Variety (Nov 1943)

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34 FILM REVIEWS Wednesday, November 10, 1913 . V.-ii ii. i.- . I...:.,.! M-.i'n liiiliiifi High (Color) : (MV'SK'AI.) ,hi,.'ii.' r< li'ic-i- »>i K"litm.U" im*41-- .11. Sl.n> |i..;ti!li.'" Liilllotir: V'.liil' V pl.-K l"iift'i ||;' |, Miii/s l>. :. V. . •!■••'. Mill ni .i■ i.-. .!.>• . M.'i -ll. II:. S, !«'■ », v" l-.V .;*A'illh .»..' A> 1.1.11: I'll ">ljnb- :..n.i -\11.- Ailimi*. vii .l-ii'..- '11' ■!•!> .'M.»in-> ,: - I'V .l.iViij-s :..:li.M . I.U1J..V'- l:./l|'li ll.<ir.i:'T'.V ' l.i ir ..- :-.l'.' .Inliliny Ai.'i-. >-|. Il.di.r.t Vl-n; II .1.- l.lll^V ll,|K,{ Vl. tr'.i. 'Y '-Ml . r:< lii.-l'.i1\ :i' I n.iii. i. i.. r;..\ ■ -i,■■;, Ti:ii|. -i...uii .v. - v,. Ijliic. till MINS. .\nn .4*.irl'.>- : .:.. :'. ,', .-. Stev". Uinr-I. . '.'.V. . . ' Mori hi., i" -I.' .*•;»■ .urn ■ l'.-.b -V-«a>* •|>i"i <"i'il'ui>:. •|'llflii^. ; !\. >. . • fllivi-k SI- l\: Sulil Mi Ml. .I.icti II..11.V. .I"i\u Ili.H'. .-'Ion. li-*..... .. .. . )• |i. Sn: 111'.....: I'ri.wn. ■. • • ■ ■ : >..... M:iMi'lV ; . . .. .'. .. 'I'rillll C.liiltl.-U.l.. ('..«!...>■;. *'i,\\ l.ny Tr-iin' 'VU'lll. I'll*. Voiier!..:.'.:... i \iu-ln.y......... ; .. r<-ie Itr-m-n;: ll.-ii .Ii . ... I\; ir.ill.ji: |||> . Pin" : , i..|, .|0.1.'.li:i. I.. ' 1:1. : liiiniiiiiu ,.|I|V ■|ii|' ..III! II' ..ik : .iw. a .'.-..Vnliu' .VI'mls s --.'i;ll l.miil.. ..........I'l.sM-ln.l.-y ,'■ .l'i,.i. :.ii<) ' .':.•..iiiii- iv.mmiwim .'. .. I\.':l-' .'limi'li-ll. . ,'.'. .i'll'.ll L.'ili^liil .-.iiiVi. 1^1 I'l.iill.'li.'-' .Mm i.- . .Vli'l.l.i'hiilil. , ...Vi'iili-i''-' Ti»liil.('S''. . I I'.nikl.i"* r.'iiw'li'V. ..-I. ..'I'im " l.tyun ... I"|i.|"\'<*'- W'iilJ'ilV . . ... Si:, i ill•»-■' Vim* .. |i\vi K Jlt 'Uilt'.'lli'r . . I.:,lli> t'l.:-n'll'-'|- . . . i.lnliif)'' I'lliv.lll i'IkiiUV'JI," .\|.Ji»r.. liniii r«i.-^ ..Jlinifs Durkt . \v With. Dpr-othyv, Lamour.■ '-:Victoj 1 . Moore and Dick Powell for the mar- quee, cxhibs have plenty to. play •with, in this 'escapist, musical. The ■ comedy, is packed around,a western .yarn with .'superb Technicolor an added.asset. In toto. it represents plenty of wampum at. the wickets- extended runs and high grosses.. ' Lots of ingredients for a b.o. mu- ■ .jtical are in this one. and. George Marshall makes the most of a .rather flimsy framework/ An ex-burlesque principal (Dorothy Lamour) -lands back at- Her father's ill-fated silver "mine but ■ iii Arizona when, her show folds. She'finds that mining ienpiiieei' Dick Powell is. also back' .after trying' unsuccessfully to ^sell- stock in, salric mine..' Miss La- mbur lakes a' job at the' elaborate Dude Ranch cabaret, run by Cass Daley, in order .to help her' dad: "Victor Moore, slick- counterfeiter wanted in niany .states, persuades. Powell to merely flash the phoney lucre. Trick work's, there's a.-rush to grab the mining stock at any- price and usual- payoff, when the mine actually comes in. Miss Lamour gets more lo do and displays more talent than in pre- vious .vehicles. Also, she dances.- her terps in 'Secretary to the Sul- tan!'clicking. She's also, a bjt re- vealing iiv'Iiijun Gal Heap; Hep,' one of elaborate production bits which permits Gil Lamb to do his eccen- tric dancing. " • "Victor Moore nls situgly into- the couhtcrXciter role, his droll witti- cisms being solid throughout. Open- ing poker game : sequence, ari ojdie. Is. given, a now twist, "but is topped by the series ' of succeeding- gags.; Cass Daley makes the grade in her rough- r n'-ready part of Dude- Ranch owner, on the make for MoOre. Her mugging .'is. held to a. minimum ','*5t-. ccptihg