Variety (Oct 1943)

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44 UBGITIMATE rii- i.l. ■. run'' .-■VJV-i ' fl'-i- ■ s^tr.ii: •■"I'l ■'W K-ij,,-.. :, .yf'-t-y', .. .{>i..-.'i! IV, . ■ ■■.Vi.-i-.'iic- :■;',. ■. ■ I.'-'snV. .V.\,. 'T .., ' .i..;.Vi:>'s.''«-.h.. . ' > l-*^ ■ ■. ■S.imV .M- M -.;ii . -.1 (^"m;; .iiiij-.':-.'., ■( .I.U;.-. .;. .Ms 1 ,|ilii<il|i Milll Of--nVl>.-"!li*l' .<'i'l»»' >i "i(Vt:yjiK.Y rtiiHi'.-r.i>'i*; .I'V*;!.* ^ ■ ('.iV'tiq-'Irtii;- (iiij^iii-il^1 h'* iii i^ ai;-. •i:t.-js.xri \i»>: i:ii(ii.;;!v.-.'..!^-ltcMi titiMKl-ir .'•. i ■ ■ ..Mil!:!!'!'. ;Mili:hi-ll: . i ^, . I /,,H> l"<ni"' Ulli-si'lt. ...... . U"v'. 1 i'.\liilli>v ' ■■ \ hMiOi'jiiir -I;'ri'i)ii>!i' •.; . I )<:iy UMi-ki.'> V ; . . ;.^f:llvi'^. JVoilfSc.-lir. ...v< . . IMl.i lUx, .IVivaj.' .-. : l!^''|-.lIl.i '_|!''liM.:pi.v- ,V-.'. .'. .'.It-ul'tiii . rftriht;(n. : .. . . " . ■; I .•■«V C 'h:! 1 !<■ u...-. .', r,».iiiiil;i'.' li.ili.lilljili. ..■.■Mj«KiV^U-iai'..''; . ;.>.'.■.■.'.-<■..;■. lOiiilt*- IM.*:*' I*"ni'jl;iV-.\lllii;il(' ■,\u:,:.-... ;,.;.i:.(im.i)i:i :<;'■<]■•>. , . .■>i ;'.;..-. :-.;...Hi'!;;rniMiA- .)ll.:t' . I. .Aliii \ .'V.VJ i»VMl.tll , ... ..V,^ ;"li;n ;,M.ii-'nli . ..iy:r-ii^iii' .Vi.-ii^ttii v. . ^..'".l;ini->. "Ai'tMl '-' •.■^. !■ V\'iilr>i'ti."I'oi i>i'>. ■.'.i-. .V'..liilM» ■. ■•/lUlltil' .' ;iii"iV'i»"..i. iiiiiijr, .\i.iri.". I'.0)1I>'0 .)>;in;t' .. : -.i Ifiii-vr Citi'ijiif' V: .■■r..i>i'-.M);iis i , . .'. .'./Jkihih.. f.<^w.w l:ii|ii-n' ■J)M\\:inrit: -....■..U:i-IIi'|j".'':>^<>i Ihojr ■ aMinaU^Voiv- an^ .off. Hie nSe.ri- afioi'ies iiirlucliiiK.a I'ltoNiof.. ' '■ • . • OperaliiiK lUil .is. hiKlVer thiin.tor 'tli,e. aVerauo siriiiglH pla.v..\vliiclv i's^ .l)laini.V . ll>e: $;i.R5 ?Ji)|), (SS.S.O llr.<t Mifihl I. ^NakOd; is likel.v lo .draw ■ b^isiiv6ss. f(»r «■ lliiif' lAu' as' a -.sln.ver. lhalts ijol likcb%'-'' ^ ' : .;. 'Scpivlfiilty, -die-, .slio.w :,i.-;-,. :lttk(>olT i oii'.Cr.vpsjv, Rose .Lpo-'.s pw-a fbi'inor Uviiijj' iji a .Wcsi STAh sli'CPt tqiv^iicni, aiid" hi-t ./'farm' In the eoiiilCC,viv _ Rci-l'ti 11 y. ' Kb i^^c0.ei;V- iTvi!. t^■iivo .vi|) .lluv l.PMe.iiaMyt aparliiiej ^ivd: Viiow. occupies an. oast -siile liou^t*. '.' :Olll4>ilo : 'ril'-.-^li-A ' Cil'lli.l .)i>.i'lU(.M.i;.'i.. (itir.l.M : \ >.;i.'.iV.;>tr ' liii V^ . l ..i tii;n.M> ■Miiil 'r.l*!'I.l ..flV-lfiilflu -hf .UllM"i.->" I.-*'..liri'l-t'l.tJll ■ >H''l'>"i<-. 1v\ ■.•\VHi;U"!-. .■;1li1.-.-ii''':i?V - •^'Ml>< ,1^1111 ■Hiiiic.<;>ir;-.f'riM:iiif»'s-.-.i:'«i' -1-.Vn*'r;; l.'-.i; 'H„i:.>"ii, Al W,-))"!-! . Jlldl .liivn"^ '.Mi'iillo'. Si'iKvk) SlViri \\;iH>i>l'i..' TjilcUl.'- ■111.11 :.<l'\<iVii'''i :iii'l- ri>;llll--r 11." IMIi'^iI ; Iv'-.. ■jiuiiiil '.liiii'^ ii>ii"K-;- ii.>- -Tiiiii Jifiiiiiii!: :;i»-": i lMl.. ' in ullitiii'i; .iiilin, (Llwili. .1 >lM'iii;i|.. il 1 ,siii\li>in ^nl.Mr^v.; N. y': iM; >!>.; ;iiii:t. *Ji:i» IrtOnlii....;:.! ..: H(l l,il> nili..'. Dlll.'.lijr , ■ : 'Wlvpii lu'- aiii'o.tincod : ill,: : i tiiat ''Tlit' KitkOd Ocili.usV, was fiuaranljked ■ iiiot lo vvin: the. Puliiwrpriw.'Micliac.K ■ Tod*;): \\';is On Uie bbain.■ jSo .lwbi',*? C.vp.<.v , Huw. Lee:. stripper-aiiltior,- ■■ aivct: difet'tor Gcovf.c .S^" KaiiCniaiv ■ wlinii .ihe.v lo)d Uie/nianaBCi- iiol- Kj prcspiii: the cunosit'y. ,oii .B)•oa.d^V■^^S^- •; DPSpitL' a . siu-prisiligly ■' 'active. ; ad- vaiitc sale. '-'Nakecl' lalcs a, liiiiftcfl; ensaiseitjftif .tiil Av.ill; proljably ,.)>e .,pi;ofi"t;>l)lc!^-. ^; '■ ■O.;;; ■ fcIAnig((iVs; 'acuhieri ^ Js the vcas'pn :. lie.; bfougbt t.lie pla.v,'.tb- towiV.. ..16^^ tbat meunl.h'c; wouUlr.j^et lus shaVo- 6f.".lhe\ nicturc riKhts '.niorioj; sPld. i .iov $150,000. .pliis lo'.'i,.*)!; Ihe-. gross, XchicJi 'tAtird! roach, a total of $350.- v; OOO; His •.cbiit^'nliflM .that - the. shovv : liad proveiY a' bp..\onicc draw diiririif: tVyPut dair.ii dcsijiic adve'ris<*: holicCsi ^.v*as. authciitic'- cnbiighV but'doe,*! ' hoi . -peces-Safily mbaiY. that •the, samC/Me-r: ■~. acli'oi) will. follo\S':on BrPadsvray. ali though, sbnib of thte Season's'product l.s doing miiclv Better-tllah .indiPaled. ..>t- 'pre'miere;" ., ;.■ '..'. "; ''■'.' .'■. ;"• - . " "r . . Even i^/it 'dbes njake ; .money, ''Naked' .is'" a bad play/ and .