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Wednesday, December 8, 1943 T^AHIETY RADIO no of,(hosenightmare's, thesort., of. lhing every quiz program in.c. dread. Occurred Sunday .liighli5) on Take II Or Leave It.'.on WABC-. CBS for Eversharp. Ithappened when a sailor competitor from tiie ;SUidio audience was attempting to define Navy slang, lie riot the first, three answers cor- rectly and, as the $16 question, was asked the meaning of the word 'noise* in naval terminology. ' Phil' Baker, me. of the. show, tried to, give hi in a hint by asking what vegclable makcs-noiso : i ihc answer he wanted was celery, .-when it's chewed >. ut the gob guesscd--'bakcd beans.' \Vhcn Baker could '-make ''himself heard again he gave the sailor the ..full $C4 prize and told him to 'get out ot here.' The program was a virtual shambles thereafter 4-Day Lapse on CBS 'Suspense' Show Repeat For Coast Listeners Hollywood, Dec. 7. . Network lime problem has reached such a pass thai Roma Wine's Sospciis ' series on CBS airs for the east on Thursday night and can't get back on the web for a Coast repeat until the following Monday. Show goes- east at 5 . p.m. (Coast time) and rebioadcasfs at 9 p.m four nights later. . ill Spier produces titider super- vision "of; Cal Kuhl. coast radio head of the '■ Bio.w. agency. Live repeats that far apart are novelties In Hol- lywood; the last'such case occurring many years ago with 'One Man's Family.'. . Spot Time Buying •Newsprint.cuts sustained by- news- papers, with' apparently more com- ing, should not result in hypoed spot ,valcs business for radio stations from '■ national advertisers, in the opinion of a top advertising agency execs. Those who hold otherwise' main- tain- that newspapers in various localities will have to curtail the amount of space they can sell to national advertisers and that-(his will force the companies into buying spot time to supplement their other radio .coverage. ..'■Agency topper feels this theory is wrong for the reason that any really comprehensive spot coverage would run Hp a.biil equalling or surpassing fees paid out for iielwork shows. >vhilc-al the same time the increased usiness resulting therefrom, if any. would be relatively difficult to as- certain. This, he points out. holds truer as the company, is more na- tional in .scope.; Exec said that an experiment con- ducted by his agency « year or two .ago in four cities to test the busi- ness-getting effectiveness of compre- hensive spot coverage yielded results which were inconclusive, lie said that the company iii whose interest the experiment was made could not I jj|,', m . j s ' sponsored by Eight-ili-One eirCctivciy determine (a) wlieihei: i ^| c , tyblels thioLigh II. W. Kastor. there was any marked business in-; p,. o; ,,. iinl w ji| replace Eddie and crease and rb>- whether it was'due; fj,^,, ravaiiangh and, their 'Radio to the spot coverage given the:four ' oo*si|>. Club.'. ..cities-in-question. 'the experiment convinced him. tlii- agency exec says, that national advertisers will have to gel along ■ with; whatever newspaper and maga- zine space they can get..plus network coverage. lie reasons that less printed advertising is belter than i none at all because, he maintains. , auditory and visual 'advertising are | natural, allies, and, selling-effort i\ e-.i ness for mosl products -depends on ' . p;ici io rights In arnaby:' the} the use of both together rather .than i CinrkVll .Johnson satirical fantasy either one alone. ! fiimic strip, lias been optioned.-for 3 — •■ !)