Variety (December 1943)

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44 LEGITIMATE Wednesday, December ft, 1943 Plays on Broadway .■II: fl C'a>iii<»n .loin'* : ■ inniiiii ii-'ii ill" l w-u-ni-i i>iit«i:i'ii:i .■ I..; Hm.iK . J> pi>"- ■ l»> |i-i:n II Vmiiii-'.-ii-i. ■ i I.. Ii,i-i"il. jih. .Mi-illi':!.' iiii.r II'iSi-*. > :i I'.'iiil'il.Kili n| i'liii-li.-l Mi'iih'.;*-.'-* i -.n m.'-.j': .-■n~;.-. I.>: iH'ijii.'".-: ili/'-i. n'n li-v. ii tiv'.i i<> iititit'i i i:iuc<i'M. r.«'.iiii'*ii ^.Miiy'i.c, ,,.::,■ >'; hi In.-. ImUliliu l'» I l >l /Jlin.l. ViI...mi'.. M:iK»"l I")-' lllrn'.i'*- 1-YldlHl'iiii: '*■■''-. iiiti- ■'.>, iiimfiia r: ly ^ vtuiiunn^'-lty." i::.n.inl !• -n ■ .hill.,!-, iijl'-'is lo Kw-iir ,1. •yi' , a * lli.ii.l iliiv.lii.n'. ii."'"'' ! - Sh!l»-.:.- .in'»•>.!■». ;■ .ii.iui (wV.-i.>..l«-.'-i* l;liMii; si/i'i 1..11 <si;i;m • nr-iliiiKi. ,i'ip.-.u..-.| :il Ul..]|*l.w:^.' V. Y,. JV- l.:.'.l.|M ■ U'M.ii.l.-'l |.'..i.'|..:ni.-.'. ,-: ■ .-• ■-c....i\ r.-.. ,1 < • U--H. .S.|! ..V: V.i: i.i--.,' ).,.li..-..- ,'|lrll- I- I-- . \v.i-i V. !•''.--; m .. i:. . It>■«.. ... }<■'■ . Hn-'i- ; . I > i IViuli- , Hilll-U II-m'I.. li-.i-..-.... .v.. -. :N:i|l..;.N.I. i: < .. .: ■: :'. .'( i::..r.-- ViSilitirV l'"i:ui.. "" ' Kiiii'ii .1 V. ;iVi--i- ■:. ..i.j.r.i''. -1 ; . .'.■I.tilll' 1 '' S ivi'i) "'v ■ -., ' N:i|.«)Ii-jiii K-.i:.l . ,\iu.i--i ^niiiri. :n> ' '■ ■: —: 'Kill!-!, ....... .-r i:...0:n.I •!:•» :"• Willi-I .;'.;? -.. ......'... .v.-.- * '-I-.-. .:-. :,Si.ii\•;» * .<>!■ . i-:. .-.i.f i;iii;;-."V'i rf- .'. . «>:. -It. ...'.•i-.iwjii:i ,i'. •' *•••' ,,:,-.:iH..i;-. M.iiii :....u-> ." . ;..'.m. 'Hi', :i #li i, ■ |.|;.'il.'on t'l:irl;>- ■ \\illi:'nii ■ "> ...i.'f.vlk. i ■ :.-..i Wi.i • I. I-T.IJ" l> -1. ... .... . i 1 : .,1.1.*> >.>V.>l">:-" •JUio.'-a!!.' .All'nr.l i.Iil'i:.*. 1 i'rVl".- I ...f.ninJoi* ... :.l-'ili...|" Willi.- . ' Cjiin' V. limli Vriii.:ij.l.i.ii-. .I',:.. Wlll):!ii.l'iilii'-! I SIl.-lilnlY V.. !■;■;.'. , i it-.ii>-iu>i>ii' .'.-i\v>i-. - . -Mi-lvln Il..iv ii.l '. .T-niy ■ Kl-.-lniir.:. '■ .l.i .' Thev had quarreled for. no good reason and are brought togeUior by Hannah. 'Last act is: in Miley's 'Greenwich.-Village- Mat. nij{lvt .before, lie is to fib into .liniforni..- There is an air raid practice alert, with all lights out. and the curtain.Ilnds them, ahout -lo have a -.pre-marital .rehear-; ! sal. , . : . •:' ., . . Thomas W. Ross is present as,.the : fallier. -an ■ inept old ', fellow .who doesn't know much aboiil his daugli?. ters, nor cares. Frances Hellii)Dlays. (he Rripint! vouiik wife:.Gloria Hall-, ward is the--other ijirl. havin({; an •affair with Edward Laim. loose-talk Kuv. who-■•■becomes : engaged-:: to her w-\h the idea il'miuhl brine, draff deferment. Julie Siemens fs okay ,as Il-i'nnah. ■ ' "■ P/ackKrouYid of - the . war. youni! . U-ive.s.aivd. babies ta live one is tised >, served well enough - in Sotne ' plays last season, but Ihtv eleiii( ,,, ls ai-e not: in the riRhl-.mixture'heie. loee. In moving 'Garhien' uptown-: from the Met Op-on 3!)th street, Billy Rose :ha.< lyynoed Bizet JiVto biu biz. For •Carmph - Jones.','- Rose's (abiil'ous Broadwav ' edifion. .