Variety (December 1943)

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FILM REVIEWS Wednesday* December 15, 1943 The Desert Song. '- (Color) ' (OPERETTA) Holly wood,, Dec. 13: W»rn«r Bros, production ami l-elmiHC Star* Dennis Nbnuon, Irene Muniilni:: firo- tiif** llruce ''ul'ot, Lyniio Overman. Hew XovMiurt. Dlrvi-teiJ by Hubert l-Mnrey; Bn.HC'l on play by I.aiyrehro Seliwiili, OUo Hurl a. h; dseiir Haniim-i'steln ail.. Sjlismnnil ltumimrif ami Ki-niik MitniM:- «im>iii„ Jiwt (ibniion; 'i-iltuir, Vrunk M;rS\ie; "i t uiivilnv. i'lim)i-s ".S'iivi: Maii'-eH. l.i'rm. .J'rniy.: ■ . Ja.-fe. Mil "unfit! h> ;.•»«•«. illreuor. Ail ilirt'T, ri-viii\M Dev. ilKil, Huniiini; lime. SO MISS. l'mil Hi'io-soil....... Mink"'! Coli-i'ii-l l-Vi:jrtiil*'. .Cn.i YiiuriS'.n'... '... .Ii'tinivy \Yals.h.. lii-mm...... ... •• -■. Jlnjy............... •r. 11 ..u.-ii . : H.'iii^.i L111..11.-.."..; ;■, ■ 1 l|ia-a'li - v. . . . . .'. Ai-ilel Uali.i'lliil l-ValUl'lS. . . ... ..... . Muiil'innliiil: ..... l-.ii ulenaill He'rilll. " S.illnvan... •;, ji.t..i. . .'liennin Motion Ir.-.ii- :M:i'iriiIliK .Itiuo- C.ibnl . . .I'lelle lamkhail .'... .l-Vyc '>;n)i*riiini .';. .. .*. XlarVI. P ill ' iviis iti-ih ....; :■. ili-iuM N(..ln- . ....Noble .li.llnson . .'.. .Ourl HvjM UK-i'i Marin .,ln>-l<. ljiuuo. . William vKUmiiiHlii' ..... -.Wiillls. Clark Warners' modernized fiiriv version of the popular.'Desert Song" operetta . Is mounted in eyeful Technicolor. It's a combo of tuneful escapist enter tainnient that will catch strong box- .office reaction in all runs—with key holdovers Indicated.- In .modernizing story.- German agents': and plans to construct new railroad in North 'Africa-.'for terminus at-Dakar, provides motivation for- Riff uprising and leadership by Den- nis Morgan,- an American piano player in Morocco nightspot, who's been fighting .Franco in Spain prior to moving, across the Mediterranean to Africa. Irene Manning is the new singer at the cafe, with mutual ■ roy ■mance developing. Rifts are rounded-: tip by French officers to work on the railroad, with native Victor. Francen, a tool: of. the Nazis,, im- pressing the. natives to' work. But Morgan, as El Khobar, leader of the Riffs, circumvents the plans by'peri-. odic appearances on the desert and lii Morocco to lead the natives in re- volt against the forced labor regula- tions. From there on it's series of chases across the desert sands, pitched battles, and wild adventure until Morgan convinces 'the French colonel, Bruce. Cabot, of Francen's duplicity, to. eventually obtain free- dom and rights, for the Riffs through edict of France. Despite modernization to . provide film technique and movement to the operetta, basic entertainment quali- ties of 'Desert Song' are retained to provide most diverting audience re- action at this time. Uneredited script from the Schwab-Harbach-Hammer- stein H-Romberg-Maiidel play is ex pertly directed by Robert' Florey, aWed by excellent production.mount ing and exterior color photography notable for its sharpness and depth. Morgan is neatly cast, as the Red. Rider, delivering both dramatic and vocal assignments in top style. Irene. Manning capably handles- the. girl spot as singer and- actress; with strong support provided by Lynne Overman, Gene Lockhart, ' Faye Emerson, Curt Bois and Marcel Da lio. Sylvia Opert displays a provoca- tive nautch dance that wias obviously trimmed for footage. In addition to the