(l-day period by actor-director Paul .. . . ~. ■Atm'm, w,~.wi. Stewart, feter Ly<in is w-filing the ALL-STAR CAST. FOR - im " Ua ^'£t -composing, ihe score. Pians for a FlfilN YMAQ SHOW version of the cartoon series LLU1H AlllftJ OnUW , h;ivt , ^Vin^i, bul Stewart, hopes to Chicago. Dec. . arrange for a filmi/alion after , the . Cast of Die Two-honr F.-lsin Watch radio edition starts. . •CO.. Christmas show has been .-et. arnaby,' syndicated by -F:eld with probably one. ot the biggest Publications, appears in . New i nrk lineup of names ever to be used oil i" t.he. ne>v.-'paper PM. Since, it< a commercial show. On' the show ' --mri- more than a year ago. it has •will be Robert Young.- Bob Hope received.' ■unusual praise, and. was Bing Crosby, Lena Home. Judy Gar- recently published-m book form, land. Carhien Marinda, the Chariot - .....-— ... ... t(-ers..a l:000-voicc army chorus and I (JaniCV I*aCtC(l to 7rYl*. Lou Silvers rchestra. . j * . f'TJC lS . 1 Unlike the Thanksgiving show ; Exclusive l>l>n l)€'dl there will be no '-'cut-ins from other cities, with the 'program coining di- rect from Hollywood. .1. Walter Thompson is handling tlie show for Elgin. BENDIX'REILLY'SHOW FOR BLUE; OTHER BIZ Chicago. Dec. 7. of Reilly.' comedy-drama starring William." Beiidix. will be aired over the Blue Network, after the first of the year. Sponsor is the American Meal Institute. Reliance. Manufacturing Co, will sponsor the 'Doc Hopkins' program for a 26-week period over WLS. Show will be aired Mondays. Wed- nesdays and Fridays at 6:30 a.m. tCWT). Ruthraufl and Ryan han- dling. 'Music -for un.' featuring letters from servicemen, will be aired Tues- days. Thursdays ,and Saturdays. 12 45-1 p.m. <CWT> over WMAQ. ■ Hello Sweetheart;' 15-niinule pro- l ara'm featuring Nancy Martin, hits the air via the Blue Saturday •< 18) at 4:4. r >-5 p.m. 1CWT1. Show is spon- sored by Gum-Laboratories. Inc. Stewart Takes Option On 'Barnaby Airer Chicago, Dec. 7. Semes of business-hungry stations all over the country, have played into the liaixls of .one of (he most vicious listener-ratine/, survey -rackets that radio has produced to dale. Fees running into thousands ot dollars have been paid several survey firms Milder circumstances that would do credit to 'Yellow Kid Weil,' in his palmiest days. Unusual twist (o .ihe s is that '.While the survey invaria '.puts the colfee pot station' either second or a elbse second in listener rating which the stltiioii knows, is a lie—they-love it. They hustle the .statistics off to their station reps, who. in tui iv ped- dle : 10 the- big agencies. Latter in many cases buy '-iinrc on the strength at the phony survey. First come-on in the racket is for the survey company to write a small station that is either last or next- lo-last in its entire region-arid hence anxious for any business that it can get. Letter usually- inliiiiates that they i the. survey company-).;--are making a checkup for a national ad agency which is building a program for a client..; ."./■■' First query usually asks for the small station's program schedule and for any other information that the station can give them-that-, will'help (Continued Oh'page 32) Dunninger Goes Comm'l Jan. 5 Kem-Toiie, aint product. manu- factured by a combine dominated by Sherwin-Williams.;.will sponsor Dun- ninger. the mentaiist; via the Blue, effective Jan. 5. Wednesday 9-9:30 p.m.' The sihow. . packaged by the Blue, was sold for $3,000 exclusive: of time costs, which total approxi- mately S8.000 for the full net (162 stations i. ■ Dunninger. vaude and nil'ery vet. tced-off with .his air suslainer Sept. 12. and was heard until recently Sunday.