-ot'^the .old Met standby, translates iLself into terrific b.oVappeal.' . It's the top colored show to hit. the big street to date, and rates superlatively, in : all depart- ments, with the'prcTTiiere .backiiiR up the enthusiastic out-of-town recep- tion In, spadfes. ' It Kives Rose standout mus-. Icai produHion,; by .the grace of- Os- car: lluinmer-sl'ein II, ■ whose lyrical adaptation of the, opera . 'Carmen' • compares with, his -best, which is something considering his'..participa? tioii in. writing siich standouts as 'Show Boat' and /Oklahoma.' latter, to the tunes of . Richard Rodgers. That . Hammerstein came through .. with 'Oklahoma! ahd •Carmen" within • jess than a year clearly indicates that he .now is at the peak of his career. - Teamwork in : turning out 'Carmen', i.van outstanding feature of the per- 1 foi-niance. * There are a varied color scheme carried out strikingly iil; the lighting' and edsluming: by Hassard Short and Raoul Pene' duBois. "speclivQly'. the oi'chestratintf of the immortal Bizet'score by Russell .Ben-. ;netl: stalling, of the .book by Charles Friedmani probably the best ot How- ard, Bay's scenic designing; training of the ensemble singing by Robert Shaw.. Some ot the names c.on- corncd with the production are not familiar., which is more to the credit of. the accomplishment'. 'Carmen Jones' glows with humor. In opera lie form it has always been popular. buUhardly coniic.: The slory is • retained in outline only'; and al- though some scenes' are recognizable, even to those who-are strangers to the TVIel. Hammerstein has written ■ amusing sequences, story'being quite •apart from thefori in'al and in "some, w-ivs up to-dale. First- act is thoiouchly diverting; and the-ve arc highlights in the sec- ond : act that arc as effective -.and TiKn e, dramatic. Instead pf a'-cigarellc fiu' l «'ry in Spain. '.Jones; starts with a scrnc outside a parachute plaiil doni in ixie. .There a colored regi- ment is quartered, a corps with a bo.s.-i.v Se'rgeaLi?i and a corporal named Joe. the Don Jose of the oocra. Car- ii'oii , Jones is ;t.he seductive '-wench- who. fa vols Joe. stepping in between hin-i and Ciiidv Loli. the Micaela of t l; f -original-.. The toreador; has be-; ronic .the heavy weight boxing champ: Hi!sl;y. Miller (Escamillo). Piislia 'run'* a roadside!cabaret. , ■■■■ .. In that scene Cai'oien meets .the hi- hug Miller. whosc:managers.lurc Ii-'-' to Chicago .Where .he is to Tight for the title. . She pursuades- Joe to go AWOL. but he becoihes. heartsick when slife walks out on him for the ' champ. Scene at a country club for colored folks in south Chicago re- captures some of the Carmen SloiyV wil!\ (he. card game bit developed bv 'De. Cards Don't.Lie.' It is llic'iv; .thai .Carmen drayvs.;.the nine of spades..'indicative or Iritgcdy to come: Final scene is : pulside ai stavlium: in which Hiisky ', !'o-fight -the f:6n- ■: tender. ' •.•::. - ' ■'. - .' ' ..Ihxtead Jor Ihe oi;iginai-bull' right scene .and soiig. it is now. 'Stan' Vv An',Fight" 16 the tune dr.the.-famous toreador .song.'