Variety (December 1943)

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■A. CHAXTEE 47 John • Hickc'y , up frbm; Texas pe- caw.-- :bf father's health.;•"' .... " Harry Sehurrioi* HV.PoLveliiiic.libs-. pitiir tuivjicruiH.-opiii'atiiin.;. ■■'• -.■•■.''■; .■Bon At well; recovered • eve ■ operation; is age.nllni!.again-;" riijiht Minneapolis Symphony orches- tra appearance. . ■ Minnbsb.taiY, JIblcl • Panther-. Room, featuring ;'Jbaime.Dc;iny. and; Marie; Faf.i^,- ; "|pian6AiihkinKvtiub.- Earl' pe'rkinsC- Warner .Brothers'- salesman; hospitalized: following fall, ■which ^necessitated, .stitches"-"•iiv leg;.. Stuart & Lea arid Juanita Rios into: | here and : to Cleveland with • :Snns <)'• 'Fun.''-' .. \ '■' ■■ '..'■''. -i -," „■ • ',.-,. .v. ' ; ; Barbara .Blitlne.-\vliii ^uliiVt ;i Ti : r- ^ ^? ct ' 3 '••nit*- Room: lor live .we. '■" U, eiwpl,t\' .Of- picture for Pallie. . F " '' Hs Bpnita Granville lias, pneumonia. rtiniit is tajjo, : ;. iiVk ."tor: :.y:\xi-i)J Ci.fy j. . Ida Luplno recovering frbiyi; ■:';' LaVe.'di\ <*rvocl Mnj. Jbhri':■":■, ■ui WiHiaw- .Perlberg,. 2011} :producer,te»«i* r L*Tf!-»W:J.Wj9\*3;«V^ ,- -:'GtVu»" Gvhl,. \vill'. ;play , .Bernard: Shaw : wi-i.tifttfiirju-jv, play. ai«;igomenl: ; - .V.-. ■ - Surgbrv "'- He^-is 87;y^>rs old. . . . v; •; V binty.' Mnoriv vyil < xo.h; iv.c m;i,t-.j wmv^i V-i Anion Walbrool; .signed; ;.), make au iy. home:from'.V'lolk. Vi:... v hero ! s Yjc 1 o scycral pl.elui'cji for ulhcv.... ; :• -he. Aisifecl.: his .-<> O. fyvizn'- ■ IX ; F.' 'J-,/. JtiotlVor or.-Pcgi.La .Centra '. iMrs. tftti Marlow^D/uncoi^ ;an<l Perry ;^'^i r ■ii^! !! ;;.^' 0,C,, " 'Piiiil Stewart) ailihg.ih7Bu.ston ..' GeorgeWcUhauro back:, in office '*fteV beihg-ill abed > lor three: weeks. ' S.vh ia ^in'c '.f Mrs, Danny /^ayc) ■ ■ oin "and about asaiii' afler a< biid'i'ase' •(■r iii.i. ,'•' •. V '•'•:•'.^ ■ ■ ;.. : t .... ■ .. 'Listen Pi'.ofesKo.r is now- title;.l>r !-*hfovv Ijprixbn/:'which' lij;lHs.,'up; : al ' Forrest." ' ...sornori-; yljote; -Ji-... jusw :ek lni:iv Siiily .■ : iioy*il.'!.; Adeic MoJ-eV.. iumi?* J'.rc-K >'oi;ii'l\ ■'. ,edjt."i - ;- now- (ioiii.a im^iii lty.' )i>i- Alif- F,el<\'w T)v: ; n.e.Vv lllin: daitrc.'iHiiector, : /Vl"it T:ll" (liVfilTO. '■: :■ :■'.'•■ . V . . IIS BiiMe"i Hvisse coming, Jan. Ku. ; .Vi;jJiis ■ Strahd .sufc..' e'o'tildriH ,, BcC.! t; -bp' c O-i ; ---'.' ; ".' , - : .:''-" . . . De'Vpy-.' hotel 'eKan.cinij uaine. to'" -former* • isreBro Actors Giiild l.ossiui! • Kiiifi. C6tt6n' hotel, under. n'fewi'Jiian- .'. 'S|i:tl;i- a,C-,the Grand St; Boys;Ass<iciatio.n- on ra^.eMcn'L'.''■ '; : Sonday. :i;l9);:i'> ; av' '/ ." ^:-;;■;] ■'Roland'; Hirycs ' ' ' : ^ : : Lillian Hcllmon-has placed, herself i Hi^c i and fence juiider. medical-'care ' at .Itic . Lenu,\,J Audilbriuiii. - lea'l. ci'nvtedy'i : rciviie^ aii/l. vacjc'..' ....... ... -. • ... ., :Ta$l6( - rs ne>c(''biiols l .ctne--'fo." : publicn i ..| wavilo'-ilo*'..... .. v ».. vt ....„■ _ .. .. . . .. . Hayes' :, concert ■ for • .