - ■ :Plainlin; company , contends that it was unable ,16.obtaiii rsl-ruii .pic- tures for the Park' from 1940 through! 194:). Naiiicd as defendant- com-: panics were: Trenton-New, Brunswick Theatre Co,. Trenton Theatre Building Co., Waller Reade. RKO Radio Pictures Co.. Vilagra'pli. Inc.-,. Param'ouht, Pic- tures, Inc., 20th Century-Fox.' Film Coip.,, Loew'Si inc.'. United Artists Corp., Big U .Film .Exchange Inc.,. GoUimbia Pict.ui-es Cor rid Repub- lic Pictures Corp. / TWIN CITY EXHIBS BREAK RANKS, SNAP AT SELVES ' Minneapolis, Oct. 19, : Conflicting and apparently irrec- oncilable interests are preventing Twin .City - independent exhibitors from getting anywhere in their iSght against percentage, high .film rentals and 'inequitable' . trade - practices, their leaders: say. The- boys .just won't slick together, buty instead, pelmit self-interest to govern their action's, it's charged.'.' , romincnt -Minneapolis and St. Paul independent exhibitors now have taken their guns :olT the-disr tributors, temporarily at least, and are training them oil each pther^ . - Disney's 18 One-Reelers ' Hollywood, Oct. 19. Walt Disney added six bne-reeleis to his . fllining .schedule;'making a tptai of 18 for the year, all to be distributed by.RKO. . Newcomers on the .shooting Slate are .three Goofys. two PUitos and one Donald Duck. Schedule calls for the completion of at least one; single-reeler every three weeks. Krioxville Will Vote Oh Sunday Pictures /Memphis', Oct. 19. KnoxviUe. one of Tennessee's! four major cities, may get • a chance to vote sppn oh .Sunday pix: . ' The State -Supreme Court .ia'st week okayed a petition from the Knoxville city council for -permis- sion to submit .the question .to', the citizenry by referendum. Supreme body's favorable decision was Unani- mous. ' in Detroit,' Oct.. W. .•This city •stiU continCie.s to gel its fiareiips 'of theatre .hbodlumism de.- spite the.organization of .all.lawveh- fprcenient, education, ehurch and recreation bodies intp one organiza- tion formed at the Governor's re- quest to .dope' with tuveiiile delin- quency,' ; - . Latest was in serious sltull injuries suffei-cd by. Gcraldine NpWieki. 19, who was taken Ip'/Recciving hospital from : the , Palnis-Stule, downtown; house, after being- struck oil the head by a pop bpttle. thrown from the balr cony. Pix was .'iBehind Ihe Rising; Suii' which {ireyibusly Had iiiet.with putijurs.ts from" vociferous kids in llie audicrifce; ; Theati-cs "heris. are being particu- larly wary that the cilywide cl-usade against - juv'enile - dclinqiiehcy docs not take a new tuiii/ them since the. newspaper' furore here has flush^ out numerous writers of let-' Icrs to the editor whp blame pix to a degree for kid^' lawless tendencies; Tlie new ma.ssing of all agencies for towiis in this area into o'n'e commit- tee for united action is considering a eui'few and a special drive is under- way to-provide plehly of recreatibnal places along- yourig ideas for .the thou.sands'pf foplloose - ids ' in Der. troll whose, parents are in the war plants.;' ■ : ; /;,' ; ' '.,.. ' ■ ': Many of the all-hight theatres here are .talcing drastic steps, to prevent youngsters from . slipping-, in., with the Rbjcy requiring-iatecorners. tb show ./.their ' .factory . identification badges. Plants here are holding to a.h lB.