in-'Willie, the Wolf of the West.' comedy, song-dance number., played with all stops out. Contain-' ing many bits fuOm. her vaiide act It's a howl.. Powell is .Powell again, but managing to-carry the"-romance, with Miss Lamour nicely. Lamb, as the under-sheriff seeking the coun ferfeitcr. plays it dumb'right to the hilt for tpp returns. . He also tecs'off the mad act of the Mill Brilton band; as an amateur musician making his debut. This builds into the familiar roughhouse bahd routine. All done countless.times before oh the stage, but deft direction and • carhcraing take ih every angle for strong re suits. It's one of funnipst scenes in film. There's a chuck-wagon .race, v with the counterfeit coin, figuring, . as a climax that's high slapstick, but j sbeko. . | Of Hie several Songs. 'You're the r Rainbow.' duetcd by Miss Lamour and PoWell. 'Whistling in the'Light' and 'Secretary to the Sultan' appear most likely. 'Get Your Man.' with . the fcirimcs in V'mountic' garb, given a nice ljuildup. with the chorus doing a trimly executed dnll. Picture has 'been given strong mounting by producer Fred Kohl mar. Karl Stiiiss and Harry Hallcn borgcr contribute A-l camera work . with the uniformly fine photography helped by excellent color, super- vision-.-of Natalie Kalmils. Wear: far removed from present: film en- lerlninmont requircinenls.. Only 'starring tiio of Margaret Sullavaii/ Ann Sothorii and . joan Blondell gives sufficient marqure Voltage for billloppihg position ill key bookings. Plot, sets up all'k'iiime east tossed into a Ijoinb sholier at Biitaan,' with nine, girls- rounded up from' evacua- tion of Manila'to fiinclioii a'S volun- teers iil ah (iuttaiul ifield hospital. Each p( the nine are; from various field's <if. endeavor, iiulmling wait-- re.-ss Ann- Sothorii. and . fiirnicr -biii'r loyqiie performer Joan londell. " iris- are "assigned auxiliary spots around the camp. but. practically all >i[ the 'footage' conters in the bomb shelter, for lenglhy dialog and men- Gil' reactions of the individuals as Oie. going ; gets lnugiver. Miss 'Sul- layn'n, as Army, niiiso in charge ■•.of fhe.:cout'iiigei\t, keeps movihg despite severe sufieriiig from malignant ma- laria.. At the finish,' with- the. Japs closing, in. the girls' bravely march out of the shelter' to sunondcr to the Nips. est thing about the. film is.the; capable cast tossed in for, group of generally fine perforniances, despite the -inadequacies', of 'the plot in both suspense and movement. Miss SU1- layan delivers, strong portrayal' of the Army nurse,. With Misses Solh-: ern and Blondell clicking solidly in respective', roles'. Others of the dozen girls dp okay., although at times -it: is hard to distinguish individual' per-, sonalitics due to khaki" unifprnis and ijenerally smtidged^ faces; Richard Thorpe is restricted en: di rcetion. tp following tdo stagey a script, with no eharice ; of generating .more than, honiin^l suspense at'points; where it should reach peaks. Wutt, Happy Laml ptutiiti'i Inn, Suit* l>nn Aiin-i-ltf. 'rnuu oM J)eo. HnViy • Citify: rviitni'i 1 !* Ann ' Jtmln »> ford., iljf-hnrtl c.'iji.up; l.nvry' <Usfn, llnny .Mui'khik "iHh'i'lfil; i»y Ivvlii^ riflH-l. S<-HM-n- ljy -Kaihrxii ami .hilit-.n .1 (.mi* I'll- $an '^nun .M:i*-K"iirl:iy -KiiniM-'* iniy>l;'<-|ini- eiii. .T»ihO)«K I'ji.'. ?:1n'Hi>.-: ciliHu . Hnrnfliy. );\\ cfrc^ tf, 'l\Vril . S* l ii»eri;' N»'vViii:in. : 'l'r:nii ^liiiwn in >:(.- KitnnhtK M MIXS. .^;...., ;Omt Aniw:tie l^ranrnK " I ^p . v,': .i',1 Ini'ry Cui'( ; y I'nia- -William* .;l;ry:lIhvo<v^,''/ ; . Hol ly wood. Nov. Ci. "MMro H'|i';:ff<» nr . I'MwIn J\tV.i|.f pin.lui lii-n. " Si:il>m ^sMiiruarct' Suliavari. Amy Si^ili i-iii. '.Uian .KIi'i/<l>'ll: fi-rVniii* l'':iv llalnhT ^ Jhiifi. Klin liaiiH'.