-ill-1 Ijoii c'ntl .'of ' ihe" ; veaV-: It. is...aiiblhcr! v Okl;:)iom:-:. at-thi 1 ' • ::-fch i H.r : *».ea'ir'i'..:.-- , Klanie . Mori'yv.'.scrcpn pl.- yeiv. &,-} ■■ fence, drew:'1.5i30. at Ellis col(ectfon .of = iSspei'iffes : -anil-' ' wX^;. MaV lij SiH:sii.;r/-i inti- Citi<-,»v;i>>)'.»)» ;vr-:v«l. ,Kolicrl ■ ;.. : Jlajoi-. (Iranial: , . i. ; " - . ■:' ~ ' |-y^iUuri;s-lliat-'hjis takw.ilie^aiill)^ s < ji«c.oi tl>i. n!-s-, I^P' 1 ''^- -.!;.'■':..■;;>■ ■ '"'■•'';:■■;■..- : .'^' <oc -.,or.Dnr.ed'. Pte?sBu^ v inib 'inuny.'reinblc. corners''of ^ • •and in Nashville, Joining' aril). ' : '■.-. : ■ hoUM;- . ;V;^'--- .;..-^ i ^-v«.nma.v ; suil as;' . Milf ;of iV-wv. .... • i iii>h-. : W'lh a br.u ot now Latin tuii't s.. ... ■ lui.'!)i>;:.|« ;: -v ■ Barfl laid- u%\v4lA,'<-V«r.ijouble'.-'- •pcW 1- Sid XyoMnscri t' : : r i'( i|i -thc^KniUv. : ....v...: , .... • . . A':<(wn' is T, iVe!.a»an-f^,liwr«ih«'"tr^ritTV»!.|»p-r«i 61V M>' nv> "*lOd. vv.hi.Jc dn'OL^ine diislon' M ;\. ''" "■ "'■ b''W\\ i <i(«:)- l!»'«i!;ivi; SiSi «(« •■)■' L? 1 ?-.•' V.- - ■ "• /' ■ - : ' ; ' ^''. : iiiii hospital; -..'. . -. 'V'. ■: . jiiri -McKoc ; : Lou Siruth. pf Mtti.V-iTPupc _ ^ •- f.rp.rn.'- ' nclrnipniaj' xlisfih^raedL . Tipni Fi'iscd■ Railruad in- St.-Eioiiis as'public .. /GoTdwy.n , throwing ' a. :.■ Riissich" Doctors hospital. ' . rrelatibhs ropl : ." :.• ..v .' ^.luiichritn'-tn'.-lrfc jj:;ess .afit-r..ihc-vd'adft- • ■' Gcor'KO Abbott- to Havana^: Mr a;. Local -flu> : .vicllniA:' .inc'Uidecl Cpl. ; ; showing of - : N6rtlV-.S<ai'//PicJui , e'>vill ■ : nVoh(h ~atter. which 1 , he will, projiiit'c. '■.Koward, W:au'rih. Warner : '/.bne '-mani'r have/dual premiere .'Oct..: 10 iit -the ' 'A .Hifihlajjd Fling.' t "... '.."■ <: ..' . aKe'r,' ahd5 : Jeanite : Carrol),' featured ';Res';\(' and Pavilion. -ROceipts for the "'•:Marry He'rshfteld-has a- i\i'\v.'.billing ;ehirpe'r'-wilh 'Cliaiiie.Alinew baiid/:. ■' bpeiiinis: up'-lp"'tW-Red "Crbiis Aid tp nrtcr flaying so Bniiny,'k'iri.j I'' Ace Brifiode.brch. replaeifiR Denny : Srt.vbvl Ru's.sijf Foiid. •' ' :'. '.'... '■.'iif:Jhc celery■ civc^i.t-.'' 1 ■ . ; ■ . :-jiBdc'ltrier Claridse~SatUrday.. 'Ifii!'. ' — ' ' " , " "•■'-•— ----- •'■ Hal; Daris'on,' : of. the- Par.; ad\;ertis- v Chai li'e Aiiiew holding ^t l'cobody j; lint9 -..Nciy- Yea.r'si- then Gusv.Mai'tcll, \ . . .'iri'.v dc'par.inieht. 'is', liobbliiiu'.arbuiTd- ■wi'jh ii fractured knrc.' • ' ■ HK(>. fhrowinR \a iviriy,:fcir slaff'-rs ■ '-D^c. 24 aJ,; the. SlarliLlitUoVif .of .-th : c ^lidoi^Asroria hotel-." ;' ■ - -N.-ltV, BluinbdrB;:'tlnjv.crsal -pre.-i-- iMll;- back, at .his* olfive ".shV(.' , c:.opcr-; .'.'-iVtfVl nn about a. iribiVl.lV aiip.:' . rick Bar.r'y: (Minoco' : . .elected -."president of 'the-' -Medical Arls aild .Wcs.t' Side hospital.? . ' ■' : : ^Artlv Obo'ler windiiis.up lwo playi: • l 'hiS initial lc^it^sci-ip'Lini;.. bcfoive 're^ lurninK lp Ihc. CoasI ne^t week/ , • Mofhcrto.r-P^\tl' : DaubiVAv.bfl.°ii<'>' "■- ' a«cr of CpMck t'SUu s: on Ice" t; d icd r ;it'CluU'oK.Conn.:;..laSt' : .Thnr'sd;iy '2)." Mis; Jiii'cs: iDorlsl.'