standard and well known 'Rrfl Song,' 'One Alone' and 'Desert Song,' delivered in solo and'duo by Morgan and Miss Man ning, new film, version inserts four additional tunes—two by Romberg— but none of the quartet has strength for current popularity. Warners backgrounded the picture, made about 18 months ago,' with ex- pensive background of Morocco , and the desert-country for top production values and eye entertainment. ' Watt. Higher and Higher (MUSICAL) . . RKO releHW of Tim Whelan production RmrB Mietoetv Mitt'Kuii. .luck Haley Frank Slnuiru: featui-ea Ljiun 'Krrul, Morcy McGiilre. PkuI nml Qnice llariuuin. Bar- burn Hale; Uvoley- Wilson. .-Victor Borne Mury wickes. EllHabeth.Hitiilon. Mel Torme nnu. Ivy 'Si-oit. ' DlrGcied by Tim Yi'hwliin.- KiseO un IwkU mimical production of-sump name, wlil.i .book by Cladys' Huylbut- anil JoHhua) r.bmiii: seoro by HoilBcri* h.nil.H:u-U ■ulHutailon. ..lay Uroller hiiiI Ralph-Spcnce, wlih uiltlliloiiul'diaUo? by .William Mowon* mill- HrAvuril Harris; snecUr uodku. .Jllniny M.-.llu^h uni] Hai-oUl Ailn'nlHon;..'iiniKli ; al. : notiibpin hiiiki'iI : by 'Krnat .Motru: Hlm .eiL- liiir.' iieiio-'Mlli'i'i.-iU cumeva:: Kitliori Do ■ liiimsi-. ri-,i-vli.M-p,l In N.. Y. Dor.' i. . M3. Hunnlnif Uni'.-. 00 MIXS. MiUle.. Mlkt......' ..'....;.. tliink........... 1 inikp V... : . ,. Mkk«y Kir Hii loi- f llziny-Vit loi- Simily Mi-n. Ki-Hlln . Kathm-lllG.... M.ill.v........' .KvnKba 1)1 . .. <.i*--ih- . Mis. Whlrilll.. Mr. lii-i-c-n. : . lloHl Mhiiii Mn bl ' Mr. Duviil.... Anituuni.-i!i-i... service. take to it warmly. . . ■'; ■ There may be pome folks who can t figure but the reasons for Sinatra's meteoric rise, or might be wondering whether he's hereto, stay or not, but in his ''first' starring ro.le on the screen he at least, gets in no one's way. Though a .bit stiff on occasion and hot as pholoiicnic as. may bo desired,, he generally handles diin.-eU ably- in, song as well n.s-a ii w brief-.dialog s'cenes. ; ;,Sevci'Hl spoci ; soiig-number,", turned oiit specially lor the film.:"J". Jimmy McHugli. and Harold Adam-, son. are a: strong asset to Sinatra: while the book 'assigns- the-Crooner \6 Vii-n.r i-.raiii-ci.i'jcarefuilv plonetl ronVanlic-and other. I..viii.« tMii-tiimi. h siiuiifiorts. ; . --.'.;•.'■ , ; The song-studilcd .sio> y is laid pvjn- cipallv in liii' :n;in»ion of l;i'.'H'Krrol, who ifivriis, ,as it (tpens. • jhat. he lias gone, bi'iiikrupl and will va- cate unless getting up.a lumk'.of coin in ii luii'iy. His viilcl gc-'-; llTe-'ln'ight idea o,r picking''otVc'tiC the servants, having her pose as Ei'i'ors daughter, and getting her .marries off.' Since none of the long- list--of servants in Eirol's 'employ IrAs.: been paid .in many . months; . a cuVpciralion rs fbjuTicfl iii order to include them in- the deal. ' ' The scalier)-'mai .:who has a wav- ing acquaintance with.Sinatra.-' 1 iyiivg across, the way from her. is chosen- to' carry out tlje marrutBC end of the plot.which, as a starter, is designed to'bring the gal'out'as sea son's No. 1 deb -. Michele Morgan ■plays this : part.. and. .reluctantly* agrees to go through with jt, with most of the ainiising .Comedy situa- tions being built around-her.'cotv. tinned efforts to back, out,' puis the borters sliQ makes in trying to pose as a deb. Her scenes at the butler's, ball are extremely funny.' . Maneuvering the. scullery maid's marriage lo Victor Borge. who every- one thinks 's a tilled gentleman