-yeaf-pId limit oii emploympnl and those able to. Hash badges estab- li.'ih themselves' as being of the legal -age tp get in. . , . T">4l:. .\Iri-t'J .S'l'li'iiiiill;, A7N,llllll; ,l:i«-k: rial,(f, ?i;:S;:rj'»: Wiiii.-nn iViUi-ii-, s7.v.-.•>:;: ■rivuiu l",.u.-i-, S-ji>:;.-U'.7; Ciiiij,-..'.- i:,i-,;--i.-. ,<Vi.".,ii'i:i .iii.-''i:iiii '.xi. s< liciii- ..' ¥111*;.;:":;: i;aii.ti.ij."ir i Si-'.iU'. ■■*''ii:.'"j;ii; .1.1; .<vvi-i Mill;:: .'::i7,.*-iiii; s-.i j Wiil-li:"!. »iri.!li:ii: Dai 1,11 Xaiiii.-k, S-.-'ai.-.-7,'.: i .riii\-i*i-.-aI . I'ii.airr-,*,v I--:,.. 111. .:■ Kil l- ,.V'.!:-i;: ' ai'ul' l.iai.. I'iiMit'-Ilii. 5,''..^'*, I'u::.; ,". ,1,. nii'mi-i i..-l-'. Sllirt.iUS; ( lial-li-v l!..y.-i-, ,>ilj"i.l)liil: .,T, . |-|„-, V. i-.('ii»-iiln. SI-il,S!i,>i; ,\I..i:-ii- n;-l.ii-li, -| SL'lHf.lHHI; tr'Ml.'. Illllllli\ ,^I.IIIJ,*1(I: .i<:,|iia .VI.ii. (ii.alilla) imi-i.ill! -*tlV.I--'-'.;. lli-i l.; Kii.-ilP-V. si.'i,v;iNii»: rii.-ii-if-s i*i-iiixiii:i'ii. .-(tiii,-.'.'.;!: .1, Ji, ;:-liiiail;- ,<lilll,,'iini; Wall. ,- W'aii'f'a, ¥l-.~;.- r.iHi;. i:iiirWink.. *if7;ii;;i. . Vhai-i Hill.'- Iiii-;: .-'..('. l-:;ii^-M: .«l---V-'iiMi. Wai n, I- Urii,-. I'i.ilui-I a.'-.: 1 ,'".'"1 I' l .-ilTi-,!!!!",-'.-;Iai-k lionii^': .'<IJ.'..Mail: ,1..:-, ,ih -):-iiilia'i.(.: sr.-MKni; lli-iiiv- i;lanl,i-, <l"l Hfi"; lliiiiililii<-:< l:i»-.-iil, iltll.,'--''; Ch-ii'-^ l'.-..V.r, .-il-J.^l'Mfl; f:i,.t|-:;»- I Iri.-lil.' .Sr_7;il<ia.: .Lull'.-:- i-;i>;ii.-;, ,-<-.-j;i. I li;V l-'|-al:k- l.",.iala. ,< IH^.I'I'i: ''li.ii-i.-" CnTiUvii. S'ltC'iliu; .,\'lt, Iii-.-; "i.'in-i siim.-Jiiti: K. iif , r'a\i;-. .;i;;:iL'.:{::::; . i-::i'»; I- 'lytiii.'. -S-Jlit/iaMi:. '. l.'.'.i' -i-'i.ri:.-i:'-;ii. ->i -*:'aHi. .h-iii-: - r.ihiKii ',,»-:,n ■,s>'j.'j;.'i: i-;.iiiiiu.«i taatl-liiii:,. ,-<'*L'.-VuM; riii-y ' ilr-ini. Sl.'tii'"'": II- .«ar.l ITank.-,, ,<i l-.'.,'rilll; :\\ -: • - nil-i..ii: S,i:!.l:.-.v. V-i illMM. l-,-'-.::lil.-.\ . S|ii:i.:iii;; -.x..! - 111; (I - K*l',l^ •!.": .^ui;:.?,"^!'; ,i.-s.-.-. I.,i-: , , ,■-^::;|-j,■.: - i;i.ii.-ir. l.- i'il. .<v-j:i";ii. Vi-.h:- ,\i.:r. li. .trim.iMiii. j:.-. vr,111. .1 .\la.->.-; : ..<>•"•.il'm; I'.iri-'. i:iii.',ii-'iiii.. sr-_-:.7Mv:' I-:MV.-,ir t iJ. i;::i>'- iiL-i,", Xlni-.i.nii); .'. ■..iiiiii I ,.---, iiii; ill:-!, :s7~..ii<i'.i,. :\"lln' SiliMiilail. i?7:i..l^;t; l.irliaia ,". .iitw.ii.k. .vi'tHi.iKiii'. .Sii-MU'i'. *-iji:. II . :-,' -i: .-,.: ii'i'i; ■ 1: .> 'y': . -si'i-f a;, .it!-I' j\ nil---, sml.tiiiii.'-(; ■ •!.-: '.i-. v> a I. :. .-sir; .-iaii.;'. r..:x i.,,. .\\.;.i,-■ :'si.^-,-.'.i"i. ■ .'l.h'i-i 'u. -.- :i iiiiiiirit'.r'i,r i-.i'll. I, i.ij.■ .111» :.^ :ili ^iiii\\ l.til a|..: 1-!•!,■»: -.\lli": ■-.- ■Hi' '-- .■. i.i;..ia:. .::i;...'..i. i-i'• -■•. :>■■. :-.: ■I-:.-.1,1 K ,-ii.—i,. /-ii'i-', I'" ' :i- ; S:JMJ.l^% . ; ■ ' U-li . V'li'.a'lial:^,'** II,.-.: .^•fli.- S'.i-J. '.1'. ,1: II S -i-.i-;-..Ii.:!! .1-. . *:'l,:-"".- ;r.'.i,';';,-^; 'i' -vii.■.';^i|''j.'ti ' 1-: ,.;', v...... ..r .,\-i"i 1 -;i- • i. .