Variety (February 1944)

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42 Wednesday, February 2, I944 Variety Bills - WEEK OF FEBRWARY 4 Kumei'itls in connecUon with bills, below indicato opening day o( ■bowii whether (nit or split week. Loew NEW YORK CITY Caiiltol (a) Dirk Ilhdlier Oic Ijou Holt» Kiithry,n Grayson June AHyson .: . Njinoy -Walker . HaB's 'Ha^rland". Fny' & <lorili)n ; Stilts <») . JninesvSilvHnit O Ray ^Terrell -Wesson Bros -■ Bob Easton DeVai; MerlB & li Marion Hutton WASHINGTON ; Capitol (3) ■Will Osborne Ore Ames & -Arno'^ / ^ Max -Gang ' - NKW YORK CITY I'timmoiiiit (H) ' ■ Johnny" -LonK' Bd - Allen & Kent - Hanel Scott - - Gil Lamb - Bob Coftee : ctiK'xr.o ' -' - Cliiciifiru (3) -' , He'nry Cool, ■ ■'■ GaudHmitli Broa j)eati Murphy, HU-dsori AVoiitlers. Kesnl (S) p 4 Tnk .Spots - lEilla Fitzgerald Coqtlo Wlllla'ins MIAMI Olympla <%) OUen & Shirley - ■ Wiiliy Boagf Burton '& Jeanetle - - Pinky Tomlln Pyramid Skat'g CiN Ruth -Clayton , OlMAHA Orplieinn (S-)-- vHenry BussG' Ore Whitey Roberts Co Marjorle taive TOLKDO Farunionnt (4-6) HoMy'd Bin^U.p Gls To(t(J & AmSJerdam -Carlton- J3mmy- RiKoletto ■ BvoH - Ii'itz,-& t?-nrroU- ■" - Aimllo W 3--Cifiiff '-'WHi ■ ■-; CrotoiiH '<!)- -• . Toni -liiih-y : --- - Bnrle-r;:- Tiliiiery .t' f:l^l'ire^ ■ -CiXiiKlor'a; Oircua - Beii (rl;ce .-Iva-ve - - - Wnlly Hand -Harry Savo.v - UOI.YOKK IIOLvohe (.Sl-2) Milt Biltton ore t-Meo Florenz Vicioryi! (.1-0) Karl & Fortune Ted & Art Miller- BOSTON RKO (») Shop 'FieUls ,Ore, Helen' .Forrest-- ' Minev'itch ,;ls- V BUie Dunbiir ' ■ . (2J)',- Jimiily .-Dorsey. Ore PeB iLefi; Bates - - -Coley -AYortir-&i' M'.:' CINCINNATI Albre (3) Andrews iSls Mltdi Ayies Oic E leaii 0 r -Ttieiif; an" >: - - ■ -": Gene Baylos- ' . <2T) H*wo-Od' Piiv-Tp- Gls ( M.\ KI,\\I) I'Hlnce (3) Eari CarrbU'S- Co CS1) 4' Inlt- Siiots',; -Cootie Wlniam.*; Ore Ell,TFil2i!or,iUl Eddie Viiiaon Balph. Brown ■ .. . Moke & Poke COLCMKI S Palare (8-10) D'Artega Ore Beatrice.Kay . Grace McDonald WatsoiV Sis ■ -■; ■ (1-3) Andrews Sis MItcli Ayi'es' 0ro Eleanor .Tiemanv ■ Gene Baylos HOCHESTEB Temple . (4-«) tna Ray -Hu'ttRh' Ore (irace .McDonald -- Kim ■ Loo Sis-.: - Frank Gaby - ' - ' (3S-30) Earl Carroll Co SAN FllANCIhCO Golden Gntr (3) Gav /'Niirlities'.' / ■ ■ (37) George Wliite Co-, USOING—OVERSEAS DOROTHY DEERING Ladylike Acpobatios MYSTIC CRAIG Fashion* in Aflaffie COLE SlStEftS Tap Nappy VICTOR and RUTH Skating Aristocrats Direction: ROGER E. MURREL Tlie I'lnyliouse. '. 