but actually is a crook in disguise, the. ceremony is about to - be perform'eel when Jack Haley; the-valet, up. He Has discovered a secret door leading, to a huge wine-cellar filled with priceless 'Vintages; and contain- ing an historic..old harpsichord that's worth'a fortune, all of which saves the day for. Errol and his crew. The cellar is turned into a night club and forms, the scene for a- production sequence- built around ■Minuet in Boogie,' very good number in which all hands take part. It also includes reprising of two'hit tunes. 'I Couldn't: Sleep: a- Wink Last Night.' earlier soloed by .Sinatra, and 'I Saw You First,' previously doubled by Sinatra and Marcy McGuire. cute little-song- stress with loads of personality and a long. Open rofd ahead of her. Two other • songs that' stack up strongly we Sinatra's' 'The ' Music Stopped.' directed to-. Miss . Morgan and Barbara Hale at tKe butler's.ball, and 'This Is a Lovely Way to Spend an Evening;' done by the crooner and Miss Morgan. Still another number, handled in a group manner, that lis- tens well is '"Wheti It Comes to Love You're on Your Own.' Mixing into the latter- vocally as well-as for light, gay comedy are Errol, Haley. Miss McCiiirc, Mary Wickes, Paul and Grace Hartma'n Dooley Wilson and Mel-Toj'.vne, plus Sinatra;' All. the musical numbers have been expertly staged by Ernst Matra,.with fast.pace and novelty a commanding characteristic of Ma.tra's work. This is- also particularly true of Whelan's direction, .while his pro-' duction backgrounds are all that may be'desired'. . ■ Miss Morgan, she of the charming naivette, and Haley,with whom she's secretly in lovei both turn in fine jobs. This is also true of Errof, whose opening drunk bit tees the pic- ture off very entertainingly. Miss Hale, a legit deb. pairs Tomantically with Sinatra for the finish, . Except for Borge, who has a brief novelty piano session at one point, and a few lessers. the cast is playing servants' roles, all good.. They- in- clude the Hartmans. with Paul play- ing a . butler and Grace an upstairs maid in Errol's househbld. Both do very, well .in their comedy and sing- ing parts; their dancing being virtu- ally conscpicuous by its absence all along tKe line. Mary Wickes. come- dienne type reminding a little ol Joan Davis, scores strongly as Errol's Secretary; as do Wilsbp. his colored chaiUteur; TOrmq,. pantry- boy.; and Ivy Scott, buxom cook. While this is Sinatra^ first starring role; he was in a picture last season, 'Reveille With Bsverly,' made by Co- lumbia, in which .the - lean-looking crooner, did one song number. ': Clmr. Miniature Reviews 'Desert Soni*. (Musical; Color) (WB). Modernized operetta In color, locks good for hefty grosses. •Higher aud Higher' (RKO). Starring Michele Morgan; Jack Haley ' and Frank Sinatra: and rales,' high for b.o. •The Woman of the Town* iVJAJ-. tsongs)'. High-budgeted .wesern... Stars, Albert. Dekker arid Cia,ire ■ Trevor; good for- .dual.-C '-' V . .' . ■ : •OilUn'c'; r. Death' (U.V. First : .Of ~c.inenvatic - Inner .'Sanctum whotiiniits strong programmer for. regular bookings. . Crime Doctor's SUnnpest Casc' ;i.Cpl). . Murder mystery ' thai should do fairly well : '■-, double bills.' .'•'.■' ..'.--; 'Pistol rackln' Mama'. (Songs). iRepi. . ; Diverting ftlmusical i-umcdy woven around pop song ' title. Strong■ pvoRrnni supporter. .'Doughboys In Ireland' (songs) (Col.). Kenny. Baker' and the ' Jesiei-.s -in lightweight ■ comedy; mild supporter for dyal bills.' •Mr. Muggs Steps Out.' iMono), •East Side Kid' comedy, with Park avenue setting. ■ Nets ■ /lots of laughs, for lower duals. : /!