-<ii-'i:-'iii. .' ; WB. McKeespbirt'Damace iltsburgh. Oct. 19; , : Vandals broke into "WB's Memorial thcalr.e in McKeosport Fast week and looted the lobtiy of statues of Lin- coln and Washjiiglon, each weighing about 75 ppiind.s., A 'companion slatUe of Dante .was fpuhd shattered, when mshager Lou Fordan opened Ihe' hpMse, . Thieves, ,wilh a bent for 'islory. "apparently had nolhing but contempl Tor Ihe classics .since. In addition to leavirig behind ihe broken Daiitc, didn't touch anolhcr slatye of Sep- l.cmbcr Morn. Statues were valued at arouhd $10p apiece, Fordan said. No Pl,x for Jiives After SIjC Minneapolis. Oct. 19. Growth of juvenile delinquency and continued agitation for a new curfew law and its strict, enforce- ment have caused many 'local, the- atres to place restrictions bh chil- dren patronage. A number of (he houses do nol ad-, mil the kids during school hoiirs; or. allcr C p.nii on. school •days. igns lo that ,cfi'cct • arc-; prpmin i(iy dis- plaj'cd. oiv bp.Nofiiee w indows. - Dance Directors in Pi)i Organize, 40 As Starter HoJIyWowci. bit. 19: Diiiice dire.cloi'.-' (irguivizcd a. Jicw guild; with an iiiii ial: iiioriib'ci-.-liip of 40, lakiir4 in-bollv .'JCiiloi' aiid junior i.i-.unil)el's,. Onii'OVs ' al e D.inivy prc-iclpiil: /LcRo.v P.rij; ,.' vicc-prexy, and '- ;ChUck Mcl.i'ci!. in lh(v (Uuii olTicc Uiry-li'ca.^-urc.'r. '': RKO Ups AI Dawson ■ Al. Dawspn is scheduled fur op: ppin Iment shortly.. as -1 reosu'rcr of RKO ■ Servrice Corp., which. opin-ales RKO Theatres,' arid'alsp. br Kcilh-, AlbeerOrpheum- Corp.; In this t;a- pacity he jvould serve as assj.^iimi. It) Malcolm Kingsbcrg, Rko.lnc., lii'.aii' cial' V.';v ■"■'.. ■ ;. r ': W. . Clark; is slated to become ti-easurer of RKO Radio Pictures. .., ♦ Rosumlhg the witness stand ycsr tc'rday attcrnoon ('Tuesday)'- at the irial of-tlie eight detcndanls charged. w'itiV exlortion of more than Sl.OOO;- .000 .froin the film ;induslry. Willie Bibfl'. under; cross oxSniiniuioii. by (he dcfensie counsel fou \\w Chica;i , inotistci'.s, tcslified th'at he liopps and ' .prays that, his x.seiVlciici' wiM. be shortened as .a result oC liis- (tiscliVs- 'UI\CS..- ;■ -■ ■-' ;: / (^ounscl asked. Biopfi i( Ivo had djs- cii.sscd ijiis -iihortpnlng of -; (he .;si'li- tence! with, anyoiic, Biolt '.-iaid iliat he; had discussed It \<-illi ihe prose- cuior. Boris Kostelanelz. . 'Theh you have some hope pectations-thiat :;pur sentence will , be shortened for helpln.g. the Govern- ment?' asked cpunsei. . .'I hbpc arid pray- lhal :ioriietiiIrig ' will be .dbnc,' Bioff answei'cd. ' . ioff said he had retained an, at-. Iprriey since, his conyict'ioii 'to rcp- ;rcserit; ill-my hitcrc.-ils. Includiii the.possibility of shbrtenihg niy sc.n- iciicc- He declared that lie know of no other ihdictmerits against, liirii in , N. Y.; He- said he, believes ' there is, an iridictment against him. in. Call- ■ "fdrnia, .but did not- soy on what charge.: , .--' V !'", tit-s for .income tax evasion, and the studip unipns want, him to'siaiid trial thereoiij ■ , 'Never Inside a Booth' ; . CouTisel 'then ; shifted to, testimpriy given by Bioft aonceriiing the demand made by the lATSE for two projectionists in each iMolion piclurt house lb Chicago., Couiisel, a,sked Bi6lT.^it- it was necessary 'for two men to. serve in" the same booth: Bibrt. answered: 'To be hondsl with., you., i never: was inside of a bpoih in my life,* B.ibft"; saidv'at yesterday's (Tues- day) . trial; lhat Nick Cirdclla.' cori^ vicled v. Chicago ' gangster. who pleaded guilty to extortion - and was .sentenced t6 eight years impri.son- mpnt, and George -E.