- Thi'ough ihe" scrini "if scVn the• knockout-blow in. <i boxing- l ing, then buck to fJov and -Cai'meu. ■■■'.wl)i> dares.'lii'"kiII ln-r- Joe sl ihy hi-- parainour. and falls ■ prosiratc .' over-.her; body.: f . ' ■ , ---• In pne'of. the most animated sceiies. ■ al end of the first part: t he stage action i$ delirious in' a cabaret. It is ? ' there that Muriel Smith, of Philadol- . pl'tla: making ; her first stage apneai - aiice, does her best vocalizing.. 'Beat Out. That Rhythm on a Drum' has Cosy Cole town onihe skins; Miss Smith, who is alternating in'.the title part with Muriel ahn'. duets with l;iilhcr Saxon as Joe (his alter- nate being Napoleon Reed >. the iium- ber 'being' 'l( You Would Only. Come Away." lier :Miss Smith .soloes the 'Habanera."- * . faybrit'e ' of jill : roii- inillos, niimber uow'heinx 'I. Go lor Yoti But You're Taboo.' OiV the opening night' little:Car:. loita Fiiiilzell i who. also has an aller- nine. Elton J. VViirrciv) walked 'off with; the applause honors, her top scoring. . number being. ..'My Jcie." S>i>xon scores with ''Di.s. Flower.' G!en Bryaiif. Ji lltir.lejii eop on leave/ is Husky Miller.: and he js. okay in tiW:i: liling way. loo. iiis standout be- J in.-; •I'oni-lio- do.PiinlheV. from Brazil." wilh Ji'iie ltawliiis and Jcssieii Rus- sell aiding. - There (hiring roiiie of Ihe enscnible numbers., but' the detiiiilc cDinedv ,- assighmetils are. Iv i'flt-d, by Kdward Lvc. Tyler and D'wk Monly.oincrA-. as light managers. An aniii/ing ballet. inlerludv.come.< duV" • live I'bunlry club terrace scene, ihe dance'numbev being''staged i by-'fiivene-Loring. It travesties box- I iiig. Sheldon •■ Hoskins and. Ran- | " -1 ijli Sawyer being hoofing- boxers. | with silver gloves and lials. Action here is hot-diggcty. as- it is in' the cabaret scene. One of the delights of the performance is the ensemble,.;uid choral singing, under the direct ion -of. Roberl ; S'haw. .'Batoning;-'of. Joseph Lftfau is zpslful. he having 40 mc.n in the i>it. There is-also the Colleg- .iaie Chorale of.'l6^a' : nne- adjunct to 'ihe-gciiiM^I :yocaI-effect.' Singine .of j m .,-.,.„ 2l .i no „i f ,. -m,.-*.-. w.-inr,.-'.:,.Hii:ii the m ineipals lias-had the coaching iii-i-ai::hmH«i)>. Iiahi.:..s.i*iiai.>; .'.'.">>• of Elizabeth .Westmoreland; -yThere 1 ""ii i:iiisi-ii is a line of small. Colored- boys iised «»'"<'. •*•<•«>: Play Out oi Town •la irk no!' Ne^ riavt-n. Vinli»il .:t-'rvi^lti-!.. |i.-ii ln*:iIv.i ruuioily In-luVju-lr (III y-i.-i-.-: r. .Il»n«s: ftvilinvN .h.|V;.- I.. .K--r. It .XiiDi'il-. '.\i:ii-> W..-V". l l)., S|-iit-iI I.J U.-x I lilI'm-H ■ l.lil^-' S|-.if-'. Alliiii : ■i-iiy-' lial:.'!'. |:.r.lly ' .lin.i -. liii'y .I'.nllltll. >:itlllr> SII.'.M.ill. :i|ltl I'. I;i>l«.|:l|i: yiliMii- 'ii iiil : lyrit\>$, ■ Uowai.-f I >; *n liml " VflV- liull Ulllior'M*Illim>; li:i\:il»:...i.l .Sm'.*/;-.Hii"il UitJ'fr.l.^lviiinni'.i :iti:..'.;. i-o^ni.'Klvji'llc: • lallVilA ,'ii.n.l ' -lis-Vlll'»l-'*>.. . l.:inr,-i;.-l .li-ffi'i'smn ;' ltr.lll'1 lAuiillior.-.. I'liai-I- : W;.;! V.inn:-.- v.ii:-if[' here and- there, counting early : with - "Lin 'em.Up and Put 'em Down.' First-nighters- wondered how the. company.: of unknowns .was assem- bled., and Rose credits the aid of John Hammond. Jr., jazzophile. who recommended many of those present.