-'» Wei'De aapaV (Argentine)., Adapfatioiv froriri. Balzac ..novel; strictly for Spanish-speaking au- diences. •Canyon City' ! Rep). Don 'Red' ; Barry starrer, which.-.deliyers its moneyTS worth .in .action.; pace^, and photography Is Clear. •Considarlng, however, that 'Woman of the Town' is essentially a west- ern, there are no panoramic scenic shots, which are expected'of higher, priced actioners-. Calling Dr. Heath In. l ion, in JI.Ml- .-. Kjiii- Iiv . lli-ir- iiiiuin..r..!ii-ii'i-n|i'.ay I'V. iim-rSi.' \ ii-Kil. .\lilliil-; iilili'i- fnlv.orsH'il IMyai; pr SuilM l.tiir.-i;iiall'->.: 'fl-.i!ui'-f. I'.i.iii lion, J. .I'.vl'lul N.ii^Ii.'.' , a\iil. lllll >iii>- Alnrs,- Kay lli-lnl. |li;»-.*l'i| in..1.1 ]..■!:. \i'.n;i- ■ 1 »uiii Noniinn. A. iVi'-f :■ N|<iKi-A|*i.V. ".Iwlin I'. |."iili..n. . frVv'i*«'i\l l>'-v. !i, '48. KuniiiiiB iinn-. «•; ^iins. .; ' . Diivl i'i- Slri-lc ..', Sl.iMl'.i. i. ; ..... . Insi'i^-Un- lil-'-i:^-.. Hiibi-rl 'OuvhI. /.' Mai l,< Su'i.lf. Mrs. l:ni\,il..;... Hull" •• •• ....... WiiU'llaMii-.; ... Falli,.;i. .-..".-■.■': . .. . Mi.lliciv . , i'i»Viiili-r;'..... . . ; • ' inv'ii..- ■; imi'Ii I Aiiiii-nV, Pistol Paekln' Mama (SONGS) •Hollywood, Dec. 8. Bcpublliv i-iMoasc of KJdy Wblie piiiiliu'< I lull. I>ti'i-i'U'il by l-'i-aiik -WoiMlrutr. Si ri->>. plsy by I'Mwaiil IJnln ami. ITwil ft-liillir.. OrlKlnul'.by *rlliuc Caesar auJ l>«in: I'ain- nrn, H«gg!« .Lnhtilnii: •diun-. Tuny MinU- n«<lll: limslc illi'Vior, Moilmi Siolt, Pre- viuwi'il In prii.l(..-liiln l<K'ili, .Dm;. 7, liH.'l. ltuniiiiiK Vli'Itl N'lii-risJ Tho AVoimuu of (he Town .' (SONGS) : V'niii-.l Ai-il.sis ti-Ii'mhi' of liavry Sliennan piuiliK-i'iui). -pb'**.-leil. by. 'OeorKO A^'bain- bauit.' si'ni-i» Ali.'frt li^kker -kinl Claire '1'i-c- vi.i-:' ri'it'iuros llui-rv Sullivan, llonvy Hull. Mm i..n-.Slaj ih). I'oi-tiM- Hall. I'un-y Kllbrlile. ■Iiri>l Wallaii'. . 'Arthur.- Hohl anJ Con Ili'ViiiH. : Si-rvi'nplny. Aoiivas. MacKeuaii*. .ii'.iiii: -slury .by Nin-man Xiiu.sIiih; r'aniiftu, UllsMt-ll -IInrllkH: vUllor, .Carrol-L»vviH. 'Pre- vivWi'il in Nirv. A'oi'lt, lliilK- llniv. K7 MINN. IM-al I Uiml. . 'Mai' ■ Mast.-r.-iii). ....... Kin* Ki-iim-ily.,.... .■., I'uky.'.\VHkln>oii..', -... Oaisy liiivr.iilkii'l... .. Dug K-lly,. ........ ki-v. sainui l Snia|l.,. I.0ui'll;i t-'ai;si>ns.....; Kv.lin i iVri^hl......., Uulfalo. llurns... I'liiiny i.i'anvisuii i..... Jmlu 11 ' KliK-klitirn.. . .. Thv I'Ui.lrsh'.l . . ...... Hi...- . Skill s'. ; Alll'llr l.unail.- VMty.'. . •.... * \- V\'niiily..Ki-i-ii.s.. . ... ... l'rtn-l:i ; ll i... Wanner: ; Walkvr. l-:.|.|n- Si-..;..... M:-i.'.'\yi-ii!lil:; siiur.: ...:..'. .Mrs.'ill: i'WIi ... ....... .'; Mi*. l.i.Ka "Woman paratively -f- 1W«V ; 10. Mi. Hun- .' . .-Claire .'ri'ovo'r AlU«rt' Uckkvf ... .Karrv. Sullivan .Henry Hull .... Alai-lon Marlln . . ^oi-lPr Hall terry Kilbi'iilc Ueryl Wtitl&v, .... .Arthur ll"hl ...;.; .l-ll'in Bl-.vans ... .Twldi Sbc-inhin .lleul'Ke -C|nvel:iinl .',.; ^Uuiuiolt ivks -.. ilvrb Baw.liiiHoh . .Mni'lclll' Mains . Durothy Gi'aiiiKi'r ..IJewey Hobin^un ....! Winlo, Ci'iisliy ...; Hal Tiilliifi'lin ... .Ctlcnn ; Sli-nnUu ,..' i.'h-ai-U-y b'oy ... .Cl»(r^ '.Wblini-y .. . UiiiiiieLI Siniiinon ...... .&uk Cluy ..'.. i'nin.