Variety (February 1944)

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Wednesday, February 23, 19 J 4 PICTURE GROSSES 35 T. Dorsey Tilts 'Racket' to Record .000 in Chi; M Torrid 32G Chicago, Felj. 22, -f Bi^jije-.t receipts of tlie weelc ar? ccpecterl tu be clialketl up by tlie ■Oflentat theatre, hpuse::be:ing;jiieaclecl /or a record-breaking $35,000 With To'iiiny Dorsey-Geiie Krupa com- biiiaftuiri. da ^tl'ie stage ■,ai1cr'''RaG,k Mail.'.' Admissions have been tilted hli.sjhlly for the eneafJement and -six and . seven , shows' are bemt;' Riven daili' . to; acCominbdate ihc.\ crowtds. Across - . the'■ streets at. the . yhi tecl Artists, "Gjrl Cra/.y" siipuld hit neat $28,000 and ''Desert Song" «t the Roosevelt looks like strong $32,000. listimates for This Week Apollo (B&K) (1.200: 50-85)— 'Mack London" (DA) I2d, wk). Fair $7,000. Last week, snug $8,000. I'liicaso (B&K) t4,000; 50-85)—"No Tune Love" (Par) C3d wk) and, Phil rsesjui heading stage show. Smart , $45,000. Last .wfeek;. sturdy !54:4,0004 Gankk (B&K) (900. 50-85)— "Lodijer" (20th) (2d wk) and "Citv Stopped Hitler" (I'dr). Big ,f 10.500. Las-t week, okay $7,000 Gr^nd (RKO) (1,150; 40-83'— ■■"Btiller's Sister" , , (U.) : Snd- "Dho$t. Ship" (RKO) (4th week in Looph S(}eko with $9,QQ0. Last week, nice $8,000. Oiii-iital (Iiociuoi-) (3,200- 40-9=)) — ."Bai.'l<it.t M;iii" , (Col) , and .Tomriiy Doi soy orch on stage Record $55,000 and unheard of al this spot) tornflc. Last week, ''Career Girl" (PRC) and Clyde Lucas orch and Mariron Hutton on'stase. nice $23,500. I'alaie (RK.O) (2,.500: 40-85)— •'Hiniicr Higher" cRKO) and '•Rookies Burma" (RKO). Fine S17,- 000. Last week, bright $21,000 . l{o«seve(ti'(B&K) (1.300; 30-83 i-H "Desert Song" (WB). Strong s:!2,01)0. -. Last .week.. "Destination (W^') (4£h wkK/'da^Wy $15,000 lianis band. Ella Fitz?eiald, Inkspots others, on stage, <;ock $18,800 consid- erably over estimate, with better weather ciedited for upbeat. I'aramount (Tristates) OiOOO: 15- 55)—"Destination Tokyo" (WB). Strong .1.11 000. Last week, "Madame Cune" (M-G), $8,000.' Omaha (Tilstates) (2,000; 15-05) — ''ISTbrlhern Pu^■.suit'^: .(WB:)','; Heal'thy !!J!).,500. Last week, "Lassie Come Home'' (M-G) (2d wk) on moveovj-r and "Hi-Ya Sailor" (U), okay .$8,200 Brandeig (Mort Singer) (l.!)00; lo- ss)—"Oklahoma Kid" (WB) (rei.s- sue) and "Pistol Packin' Mama" (Rep). Good $5 500. 'Tender Com- rade" (RKO) opens today (Tuesday). ALi BABA' FAT .PHILLY - Philadelphia. Feb. 22. " Clearing weather over the weck- ei.fd,; Washington's Bil'teday^ ,np,(jf Ijotetit prodlict is .g, combination that's . building.. • up.. gro.sses. along- Philly's film rialto this week. Surprise of the week is being pulled bv "Where Are Your Chil- dren," which is near a house record at'.'SlahtaiC' y '. " Top money, however, goes to "Ali Rr)bj and the 40 Thieves." with giant $il,000 at Stanley. Kstiinates for This Wrck _ .,. , . Aldiiie (WB.) .;(1,303; M-TS)—"Lost Tokyo . I Ansel"'(M-G )„(2d wk).;' Holding its . . vno-,,-^ j!; = own with!