- 'Himmersfein. ' iii a progiagv note.. says .that 'Carmen"is' believed to'be a pcrfei:,t wedding dr,story'and miisic. the.melodies.beiivg-surig in customed' order. He cooccde,d there are 'small deviations' which .seemed lioueslly demanded by a transference- of 'Carmen' to a modern- American background.; ■ ■ 1 ■". There vvas difficulty .in .-gelling a house- on Broadway for . "Carmen J.oiies.;" but had-the moguls-of the Metropolitan .bceii aware of the Rose, production they • might have well' placed " it- there; At':least it Would havg openedf' tlie. eyes of those ad- dfcted to the-Mel's often.stodgy musi- cal fare, for the hew show is a dem- onstration of what can be done with, the, hoary operas -that go on season after season with little variation.— :.-'.''. Ibce-. flni-i.i'.-l^ri; •-•<••«?•} ■ • • •.• • i.ti n ;»-v Mil- Dill; ,.".u.: H,ill llonili.f........ .S'linry I'ai-Iior..; . .'.; Sall\- .Miitlimiii.. .v. / rlawl»y...-.A. •\sv-r--lirnl: llui-ien.l^. Snlltir,.. . ..........', Iirx'u 1 !' l'.ii A\'inr.. i-t-i-y: l-'lm-h. WinMi. I'niiiT. Hank Trimlilr.-....-. ■ : i|-sl Ho'ini-I.rr. .., ,- Sri,:tiiiil- Ke'|M»ri.'-'iv. -', I'.i^ l'.'ilt<.r.4nii.. .. Ki, ..\'.l>;.lrir: - . v ..... Ski; .Mnif.iifrc:...: llvll-n '-\W.vtl:i>( if .. iinii-i." hpiu-. .....:. .pnnri'.-.. .... .'.■. :'. :. ■:«W.:.'.;.:;., .i... In nil',-.....-.......'.... .M:.|l|ll.... . I.../. .-. iio.iy... ■j\iohi.-ii:..;..;.......... "line.. ;, ..... ..'.■...'.. ..V('<-iir.ii"iiisi.. f:.,.;. I In*li'Msri. IT: World's Villi oMpIi-Iw .-il iiroiln< : !ion of lii.inVu h\ .iitr*-p i<ri^ Mf'iiry*) liy'Nut>ully Jntiitj'tini win* :i'liipiv<l ii ri iijii .'riloTuu h Ht'lTsT lnjiik'.- "'I'lH'.l ("iHii" H;ir'rt-..(;i ''V'uil.*- SI;<^»*<1 ;1iy. |iV«'mimiI«m-; mi'1 i i«iK ii) Sl^w:ivi . ■ 'lljt■•«'> : i>|»'ic.'(l. iy:il". -N. Y.. !)»••■. «. •'VA: .VX.M) Ah: Mr." H:iv I LhiiikiIi. ..'....... I' ll.n ■ ". AOrl-'.; \i< ; !. . K.l\\ iir*l. .',., '... i . Mtl. ; \ Sully .. ....:.. S'\vi;-'.hiii -Sm-J'T. M.-l.l-'l.'l. ll.'i:. . Mil*. C'lIl-^i . . . .'i'hiMilliJ* 'XV.- KuS: . '.\..-\. . Kv:i l''null hi .... Tli'tin:.^ 11 mm . ..lull.' ■^li'v.-iiw ...Clorin H.illwi-nl , \ .riMiM^vt ii»!iiu .;...U:»Uhi Mm), ..'Inir>!« UtiiK . : i.I.-1'j'y Ki ni-ncr .. V|Vk1»1.i -llilMioi i- ,. ... Il;ti r>' f:.'llii\i-r ..'. .: ..Inhjj. J..\«i\v;ii . ..Corn ^uiiitt I • Utiyiii. l*.Mtiu-n : n'i«>i. dhi^-ii >n. O'jjmuM - Sluiln N ri. New .I"...-. . > . ; . .'. : ..\'Ui*:i" K1.I.T ....i:V l,: *' v-'«ii:'iu ' • ■'■ ■ :> .*.\l»M : iilii' Sl.'X'fu'^ / . . I:■•!» . Ij'irklii'itil ;.;".V. ..v.*. ...Xfri it-Vj,-I«i»s ... i'. '.N'l.ii l'*:iUi :iy '. .'■". . .■..'.'.I'-. 1 )!!' k'"imi> . :. . ":i UtW Miini Mi- .. l /irry .Mvvjiim .. . 4. .* "y»-1 ^'»- i;ji-li;nils , ;. , . .. .-.l-ri-j l.fu'li*^ , '. . .' I il'llll} . I Vtllt'l' . .>\. : . J . '. ■>:. .Vll:>'i"* ■ ..i. i ; :^ .ItlH :i..h.»* \. . i:.tit U^.mh :iin*:i I'U'icr , . . . W-ii.It'll i \yfiy ... IJ.-.ll.v; : t:.ti'f.-il . ; .'. . l'"r I'lu - ** li..liiiis^ii . . . J ... . . .Wyl . . .:l i.-'.|ii'-flM». Sii>:(nn ■. i. v.l'» Hi-illii - Si t u'ii M-iiy .S( 'w.iri .'. . Sh -»i \ ' Sli:i llilifJii* C.mi.HI- . .\i <i> i.iini. v - ->!»•;■ l *Mnn* : -'-. i \iii<l i til, . .j . V". . ". '- a" ' i;^k:i Dream Street Beat (Broadway Legit Lowdown) They say Geo. White is back on his feel again, with 150G for a new 'Scandals',.