*eM .HoitIh .. .lam- i :'iani y ; p.iu m\A Moilsiin c.irii'l .N.iisl.i ,, v,. P.i\ iii llriive . .'Uaiii>.iy Ami's . - . . . :-K.i» . Mi'lni , .ilulvii-s. Il.-ilu'll v. ,.\|.'.' I'r.iic. . .■.■l.';;.'.l i;>! nnall ....... i.:>... fii.lin :ti los W.i-u'.'iiriViiii .'.'.'-"51.11.• Half •.kli'i': V*-' l';i'b »'*lKi* . . ..I..jill l-:!li.ult Universal. ■ which ' specializes in siipcriialural. thrillers, bs launching a new' series of 'inner Sanctum Mys- teries' with this whodunit about 'self- yphosis.'- The 'Inner. Sanctum' 'tag i>y avr'angenieht wjth the Simon & Schuster publishing house., which has a modest rep 'for its mystery novels,. This-initial 4 feature, ;"CaUing. Dr. Death." is a reasonably compact and .compelling yarn ' told in-semi-, adio style, with a /sm'allcviiig'.; of pseudo-scientific -intunbo-jumbo.'.. It's' an okay programmer for whodunit fan's. ■ ; .-'..-..■■■ The story deals with a neurologist, who hates- his btaiitiful. : faithless wife and who,When her mutilated body is found, doesn't know if-he murdered her in a slate-of self-hyp- notic jealousy..... The . other 'principal characters are the . doc's seemingly loyal nurse-a'ssistaiit and the relent- less detective, who apparently -sus- pects hi ni of the crime. The piece is patently concocted, but is. fairly taut and moves with reasonable pace to a suspenseful dcjiOuement.. How- ever, trie . stream^bfrconsciousness soundtrack spiel /by the doctor (pre- cisely the kind of thing usee? too much in radio) is artiricial and disr tracting. Reginald LeBorg's- direction has satisfactory tempo and' emphasis, which, the-'cutting has apparently helped! Lon Chaney is-, direct and believable^ as the doctor, but from a marquee- standpoint- isn't.: ideally cast. Patricia Morisori is acceptable as the nurse and J. Carrol' Naish egisters as the uncaniiily shrewd sleuth.. Technically, the picture is all right. Hob*, Sally lii'iismi t . Mi k Winner.;, .'/. . .. •Tho iokor.. .........'. ,1 ohnny ■ ■Koyni....;,..; ,1.- l.e.illo. lluilun III: liiki'.;....;...: 'Joe Mollum.. Yoinnc: -Wire. Mrs; lliirimi, '.... . Mr. 'Riirlun. •., . ■ lu'insi-lvi's'..-...;.;.. irhele Morgan Jack Haley. I.. Ki-ank Sinaira- ..'.. |-.i ; nii-. Krrul ■ ..Marcy .\k-Gulrc ..';,-. Vlcior. lioive- .'.. .Muvy Wii'kos . -Ilsahvih.-llisiion :.. -Haibifra jHalr- ....... Mel Tiil-iiiu.- ..-.Pnul lf.'ii'llnnh.'ai'O Harlniiiii .. .Douley Wllsnii ....;. .;,lvy'.^i.nit ..,.., rti-x .Kvnns . :Sinnley lAi^an.: . , .Ola T^rralne .... Kln« kp'hnrily . Kubei I Amlers-in With a' good cast, among whom Is Frank Sixiatra, the 1940 legit musical. - 'Higher and. Higher,' with added script material and new songs, emerges on the screen under- excellent- production treatment by Tim "Whelan as ftrst-rate entertain- ment. Light 'in vebi but rich In com- edy and' song values, p.)us having very Hue pace, 'the picture 1 is destined to. rank high at-the boxof(ice. Among other things, it's as escapist as they come. The lads- and lassies in tlie STORY BUYS . .'Holly'woodv Dec: 14.;; Warners purchased 'Christmas- in .Connecticut/."by Aileen Hamilton. • ■. Columbia acquired -film rights' to Frederick Ldnsclalc's legit play, 'An- other Love Story." ."" RKO botight "Boardwalk.' hovel by Libbie .Block with ah . Atlantic City backgroi'ind.'