$10,500 after gobd'$13,500 ii,^^'^:^;^?^'^^^^^ ^-8S '- opener last week:; ; ;', :. "V , :^ inl'liJS i^'P' >^"^'=i';v^^^'^'^^ ' .Vrcailia (Sablosky) (600; 35-75)^- $21,000 Last week fine $24,000. Thousands Cheer" (20th) (2d run) „-*-'""J.'? ■■'^U"'*'' .f^'-V'^i, <2d wk). Doing better than e.i)—"Gnl Cia/.y (M-G) Smooth week with neat $8,000. Last week, .$28,000.' Last week, "Gangs Here ' I ^nod <i7 800 (20th ( CSd wk). 5 daj.^ and ' Girl , " i,„v,i (WB) (2,500; 35-75>—".lane Cia7,\ (.M-G), 2 da>s. pleasing , Kwe" (20lh). Hefty $27,500. Last ■l!l 2,000, Woods (Essaness) (1,200: 50-851— .*'Rei,:eiige .■■" .(Moiio) and: "WInspering , F o 6 t s t e p s" (Rep). Snaupy $18,000. week, - Fighting SeaBees" (Rep) (4th wk). 5 da.v.s and "Zombies'' (Mono) and "Foot- stco>"' (Rep), 2 days, .solid $1:3.500. indpis 'Seabees'Wow $12,000, k; 'Joe' Hot 13}G, 'Lifeboat' Thin at lOG Indianapolis. Feb. 22 : Biz .has .tha.\ved .ouf .here .after 'last, w'eeU's. bliz'/.ard, wjth : most: attrac- lioii.s doing coi-respond)iigl.y better at the boxofliLO ' \ Guy Named Joe" is the holiest aiticle at Loew'.s. with a .IVoldoX'er likely.- "Fighting Seabees" is giving the Circle its best straight lllni grcss of year. Di.sappointment of the week is "Liteboat" at the Indiana. All ■.films wore hard hit by- storm in previous week . F:<.limates for This Week t'ir«'le (Kat>-Dolle) (2,800: 30-.')n i— ''Fightiii!" Seabees'' (Rep). A M,!,flii)g $12 000 Last week, "Lodger" (201^1) and 'Ghost Ship" (20th), so-so $8,700 in view ol weather Indiana (Kat/.-DoUc) (3,300: 30-.)0) : -7.=.''LirebDat"^ (20th) and "Weekend ■ -Pass" (20lh:), Tepid. $10,000 despite good notices Last w-eek, 'Desert Song" (20th) and "Rookie.s in Bui ma" (WB), $10,500. oke conMdei- ■■:ing weather;.: '/ ■ -■. .•■ .:;..::■ .;.. :;: .K«!ith'ii;: tIndio'V.: ; (1,200: ■SO-.pS ■ I'.My.stery ■: Si'oadcasf'..: (Bepi :,wi|h: ''RenU-o Valley Barn Dance" on stage. Hillbilly show for ' niet'tv .'ijQ.OS'O '. in ■fOTfrFtJ-ay-nroi)..^ . . W'eek,,.,t.hin --f^OOO ;toi- "Nig'lit ;Terrar'.': '.•;'({fld&.)';and'yaucie in ..saw time, Loew's (Loow'si (2,4,)0. 30-.50)— "Guy Named Joe" CVI-G). Territic $l;J..>00. droi5s night balcony ■.prices ' efl;ecti\-e: ■ this:,;, week. . noSw ... sti-aight 50c. : J-Ipldovcr ■:p.i-6bable;; :;L.ast .week,.-''Lost.Angel" '(M-G t aiJd' , "Beautiful . But -Broke" ':(Col ),..: fine ,$11,500 despite bad weather breaks. ■:. tri-ic :fKatz-Doite) (l,(i00;; 30-50).rrv' Whei e: Xrc Clrildren?", (Monof - aiSd ''■V.D'odoo Man"- (U ). . - Stout S'7,000;. fl.i-st i-Lin,: Last, w'eijli;-, —No TiiHQ.' &if Lcivij."' (Par); '.ainii-.:: ''jy][i.riesw'ee|!c^^^ (Pan, $4,500 on moveo\ei- week. "Madame Curie" (M-G) wound up'foiirth week with solid $15,200. Earlc (WB) (2,760: 35-8.5—"Tar- zan:'s" Desert Mystery".