137 Went 4Htli St. Kew York .M. Vlt MIA Birniinffliam ' PantHEB (It-13) The Rcnti'o Sliow. Dothait Martin («) Mai Hallatt Ore Mobile lyfie (IS) ■Talk - About Gls - GUOIU>I\ Mo<1.iesktt (1U-1«) Knockouts ot 1944 NO. CAKUIilNA- .. .Asli&villo. riaza (6) Jerry. Wald Ore ,. Cliarlottei Broadway (11-1%) Bafii 1 Vici, Sli-lcea -. Cirecnsboro Natlonnr h) Jerry AY aid .Ore - R %I,1',I(.II State- (I>-1«) Rev of Tomorrow Salisbury- State (10) The -Karston Show. - Wilnllnffton. Carolina (11-13) Rev of 'Tomorrow Winston Snicm State (») Jerry Wald Ore SO. CAKOI.INA . Anderson. . . Criterion (») Knockouta of 19 (4 Clinrleston Victory (7-») . - Rev of ■ Tomorrow . . Columbia . Carolina (IS) Frariolta Show, Banriy . Murray: *. .i5dh-,,Honkrna ■ , The - Jrafti5ini-g, ' .Millaid Si .M,iilln I.ANG IStLANO ' Jaiikatea.' (3-(l.) " Bohn & Mallien's \\;.vnn 2 . > McMall> Sis (2 to fill) . ... (31-^) TfHJy Samuols. Co,'.'. Irene . Wiley,;' - ■ ,Tlie. Rol-stons . y. ' Tile Mouffhtuna.; 3 Wyae (ils ' •" I.ynbrOoK (B-fi) ,.Jlinar,d..&.':;ilarU(i;. . .,ire;ne,, Wilej- , ■ -. Bert Roks. :Cia,h&ler'.»i' Circus' (1 to till) Sunnyside (5-0).. Tiid,a :&, AnisterdaHi ;!, tCdivards ' ' t'atlierihe. Harris (1) Oanslpr'H Circus'.. It.Vl.TIMOKK . Hippc:dn»nie <4) S, Or>intfi.1 '; 'Crosby ^Kfs'-.^. .. X*.'( ,.the,. Hprs^ '. 'Eay i Enslisll' Ko,ial (4) Bph,tiy Carter Or,c Peg liCg Bates ,1,4 Gra,cker.tacli:3 ' l'e,ter Cliah State (S-.-)) Don'Jjorsey . Bennett & Mitchell Uddic Mills BOSTON BraiKonI Hotel (3) INIHANAI'OUS Circle (3) Hal Mclntyre Ore Smiley . Burnette . ' > Danny .Drayaoa 3 Winter Sis VEWARK : Adams. (3)'. -E ^ladrignera Ore. Georgia, i Sothern .Jack Marshall. 4. .Franks. ' Patricia Gilmoro . N0HF01r..K Center (3) Ted & Flo Vallel .Terry . Mann. Co. Patricia' Morison , Walter D.ire Wahl ROxyettea / PATERSON »»tic (3-6) .Tean Dawn > .Kiiz .iS: CarroU : Dick . icing . '' R.ilpll.; Fielder t Heat Weaves (7-0) Don... D.ortfey Rleanor Bo.vvprs ,' Bennett & MiteMcIi lOddle Mills Ijewis &. Van , I'l'" XBKLI'III.V Carman (3) '.Toy/"-s. ■ ' .led , Dooley Co . Harrv -Rcso G. ,>'a,rvell6ttes ' TROVIDEMCE Metropolitan (4-6) Cy Refcvea „ Dick . Buckley. ; Mack & Desmond. .Florence' Fisher .. . . Virginia Weidler Loretta Liins Victor , Dlotl5 Judith Baker George Morris Ore Don aylvlo Ore . Roberto Ore ^ . uill's Gajr «0'S' IStlicI Gilbert ildan' Reilly 1^t(tiTyc?;',i'i«&G?£ ■ Lie I'll te drauer Harold Wlllard ■lack: Ryan Charles Strickland Jimmy Burns '. Bill Kelsey Qay^'SO's. .Quartetto Blue .Aneel Owen & Parker The Bernards Evelyn Knight Ellis Larklns Trio S,tua,rf Rosa Bunty Pendleton CujB «« ■ Vincent Catanese Or Sotero San Miguel Gale Soviet]' <,Uiiltown> Jimmy Savo.: ' Hazel .Scott Kenneth ^Spencer . John.' Sebastia.n Eugene Fields 3..: Toddy Wilson Ore , Cafe Soclctj (Vlilaitr) Pearl Primus :' Mary Lou Williams .I'hyllia. Stewart Jo'slt Wliite Eddie Hey wood Ore . Casbnb . , Xilllian Clark Lee .Ruhn 3,. Danny Yates