. ; Archie Gibbs; merchant mariner, sold 'IT-Boat Prisoner.' a tale of his own experiences, to Columbia. RKO purchased rllm rights ' to Tm . Thinking of My ' Darling' for around- $30,000.' Book by Vincent McHugh is being published, by Simon & Schuster. The author was signed by Paramount .to the studio writing staff; of the, Town' is a com high'-b'udgeted' western "slarrih - Albert. Dekker and Claire Trevor -in a .biographical film high' lighting the romance' of 'Bat' Master: son-and Dora Hand. Mastersoh, wilt -be. recalled.was famous in U. S. folk history as the tough, straight shooting marshal of Dodge City who later became a crack - newspaperman. Dora Hand-was a high-minded honky tonk singer, who launched him on newspaper career. Jt's a fast mov- ing feature,: providing first-rate en tcrtairiment. and appealing to fern mes and action, fans. It should do healthy biz. Film.'opens with shot of Master son, i Albert Dekker) at his desk as editor of the old New York Morning Telegraph in 19-19-. Then there's flashback to Dodg_e City ot 1871. The picture deals . with that period of ■Masterson's life when he became marshal i despite the fact that, he wanted a newspaper job), and re mained in, that post until he drove several gangs of outlaws from the frontier cattle center. It was during this, period that he fell for DOra Hand (Claire Trevor), who doubled as a saloon singer worker. She wanted Mastersoh to give up marshaling and go. east to' do news paper work. He. in turn, wanted heir to give up professional singing. , third : patty, Kiivg "Kennedy iBarr St'illiva:i). complicated matters. He was a rich Texas cattledealer. play- boy and gunman, arid until Master son took over as marshal "nobody tried to curb his. lawlessness. Mas terson. however, made him and his gang; toe' the mark. But Kennedy and his gunmen finally, cut loose when ; he tries'to kidnap DOra Hand, She was accidentlv killed by Kennedy during the fighting that' takes place. Before she died she made Masterson promise to throw away his guns. He carried o'ut the. promise, but aisb sue ceeded in bringing Kennedy to-jus- tice. •' . ."' .. The screenplay takes its title from an editorial Masterson wrote in the ■Dodge City paper while he was mar shal. in which tie praised the social work . and church efforts of Dora Handf and. denounced the stuffed shirts who tried to exclude her from the church.. It is - a well-scripted screenplay which .combines plenty of action with convincing dialog. Dekker and Miss Trevor, handl their, roles neatly and receive strong support from Sullivan, Percy :Kil bride. Who portrays the ,tow breachcr:.. Clem Bevans and.Henr Hull. , Direction is firm and fast" Ciiluuibiii ivleii.-a. lt,uilolplt . i*. l-'luiiiftw pi'vOUi'lbiii. " Sluri* Wariiei* Baxi'i-i-; ii-alui-eH l,.Vlii|-- .Meri'ii U. ■ Iti-.K'uiiilil IVi-iiriy, Itarlnn. Aliu;l.aiie. .leioni.e. I'oiviin,. ,Kiii.e l.lul.nri (.Un:-ia 111,-ksiin.: Lliix-cl-eil ' l-y .' I^iiki-ik- .T, I'MiiI.-. I.las"il . on riiilln pl'iiKi am. 'Ci-inlO l>oi-liii'.'.'by .\K|\ Maii'-'ni; sl.,,)^'- niiU ' a<l;i|i . This cinematic iilinusical is a neat-, ly cohcocted. affair. based oh the soiig ;. title, and will provide strong support . for the .regular bookings, including key dualers, where title will aftviict added patronage. Ih view of necessity of. whipping up a yarn and getting' film through production fast to catch current pop- ularity of the song hit. picture is above par,. in entertainmeitt of. its ■ type. ■ Arthur Caesar and Edward Dein. teamed to: brew a light and uffy : tale in ' typical . musical vein,;, satisfactorily hitting the mark