- .Geo, AbbolDs ofe began, calling hi'actors for "Higlilandf Flinc'' almost as sooii as- closing! notice was. up on 'Get Aw.a-yVdid' Maii' ■ Nat .Kai'son look a week's rest from ^Connecticut Vaiikec" "aiid llien look <m liie .'designing of Boston's new Stage; Door-Canteen.. ; ! Siiiids: add Fred Rafi. Universal writing team, are in fronv Hollywood' to. present 'Bigger, Than Barnuni.' Getting leads..: Brooks Cosltii^e has begun sbju. ing showgirls .and : 'dancers, for Ringling's new- circiis,-.. Pisca'lor is repeating 'Rally^ot Hope,' presented- at Madison- Square Garden this, summer,. -'Goes ' oiv twice ai Manhattaiv Center Jan: :.:A- niiv>'':«n'shtn-.i^.-teach'ihi;.'J'apttncii^' to ihe Negro actors in : Dave Lowe's.''SOutli :Paci'fio'...Sam' Chartoft. wlio makes airplane' parts, but lov ; c.s;44lh,' St., has. been quietly, assehibliiig -a. ■ musical. ast..p.a'^ 3nd a co mgr...Mike Todd now has his' own. casting :' bulletin f,oii. the - elpvatbr door; itemizing . parts open in his v.cnl^ures;. (The -.'Win. Gihiiiin.; who opened. offices last .'we^lc to produce a p'hiy, ■ Walgreeivs before Pearl Harbor day, went to.Africa for a c'oiislructioii cpf earned ciiougli XoV. a product ion and -niade a bet-li n^ for rciim 'Si reel!.. ''" . :: Richard's olTive. issued: this caslliiR Item 'Muiulay (ii) : '.Wanted, » Marine: tough s.o.h.V ,. That .choice collection of rapists, adultelers, gun- men, llileves. etc.'. in. the llillinan & Fawvetl Pufiliculluiis Illustrated pulp, ; really the. ten;le tyroi- of 4.*ilh st. KOh>K berserk for $S-an f huiir. .f; Every where you turn tlitse days you bump Into Greta G.. .-Never ha* the wall been so loiul about the bouquet of. current scripts.. Paul Robeson's he;«lih has made him pledRe Manhattan's new Netro eouncllmaii, Ben I)a\'is. Jr., he. will do no more beiieflts without the In Iter's consent .. 'Touch of Venus' seemed to corner the pictorial depts Sunday. Mary ' Martin in the. News and Sons Osota. In PM...Xinas Is bringing, many of the .uniformed actors,' and. from as far as Seattle , fThe Mtti jaret Sims, '■ whose pla.v, .'Their First. Wife,' was .just announced for production tliU season. Is the nionY of l.ict Erlcsoii . fWm. Rousseau resumes wort on *.V WAC -In Algiers,' hut (ills: time, wllhout. .army bmkinf. Will.have.'a' cast : of 115 sir's, lie -.. . .'Rosalinda.' 'Oklahoma' and. 'Iii '■ Belle lleleite' are ' hunting; singers. . .'Marianne' still larks dancers:. .Bill Boyman will direct - Cedarhursl's next production, 'You t'aii't Take It With -You.". Then Marsa Ann .Delghton; llollywuod newcomer,/'directs: 'Ghosl Train'-, ,,The Tony Brown directing 'Friendly Neighbors' Is the one who endeared himself to 89 actors a. couple seasons ago when he cast them In 'Johnny 2 x 4". Yoiimiiiix' iiiiisicnl'is said ; to call /or. 6S ballet, 'driiii-crs, lib less . . ; Hj/iumi Adfer leant* lo pm on a x|K'cirtcle,.'Tli«; Deri > Sub-- - hnlli.'.d<ii/i a casl of 300 (i/ros . .:: t Frank McCoy is iaj.uij/ "WJi.fii a- - 'Life':, to DMrpii .'.' The Diii-'eiiporl Free Then I re is;irt iJi> t h roes of -o f •'•'neic-' production . v .^B.eiieiie- it or not.: I it v re. .-a-re' o.'n I«.. ab'on (. 5 linle -. 'iliedires operuun. Mow in Matilialtdn... . ''.'M*ee Siiiioiixou's iieui.''bopl.'