.Sleiiv-.lvas inlie- •'/ of. those jM. Y. .colds, ,Tlic MCA .pl i'N.v ;iiiie'.back to (he Cbas'l- the eiid ol'lhis . week.".'. ■■y.. . .... • : -.. ■;■"O. ; ., ■:■<;... • ■ ■:'.Georve< ; iParamoiinO- B) ! .own hack ■ io':-Holly wood".'ibis webkciVd:-.Arthur- ■" •: U.nsar ■ f ■ Varicly' ) : leff ' y fcs'.jprdiiy : iTirCs.V • - -'•''•• - ; .-• •' '.-i . \- •!*">. Mi\-'and Mrs. S>- a'l^ot'.M'cCor'mlek. . > MiC aiid MrsvTerry- : 'f uinei' anH'.'Ncfl : :-'. E: ;plan 'biz. pleasure li'ip to'- . . Coast Jan. 2. .-. ''--'-'-.- •■ "v • .-.. '■'. C.oodbvc feed . losped ■ Poasl : bound fPeri/y : Cliaries at'Ai .SchaclVl's. lrisf ; . T^lui'rsday' ■< 2) .'■' by- friends^then ..Io ; .MrSo'rle.vs and. oiher. jiiinls.' -• .;'•/'•••• . . ..loiin Filziicrald. who rcceiilly. lcfl V.'.. Wrtrnci's io 'jbjn .tlje Metro .publ.icily. :': dctfariracnl. li;is reiurned lo .WB''to ■ -serve as;KCncrarj\cWK,editor. -I. ■-■j- Michael ..ivirl>y..;- 17-yeavi-old ■ Can-;'. " ■adiiiri. Who* skates "wilh'■" : -N.ofah- ; Mc—' ■-.■;''''-C«rthy.-iii-..: 1 Iee-..-J , ftl)ic^.': sipned : \by '' ' di.u> r . : p!i 1<>.t 5 in September. ■ '.Kij.larijed photo in Broadway:U)bby ■ pi'-iiiro-v.'-Billy Rbse.- Oscar'Kiiinmef- '.;'-' slyiii -2d.-. ; arid .Russell . Bennett, prin- ' ■~ 'eipal ebncoctcrs.-of- 'Carmen . Jones.' ,: •"■■':' ..feliT.^.blin. whdsc band has been .' ;al. the Bret ton Ha ll hotel: on l ipper Broadway., for scveiV yjeais. ; has been . Vippoinlcd night manager of the.hos>: ..'-lelry.- : ■-. ■■:,'• • . ' • -. :. : . Y'velte., l lo:. be hospitaiize"d' severah . '.-.weeks 'for- throat"'operation) ' Seven shows :a:*lay for':'sevcraimonths with - bei' Mexico City Los Aii^cjes for ttirther,business, lor, the.coordinatOrt-: office;-\ : 1 ..'•'- Eddie Polo. fovnrcr/ilnv-silenVsiii' ,j'hci:e .working On'^i-.ipis.;;.; i I ':. ..'>:iJ»oivbrfeC'wav!6s--fciybi|{°V(t$a.-.-i - :- ■ .: -. . v '.'tail state's two'liidi-'J -.stiiiions biggest , ai^c.and JcwoU, unicyclisUs h«vc jbrz-'in.-.litaiorj'"'■■'' { ^^■?^b^;^ Lyiin's ^.Dancibg bebutanics -^p. . .its- slio'w. -, -. ' ; ' '•..'"' -'-.-' ' ... rive-: b'Cloek . <?iiib"s„: new." ' show, teature.s/Barbara L<; ilecn'O'Cwi- iibi-..Fisher arid VlbitCY.'/C- \ ' ■Joel McCrca'-.houbi. vfb.ute Xrorri •eiiiertaining , : U:-. S.-.-troops lin'.i Africa Vii'.Hvllywopfl. -lie 'will;^ Arrtiy jtospllal^ Avhlle awaiting train' reservations;;;'.-V-:';.,. '.. :'•;.. .-' .' .First d<lg- track , to- open . has- C(it n.i ibeiv or i-acesjfroVn. 12 to .10 to. co- ofl'ei iiU>: w'iOr l ho early closing^ot the pilti ; ^ppti;. : Ncw..sRed.:.Rives' nibhey crowd iifrie .to ialtehcl. races : and. jjo 'nite.elub.ii^g.a'flerwards'^ . '.•'""'' ■ He/ald-F:c,>inincf-. sp^n^orin;; i' !l ■ | »< 1: < - ''' R: >' , > •Christmas Gifts fMi ,: \Vt.i(iit!i-'l;;Sr.-- .;AIM;ed Hitchcock ,-n i puly i.o "-En^ ,• vicenie.' V^hoSv at Ain- ..Parapc-'Ahealvc '!■ land 10. dlroH. a '<;•:■; s'hijrti ' - ; pb Dec. '17. . .- , : . - '-:" ■' j Britis'h.gpyeriiini-iu.. : ; : '.-..;.''.'.