of. di- , erting and noi-tOrbe-taken-seriously ' entertainment; Director Frank Wood- tiff paevs the unreeling at a consist" ent gait, and songs are showmanly . potted and presented. Ruth Terry, as the gal-packer, is Introduced us the warbling owner of. gambling tavern in. Nevada; Rob-.' ert^'Livingston; a slick opportunist " and con man muscled' out Of New York by gangleader Jack- LaRue, steps'up to switch dice and break': the house.; He .'returns east'to open a swank gambling nightspot; with' girl, following when she discovers his crooked potip. She takes .siri^ing job .- in the casino and tricks him into high-card cut'.to.get possession in re- taliation for original deal; LaRue and mob try; to move iii. but girl shoots- gang up and finds at finish it's time- for clinch with Livingston. . '. Miss Terry capably delivers.-' istol Pack' several times , along : the way, wildly waving her shooting irons' lo : accentuate -presentation. She- also sings 'I've Heard That SO'ng Before' and 'Love Is a Corny Thing." ■ K i rig COle , trio is spotlighted witb. one tune. 'I'm. an'Erraind Boy for Rhythm.' : Wally. Vernon functions iis Living- ston's wacky-pal for various comedy interludes,, and docs, one turn ori the nightclub floor tor - okay reaction." LaRue is typed for. the gangleader, while Kirk Alytv is spotted as. a, sor cialite suitor of the girl. Picture carries adequate' produc- tion mounting for abovcrpar ftlnuis- ical programriier. Wait. lalioi.i. .>:i-i'-..'r.i> lur: II; f-Hiui.i.-l, .lauli.-s Urniiklyn-; ivi... fre, ' Hubert' bnlftay.;. . . . fcllen. -.'..-. Fan) Aslll^v ......... Hli't......'....:. ....... Mallol-y 'I'ailivilK'il.. Oiatia Kurns..... Mrs. b>pulvr.. -... I'atrii-la Cornwall.... .liiiiuiy; Tn.liiM-..;. 11,-uy- AViil.-on ,,.. Y,iniell.' .■..,..'-,. Auillsiill ililor. S. Hi . '.!".. Lxwttll Calir- .wil. AC Kux, ■ IClJIIIlillK. lillll' .. ;...\Varui-'r" Tlaxier ..'..'.l.ynu .Mi-i 1 ! -■. . KeKiiial.l I i.-iiny . . Ilarloir Marl.ane ( ..;'roiiio. Cowan ..V.... Unban .. . . .1 ilnrlil l.ilrkifuu . . . \ ii'icillia- l'tri>-sui: I.lnyl HrMp>x -.CollMlam-e .\\'-iirlh I'biiiuaa I-*. Jni-ksun .'...'..,. .Sam l-'llnl Though , plotted< well, sustaining suspense, 'Crime-Doctor's Strangest Case' has a tendency to drag due to detail ; involved iii running down clues and questioning of suspects in the murder that has been committed Should do fairly well, hpwever. and will provide suitable' support on double bills. Latest in the 'Crime Doctor' scries, all starring.Warner Baxter, concerns the mysterious-poisoning of a retired realty.operator who at one time was partnered in a cafe venture'with man . who supposedly -Vanished, with $50,000 but actually had been killed and his 'body left in the cafe for 30 years. After pointing the finger of. guilt in many directions, it develops that a nephew of the slain man did the poisoning with,a view; to getting at. the latter's money. Baxter, who. iii the first of the 'Crime Doctor' series' retired from the parole board, now practices psy chiatry and. iii spare moments, in dulges in amateur detective work .No romantic interest revolves around him; this;being mainly shouldered by Lynn Merrick and Lloyd Bridges who perform neatly. : : Reginald Denny plays tlie' mur derer well.' while Rose Jiobart. suitable'as tlie widow suspjgctv Others incl ude Jerome • ^.uwa'h'v^wQQ with Barton MacLa'ne andv'TrTOniaS E. Jackson, provide some . comedy., re ■Uef. It.isn't much, however. Gloria Dickson -does the wife b( Cowan in an okay manner. . She's also one of the- suspects, as is Virginia Brissac, A minor part is played by Constance Worth. Char. NoUd Tkd to 2Qth ' Hollywood. Dec. 14 Lloyd Nolan inked' a player: qon- tract at 20th-Fox with the. top role in 'Wing and a Prayjet' as a starter, '" Picture ' uolls in" February, with ;Walter Morosco and William Bacher as co-producers and. Henry Hath away directing. ,. .. ... .