Variety (December 1943)

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46 Wedm-aday, December B, ■■ 1913 O B I T U A R I E S '"■■■■ \. BEBT SWQR; \ '.:"' '■', j. ai^aVfihi^Xhact- btciv iivtroad com ert . •. 65. voleraiv mnislrel °^' Ki;!:t and.'-Tcir " perforrilfcr: who. 'retired' from show' business about' 10 --years.agb.-'was 1 <>. - <?■ < - found dead Nov. 30 in;hfs hotel room ! riei\ and Minnie Maddern Fiske;. ap in Tulsa; Oklahoma: : A resident: of; l£» «•«*. 'P lhc-.,-ori#na.l : ; cast.; of Dallas, he had gone lo Tulsa to lake.; ^W. d , End part in a benefit jriinstrcl show being • N- v - ■ staged by Hey Rube!. Inc.: an organ I Dtirjng the last 20. -years of' stage cdrecr\was ■: Willi- /the: late 'Otis;' /Skirir the /Belasco theatre, zalion of southwest show people ore-, 'Willing fieeV.per'fbiMiiaiices.-.for v Icemen." . ■;'/•/ /:•-•'. ' ■/':■ ' For years a. feature of the .At-Gil Fields, minstrel. troupe. S\yor also I achieved- prominence wil h Mbi-an{ and Mack, joijiing the blackface act as successor to George Moran when the latter left the ■Two Bia/ck- Crows' team. Three -of. his brothers. /John./ Albeit and; Jim. alsb were. minstrel men and 'another. Will Sw6:j-. was -i Well-kfibwji/tramp coniic' ; ';; ' : '; - In addition to frequent benefit .per- , Bei t Sw'ur's • si. '/' ... ;Fun'e,ral .services. under the : ■•' air? spices of the Actors' Fiirid / were ^cld ; ill- Wail er >B. C.(>okr> Funeral Parlor, oh' Sunday Dec. 5-: :, • .>'■.. :'"•' .' Ben S,. . fllni- . , -/and former actor: and/■ director on the Broadway st,iRe: died Dec. ;2 in. HbK lywood -following • U\ng trouble. .:':■:'■• ■■■■ Before : eiitenn^ ■'pictiives' in- 1927. HouhPs had played : and directed for Wiliiijm : A;: Brady,the'Shub'erts and other legit'. producers. ■.;■ -.':. ; ..'".'-';r' After:, four' years . -Fox-arid; nrversal; he joined RKO 1931 died•' -York/ Dee, 4.' He had; been io actor in. recent years, Duhn .siiirlecl his cai'C/er in. vauide/,: laier diverlins lo. legiI :and appear- ing in prodiietious'bTCiC'oi'gc Broad-; hurst, Henry \V. Siiyagc and .' the, Sclwyns.- ■■'/-.-;/.".'..', • Survived by widow an '■/. stage.appearances 1 wcrc/at'the Texas; Centennial.-when-he and his ; brblhcr • Jim -staged a' streamlined: uninMrclj Among the pictures, .he directed ..were show:at.lheCastle,Qf Foods/;, In 1941 '^Little-Orphan Ahhic/ 'Oiie;Crowdcd he • was a Negro butler in the Dallas Little Theatre production. 'Where the Dejrr Antelope-Roam,'.':/■ .'/'/•_..- Swor, who lived in ■ Dallas i ro.r.'"tlie. ■ past 30. years,, syas- a native of i'Pai:is. Tonn..' ; arid' y .lhe , : spivpf : ' sp'h'doi tcach'eivWho-.Save hhYiVhis first in igl-it* and. /Too: Maliy.Wives.' JAMES R. ■ jamp> ; R. • .Carey. •; piaywriglVl,, died- Nov burgh.- -,;'"-'; ■"■i"-.,., :.'