Variety (Nov 1943)

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64 VAUDEVILLE VARIETY Wednesday, November 10, 194.1 Night Club Reviews Los Angeles, Nov. 3. Benny Rubin. Ben Blue. Sid Tomack. Benny .Lessy, P«(li Moon', Jerry Bergen.. Marie Austin, Jlilci Martinez, Shadrack Boys, Phil Har- ris-Orch' (18); minimum $3 'Saturday- and Sunday, $2.50 oilier nights.. . '■ The Mircle Man of the nilerics has moved into the Miracle Mile of Los Angeles. Locally, ' that statement needs no elaboration. To the non- Angeleno it means that Sam Lewis, onetime vaudsr (Lewis 4 Moore), has pulled stakes at the old Slapsy Makie site and taken up occupational permanency on swank Wilshire boulevard, the Coast equivalent' of N'Yawk's Fifth avenue. Strip is "called the Miracle Mile because it built up that fasl. It all adds up to a personal business triumph for Lewis; who started in a store room a few years back and first expanded by knocking down the wall of a Chinese, 'laundry next door. If Lewis was strutting on premiere night of . Sir.psy's (nee Wilshire Bowl) there wns ample and justifi- ablereason for his posturing. Up on the band stand was Phil Harris with 18 men (that's quite a jump : from four) and solid-packed to its 600 gala-night capacity was ah-' abund- ance of the biggest names in Holly- wood. Looking about the room, Lewis could smile benignly at . the decor, $35,000 worth out of the Frisco Slapsy. profits. That tag. 'Miracle Mail,' is no misnomer to those who have tagged along with Sammy since he and Slapsy (whose partnership was relinquished to Ben Blue) made their first bid as enlre- ? the gay crowd. And those amiliar with Lewis' operation (one of the cleanest in town) will give fairly good odds that he'll be the first to make a flourishing go of the old : Bowl site, long a white pachy- derm . and never a big money maker. As for what Lewis has put out on the floor and inHhe blackout cham- ber above the , handstand there's plenty for the tariff. Benny Rubin is about the only petformer who hasn't toiled in Slapsy's before. He does ; most of the emceeing and scores solidly with his routine . of dialect stories which cover a wide range of nationalities; Blue's comic- alities and collapsible hooting are fairly standard by now but still howl-proof. Jerry Borgon dons a wig and fakes with the fiddle as a concert, conductor tor a rollicking interlude, and if all that doesn't ap- proximate enough drollery for one evening, Lewis has chucked in' Sid Tomack and Benny Lossy, who help keep the room a bedlam.-but not quite as bawdy as before ('don't forget, boys, we're now on Wilshire boulevard, hard-by Beverly Hills'). On the femme side are two'first Vate performers in Marie Austin, an almost perfect stencil of Ella Logan in voice and mannerisms, and Patli MOore. a solid trouper Who can foil for a gag with the best of them.. The Austin, gal should springboard from here to radio, stage musical and/or films. She's gingery, personable and ■ has a selling style of. the wrap-up Variety. Rita Martinez, sultry singer and. hip-waver rounds out the distaff complement. . Phil Harris is an old fixture to the Bowl crowd and dispenses the same smooth dansapation that Has long characterized his outfits, now round- ing out 20 years. With 18 men under his crooked finger, production and dancing are assured topnotch collaboration. Harris' name out front is a decided asset to the estab. what with the plugging Slapsy's will get; by Jack Benny on the air plus his popularity with the home'guard. Over in the Rio Lounge the Shad- rack boys (2) entertain the.sippers with pianologs. Helm. Lji Martinique. IV. V. Damiy Tliomas, .'Skip' Nelson. George Moore. Janice Andre; Line. Ma.rimilinn Bergere . orch, Socassas Orch; $2.50-'$3.5b minimum. • NO IV KNTKHTAIMNU TUN III1VS IN SCOTLAND LLIE SHORE F«n«m<il Miiiuicrment AL BORDE Special Material LYRICS... MONOLOGUES COMEDY DRAMATIC for Stage—Cabaret—Radio DORA MAUGHAM 1173 BROADWAY, NEW YORK GOi. 5-8340—Room .723 Danny Thomas, in his eighth week, continues the mainstay and most potent draw here, with the. balance of the lineup consisting of new acts, excepting for the line of [iris who are also holding over.