- (RKO) with Shep Fields oreh. Mary Healy and variety show on stage. Satisfactory $20,000. Last week. "Heat's On" (Col) plus James Barton and Ton,v> Pat,tor'.-, band, good $20,500 r»\ (WB) (2.245: 35-75)—'-Life- boat" (20th) (2d wk). Still plenty punchy w ith $20,000. Openei was -sweet $25.8(j()/ -\vit.h .addition $3,800 at Earle showing; KarTt6h (Goldniaii) (1,000;: 35-75.).^ ''Ciy Havoc" (Par) (2d run). Good $7,000. '-. Last week, 'Mohliny Come Latolv" (UA). fair $6,300 .second run. Keith's (Goldman) (2.220; 35-75) — "North Star" (RK0)-(2d run). Get- ting:.:flne-play on moveover - from. Mastbaun-), with about $8,000 antici- pated. Last week. "Happy Land" (20th). pale $4,700 for second run. Mastbaum (WB) (4.692: 35-75)— "Desert Song" (WB) (3d wk).. Drop- piiiEi to laiijsh $16,500 Second week was so-so $18,800. Stanley (WB) (2.915; 35-75)—"Ali Baba" (U). Escapism luring them ip to the tune of .smash $26,500, plus big $-1500 for Earle Sabbath showing (20). Last week, ''Fighting Seabeoa" (Rep), fair $12,800 third sesh. Stanton (WB) (1.475: 35-75) - 'Where Are Children" (Mon) Tfrrif $10.500.. and may break record hero. Last week. ''Jack London" (U.\). okav $8,700 for third trip. week, "Thank Lucky Stars" (WB) and "Happy Land" (20th), $5,000. jVIichigan (United Detroit) 14,000!- 55-75)—"Riding High" (Par) and "Mine Sweeper" (Par) Banguo S2G - 000. Last ..week, ."Whistling Brook - lyn" (M-C;.) plus'. VaUghn .Monroe orch on .stage, robust $39,000i Palms-Slate (United Detroit) (S.OOO;. .55-75)—"Cry' Havoc" IM-G i I,and-"Swing jFever'' (M-G) (2d \vk)'. Olcay $.15,000 after .husky $19,0()0 last; :-v\'eekv', I'nited Artists (United Detroit i (2,000. 55-75)—"North Stai" (RKO I. and "Timber Queen" (WB». Nittv $17,000. Last week. "Curie" (M-G) (3d wk), big $14,000, 'Guy Joe' Solid I LViUe Louisville, Feb. 22. '■'■ Downtown houses are in "for a .strong session tins week, witl-i: weather ifactor favorable over the weekend. Rialto. opened a-day early .(Wednesday) v^'lth; ; "Litebbati". - all: house.s co-operating on a big bond sho w.: Adniission Avas \the'. piireKase:! of a bondilro.m.:$2.5 ilpr.. 0.f the:regCi- lar :ruh.'i. ''Guy Named .Jcie," singJe- billfd at Loew's State, is pacemaker, "Lifeboat'' was -off to ;.a big. send'ofl' following the bond show, and is moving at a profitable pace. 'Career Girl" and Smiley: Burnette, heading, vaude on the National stage, are doing a grand week. .: . ;; ;, E'timates for This Weok - Brown (Loew's-Fourth Avenue). (1:400;:: ,30-50).—^"Government:.. Gi rl" (RKO) and "Week-End Pass'' (U!, Combo doing: nicely on moveover at $4..)00. Last week, "Butler's Sister" (U) and "'Moonlight Vermont" (U), fairish $3,500 on moveovei-. . . . .i -. KeMtuckv: ■ (Svviti)w): (1,200; 1 a-25) —"nai)py "Land" (20th) and "In Old Oklahoma" (Rep). Alright ftl.700. Last week. ."Hostages" (Par) and "Gal Cra/.y" (M-G) average $1,600. ; I,oeTv's Slate (Loew's) (3,300: 30r .50)—"Guy Named Joe" (M-G). Knocking bn : door, for .solid' $14|000.' Last week "Lost Angel" (M-G) and "Beautiful But Broke" (Col), hurt by; bad weather;; but managed fairly good $11,000. Mai-y Anderson (People's Thea- tres) (1000: 30-,50)—"Fiisco Kid" (WB) (reissue) (2d wk). Still pull-; ing yn shekels, okay $4,000. Last week, fine ,$5,500. National (Standard Theatres) (2,- 400; 50-75)—"Career Girl" (PRC)' and Smiley Burnette,.. othei-s; on stage. Staste-fare is patron's this week. Looks like brisk $12,000. with five show-'s Saturday. Last .week; "Women in Bondage" (Mono) anc:! Pinky Tomhn. others, on stage, me- dium $10,000. Rialto (Fourth Avenue) (3.400: 30-: .50)—"Lifeboat" (20th). Plenty of buildup in newspapers on the -boiid 'howing (Wednesday), and impetu.s IS helping Pacing for stuidy $13 000. week, ''Government - Girl"' (RKO) and "Week-End'' (U), went tip over expectations for grand $14,000 aiYd moveover. ,'.::. : .. ^ Strand (Fourth Avenue) (1,400: SO- SO)—"Spider Woman" (U) and "Call- ing Dr. Death'' (U). Horror con-ibos are hot stuff here; fast $().O0O. Last week. "Cra7,y" (U) and "Al- drich. Boy Scout" (Parj .so-so $4,000. \ Rain, Hail Dampen L A.; In Our Time Rich $50,000,3 Spots, 'Russia! Same In 4, lady in Dark' Terrif 48G, 2d .wa.v' Tbmorrbw"; (RKO'. Big bally; some help, but only good $11,000 la likely. Last week "Butler's Sister" (U) (2d wk) great $6,800 for four days. Roosevelt ...(Sterliiig) ■ (850; 40-75)- - "Gung Ho" (Uj (2d wk). Bii! at $6.- 000. Last week "Acquaintance" (WB) (3d wk), smug $5,300. Winter Garden (Steilintii (800; 15- iiO'i—"Sahara" : .(Col) . aiid ' '''Lijidy Takes Chance" j.RKO) (3d run). Big af- $4 500. Last week "O'Rouikc" (WB) and "Best Foot" (M-G), $4,600. 'DESERT SONG' LOUD 24G, D. C. ■.:.:;•;■ ■.Washington:rFob,:-2l'.^ ; ,.Gdod,..\yeatlier.and forte attractl.()ns have put the downtow n hou.-os in high gear curiently Capilol will lead :.tliie.first rim. theatres'w'ith vaiide and "Song of Russia ' "T-ic Deseit Son«." at the Earle. is top straight filmer and only a step behind. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew) (3.434; ;t0-6fi)— "Song of Russia" (M-G) with vaude headed by Kathryn Grayson. Wow $27,500. Last week, "Uninvited" (Par) with vaude. trim ,$25,000. Columbia (Loew) (1 234, 30-66)— ."Biding High''. (Par). Looks good. $6,000. Last week. '-Madame Curie" (M-G). Boff $9,600. Earle (WB) (2,240; 30-90)—''De.sert Song"' (WB) Go6d notices will send this ,ohe to :fane3' $24,000..' Last.week, ' Miracle Moigan's Creek" (Par) (2d wk), excellent $19,(500 Keith's (RKO) (1.800: 40-65)— "Tender Comrade" (RKO). Ginger Rogeis opus looks sturdy $18,000. Last week. "Butler's Sistei" (U) (3d wk), great $10,000. Metropolitan (WB) (1,800. 30-65)— "Miracle Morgan's Creek" (Par). On moveover red hot $8,000. Last week, "Frisco Kid" frei.ssue), neat $7,600. Palare (Loew) (2.242; 30-66)— '-Jane Eyre" (20th). Slugged by erix but will get better than average S20.