-thp: dir '■Versi.oiV sparse. -vFlrst-.df ■■ .the two acLif is lo;ig an'd' rnrrthl.css..' centering . around, a burJesqiiS. strip,-.- i -.teaser'-.livhp: atlegedty -wrble a .book; ; .the- aclual -writer-rbeihg .a miij! . who 1.oqks:aiid acts rnove .like a gaiigstbr ■- thai)' ah. author; . Book', .liiea! orig- ■ :;ln'alcd with' her maiia'gerrpre^s- •:'ageiVt,; -'..'. ■ / ^ Horiey Bee Cari-oU's apartineht'Ift . -In ;a .Jlew Ifprk \vest sides: tenem-eht. . »■ conibinationi'llving-be^i'bbin -.fac.--; ihg. the - windows'.of, npisir;' .ro\i(JhT .'house tenant's.; escape. Is'ii5?d by..' siindry^characters oii ■ their. \vay ■ ' . to and ■ trbm ;t.)Vc isilodri .'dbwhsliiirs.'. ■Some .oi[ theni step- through- the, ; do'w into Hoopy's gaiidy rooin; fillied' wiIh -garish. :giincracks and.- pictures.- . One: of- tl\e ■ arri.v'als 'is Myrtlt Ma-' • Ri.ih-e. towel girl■■ih...the'gin tnill.i a / sjirawiix. fi.'nny tcinme^who- peddles- phoney.-pe'rfuifle- and hot - Ijrigei'ii},' '; Hpjipy si.-! freic '.with J\er check book ' for tlr^nas that-she.'wants,;but hold,s'; ■ . out pn Sain- HinkVe; the .sap \vho did ' the chb-st-writing.; ■ ; ■ '^ Hinkfe • h'o<vevei\'■ doesn't count nliitli ill - thp nnlly. 's.torj'. Evidenll.v: ■' . foruptloo is, Hib' fact, that, hurVcsque- ; Is^^biinnpcl in the tiig-town. ■ Siirpris- ■ ing^ is Hie ;(:hainpo: of locale and at-' ■mo.spliQrf between, the flr.>:t and.'secr .; ■ onc(;,acl: la'tlcr. st;e[1e. :b,c;ng.!« taste- ful ^hoiisr in UiC country; with no ' .-exjiliiiial ibii of how cpinp.,-: Anyhowi. ; b.v .thalvtlmc Ihp.-.slrlpp^r is Piig'aged! . tp wpd Chayles ,C,oodwin.- weallKy, spclalitp .who niibHshed': Ihc ;bbbk: andishe gives the pitch to "Tracy; her ' n'iana.g'pr-<'adinlrer.-: ,- -; Fpv, Ihp iniptials. HphPv and her ; ; ,n>blhpi-. Pan.-iy; an .px-biirlosqiler. ijr-: • iianac ■ a . A'iiudcyille .^show pn.. lli^' ; law-n. iJidiVilf-sibii bciivg charged, piirl - of; IJic; prc)(ipods;'fo gb;; to Ihe Ibtal ; L'iitlip.-i' 'Aid. Sof-iPiy; That a.lToi'ds .a . clianci; tn-'wpHc in-a. trained' anirtiaT ■ aVl.^-1-lovs liiidVa' chiinpV sbmp-sluiils ■gpfiig iui in the.drawing.rbpniT , A,".- Nip s!oi-.v. finale's It brcbiVi'p.'! ip'rc' ludicrous and npai" the cjoSc' -^.cbmi's the i_ipi'fpViijai1cp-s only real - .]au^hiht/:jllltM•l.u^^e..-•.>The~br^dcsm / tiitcT: a pomip cohibiiialliiiv ihcliifl- . iirij ;.tfpnp.v's '('olorrd ihaj'd '-aiid the slfltlerii . jipwder. i'boiTi pew^ '-'coijvse, the ■'.ili'lpijer '' dopsn't gel liitched to the' rich gi1y at all./.but ; cliwhpS^ with . Ti'ap.v. .• ■.'■■■ '- Tlu'J'.c' \vei:c I tlitl'ercncp's ; ' ;opinT ■ Ion ainpiiC -.Mi\-il-ni'j[;htc'rs over .loiiii' : .Blonrtcll back from 'ijip al.tpr 9. .do/tei'i ;.vt>al•s^ In bp .featured- as; ■jjodpv^ ' !>)': - -She' Ms- oii -. 'slaftp; llvriiiighoviV Ihp ru-iil' .act- ai)d':.secihed . to; .ctivo. »-:pfbb(l perfprinifiicp; rbnir ;ItVis .with a-feelifig bt much pleas-. iir«! - Miat':-il;'can now be' noted.-' niore than aAveek aft^.its.debiit. tl^t'the .Thpatie 'Guild pi-aductibivbr-;Othcllp' has . established . more-, ftrpily: .the pji-emise' tliaf the theatre—and', its palrojis/^Sre - ilicreaisihgly^ assuminii: a tolerance that^ had too long )i^cn lacking;- The .lbn>':qi,ieues in front- bt the . Shiibert theatre; arid: the.t»>r hiehdoiis ovations given ■. Paul ■ Robe- ioii. the 5tar;...giv,e ■ dniplb' indication, that^ these, ai-* times Wh*"^ t'i*'^^'''^,P and - majesty, of. artistry-^and die-/- ■iViQcracy^-^iist enjcbmpass: all. racial baiTiei-i...; -■—' ■'■ .'';' NptHhal ,the theatre; as such, has; been Intolerant. Fai- /troM. It;^ It Jias only .b'een;fhat wherever .dembci'atic, ideals are 'pvacticed. .80 rniist ;ther,e also. be. indiyidualii. who,.wdul.d .stifle the' very precept? , of-bur .foUridjrig. ^^lthers^ ■.'; ' -. .'■'"■^ . -• A giant :}flack vian ewbroglrty « cliiiotiig^ .:iiir(>tiial—^b»id- whlU^Bea- de)iibiVa.':;;A liWd-JWobr snuffi'liC bjit t)ie .-li7ff; o/' tKie - -uiomon vUjIiont he. ;tKoMg)i.t .'..had violated their iiiaritnt 'ubuis.' •.■';: ■; "">:'-■: i . "■ '' ' Th.ese' -suggested':possible aiidie))ce revuisloiv. But Irt. the ;playing there Is, or. shb'uld be, none.'