-. - :■ 'Purl of aLi/cliiue.' isin'isse.v producers icillc'Tlie' then ire (odnu. is. a" din bier's parndise for a sinall oroiip of iui'esiom.' . ^ f: ruth.or Consequences' wits, hiiiiling all <>ver ; way for lfl; -ye;ii : -old ,." griuidiiiolhers".last week,... Dtiraiile, pi:epa.riiig lo: le:ive For . the,fCoasi on the .ttlin',- 'Ziegfeld' has Iwo- gagineii, writing words for a new song title he's thought up: 'I'm lh;e guy that owns Ihe fanh that has the sliecp that grows the wool for-'Laiia Turiver.'s awe >.-"■ Whether "Jackpot" remains just a nice musical evening's enler.ainmeiit or'talls into the solid click class de- pends on \vhal's done in. its next couple of pre-Broadway weeks. Unquestionably, the stulT is lliere for the latter category, 1 ' and if Vinton Frccdley can polish the finer points properly, he'll have something akin 16 nrevi'pLs sock, musical- diversion that has emerged -from his tunc'-and- terps mijr. At present, the show hasn't the sparkle that leaves an au- dience clamoring tor more. But the talent registers . nicely. !each in its own field, and- it augurs well for the show's hit chances. ■ .Although! there is no single .'.element that can; be called a show-stopper ai Ihg. momen'l. the whole combines for an okay con- coction of sohgS. dances, comedy, costumes, girls-, etc.. thai should ulti- mately have Gotham appeal.; . : Trio listed "as.authors rcaliy should be dubbed ghostwriters- for Henry Mbrgenthaui If ever there:was a bond plug scripi in a musical, this is it. Story, which bears -importantly on the overall picture., go's away from the cut-and-dricd angle by hav- ing a war plant beaut offered dp as a prize to; the bachelor holding the lucliy • number in -a boiid-selliiig (Irive, . 'Three Marines, chip- in to purchase a bond which, eventually, snares the prize. Complications in splitting up-the award make for the show's story. .. . In cooking u'|) .comedy linos, scri- veners ha\p applied plcn'.y of .salt, and in, several instances have banged pretty heavily on the blue strip of llieir typewVi.tei: .ribbons. Practically all of the best IaugKs : would'llnd'no .welcome on the Hays doormat; Dc spile this, book ..could'.''make' swell .screen fare., , - ■ •; ; • ' Score roils alohg.on aVconsistenllv Quite uiiiniercsting. and devoid of humor for the most part, here is an entrant' that 'won't be..'around .'.for very long. -■ Bobk from which the. play ema nates, is Well-ehough regarded: but Ihe: characters as displayed on the stage arc a moronic lot, constituting a libel upon Brooklyn. Jed Harris has other plays on his schedule, any one of. which is probably better Certainly this one does not impress as . having been -worth managerial -attention, even wilh the Hollywood biu kiiig it reputedly has; . First two act.-;. are. scencd iii the modest - home oi' the fridges, over liie river. After a dull ff'irsl acl. lhere arc a coupje of family squabbles, a hair-pulliim . match; ' a one-punch knockdown and some assorted, bick-. cring. This may have: seemed di- verting, in the script, .but it didn't •look thai way to. ms.t-i)ighlei s. .. . Davef.the son,, is piarricd aiid get- ting'along so-so with. Hannah. AdVle is a young motlii-rf.married Ki -a mi-' wil who .coiijdii'l- cveiv pask the :iri- (efligcnce lest m- a . wai- plant; She (•omplain* ihiy. can'rkei .a1on« ; on;l)is UiSsto" -.piarte.'