-. 1 1'cui.-.y <;if. fiii'«l. Diana l>\vis. .(Irnilitr Aiij.i'1, Jioroihy Mollis.. Jtlri*> i«-ii hy itl* lV:n'il 'I'lioi |tc. S<-i'<'Pii|ilay lij i':V)il )isln>in. Ipast'il'i.n )>y. AIla'n 111 K i>h\M I'll: '■imiht.i. Km J'Yfninl: ihUk.V. '-Italnii K. \VInu*i>. . \*i:"kI^ Mitavn in I.; A m MKNS. -^,iiMll. SioilJl.- .: JMI........... Hui^c.. ;.....'. *':iju: -,M.iri.h.. Kin ..Vi.irfs;,,. i'nlijllr;.,-.., ■.jihm».;'/...--. ..; Xytllii,.;.:.. . .sur, ' Stp.v I^ulfirii... . Xgy; 'x't ' '.KiHrnim;. iiiiJ<' • '.'n'^) Siilhivini ,,. ;\ .\nn Siiihf i n .... ..(.iiiii Iil«>».|i || .... ..l-'ii'v; Ifiliir ... -. M:ii.*lia I hn'ii ,.:.,i:ilu 1 . .; -Vjiiir-f's Oiffi'i'il ^.'. .'l>lnna . I.pwM ... IkaMwi: Anm-l .^'oiinlo CIMi lnrl.vit . ,<il<ii*ki Crufldii .. Krly .-'Khiii»i'uolll' S|if , ni , ci ,, 1 ' .sptu in'irkli", - Kmil ' V. V. >'(.v: !i, ( Mai'^ti... Afirici*:. ..:...:... Vamp..........I ii'U'M'c' l?]i'iui>«; rvMiOn HariA"... Knsty. . . ... " rty I'jivrrri . i Iiiilj.'^ »'iilvin.... 'citT \>r« : ni\..... iliif. K.-Mkv. . ''iiihcr I'iis'i;. , ... Mi'.< S(;lini-liWr... Whny. r r .. ,. lIUHfy lanu II'-Hi). Itll^ly j:iKf".M . 111 ]<<-iifiatr.s....: vu. li.l'.,. .. .v,.-:. VWi'.r't-ii. Mmuh'. .- 1 .. iiifny lakf**......... .\h\ • -Mai'M nrn'iy.'... 'I'i't lUis'*. M i'. 't'ifiii ii*}* ...>.. Lohniv l a p'iiil>s (:i Ufi\ ci i-nil Woiul... Maiiln yvv. ... . .MayifV.V.. i . . \inly... I'iiii S*i (nnjill...... Uikir.:. •iV.i.;,;v., ri.ik...... Sain WaiHii*-.',... Iin-... Siilly I'lOi-i-r.... . Slivi» Wijyuc.;..".: I'hlifli-H - " I'lllVtnM. tiid l:. ; n. (»I<1 M;:n . HiAvirm: Dr.' l.l;iiimiiinil.'... Itii-lr.ivil Cniiio . ,v....;..... HfiiVy. Mui'K^n .:...,:. ..Miitiir Waipon .. I .'..f>H-kio Mmii-r WiUiinii W-l.i-j- .. .. *lv;ii-. 0;Sh»'a :\4h-l'illO':l»i> \V:ilt ".l^y-lltililsi '■. .UiiH(Ninn«* Murray; . '.. ..laities ...Liirry. OJsc-ii ^flornniii ThuiMa'x ;.*IVn ; y . Xia^wipnle ...... Krtwln Mlllh . . nmfs M. ^rtiliH. f ... ;.Mnvy \Vlckf« ....AViUO»c.]*uWw|n. *l>ini sttn eiiwm . ..^ .Allf»>n J'rlnKlc Mni-I Mmirc' !» . . . . . f J)urlHMluml. ., .Itli liaril AWiiuii ,... I.UItan Tlnmpnn .Korrin '. Taylni- .'.. Ian ry ThfimpfHin .. .Paul \\>1hp» . .Neil Di^>HOii. Jr. .....!mkl<f : Avrriil. \ ..T«M*' H^riiar'l' . . .I haisli-y StPvi ii«i ".ICIvln Fiohl. ,, ..liianlta QimkI^v ......MIlK.n KIMiCP . .:. ..loHn DIIhihi '....VLMirli "Wiilppcr .-..MaiJ'li'Te 1 c'onlov ;. . . .IMlu-il Duillpy .;... I'liHh. T;c -Nuli: Miniature Reviews iiliiiR JliRh* (Musical; Color)'. i]>ar'i. F.isf - 'moving musical .-■pells plenty of b.o, wanipuhi. , "Cry ': Havoc'* . i JtG ): Drama ' with all-fenimc .tossed into. Batnan bomb sbelloiv Star.- .w ill .carry it. : 'Happy Land' . I2()ih), Stout i)n^<)(rk'o wi.ll\ holdover's \\\ most' 'spots. '.-' .. -. ' :' 'His: uilcr's . top attraction . " Diirbin series. ' " i'mc for liOvc* -.(ParV.' Claudettc Colbert. Fred Mac- .MuiTyyislarred. in.laiigh-proyok- ; Jnii'comedy. Okay b.o. ; : •The Cross of Lorraine' ,i'M-G). : Well made, 'but heavy' drama, unfolding in a German niilitury prison camp. ..'...-; . 'Footligbt Clamour' (Col). .'Fourteenth" in 'Blondie' series saved by plenty of slapstick. Okay as lower drialcr;' ■ V 'Government IRKO). Syhlhetic tale of pVercrowded" ..Washington' will, catch nipderate attentipn in regular runs. ' .'Henry 'Aldrlch Haunts a House' i Par)., SatisfaclPiy chiller tor, the duajs. ' . ..' . . . 