- 000 Last wgek, ''Standing Room Onlv" (Par) (2d wk), satisfactory $14,500, Omaha Fast; 'Miracle' Smash $13,000, Leader ■'■ ,\ . "OA.. ..■■'.-<::;, ;t)mnha.:(*ol.).'-.22.;;.: . ■ OrplieiiiTi 'bacic ; 'td;.do(i!JlOi fc!*.MW'<?' .iiTs.tea.ql of ..<!t£ige..-fiiio.w'. ■tbi..'i''':-.>vo(.'K ; feoa5ls..for ii'oek-se>-i?i6ii:: ttnth:.'''-Mitacj,e.- Vii'", ..Mo.fgii«.'s.'■ CrGok''.- '-aiVd-. '.'Larcen-y ■. With; Masic.".,: ■ :''.DAstifl£ition '■■Tdk.yc''- ■■siti.g;le ...i'.cattir'ed-.-.sit -the... PtU-anlpuiit,. liioks,slr((ng.aIs-,(5.'■.-■;':"■ '..- i'':' 'i- E.slhnati's f(M' This Week Orplicum (Tii^ (3,000: 15-5ji ,—r''i\'Iirac(e :.' M&r.gan.'s.- CVeek" , i:Piir,» ..-and-'■'•■ta-i-doViv' .liiti.sie.'.'' :itji,'-"Snrts.:';.!-: $13,000, La.--t week (20-05) "No\ci DuirilVIoraeht'' -(tJ -^VRh: Coo{ie^:Wi,ls- 'Jane Eyre'Lush $37,000 In Offish Det; 'Riding' High $26,000rStar^47(i Detroit. Fob. 22. /, . Wmtcv weather and start of Lent probably will see a decline:in grosses; hero- this week;...Plenty :pf'ri prod;-: uct with the Fox moving into the big brackets \('ith "Jane Eyre" and "Sing a Jingle." Michigan is up. there too' A\Sfh'.''... "Ridii-ig ..'High''and."Mil.J.e; Sji-eeper.': with ..tli'e:'. Unilecl. :.Arlist^ s.ho\vi,h|!. stieiigth .with' "N(3rtH: Star" and "Timber Queen^" Estimates for This Week .\<lanis (Bal.iban) (1.700: 55-751— "Gtin.g Ifo" (U), and ."Cdwbc)}' ,Cah- teon.'-v (Col). (2d -wk), .:Moved alter- busk week at Pox. choice $10,500; La^t w-cek ''Lilitboat" (20lh) and "She's, for'.Me''" '(U> (^d 'wlc'i.' okay li^m), :': :'■..:: ■. :; ■ ■'■ Br»<idu-av-Capilol (United DdioitV 12.,«00:.'55:-75 )-:^''V6'6dboA^^ a;ivd : '^-Gliosf .-v Sttip"' .(RKO); Fhif. .SlOiUOO; Eiist. M■.■ee.k;.^■'^■pclitler^ Cciri-i-^ i'yde" : .(RKO,) : and.-;'^Aldi-ich ' Bpy, Scotit'' -.(Par ) .(3d wk), swilehed t'l'oni .i'S-fphigan . £pi'.; ^loidoo;" ,;.V . t.,.-'f;.*j.\:-' (Fd!jfMi(ihi.K'iin V (5',0,()0:., 5.5:s'75 ) ■i '-^'-'j£ii-ie'--'F,yfe'' ., ■(20lh )•:"■■ ;-in:d''> "Sin:g ! j;i,nL!l<!r; ''U):-;.Strong , $37>0QI),'; Last j .teekv "Guiig; ilo" .:(U)'. :;vn'cl,'''Co\v 1 Cant.e(;h'.''-''' (Cot)-.'.-.bettered ckpecta-' ;ion.- at -.vow $:i2.-0()0. i':., . ' :'. ■ >ladistill (United Detroit i :(:l.B00r ,V?^V.>)-^''PrincC,ss ' p'Rbi^irke': .''B ■ .:.-ynd - ••Jobiviy. Come Laicl.v" lUAi. .■:Biick ;'i»j ;iciisp -.fb-i' ■'g(jod'-|4ii.£((}r:'I'ast 'DESERT' SOCKEROO $22,000 IN SEATTLE Seattle, Feb. 22. Top dough this week is fo,r "Desert Son.a" at the Orpheum. with "Hiaher and Higherl merely good at the ParaliVount.. despite.:plenty of bally- libo, ."(Tlurie' 'is big, pn , Filth Ave. holdover,,., bvit '.'.Btitler's :Sisl.e.i-'.' , is f-eh stronger' in 'third session at the t!s1^ Box. ; 'Estihiiites lot''Tlri^Week . Blue Mouse (Hamrick-Evorgrccn i (800; 40-75i'—"GhOst Ship" (RKOi an:! "Doctor Death Calling" (U) (2d wk '. Fair $1,500 in lour;.days. Last week, rounded in -fair,.