-;'. • ■ ■' 'EnterlaininehO Mariaycrs - cil . phi : . . - Clnude Rains laid. up'A '.'.;lv..- n' AV: cai»o'are throwing n iniuryi \ilt 6t g.■peSiWe: dick'td' the New Waln'iitr;;'<>p-the.-"Bisv.:by.: a passiitf;.ropi.i,r.>;er.T '.- ■■;' marck' liolel oiv Jahuiiry'.IU... '■;' ■<> '• Fcoiliir C,:v|)iaj>:iiy .fr..-s(V.r< l ii.acior ■ "Rio Cabana' Ciife- aid .'npt 6peii v as;j ah'! .son of ili:>; !!ii;si<iii (ipei a .v|;ir, ' .s.chednied' last "week . due .t.o- tiie'. fll.^rdivt»ri*d. in Los Aivr<r)vs; r .* ness of-Belle Baker and Paul Gcrrits; .Arch Owlc.s. l f iix ; W^C-^Wt.^c'ir.'' -\v' were bi.lh down' with,'llu: •!,.slio'winii iihoniyi'mV'nt' ■-'>r;lc^.)ievcraT'«f«cic«^ |in!.p1)al°: .- ;,:R(»bcrl ri'. Wcilman. rnaiV:'' i: ing di- - v wclor- bt ; the -Paramount' theajre. ' j N.'.'Y.-. here la. ln'ok at new' .pi'Aur.f-i ' Canllmietf liom .-pr-Be.'i. =, i ductiop-i' . liidcd debt. Va,s.,nCc.)rn- l<in^.-°c«i«io!ri«.r,viiiiiu;«:(!. by fii-e : re-V pished 'wilh6uV ; b:ihkvtiyvc'y. .>aiid, -iiv. .-i'liijig .lii|nv- carOe.<>.'/ liiindUhg 6C: ^v, mc '. ' • • vWilhput' ^eoi-.aibiialion 1 lilm in ,a cinema at Jorropn: ..;.- 1^,. oce p d1n i. s o( any kind. The huid- ;• ^edrd. Ve^a-; Casiellanas. -. ^:irlio pf-seven major -.impanics. ,s.i.n ? er. robbed iuHi M OiuHled..^ whrle:On w*y. hpine.aflcr^roMranv ,' l^ 8 ^ in . ^Ac ^(Cban.OOO/in l!il3: s^nirtcaMi-h..Wev>v : iV^hc. Coiilliiued: from. page. 2 . j in : AJanila/'thai the ,'Japs^woiild.' flock. )o .theni... andL''. (he inte'rOes .jtrbih- 1 ht-iir-.- .rimp.r«}veiaf.fl<abr^ inat : ; seats:' .G6ined.yj;.'>Ve'nt.-.pver.-.;b^g,-. , - , iit ; ;reHe*cd' the:, prisoners-' of thinking and ; ;tcn- sibn.'-''Gunnisdh reports.. • Both the Japs, ape) their prisoners got :a , te'r> rifle, kick out Of . the" arnaicur...chtci 1 -' laihers:;espccially-.a.s'word.sw and a:.cbnt6r.(ipnist;-..., ; Th'e" Jap p.rbb^ lem :gbt sp.bad- (hat- the ;entert'aili-: nVont; Commf . '.; was .-.. (breed to' chaiiRe the :dates of -the: shows, and ;wrthhold''announ'(' , e.m^nts - tp the -last* minute. ■ ..Excluding; 'the". •'Japs,. '. ap- proojimarely .'2.'Oo6. people:- Would' tend 'the;.shows^. -J--. ■■ -;:," J ; ;; ' - ; Newspaperirien' and >radib r corn,-peri .on local- radio. proKrains. hca'tletf' fop, the States to join'-.Andre Kp.-to.larictil.. .. - Big vyi^s in large nui'iibcrS: altcuti- ed'opehlng of the sWailk-'Joekey 'Club at (he-.'Hipodrpmo jdc.,- las.: Amcrivas: ■ Manuel Gil's.balid and Laiii ila 'Sinri . '.Rii.v. dancers.- •iiew'-add.itions^o, the ' floor show at Lbs Piiib.s'. iiv Gvada'lar 1 jara. • . ...'• ; '■■ •' '■ .'■' .'• '.'.....':.-..;■■ : ••' - . ••' ■ . Ricardo.. .Toledo. ' todal 'anStiseiiKnt' kiiig< : . is-' sfefckini A-mcricinv big- time- circus .to'show.' in.; lh'e bulVrin;{ this winter; ',?A ... ■ '-- ' r .•'•' :-.' ..'. ; : E1--";(!Uila annual -show.;ill Cha'pul-' tepee park' |28) • featured. Tin-Taiv- famous. Mexicaii cbiiiic, and acts from- the' Pocb. Mijler revue. - '. '• ': '-'. .',- -061*' With tbjB'-!Win«Si$«-'G'V still on ^exhibition here.' Citrrenf -at the .lalbrs: steer- ;file(ir. of'.entertainment f^'GaSglniiniiand'^ Oighlimpairmehl.