■ His' first singe experience was with arid ■Pittsv striidlionsi Tii the'.iirt-'Sal, miiiisirelsv. < yf j Fforeiice iii ^Ticket.of■'Leavt One of the .veteran's prized posses-: Man' in 1880.' In recent years he was . sions was - a:- carie '.Stephen -. Foster I gave .his, father; \yho iri ; . turn passedvpanics'.arid; seK<ed' jiiaiiy- '. yea'v's in it ori to.:Swpr.. He reportedly amassed a comfort able nest egg in -show- business, but *Cbarlcs '..T;- : Bl'aney.V prpducin ganizaliOl).^ v; : '. \ ■. '".'r' ;. '■■' ' Fun,eral services liiider auspices bt suffered ,financial losses in the 1929 ] the Actors' Fund.were held at Waller crash' aritf .:neyjtjt;-Vebmpl^cl>V y\. ■B.,-.:-Go'ojce i -Y : ; Funeral' Ghurch. New couped. Glenn eoridpri. presideri't' of.;.'yo'j-k,' pii Dec. 3. Interment in Ken- 'Hey Rube!,', summed his. positipn by sic.o: cemetery, Wcslchoste'r p :N. : vY. saying, 'Bert .Swpr died;witlV only a few 'dollars;'but'.a thousand friends. EuneyaX services wer. Httld. iri Dallas. The. pldtirhe minstrel " man;, is sur- vived: by ^is-wife: a biuepririt- clerk at North American Avialipn;.. a daughter, Mrs.' Melviri . Smith-,; and two brothers,' John and . JanVes,- 'of Hpllywobd> p ; , 1; ; : '. ■ JAMES WINGHELD -. ■' Ja'm'^srWingflelijl^B,'.'o)dtime\$how-.' mail, died in Chicago Dec. 6 ot head Injuries '-following" a fall. One of the veterans of. iriidwfesl' show biz- he wai connected for .40 yeais -v'ith Cohari'.'& Harris,' :Gebrge M.--: Cohan >nd Cohan's Grand Opera ! Hpiwe. Chicago, as advertising agent. : . . From .1899 to' 1935 : he.operated the Wingfield-Central ; States Circiii't. bpokihg. bneinight. legitiniate stands from Pittsburgh tP Denver and hav- : lng .at one time-pyer.,4.00 theatres on his book. : He was a partner with Rowland! "Clifford and> Gazzbllo : iri the operation': pf several -theatres, years' agp arid producer with them of shows;over : the pld Stair & Havlin; circuit. . ;-../' ' ' Surviving are widow, and daughter. . . ~..-:' : ,'' ; CtETV'S . KENNEDY Clelus: (Cl'ayV "J:; Kennedy, fprrner legit actor who turned director sev- eral years'ago! died Nov; 24 iri. Wil-. Jowlck. O. '■'■■• '-"''native'' of : Sagjnaw, :Mich., he";' \ybiked- on; Cleveland, newspapers and. acted.: in amateur draniatics iirilil- Max Reinhardt- gave him voje- in- touriiig ;'Mi'racle;'-• Qn Broadway'.slage. eight, years, he a 1 so appciil-ed ; i h Gortrtide;- Lawr- ence's tSecrels' and. . 'Spider.': In recent years he had been; directing Wifiougliby , Players, '-. ■ group, which he fdunded.,; '..; BAKXEY FEINGOIii) Bariiey.. Fe'mKoKI. : Vi.; .was miiriagc'r bt Hie AUk-.n: Jamaica, L.-T... for RKO. 'dropped dead ot .a heart altack>:pec: ,2. Lonu with RKO.ynd. Ihie plci' Kieiili cii:ciiiT.