-' Bro'ync. :con- viclcd'exrpresident of the lA. would be able'to;back him; up on his te.sli-- mi5ny. They", arc, expe'ctcd' •be Government witnesses. Rcsuriiing the witness stand yes- terday (Tuesday), and Mon*i3yt 18) in N.. Y! federal couil, Willie Blollf, the convicted labor racketeer bm- -plificd :the incidents in- brief though lucrative'career as a film iiriipn' leader. As defense counscU. James D. .C. Miirray fired away-at- him during yeslerd.n.v's .sesiioii, Bioff rchictantly bared details of the $150,000 shakedown of Lpcw.'s and., RKO theatre circuits in! New York . city -in .1935.' Monday's (16); sesisiori was igh? lighted by Bioff's revelation lhat during the 1941 trial in w-hic.h he and Gcroge E. Browne. weVe con- victed and sentenced lo pri:ion- I terni.s. he had 'lied, and liofl arid, lied' on ordersjtrom 'the boys.' Ifa . (urlhor dijiclosed-thai he had writ- ten a sincere appeal'for tcmiiorary release from' prison shortly after liie .. Pearl, Harbor aliiick in order (o. en- list arid gel into llie n.'4hi! bi;it dur-, ing croi's-cxaminaliori coun- sel Murray questioned whelhor the letter wasn't! written so liial io(T could rclurri tcr>l)is ranch, operation in the planning and e;<ccu- lo is the Ajhiof wiliuiys at the .. lion of alt .' war drive.^ which .shall l extortion trial in N. V. of the Chicago Daily Variety's' Ungary Roddy Called to N. Y. By Bioff Defense Att'y Hollywood, Oct. 19.- ■ Defense counsel in the trial of. eight defendants accused by' Willie BiofT iiv N. Y.; federal'court, as lead- ers iri. a $2,500,000: e>;iortloo !rllig, had .siibpb'ena,s i.ssucd for varipu.-i.rigr ures in the filri),'labor arid newspa- per .sectors of I-loUywood. Summoned to appep- in New York Oct.' 30 are! Pat Casey, producer- labor contact; L. C.. liclm. bu.siness represoritatiye ql ■ Sludip.UIilily 'Em- ployees Local 724;y Arthur 'Ungar, editor (if 'Daily Variety'.; Ralph Rod£iy,:labor contact for " Va- riety';:'W. R. Wilkerson. L. B. Mayer.: Harry Cdhn,.Lew C.-G. Bli)i, Charles Skouras, Harry M. Wariier. .George H! -. Davis, Harold, y. Smith and James Shaw, autonomy leader of lATSE Local 37,,which;was sculllbd by BiofT. . ■ j . \ Witnesses were' given priorUy in applying for- railrpad transportation and .advised, that -their expenses had been. deposited with .the" U. S. mar- shal's'pfltice in! Lbs Angeles. EXTRAS' SEPT. HAUL AT NEW HIGH, $436,500 ;Hollywood, Oct. 19? . Wages of film, extras reached! a total pf $43C..i00 in September, an' allrlime recprd for any month, in the history of motion pictiires. It was more than, twice the amount .col- lected .by a tinosphcre players in .Sep- tember last.year.' ■ . . ! Figures released \jy the Screen Actors Guild-show! a total cif 1,245 daily placements at an average daily Cvage of $12.96, or J!4c higher, than tlie ne'w scale demanded by the SAG to! replace the current $10.50 call. Next tp September, the high- .'cst monthly report this, year was for July, with an expenditure of $400,500 for extras. ' '■ SOPEt SPG, Company Policy on Drives Asked In a joint resolution to homeoffices and exchanges where the unions have contracts, the -Screen Oflice it Pro- fessional Employees Guild and the Screc/i