? It's tlve^-ery; epltbme - of; play-actihg-f-Shaker speare's ''O'thello' - bei'ivg'performed, for ,ihe - first .ti)ne - ih the history. of. Bro'adwaV theatrci' as,-the Bard., had. wi'ritten 'ilT-^a black man aPtually playing the' yehetTari warrior; -;;, - ' Thiit thi.s 1» a; great 'Othello' there; can, be,'no -.doiibt.Mbr; BobesoiV'has given '. tb " ' the ,-charaCtjBri7,ation.a breadth,: -gcope ' arid .belief ■ that.' doubtlessly.-, .'nb- olhei!: -pre^enlr-day acibv..;co\ild .give 'it; He .has made belicvable that here was a. black'man"; ':\yho /could move in a; white; mah^s society; ;.^'v;".'.. - ; / . -. ' ■:- '. There -are'tiiti'es when Robesoii Is .cxppsUilatiiig ralhifr-' ponde-rbusl.v In ;a -moi-lblone. blut in the! sceiios that .show-him being;gripped in'the vise of lago's villainy, he becomes terri-; . fyihfi and ;a perfbi'mer .wbrtli,Y-bf the :stpllar'bIHing. - -He Is- an , Olhpllo wlio,;SOni'PJiincs ..strains - too -much . Av1tli'/alT hi^-i. phyiicaf being to ■Im'r -press on.-the aiidipiice lhe 'dixlbrlibns ■of hi.-' inin(i' when' ;lagp 'points' the lingpr;. of :'siisi)"icipn',-at .the innpcent 'D.Psclpnion«; ' ut, it; Is '.generally a 'nt)liibl(>^..perfnrman('e; ". " ., ' - ; -Jp.'iP.- Fpri-Pi- i.s the' 111 go: and 'Uta- ■Hii.tjen- .1 Nli'^, ; Fprrei'i the . Dcsde- ifion.a; while /femilie ,1s .'played' by Mai:gavel Webster.; All ; Ihi'e'e - sup- port ,lhe 'S'^r; ex'cpll^ntl.v., shd a's.-'fiir. as . the staging .'ls:-.concPrhpd;; Miss Wobsler :iias .cpndbniicd. Uie ,nrri!ihal . live'-acts -iivtb.'two' thiit''/ai;o'^,uickly f inou'nling in sus.peiise; and; when Of yoiice, that' .suspense h^s. boeif gai.n'ed/ is '.siustaitled iinlil. :the fin'a'l cui'tiihi? - ■F.jvrrer'.s.lithcrie^s or.bbdy and sly- i iicss; a r-e /apt fbi Is for ,the .ppiidei'biw'; \ n'p.sH of'J^obp.spnls Olhpllb.;?ihd;a,s he , :p)<iiils':ihe' seeds of hatred, his perVr foriiiahcp, 'at tihles' l-'eachcs; ^ittajinitV- pichce. ;. Ilajjeii's Desdcmbna iii S|waV.-5^. wistful and. /pft'sgcsses ' 'tlip". sUbHfiv0. ihiloi-'Ciipe pf.'.-Ihp' •character;:;a'rid - her j(air. sli'ndcrnc'is-J i.'f.^a sl.vikiiig/.artalbKy/lp'Jhe/Bbbcsbu'; hUspness^ Xiy the; dpalh. scene'it-.i,s i iVll.v:.-; .lypbstpr 'who'; liikfs hold- iir' h/j .gi'pat -liil pi aptjnjr; Jiiitieis, Mbiik^ as ' Ga^wp Kive.s.»w-h'^V.'tvpiild; -.ii|idei':'brd.i--. I )\i\ry 'pl):Pithi.i!lanPr!?.;;'.be r - good ■ jici'^ .| fpi'mante, - But llii;s; i's • rib. brdiiiiir.v -| pPrfp'rinaiitL*.-:: ^Rpb(!Kpi.i. ,Ferrer;. Ha-j ,aP'n. Wcb.<1cJ"-^the}\ In 'Olhello.' are. a- sDieplalist ih,mi(kiiig rhine.sVphc/G-Itib brdlnary perfbrniers. ; ■ -"/;. V sii'i.M!4.s. -'Gci!i:5<j'a' Sbfh'ei'ii l.s .fal|- ■ ;■ The sspji'ings hiive he'Pii' d'esignecf >8iiothPi- sli'itinPrv ll!iit' was- belter ;in' !.aikl: Ughteci': 'by- Robert/ -ETdiflbnd :lUM',''i)pepjally' ;iii 'Star and Cpr.le!'.' I Joiics, .and they're always sljlcndldlv Dimi Mc.rahdc iji'irely looks "the part .canlr}tslln,!< fft the 'pl'av's-moodsr . - ' ' a.<';(hp KrjifliiM! ladie.s robhr .attend- ,V The .siiaring. - pprfiii'maiires - of ant. ' Gi,l aitd ..Berhice Mal.'',6ri have . '.Othello* In. Anreiicii haive too .often iiiMiiili; li'*; ... .;;';.,;.;. .;;; .;i.M;k-->t.iiiiiMn; ' ^ ■■.- .■..;'.,-■//.'i-.iii.-f i*''Mi'*'i ,'.,;;;./-:,,;;''.;:'.vf.ii--ii - m.hik ., .,.,.;.-... ;';l'iii(! -';l!"li'---"ir ;;.'.-;.;;..■.-;■;.v-';iii'i>''.»' .yi'i'nK--^ -.;.;-..;. .-.;■: ."^ u.iiit'U' >:;.'! .;. . ;;.;.; .-:;.-.;. > l'lil\i|'- I'lu.-'n':'. ■ ;; V»j-. .;. '-.Ilty iP/Hm':'!'!' V;. ;.i!ii k - sii.n .. .t;.i;i.h:\m - V.-pIsvy; ;'..'■;:'r;iithM-' ;ii'''f.*>: ;■ Z; .',wCiii '(Lrui'ii W i.h:Mll Wn'iiilw.t.iV ; /...Silli'r: lijlilluiin. 'irt '<;.<■ I'l'tK-*',.. .;i -; . . .- ^inini" 'Si'ii-kWiiiiii >i i-.viii u,t.Hiiii-". JTi'lsli'j'iV ...,;...'-.Xl;i)i^Hi'i'l : Wi-b.-il/i*' ;;,,'/.';,..•'-..•;.,;. ;kiiiii1- ..isiuK ;;;<■-,;';'.-,,.-n-(i)i''ii :!'-. vi-.n-v Siif'lii'i- . S'l-i vii.i'rt"-: *i.''il 'Cit lZ'jils.: .M iSMui l--.|N-iiiii'i;.- jriil);;lll»-. f.>'>'» -<K';i.<l ?». Iv'ivlil- KitHiirv ;(c-i4m i:i<iii'l.- -ii'T - Ui-".«'ii'. Allii->-»' lliii-lUlli'iMl-i; ; llHifuM, Hisliiip, ,- been ( the- conVpat'aliv.e :,lhr. signlflpaace ';bf th"e' pltty,. but there's- .'no i;;ainsaying that here is^-a;drama laki'n put Of that Pbspprily. by the. sheet power ot pprfonnnhcp.