- Thomas, an immediate click when he first opened at' La Martinique, is a funster who has become virtually a must for nitery patronage. Some of his routines have already be- come comedy classics, for he is stamped with the indelible imprint of the first-rater—a unique, in- imitable stylist. . His 'Berchtesgaden Choo-Choo.' 'Wailing Syrian,' an Italo-American's impression of. a. baseball game, and the story of the man who didn't have a jack, are perennials which warrant a second and even a third take. At. show caught last Wednesday (3) Thomas excluded the . piece about .the jack and delivered a bit titled 'Number 10 D.elancey , Street', (right near 'Hester'), which went over strong. Further, its a number which can be built up, lending it- self to amplification via additional lyrics. For the rest, there are 'Skip' Nelson, vocalist (New Acts), George Moore, tapper (New Acts), and Janice Andre, toe dancer (New Acts). Maximilian Bergere arid Socassas orchestras provide excellent show and dance music, and the line of six femme lookers are OK. Mori. Currently U.S.O. TOUR Buck and Bubbles down to the tiny 'Pewee.' Marquette.. who opens ana closes show, it's A-l nitery fare. Opening night show, running 90 minutes, was ovcrlong, and needed pruning. However, that's a small item. Standouts of show are Mau- rice Rocco. hoogic woogie . pianist who gives out standing at the keys, and who has proved one of the main draws since place opened July 8: Bill, ailey, tapster, who also gives out with a running lire of gags, many of which could stand sapoloing, and Buck and Bubbles, comedy duo doubling from 'Laugh .Time,''current.' at the Ambassador, N. Y. , Rocco is plenty of an electrifying personality, working with enthusi- asm and showmanship. He does 'I Hear You Knockin', 'Begin the Be- guine,' 'Sophisticated Lady' and 'Donkey Serenade;' and finishes up. going away. Bailey, appearing in a tux and straw hat. is: a .'personality kid, whose terpihg is lops. Patter is okay-.idea, but lad is sorely in need of better material. Due to physical limitation of . the place, only ring- siders could see his.footwork. so por- tion of ga^s that clicked helped, His cracks about Hirlem downtown are not in good tasto. Buck and Bubbles; appearing in the windup spot, work easily to reap rewards! Bubbles' rendition of "It Ain't Necessarily So.' song he in- troed in the original version of •Porgy;' is standout. First on are Taps .and Wilda.' jit- terbug dancers.'-flashily dressed, fol- lowed by Dolores ving. warbler, who docs 'Put You.- Arms ' Around Me' and 'Too Young or Too Old' in fair fashion. She has a nice voice, but best.of all her diction, helps sell lyrics. Patterson and Jackson, long stan - aid vaude act. get around plenty on the small floor, considering they carry what is billed as "600 Pounds of Merryment.' Pair's good-natured clowning, plus- nifty footwork, is all oh the asset side. Finale, usual im- personations- of the Ink Spots, gels them off to a hefty hand. Ada Brown, blues singer, vocals 'Stormy Weather,' 'Jericho,' 'Georgia' and Real Estate Papa.' in traditional style. Her choice of gown is an un- happy one, but encore 'Papa' is.ib happy choice for she cuts tune to one chorus, bowing out with audi- ence wanting more. Eight Zahzibcauts are. sprinkled throughout the show, and attractive girls, beautifully gowned, put an ef- fective frame about the proceedings. Don Redman's band backs the-show, and band is okay also for customer dancing, as is Saracas. rhumba band. Zanzibar, .N. Y. Tops 4 Wilda, Dolores King, Pat- terson fr Jackson, Maurice Rocco. Bill Bal/cy, Ada Brown, Buck & Bubbles, Teuiee' Marquette, Zanzt- beauts (8), Don Redman Orch (14), Saracas Orch (9); minimuni $3 and $3.50. Club Zanzibar's bonifaces Joe Howard and Carl Erbe can probably afford to sit back and relax now. Their nitery, located along Broad- way, above the Winter Garden, and situated in a room that has proven a jinx for a succession of clubs in recent years, is now as of Thursday (4) in its second version of what the producer of the all-sepia show, Clarence Rob'nson calls 'Zanzibar- abian Nights,' and its a