PubliCLsts Guild. N. Y., the heads of the companies •involved are asked that 'henceforlii! the SPG and SOPECx'develop w ith "management a, consistent and uniform policy of C()- include the pro(c,ssiorial and white collar emplpyecs of Ihe'New York filrn offices.' , A second re.'OUilion points but that '.since thtn.ecd for a'coordiriatcd col- lection and dislri.bulioh- agenCy for relief funds lia.s been recogiiizcd na- tionally by .the creation of 'the: Na- iiiiiial War Fund, which is .cooper- ating with (he Labor War Chc-l. ancj ' ihc.-;c combined drives Avrli be luuMchcd in the homeoffices shorlly ■gangsters;, all allovt'.d - n)emi)ci's (if : ihe old Al Capoiie mob. and Loui.-t. Kaufman, busiriewi agf-nt of'^44, •of the Newark. , . . :. projcclionlst union, who are charged wUhicxiorl- iiig rriprc than $l,()00,9!)l) from . p'rn-l'- irt the film iridu::try. : The tripl is in il.s sqcbrid :wi'i'l; bcC'ir Judge John Bright an(l a-j-iir/. Mixrray during cro.-;'s .e.v'amirial: ,' .•igain . accusfid Bioff of selling' but :rj()cal 30Ci projectionist :unipri. i Metro. Warners. .VVallcrs. oi .(;cro- |. thill Ihc^ Sf'G "ri'l SOPEC'. repi psont-1 Mew York. ; Ing the. white collar and:Profe:fsibniil , thompsoh-Moskowitz Shakedown employees ()( the .-various Ncw.-.-Yoirk '-. Bioff■•reluctant'ly-Upltf' of' ««i..a fi film offices devc pp immediately with ; ^aj^^. . Leslie: Thbrap:ibn.. of RKO. Imanagcmenl. plans that- will guar- ;,nd . Charles ■ Moskowil'z. '^^f Loew^s. ' anico maximum success for the Na- :.. v.i,.... -ir....i. /-.:.., . . . .^ ■ . I ill New Yo.rk City: agk in; ISi:!:'), , tion:U War.: Fund an<l Xabor .War | n^iking a deal'in^ iMvd 'Lord Epping*^ On His Owii . HoHy .yoO'l. .. lO; . .. - I.t-tji) Kv'no!. v. li 1. !':)r.:i:'! rcf.(- Willi f.iipc Vcl'.'i'.; ill ih!'- 'MMiciiii Spitfire' sf-i'if: at llKO, l;(>ntinues i:i !tlvc .•>amo (•r,:ii;acl<'i-. 'Liii-tl- F.\>iy\:'X.' . a new .rrii-^ .v.ili. a .-loc-l: ai.-li'c.-- si! I iin- i.:inV(:(j. :pl;iying till' icmnii' lend. .Kirst of the-string W-ill lie 'L'ird RlJliiiigHa- Plans,'- .v.ili;, Cdrdoii b.mgliw dii'i-ctilig,' from a script Ijy Cli'-icl; fi'ibci'ts. • I Chpst an so secure maximwin ;funds ;:B,.„wri«:- former ifeldcnt ol: the fov 1)K< vit.-.l wyr agencicvscrw.d by j i^TSD. . were to- demand $159:01)0. 1)10:-.- bi-«ai.izations. ;. - ,■'BiofT admiltod that he'went «ilh..ut ' JicsoUitioii^wprp :.e>it:to csider.ts . ; j,^ , g...-^^,,, .;i^.^^.tf^^ : J "f LrMrw s.: RKO. mh.Pox.Coliinih,;., . jjg^ tl,c!<c<^Vt that : Repubhc. LniU-d Ar.l.i.<ts : aiicl .\a- _ |„.-n,c,.^.iy .j^jtcted himself h.ui ll. I lipnal;Scrc cii Scrvicr -v :: ; ! pirtlu c 'lo 'mafcq:a stab at linking for' , ~V > 't\ 1 - 'S15d.0l;0 iri s'cttjemon'i of a diS? ' Healter s .Curly! Role ! p^^ ' I-! Gabriel Healleri vet nctw •': laiiir.'- IX-feiiH- counscf-. . ! foinm(-iU:iloi-: has bei-n .signal'iircrl ' was still e.^amiiilng , .'to;- a Icalurcd role In '.My client ^i^ f-?"'riicr di.sclri.'-uro.-.'made dur- i Cui-iv.' jiow t'oUiniljia fciilui-C ^inr- ' V'K 't'ic first three- days. ;whiie th« , ■ riiig C'ary Gfiiril. ': -.. | convicted extortionist and slar v.-it- ' irccltcr vill dii th'i; n'-v.s ad- ; h''-(or Ihe Gpvernmeiil w-as iindcr '(-a.'tcv. w!:o flgui-.-!' imporlanlly iirjo-'amiriation by Boris Kostelaiiclz,