- at 4:30 p.m.- with a repeat for WJZ. N. V.. al 6:30 p.m.. Ncwell- Emmett is the agency. Premieres iDee. 8-19) Dec. 8 'Easy Aces,' with Jane and Goodman Ace: 7:.i(>-8. ii.ni, Wednesdays; WABC-C'BS: 'Ann- ■ciri Co.:- la'ckcll-Samplc-Hiim- , iliort ' agency i postponed from l.a*t week). 'Mrs. Miniver,' serialization of Jan Strulher's novel: !l:30 r 12 midnight. Fridays;. WABC-CBS.' sustaining. Dec. 13 'Education for Freedom,-' edu- cators and writers' forum: 10:15,- 10:30 p.m.. Mondays; WOR-MBS; sustaining. y . .<>piins(ired .radio., particularly, as it ( .-,f!< i ts. forum programs and freedom .ot spiicli. was vignrotisly attacked ';.)>>',. .N'orman ; Thomas in ; r broadcast S.iiiday night '.")) on WQXR. New. York. .-The perennial Socialist can- didate for the pre.-idency criticized ■the way forum programs are -kicked : around.' and objected- to the way : -.ne\vs -is slanted by >c!c-ci ion. He aV<.o ! coiidenined the- way advei iisiiig ex- } i.i-udiiurex are exenriled from taxa- j: ion. The broadcast was one of a | regular series Thomas is'making on ! the New York mdie outlet, i According to the Socialist spokes- Jinan, nuich of prcsen.l advertisiii has-notliing to do; w'ith selling goods,, but sells only 'good will,' or- propa- gandizes 'falsely' I'm- the 'American ystem . of free etiierpri.se.' While More Blue Time On Chain Breaks • Schweikher liilo Army Fred Schweikher! Droduciion head al WRC.■'Washington, wound up his job and" reported for Army induction •yesterday <.(>>. Blue nelwbrk affiliates go tb a 30- second chain break Dec, 15. giving local stations an additional 10 seconds, for spot sales. The web is also dropping point Of origination at the signoff unless the remote pickup is important to the broadcast. The Blue's move to- spread the break leaves only NBC operating.on the 20-second liming. Network pro- grams on the Blue will be signed Off at 30 seconds before the.windup instead of the present 20 seconds. The. Blue's Coast ciiain has been giving its affiliates; a full minute for local spot sales between sustaincrs. , the sponsors are receiving lax j exemptions, on these expenditures', Thomas co'ntiiuied. liiese same ad- vertisers exhort the. public to save money, buy bonds and shorten the war. Meanwhile, these advertisers, hy their own legic, are lengthening the war. by unnecessary advertising. Fancy prices to radio artists and copy writers, diamond rings, cash' prizes, encyclopedias' make up 'this golden stream.' which the public must pay.' he added. Wants 'Reasonable Cellinn' 'I .ani not suggesting that, adver-■ tising should be. abolished. Some of it-has definite social utility, and more of it has a necessary place in our '■Continued'on-page 32) WOR CHI SALES BEST YET; 118% OVER '42 With the current scarcity of good; radio scripts presenting a real prob-. lep for the industry,' the Arthur Meyerhbff agency, which handles American Women for Wrigley, pulled a stunt out of the hat last week that probably will furnish them with plenty of scripts for months to come.- With the primary function of the. Chicago. Dec. 7. R. C. Maddox. . vice; president of WOR.'New York, here for a look-see | pi ogram one of gelling women out at the Chicago office, announced last j „f i) U . | 10 me and into war work. the week that the first eight months bill- Meyerhoff agency, in i-oiijiinclion ings for 1943 by the. Chi oriicc topped with CBS, invited the public rcla- the best year the station has ever t tj, ms chiefs of. inore thiin 200 war done here. - Sales were H.8'r. over ; industries to sit in oil a typical broad- 1942. with SP'I, of it being new busi- ness.. Bob.Woods, in charge of the Chi- cago office, is in 1-A and expects lo enter the Army after the firs' of -the. year. R. E. Nelson Resigns WOR Post; Joins Storm Agency Raymond Everett Nelson, since last April director, of daytime programs ■and; tele supervisor at WOU. has joined the agency staff of Clviirlcs M. Storm in N Y. as radio diiecmr. 