- 11^.ivosj .trcas-, iircr- pr'assistiii'il m;iiia!;er of:y«irloi!s libuscs-■ iiiclutliiiiJ- the old .Broadway. Jefforsbii. . arid' CaLiien.. N.. Y arid- keitli's'Ww Rnclielic; N,. Y. v •' .Sj-irt-ivirig"'. aire ■ \yidow.; ■aiVd'v.twd .children:. - : ' ' .;■,.-:■;'';•-■:';-;'; '.':.': JOSEPH D. ( HADWiCK V :: J.o.sep'h; 'p. . : Cixad.vVick; „■ 79. retired founder of - tlie. Chadwick : a c'binedy, siiigih's; and .- daiicm'B: ;act. : died' in Bcllmawr. 'N>.'J:.'---'' '. 30: The trip" played Keilh aiid other, ig- timc circiiils. : t'hadwick was: in slipw biz for oyer. 25 years but rcliied- iiitb the _corifractii>s;.bu.sine'ss.: ' . ■ jii'viyed by. daughter. . ' ..■' : ..- •', -„-Cleneay ""' Bruiii. : retired .s'iiigcr} died Nov. 18' at. his: Ivbnvc in Portsmpiith. 6.: following hcari, at- tack: He - had; been ^identified["with the lcgilimafc .Stage' and -vaudeville for 'more th ' 40 year, He Iroiiped with, the H'erajd Square;; Qtiarlctte. for-, many ;• seasoiis - andi; also : with ■Fa , u$t;--Il4inStrelsV'-.-'-Si(r'vw; . • a sister.. ■■■ .. '.-. '.■ ' ■• : -:-'.":. . 'llERMAN LOHR ; ^Lohr^ 72: ;Ehglish :comr; poser. . died .- tJec. '■ 6' al' Tu'nbridge Wells'. Kent. England. rHc was best known, for .his .-; . :Liltle, Grey Home. ih-/t|Ve Wesi' aiid.- vWhcrfc My Cara'v.air.Has Rested;'^. .He 'also colli; .p'oscd-, -The -Bingers.!" s'liiig ; by; Jotin Charles Thprnas iji' his recent, cbn- cprt:ai;Ci.irnPgie Had:' : Y:', • . . J. OIEBOLD • •'' A. J. Dieboltl.'61. owner , ot Hie Paiacc Theatre. :\VaterIdb.. la"., died bf. a. sirokc-' Noy, 30 .at ;Cedar . Rapids, - ' - He . had; ;6pc;rated iriptipn'. picture thcatrds here arid, in Cedar Rapids fbi' 35 . years;';' He owned' the.vb'uild* .ing . housing,: the Stvand . Theatre, which.he had maaaged until12 years ago, when, the, Tri-Statc Theatres Corporation thought it.■■'■' He formerly ' owned Crystal and Watcrlop | theatres. - -.:..-' ; Widow and daughter survive. JESUS (CIIUCHO) OJEOA - ; .•.''<Chiichp i: pjeda. :51. o'nc fof Mexico's, top: stage, and screen com- ediaa< di.ed of'a heart attack .while, vie.wing "■ •' Tcatro Lirico: :' ;•::' .: ■ :- :: ' .','' ■ .'".'■' •.-."Burial:' was; -in -Mexico City -iirider aiiv'plces' .of the llieatricnJ . Tinipns.; Widbw and-a"ydiingVson survive: ■■', . Y. Guild's Stormy Meetihjr: ■ The. protest turnout of "the J*f. -Y, Nc'wspiiper Guild; '. action of. the national :adiiiirii.slratipn;in.'seil-i'ng lip ;'• ''faetfirtdiii^'--.; , c'on)hii»joM.-:.l'b : '- look iiilp'.- alicKedV'irregiilarit.ies- .'.';:-the ; Jpcars. o'ftlc'ers iie'sulled iu .a cpiriprp-; i.ri|se.-.';TI\is''was riot achieved,.:liow- cycr, until the session had .dQtcri.-. orated; intol one pt " . stoi niiesl in the groups history..' - ■ . V ■ : .Unique picture resrni'ed of the N; Y.