'Tha Falcon-and. the Co-Eds' •Good entry in the Falcon whp- dunit series. ■. ■ 'Yellow Canary* CBrit.)) Anna Neagle and- Richard Greene spy: "meller shPuld do okay ph both hemispheres^ ! - . 'Drums o('Fu Mancbu*- (Rep)! Sp-sp thriller adapted frem se- rial;'vpassablc ' kid- audiences and nabes. ' : 'Minesweeper* ^Par). "', Deals"■ with Navy 's' attempt to clear U.S. 'sea lanes of mines. OK dualer. 'Man From the .^io' Grande' (Rep). Don .'Red' Barry has Twinkle Watts as siipport in this standard 'B' western dualer. 'Deerslayer* "(Rep). ■ Mediocre Indian drama of nickleodeon-da'y period. For filler dates kid; matinees. . 'The Lamp SUI1 Burns* (Brit.). Rates as one el top English Alms of year. Produced by late Leslie; Howard. •' ■ in reality the' .butler to :eomposer Fraiu'Jiot' Tone. She's' inducted as maid in the baehclor peiilhousc but. fired ' two days on ■■■insistence. oX O'Brien, afraid of lining his job; if she. siiigs to .6itch Tone's attention.: Of course, the coiii'poser"beenincs in-; lorosleii in girl, llicy -fall in love,' O'Brien sepai ato.s; lliein. hut the pair are liiuilly. rcuiiitcd; lor, the fadeout clinch. . '., ' • .'.':' " Ucsplle talc's .fragility, piclnrc i». hi'imfui of. light and anuisiDM situa ; -; lions io all line it poVfeclly to pris- oiil audience reciuireme'nls for.' es- capist fare. . Miss Durbih is --e=|>c»iv' ligliled Willi finc'-performaiU'c as the. y.oiing ahd ambitious singer. gclling : soiisilive dircclioii under Frank Bpr- zage. • Foiii- songs, all in. tbp voice, include- the aria. 'Tiirnad6t. ,: (he Vic- tor Ilerbcrl-Ilenry Blossom: 'When You're ;AWay." a- 'nussian Mctilcy,', arrangemcrit' by ' Max iibinowitch. aiid a new func ,by e'niie Gross- niari aiid' Walter Jurman. .'in . the Spirit; of the Mpment.'. which lias a chance for pop attention. O'Brien clicks solidly as the but- tling older brother. ■ while Tone ef- fectively carries ; i ornantic responsi- bilities. Akim TamirofT,' Alan Mow;: bvay-, 'Frank • Jcnks land .Sig Arnp cpmprise ■ a ; semi-cemedy; cembo; Waller Catlett is a wacky stage pre- ducer, and Elsa Janssen stands put as the kindly CPPk, Borzage's direc- tion is consistent threughput and smacks oyer, .nulne.rptis. nttcntien-. arresting episodes.for .maximum at-- tentioh. Original screenplay bv Shin Bbffenstein and Betty Reinharilt dis- plays flrie craftsmanship, whilb pro- ducer Felix Jackson demonsUates aunate knowledge of cinematic story requirements lor. best, display' of Miss: Durbiii's; talents. Production is topgra'de' ' all technical deparl- incnts. ;\ '■ ■ : " ' , lVnlt.: ■ meets Mr. Muscles, While June Havoc is the:, tough chorine who- makes h play Xpr MacMurray. . the si pry itself cpuld have bperi mere plausible in spots, naniclv the- pat flhal scenes In which MacMur- ray is: suddenly revealed as spme- what -of;—a guy - with brains—instead of jiust another sah(l- hog.. It's a switch: belied - by (he dcsc-dosCTdem characterization Mac- Murray; giS>es during the eiiiiro pie. But then,, the 'smart' Miss 'Colbert' couldn't very well leaiii'up Wit)i just another sandhog, ceuld she? Knhn. > > Thc Cross of Lorriiimv Hollywood. Nov. 10. ; ■Mrii'o ■ n-k'.'iso :(if Kiiwlii i\j'ni|ir .|ii'..iiii...'' linn.' '.I'Yiiiuiv}* .li'inV l.'fii 1 !,. ■.\:uiin r iii.. c-iim'. Ki lly. , Sir r.Vili lc, - : I hli.In ii kr. Hi- li:ii->l Win'if. JiiKci4l.l , :il|i.t:i.- I.i.i ii . liiiim, rriinyii. l.)li-«Tli'0 ;li.v 'i\iy t;,ivi„.|i. s, n-.-M- piny'.dy .Mj.'h.-ii'l ->JCinilii' {iini- ici'nt i.m.i- iH-r. .lr.. .;\li<\Jiiifltu* I'^wny.' Ui.|..'\i. II. A'ii- ilvnws; lhi.iiMl..iih Hliiry .l»y l.ilii i i.-i>i,-i I..:in,f- Itulim l Almivri niHl; - A. 