'Tiny' Rttftner succeeded Nelson I WOR. Art Carney, iii't'ir. hus beeii .-igned | b.v CBS to a tcrin einployniOnt con- tract s(i.:i;.ewluii similar to thai to] which the nelwork recently Signed: actress ,)ud;lh K.velyn. It's a seven-, year exclusive deal providing for,- i; ,i<ii, inlDloiiv '.- use <in any suslainiii ' show. He may. nut appear on .a ciuimiercial on any oilier network, and may not.ac- c.epl .--tage (II- lilm euvac.'.-itieiifs with- ou: p.t'rnii.-'sion. .Carney is '.'currently, heard regu- larly (in the :Fun :with Dunn' and .'The Colohel' programs and Will be used on various other shows as loiig':,,r ;.s- AFRA fees iiivoKed do not' aiiioiuit to more than his coiilracluiil salary. i.(M i> THi; MAN AM) VIOIJN KNO^'N TO Mil IJONS . :-!,il hi> ' Si: ;n!i\ .ii ii|- Ii.'- I i'-'-II ll'-iird :i lid ll M r ii!r..iii- '.iiiic .i . ••huh y. ' ):•-< ''mi- I.:iii• i11>■(r • i.n.jiii r< <i- .i p. < I iii.-|.<-;ii-:ni. i- I..II1- I f. '••■.iwi'.-rt. 11l i-t ai-iiiv ' amps.' !- li' m ds.- im v v l'.;isi.-. \ i ii imiiv' In•>i'iI■■ Is, >-t c-.. roils■ ii |i I ili'^. a ■ -«■ 1111»iII anilii-ii' i, ..I' inliliuii^ i"-ii|di:.'. ■ Hi" |lii-iihir -ineli- |!■ -i-r»i.i-ii»:iVii-niiri i i in < imui n. iix .' em. :i s i his ii '.-i A ini 'isl-. >ii'M« '•<!. a .luiiil ".< I'-iidii nrr i,( <i pi-i.pii-. -.--.'. '•'-..-. ' l-'lcm-i-s i.l' tlii.-; niiiiii r i.i a- ill.a. vi-ry im ri'Si inj: and coIiiik llfng sioi v.- Xam.-lv; Itiil.iii.'li' ni)d,lii. ; . "i.lin: :ir<--:ili'-.ii.ly a ]li.-snld' :i 11 rai-llon to Hi' radio piildir .'if I hi. ..'..iii.iry.- And i.ir ri-M> '" ''< liv r \<<\t y.ii i.in.-> ii< 1'- i.-ii i • '■ • .'Exclusive Radio Representatives A. A S. LYONS, Iric. ieon Avenue, New York. cast so that they might develop rtories. of wonieii in war work lor the show, as well as aiding on the .technical angles of the 'various broadcasts lhal deal with .their par-' licula'r industry. ', Slmw. .which, l.as b'-en on the air ' ; m vi ral months.- grinds. oiii a com- 'pb-'.i-script for e-acli l.o-ri,ini'iU' p'-rio.l | live limes a "week.' Job of hnning : mil over 100 -.scripts' m almost--a* ' inaiiv'nay- had Mr. aiitl Mr. Fia'.k I IJnrsley.-v.-i'ilers" of. the show.-hang-. . ;i:g on the ropes. | J'h'il Coheri. iiead of till: QVVI l a.riio : ision and a. rcpi eschlal i'- r of I : re ! War Manpower .Comnii>-ioii...-*.'.-i.s- at. j the. if. -moo.. lo make a .-pi/ l b''ca;:.-e i.f the propaganda..angle ol-ihe" i ci am. .' LINE UP SELECTIONS - ON PEABODY AWARDS Washington. Die. :;l('niiig-pi)-t , coini-'i'<-' li-'c .-lieiiibeis will have turned.,' iltiiir .-i.ieciions for the 1943 G'o: ' Ko.-t» r . Peabody '-wards by .'F; - ' • 101. ,.NAB reports in its curr'.i; biilli.tiu. "Report: go to Dean, John F. Dr.ew- • iv. i>f ; the -Heniy W. Grady School ot ,h;:tr:ialism. University of Georgia. The 'information.-will be consolidated ' aiid forwarded to the Pcabpdy Afl- ' vimii y Board which will choose the i Aiiiners. Bdard meets in New Yoik in .January to study the r.ec- . ornineiidations. j l.isteniiig-post groups operate in ] more Ihfin 200 cities and in .. most stale universities with accredited schools of journalism.'