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18 FILM REVIEWS Wednesday, November 21, 1913 . ; Madame -Curio . M*tiM'"'i«1<sixe. i>f Sliiiioy l-Vmililin pi-u- 4iii'iii>n; -siiti-M- .:tfiii- ■ w ■ llilticui: fiiiiini'S llniiy Ti-av.-i.». Ain.ii Uuwi+li'.H'. ir-.l'Orr W.'IKit.' I '•■ \'im> tnilin, name- -way Wlmij.' \ ii ior J-j. ii.- ' ri'n. 1 V.V.y .Mn-Hi'inluii. II* Itl - i n\«-ii.- JiH*i-l>-.l. i:> : .u.ii}ii I.i'Uii.v. ■ ISi- ) - »"!■«- L.in.'. |.\ l-:\v ■'-"itiIi-:' n'laiitailnn.. -ram i ■«.- hum' iin.l JViii II: -liuihi'au; .-mural ■ Jmiiii.-*" l|?linii: i-.liliu'. .-IlilO'l'l l'\ 'm iinii-ui.' -.iiiv-.j-ii i;iinriiii»-»*i>. ■ l'i<-vi'-i."-<l.-.iii | ". V... .v.,\. Iv, • MX. .'. UmmdiK ..Vim'. I"', ila<*k London •' I'nilf.l- Al liMS .ii-W-uKe tif SiililHi'Mlloll-l'tli' ..lit li.-lli i l»*'l'■-•! ■-«! - l,> - ;-\ifVi'll .-'iHlli-ll.. siVi'* ■ \lnli:ii:l ..' i-si'u'n.'. 'Sn*.iii llia wiinl.. ji'-aUli-i-... l-'l.-llik- .l-'i:i.\ I'll, lisa Ma i-ll. ,-Vii-- vilu:i -. Si:■ ■ Jt.■ It'll '.Mmi'k. ii. "»l'>> K'-nl \i' l'l.*i-;»l. I.;i>«il.,iu'l' ' I'llr IIi'ioK i»C .lark i.mii.!. .it;*. \'.\ r'Jinuiii.iii ' l'.iiii'l"ii:' i::iiii.i:r.i. .liiiiil W. I !■'-; • liiii.-V-. -I-V.'l -lli.-li: i-liliir. \Vi:iiM|i. Xi. f;l. i-.: I in X. V. \m. *.l'! I I liill.l .ii. ' t .MiiiIii'iiii- '. ai-ii-:' i'ii-i u- i-'ni.. ... , Taiui-n'-. . .ui'.i-. .,.;-.. J'ruf. .li-aii- i;«*u'i.:. : Unvi.| i...i;r»*;.:-.., l.in-i K» : .'iif.:.... ;'..: Mini-. M'.>.'-i:v I'ln'i'-. l'ivj-, ■ . jl.'ulvi'-l -ii> '• .Wiin- ' I-. -rij Jmv I Ii i • ihi'i ' I. .'..:., Id- 'IM...;,..;■....'. In lie.. ■", ..\..-i. . ;.r .i: -.i "i. . \Y;i"li-'-i. 1'i - : «;.. . IIi-il|-> .1 .'.U'i'-y: i:'.^- liii'.'.n , . ... liii./'-l . W.il i. . .'i' A l:li- -'.^illii il aim; Mi)"' V> !•-*•> .'.',. v*i.-;i'.i l-.i. i.* » i..pi}:i-.-l'-.:( .«.■'■ i -r ,.,'.i;.k ii-i'-i "'■■•ii ... ... v yiiiv- .iniii.i'....if :.M:\i^'.iV' i .ti;r.i.-n , tilth a ; groat ; picture. 'Madame Curie'' " •• not only' ■ ' (lis- liii!iiu>h«-:i i-iininbiiCon 16 li.o s: .viii. in "that ii iiVispi'binsly tells ih;;/::;inii of the j-innsglo and . hcar.lac:'ii> wi;U iilliinalcly i-e.-nllod. in thi-.tl c-..\i' : .y ot rnchim b'u ...rwrthcr lliaii tll;.l. x:~r Ciuisp it is a'very jid'i^iiaiil. loooi'y. its : JuoN'ollicc sti'jecss is . a.-s . Cai-. yiiv}; a singularly stion ; : \> .0 1 'ior woniL-n. at. Iho sani'o I :iu"-ii- is not just ii s.l-i'aHcd'Womnh'.s nic.^i-e ami tan'l mi.-;.-- heiits; biy cvc/yw.ii iv. The s-ani'o li'it-making coinhiinol 01V ot Sidney Franklin, producer;'-.-' aiid Mcrvyn LeHoy', diieelor;:who '.uinbd out •Mi>.''''Miiiiv« , f-.' and •Random li'.;r- ves .' have instilled into the slbiy of Miiclam'c. Curie alid . her 5s'?iem.'°it- luisbancl a pai ticulai ty .hi^h. i c;;.v.c' of : cnfi-rlainmeiH value'.- where in les<!-.«killcd' hands the: romance ot . r»idUim. and its:'discovery; may have .struct out. The )?i Ifalis \vc>o . there but Fnijikliri. Hivihi -the lllm -excel-, leiit ilrodurtion, aiid LeRoy, d.h-oct- irij; it.i'!s))iriiluly. have skirled I hem in tlic most. intelUijcn.t and cautious, manner. '...!■'.. :'■ " -.-; •: ■ While the events leading up to the discovery of radium and^ the frme it brouj-ht : Madame Curie are of the ; .greatest" underlying impprtaneo to the piclurc as entertainment, it's the love : story that .dominates all jhti way. -Thus. this, is iiot.'just the sa^a. or a xreat scientist nor ju^V a stbry' of test tubes and laboratories ; Film is: based on the book. .'Madaihe Curie,' written by Eve Ciiric,' ; daughter of the Polish teachcr : scieritist who quite, by acci- deni- came upon the source of the' precious radium element. It has beon adapted with great- skill by Paul Osborn and Paul H; Rameau', with a'few stretches of narration by James Hilton. Written compellinRly,. with the dialog having both, force and tenderness, it:throws Greer Guv- son and Walter Pidgeon. ■ together immediately after the opening .and,, as, the romance between them-ripens, it gathers'; terrific momentum. The' scene. 