'i:|iiiii«;hi.i .siuH L-'iill.' Iiy -Huiih H<>lio:' c:ihm't:i. Siiliii.v W:i^-. ni-r: 01HU11-. Jluil .Mlini'i. 'I'r.'iiii.slil.n-ii m I.. A. Xiiv. 9; ! |'J. ltllllllliW li'niiv HU. MINS." :' ■ >'o Time for I-ov«r- :- , Viiialiininii .I'l'-lrn!.^; (if Miii lii-ir 'l.i Vi'n i l-'i'i-.'l:. K'nlil|ii:ii : l. ,i.i:..,liii iliiii. ■. : iJti'^.'ii-il i.y l/i-l^i-ii. st;irs '.i'LhiiK'Ui- .i'lili.f-ri' :in>l 1-T. .-.V .M:i.'.MiM-r'jiy: .O11l.1lri»M illkii .•-|i;'t>i».': I;ii-li;ii<l Ili'iVilll. rBlll:M(;Ci:iUl. '.Iih'ii. :ili;vi.r. S)-ii'?'ll- .plMy. < : 'L<llilr> Bhiyiin; :ul(iI'll'nlinn; .AViirri-ii l.mrt:-/ri'iiij }<l,tl'y .liy-: i(i>lii ci .].i>*> n\i,l '^Ti-o.l lvrii:il.|,i;. t-'ipiKT:!,' «'IkMi-lt'N J.R||£. 'Jr.'...ilnlSIc, Vl^lill' . yiillllK: f..lilMi:. : Alllf:i -M.K-nirlO. Film version of the over-theatric .play which was. originally presented at a Hpll.vwpod: little theatre under . 'Cry Havoc* and taken to New York tinder title ofPrpoit'Thro' the Night V is a decidedly staged piece which Is MacKinlay Kantor's hovel, which appeared in serial iorm in the Satur- day Evening Post and Reader's Di- gest, has been,turned, into a strong tearrjerker mainly .through the keen production given by Kenneth. Mac-, gowan and directorial skill of Irving Pichcl. Combined efforts Pt -this pair, plus a trim^ writing jpb. sets pff a string of -performances topped by Don Amechc, Frances Dee. Harry Carey and Richard Crane. Story is particularly applicable lo times, dealing with a father whose son is. killed in action-. •On sheer dramatic values and su- perb .performances. ."'Happy Land' looms as a highly profitable grosser, with holdovers likely Jn most spots. Picture has ah extensive ready-made audience if readers of the ori ihal' story can be sold. .Kalhryii Scola and Julian Joseph- son's scripting has successfully spot- lighted the .situation, for those who hayc lpst soils in the. present War.. 'Happy Land' is; the stpry of a typ- ical IoWa country town and a typ- ical family (Uie.Marshes), their, joys, dlsappbinlmehts and sorrows..' plpt has drugstore orj'eratpr Ameche be-: reaved ever ; the less of his son. killed iiv naval action'.; Return ot Gramp. his father: dead tor some 25' years., in the form of;an apparition, is the device used to unfold; the prin- cipal story up until Richard Crane is killed in service. Explanation of this visienary appearance is - that Grain p Has returned, to set Ameche right', since the grief-stricken lather claims that Crane never really lived —never had a hpmo pf his own, had net married, etc. Flashback method: then trace's the :litc; pf the youngster fi-Pnl\ bil-th, through Boy Scoiirdays. high 'schppi; vacations. at home, .wprk: in the .drugstore and finally .to. uhivci'sityr- then'Volunteering fer the Navy. It shows Ameche as he came.back from the First World.War. his happy ma'r- ridgo-^nd devotion' to his young son,- . The homey, down-to-earth touches in this story, pf the Marsh family, are the real meat of the 'pic- lure^ One is told that Lew Marsh imagines all this, W'ilh the vision in- troduced to lend : realism ; the- screen,; Climax is ;yi'heri ; Pne .pf the boy's pals in the . navy visits.'; the .Marsh family and gives them.the first-hand, account of hPw their son. gave his life attempting to save Pthers. ■ '. Don Ameche,. usually iii lighter 'roles..- makes the character Pf Lew Marsh a vivid profile. It Is a role that might easily, be overdone.'but isn't. Frances Dee, as his wife*, is outstanding as the understanding mate."..-Harry Carey turns in his usual strong performance as Gramp. the Civil War - veteran.;'-.