$4,300. Fifth Avcnne (H-B) (2,349: 40-75) —■Curie" (M-G) (2d wk). Big $11,- 000 Last week, great $16,500. tiberty (J-\H) (1,650: 4fi<j5i — "Return 'Vampire" (Coli and "Ghost Walks" (Coll. Solid at .$i).j00 La.-l . wetik .''What ,;ia - Wbnian" (Coli: '-(Tt^ ■ w:k). steacl.'y .>(;.300. for; fiine 'da.ys. . ' Music Bax iil-ij:) (850: 40^751:^ "',s.,Siste.r'' (U ). (Scl. wk i.'Groat ?$7,t)0o:'. ':'LaKt. - W:eek' ,'-Gbv(!fiVmcnf ■Giri" ::i;BfiO',)' -(4t:h \s'k),.. oke ?S:).800 .iti.'.l'o.Lvr ,day;s..;:: ■ :..' .■:■;■.."■:..; ' v';Miiiiie:HalI-.-fH'-i:i '(2,200i:'40-75)-^ .:''.'\ro.iib(i...,War.rcl'-' ft S-KQi .,an«'l- ,'','\Iit>er-' sw-ecpcr"' (Pari'.", .Gopiit .$8,,.5.iJ0.' '.ta«t' ,wecK:i'r(oUric": jM-G<:i SSwell'iSiijOO;:;-:: Orpheum (H-T^i (2.600; 40-7o1— ,'':DCj^ei't ■Song" /(-\ifB).:-,S)tiash. $a2;(J00;.' ''or ■h'C>ai>..,.und'iiiay break rocoi'd.'iLasit . weftk "'Guiig. Ho^'. ( U t,;,i2d wk.i, 'gi-eiil S9,,DP!)':■^^f;:tivci^day?i^.: ;,-,■,: ., ■.';.:; "Cov' 'Cv i.)t-bj;*K'' f-C'at) (jKis V»id'}!.' >Iicti,. S3.5()();,',,.',-LiiJ4-.<Kee)^;-,'^ Pai-.a(-le'''.i.Miiu'o,i' .pl.u'.s--Stage.-;ShbttS::('il."e. ;S9;()0()'::': ■ .'■:.:- ■■■ ::. .". ..:'.' ' :. ' \' Paramount (H-Ei (3.039; 40-751 — "Hwhoi, Higher" (RJvO) and "Gang- 'Miracle' Fast $17,000 Denver Ace; 'Seabees' Bright 18iG, 2 Spots Denver, Feb. 22. "Ghost Ship," backed by Geor,ge White'.s VScahdals,'! at (ji-pheum'.has. the :t pp- theat rev gross.: th is wbck. .^biit- "Sliraele of ., Mbrgan's' Cree.k.,'':'^at. the smaller Dei'i.harn,, really the,:st:and- out "Fighting Seabee-s." day-date at Denver and Esquire, has best eom- bine<l total. :,';: .l!..'■■■'':'.' :.,'" Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (J.400; :;IO-65)— ''Lifeboat" (20th) and "Swingtime Johnny"'. (U). after week at each Denver, E.s-qinie Good $()..500. Last wreek; .''De.sert,, Song",,, (WB)': and 'Whispeiin!> Footsteps'' (Rep), fiom Denver. Esquire, big:$8;0n0: Broadway (Fox) (1 040. 30-05) — '.'Cry .Havoc" (M-G): and "Career Girl'-'' (PRC), alter . week : at Or- pheiuiri.. Nice $4.(j()0. .: Last vveek. 'North Star" (RKO) and "This U Washington" (RKO ).^ after. Orpheum week, okay $,j,500 ' Deiiham (Cockrill) (1,7,'")0; 30-00) Los Angeles, Feb. 22 : >Hail' and- rain , stormsbver, th«, .. W?eekei,t,d :,-, shrunk-. ,film .gr6,S!ie'.s io, % low ebb, blow being the most .severs suffered' by; ,first-runs''here in soma, time: ' Holiday prices todav , iWash- :in:S'tQn's: birthday:) ' are ,.ejcpected io' ,:help .but.not. compietely ..reipeil.y tha, damage. ''In Our Time," more or less over- .■oo-i-niiig. th..e iiiitsbasoi-ia'ble'''\veather;, .1* : strbiig;; ,.jt ,,$50,000 iir, ' three, house.s-, ■w'hile'-. ..''Sorig'..