Oro,, . . Cnstno Rums Nina Tarasova Dmitri Matvlcnko Nicholas Khartarik M Veralle Ballet Vladimir Lazarov C. Codolban Oro Ccrutll's .Tom Morro Eddie. Steel*:, Mae : Barnes... Maxinc Johnson . Club 18 Roy Sodley Vlnce Curran Joe Priaco' , ■ v Hal Hlckson ; Gave Dixon - Ted 'Smith Roy Rogers - Gordon Andrew* O Club ni Frankle Hyers Pat HarrlnKton.. Diane Fontaine ... Marco. Peggy O'Neill Mane McCall Marcia Kent ' Club I-SrS Roger Stebrna ' -Myra Kingsley- . ^ ' Copniial'nnn..- Jimitiy. Durante Marj Baye & Naldl Karen Cooper , liarry. .'Brooks Mildred Ijaw Mann--&. Khptt '. '; .■- LoS-' Ajidrilii ^amba Sii*ens ' joel. HerrSn Ore Frank Marl I Ore Con RouBf Dick Wilson Orcb B - Bizony Enemble - Jack- Dempse.v'fc Chris Cross Ore Zeb Carver D Baker Mu.'iicbinies, Diamond Ilorsesbor; Bob Hail Vivien Fay Vlctori.T Rano . Ross Sis Keltli Hall Sylvia barry- -, Harry -' Meeban ■, Jaroes B, Allison Four Rosa' Buds: BOOKING THE NATION'S LEADING INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE THEATRES EDWARD SHERMAM AGENCY NEW YORK PARAMOUNT BUILDINC BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. CALIFORNIA BANK BLD:e. 'Greenville Center («) Knockouts , of 194;i Spartanburg State (7) Knockouts of 1944 1 Jerry Wald Ore TENNESSEE Knoxville - Bijou (1-H) Talk' About, Gls -■- VIRGINIA Danyille Blalto (10) BerntVlcl. Spices- Roanohe . .Roanoke (8-9) Bernl Vlci Splcea - - Warner NEW YORK CITS Strand (t) Charlie Barnet'' Ore Ella' Mae- Morse Buiiny Brisffs - ■ Lowe, Kite & S (!i») Cliarlie .iiarnet Ore Lowe, ITite- & S ; -: JJiinny Bri'gga ',: Ella Mae'Morse ' PHIbADEtPHIA Earle <4) .Tommy, Dorsey ■ Ore , Gene Knipa Paul Regan Ed\vards .Sia cut) Vaughn Monroe Ore' •Mii^Tpiiy Syxfi', I>,orath,v Keller ' . Gil .Maisoh PITTSBURGH . Stanley (4) Vaughn Monroe Ore Murphy Sis Gil Maisoh. ■ Betty .Jane Smith (28) Tommy Dorsey Oro Gene' Krupa.' ..'. . Paul Regan Edwards Sis. ' ■WASHINGTON Eorle (4) Ladd 'LyoTi ,. Eileen RItter Oxford Boys Roxyettes :': Roxyettes-.; .'■..''-■ Dean Murpliy ,' .1;' Saniuels--, Paul Sydeil Eileen RItter KEW YORK CITY Music Ilnll (4) the. Nativity, ©boil' Cheer , ,. ROxy ■ (3) , Paul ijavalle Ore , Milton ;GrosB Jack Durant Hal 1,0 Hoy Maurice :li,occo Academy (31-3) Patricia Morl.'Son .. Collettc Lyons .l»n-ry & .1 Brandon Chester . Dollihin -iCo' D'aro. &' Corda.' ' CAMIJEN Towers (4.'«) - Nino cvhezKi ' Eleanor Bowers jBlainS ' Keldler iSls ' J'jr.lZAHHTII Liberty (3-6). Stanley Bums : , ',. Bob, ilopkms ., The .Mangims . ,1 W\se ais (1 111 . nil) l'\LI, RI^ ER Eniptiu: (1-3) ; Con' & -jC'onnie'; J'Ulia Cu-inmings Vi.r«trtla Weidler i " ti ■,ilar,vdilettes , ' ■ Seed White - Arthur i M Ilavel HARTFORD Stnto. (4-6) Lo'iils Prima' Ore Ted & Flo Vallet Silver Strealis SPRINGFIELD Court Sq. (3-5) The Reddingtona .1 Poms Hi, L o, J fe^Damp ^WASHINGTON Howard (3) Don Redman Ore Berry Bros , , „ ■i Cabin Gls Wliitsoii Bros ■ W00N8(K:KBT New Park (4-0) : Andrews Sis Harris Berger Heed White Milt Britton Ore .