solid click from start to finish. According to Erbe', show cost around $6,000, and from the array of talent, costuming and presenta- tion in evidence on the night the show unfolded, it probably .did. Running through the list of per- formers from Tops and Wilda, Pat- terson and Jackson, Dolores' King, Maurice Rocco (only holdover from the previous show, and still a show- ^top^er)^BillBaihjy^Ada^Bjjojvn, Dean Murphy Heads Chi Palmer House Show Chicago, Nov. 9. Dean'M(irphy heads the'new 'Holi- day Revue' in the Empire Room of the Palmer House opening next Thursday (18). Murphy, under con- tract to Metro, returns there when his Palmer House dale is completed. Others in the new show will be Virginia Lee and Mack Lathrop; Walton and O'Rourke; Rita Oehmaii and Ruth Schriver. One of . the Merricl Abbott routines will feature Leon Fbkine, the balletmaster, now teaching here. Ran Wilde's orch will open wilh Hildegardc on Jan. 13. 2 Ontario Houses Resuming Vaude Vaudeville's upbeat all over the U. S.«is finally making itself felt in Canada. Palace, Hamilton, Ontario, iv straight pictures for oyer 12 years, resumes stage show's Nov. 26 on a full-week basis (except Sundays). Also resuming vaude is the Palace, St. Catherine's, Ontario, a two-day (Friday and Saturday) stand, to fol- low Hamilton, making both an eight- day route to. be. played in 10 days. Both houses are being booked by Leo Cohen, of Loew's and Station WHN in N.Y. Cohen also books the flock of Loew's one and two-day vaude houses around N.Y., these dates being sepaTgte. from Loew's .regular, vaude time booked by Jesse Kayc. . . The Canadian houses are operated by the Odeon' Circuit. Years ago, however, the Hamilton house, a Thursday opening., was. operated by Loew's. ftlarini' llooin. 4'laJ (EDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL) Chicago. Oct. 22. Byron Kay & Louise Glenn. Net- son Sisters (2). jack Herbert. Eddie Oliver Orch (18) Willi Ben Purcell and Ann Juds'oii. Jr.. Dorben Dancers (12), Betty Cray; 50c and 75c couer plus $1.25 minimum.■: Dorothy Dorbev's aptness to pro duce ballet numbers -has been proven time again but in the present fall revue, 'Cafe Ballet' she has reached the peak in adapting the use of ballet dancing and symphonic music in a floor show presentation. Among the numbers in current show are routines done to 'Dance of the Onions' by David Rose: an ab- breviated version of Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto.' which-fea- ture the detl ' I'ngers of Eddie Oliver; 'Chopinia.' the mazurka from -Shostakovich's 'Fifth Symphony' and the mazurka from Tschaikow sky's 'Aurora's Wedding.' all done in excellent precision by the Dorben Dancers. Byron Kay arid Louise Glenn are the dance soloists in mast of the numbers and prove, to .be artists of undeniable grace and charm. They are a solid hit. Jack Herbert contribs. a neat line of chatter as he does a variety of magic tricks including rope stunts, card tricks,, coin? and paper stuff. His banter is amusing and gets laughs. Herbert is a hit in his ow:i spot beside acting as emcee. Nelson Sisters, nifty pair of aerial- ists. thrills 'em with breathtaking tricks on the trapeze and rings. Gals arc skillful performers with variety of tricks including a neck hold, a head swivel and a leg catch that wins heavy applause. Eddie Oliver's Orch continues to gain favor with patrons, here for first-rale dance rhythms and excel- lent show music. Ben Purcell and Ann Judson. -Jr. (Mrs. Oliver). han- dle the vocals and Betty Gray pro- vides organ melodies during the. in termissipns. Morg. RINELLA'S BROWN DERBY AMERICA'S * FUNNIEST SHOW TED SMITH, M.C.