-who- sets Marsh straight. Ami Rutherford- is topnoteh as Rusty's sweetheart, while Richard Crane dpes yepman wprk as the Rusty of high school and Navy age. ; Larry Olsen is clever as the Rusty of five years. Henry Mpiv, gan. cast as Tony, pal pf Rusty in the Navy, dees well with a dramatic bit. Unusually big and well-picked suppertihg cast is headed by Miner Watspn. Cara Williams. Dickie Mepre^ iDscar O'Sheai Richard Ab- bott and Roseanne Murray. Besides his intelligent direction. Irving Pichel Has made smart use of patriotic tunes and musical score tp accentuate' the' yarn. Joseph La Shclle contributes a unifprmly ex- cellent camera jpb,- while 'Dorothy Spencer's editing.-is topflight. , Wear. ■ His lliillor's Slsl«*r (SONGS) ;..:■; . Hollywood, Nbv, 9. . Vlil\-..r^:il'. ri l.-fijio i,r FcllK '.liicltHiin .'l,i'i>- •lii. Miiii. Dliii-i, !! . l,y V'rnnh lluraiKO. llfti'iriKI 1)111),in. VjlL'.-irlll-liili 'iiihI 1-Y.nli lint, i'l'iiiir-r r.-alnrOH : HyHyn Alil^r-. AKiiiV 'riliiiiriifr. ' Al;nl' Mdivlir-iv, l-'i-nnlt. ,.li'll(iW, WiUIlM- C:..||..|1. :■ Hi) Kls-i .hiny.-n. ^croi'iiiiliiy, Siiliidi-I .]lolr('iiMl<.|iv 'mill' Iti'iiy lti.|iili:i]-ili: i-iiiiur.' "ri'il ':-Ki-ni: ..firnii-rii.. Wnnily Tli-pili-lf- J.'iryliAvc.l Nuy. 'N, ;j:i, iii' K(.*y|i|liiii-. Buiijilhif Mill*, »i MINS. / , .:,.':.Ddinim nui-lilii .........I'm (vnricii i ..'.'.:'. rhini'lii'il' 'I'i'iiii' ..-.., .Kvflyrt -Anhri-N .......... Kijqi .laillK'll :....;. Wnllcr .'('n'tlMf .•■..v. ..Vkllll : I nnlliori ...... vAI'ii^ Mi\wli| :iy ........ ..I'-miik .Ifiiks .. .'■.;,. ....■: r.'>siic .'a.'i ii;i .. -|'.'illWliii.. , l , iiiitilii',rii ..... . Aliilri'W .'J'o.llllic.l.' I'l'hrtpjill.iwil In N. liiii'r. HX MINS. . K:«Clli.i-»iu'- (i|-:liil .; .Mm-1<> nil..'.....,;. 11n)i|iy -liiiim ... ... . itnjMT.. ... Ht-i'iry l-*n11r.n,.'..:, I iBrJi'iii' ..:..:......,., Sli|illiP. . .. , v , <;iivi-iiii-y .■:.;-........;. ■Kl-lil....... ,i . .'. :'.., I Mii'iliin'v.'.. . .. i:l:tne.v'... ..'..;.. Miu'iin.'...'.,........ si.iri'1-.i.y..;...;..:,.; Ia'-hii . I'rli'i'.'. ....... Poll*. I *:ui-||,'ll|-. .-. .'.'. Tayli.r.:i.. .1. (',iiii|i:iny I'l-iViil.'nl Nov: »:t. i^ulinli'iK ... .':'.'i-| i n».' (;iiiln rt- l-'i i'.I Mni.-Murr-iy . -..'.'.'....... llk'n' I'tiiim^ .........Ill, Ii.m.I ll.iyiln ... . . .'. ,: runt Sirilrirlll ....',;.':. .. .1 it■ if vi k?' ... .. . .Mlil'JiM'il' -l',illi'*"ill ...:.'.: . ..Hill ' (liin.lw'ln ; : ,;■;.'.-. :..i.''i-i' ll.i'i.l.k .-..... .Mi.l'l.lll l.ii'\VV ........'icliy-i .Williams ...'.':.... Miiri'n'y Al|H ; i-. ....... -..Mm K.-Iiy:. ..Ii-rinni' Iii.Nii.-.-iiil ....'., .'.ilt-.-inl 'WriiiorH ....'.:.... l:...| -i \.ni.'r..n ..... Willi, i.l K ( .|..iisi,ii Ann ciirlpr:;. Mill-tin. l'i.|-|i:r.... cllni-lpN lloriiiO-. I .lit. l'liih|ilii'JI-...' "■".-••fViiiii;.:■:■..... M..I-I ini'-i Kiill.. i' nr.... Iliizz. . , ,. Kllilili't. Mi.n-ll.i.-.-', .. lti'^VCH.. ,... .... BrWihy,. Universal swings, strictly 'to the Cinderella: formula for plot 6t De- anna Durbih's. 13th starrer, 'His But- ler's Sister.'.': Neatly contrived situ- ations. Consistently good pace, excel- lent cast 'and. four songs by Miss Durbiii combine to make this a top attraction of the Durbin'series. Familiar. plot - is embellished With fine performances and' entertaining sitiiatipns. . Miss: Durbin: hits New York froni her Indiana town/ to em- bark on a singing career through visit to older, brother,''Pat:O'Brien, whom she figures. Wealthy but whp> Escapist is. the wprd. and 'No Time for Love" is jUsl thai. in. spades..Star- ring. ClaUdelle Colbert, aiid 'Fred MacMurray .iii . a Claude Binypn screenplay that's heavily lpatled 'for laughs, this Paramount pic