-.' ' " ..'....- InispiS.says. ,Jap press;and radio^er- ; George Brofwn. Par sltidib' pubrj sOnriel .worked '■ ■.*pics aiid prbpa- • lieity head, in town for confabs on Iganda agents of the Government, and ;..\the:Campaign for '.L'ady in lhe:' : Da'rk'/-|. ; they.'::assumed 'ihaf. tfie Am cr ' c:ms which', has its w'orld preem-' at ;flie..nricd the. sa'ihe functibrisV-Therefoile imj'irbvcipenl in ca'slj- pasifrtiiviif most; of llie ihi' ; . :Par:in : Voii|iii;.with ciishl on' haticl of. $4.».49.0!)ri..' i!)33,. i)b w, show? a- cash posi.ljbn.clt• 523.00ft:000'. •Ijjjif.) hi.^ -diics; nblr.iiicludc.; the. -Cish pp.fitipiv.6jf'atrc opefiiiiiig .-lib- siOi which. may . AVcil'. aniouiit I t an addit'ioriill ■''■.-.^25;'n«o;oO0:,-';>Pa'r:lmpiii| 1 I.; which uiiderwciif l'cm , '4;ini.;;.- < tibii'..had 1 a'funded debt ;of .,mMiMp\ 1M3.1 | Jeaiietlc MacDonald. starts April 9 ' I'bn'a. foiiivwceli .ebheert-; touv-:ciivci-' •'. ■ in.e;' 12.'ciiies : and'caft.'. -Rpddy . McDowairs .ino'thcr made, an. oia-of-eoiirt- selllcipcnf .'of her .- ; S.W.tiOttVbreueh-df-cbn.tract ■ suit i in- ! .' • /Vblvirig ■ hr-.i-' :sharc. of the:'- niopi^'tV; : film earnings. .. : :' ' ■.: . -:' ; . .; ' Sanv. iiyes.vfbolbftll.prbgnoslicat'ur ' for. ".Daily., Variety/ wou:wr. up -the. ' wr.r-.m'a'pgled. season of/lftW'.wiin. n- wiiini.ri.i? average;Of .850.: his'."highest- : ' ... 'in,'3'2' years; of. Crystal. ga>.inv. ; al r. ; . limc,'\vhcn.a winner W:is;liiii v der ' r- •find than a bobby-pin iii. a' bale alfalfa.-- .. . • • . .'. .:- : .;; -- -.\Elks Clijib wiiihbJdjts Now Y^irt. eyo dance at Almas. Temple. debt bf some: S30.0W:QOO, : '.Perhaps. .:tlic .:, rhpsi.> remarkable .-slvo^ih'gjn.r«tlUcc.iojVof.fmidecl.debi- U.'sho'wn ,by' Wiirjicrs. which ifditccd this- iifcieb'todnesi r-. iiy . :S«0.000;000. „.,._. 1 n - n / vc '' , t - lt, T*f 1 "/! ,c r F t oriv;a, hii!K: orS105;(m0.0nit-hv ltisii; Cne Pr.ncesa.-dowiilowiv second ru-v w^,,: ^dav has a Juried:debi; of S4S,000,000- and. mil ..'.call iiv, another.' %S,600.000':shorllv..^ ■■}'■■'. y ; ;A : The Winner case 1 '• .unusual in-. Ih'atV. '. •;'iremeiidi)u.s' ; .dobi : rcdiictipn. wiis iiccbmplished withbbr rpor'nanl.- zation.- - It wait.all paid, olf •' Ksh '■■ji 1: 'l'i)ie;'With.'. 1 fiv .<'olTl:ii:(icl'f"iiif : ivi"i'>>i' of' It. M.' Warner■ihat , 'h'is:company wi^ildr'lTfiind iltfifr ^nV^»i»Miii-vW|itf.' as'^pniiwi^d ^li^^^nt n ' Paramount. Hollywood. Feb. 9.' \ ' Larry.Kent:■ executive assislanl' to .;' 'Spyrps,Skbur&s,'20lh-F»x prexy; left . . .for Phoenix. !Arizona. las.l. : .■W.eilnes.-' '■■■•■". day :\i y .to- v.isit,his Avifc. nnd Ihred- . year-old son there for a week. ' '; : .. Alfred Hitchcock, who' eame/.iri ' .. from- Cpast last week, may go. to .' make some documentary Shorts on the British troops. . He re- -•' ccntly finished Lifeboat'. 20th- • .;' .Fox.. . . ' '• .. ;'..<■• !.'!■'. . ' -'V. ''. .M.a'ryGoffno.y, 'member the -..Miisic Hall publicity '.forces since. ,',>• 1932.: transfers.