—TOMMY RAFT—PHYLIS CLAIRE- JOY MARTELL —- JACQUELINE MIGNON — BROWN DERBY DEBUTANTES ■ — FRANK. PICHEL'S ORCHES- TRA—-TAYE VOYE TRIO—THE DOLLODIANS. Phones: State 1307-1308 Berger to Join GAC Milton Berger. currently with Harry Levine at the Paramount booking office in N. Y . moves oyer to .General Amus. Corp. soon as. as sociate of Harry,-Romm' in theatre booking. Date isn't definite.' It de pends on the length.of Levine's slay on the Coast; latter's going west this week with Bob .Weitman, managing director of the Paramount theatre. N. Y., and Berger shifts when they get back.. Berger will replace Leonard Romm, who left GAC last week. MARTHA RAYEBOOKED FOR N.O0XY P. A. Rbxy, N: Y., is closing a deal- for Martha 3aye to come into the de- luxer ' sometime in February or March, depending on film runs be- tween now 'n' then, , The Roxy booking will be Miss Raye's first eastern theatre date since sh-! was overseas early last spring. Since then, however, she's made a couple of films and variou\ radio ap- pearances. Miss Raye. when overseas, was part of the now w.k. Feminine The- atrical Task Force that also included Kay Francis, Carole.Landis and Mitzi Mayfai.r. Cincy's Albee Back to Vaude Cincinnati. Nov; The 3.300-scal Albee (RKO >, will tenant vaudfilm .when that policy re-' vi vos here Friday (12 i after-a sea- son's layoff. Stage shows had been scheduled for the Shuberl, 2,100- sealer. where they had been, pre- sented since nearly a decade ago when the Albee went straight pix. The change was decided upon last week when RKO Theatres' E. L. Al- person, g.m.; Sol A. Schwarlz. west- ern zone mgr.; Harold MirischV film, buyer, and;Harry Mandel. publicity -director, came on from New York -to look over the firm's Cincy hold- ings and confer with Col. Arthur. Frudenfcld; newly- appointed suc- cessor to the late. Isaac Libson as chief of the division..embracing, this- town and Dayton. New setup makes the 2.000-seat Palace the burg's biggest straight cinema.. Latter, the Grand and Capi- tol will .firstrim top product, leaving, the Lyric. "Shubert and Keith's for movcovers and occasional pr'eems, Scale for the Albee. has not as yet been set. Initial week's combo lay- out has ''Iron Major' (RKO) on the screen, the stage array including Glen Gray's band. Rufe. Davis, the Creightons. and Lowe, Hile and Stanley. Deke MotTitt, former pit leader at the Shubert. will direct the house orch. ' Guizar's S.A. Plenty Boff, $2,000, in Buff ^ Buffalo. Nov. 9. Tito O.u'izaT with surrounding com- pany proved to be one-man show at the Erlanger Sunday (7). Mexican tenor, wilh guitar; elicited terrific audience reaction and had them shouting in the aisles. Two shows tallied an estimated $3,000 or slightly under that. Satis- factory at $2.20 top. Ice Shows Back At Hotel St. Regis, N.Y. The -Hotel St. Regis' . Iridium Room, N. Y., where ice shows got their start to become one of the country's outstanding entertainment money-makers, restored this type of amusement . last night (Tuesday): The rihker features Ann Robinson. Bob and Peggy Whight, Paul Castle. Margaret Barry, Marcia Mae Buhl, Sharlee Munster and Helen Thomp- son. Guslavc F. Lussi staged and directed. The Whights and Paul Castle are currently featured in 'Stars on Ice.' The last time the rink in the Iridium Room was used was in January. 1941. PHIL "TIMBER" FORREST '♦. "CLOWN PRINCE of NAUGHTY NONSENSE" KESNERS SKYRIDE Chicago • ■■ Personal Management C.R.A. CHICAGO Soph A Red Hot Mama At $26,000 In Frisco San Francisco, Nov. 9. Sophie Tucker, opening Tuesday (51 at the Bal Tabarin. topped the night club> gross weekly receipts with $26,000 after turning away spenders on the four nights played: Soph was augmented by Ade Duval, magico; True Worth, acrobatic dan- cer, and Bruce Holden as m.c. backed by Maddy Madscn's orchestra (12). and 10 girls in line. After Frisco stand Miss Tucker opens at the Last Frontier, Las Vegas. CAPPELLA PATRICIA "The dance team at the Troc- adero impressed us more than any pair since the first time we saw Renee and Tony de M arco go floating through the air. Kept thinking they must have a lo t besides ballroom dancing behind such grace and precision."— EDITH GWYNN, Hollywood Re- porter. Currently MUSIC BOX Theatre in "Yours for Fun," Hoi: lywood. PEETA SMALL The Canadian Nightingale Recorded Auditions Available '- K.tcliifilve Miinttirefnfiiit HERBERT LYNN 10&1 llmiiilnar, Xrw York C'OlunibiiH ft-0:uo KXCI.l'SlVK MANAGKMKNT ALAN GALE Now 12th Week at Palumbo's, Philadelphia . wjtiTF. JO L L Y whie JOYCE rilONI:. F,,,!, TheHtr» Klillt. Walnut Mil 1Mb and Market Bl.. Walnut MSI : Phlln. SIBYL B0WAN STRAND, NEW YORK Direction—ROGER E. MURREL