//'. ./•'.;. -. : .■/:.'■. -.:/ '■./ ;;;'/:v'-KdIfii.';''- Ji)ti>iiiii|' ,111 ■ i.ip.;'. /■ si:''.iyi"y yu'm. ■'.VifHiJv- ■^nii:;... _ -''i.'ii'ii-;. i.w:.i i.,.,v .' i'fV:rii<lt)i;i .l^iifiiOi i:i-n:| :-.. J',.-.-: Aiuifui.iiii''-:'!1^ >: |>i'<;iOiel(it|t' uT" f:ii/tl liv I. •■'ni'i 'liy ■.AhM-ir -ll'-^liA,' V.;" o. I. 'L'.'i., litr:i. .&:;;:u i,J. ^./.'.v^'.Si-iit K-. i;'i>t|Kri I ..■•A i ■ V-'i'*'"^"' ..Al»n ,. , I \iny I'.tio' , . . .'l•M:i►^,S^'l•I^l !,:«rii'. .'.. /..■.\"l!»ituiiV<*-. ;?iiiiKv! / i .'..1, K,r-lltJ;>'ii., K'-VJ* i.jllil^'.l ■t.i'M-cViy-.iVi . ' -'I't'.'lili; sriiiMii'til. :.. .,'f.y\ Ivntv 1*11/1 [i'ii:iitii .... :>■- > ,;Ufi i Ihiri-iii WedhgijJay; 0<'iolicr 27; 1913; i,>ii!^/, ;,>;.,;;;:.i.... I .lul'iiVM-'i. 1 • 1'. . .-, .\ ':..m.,'((*.-iv4im':..; .i-*fct.i,.-'^»''nEil;»|-- S'lH-Iilxl ;.^i.M:Mmi'- ''riii)''i s.-i)ici.iV,-, Diwiu'.iiii.Miii;-..;. :.Mi'in(*,iilit-. '.;'-.;.^-.;. ;■;. l-'itv.!- ;sirt'iii'^.'ii't. S'/rviml ^:^itT''ii«ri -riii»ii-.--i>i<ii..'i< .KiMlUn. .«.; t;iiiiv:ii., 'Cj-.-Lldiliii-. ,,v " nitiiii; - ;> ;; aii-Fraiici.sup, "whore •tl\*;play; WjVs ihcri; k'iibU'ii iis 'J.lDlhPf'. Da-\'^ wi t li. Sa 1)1: i.icliptV; lii I Ipd .?is. p rod iiypr, they .thbughi /(he.v had / sbittotlVi,i,ig,' 'so;-(hp ouiiii. \vas ;ju(iippd':vo 'Bi'i'iadr ■\v:\y. n.flpr ni, couple ;pr ; lai.r. Bros>' week.s. Biit /'Slightly/. Stai'ried' has bHl:\ --,:fliirt,chance,;-/•//X ■ //' f ; . ENti;.emcly -v'p.pplltibiis'.': this . far.ce. (j.sii'avariant ii)/the -splurfjv-.bX/■iPii'ie' .;wbl'ds., pa^rl.icul;a'rly '.the - term • pj'og- ."iiaiicy; ;TlVere avc daslics of 'Kis.s atsd. Tell;'. •Janic; and; pcrhap.s. :'Thi.ce"s a' Family;'- but;thc fbihg doesn't.jefI and' certai.lily/- i^ii't - .s/gay ' .: OrigiiVjIly l aied,. Sonic ' UiiRhsj Uv 'apt one .Or'te. ,fblfb\vec?;liy-a/sxecond-act .nosediving;' /Svhile' the.:t,hi'i.d;'eudii xvith.-aHl. hands rushing ai'otuid Uie place -&s;;ir;'.'lhe 'birth b,f a; baby,.wPurd,;Set';the' Ixbu.-ie; bn'flrc, ..While, expectancy isahe- nib- tive. the 'dilTicuUy' ' ' '-^g'ettiivg; sor- :\-aiVls iii;Erie. Pa.; /i.s' a close rirhrier- itp :ahd..e\'ery;'lii'iVe thfr"^uinn,-hbi(se-' ;hpTd 'Rels;-a new- cook; the family ;lii" ;delitjbiis Avith-joy..-:/': .-; ,-.; v , ; ;• /•' ' :Briaiv and 'Audrey Quihivhave, two kids".. Margaret. '17; . and". Staivley, arouivd ;10. .Latte^. soein.s . to 'khO;w; .more:-about the facts of life- Uigri hLs sister; orViheir parents,' for, :escep.t- ing ' the...lad all .h'ai\ds; ,sesi.n :tb - be- ^norpnic,'-; 'Marjtaret''ha.s; gotten /herv self in' delicate - condifioi'i, -frankly sa'yinfiV she.; is/ prejjnant.. Pbjj and hipiii . are;' iip.set,;-but'; hardly -iiv 'the way the ,average parents, are;/apt : to t^lie -s,ucll-.a M'evelation. ; SJliialioh' iS' • - somewhat/. olarift'ed ;\vhei). Ma>itaref .expla.tii.>i. that'She and .sappy- Keith Morehbiise./ ah-eivlisted- youngster; liad gotten a: .license and both, "belie.ved- -they; -were' married. But' ;it' seems, .they/; fbfgot: to : go thrbu'gh ("lie wfiddriig ceremony/ 'It-'s- h'ard ;tb. belieVe ifi this'-igeDeratibn.- wheiv juveniles; are Jeiierally in .'the know. -.Tb'- pteVent a. scaiidal' Audrey .agi'e€s'-:,to -.lei it ,be ki>b,«>'u that she is- to -have":Biiothej' child, Margfiret -being 'sent-tb' an 'aiirrt' in New- 'Vbrk., Ifs. slipppsed /to':be ;'a .secret but e' :bn -the; lot ~ in: bri- the 'schem'e except- .Josie. ,a ,buiiybbdy .iriejVd of the faffilly'S;Margaret can't .<:ta'nd;b^ihg away, from hpme and re- turns, 'and' not. ;long afterw^ard the bther.s .go' on a speed binge bbth in talk and. actioiis,-'but .that isn't as finihy as suppbsed. 1.Expectant ;pap.a'. sh'bw-s up .A'WdL to'see lhe.girl;,and .rLjsht' at the curtain lie ~.rtj.slie.s out ,\vi.t-h;,1ht 'wbrd.- that.. they;'.ai-e gbihg ,';wed./ '.;:./;;;■.■■'"'. ' teoii .Am.e!> tries liai'd as the male parent bvit his iis ;hardly. a part. -that, connects; Lepina Maricle.does rather well a.s Audrey; tho^igh the. auUior: has ;miide;/ the mbtherr'too.' cbmplac- fenl, ; Scolty-: Beckett play's the. prt^i;. copibu.-j bby .but, ha.s too much, 01 art a'ssi nmenl for-a. Rid;\ Patty Pope is the cicpeclant Marg'aret. ;;pbuliiig. th.rbughbii't if.not- :frbwnlng. ,which.