11 in which Pidgeon, himself a. tlrusttling scientist, pleads with Miss . Carson hot to give up her laboratory studies ishe's.beeh using his lab. as b place to experiment), and his-flhal. ratJieV clumsy 'proposal,. are gems. Farther on. after Madame Curie has found radium, and Pjdgeon gets killed, a sequence of great pathos and touching romanticism is por- trayed : which will wring the dough- licst hearts . and bring but the Jeer'-, chiefs. For the finish, the story skips sev- eral years, going, to an impressive ceremony before solbns of the Uni-' veisily of Paris who are honoring the now graying Madame Curie on the. 251 h- anniversary of isolation of the radium element. It marks a lil- ting close for a fine .biography of an illustrious and fine womanr.ii. The" picture has been directed with excellent restraint and both of its >v stars perform with this same.admir- jj|^> nble restraint. In all respects, it's a Hj timplc story told that way but with W. uncommonly strong impact. r- . Miss. Garson and Pidgeon. iatlcr ' with' chin whiskers and mustache, virtually carry., the picture between themselves, but in the casting'.'of ■others the selections have been .carclully. made as .to;.type and olhcr- ■ .wise. These include Henry. Travers and Dame.: May -Whitty. parents of Pidgeon, and- sundry scientists., pro- fessors, etc;, among,, them Albert Basscrm'an, Robert Walker, ■' C. Aubrey Smith,; Victor- Francen. Elsa. Bassermah: and Reginald Owen: .' Though running long, the -fpptagc of 1-25 minutes is fully justified and the editing by Harpld T. Kress leaves, notrri'hjr: to. be desired; Franklin's production backgrounds are excel- lent and the' photography by Joseph fittllsnbcr good without being gaudy. :-':' :.. Char. KiiiiilltiK. i Inn'.. '■ '.':u-U -|;..niliii.i:..'-.-. .'....'. . i ■llM'liliini. . .' '• .'m ■ i-v«.j;i .\i:ii.«.r... I'm C... Ililli. i.l. . nil >r.;iii '....:....... ..V/n:iiH-. . ... .. ; ... . . 1 '•'•i..ri:« " lh:i VI.. .- : . ; . . . \l.i'linii\...l''-iil'>y..... Ko 11 ili-.\l. A" • -11.. , .. |.t.. ". 4i.ik:'i. .; . ■ •l.i'u'k> --l.nl/i-* U-iimluii .-', i.il.-)l Ni.Im.ii. .... .'.'.: ..m :-:>•.. ; ..... ;.>.. \llilllli:.'ll. .. ... . .-. ....... . ': IT. 11.-I1 I'i mil.-..- :. wiiisiji > Utiv.-..-.. . . . Ti—I ; iii iiii...'..:...-....:. i'i'i'V-. Alli-ii....-... -:. . Mi' li:-i.i {.'lin .itIIK. i ii.vr> .. ,':'ili— I l;nv. . . . .:.',; .'-. 1 '.i. 'i i'liiim.i'..:.-. j .. .'.*...;.. I>i-'lisll r.'u'-l' , Miiil|..l>.ti.i 1. . .\'li(i : i-'ii-ii ll I'.'iirrvsP'.'ll'l':"* ■ U.^i-".:! I.l; ' -...-.: : ..- .' ■'ili-..lii,. . . .... .\l,liii;il.;.i ii' i-VllMI - . . .. ..'::.. J:v|i:tlii.-f-:' I li-lli-r-li l. . lilii'i-jii-i 1.1 :..... . .1 t':i|u i 1 M<i;il.,'.'..;.-. .1 Oi.-.iu >■■ rm-:nit: I...I..V.. Vii-inl, .: : '...,. A .M-l. . . ..:. :... . :.. 1'Hi-..'-., l.*«VlIII11 j. w >'l■ illi*I*. .'..' -. r.ll-*.i';ii:y'Oui->'.% | .. .. . '. ■. - , • mi (unii............ I'lil - 1-VHli/r; .:. . I'. - . .;. . . Tlll''nll'i(i'' lt(ivV|..V,.|| . ... Will, 'l-ml.; . ..'.;.. ...-. . .1:1 |»:i Hi;?**- iliV':i^*':i'l"i 1 *niw»rry ■ l-;'.ri-iiiiiil. -..'. l*:inni:ry ' \\"inn:ili hmi:in ■ Miiiil*. .,::. i^riii'iniair.f.- Si'vii-ijiiA M l VS. . :.\li. Ii,..-! il. Sli.^ .-. .Sn>.iii. Hii.v .u.i.iu .'. . . . I,. I >Mit .\l.lb-;l-ll . .:,!>' l^.'Vl lll'.'il ... . . .l-'liillK I'l.iV.-ll . . .-. \ ii'Ki'li".. ■**' '>■'.' ..,;'. ;i:;il|li M.iiaiiii . I...!!