■■..W.OBCKSTER.:.: Plymonth (31-!!) The Reddingtonn TH, Ijo,. J , & Dame Cy Reeves ',. Ted ,« Flo Vallet Ted & Art Miller H J}van8 & liltty Cabaret Bills NEW YOKE CITY ■4 ' ...Alelers Bill Glass Oio Clftudla Kaye ' Bal Tabarla i Roy Douglas ." S Montniartrn Gla JAMES BARTON Earle, Philadelphia FEBRUARY 11 MBt.: AL WILSON KI>r>ll<: SHIXH AGISNCV . jfollie Tpwnd'.' ■ iJiirie' Oweh 1 ■ Artllur Benson Aiiurtrlnm Recite fit Vowell .Manlaca ■ Jerrj, Jlontaniia 13(1 Angle Kpntl 3 ■ 1 ArinaiKTtrs Ann Fvanclno ■ Aporn & ^Simmons- ■ .Tacl( Baprie Lou .Harold Oro FranU .Warren Oro, Bill. Bertblotti's Norma . Haymond La,ura Wilson Vincent Picirco Sally Goodwiii'. Rioya Gifford Will Quentmeyer Kosalle Grant: Billy BanUs Bobby Davis Frances : Henderson Chin wan Ylxi Travera Ol*ch •llmmy tt^ivyet'a Elaine Vincent ■ Marslia Fields . Brock ft'^^Dean Virginia Fail:- - Julia' Gertty ■ ^ Slnglnr WaiterB .. Bi eiiico Rolando v ■ Diorita & Velero Sarita Herrera .. Ale^itndro .Vilalta Juan Jose Saro • Pilar GonieK Cuarteto Llnlo El Morocco Ghauncey Grey Of Chiqulto Oro Andre Bodo Charlea Inwald Grecnwi4:li VIlluKe ■ Inn ...... Jackie Gleaaon. Dino *b Roasi - Mildred Ray GU ' Ned Harvey> Ore. Loa Rhutn boleros ; ■ Havana'^Madrlii . Chu-Chu Martinez Alberto; Torres t> ■ Jo.set CurbeUo ' Orch Carlos Varolas Ore Hotel Astor - fARtor .Roof) (Columbian Koom) Tommy Tucker Ore Joso Morand Ore : Cocktnll rnunse Dick, Kuhn Hotel ntitmont PlHxa (Glnss Hnt> Mickey Aipert ,Oro DiCk Buckley . Fiona .Vestcff Pat Abbott .Maria ' ■'. Nino Rhumba. Bd Hotel BiHniore Joiin .Hyldoft , ■ * :John Donohue . Arnold. Shoda Ruth Sltarr 'i)e-IcerH' (4) Ann Warren Hal Chase . R ny H e R t h e r t o n O r r Hotel Commoilorc (Contury Room) Eiiric. Madrlguera .0 P>rnando Alva . Nita' Roaa Bob Lido . , Caehita The .Grayson* ■ Dorothy Keller; ■ Rny Arnett . JoliniVy Muck ■ ■ MisHit*! Cion'ieT ■ 8 Dorothy Keller . MIah(»l Gonier Orcb Hotel Dixie (Pluntntlon noom) Al Trace Hotel EdUon Ryan^Barron Ore Hotel Ease^ House < Casino on l*ark) . Abe Lyman Ore/ Rose Blane Frankie GonYjors Stanltiy Worth Hotel Lexlniclon <II»\vnlina Rni) '. Lam jrdntlro Ore Leilani'."'' ■;' ^ .-■Mok-ihivna '.'