- iS- one/ot the :dire:ctiorial (aints, /Mbna Barrie; seems "^ bit' tbo-'chic/«s Jo.siis; the - gabby -spinslci- friend; Jininiy Smith; a,s Mau'gai'et's 'hiiSband.' seems' -to wbnder/wliaT'it is'all about,;"Isa- bel ,0'Madigah;a.s grandma, gels-the. be,<:llau)(lv of the shbw'\vheil she.'ex- .claihis. Well; I'll be g:d.-ed.'..-Hiec, ■ ■ ■•./'/\< 'iiirni4>n;/*lwui*M;' /';:;; ,vi-'' ;■ .TPhjindelptxial :bcl^/2or' ■;. .-lliiiio:; in'iiijii.t-tiiiii nf - iii.iiHti ;it; lii.-.jwrt Il.,-..^ \rt j*r..rii-.;*l ; (i.v 1 (A; ;ii\-l liti(jhli*Vy(i'in^ 11; IhK.'.'I "U/ .Mi-i.Ui.K . 'rtii«i.-.ll;.tK»v,i-;H (iiliiiiuiii'.iii iif ' t'llt:<ti'»i' ''.Nii-iMiu'i*'-* '!',!(lili'ii;;. ihliilli:- JiS' tii.tir'u.'v--ili<.-:, '-wjilr .iii'W ■ .4i.i-i-Jic->li'iii:. tu.- j1li>i;i')iVi''n'i-1ii; •r!;i.Svi1 U'li.>fi!ll liiMlii^ll.; t<);ii;-' lii'ii/ liuhun'u,', •■•''•l<u- <i'liivMi'r o/;--:'m-i'ni»t-,\;. iii'f.l r-im ii'n'ii.'j,;; li.v ■,;m.i,s>,-ii-»1. .'^htirlV .IIIin'Mlt'i. 'tll- j;*"Oli'.l liV-'...,l,-|i:n '■' ■;ili»ilmilll';-.'*'Jli,i!'i'm^i:;l|iriy li\ : KiiK'iit'** l^vi'vijiii ;.'.i-M>*iji'iftt;i*:'tlt^>«liiiu'il--.l(y ,j.i;Miii)-,-.^1^1** -ili.iiJi't»^:'..-si'!i.iijud-j ;iU-»i'lmh'>l, u'y- ■ Mii\«.'ii.'; iviv 1 ■'t.-ii.'<'-. «M'iriili"ii-i.'tl -hy -.(li.ii- iii''m' ; ■-;iiiM'.'iI .(ii'V fjiiir ;iiy' 'li'ilii'vl' .;sl(:^w.: ^ip/'li;"!.,III 't-'.l I;hi'i:»-T,. (Ii'p;iU-^. .'-I'lMlilitrMpltiJi,. -,(,(i-i,"-iii.;" r:i;..'imi. I '»o-|iii| ;i!.- .,\lrti-t^.-"-, . ,-. :,; fill elil,111 l.--^it;i.i'; . l.iMl ...■.^.'. . .-s>.i'K',i^ri(.'-lti'ii\v-ii .l.iii*;;:. ... v-. 1-...;;.. f'lii-HiiM'i.:.....:..-; ; >. -. .\. , ■ . ; - S;l^l.v..-,^,-4 ,. ; --I'-iiuii- ..; :>_. l.i 'riiuAli. K-H;,, , ,: I'l-rtniuii'i . . Mrtl-|.'liil';r.;. . .;' «":iii';i:.;,va;, ;;;., i'"i;,n'il.ii., , -.Mm-,1, Kiiiti.'.-....'.'-.'. riiiiV;. t,.,-;,,; .J iiiis'i};. Mi:ii-i,,;.^ .<i'i>|irti>ii.-; rV<:';.;;...; Mv. ii.i-K ii'f..; vi.;iliilji :■;;...; <l.'iUiti(K|:r|illi':i-;,: I'.vv-ji.iii.,;r, /,-;;; i:h 1 r'ltiiji 1 -ii'iiii I'ltiiiiiii;,.;,;;;, Hiiii"'ii 'ii,-',"!;: itcrrt'."*...-/'.--..; ... y.;''.-.V;iiii».t.:tiiV' ;I1i;;;.l ; , . ^Itni'i'i l -Ji'l.ii'.'t^ ;<',ii;riiit:( '{•'l-li-/.i'|l„oV ; ■i-:iioii.',r..;"\Viii rVn: ;....;;..;;;iiii-iv-.<";i.n ,. i'I.ui:tii^i;;-..'<';i.<iiiV .111; ■ .' liit'oll 'riii'»in-i-- ; ".'-..; i, ; .;..■. Vui'ii'l ;s.i!iiLii. ny >■ '..•.nil'?.;.,MiiUh''AVj-i ;.;;; .'.-,./.'iv:'.'.'.; -''-j>'i'''»i-'*'rtMi ; ;. . ,.;,;';.. I. I'-Jln'^ll'.! ')'. li-li.1- , ;:!.;■;;'; ;'»/-'1'.-. \x;flli:'tiii .Iihh'.-; : :i'.it.y .i'.i!;v ;'■.-.; ;...-;-.\.^.-/:. .vt; ivii'i.'riti«;.ii-1. .■^ ;-,;-;,.;;-,;-; .1, ii v i»-;* - :.*-^\v',<iii .V,..;. .:;-,:;.;.riiii'o, -u.-tw'ti'ln*, „ ;. i ; v-'^. .,>(,li'iii I^Uifit 'II ,v.;,;;.v.;;.;-:,.,vfc '*<. T>j.-i'. ..:--;-..1.; -...L.tTf^lc ■'.\lini'l^n^li'i;.\- >;,,;; ,.tvii-|)n .lt'ry(iiil 'Vi:. .;,......,.- -illjj-uii'l'-'i,iii'''lj'r: .-.;.',-...,.;.,..;. i:tiiii'(-i i.-'j,-iiKi' ,. ,'wni1:ini/W.mlf.ilk, , . ' ; ;i:i;'»i-u* ■ iV.lihv ;':; ■•;.;.;'' ■ l';iiJ:iii'/'l.l."';iK'> \ ..'..';.;;;;, ;-.'l *; - j*nlMt'\ .;...-. -,;!;.;;.-..';. k> I'i m :i>f . ;.; ;'.-/. ; .\;-\lj.i)i-il. Il'i'i'i-.' ".-.■.'..;-.-.'-.'i'im\; I''ii-iiili»ft;' il.v. r;;irki -i!-ljii;; l-,'i'ril'\-l- Al';iri<ll-i|j .;;..; i,., w Dihim iviiuim .;, ,^,, ,:, .Mrivn.i- >iii.»-ii-i;i- . ;. ,'■, -.|-iiliy Klfrnin'K, '.Jr.: Ihore Pbiild- be' np enpbrpl tiie man • iigemenl allowed .the actress ;id"iak: : two, bow;s bjefore; the. curlrtin" whii! '. OiP:seene. Was being changed ' > : .There are ''plcnl.v Qt. prhcr tipiable .voices'includinK those; of June HaW - >kins- and.' JJ<.s.sica' Riissell;:.-wlio Wk. part; cire.ctively; i!\ th<v-,fambiis Q«in! W;-; <'S"w JL"; a; ni«uiWiib:'V!*iij„gV with -tj. S. Tyler; iiiKl; Dick; Mbnieom! ' .pi';v.::p!ickihg^a>f solidl.v /as -males In the .samp Cozy :eblc; ;doe!i.':s/}me a;n?'!'')«. things willvdfUnVs" lii/'Beat'. Out :Dat: Bh.vthnvV and Everett: Lee - has a sinooih violin solo. . ..' "Hand picivty/ of' ;bpuqtiets/to/ihiit: oUl;^ master. ■'tHp.'