(*f....Sussifi," ,i.s- 'rio.t too forte at the same figure for four theatres. Cab CallowaV band willV ,';Snjartr,Guy" .:is doing sn-ia.shV:$3'p,.00()^ a; Orpheum despite stpri.ri.. ;.: ''; .';' :. :.. SliU sen.sational is "Lady in lha Dark," which looks giant S48,000 on second stanzas at the two Para- mounts alter terrif $67,100 (w-ay ioi'er ;.esliri-iates), .to.v.crj(ck. ;;all :'i;fc:coi^^^ at the two spots. May even go higher on holdover - if skies clear. Estimates for Thist Week Caithav Circle (F-WC) (1,516; 4,V- 00) - "Song Russia" (M-G( attd "Whispering,Footsteps" (Rep):' Okajj-.:' •$().5()0;o' ;Last : week, '"Jane' , Eyr^"- ■ ('20th:):' and: '.'Men.: 0n M ind'', (PRC),' nice $6 500 Chinese (Grauinan-WC ) < 2.034: 45-90)—"Song Russia" (M-G) and "Whispering Footsteps" (Rf;p). Good $13,000. week. "J_ane Evre" (20th) and "iVfen oTriMmd" "(PRC), excellent $15,200. Downtown (WB) (1.800: 45-90)—, "In Our Time" (WB). Forte .$21,000 despite ram. La-^t week, 'De'-'ert: Song" (WBi (.kl uk). okay S13.500. Iilsyplian (F-WC) (1,545; 45-90)—" "Iron Major" (RKO) and "Escape ta Danger" (f«KO) (2d wk-4 days). Light $3,500. Last weelc. a\crags $8,650 Four Star (UA-WC) (900: 83- $1.10) — "Song Bernadette" (20th) (2d wk). Nice $4,500. Last week,; .!realthy.$5,660."- , , ■ '..•■ :-'^ ■■:■■' -■;:: Haw-aii (G&S) (1.100; 40-8.>)— "Return of Vai-npire" (Col) and,, ' Crime Dr.'s Strangest Case" (Col) (4lh wk). Oke $3,000. Last week, below estimate at $4,000. Hollywood (WB) (2.7.56; 4-5-90)— "In Our Time" (WB). Fine $16,500. Last week, "Desert Song'' (WB) (3(J- wk). finaled w-ith $8,500. Los .Vnffcirs (D'town-WC; (2.200; 45-90)—"Iron Ma.ior" (RKO) and 'Escape to Danger" (RKO) (2d wk- 4 days). Neat .$8,500 in tour days, : La>l week, solid .$21,000. Orphcmr- (D'town) (2.200; 45-85)— "Sinart Guy" (Mono), with Cab Cal- loway oreh on stage. BotTo $30,000. Last week. "Crime School" (WB) and ''Girls on Probation" (WB) (2d w-k-(i days), good .SlO.OOf!: , :: Pantages : (Pan), (2,812; ,45-90)—: "What a Woman"'(Col) ('2a, w'k) aiidl' "She's Foi Me" (U). Profitable S14.- 000. Last week, with "Rac'iet Man" (Col), beat its day-datei UiUstieet with profitable $23,700 Paramount (F&M) (3 389 45-90)— "Lady in D,irk" (Pan (2d w-k). :iStrdiig; $31,000 ih ,{ace Of ".rain.., Latsl;: 'week,",smashed, .all recprd.'i.i, with'^: gi-^; gantie $43,500, and over' tol'ecast.-s. . Paramount Hollywood (F&M) (1.- 451, 45-90)—"Lady in Djik" (Pji) : (2d' ,wlc). .. Great at: ,S17,onO, damp- ness not .hurting.^ week.: record.^' tumbled with tremondou.s $2:!,600, wav over expectations. KKO llill»,ti'cet (RKO) (2 090: 45- 90)^'"What a Woman". 'jGoi )■ • aiid "She's Foi Me" (U) Fair S13..5()0. week, with ''Racket iVfun" (Col), not uo to expectations at MS 000 Kit/ (F-WC) (1,372 45-901—'lion Miijbr". (RKO) and ''Escape .to.Dan- ger' I RKO) (2d wk-4 flnvsi So-so $3,000. Last week, nice $(i.(;00 ^liracle of Morgan's Creek" (Pan; Sii-iajsh $17.00(5. H()ld?y ' Liist : week. "No "Time Love" (Pur) ■.(4th 'wk.) and: i ■."Aldrich. Boy . Scou t''. ( Pa r): I 'id wk) i-gpod'$8;500.:' ■ :-.'.'^":. ■:. :Periver ' - (Fox) . (2,.52.5.;::;. 30-65)^: ''Fi.ahting. . Seabees" ,.■ (Rep;) '■■:and , '^BeautiTuI 'iBut: Br(*e--,*. (Cbi ), day-; date,'' w>!t,h.'.