. ■ .'' ' Al Mclntire ■ ,-■ Harold Aloma Moml Kai Kuiilol Youne . Hotel Lincoln : . (Hlue Rrtoin) Count . Basic Ore : llotcr McAlnln (MiirliYe Grill) Gladys: TeM Ernost'Hamory ■ ■ Johnny Messner Orc> Hotel New Yorker ; (Torrnw Rnom) Sonny Dunham Orc> l>ororh\ Clailo Don . Darcy , ; ■ Mnrv Jain:' Teo ' Bob • Russell Bob Ballard .. Jerrv. Mapes ^ Mnry"'.lane f-awspn Billyl Peterson; ' Art Paulson Orch Peter Kent Orch , .lintel I'urU. Crntrii, <rnro»nnt Gr«vp> Dannv Boekner Ore G & G Bernard , (Rnval IMlml Ragtime Smitty Flo Hart Frank' Rosati Linda Carroll Hot(>l ri>nnNy1vnntii (Caff R«nBP> Charlie spi.vak Ore Hotel ricrre (Cotillion : Koom) ,Myrus . Trwlii Corey The Robertos Margaret Scott .Forrest Goodenoufrh Kitty Ciawfortl St an lev iMolbn Ore (Cafe Pierre) : Ellen. Mitchell , Stanley Melba Ore Hotel IMaxa <rerHliin Room) jaHn Hoysrad.t , : GomcK & Beatrice Bob Grant Ore Hotel KnnseTeli , Guy. Lombardo Ore ; Waltcir Perner Ore. Hotel , njivoy rinzn iVafe Lnnnee) Ciemerite' Ore. ; Floriniia ■■ Joseph. Marvin -.Ore Hotel Siirrnlon (Satire Room) . nuncan" Sis,;'. . Bcr-tpar ' -. ;, Tino Val.entJ^.. ; Pat Cameron . ., Jerry Vanni King Johnson Ore, Hotel St. MorltE Dolores Del Carmen UfiTi Perrv Ore Hotel St. UeBis ' Carol Lyjiiio. ■ itudy ■ •Richanl>s ' ■ Michael W aril . Margaret Biirry Eileen Thpo.lpson, , Sharlec Munsler . , Edith Kandel. , ; Freddy Miller Ore Theodora Brooks Hc»tbS Tuft Vincent i Lopez , Ore,, Hotel Wiilvinri' Astoria Annamary Dickey R 0 d de n k o. &Z 6r i I ch Lina Romay . XavioT Ciigat.. Ore Mischa Borr Ore ■ ;Hurncune .- Ted Lewis & Ore Reed Sifters / Goraldino De Bols Paul White . Teddy .Hale Bebe Fox Charles Whltttet June Edwards . ilinini.v Kelly's Glendn Hope. Jeanne Lynne : Jo Ann Collier John Rockwood - ■.Butk&'2-^- ■ 'V:.' Terry Spike ■ ^ iienee ' MiUlred Truce' ROmei'o & Rpsita ■■ Carter As Ross Lorna Rhode : ;Joe Cnpcllo Ore Kelly's Stable Clark' Monroe. Ore Coleman Hawkins Clarence Profit 8 Dink Patterson Billy Daniels Miss Rhapsody . Ln ConKp Carmen Atnaya Sabicas", ! ' Antonio ■ iSs Leonoir Gloria■ ' BeUTionte; ■ ■Paco , ',',.■.■ G e f o.ii i m o' Vi 11 arIn o : Marta . DomiPguez La Mnrtinlfiue . Zero ^Mostel .■ Murtah : FJiH ■ ■ Martinlciueens Maxl . Bergere Ore. Soffissesi Ore Liilln 4)iiftrter. . Billv Vmo Cardini . ' : : Mazzpne & Abbott/ SheA; Raymqnd . Christian 1 :F:ah) ily'.;. Jlenry Therrien. Chartd■&■ tTupree'; ■'■ ■Una Cooper Adele Parrlsh , Don RIcGrane Orcb Jose ■.GortP». Orch - L» Vle PnrlHlenne Celeste fr'olrn V ; ■' l>enn Eildfe.V. Bddit^.. n,avi:s /■ ■. ■ WyhTi',!: ■■■'...■"■ y--. ■ Martha ICiiift,' .' '.■■■ IJoIa Ahdve , T.r ; ■ June AViVfiort' €!herry ■Brittori ■"■ -Hildn.V; Xjji'AhY'ii &> CfiKtetthil* Lou ISfnrtin Ore Monte t'nrln CuRinti , Dicii'- Gafpar're 0,rc ■ Mai'ff^'-;- ■ ■, SiiToleh'&, Rt>satl ' iSlay.iie'.XTunie Cantor's Bond B. 0. continued from pa^e. Z talent showed up as an added mag- net for the ' tKWiirgs.