.sal'd.: Shbrtl -•• whose •- (lii'/>cHofv.i.s. acos from 'Stavt to-'finish '/ "Hnd JVC's .eredit'crt. :\vith the niftv ' ' pplpr sciypiwr. A riiial, word bt- jit;-ii« X -must /be. extended /to' Hoiwl Rv'issell- .Bennptt^-. bblh '.rbr.Jii.s-i:cmarkabie a'i'- : ■ raJiKeiiient of: lhi>:Blzbt .score and His ph\e cohrtucting. of lHe'6i;oliPsl,i-a . 1 / / ..>lprc's ;:ij.;^hovv .•':;itsp-'with gveat-; (Ihn .'PovsibrUlie.s':. •; w,hith'/live< my fully.J(>.:idvanee prodiclibiis: Ii bids ' fair to go to .t<jwii.. aildile'jiltv 'slay ■ there.-.-.-'. ' :■ .■,;■.-,.--'■■ u'.-.-.,^^''- ^H'o.'i'rs. pared ,tri. vva,V Ihe, port''\Vas v'rittpii .'. ;; Rlillard Mitchell- i,s.;'ri'apy; w'hb Hs- : riiore; m Jhp. 'iiiobd the./atilhor. ;' -.' " tp'ndedv a ciH'jdu.s'' spl'l of 'a publicit,v ; tiiaii and; it' i.s 'Ijic J1 i';il:-,i.s!flgnn', /wOji^rt;/ IVp' p1^\y.s. ii Iibhn;'.tu0 ":'ai;ilehl : snli^ir; Rox/Ci'.Mjillpy; s'lan.ds put. a.s ,a - s\i'i>1>y;,n'iillihb'r-drp.s.<in)ak('r. Ber- ;tli.V Bijliwit-e' is ;>rilli.iciv. ann'i.sing .'as :-: V 'Lirr. wiiWEA'TiiER' ;;/ \ ■ .'.(Kmplrei \. ;[ YX \ -"' -'; -/■ - ^ AftPtvalinft.'it. i'oirr'years' run;. 'Life \vUh' Fiillier' i.s-still the;' iii.e.;.a.fTeclibnate and' :p(1 / Bt'pad Way,;;. Il s 11 I; a ppea I hi)s ,liiecn apparent.frQnV;lh'e biil il¥ - IIi'Kfjni iii.isliiI'lg:- pbfiuUii'ity.'-proni - i..;.e.s ib.'.estitbllsh it: as, (in-aullventip c)a,-''f.c' of .the Aiiicricap theatre.; '- / . SViili ;,Hiiwai'd-Lindiiay,aiid Dbi-pthy tIckMey/^back-in the'leads, 'FaUici:' biicp ipfire lias much "of - the' fresh-; iiej^s.and.'C'larity that' distinguished ii (it. ihe'.siart.; For'Hhc";bla,v .depends fo: niuclt- bn .'the two leading pai'ls that the' rest bt the'ppjit tend tb rP- _ _ ..^m.^ <. :jlepi - ihcir ;pra,yi.n}r..;' .AiVd good 'as './li-iait, is a'ptiv cast -ailKuskv; Miller - ^™ii?' lhe.. o,lheT, Clarence -and. ei-.stv.'hile EscapiilioV thc biiUflRhter' Phiily'.s.iiiTk 'ln thp matter oj ti'^Vr outs.h'a.s; been' nbl'brjously: popr- iif.r.e- ceiit s'e?sPiVs.. ,but; Billy;',s', loiigi hPraldpd;. .--hi^dernlzcd -'ver.sibh ; of 'Caini.e'ii.': w'hich. bpcried' liasl' I'vighl (.19) .&t the; Eriaiiiicr, rings ,tlVe bell with a/ Voiid. ix'Sbundihi cliiLiig'.and aloncs.'fb'p a'(lock bt.mlsnls, - '". '. -.. There 'art';man.v Idui'sual-. fbatui'e.'t. of ihiS'iperfbrm.a'iicp; ;''One' thatX.-hit this' reviewer .:fprcibly; is;.the^.^fftct that" the openi.iift pertoriTiahpe'didii't' allow- a'.single-/eh.core,; undbubtetUy • on;' thV inaiiag'emeiVt'S; part as ;the curtain: fell at 11:1.5. but . the "fact remains/ lliat the';,aiidicnce . really wa'h(ed:'and/aiik.ed' for !> p'": eight reprises;/ It's. hard/tb see ■hQW 'eivi cbi-e.S'ca,n- ever be- arranged with thfe shbw..choe-a-blbc".with solid '' talhment - and' action' and just; about' a.s. 'sroooili- ■as-x:a'ny-.Bl'oadw.ay... pre'r itilcr.e/cbuTd/ask; ' ■ ■ , ',,;.; ■ ;;;Hamrn.el'j>tein. has .bee.n \vbvking, fpi^ quite Bwhile.'bn what helwould' term a satisfactory fusibri bf .mUsic and story. -: He reached/'.vifhat'/was cbh.sidered a ;peak;/in .'-Miisic: in the Air' and encored : last/'year;'-with; 'Oklahoma.''./ Here / he.' hits-a- 'new' high' and one that sels hiiVi.^dennltely .ii> an all-imporlahl niche -;in- 20th ceht\iry . American, theatre. . Twhs- ferririg -the -locale. o^.Meririlee*s; story •frpm'-Spain/ to bur own- southiaiid !iand later Chicago.!, arid -tpansfbrm-. ing the occupations/of' the 'charac- ters,' he; has; 'nevertheless/ kept' Jn- iact /their., 'motives,- their chtiracte'r.s. and the/ fundamental tragic, aspects, ,of.ahe plot; His;prose'is lusty,'hat- Ural, :qrid in . perfect keeping with the - men and \vpmen si3eaklng;/his- •lyrics, have a .Sxying'a'nd '« zest, plus s .;clevcrnes.V that- ,is rcall.v IG.ilb.ert^ lap, ' and/a ,'rbwdy< spirit that .'riev-cr Sti-ays' to' far frbin good taste;.: U.'is hard to, see. how' evisn ;th« ^-nio'st- ^pedaplic ,ahd exacUng. of' clBs.sical music.students; or, opera. Jovei.s 'can fail tb ;taU .under: the spell ;bf;.this production,; which- they /ii-iight well have dbhe if Bizet's score' had'been ..translated;into swing or If Hamrtiei'-i stciiv had been le.<s- skillful and' .syin-: patllietic; - ;', ■ i : - -•,;/;; ;' '; There is goiiig to.'b'e plpiit,y of talk. 