-to the Center.- wihei'c it wbiild" : brought'. morale croup liiidcr suspicion/if any ^of .the, allied .■newsmen iverc lied irj:'with 'it., '..fh'. spciikihg'pf- Olfice of War' In- formation, and '.allied; efTprts -propa-' gaiida, ^Guiinis'oh says 'that, their'"jra;- dib shbws are li'card in thb-far east, biit, ' ; anyprie' is .caught: listening he ; cbuld. be. 'taken -biit;' aiid^ shot, Since '"air.outside ■ radio . commu.nir' ealion ; was barTed;- to;'thc. .iiilernee,';. iibfhing .Iikc' ihaV happtrted to".them, PrdpagajidaAtb. tjie Qricnl should ,.bc. •.f4cttttih-iyov : pr«mJ^Vy"S>tiiiflr.' "G'uiin'i.- cinema. $1.50 .'Mex i' tbp . . Concita Cinlryii, - nirl-.; bullflgHtci:: pulled .cmViiv at Ulie ib'iilb inl,' -before' Tcturninii to Pcru.. Slie also" .worked in 'twb.-pic|iirr's'.\vhili"' .lier'e. " ■■ '. ': ... -Ass'ii- ;.M0,\'i(-{in'.M!/tlbit' icturr. Prorducei's a nd ;i).i.-'t ribujorn piu:licd at :the .Moiocco .'hjlefy, .lo celebrate the- growth of ,tlici.i'; 1 Jii ; 'ii'i.css:' j " ' : . 'Joseph K i iivky;. pVi i-ailniuiit Ib'e.itri' ,ciraiit.ichU. , f;;-'np'd-his. : 'V/'i'rcv.'p)an'eVi:,fii'. from OLos An'-'.cles for irii''('i.^h't-wcek •va'catiori herii-and. in A^api'llco. ' :. Gactahp Wcrola-.iiiui :cV;l ; (!'iif-clor of i ihe $an.-Francisco;fipein con' i |3;ii'iy:.i.' herc.arranuiii;! fc.iV nil iiili.rchahkC i«f' ■• . „iv.. r. - • >iv„ r.,i ii->- ni art«ls: ; betwc(?;i -tie M.-Nic.-m opbra ihcr f^!, 1 , ; , ' : * ?S company and San Francisco Xor next: sU ucturc. .. Warm.i.s will <-h.,v. in year; .; -v- . -: ■. ■ ) ". \ the he«t annuar. a\<-intiit (iiic. iiu; - .. Ro.inuip CMtllcgas.. Vi'iic/u'ciah .nov-'i month. ■' '•. .;.;■;:':;,. -. '". elist. ;plahed in, to Sup('i\\ isn prbd.iic- But- .-regardlc.'-s-" .' ' tpchnu-al'. lion by Cliisit'.Films, of his noycly iLn TrepSdora" ' ""' .hi b ■ft will return De- cern Bex.- 12i. " . ; '..:.- : - ;.'■' .-.'... - • : .'little, 'or iwin.;; under dBill Sirick-' -. laiic(.;li.SU;H 'for. Uline.'s Arena bn'Nt : w;. Year's -eve: . ;.x'.': ..' .' . :. :';■■"'. Ed Allen herc.aliead'of Diinningcr, -' George . Atkinson. 'btja'tn-'"- drum for; •. Boston.'CorhtcOpein cbinpany;'•■■'.' . W.TOP installed l:Vr:-e orciicsir ': nnr-pr . direction of Ha'old Wallers. . . iirco pro.grarns will bri-jiiiale hcie:- weekly: • .• . . . • .-' '••..' •' :.'Xtiisic. Corjibiiiii.ipii' o'r : Anierica-ac- - riUiiring pin-< .noni;: room, of . Chevy Chiise . Jee;iPal:)!-c.' for . daiiciiig; ■wi.ll/^eepmii'ifi'flale; liOd;-'.-' . .■■:r\'P .■' : '. ncifhbnrl'bod xTurn' ,- thcaf i'e" ;plonp'ed 'for ^oii'. ;^e'ction:'. ; D'e-..'■" i)'ers ^ls» clVectcciVcvfmanVin^ Enevscjii: . it. will cf.'st interest ralr* <irid'.-rcd'cMned/piajr-J' $7.0.000'. ;With ^cohslruciion iH-iji'iiiiig. : ; forrcd >tboli' wj; ! ::i. i i;ui'ii' l ;iit:d: (h'vi.-; - wh(Jfl fir:in^ie^ we-c h^ied- v;. : . .' '.f.vra\x'.- several, inuiiihs i>o; v" i : : $\*r i-^'-'?;...:■■"■ '.•."*>.•..'••'.;'.';-.. .'V.