-!-..- .i:• V. 1 i-r- .. . . '..I>iii:iI|i;.'ii -II- I'' -..'.l.'-"tl:-i'i Mri'l-i: .. .'.: :': .rinil -Illir-M . .-Il'rli.i^ 'l'''»illi'*> .' I (,ili:i i l-:i-'ii \-;i*iiii il>cii v V;.-.. ...ilii'n. 'll'itw lin i.i l Vtiil '.Si'i'lw ri |» ... .K ill. .\>l;iil'»' ... . ..I.1I1.11. Iv llj. .-. tli.-vrl I lulu':: us .'.M"iv:ill ''iiil« ;.y • . Kilwi.i.l V):nli- . :,, .A.iilllli'^.i'fl. . .... :'i|ill.s<li-ll l l:ir'' . :iin'ik.s ■ i:»-in.ihi-i- .: : :.. Mi l 1. -1 l-'n i. . . K.iIh.W. Kali II' I- .. ,1'li-ni. \\:i.ll.hi: l*:iil). VlfllH'. . , .1 *li:irlli' l-liili. ......1 :iili.|'. \\ i.iii; .'; : . ,, . Hii.lii- : .:.:. ..i..liii •■•I.-'.it. i:n k ,i;..'i"-t- .S-vi 11'.. I llli;il. .Ilui-i;- . . , .Sill IMllu-fii'k • .1 ii*vij.",.*!!' ri.iVk-. ihn.'i.i "N.i.ijijir: ...' 1 :>,\-_i',i.i-.iii'n • .. 'i'i.j .Iii n :\li.> >-i- ■i'Ii 11'; Ni .u..h.'ii| .i:.li'nui;.l I'"''I' ... WulliifClii'K. ,i-|i : lr|;.»-.;\lilli-i' ; ... rii.-iiiiiii- i.' ; i» :.'-. lil'-l; 1 •in-il?!.' ..•:n:ill l':;.l'll'-li .l-"\-.-l;.n I'i.illi.-y K".-i' ■'i'liiii'iiiipr. ,.:i'i Miniature Reviews 'Madame. Curie' 1M-G).. Gi ccr Giirsoiv and Walter Pidgeon in a great picture from e\ery point of view. Augurs big b.o. fjack' L.0111I011' iBronsloi'i-UA). Michael O'Slrea and Stisiiii Hay- : ward starred ; in disappointing. bingra'phy.. . 'A rotind llif Wol;ld' 'sonps). ; iRKO'. Ka-r yscr lllniu- >icai.- ••. .. I- 'Is Evefborty ' .;?''.*iCrfir.. . Ted T'ew is. name "on marquee will carry tliis inedio'crc pic as■ . duiil suppor... .. " '"■-■.■ . "Sg's Your Allele" isbngsl (U-). ilJje Burke Willi: Jan arbor and Jack 'Teiisardeh; ands dm: •'. ■"' ■'.;"■': ■'•■■': ■Women ; •:lcr of. w; .rcviihc; sliirdy gr spot<: •Silver City (Con.; Btissell ..•llaydrn ..sialrc.r . p'leiity " action for rabid west-' -ern. tans. • 'Cmlcidnj:' ij'RCl. Juve dog- loycrs -should go for this, tcar- ' ■ • a. farm boy and-his ' ;big-cily odds. 'It Ilappenrd .hi Gibi'allar' iSlronf; I- .1 French)- ■ Fl t'llch .tp'y : meller fi>r : ii-rty theatres. Is Kv«?rylMMly Happy? • -';.-. (songs) I'.iliniiliiii ii.'iiiiMP of liviiiE Ihi-kln : :i««>-' il'il'lkoli: llilfilril liy CIlUVll'l- Mill lull:. l'l'H- iuiyi) 'IV.I l.invln oivh. Nun Winn. .Mlrlmrl liinuip, l.nny Turk , ".l.>.n'n .Mi rl-ii-k.-.Hull ll;iviiii..«; Si H'Oiipby. "WiilHi- Mi l' •■; riiim-i 'i. I, ■**. o'l'ulilii'll': i'itllnr.-.l.nii"fi Swi'i'iii-y'.. Al Ilroi.kliii.. lici'l: "f Nuv.'.'l"!. ■.'■III. <llnil. li'iliinlMV tlnin. -.IIIN'*. Tt-<i I .••>> if ...-....'..'. TITLE CHANGES Hollywood, Nov. 23. 'Cross Your Fingers' is release .tag on 'Kiss aiid Wake Up' at Universal. 'Rhythm Parade' at Universal be- came .'Slightly Terrific' ■' 'The -Falcon OUt .West' is--release handle 011 'The Falcon in Texas', at Rko. . ■■:'■■ ;.; '■ : ■■' 'When Ladies Ply' at Universal- be- came 'Ladies Courageous.' ■ 'Between Two: Worlds' .-is", release tag on 'Outward BoundV at Wariiers. 'The Girl Rush' new . handle oii ■Peilieortt Fever' at RKO. .''Samuel ronston has brought to the screen bile of the groat men of American .letters.' Jack London.' and if ever there was. n ..blppd-and-gjlls' subject tor -Hollywood treatment. London lias long seemed a halui'al. .Bill the" play's still the lliing. ■ Miiek London.' an : adaptation or a book written by I he author's wi fe, Char-, mian. lias much of the writer-ad ven- turer's life crammed into its-92 min- utes, but somewhere along thc line it has missed lire. Coupled -with the lack of name value lor the marauce; 'London' seems slated.ior mild biz in the, keys Or where his name ■ still spells magic as. one .of-the great writer Charnpions' of-'.the class slrug- tile. -.. v -'-'.. ; :'.',' .." To ' the . modern generation the-, name of Jack- London is probably just a' memory..... To them he may., well have been the. author of one of the great bestsellers.'The Call of the Wild,' or the lusty 'Sea Wolf.'