• Guild' offlccr-s achieving their 'purpose.'in getiiiyg^overwhielmi ing siip'port for .a censure of the na- tional ' admiiiistraljbiv for .' ordering the probe, yel holding back adop- tion of the respltilion. Measure, in- troduced by .. Bob- .Con way: of the .Daily."'-.N.ejtffs, aiid. a ; fbrme'r N. Y^ Guild;, prez. ,ex"coriated' Milibiv' M'ui>: ;ray, • Airiericari - l^c'ws'paper ; . Guild ■|jrezj ifor his ^inceplipii' of . the niuiz: Temper .'■.'" tjipse ■' ";-..the; mceliiiii: shpwCd aivbvcrwheiiiiirig^ favoV' of the resol.uti'ohi yet. those who' sponsored' it held • back again/ arid again:.. N; Y, Guild leaders we're seen' as re'allziiYg -at ilie last minute the danger'^.fo..,the. Guild " : as a ■ whole: :iii a local group^ )akirig"(hp. national admiri'isiratibn. to-task, .for ah'action generally held lo be their right." 1 - ; : Acc"6jdirigly, -prime riibveis of the rbsplu.tioiv to ■censure -tcmpbriy.e.d at the lasl'niiriutel- and'-'tlii ew pjil hiiits. of- tirilly. r ; ^Resuilcd. in .a 'jitiddlc be- tween. Murray.- who-canie'east ;Xrpm; | Detroit.' '• - the' meeting. ■ and- - his ; aides,..;ahd ;: N.: Y. Guild • officers, at which; the - unity w as aclii.eved^by .a. cohipi'PmiseV .Latter ' was-; ~ rcsblii-: lion asking ANG' leaders to call blT tiie prbboV^indicalion bc'iiig : thai; (Jit* would be. dpne. - . rf': (•Previously; chai'geiiby ■ Murray,' iii ■explaMiing'.-th'e reason <.'for the: fact-" finding' cpri\mi.ssibn."that Ni Y. ; Guild officers had-'.been-guilty of .riiany: ir r regularities "'. pVpcediire.- ': Cliief -aniio-iijjf -these. ;was'. the^ ,ajjegatibn,!thai .the JN.' Y. . IPfaii. by'vfa'r 'the' biggest: in the; Guild.;liad been 'aciiiig pn its ■6\vn without- the ' leadership of ' the national adnijiiislration; : .. "". ' •". JOHN F. WEBBER . John. T.. \W.ebber. 74, veteran legit actor, died Nov. Northamp- ton. Mass. He had spent more than half a Century in ' show ; business, mostly iri stock 'and legilirriate pro .duelions. . He was a member of the Castje Square ■ stbek. : <' Boston, .from which . he graduated -V Da v i d- Bclasco management appearing in .-'support.: 'of Blanche "Bates in The Girl of the Golden West' and plher Belasco productions. ■;."■;'.-'. '. V Webber appeared ' in . rtiariy other productions; -ciimaxirig".'his stage ctfreer.iri'1930 when htt^eiired after playing-.tho role Of Father Whalen 'Abie's Irish Rose' for. several William; c. schqf.nhoff William".G; Schocnliofi".' 38.- -radio, time./buyer ' ;V:'thc'.-.' rlhut Kudner Agency;' . iii the'frlideau-IN. Y.) Sanatorium.. 2, He : h^ci been: with, the agency ^siiice -its fprmaripri in 193S. '• V. '.";;■:.;''-V.-' 'Survived'; by - mbthep aiid .'father.. I.OUIS BERMAN • . .'Louis Herman. 