-- 'Thej ' cdiac from the city and from the many nearby communities, attracted by a rtiaraihon bond pitch without paral- lel. ■ Cantor arrived here from Holly- wood Thuiiday morning (27) and, together with Patlcer Maddux and Louis Lurie. San Francisco capital- ists, immediately got down to the bu-siness ol selling bonds until his Saturday morning radio stint, so- liciting promises of large bond pur- chases from bankers and financiers, civic leaders, social groups, union organizations and from Governor Earl Warren himself. , Admittance to watch the broad- cast was by bond purchase only. Once inside the studios, the audience \^ent for additional sales via trophy and song auctions, the purchases rang- ing from $25 to $10,000. NBC's largest studio was jammed from the start of the broadcast until- the finish, many m, the audience being reluctant to leave and offering addi- tional bond- purchases for additional Cantor entertainment. Sales From 46 States Bond pledges throughout the night came from over all the country with 46 states being accounted for; Among •the bids was a -long-distance tele- phone call from Rockford, Illinois, for a $10,000 bond. As Cantor reached' his entertain- ment peak in the waning hours of -Sunday, morning, the crowds which overflowed the studio during the three-- to six-hour stretch waxed more and more enthusiastic and dug deep' into their pockets. Cantor was selling as never before. : During the comedian's 24-hour spiel, more than 20 hours, of which were spent before the mike, his meals were served by George Mar- dikian. of Frisco's Omar: Khyyam restaurant, who also kept the coffee pot going for; the studio workers; In addition, Mardikian also plunged' heavily , in bonds, bidding high for Jap war trophies, and also served the noon "Half Million" luncheon for Eddie and: his.. host and' guests^ Cantor wasn't the only stay-upper during-the vigil.- Among those who labored throughout the day and night were John- 'W.- Elwood, general manager of KPO; Don Thompson, producer of the broadcast, and Noel Francis, who assisted him. Also on duty was the station's clerical, hiusi- cal, engineering, - and announcipg personnel, including even the Sales staff. Floyd Farr, top newscaster, and Larry Smith, network commen- tator, labored throughout the mara- thon as: the jammed crowd.? inter- rupted the planned eight-hour shifts of the staff. The first bond sale was made to the. 73-year-old mother of an Army private and a major who had stayed up all Friday night to be on hand when the bugler sounded reveille! More than 114 bonds were sold when a sailor came to'thiB micro- phone and told of his 114 blood donations. The crowd responded With a bond for each dQHatiol). ' OWl Beams Overseas Fiisco's new mayor, Roger D. Lapham, shipping magnate, greeted Eddie when the comedian stepped out of the Army tent at six o'clock. fimolen & Rosati Ralph Botgers Bd . Olil RiMimanlao Jaclt Richards Sadie Banan Joe liaPorte Ore Paris qui : Cliante Pierre de Caillaux . - Myrette Ponselle : S>lMe St. Clair Uiohard. ManiiinB Joanne Moraln Leonard Elliot. Irma Jurist ,Oueen -Jtary Naya Grecla - Vera Niva -+ Castaine &- ,Barry .