. But to another generation the name was everything his books implied, a fab- ulous adventurer whose .character seeped into many of his novels and short stories.' It was an adventure- some career.so - fabulous that even in its fictional transition, did it ex- cite -incredulous - disbelief. All this has been told in the lUmization, but the story treatment is consistently wavering. It's.a yarn that might well have defeated most scenarists: it seems incredible that. one screen script cpuld- have attempted so full a career. . For boxoftice purposes one of the main snags to .'London' is the fact that one ot the film's two most im- portant characters—Charmian Lon- don., the author's wife—fails to ap- pear until the film has consumed half its running time, Susan Hay ward is starred .in the role, as is.Michael O'Shca in.the title part, and for a starred performer: to be absent for that length of time is dangerous scripting and directing, let alone pro- ducing. . LondPn's career, of course, will be recalled; as being divided into, pos- sibly, two facets. One was his burn- ing desire to euro, the world's ills through his writings. That part only receives passing notice in the pic. Aiid it was one of his great links lo a. world-wide public. The other was the lustiness that crccpcd into all. his stories," and which this film treats unimaginatively. If it has ho '-value other than nar- rating the story of a great author, Xondon' at .least peints up the Jap. ancse menace that he apparently dc Ici'inined was out .to rule the Pacific -rlhis, as long ago as 1904, when he eover'cd the Russo-Jap war as a newspapet' correspondent. : JHis. trea- tises, oil the subject—so the film says —were ignored as- too dangerous. The United Stales and Japan were at that time to all intents and pur- poses friendly; ; There is much: niore in the. film that . creates some, interest,, but 'all told at a generally languid pace His: early career as raider of. oyster beds, his venture into the Yukon in "!)7 (O jbin the'gold rush.-his seaman ship on a scaling'vessel, and more, are told almost perfunctorily . O'Shca. comparative, newcomer, to Hollywood from the Broadway stage, is miscast in. the title role. .His phy- sique, for one. is iiot what one might, expect of a two-fisled Jack ^endon; and a couple of flic scenes in which he. delivcrs kayo blow's are too obvi- ously slagged. His performance gen orally is Uncertain. Miss Hayward leiids grace and looks tn the part of London's wife; while Frank Craven able consolation in knowing that many'another initial failure has been, rt rung to success. -. ronston indicate* sufficiently iii ; 'this pic thai he's got the spark a'nd imaSinatibii to achieve thill success. : . KnUn. . -ruin.;.. .Kill j..-. ■ii-i-ry.'..' A1111.... .vnii'..: -I.".. .. : .. 1: iii..:.-., Fr:n'»lt l|L-. ."•.-..ll.iM l j in :.\li'i'\. 1 i-.-.il. .Mu'll<v >ll}<Minri.; . . liV.ll/, l.. '. . . .-. .'I'l-'l l.l!«» . . . .Mii-liiiiii . |ill:Vlii"' ........N:til Wyiiil ,.■:.-... ^iri-y ■ l';n ki*" ,.... Kyil'i'i' MflTli'k .....'. h'-l/ ll''N liH'f* . i ii'-K ■ \\ insii-iw ll:-.nV l:>riii. ..;.i- ij". sSi:-'i» "i'Ii: ,;v.-.K»-irr |.:.'"-.ii-' 11 . . K.I'llV 'Kaiii" . . .Hill r Willi.''!- .Aiiliiuny '" Mil 1 luxi »• ... .llriilill;'; Ili;i-.I. Ditto for Three Tailor Maids and Delta:- Rhythm , Boys. Yarbrough's. direction keeps the thiiv story mov- ing at good pace, considering material at hand. '■ ; ' • ky Woiiiion in Itonilagu .VliiliiiKriun li'.ii'ilin''of -1l»-i-:|i-'.■! .N"..Ihik.-i |iriil.llii : ll'iu.; .Dh-i-l'li'il. I ; y Sl'-v.r ■'-•. |.