'abbu.f;-Murfel- Sinith. fbriiTer Cuil'i,* Institlijc' student hei-e and a . lo'v;-; siilatjcd .clpi'k a. few monihs agO; in; the. title rblfe;. ' She'-;.: remarkable combination, pf acti'c.s.s ^ahd', pPrhap.s hot one- to dispel rocmbries of, the voice of Calve, .but certainly bne of'the ^ dynanlic~;sn(j: reiil- jstJc;bt;-all. without.-too; jnilch accPntL :on the stormy .seducCrPss-^hgle.'. Her tliieP,, stahdbuj nuinbcr.s 'yre ;*i3at-s ■Love" , i tlie; fainoiis/ •.,;jlabanera' ). •.Dere's-' a - Cafe; on ;.de ;Cbriini'': (the: Sejjuid i I h-i) .and 'Dat Of / 'Bov''(the' diirieiilt -'card song'h"they're /atl: solid :.s-inashp.s - a.iid leave the 'audi? enpp w'flhiing nior's^niuclv .'inore-rbf .thpiii; Mi,''s-SiViiill is a luiJcioiis' eye'-/ .rcihand knows; lipw; to 'wear tlothes. .LuUiqr';.S4Son' is .Joe, the .dough- boy; ifbrniei-ly; Doiv-'Josei." and he',: loo. sings n.iftil\> and ap.l.H.-ppifalnly, its well belfer thiiij iiiost ot 'the' grand ooora'^ 'porfrayerg -pE- the role. His :d.ucl wi.ih ^Cindy. .Lou--i Mioalla i .in the lir'st act aiid hjs-spver-ul duels I'.i - ■ ' /yilini'VRtbn^ 'DeK;' bc'(,^?3; Jl'fili:.. ;.ii-iiri\v .iii--u.lii;-|li,i, r>(. Iiiii'<l> uL i-nm. - i.v-i.u. uy.vii.'is t.i« »4'fiii.'>.j. i'''>ui,gr.''i.-;(1ii;iiiM - .-,VV:ii-i-..ii; iii-iiinty Siivii,-J.iiiiiii)- .M„| -iim; ' Iiv : .Vl:iii,.,l,iy ;r.jTili'i- linil■ :>i-|liuV ' Wi'i .-(.lii• " lyi-l.rv. l.y. Aliin .Illy .Li-i-inri ;--iii'ii^ii-; l-'i-,.,i;;tr,;ii - -l .(ii;«-ft: .(imi« illr(>i i<>i|-.lij J^.ilii;i-I;.ll„ (i.inliii]-;'; .i'ii»iiiiKi'i,: -i;riii',(.',-|.i,,iiKij)ij':': |ii'iiii(ii;|.||,ii ii,.; • ,i"iHi.'<l liy ,niii)» ..M<>l.>Hlin^ nljii:,^!! In, n.-.u^i -.Miihiiii.-hlii'i';. .-i)ii'vh;*,>.ii- : ..ii'ii-,%;'-(;..i ''i,i'-; win ;- 'li'ivi'ii. ' -: -r).-i;viii.Visi'., ' wi^lll^il^^,,ll'■ 1.1.1:, /' ■ -^-;i.rn.: :•:;.; , ■; ■ ' . ;.;,"-'.;-.--.s'liii/ir,!- nri'vn'it' .-;;..;.-.--. .'. l.yiiit. f;.n'-.lii'.T ' .;. ;■., ;.\ln i;Jiii Ula hyt -;-. ..."/.; .;, lliiin-y jMiitriiy ; ;.,;;;;;-.",,;,I'll)Iii,-liiii' : ■ ...;;..•:l'al .M.1 i':<li.'il| ' . ';,>'..;.'..,''AI'I-zi- (-','ri-v', '. ..-^,.;;.^;;M;ii^'iW),.; ;- . ; . . ..;;i..rli(lro, .\|.v,i,lri,., .,;...■;..>;..,-■ l;*,i-;iii(, 'K.i-i'ljjr .■ ;;. ;:tr.^ivr.\r .riin^.KlrtJi-.- I.lii(lii>.y •},W l.;ejiii:ri(. /; ; .v';'Jtt'.>.; HriltPr,^;' -; ■|>'iii-:AVi«i)i,4niii:i,.'|. -. ' ; : ;l!n,li..N i-,'H,t>' :i;iliiii>y' sM'oi-ciiil ' - .SyniriiH)-; 'ruiiiHTi;' ;..(iliii-tfi ';w»(t'-i-,-n ;- . Il'i'li'ii-Vvi'iiifl ;...iiiii|i^'--.Sfi'v'o -• .-.K.Mll:i'UI .UlllTi'll .i'i.-i;-i:-.'-,i;,.- 'i.s< -IViul?.*. ".\l;iru;'i'i.'r . . ;.'.... ; ;; ,-M:(y .;;.;,;.;:.;;■;,.;..:;^. .I'.iiip'lH ; .....;;.-,....; -.iH.'itiiil'i'r-../;. ,.-■;.-;,, i.^u^.-in ■,.,;-;.. : ;..,,: 'i':iiMiii<ir ..-;.-;..;-.-; . ;.Tiiyne'-;.;;,;:.-;;...; -;;;;. .ltvi-i.-ltM|'..S|ilini«.|'. ; .-.; -II'lti'iiii--,.;;;.-;-,,..-;, Hifi. w'liiii. J<|ijik.;;,;;: (.'iipl. .JIull.'il l:llltli':iy,- Sirl^ -ll^iiry; M;ii>:ii.'-|-.,,;. :,tMl, 1,1.. Ki(,',,Vii;i<'t-.4iiii; ;'jhif.'-I.;l. .. .MiM-r-.i.v;-; ilKi-rl'iiiii,'. .Ski. ~MiivttiH>y;:.-.;.-.;. /; .-. ,;sii,;i>ii;'ii;nr.iiii„in','.-;,. •virttlfiln; Alllifj- -y. .iiiiiy',;.,;-,.•...,..-.;;.,.. .iO(>y.H' tir..'i.'iijiki^iiii.i;;;;. .s^i.. Jli.iiijiy sicvi'iiitiin; with .-.Cai-mpn'; arb, :.'j|blv: ^ handled. Cilcnn Bry'ant.; a 'rinc. 'big' fljiure ,of a ■Vinni'e/DayS: :have ;be>ri, none; has' ':achie.\;p'd:quiib the /dtigree of: undpr- Ntnndmj;./yi'iii'mth .aji,d pi-edibility that the '■■LiiVdsa.v'.s'; give- the p'lirts /and,- lipiipp. 'tl\e:play; v.;.'- : ; ;;;;,.; '■ ■■ ■ The - I;ihd;!a,v-Grou.- ■. cbn-iedy' - ha.s a1«ips(;l)ie- dprthes!r .ii; had when: if bpeiied, at.';thp "^"ainP - hpu'se 'early lb '.\ rtve.111\ 19.19.; Thi.s edj;e has' :apV, l)iireiiitly. also becn/ shiirpeljed by re-;: t'Pi:t . rc!ic;u-.sal,v; -Thu,s. -Ru(lr Hamr; -mnnri is- sinPAther /. Cousin-Gffi'ii. \ybilei vDpi-'oth,v ^ Bei-jiard.' 'Vil'ijlhja Dunning . and- Carol Wheplpr 'ai-c inpre incisive 'aiid'.betlei' .poi,«Pd'lhiin; -they '• wei'fi .Iiprot-.e/ -iitid/ Peler;'Y<)'u-' mans .' i.'!:/a d<!(iOitc;-iini)'rpveinpiil - in' tjip rple;pr.Cljt.i'pnc,e;-Jr.