■ Guy- Martin Girla Pat Clayton IrvlnB-Conn-Ore. • Peter Rotunda Bd . RoRcri* Cfirner ":- -Korn -Kobblers ■ -Harrv. T-.efGoiirt, Oi ,,- Papa ya Hawailans \M.CtOr Qutirt,et ■-: Harold Green Roi^3 .^lacLean'-■-'■ Phil D'Arcy ^'"Merrynialcerfl .. '. Sis Sehotb Oro Rnhan RIeil : Bei'nie, West- - Ppior^^ Hi.s : '--'. M:ixino Riilliyah ' , - 'Use'Bois — -Itei'ma,ii Chlttisoij- 3 '.TUIDts- Morilt ' Sammy's - llower.v fiay 90'b CJiiidle-^C'or'rififah T'-ralili riera.i'U -■ - .^itai'ty "'Rehlt^:--' iTack Rlreehf'ifi-' - ' 'fel)lvy*n Koot ' ^-Siiiyy ■'''■ ■ - W.nlter " -LiberaCO -Frei.1' ICp'fi-tinff . ■■ . Miorli riiili RliSs Smttli -Orch - Tiiverii-on-lireeii . Joe Uioardol Ore Tony's Trouvlllc cy Walter R-lta -Mpllna ■:. \ , AleX'Qiraldo Harry Le Roy .-, ' JMy -Bu.H Davie Clian^'l Club Viola Jeftersoti Hot Gha Drew Veraalllea Joe WaahlnBton Coolt & Brown Claudia WhoMor Socasaaa. Orii . . ; nwlght Plske Val Olman Oro I'anchito : ore - ■ I.U'-Cellla . . Coiday & Triano -l>avld. -Brooka ■ . --Irene, Hawtliorne- ■Dale Belmont ■ -, Marlon: Nlle.t , ' ' Villiiite narn ■ pick, :Thomai! : -Red River Dave ■ -K»tellft: Loring '.'. Tiny Gliitk . -..'-■ - --■' fliMTl dale Pop -Brqwhlee'a- H V Villnffe Vnneunril A|l)in.n;y Jones -' - CfinKor Dulo- - ;G\ver1- Tyne ' ■', '.: . JoO-.Thomas- ':' Wivel - Bob Lee. Carmen Montoya, ;■ iTommy Hayden Mile. Hlldoeh ■-.■: Gertrude . Hlld < The. Paulens- Harry .'tTorton ..Oro- Zanzibar.' Maurice Roceo Son & Sonny .' Bin Balleji! : . Ada Brown. & Wllda Sabby Lewis Orcb Patterson & Jacke'n Canay's Bd .. Cantor hardly had got his cy«s open when «-.wflmsii.caUed, a.«kwg,to buv a bond, "What denomination?" she was asked. "Jewish," she replied. Cantor read news broadcasts, did station-break announcements and kept the pace of the show at full tilt for most of the first 18 hours being {.ssisted only by Nora Martin' who helped out in the Vocal depart- ment. By four o'clock the quota of a million; dollars an hour for the 24-hour grind had been passed, and the tempo was still being stepped up. A chorus of 20 Chinese girls dropped in shortly before dinner time, and, after they had enter- tained, each girl bought a bond. At midnight, the city's visiting talent, corralled in part by Sam Rosey of MCA, began to show up Connee Boswell, appearing locally m "Cur- tain Time." put in an appearance accompanied by