. Wilh 'Whal Hap pay and .is a nasty little minx. fl(>r- i;,, C ned," 'Sugar-FiMil,:/'I Kissed My r.e rs carrying on an _afta.r with A ciri .Goodbye""and "Yanks^ ' " . . to heat..the airwaves. Comedy' tunes ."What's Mine Is Yours.' -•'A "Plfcee 'ot ^hldS.;io^;aF^isiby"MW>- : ^ fellow who so Tar is 4-F,and she has become pregiiunl: That'- lad -spouts' soinc vicious racial sliifffahd is al friend of the family why iw^c'hliattf^ ' : in the Marine CJrps. . (Slid or that I \i^^u ^ A - ^ n tl ' v ^' 0, '?i S antument has Miley knocking, the ■ ^ W J 1 ™?? fellow horizontal ' with , one right hand wallop. ■: ., : :' .:.':. . Perhaps the most interesting .bit in the . play comes when, Scji gcaiit Snyder, a Mai'tric from Guadalcanal, entei's, He was .sent back fhllowiiii; injuries sustained in. a foxhole light!. He kiIIpd■ his : Jap. after that monkey- had bitten off the ends of two fingers. The sargef gocs.inlo the gi ucsoinc de- tail.-., but'at:least' that held attention.. - Hairy. Bcllaver plays-the Marine and gol (he only real plaudits, Bgrry. RrVioge'r. as Miley,;and Virginia Gil- niore.'iis Sally, his estraliged .xwicei- heai'l,' are supposed to be the leads. Theroii BaniberKcii pVoducer of 'Tomorrow the World.' visijed Washing- ton last week 10' have: his play; considered for Ihe 'Command Performance' of the 194:4. President's Birlliday Bali celebratioii on Jan. 2:i at- the National thealre' in that cilyv Since it has a juvenile in the-.cast--this would be, if accepted, the only Washington performance (if 'Tomorrow.' ;The; child'.- labor law of the District of Columbia prohibits anybody under 14' Iii pro- . fessicinal casts.•! 'Lire .Willi Father' and '"Watch On the Bliine.' both with child actors; gave'-HlH'se individual .perrdrmanceii in conncclioii .-with' the celebration iii 1939 and 1942. Under, a ruling of the corporalioii counsel's office these performances can be given in as much. as; the cast cQiilribntes its scrvtcc.<i"aHd''.llicy:*re,.j)oi'.regarded'-'as 'pei'fonnanccs;for.-.p.roft(.t': Walter rcaza. assistant to executive .secretary Paid Dullzell, Of Equity, has been cast for Meyer Davis's.'Wall Flowei'.' but wjil'-relaiu' the.actors' associalioii posl: as, he did during appeaiaiiccis in "A New Lite.'.. However, Ji.e will be otiI of town for two weeks d^ •' liring Ihe new play's tryput. Flower'-was; written- by Reginald Denhani and Mary Orr. It-will 'prob* ably ..have aiiolhiir. " , ; present name reporiedly having been iised for another play, script. which is controlled by Colleen Moore. will occasion the managerial boiv by' Davis.Who is interested iii a. number of otlici-altractLo'ns. ' ' Russel Croiise was in Saraloga- Sp'riiig-s recently .curing-a cold aild.lhere- met Anne Nichols, who was taking a rest cure.. ulhor of-'Abie's Irish Rose' and the"-collaborator <with Howard Lindsayi of "Life With Fallier' talked things over.'. . - .' . Frank Sullivan, a denizen of ■-(lie Spa. was around loo and ouiried that it a play , resulted from the session between Miss Nichols and Croiise.-it would run longer than the Thirty.Years War. 