is rather obviously . contrived in some of . its situations, but- there's .ho. denying, a sufficiency of crack dialog—and the laughs that go with' it-^-to make for strpng bpxpfflce. : Mitchell: Leisen has' handled both the pveductipn and direelien , reins', giving 'No. Time'. bplh barrels on each count. There's a nifty set of characters.'and some of them should be..provocatively-' topical in their, ap- parent copy—at. least partially—from several real-life personalities of the New York and'Hollywood literati set. Story concerns a fampus femm'e photographer for a national picture .magazine (Miss Colbert), and the complications that evolve when, on an assignment to lens a-tunnel con- struction project; she meets up with a san'dhpg (MacMiirrayV.. -"-.-From 'there- on the basic slorv :is pretty much-pretense.-but.the laughs come fast.'and the performance.-, by Miss Colbert and iMacMurray are capital, ^here's one riotous; se- quence, in particular, When Mac- Murray jealously; eyes one- of (hose body beauts posing' for Miss Col- bert and seeks him up.'- It's scathing satire aimed at the so called 'strong' men. aiid Miss Col bert at times also contributes a 'cari- cature of; the :profession ' she char aclerizes. ' Miss Colber* emphasizes her flair for comedy and doesn't sparc-bcr.sell either in relegating her usual sar- torial elegi.nci-. fer the.isalte Pf seri- ous story, values, as .indicated in the climactic scene when she gets'spilled into a . lake of spewing, mud from a tunnel cave-in. The stene is plaved straight, • and '. it might ordin-frTiy have seemed: dangerous: for an ac-' tress; of Miss -Colbert's always su- perbly. coutouriei'ed : manner to have become.inv.plvcd In such an undigni- fied situation, but there 'should''-be scarcely a thought in that d'Uection: since Leisen's; direction h'as caught the scene as intended. . , Castor supporting players is head- ed by Ilka Chase; Richard Haydn, Paul McGrath and June Havbt, arid all give nifty performances, though their parts are li iled in scope be- cause the.story is so' pertinently di- rected at the starred pair. Miss Chase is in one pf her usual spphisti- caled roles, that of Mjss' Colbert's sister. The '.haraclei*: could Have been given greater substance. Havdn is • okay as the -somewhat 'parasitic composer. McGrath is the magazine publisher, and. boss of Miss Cplberh with whom.she's affianced, un'tll- she l.'uul. \; ..((•mi rii'iT.' 1 - Ainiii.nt clini. Iv,-1ly l'':rllliT Si- imlllill,. . . 1 Sir •'i-.Hvii- -lliinln ii-l.o. l'*l-:il>i:olH KiHltikiii'-i.;.^.'. ...■: -si-mi ■ ■ lii'Lcor.,,, Oitylil...... . IwiuIh. ... . : ■. •. .■.''.. Xiijiii* BriiliJ.".... '.'ihmIupb. ..'. .....•'(-. Hli'llf ..'..'..-. Miii-i'i'l. . .. . .. . , Ht'iii*.....'. ., I ,(Mil. (*bi-|ii-i';il. Unxcr'. .-)■:• i-.l WhiirC ...iui..|iii' ('iiiii-iii .'.'.....;:;.. ...I'l-K-r i.ihvo ,....,',.... I Iiiiiio' ''riiti\-ji i-l.iy n-y ... ..... .■.-.Tuiimi S.*l\\.iirt . ... . ..... M 1,:.l.ll... !-L .....v. ..... . Wnllii'v' ;i'i.|'il ......... lixliii'liV I'lirll'l . ... .*.,llil'l( K.l»:.l.l|.. .IV.. . i y : I'ii'liiLt'.l llyi-ii ,: .i.I''i-i'.li'i'l.-k tiii'i-iiinlih: Detailing; the graphic adventures of French war prisoner's Who ^subi. milled to Nazi • armistice premises and were carted off Ib Germah niiKy tary camps.:. with siibsequenf tor- tures, cruelties and starvation by' their captors in ai^ attempt, to bend them' to the new.: order. :Tlie Cross of Lorraine' is. heavy drama,; Its- boxoffice appeal will , depend a lot' on its selling. As ,a cinematic' 'reenaetment Ot various factual information on treat- ment of former French soldiers ih German military, encnmpmeiits. pic- ture provides ]a vivid display of bar- baric tortures by the Nazis.: It's too stolid . and .grucseirie, vvilhput any semblance of lightness... ; .- StOry unfblds slowly,: with .iuueh' footage given over to individual characterizations and tlic effect of the Nazi;. double-crossing of the ■French soldiers. . The camp living, conditions, the. cruelties aiid. nilh- lcssness pf the German, officers.- and gradual starvation of the; prisoners are.: vividly- sketched ' isodic fashion. Opening picks up at the Franco- German- armistice, with French sol- diers surrendering on promises of being returned. to their hoiiies and families. One group is herded into a boxcar and dumped e(T at camp in occupied France.-. Gone Kelly is .tot'— tured without submitting to...German' demands to. .cppperalc: Jean -Pierre. Aumont unwillingly keeps iii' line until time arrives to get' his friends out. to freedom, and acrpss the line into unoccupied France where they, can sneak pff to. join. the. Free French forces. ■' All-male cast is adequately set up, .with entire troupe'.providing excel- lent Individual characterizations un- der deft direction by Toy Garnclt, who was hot wholly able to over- come the heaviness of the script. Picture is adequately mounted in all production 'departments.; Waif.-... Foolllghf. filamour ; rrilumbl-l r(-1e'|in0 of. l-'i-inilk Slr.'iyi-r priir (UicLlnii.' Fo.'ilurP'* lloillly Sinifii-uiii. Ailliin* J^Hke uMil -l.iirry Slmiiiii; J "irrrli-.l Iiy l-'ii.nk SLrnyer. ■ SH-repin'liiy.. Km-'-n. l.>j\v'..if.. -iVihI ( s 6hnlft r>0, Imfn'il «n c ; iiiii|,' slrlp. 'Itj»iulii'.' I.y ctil-: YnuiiKt I'iniiV'i'.'i.- I'liilhi "I'niiiin.ii;. I'llllin:. -nir'hni'ir.F-lntl. -At, l-'ux; r.i-iiiiklyn, illliil. w«.fk of Nov.. '\'.\: JlllliniiiK llnic, m MINS, lllnlAIJn. l-l.-iKWuod .,'.,- i, AIi-siiiiiIi*i'. .'...... Vlikl ■ Wlmoloi'.... ■I.' V. Dillici-K,. -.. ■Mi'. ('ilini......... I'lwklc:.'...... ..: Alvill . Ku-lilK'....',. Hiiliilnli'ih ' AV-liPp|(.|' Mi'ii. Jiiihcr-i.: ■li'i'i y (ii'iiut....;. Iiiiisj- .:.:.;....s. ; ..,'Vllily Sili|-tt.|..ll • •«.>•;.;..Aiilmi-'.l.iU.A • . I.;.!' i y SI Ml ill*. ;;*,....'...-. A ii ii '.'.-i Mine . .i .'. :.., i.ti.i|;.lli:n'i; lliil* ...... .'.'.;.■ ..iI'Viiiu it-.ii...ii ...Mni-Ji.riiv Ami. . Miil.'-.iiii? I l:ii>ny M iiiiiiiit'i'C i .■'. .'. .'1'lllll-M.ll'l I llill ....... . .lli-iuM- ll':l> 1«: .... ., • •'. . .Kiifiii l SI. rill '.. .:. .-.'...'.. .iliui.«..lf. This 14th in the 'Blondie' scries is a roulihe iob, hut manages" lo net laughs in- .last few reels via a slap- slick play-wilhin-a-plny. Thanks 10 this angle, it makes the b.o, grade' as a dualer. Story • concerns efforts, of a real estate . prompter, Jehathair. Hale, to induce a tool manufacturer (.Thurston. Hall) to set lip ,a. war plant near former's hew apartment houses- Halo enlists <iid:of: his' em- ployee, Arthur Lake. But plans are nearly gummed v lip .when. ■ Lake's Wife, Penny Singleton, helps pro- duce a play written by Hall's daugh- ter, Ann Savage. Hall has been op- posing daughter's stage career. • : Situations built: around efferts to keep Hall from seeing the play;: and hoked-up. production of the play il- sclf, provide the laughs. Usual sl.ap- slick. devices such as wreng sound effects, trapdoors that open when they shouldn't, and fumbled lines go over big'. Performances of. Lake. Miss Singleton, Larry Simms and Daisy,, the dog, are delivered in ■standard 'Bumstead' .manner. Sup- porting players turn ih workmanlike jebs. . .. ■ Good ..pace prevents ' otherwise weak script from bogging do\vn film.