-' St Lpms ; .'Slars-on Ice"; is curr.ent:'-as asKistartt, ... ;. ; lo Charles; Washburh'. in cliarge of r son- opiues, The - far. easterners, are ublicity' there.' ' ') fed up : w'th' Ja ' pVpniises. \yhic.h Russ (Milton) HinchJifec. ; :w.ho"-as • a civilian was stage manager at. the Stage'Dbor Cahtoeivanirieccnlly 'was Indvuilpd into : the Ariiiy..'--is?..-.bjJ coiiir. .. -. cirichce.. art 1 assistant stage'.martagotv ;rop 'Wi'pgcd yictpry.' a' fc"w Xeel,Tiom : .the Canteen.. '-."-. Ray :;Connbrs. niarjagev.'- of . the .-. Palace, who -has' been/rpcuppraling: " ■ '. Jlovida Jrbm an '.o'per'aliorr. ic- •• turned to town- Monday ,16) and will shortly be back bn-.the job. Hai-.ry. "..T/ypns : has been ;managinp';;,lhc :Pal. since Connors was operated, on. Minneapolis y"l:es. Rees.- '■' wcro. irever. carried out despite. lb.e ■■fact';th<it-thc^ japs .'•w.tire'"''oil; thivjiccne;; Therefore, - . .allies, '. ^p'/ are' .still, thousands ,of miles iiway-aiid vonld liardly hope make . '. l.-.-iliciir"- ;prpnii>es for.' K . jii , : : -toi. i-nivie. '.vonld'. 'do ^ , they resii icled their.- broadcasts' to . ttiingsvihyt: had 'already^ l.ia'p'pciicdr': . ' which'- were pretty'.sure to happens: / : • - ■ • :. Needs More Uiiscs. Sfaeliiiies-;. .'' v jGu"diii^6rv.-'''.i(sfcs'" : ^f0r : \ : .'-dcoi:rtp. and ■phonographs. ',t'b iiicl . . .rribi<a)i:'. of ; the .civilian ..:arid:'-nirtilafi-:}>rl^ijr>:i ;jlicld . ■ the /Jails ;i.ind.'.;if: : possible, Ithc 'Red' Cros,*'.Should, .-iiicliid'e.' these liit Viis . next^hijimejit. to 4hy '. ap I'.cjiriips'. >.; lire music. i:nthci" 'titan V"- ' ; . «y>Sam X. ' . ;'':•■' .... TneBailetThciitrivbobi: ii|; llehry W: K!el ~iiVflitoi iurri'-: ;^>j v ; on by Clasil- Films, of bi > -n0vcl.«'*li.i-!-) < .; r '.;). 1) ft l ^i.'^ V ;| M .r < .Oy- various ino-. ..V .'jy :• ' ";v.... . : , repadora' I'Laily- Cliiiibrr: .'- ;Pie.-pr [. . ' ' . ' • ,.,,-i'«jiariie<'-' '.'niied '.a ■ ■ ' '- ■ •'•'.- ".■■■'■■'' ' - ■■ ",'>V. is-no^i; ,'D<«na Bai'b:.) ii.' is doing \ 1 '" n y*. L - 1 ' ; ^ ! ^ ' ^Ia<doi«, ; slri- ! ht,pr,:,and;;K!isl:::». oig b-o.' here.- • - ; U™*!? s !i"''' 1 lft , rj ^; ,, : m '! 1, ^A M '.-.^' v h:^. Club Cnn.inenl:,!, .Hold J..-1-V CrtuM-'hasVen".bWkc'ri Irtr-ii'wwfpre^'nt. the industry ,< m the best |. l( . l: M )n;: .^;; ; :.- '.;.:. film ; hortso, -the Cosmos.- near ' the shape-its.ever been in and sci strong-1.. ;To .the .Ladies'. U*cd'VlT.'-'>uccc«'.«- Chapultepcc ^ark .district:. . Owiv-r.. financed:.tliiit .UiO-debiicJe' liuVy l.iliy . i : he St. I.piiis- Liulc f rieafi-e'. \ are ..'Jcsus:-!ln'd - Adolfb ,f;i:uvas. "Ftir-:-; pig.- Depression . cailiipt repeat' iL-elf : | Gbi^bh',Spmm(;rs diriiclirig: .;; '.:: >■; naiido dc'Ftintcs: .lu.ui us(illo Ore and Miguel' Zacarias;' ;' . ' ':Adinissibn ' fpr the . biv.timc bull 'fight, 'season at the. ring. Mexi- co^- iarjicsl. aib ; t ic liishcst iii hi-s'- ibry—410 ityctf). grandstand gciic-r.!il| :$S,'^biea'chers gcncralj $250. for boxes of six; and S200 for buses; of- finii - : The industry }/!)