50./superintendent of - Warners; Sunset. Studio,'died Nov. 2'9 in Hollywood'after a heart attack. He hud bceiv W'iih; Ihe -cpmpariy coli- tinubusly-for, 20: years. \ TED BARRON Thep'dpre S. Barrbn, 64, veleran sbngwriter, better known' Barron," was. found dead iii his Toom in Flushing, L. I.. Nov. . Origin- . ally a pianist, Barrbn' entered the. rriusie; business as ; profcSsip'riai mai)T ag^er fpr. ;Lep. Feist. 'When the latter first- : began publishing sorigis: • He later went ihto'S.otjg . publ ish irig, biy. .his own.: Ho also wrote a number of: so'rigs..;.hiOstiyV in collaboration • \vitlv' the -late- Feli^;Feist.^ lailei'. .later; bp-■ coming y.p. of Meti ? o.; ". .: .; ".- Among his ,best' knoWn ; sorig^ were Mr Tinie ; Was^loii'ey 'I'd VBe . a./Mil- lionaire,'.' 'In Suh'ny Africa" ' a'id •Billy'.' '■■■:;.•;■'■;:'■'■ \"-.V, : -'>;-. ... SYDNEY WORMSER ; Sydney Wormser. 57; yeterah Chi cagp booker' arid, showman, died in the Ayjndy ity ' Dcc. 5 of complica- tions. He was associated for .28 years with the. Sam Herman office, being booker of the Englewood ther aire, Chicago/ and a:cbu'ple ;of. night spots at the time of his death. Prc- viously was connected ■ with /biir- I'esq'ue hbuses ; ' a billposter and •'concessionaire;'.-. ■ Surviving '■ widbw, daughter and brplhcr. ; ; -' ",■..'.'".;■> CHARLOTTE SEVERSON .'•••• Charlotte S'everson,. 33. Iegit. stags iiia'riager. died i n Skancateles.: N- Y., Dec , i She had last handled 'Salute to Negro Troops'' which "had seVeral performances .' . . New Yoi'k last year. ;•".'.':■■;■;'... /:/':"/:..: •'...'' ; . •..'■'■; . : M jss Severson had. also been- cha i tv man of the /National War-tirho Cbri- ; ... Tprt-i fereiice list spring in. New'York and - s - was ;actiye in. (he now-disbanded Theatre • ris/'Commiltec:; ".- Sifrvivcci by. Sifter., ■ ■/ Mrs; Minnie Chapman, '70>~ fP.rmer v.iolinis( with the Boston iSymphbriy brchesii'a. ied Nov. 29 in Elyria, p. She had also conducted old Rialtp theatre orchestra, there - for many years.. ' . /'/'v - ; "" ; -.'" ;"' Afc S.WILLE -.. . Adam.- Louis '.,'AD Savillc, 84. former'- v'audc aclor, -slagc "and. -the- atre;:, manager, died-Doc. 5-iri: South Bend: Ind. Identified . ith the.the- blrc since he was 10; Sayillo started, as. a callboy for; Ed\^ai;cLBpbtH/'■'•-'■'■ - .Kno.wrt- as- Al Savillc 'pn th'e ^vaudc' i- sta«e// he retired 10 .years.' 'ago tp ! riiiiriago':a :thcai)p iir Sbuth^Bend. ■ In .j. f i'Ceht years' hc/ppcratcd i lpcksrriith I shop. . • • . /:":■...-.; ,'.:.-. "■ . ..':;,"/ EDWARD BUTLER ; -| Edward Butler. 62.- .veteran Jegil! . tliOMAS Patrick gCnn . . - Th >s" I'nli'iclcC Dunn-.'^i-i'.charac--: BOtpr/ died Dec,/.T at-St; Clare's hps-J lei: actor -. played piirl' of .the- pit^ New York-City. His last stage' -Shcii . iii". (he origirial. .'Show Boat,' Bonnie Baker to Wed . Lt. J. H. Morse Today (8) Borinie Baker, .foriricr vocalist with Orrin' Tucker/s orchestra ..secured a ■license tp. W Ll:'. JohVi H.