-E.s.,c(uiro. ;. Kice.' ■■■,$1..4,'.5.O0.. I; Last ■ .Week. ■ -'.'Life'bpat" .(2bti).) . .-and ! '-Swingtime Johnnv''..;:(U),..'5Saitie '/ a.-i- j- E.sdUire'V n'ice. S14.0()0,. ' ' ■ ,-; .' ■-■,'„ ■ '■' Esquire (Fox) i742; 30-65)-- ' '-■Fig'Kting, '-. 'Seabees'',,;(Rep.r;^^ "Bt'atiUi'ul:,6rolce";',tCbI),,;alsa^^^^^ ; Deliver; ' Pin.e ,:'$4;()00;.- Last week; ' "LliiebriJit" -:, ('2(5l!,-i-)' 'and ' '''Sw'i,rict,ime ' Johhh.v''. tU). also Dcn^-er;; $3,400.' Orphpum iRl-'.Oi (2 GOO- 30-65)— ;r.':Ghof^t: ship','' RKO,) ' ,,«hd;';-George i .White'.s, '*ScnncIal.-i" on ' So'cko $18;fl()G.^ " List - vveck:': '"CrV ' llavbe'" :''.'(M-Cji.; -arid '''Civcct '!G\\!V''-' ■(PpCIJ;- ;:■ hi'pe:S):2.8()0 l'or;()'i,2 :dayii;^,;'-:." Parainonnt,■ (Fox ,i ,(2.200: ',3n-,5'0)-i-: ;,' "..■\i-b,iijid ,Wor,ld".; i P tCO I ,:anol ''.■■R'aetipt. ": Man:',' ■', (Cpl),, ■. ;;Stp'i;rt; '■ :?!l0.nOOV,- ::Lasl .;^ w(*ok;-;',<;',Jnck ■; LtiiicU^^^^ (UAJ', iuid .,: ,'"'.\Ioo,iil)!;fit .,S/ci'in6iit:,'" '(Ui nice; /■■'SflO/;■;.,-■: :;■■;■ ',„'. : .'■■:y--''y'i: ■ ;.- Kialto:;^l«'6*:.) :Jfl;78; '30465')—J'besert ;;.. ,$aiTg';';''i'W;B)''-a.i)d. .'!W:h^ Fiwt- '■ ,:.<V(3p.-i":,, ;;'i':tlep'):'' ,'\''i'a ,':Dp'nV;cr.;''',Fi.s'litli;!'e. ,v ,'Alafidiii;, ;roule,. ; ;Cpdd ;:.''-i3i.'i()(J.-., 'Tiast :v:':;c'ck,., :'"i3e,.st,.i.nati;0n:,, ,T.ol,cv(i"':,;.iWB i', ,: Donveiv, ;E's(ltiire;,. Alruldin. 'a.ti(l :. SNeaftjt- jXff'i mqmy.^Mm: .S3.,f!0O.' ;- stale iLoow'S-WC) ('2.'204-45WP^ "Song Russia" (M-G) and "Whis- n'ijrirjt'.' ;F.Ootsto,ps" (Rep)., ^Avei'age; .S23.000 Last week. "Jane Evre" C^Oth) and "Men on Mind" (PRC), okay ;'$24,700, '; with. $3,400', frbi-rt: Jtll-/ ■ni'ttht-'flolicv..' .':''■';-■: I'nitcd Artists (U.\-WCi (2.100: 85-$1.10)—"Song Bernadette' (20th). (9th wk). Nice $7,500 after $9,000 la^t week. I'ptown (F-WC) (171) 45-90)-.-: .'-Son,Ru.ssi;'i'.', (M-G)' aikl '■■Whispeif. ■iri:g; Fooistoii.s':'- (Rep.)v,,--M<)Aest;:S7M50^^^ but profit.'-' t,ast ;-weM5...:".>ahe' Evre'^:: -:(2oth) Vji'n,^; '^Men^-oa' Mind"; (IPRO,' talliCti '$8.300..■;,:,.■::■ ';.-: ', ■.'■::,'"■ " '.- : .;.wiishire;: tp^wc;);,(2.296; 45-901;— , ".iane, Etro'', (2ftth.);.' .SbcaiKl .Jeature^ drbppCci. ■ for,:: iii'-.o: .:,' Li'kable'. .S'(i,DOQ'.:': ;tia.n ■ w.eebv-..'. "Li'feho'a't"-'-.' (aath'i',- anfl.- "'iG'hb.s't. W-iHw".' .iCol.)': ;.(2d-,.-.; wk)-;' ro- ' .toust/So.ObOi'-' : ■■': ■■. .' ':: :■ , :'-Wjlterai ;(,WB) ::,f2;50a:<: 45-90'i-4VIni'. ■,Otii- ; Time" ,-'(iW;B'). -St-uriiy-. S'Vl'iinO.-' i Ga-t,''wfeejc ''Desert'- S,osl''i'",'',(',.WB,'i 'v('3d ;,w-,k'i:-;,b.0Av,6d <)ut with oka.v 30,1); JUST HIS FIT Hollvwooil, Feb 32, ',;',; Sj cliipy.,', ; C/reoristreet;; ■' ■'Wav'nci's^:; ■ h'eav'j-We'.j,eht-,,fieriy,.y.';;dt-a'v.-..v .'f,he;.tif1'i;" ■rtole;' iiv',"I'he '.Fat': itniir' described;, .as ■fi, ;psy'cfKti()Kical-rnw;stei;y .dran-^ ,-, '■,;F)"a.n.k ,'Gi',ui'>(?,i', ls,,.,doinc'-:(.He sierc't^p;--' .::pla.w''M;,'.ftre,du'etiojil 'Jwi'Jv.'.Wala.