< ly, 'SI.., ili-.i-mi'ln.. Ml'-lnii'i." » :.:ilj r':'n fl.-.. . -':;-n- ; y Ufliy,: II.-* II. AV:il*iU'.r: ri»;ilni , ' ; .'. Alni'i-' Nn-ivl, Tala lihi-lli Him giiliil.-i; n;a ; ln \\VriiiM-k, Aliiil Ma-xti-lr, . Itnkiii'il •\":ii'in.';-'.'..Si-i ii.|i|ilii' i \,'"' .1 hlllNlim' hl'lllii 1 !! '■ fn.lli liliKllKll ?;!>liy': ll>'.. i-"i-i.iiik ' :iii'inlrk ■ Wis.tiii-': 1 '-:i:i'ii-i-ji. .m-i,-' S||.IIK|.-.V: .■■IIIV-i". ■'; lili-ll:lt:.l I'llil-li-i'. I'll.. \'ii-iii;il In ..V. .V'.,' Nnv. IS, *.|-'.. -'Itunii,!,.^ ilin... Vi MINS.- . its Kveo'liody Happy'," is ure' corii. but for those who go: for.,lhc Ted .Lewis brand of music, philosophy and showmanship. Ihe pic should :be satisfying, and wi'lv'lhcLewis name for marquee .value - it should do well as'..a' dual. -,: '-.-'.•' ard to believe. Ih0ii-;h 11 is..film purports to lie soine kind i0f biog- rapliy of Lewis and. incidentally, an explanation ot llie. advent of the jazz prai v Story is a slraighl-awiiy Hash- back ;;proposition' employing siliia .M^i'irm lli-;ii'ki'ii. ,...'... out.mill.. i-Mi ililo' S.i'llMflili-l'.:-.-.: ' lli-inny -..'..-.'. 1..: I! til It;. llr:ii<S*'li:.. i.. ',.. i-.lil'ly It-riirki-ii,:;,.,-; 1 :ri ii> y.ii.ujci'..,.'...:. livilii - ;'' (l|-:ll.lillllii|lli-i-. 11-1 Oi' lliiiititiitr.. -.... I. j ;.l , -. .• Ml.iinti' .. : '.;:.-, -i.itr iii/.. Kii'ii'.i-. .J:;.;..- r::Vlui'' II.-..•.•..''.-. :■ II. r.i iir:i>-. 11... ;v;...; cr. m.'iim ii.... i-:rn«i r.ii'n-k'. it.. ... i. (.•■.iii.' Minn. I-, i.i..: .1 'i."-!.' .'I.IMlli'l'. ....... , . :':.:i: ..i.'.-in-ii-k, ,, .■.,';,i..'> "Ki-lly ... .<'•■ I l (■■!.!■: -MJi-|i;i|.|- ■'•'—. • .'A .•..'iik.'.l'.-' . .-|-..':i I'.d. ;i : V:-1 i-> V...j..j .... .: .'.I iv ' \\.|','..HL . ..i-— 1.1 w.'if.;:, k <)nl K :..y -|iri:.v .- . T ^«"l • : »--. il X. .. . . .'. l-ii:i l'*l:ilik-l ....... I ; ::)| ' I l. '.r-y : .... . I: W.. 1.- ,-r .:-. . .- .:\l-. 11 M-'Ali-r .::.-.:■»';y.<- i,:.-. fr'. .. .... I.iliiii.l . \ !irii„ : .. : . i:»!»i|. i.\ini ; ... I**n-ili-rii-. I'.r.iniii' -. Ai-oiiimI TIm' World (so\«s) ;.; Hollywood, Nov. 'ill'- All:in I'wiill : .li|-nillli"linn. K > "ITJ IIKO -ii-: ^l:i|-M . K;i>' .1 •■".ill .1 >.ivl> A I.Ill l -:i.ilii liy Alhlli |l\v:in iikiy' liy lt:i.)|ili Ilfi-zln: Mill- K:i: fp-:Muri"< . .MiH--llll : Alli-l- Mi-i;iiiii>.: Wjilly. .llrnwli.. i- KiM-r'fi- liiinil. Dll-i'i-ii'il 111 iuiii'nl -*|iii-y-:iinr:'*ci-i.-'ii7 S|h^ih:i.;' B|n-t'-l:il 111:11 ■■i-Im I." •iiiniMil, Itusyi 1 !! Mitly iMliliu-. TliiM-i.n AVinlli; iiiiiHlrnl liiroi'lnr. I". I'-i'kiili inlkiiil. Kiini.'S.'.lliliiiiy .Mi-IIiikIi.. Ilur r nliV/nl hi.Vi :: n|m-.-I:i 1. rlTcl'-IH.- Dui'lKkis 'I'i^iv- ' 1..:-i.iiu-.il-:'I .•ii-i-iii'iir^iiii.nl'i. (Ii-iii'i;!' I)iiiiini:i: iitil>ii^:il . inllill.'-l-s' ■' slilK'-.l liy' N'ii:k '. <-"ll-^l ll-.l :.||': .lil.'l-lii.ll.: AU'i'll |l Ap'Mllli' 1><"\ Al ll.-l'IIKili:' Pi'l ..li'i-nilllllill.... U:il'l , fl|--Sllvi'i-H. ri:niiii- r - ;iuiiiil'T: ;lxsiMUlnl '.Iiiccliil:. Iliitiy S.VilIi' -I'l-'-vi.-wil Nnv, "Sj. '-IS. liililiilinr linn-: IMI .nix.-.. K:iy :'y.'. .Ml-i-li:i.......::... .I,:.i'i.'. ;. . . ; .:.;'.-. ..M':iivy-..-..v -.■....■, IMI.il-l-ll 1 ...... .!(*■ I i llil|M.IS. lirlii'Kkl. ..::..'■;.'. lliniy b'i...;'..... Siilly .... '.Ililii*..';.......'...: III:, no . ........ .-.. . r.illlft l-"rPi]-**--l-- k'yi .:........ . . .K:'y ICyi'l'i 1 ........... .\rini.|ia Aim'i* :...'...'.. ....". .-I'Kin 1 >nvis. ............ :n-«-y .Mi-llulrr ..'........: Wiilly Hiuwii' ... ....- Ainu Ciii-iiry .:...-.:'. .1 iwii-iilii i-'iintill ..:.......'. I liii'iy llni'l'IU ...;...'.....Isli .Kiiliiliiili' .-;-.,'..'. r-Snlly M:lKnll ..'..-. ^. Aliiil-- rninviiy .'.'....