Chico. Marx. Also on hand were Romo Vincent, Henry King, Gene Sheldon, Joaquin Garay, Nino Milo, Don Kaye and his or- chestra, Bert Kalmar, Jerry Bergen,' and June Devereaux. The entertaitl'^ ors numbered more than 60, and' they matched the audience in going all-out for bond purchases. After 23\> hours of Cantor's continuous exhortations, the OWI picked up the broadcast and beamed it to the world's fighting fronts. Eddie gave the soldiers the news of the bond drive and promised them that America would not let them down. At 10 minutes to six, John El- wood took over to commend Eddie for his great show and to applaud Cantor's wife, Ida, who had stood by during her husband's long vigil. In :these closing minutes. Cantor reached new heights as a ladio figure. Speaking for himself and Elwood, his pledge to the men at the fighting front will be long re- membered: ■ "Every night, -before-I gro to sleep, I have a question I ask ; myself, A question I'd like to have Qur listeners engrave upon their hearts as it: is upon mine. 'What liave I done today thai is worthy ot the boy who lost his life in some far-off place, flght- ing::for me and the thiugs for which I stand?' '^And let's remember," Cantor - concluded, . $'not only the boys who gave their lives, but let's remember -the boys ivho want to live... and bring them safely home." Next day Cantor did not sleep. He spent the day thanking the fi lends who had made possible the : greatest record in bond-sellin-g - his-' tory. That night. Eddie took off for Hollywood, where he celebiated his 52d-birthday at home. ■ - ' -. NITERY GROUP ASKS NO TAX FOR SERVICEMEN Columbus, O., Feb. 1. National Tavern Owners' Associa- tion, at a meeting- here last week, indorsed-the Downey bill, exempt- ing servicemen from payment of amusement taxes. The group also passed a resolu- tion opposing the proposed 20% cabaret tax, and the pending Bryson bill, prohibiting wartime sale of any : alcoholic beverage containing more than -one-half of one percent of al- cohol-.". - Delegates from 28 states attended. New Class Coast Spot Hollywood, Feb. 1. One ot the film colony's earliest swank spots.'the Embassy clubc and adioining Montmartre. .is being re- furbished lor early opening. Jack. Fell, downtown operator- ot bistros, will trv to recapture some of its early glory and is dickering with Xavicr Cugat as opening at- traction. DICK FOY'S HOUSE Dallas, Feb. 1. Richard Foy, manager ot the Melba and Tower, now manager of the Palace replacing 'Walter M. Hensch^l. Replacing Foy is Hackler H. Riffe, former assistant at Majestic. Foy is a brother of Bryan Foy, the 20th-Fox producer and a son of Eddie Foy. being one of the original "Seven Little Foys" Of early vaude days.