- Mbi-se in-: N.' Y.. yeslerday (Tuesday) and the % cerempriy. is to--pe.-pcrfDA/mcd tb: iday (Wednesday).-.;,Miss: Baker gave ;h'e(y real name. .N/elsori;' iri draw'ing the licelii-ie.. / ■" '/': ■ f' : ■■; . :; :/ Mjss, Baker has been working ' as a single for. the past year or. nipre.' .;/• Scooped .'.'.' Burns Davis - Elmer -/Davis;' who V'y . slpwci*. to wrath tha.iv ■ most, ■. boiled oyer twice, last ;\veek/as OWI' was:'bealon on- :>&tories "of the "bi' international conference in Cairo' and Tolier-in: First; burri'up came whbii.' Reiilea's leaked the story ot . the ribpsfcvelt, C);ut:chili;: ■ Clilarig/ Kai-sliek /kcssloii in ..Cairo, ahead/ of- the' agreed .upon jpirriV '■ vbctwjeeri ".the :"Br.ilish' and 'the Ariiericaiis. T Davis . had hardly-., (inislved raising,.. the .y'oOf' w'itll fire'nd'a Bracken, Br-ili^h/ Miri- ister of Information. ■ when T"nss. p.fficiai- Ru'ssiaii 'news .agen'cy. broke, the story '. •;the:'Chvii'ch.ill:"Rob'se7. vert,r./Stalih/. pow'-w'o'w'-. ' /-Teheran: On ■ Saturday (41 .. . -issued^ a statement •which/said: .' . /: ':' . 'I have ~ asked the . Stale • Depart- ment tb .make, inquiries in; Moscow- as :t.O ftie 'circumstances: ' ,piibli> cation by the Russian .Goyerhriierit agency ;of • ne\ys of a cpiifereh'ce i'ii Teheran, arid whether such publica- tion -was iii' violation pf ai.iy agreed release date. . .' '■;, ;. : -."'.-../': 'I expect to consult ith ren'dari Bracken and, as occasion requires: \yith '-|_' irifprmatipn - agencies. of other" goverrimehts..: . to. measures ■which we may recbrrimend/ to oiii- superiots,' to prevent repetition .of such incidents which cause a qUilp .avoidable. international irritation.''In; the. present situation,'any; ahribiiiice- mpnt as to', official statements ;will comb, from., the'White House.*. ■ ■ / V. ■ As. ' result of. the twp. iacing's. Qn. / .. . OWI. ■ 'has/ been under hca.vy ' frpiiv American-:; • •- papers. • ;";;■ .. ' // : :/ ; -' r/.. w ~. ' CHATTER Wilbur Daniel Steele fp South ' erica for short story material'. -. ; " • Don Hartley gandering Holly-Wood studios for the Kansas City. Star. : Edii/a ;' Norris. '-'penning ' another •. iipvel Sw'edcri fOr-a/baCkgrbiind; V. Benjariiiii -Halsted back iri N.: y. • to scribble on his own after a.' lerin at on the Coast-/ Nat, Dallinger/signed by King-. "' :t : U.i;es .Syridicatp: to/furnish spot news . ': aiid layouts of-doings in "Holly wood; " Jack Bclden, war- correspondent • for Life, wpurided in Sicily, is un- der •'' at Doctors hospital, . N. Y. /";,'/';';'.v: /'/'/v-;';/:; /:/;' ■::" : .. H.irry/Hayderii - the formcv . Giick publisher,■':..: partnered with Harry -. Siiigcr in a •.iie\^, publishers' counsel service,. ; '/ :'■ ■'■'. v' ■ IRussia^Fights' has been condensed/ '■■ for the' :Januarjr/ issue ,bf .Cproiii?f. II . • .