// Wptic, ,; Kp.s;-i)b\v . ui'j--:efiKht'e^i:,-, iihd/.the fanipHs.'Torp'ador- Sboii' has become ■Sland Up' and Fight';witlioot lo.siiig a jot of/it.s and daiih; ■; ;:' ; . ,..;Tlve /fl.r^i.l-niKlU,. audience" -reserved' Its biKKcSt. hand;- l)Owever;"fbr/ Car- lotta:;Fra;nzcii as Micaela.: thildhood ;>;wi.'plheart:.of vJoe's ■ \vhb sticks tb hiinthi-ouKh-thrck,8nd-thiji,'.Here's -always 8; tbugh .role to'(.'ast' sihCe It has twp^ :aria.s- that call: for' /rcall.v gi'-P;it;. vo|pp.r.;and yii / (he iiart Is shadowed-.b.y that of /Garpjeh; /Misi, I'.rni.v/.ell- did, vei'y iOcelv -with ■^-hei- Act,r solo and ,then reailv/wpht' tb iowiv-w.itli hpi- lasl/^acf .nrt'iibej',' noxy. .rallPd ,'M,v, .lop,- This' oiie seil'l .llie aiidientfe ,:lnlo . .'spastns.' ; rid ' since - ;/l^(rark;'Warrio'w.'s 'maiden e'ffortoaS'a-, : 'in.u.'sical ..c'ohicdy. .pi'odlicer./. 'What's • 'Up,' stands"mbr,e than-an' isven chaivce"-'- pii'.' Broadxyay; provided; judicibiis prunjrtg and revisions ai'e;iiiade dur- .;' inj! the U'y.out'jperibd. ; -;:/ Ghief assets -now aVe^ ari' - astic -talented dimcliig'and, singliig / -; .tttuefuT-score and ;Grade A 'pro- •; duclioh. ;Erede'i:ick''Loewe's..scbre-'it' keyed to the 'Hit-'Para;de,'- w'ith siich; ttiiies as !.Ib.shua,' 'My~TJast Love' and - . 'Ju'st'Theri' h^adliig for aTWorkbul- on - the'.air 'wavcs. ■ - , ■~' ' The plbt-^what there Js.of ;il-r. ' -.stems. frorn the;cbm'plicatiQn's, mostly;v. rbmfintlc. .which 'arise after an Army- -'- :pl«ne ;crew inVades 'the doriiiitory of - - j,- girls':;schbbl. iri-.Virginia and ,~ls. '; foi'ced ,'to,. remain, W'h'en the- is- ;quararilihed;- for nieasle^; The plane - III,-takibg: the: Rawa .bf: Taii- •gllnia' to a Wa.shingtoiv conference,/' .which brings , hp. less a per.sbn' thait the- President into- .lha"plot via ih'e /; telephone. In/fact, the President un- tangles the. plot .alid brings'the lovers; tbgelhei-'for the, flriarciTrtain. ■ - .However;/it's the. indlvidiial dailC'^;- ing /and'; iiriging-::speclalties: :;aiid Gebrge '-Balahchihe's, - prbductioh: ;n.Umbers.,-'Whfch: iiold attention. The; ' ; dialbg. generally/is. fresh and/up-to- -; the-minfite. with- comedy .hitfh .sp'ol.f.;; . hel'e.- and; th'ere; thanks' to -Johijn.v ' J^- Morgan, an ingratiating comic .whb / . kiio\vs how .ta^eherate laugiis.- Mor-^ : ;' gap'"stands . out'-^'on..-.'the iriaVe/ side' w'h lie'; Money- Miirray -cbps; feminine ; honoi-s ;as a screw-y feinale/piirsuing .Ui9;elii.sive.male'; ■ She keeps mpviijg , at. top;.,spped/ whether it's dancing;-; sirigiiijf br hclpihi -U>e plot- aibnj*;-; , GJaife. ;.Mead?;;./-as'/the;- facility/,/ dprpiilory hesd. aild'Jihimy'Sav.o,-.a»' ;;- the.:^^aw^a; are ,fj,e -only nipni-. bei's whp; do; hot ..iiing:' oi' dancei ';> Meade ha.s.; a;good coniedx sppiie with " Mon-gan -but'. S'ayo :doe,s -hot fare .so /v/: well. Playing/entirely in- paiubimme,/" t[)e jdea;..beiiig- he can't/speak l Eiig;- :/ , lish, Ihe veicr'iih;coniic fs''nipd by;' ' .pobr-;n)aterial','.- ■ '. Gloria - .Warren, - IT-.j-ear-bld Wil- min'gtoh:,girl, drew i big haild in hpv ,: home -town .debut'.-'^bUt .she also is .. han-pei'.ed by the/plbtT - Atti''aeti;ve Jn', ap'ppaiT'ance and; plea,sing'i;in ;i)ia'niier,./ she has "only; one. real bpfibrliiiiit.v: ip. " dernon.sti'ate the":, iie-sbpraiio wivicH.; Won her; a'.Hollywbod cohti-act -two .:; ;years;ago;./;:., ,/ ■-. /'.;■:,' ;.. ,;; Spridra , .'Bari-ett,:-. -Lynn ' Gardner'...-; Mary Rpche; Pal Marshall, and MilJil\ ./ Perry are. believable schooigitls/aUd rate- high/ tlie';ioiig: -'/ iiUrobers; : Larry Deugla,s, uii. a; iToU/ / lywppd- fllnv. star' in: the, air cbrpsr ; / Rp.diiey .McLeiinah and WilJlai'n T(ib-; berf :ai'e:.exce]lehi; / ;McLe'nn'ait 'scoi-es':: ■:, -wilh.. the. spng ; ;'A Gir|; Is Like "a, '; Bppk;':but the lyrics Will;be-■ Cleaned; ;u^'.- for radip;: .. Don Wei.'iS-.. .miitler^ has two;exi;elleiU:.dai)ce' spci' - cialties.-, ., :'•;.' ;::.- ./ ' ' ■ -Bbris Arpiisbn' has prpvided.' eye-: ■ filling setlhigs ;ahd/Grace HbiislPn's - c;oslunve.s'a'le- allrfctive. BiJahchiiip'.s,/ slagirjg; ^'ives/;the; plb'pep.dirigs speed';;. ,and finesse; and''lli.s diincp pi'pali')"-''': are-a.h;u;mbilibi)ji blend-of bxllei-and; Jive;:- Will Ir\vUV-h!'»ds;the 'orchestrii ':; with'elnphiisls'onVthe inelbdv;'v;0ii,ps ;' :-.:-/:..;;:. •;:.-;;: - -;;;:;;.■.'•.'Wpp.'./'v;