'Abie' played -Broadway. :for rive years,- while "Father' recently entered its lifih veiir at the Empire, N. Y. : :-' ' -' ' :'■' : .'Display , ad for Ihe 'T|ie Doughgirls.:. LyCeuiti; N! Y.. ' ' Friday s <3) Herald Tribune. II cost around $400.- (he amount the show was shy on its contracted space; whieh e'nlilled ilie'nianagenienl to a rebate- of $1.300,'- Tl ib aiid Times offer lineage; deals: . if an attra'ctiuiv:iises a' iiyinimurn of 5,000 lines, a rebate provision OeComcs-operative, ;..! Recently 1 'Life With! Falher.' roadway's run leader'at ihe Empire!: ' • Id cxtra-spacb display hi the.Ximes Ibr the : :" reason. . F.riu' O'Brien Moore's Ihe revival!of 'Little Wonicn' con- cluded a live-week engagement al the Lafayette. Detroit. Sunday 15'. One evenihg last week ,shc carried her flve-irioiilh-oid- spiuiiel oii stage .and. she reports the pel made '' f sensational 'hit.!' : s name is Teanie Dixon O'Brien Mooie. ■'■'- ,'''. "' >: , ■■■•'--■ /■ ■■■ : - ■ : All.' a patriotic ditty that. docsii gel . across. Several numbers;'are 'given.:.-, good expression : via quartet aiid double; quarlei 'vocalizing," If.s generally a job for which-the song- smiths. Howard' Diet/-Vernon Du'kc! can take bows along with libleilisls Guy. Bolton, en Roberts and Sid- ney Sheldon, f ■ - . ■■• Tcrps . iange fronr .'coiiv'enlional laps 'specialties, through -flashy en- sembles, to a bnllei satire -labeled 'Grist for Dc Millc." which lakes a liumb'rou's poke al the' Ague.-. Of Millie- influence on ,'the .ballet in Shubcrl Alley.' Featured dauceis are Don Liberto, ' Peter Hamilton. Flower Hnjer,, .Florence ' LesS'uig; Bitlie Worth and All'hea Elder: /-.. :■;;! A.ilaii Jones sings ivell. in keeping Willi: his top jiilling,' aiid~ gels over ; as lhc_eVchemislr> prof,'tiow'a Ma- rjne. who finally rw'ins .the. girl. Hiis best personal click ' ■, with -'One- Track . Mihcl.' - Nanetlfe ' Fabray. is attractive in .llYe-romantic lead and' sings, well. when not hamstrung -by nii.croph.onc. • buildup which- : just didn't jell at Ihe opening. Stress on comedy angle is indicated ' by. the tact, thai fbu.r' or. the cast's.five, fea- tured members .arc in for luugli pur- poses. Jerry Lcsier works overtime in the chuckle department and clicks • iii his own, as when' teamed willi emi-.v Baker or Betty Garrett; Lasi nanied is a sock rcnime. rib- licklei and also Uuns In a nifty vocal job. Baker is good, for . numerous-. ■laughs aiid :Mary Wickes fills a nice .spot in cbnicdv scenes. Also rating.. i*s Houston Richards "i a role that could iv.piry Tolin'ny Man- ville. Eva. Barcinska' contributes a novelty' in the. iia.Uire of- an. accoi- dio.'n-whislling-specially. . ' : Production is' well iiiou.nlcd: wd" ■ good looking girls- in good, looking clothes placed in good looking sur- roundings; • Routining is' coiiimentK able, with a -01111011 (inale ■ climaxml?. stanza two; and -pace." a'fier a «l u . e . s " tionable start.-builds well- ': ■ 'Jackpot' Js the show undertaken, by Free'dley after his unsuccessful .- attempt witli 'Dancing in the Slrcti.s earlier, in-the year while it was l!>:: ing but with Mary. Martin as st«i ; After a salvage attempt. 'Streets, was scrapped in it's entirety. ^ . B01