-•.'written/ by James E. Bo\vi.i;: INS correspondent. '-.;'-; ..MoVioii 1 ' Thoriipsbn,. •'-. ■stationed:. at Ft./ MacArthur,. Ca 1., riished "novql, /Joe the - Wounded .Teiiiirs - Player,' . • publication by Appleibii r ...' Ceiilury. . !• • /,/■ '; .- : '.'. /' Jack: Benny, -has writlc'ri■ ; "sefie,s of/-.; !.12 articles, sort of letters : ^ ' lamii- : '. ies of American soldiers in the Mod- itteraiiean • /'.' King' Toaliircs .' releasing, ://: :/•■ - r -./"'.;.. ' rape'es Pa''. Keyes ' jcM-ed "her Virginia Jto /gi).' ■/ Lbiiisiarin. where, she. will stay' for' a •' spell while doing ' a -/ • ■ novel lb- calcd- there:- ". \'"- ; --'.-..•-' ' ; '- If. Allen Smith. ' .' \ / ' ., / v i{^.u'rit-.- lot; /as . a.'- : writer. .- plans /. ': gel -lo work on a new; book foiv-Douf. bicd'ay Doran. tcntati ycly lit led Like Elephant!;. Remember.' ''. ..' '.,■'■;•■; .. -lid,; Vcrdicr..; ari<J 'irving . Phillip's, RKO -writers.'.-. working :'•. novel cnt li led. 'Sih'g -Mc of Swaniiec.' based upon /'one of their', •' iiial' stbi'ies.: Biickgrpund; of the . • Iliilly-- Wood. • .. Maigileriic^ Lybri. / ; Whp/s / : scribialirig 1 ^ on the''side-while: ad co|»y. ■ ' wi'ilihg, has quit, 'advertising lo dp a / '.syjidicatcicl cbluriih jfor the:. C|ii Ti'.ib// Will deal mostly '■ With. Ozark: lire,:' \vhich: she's ."exploited' in. \ scrii)-;. bliug. . ;; / /" : '.:■''■ ; "-. '; '. - Larry/Adlcr, haTmpnica. virtuoso.. .recently returned from USQ. lour of iVIiddle. .East- bases, . as uut.hpryd an ■article - relating. ;ivis . nbservat: " of cities and villages In Hhe. llnly. Land. '.Piece is/released'Ihrbugh the Independent '-Jewish Press Service; ;• •IllC./;.: ■ '■;/ .'.-.;;. -.- ,. -'. ' /:" i/' : Arthur. J: Busch, managing editor.: pf. rooklyn Cilizon. who in- rfiilBe."!: /photography as/ a hobby urider / , : ■■'ot,. /Brin.-*. boW'iies.. -crashes .'two nylioria'l /niaga- -^iiips /' //deceitiber-. with color covers ■'. ■ iii wh|cli- his;two-yeai;-old soil, Rich- ard.: served as model. : The ■ JM.E-' Cb\ cr Boy will appear on- the Jan- uary.; cover b.f. Popular" Photography tout Dec;;10), and oh the/Dec. 19 IXmasi coyer of This Week.- - • BIRTHS / Mr., and Mrs. Paiil.-RiclT. . . Pitls- bM'"fihv/ . . 20: father i^/witli/WB Ihciiti p department" .Pitt. -. ; . ■: ; '-.MK ."a/nia- iMr^'-lvia-'Cow-ari^daiiisn-. ter. Dec..]. New-York. Father -heads. ;t-adib program biireau OfTicc: Of Wai-,. Ityfoi'mnliiiir!' Overseas Branch. Mrs. -arid Mrs. : Jaiiics ,.,Casj<idy, daughter, iiiciniiiivi;.-' -. ,30'. 'Father- is s'pf'ejal "events; ' ' 'fo'r. WLW ■/and'-.WSAl. 'Cin'cy:./mother. ". ; " ita! ; Hackett;.: WSAI': .•fashion -pr,ogram director. ' .' ':..:'■;.;•• Musicians Organize ' ;'/■':' .' : ./ :,.:•;:• .lWbxicij City; Nlov./30'. -., Mcxjcfi's pi p magielaiis- hii ve . br- gani/.oci.. I h c - Mexican . -.Assri. ; of M;if{iciat:;-.../with ii(^dquay(ers -here under, pre, ideiiey of Bill i:quu: Hach- meisler /Casiillb;/ • .'