-... Ilin hp- l*i-ii'll''loii ••liiinil I>'hi;h iiiiil K:iy "i '.i ■ IIiuhI 'GilderxTcovo's Ghost' is nevv • -is best Of the large supporting cast handle on 'Gilderslccve, Detective' iil.RKO. .'•My Friend Curly' at Columbia will-be released ■ "Yes Sir, Thafs My. Baby.' . This is: Bronston's'first pi'ortuetipn after years in the film distribution business.-, and there .obviously, was considerable'coin spent .on the pro-: duellon. Bui-there cari be considcr- Kay Kyser. his band and entertain- ers, with added and major assistance from Joan Davis, Misctia Alter, Mai-cy McGuire and bevy- of eight showgirls,' make. an Overseas. camp show tour as basis for this obvious fllmiisical. Lightly set up, aiming for escapist fare, with accent on com- binalioh . of songs and ' broadly ketched slapstick, picture will catch boxofflce reaction mainly on name Of Kyser. Unit is picked up entertaining at an- Australian canteen, and then planes to India. .'Chungking. Cairo and. eastward- across the North Afri- 1 can desert: At each stop there are song' and musical presentations by Kyser and his group in typical zippy style, intermingled with disjointed and'wacky'slapstick..' Scriptcr Ralph Spence digs deep into .his memory for numerous aged dialog cracks. . .Story ' threads are- started at a couple of points, but left dangling, when the ■ gang moves on, arid the result is an episodic, crazy- quilt tour. . .... .;:' Joan Davis goes all-out with her broad comedy display for good reac- tion, while Auer docs well in limited footage and fleeting glimpses. .-Young.- Miss "McGuire, newcomer, indicates promise in both', acting and singing lines, but . requires better showcase, than this : one. -Kyser competently holds spotlight for the journey.- and does okay in displaying, his'band.and entertainers in the familiar'.style of his.radio presentations. Jimmy McIIugh and^Harold Adam- son have, provided , a good group-of songs, several, of which ' can catch popular favor.; 'ROodle-ec-Doo;' in- troduced by Kyscr'.s band aiid .song- sters, has good Jump- tempo to get wide attention; 'Candlelight" arid Wine' is a romantic tune with chance for .popularity. Five others are standard, with ■'GreaJ News' best of grpup. Picture 'has its broad comedic. moments, that .intrude suddenly and without reason along- the route. -At-, tempt to inject dramatics in death of Marcy McGuirc's father iti action to- ward-! the' end pancakes into a dis-: cordsint note to nculralizc' the.'flnalc pro.duclioTi niimbcr.-' .Most of produc- tion' is. displayed oh slagcs, with background process sjipls, or' back- drops. Director Allah Dw»ii. also listed as producer, look an citsy.linc lo whip up a:piclurc to star Kyser. Waft. Monogram has a valuable exploita- back u>i;o|JOs.ilioi) employing s'Uia-; (io ., pictiu . u ;in . ' W omcii in 'Bondage-'' tional .;eliehes fn>m cpuntless olber | and wisely, is rtishihg il into clisli ibu-' "•■"•■- '' it-ion.' .;.f!6rmerly. Nfenowii.'.-'.as-' •Hitle.r-s.-:'- Woirien.?' it .has c'xploi'.able' j'iiglos. Sturdy biz id. many. Spots lo.mis; par- •' tioularly where- sold (0 the h.lf by the 'exhibitor.- '. . . ,; . 'This is a story- pf Nazi regi ment a- : lion Of. its womenfolk.- Plot, centers around. Gail Patrick, a sect ior. leader:' : in llie German, yoiilh mjvenieir. and the love affair of her servaiit. Nancy - Kelly. Mifs Patrick is pictiiri'irits tli*o■''' palriolic wife of a Wounded Gcrnian -' oiricer, the, older ..daughter in-.a ricli faniily. Her efforts to',consunim'aVe a - liappy marriage for licr : servant and shield her from the harsh "Nazi- ■• methods''arc the focal points. rulal' twist is injected via'hav'ihg the .N'iizis. order. Miss Patrick to beeomc i.iothcr, even though her husban has been paralyzed by battle wounds. ClimSx 'shows her guiding Allied planes tO.Berlin by-disobeying black-' . Out orders. Miss Patrick gives depth and eliar- / acler to the: role. Miss .Kelly:. Grr'- IrUde Michael, as a. stern 'district- V leader of- the; youtli movement, arid IT. . B. Warner, as the priest w ho single-handed tries.to battle the Nazi . i-ulhlcssness. arc also standout anion Ihe'name'players.. ' ' Roland Vamo; Alan Baxter, Gisela . Werbisek, Bill Henry. Anne Nagcl, Tala Bircll, Riti, Qui:Ucy and Maris. Wrixon are okay in support. : Herman Millakowsky. who turned ; out numerous screen productions iri Germany before Hitler's rise to power; supplied' relatively, strong- production values. Steve Sekely docs as well as could be expected with the scripting though not showing much originality. The original of Frank Beptick: Wisbar. who produced Maedchen in Uniform' in Germany.V is raithfully,transferred lo the screen' by - Houston Branch. . Editing of Richard Currier ;is okay while. Mack. Slenglor's photography is fine. Wear. huisicals. , Lrw'is iinderlakei; .'to 'convince a modern svrvicoinan and: his gal that they should - ; wcd immcdialely inslead of waililig for Thc uncertainly tif .war. to-end. For this purpose he tells the couple the siory of aiiother pair tit, sweeliicarts' before iuid after World. War I. ...The other couple r.Larry' Parks and Nan- Wynri) are tiie par- ents of the present-day soldier, aiid the; bcsl "friends of Lewis. Plot de-. tails how they all met. formed: a jazz band, struggled uowards,.:»nd had differences because Jerry : ' (Larry Parks) went Broadway in 'a' hurry. Story, acting and direction are nil- i';'-pircd andTiaekricyed: photography is' fair. Pic has no less Ihiiri -18 stand- ard turies .as^oeiatcd more pi-Mess: \vitli Lewis, iiicluding .'Chinatown.!- •Prefly Baby.' 'Wild About Hairy.' 'Way DOwn'.-Yoridcr in New .'Orleans.' 'By the. Light of .Silvery .Moon", apd. 'Sunny Side Of Street.' Miss Wynn delivers sticlvstandards as 'It Had to Be. You' and 'Am' I Blue*, in okay style, but in the big -St. Louis Blues' number she's overshadowed by ah unbilled Negro contrallO.. There are 110 Original tunes. Lewis speaks lints the way he sings songs, with. Ihe same typical Lewis mannerisms, use of hands, hat. and so on, but.all effective. Rest of the performances are standard.- SoV Your ITrii'te - (SONGS) - Viiivori*al ri-li'ilHP -nf .loan Y'arlM'-.iiiuli Pl'mllli.'! Intl. - ilirnrll'O liy -YarlTOilull. ' |.*.:a. mil's Willi- lliirkf. Iimialil Wiin'ify, r.l>i<i'- Kiiux.' .Si-i ; (-f-n|iliiy liy -.Miiin-ii-.' ■ I'.'-ii : iiml I'.liill:. llril.i-kl>lllll: rillin 'ol-||£ill:'if liy J.v>nlii|-'l }.?'.'.:■ .riillHTa. IClU'iinll ItriMli'll. .Milliiil. Kras- I'l-rr' 'ri-a.li'almwMl . In New YiiVk .S'.iv.' •|«l.1: KiiiiiihiK'-Unir,-S4 SIINm. , "Vrliii-i-vn..;...-..:'....',..;.... ,'. ltlIIlo-' llin'-kn Sli-vi' I'lli-li.i. ......;;... .. . : . |)i.11:1 la .WiMi.ls I'al . M-iilial'iiH.'. I KIvi^ Kniix -.lin>- KIIImM .-.':..-;.;.;'.,.-.;..' .Kiiiiik' .i..nkx Ili'KOr .Ifi-i^Ill.'......,',:.-.;.'. linlli-i-l. I.nwi-i.y llfiniislri-.. ,...,. Irvlnjr llai-un Iliiin lilUlc..: :. . .('lirxlvv rinlo .liilin' 1;. Citi-ilN I'an I Slmiliin . I.'Ihh Mary ll'lli-ii'il. Tiill.'l- .Mal'ls. |1i-ll:< niiythih liny'ii. .In7i llailirr ami ..lai-k .Yon- Kai-'tfii iil-i-ln''Hll-M».. ^ ^ Obviously aimed tor Ihe duals, an Implausible .plot is stretched-to the breaking peint but gets a breather.