>t-war lake, MiHer's'lr(i.up(i;ic':;V('.'the h'y*. ;Dec. ' is;. when i)i<> [Mari-us.. j-ryuc ■cpmes in' from, the . ; S.'. : :;. a. Vbi month run. .': By llal Coheii : Bill ■ ll'oii.chold has in.^lalled it. WWS\V liii'e iit h'rsihieati-o-rrstaur.aM!'. Ihc 'Vogue Terrace. .oliilly M l to tneet: : Paul Belsman^ mUna;;er t .•.'.■■;■ v ■ Aincricair and ■ Muiric.p;;!; T'leatre.' .' . ". '.>A>s'n;. up'iigain aflcr. .Ii;'il,liiiv ' wiiji :' '-'•:;"'■'-. ... : ■■ •. , v I'tiie (In." ■':"'.'.' ' ;•;.■■ •.-■-■ ' an in-ti.ncc of. .•..•t«j»w»lcb;i..'.' T > c .:', niAria. n( ; w: and' .classy fin'aiicial- wliip. • tlie'rc/'.i;;,;Lii-iyiwi-j.ft;;«.ry.• o^ited-Friday i.'J)... VVill of- with - a funded debt "of S9pn ; 000 in V-trx; stiff- c'bnipetish. '<\n ol.hri';.tiiljf: - 193a. with ho iuniicddcbl.iiiclay.- as id.'- 1 >pois.. :.■;.;;.;• '-' .'.-:■ / "''-' y- . -'••••-•' : - ■ ■' •'• i....a. 1 • ,Mrs. ytadimir GoljSchniart, -wife of iniieslrp of ill' : ' . LPliis 'sj mph:; reported tb cops' that ;;'im<?- o*rc ' ... . ..,... Jn „n„ i . . -,.•.extvaclcd tWo' hockJ 1 ; '!^"vii!i'ie'3.'. ; Sft':-.'' jumpcd^.rrpm : S(,..^n:0nt*. t'.;. .arthiiijl I.^OO /Vi.irv ii purse she. 'loW''" ' o-i-' SI4.000.000. . • ;• , ofTicc cou«*. . Fox;'Film.'' with' 'o/f'uWc cii-hl. .of S54.rili.444 in-llKi.'i iic.'.i-: iri 20l':i-F«iX.' shows: no : fundcil ^rcjbl .and ..a x.-ii.-'h pbiijiair of oyLr'.i513;obihOOO exclusive- pf.; >: ^iitifjintl. Tl'Wtrcs .c'lsr." wi-1„:..-. 'l^.^y.-l'sd.'F'rle'od''-: liop yhich-oiiiiv ' well: .jioc'iuiil. ■ ". ^lUrvis.-Wcb'\viw'B^rvy':'BI'iicki. iui- r;ddifi(miil;; W0;6bo.0tfo;-:.;,: V ;/ singe^, '■ at JPb ■: Zemansky■«;:■ ■ C: " Tlic- 00 ly incrc-iisr- nj' fub'llctl . ^' : i^'^^r' : \'^^.'\.-^,Sii,^^ .-. Canlinftas.«iyg^ic inst; back.,.^■ 6;)) . h : U 0 :.j,j,-yv W hicli h^n-i ! „Mr.< Jyoiri making picti.u-es.ii). Holly worn!.. -,,,,»:(„)„ to id (>6n 000 'Uiiiiiff. I'lC : ll l c . » joined the^accKMill'^^ic.rcvUe.:a tin °»' ch ' : the Iris, and tinned the already big same., period, «' ^ ' ll, /' n V\: , I. extra drums 'A. f.ady: Comes Home.';' Elrla 'A11('.i). .B:!be ;Rh;>d.( ; -'. voi'.-dW •• i J;M:G sClbsidiaTy. .with book value- of npleii' X . .. . Tiilk 'rif ; town '-jit (he moment Is •;!.» ... booked, in f6'r. -Jan..--2.'l:- ^ , Colo'mb.b'S dr.licc :tram ol War-'. Maya Ellison afe 'Civi^ wi;h ; fe^--PaTiB , ^cv!vfv* : i'»s«:. r .':. iiiag; ' ':•:•: O^'U'jV ..Lat: Mi'si.c::; : fOTnpri.- f Hotel salesman; on sick list .' "Elhol- Shulta held -Riiffisspii Fliimc-.-Rooni, • '■ Wai'ner Brothers' -r-iub; 'sen!'.ClivTsi"- "'lias gifls/to 'all eiiipl.ii.vees .in- iivivc'I •eryiccs. ; •" '. ' .' .''-.• :;' . ■::: . 'Marian . . nder's . . ;'here : fiir- Mil"- p.m. ■'' He adds' that oSv:i i ' ,, JJ'!f': -':he.,Niv.:;i : (^H .'OrslrjfSmi.op C~&J}T; :CH. .n-Ivii.Mj.g-a. .•:x-iiiininc-:;.iiorj... :.|.i : :i.|.;ir{!ii,.'.-:rr:*:>S'<i'! : lMils, wire,■'■\v;.'ii.| • l > : \(.\\; -ifiijoi'i. .hii ;;he.;r' -.. .'s; rhirc. |■'; '(.■.l.iiie. Kils-aV ivari' liiiiiior. • .' " •' ..' : - ..' w-n OY.y^.i."; 1W..- 't <Hf'l-"-.».5:'' , T : .!- 1 "'