-.Rulli.'l'i rry ; . llnlnM-1 l.lvlltKh'lnll , ;.-.'.'. Wall* Verinm .Jai-k l.llHilo Kirk Al) n .'.;.. .Kil.ll" I'lii-lvcr ■ ...... .. . .'.I.ii-. Kiik ,. .... JI■ Ta . . . ,l..y,li:i llillir.'i.k . ..: .'.i ii-i-t iil-, la-ssl-y \\ illK .1-Oli- 'l'i )i> .'l"(i DoughbttvV In Ireland (SONGS) Columbia i:i*b-.ise .i,r'";l.M-k l''ler. prinliii-l inn; st;lVH J<euiiy U.ik. i-:. ri-alun-s Ji-n' Uuimell. Uviiji Mi'ri;U-k, Tlie ■ ;t.'nu»rs;. ■- Uireeleil .-l,y ' 1.UW- I^amlei-K . 'lii iiiiiial s, r«'i-ti|)l:iy. by llow- ni'il J. -Itrei'ii: :i«lilo.l .|iain(r. .Monto-Jii lre; nu-i-a. : L; :\Y: ir.i.'.nini'll-: riMim-: .Mtil.'i'bor- .Srll.. At'Slr'nilif. Ili-fi-ik'l>'il. \wi-lt UPi-. P. ilualeil. ltuu'iiintf iiiue. fit MJN^. l>anny. O'Kei-fp.. .Molly Callahan'.... lilorla (.Ibid... . . Chuck Mayers Corny Smith, Tiny .Johnson... grnle .lones..... -linliny Mui'lin... .Mli-hael Callahan.. Mrs. (.Villiihan.. Cupinih ■ ; .Seixminr.; :.. Larry Hunt ..-..; ... . Ivenny ll;ikor -. ..' ..lelT:. I>nli|li ll -. liy'nn Merrii-k l.itiy Biiiiliinil Ue,l (.uihaiil . ... \Vainp Carlson ..Hob MIli'Viiuil ....;.tluildy Yni'im ..: , Harry Sbannull ■ ..Dorothy VnllKha'n .;. I^irry 'I'luunpsnn . ...'.. .. .SyM Saylor . HerliiM'l .niLWllliKiili: Eveh Kenny Baker's superb bal-- lading fails' to save -Doughboys in Ireland' from being a lightweight supporting-feature. Plot leans loo much on Baker and his voice to carry it over the; bumps. Numerous scripting errors) such, as switching' from farce cOmedy to. heavy dra- matics, could not be overcome even by Lew tja'nders' usual flne.direclion. Why Baker's valuable singing voice should be wasted ori this trite vehicle is difficult to comprehend. He's given- faulty, lighting, uneven photography and - haphazard makeup—none of which is calculated to enhance. his future screen possibilities. Baker' is an orchestra leader at pop N, Y. nightclub; also chief:vo- calist. Other, entertainers include The Jesters, the four of them leaving ■after, a farewell' laudatory appear- ance to enter the Army. There's' also Lynn Merrick,, a passably good singer, at the club; who's ambitious to get into a Broadway musical; There's the typical 'wblf Broadway producer, too. and he's out making a" play for Miss.Merrick -in "competi- tion ■ with ,'Baker. Latter 'is horn- swoggled intb believing she' is madly in love with him.. ' W^ith the foursome off to Ireland, Baker moons oyer his failure to get any news frorh his 'sweetheart.' Miss Merrick, though everybody in his barracks is: hep to how she's gone for the Broadway producer wher( he lands her a show. Baker falls for the Irish-colleen. Jeff Donnell. but does an about-face when, quaintly enough. Miss Merrick lands': in the camp as special entertainer. When be, gets the brushofr; Baker, returns to the arms of'Don'nell. There is a heavily miniaturized Ranger .at- tack on some . invasion coast and ■Baker is badly wounded. The next scene he's out of. the' hospital and (Continued on page 20)