■ - : ,'■/ Morchotiiie's .'() Must / George "M. 'Cohan; - ' Yankee Dppdlc Bo-y, came of a family born. Keohanei-. fu st • prono'tiri'ced ;Ca-|h"au arid .latci 1 the spelling" boiahvc Cohari.- ■Fiirthei'mpi-e. he / ;•" '■ bbi n July ' 3, 1878r^nol the - 4th—the -son of J.erc- :miah Cohan'and : Elleiv Cbsiigan in Providence. ''':.'• ■■.'":■' But apart from this vital' statistic. Ward Morehouse's new book on the 'Gporge M- : Cohaiij-/ Pr," of the American. Theatre' (Lip.piiicbt.l.r $3), is ti breezy ; sag'a-.'of yejjtcryeaiv show .birsiiiess. \vhieh Is; compclliiig read- in ..- It's a jiiust for 'tho''.shb>vf(>!k/' ;■ ' .- . Carole's Ghost .'/ " • Edward Seavci- ' of .Bbok-bfHhC'. Mpnth'Gluh.ghoslcd ' pur Jills arid a Jeep.' .which "will carry Carole -Laiidls'/byliive// Rarido'in/ liShirig and Salevepns'l,serializing.'■'-.: ■ Book Is tiedrwp'.Wilh"ah't'-20lh-Fox fllni of that riariie. '.- ' Rudy / Bride- MARRIAGES Bcltcjane Greer to Lieul. Vallec, Lps Angeles, Dec. 2- was a. model; groom the .band loader' nowrin Coast Guard. '.,'■' 'y.' Margery Finkel lo Capt Lo.Wei), Pittsburgh. Nov. 18: is (he ; daughter of WilUanV Pitt exhib. . V'- -- . ' Shirley Metz to Major Sihii/ri C: ■ Frank, U,S.M.C-.. Dec: 4;- N,ew/Ybik. / .Bride:' is/ assbbiate publicity direc-:. tor of National : C0ricerl Ariists Corp.. ■ Barbara-Lewis to.Lf: .(j:g % > Ilea'' M. Schmitter NOy.-14. Havana! ride is daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Lewis. . .Coordinator of Listener ; V - ' libiial Association of BroadyiiMeis;..: ^i'ooni was .fbrnierly iissPclaicil.-willi ■ kWKH and KTBSi Shre.vviioi l. ;:/ Crystal Deaiv T^ale (p .Sgt; Robert M. . Giifner; Los. Arigele/s\ - Dct': / 5:.'; Brjde ai:id.:gropm W.eie kiibWii.^cfbio;: as the daiice. ' ' of. Rallinie n»d , Gay.. : . /:/: '/■ : •;■"-///'■ '; : :;/ t .^-'■' /■'-;'/:., - joSoph/ino' Ttimiriia lb Lt: Cliai'ly?. Wiper. -.. in. BpaUmon!; XeJ as / . Dtc. : .. Met opera,'staiv .:'; ■'/Diiiiih, /Shore to. Gepi-ge Moiil- gomei-y. Dec-5, Las Vegiis. ' ride i> spiigstrcss-stai- .of radio*, .'groon 1 I s ;fitri) aclOT|. how /with'. /Ariny- - A'.!." Force. "" : ■ ' ''..."'"'■':'■'. '..'■/ Hugh •' Bride is - /and/ screen actress:/grpoiTi -is: 1 ; a 1 ' 11 " . mouht. district sales 'irianager/Oiuple ' kept imarj'iage .'secret tintil now. Ruth Xbwe tp Nathaiv L:/ S;iii!Uei:;:: : Np\v 21-.. TdrpiitP, 'BridP. is. ppp S'ri'/i composer; gi-'pprii" is. a linaiicial Wh; ■ ■sullant. '•■,'-■ ' ..'■■'■' ./-■". ' : : Belly .Moerschelle- to Ll. .Thi.nvif ;Byi-ne/:'Fiti'gcrald. Dec. . 7;/ ' : ;N<'^;^ York. - ; Bride-is- : iri -'Harriet; Heniy Miller, N. Y. .' -' Arisen Whelari Oct; 1., lvfcW'YPrk: