Variety (Nov 1943)

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56 Wednesday, November 10, 19.43 *FIVE OUT OF THE SIX "BEST KNOWN" ST. LOUIS RADIO PERSONALITIES ARE ON KWK ALPHABETIC ALLY LISTED, THE FIVE ARE: DADY IZZY DEAN RUSH HUGHES JOHNNY O'HARA ED WILSON jLj EDW. O. DOODY 8 COMPANY, RESEARCH ANALYSTS, HAVE JUST COMPILED THEIR FINDINGS IN AN INTERESTING SURVEY. They made 500 personal interviews. They asked these people to name St. Louis radio personalities. Some named one or two, others as many as ten. Out of the personalities most often mentioned six led by a very wide margin. FIVE OUT OF THESE SIX LEADERS ARE KWK PERSONALITIES. I. May Kennedy McCord 9:45 A.M. Monday through Friday 9. Ray Dady 8:45 A. M. and at Hoon Monday through Friday 9. DIuy.Dean Sporlt 4. Ed Wilton S 00 A. M. Monday through Saturday 3 00 to 4:45 P: fA. Monday through Saturday . . Johnny O'Hara O 05 P.M. Monday through Saturday . Carl Hohengarten 7:30 P.M. Tuolday and Thurtday 7. Ruth Hughe, 10 00 A.M. and 615 P.M. Monday through Saturday 6. Jean Webb 7:30 P.M. Tucutay and Thurtday 9. Buddy Heiti 7.75 P.M. Monday,Wedn<iday, Friday and 7:30 P.M. Tuetdayand Thurtday 10. Rich Hayet 7:30 P.M. Tuttday and Thurtday 11. Jack Connori 7:30 P.M. Tuctday and Thuriday The afoie iii'imtrjuil or Jit does not i/iJicjtt rehtiie popularity of artists in the survey. ST. LOUIS KWK CHASE HOTEL MUTUAL REPRESENTATIVE, PAUL H. RAYMER CO.