- via specialties in nilery sequences by Mary O'Brien, songstress: Tailor Maids, harmony trio; Delta Rhythm Boys, sepia quintet, and the Jan Gar- ber and Jack Teagardcn orchs. But even- with all this pulmotoring the gossamer yarn won't.raise much dust anywhere. ' Donald Woods is a struggling play- wright-producer chasing' angel coin for his latest opus, for which he's turning, actor,, loo. . When creditors close in on him he essays his charac ter makeup, a caricature of his wealthy-'uncle: to escape the plaster- ers. He is- struck by a limousine while making getaway: Elyse Knox, attractive blonde owner, insists on taking him'home for medical check- up over objections of Robert. Low- rcy; the boy friend. Billie Burke, as • the gals Aunt Minerva, with plenty of moolah and a yen for an- other altar trip, goes .for the pseudo rhiddle-aged gent in a big way. ' Woods grasps this Opportunity to ■tell her about- his nephew aiid' the play and that's when c'orhplications set in that have Woods dodging in and out of the alfalfa through alter- nating as himself and the uncle. Everything's set to produce the play with Miss Biirkels backing and they go' off to.'a niteclub to celebrate. Here's whe're." the Garber and Tea- garden bands come: in for instru- mentation in .brief sequences- Of course Miss Knox.goes roinantically overboard for Woods, sans the beard. Deception is about to be caught up with when Paul Stanton, the real uricle, arrives: For seripters' con- venience he. lakes it frOm there in the romance with Miss Burke and everything points to a double wed ding for the foursome atfadeoiit.- Woods docs okay by the dual role, Miss KnOx makes an attractive vis. •-vis.-. Miss .--Burke gives her-usual superb delineation of the coy, chat tery husband-hunter. Frank Jenks lends much to the comedy side as pal of Woods. Paul Stanton is siif- ficienlly blustery,-as the-tycoon-uncle. Remainder. of ..cast arc adequate in the;lesser roles. Mary O'Brien docs okay-with a vocal.in iiilery sequence. Silver <'ll>" Haiders (SONGS) i-nlil 111 liln ri'li'uso -nf f.rmi l::n-lln inn. lii.-UOli. Olirrloil by IVillliiin . H. rUo. . Slam Huftsell llnyildi; tVliluri-K Hoi. Wills"■ unit Ilia Ti-xan J'lnyliuyi., Inib Tin lur. Alinn I'i.inill... S. ronnill.-iy.-- Kil Khi I ItciMi: i-inn- "i i. Monjiiinhi Kllm V- '-(.iIIIih-. J.-n.nm riinlns.. AI N't w \nrk. N':. V,. ilnal. ui..|< nf .V«v. Hi, Hmilllnn llnir: ,1S -MINN.-' :"; k5 ;;."" l '. , " n -• •••"•'■ ■ • •■ ■ -■ ■ uiis-'ii iinv.iin l.i.l. W ills.-.-.-. ;. uni, y, ;||, ininiiiilMili.... imij Tin inr lliillilTM Alvii|«... .....Alina I'III 1.ill ll:.»nill. .: . I'Hill Snil"il • ......'......,.... I.illli.-i- Wills ......'... .'.liit-k liici-nni lunno. , ,..,. k, m,un.1 ci,i,i, Sllni.. ..........An .mi. Silver. City Raiders' packs enough action to suit the most demanding western fan. Nor Is there any stinl- i ng oii melody in- this 1 i mi ted ^budget dualer.' ;... Russell Hayden is' up to his car? - in .red tape trying to prove that jiis ranch and those of his neighbors'.are not the property of ari unscrupulous land grabber, who use's all. sorts of strong-arm tactics to prevent Hay?, den. and his pals -from gelling jusr. tlce.,-. Hayden straightens out the legal snarl, and -then lie and ; his (Continued on page 21) Map Industry Show For Dependency Fund Motion Picture Bookers Club Is currently mapping an all-industry show for the forthcoming .depende' ciicy allotment fund campaign. /Show will be staged in New York, With April as the probable date. Sam D. Berris'. is chairman ihg.. the fund- raising activity. : " 'Wilson's' 5 Units •Hollywood; Nov. .Five separate Technicolor units, left:tor various parts of the country to shoot tinted backgrounds' for the. 20th-Fox pvoductioii,: 'Woodrow Wil-' son.'/ in New York, Pueblo; Col.'; Princeton, N. J., and Slaunlon, Va. .- Indoor filming .starts, in (he studio , this, week with Alexander Knpx 'iiv the title role and Henry Kiiig di- recling. .'; :.'...;.