Variety (March 1944)

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Wednesday, March 1, 1911 PICTURE GROSSES IS 'Gung Ho,' Bangup $25M Leads Chi Filmers; 'B'klyn'-Herman Strong 52G Chicago, Feb 29 -f Despite Iicnt, indications point to good giobses. all over Loop this week "Gung Ho," at the Palace, looks strong '1)25,000. "None Shall Escape," cm Brst full week at the little'Gar-; lick IS v\ow $21,000 Chicago, with ' Whistling in Brooklyn" and Woody Herman orchestra on the stage can't , miss $5^,,O00v while/the Orientali:;wiyi: ''Woman..o{ the Town" arid Datite.'bn IS headed Jlor fine $24,000. ' Gii 1 Ci azy" continues good at the United Artists with $20,000 in second ■■■W^el5x>'" :::'V ".['.' '■' ■..i^v-':'';,' Estimates fon This Weeic Apollo (B&K) (1,200, 50-85)— "Ciosb Lorrdine" (M-G) and "Mine- sweepci ' (Pai). Nifty $12,500 Last week Jack London" (UA) (2d w'k) 4 davs, and •Loiiaine" (M-G) and "Minesweeper". (Par), 3 days,: slick $12,000 Chicago (B&K) (3,900. .50-85)— v"Whistlihg,. Bropklyn", : (M-G), and Woody Htiman oich on stage Strong $52,000 week ' No Time Love ' (Pan llri wk) and v,iiirip hill hn.irl- ed by Phil Regan, stiong $45 000 Ganiok (B&K) (900 50-83)— . "Noiie .Sftajl: -Escape"- -(CoDSniash :$2l,Q.0D. ;. .Las.t- v^eek- 'iodg^r" (20th). (2d wk), 5' days, and "City Stopped Hitlei" (Par), and "None Shall Es- cape' (Col), 2 days, hea\j $15,000 Giand (RKO) (1,150; 40-85)—"Tai- zan's Desert Mystery" (RKO) and "Sultani Daughter" (PRC). Giand $10,000. .Last ;week "Butler's .Sister" lU) and Ghost Ship" (RKO) (4th week in Loop), $9,000. . Oriental (Iroquois) (3,200; 40-85)— "Woman of Town" (UA) and Dante, mamtiaii on stage. Fine $24,000 Last week "Racket Man" (Col) and Tommy Doisey orch on stage, lec- orci-bicaking ,,56,000, teirihc loi this spot. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 40-85)— "Gung Ho" (U) and "Swingtime Johnny" (U). Big $25,000 La&t week "Highei, Highei" (RKO) and "Rookie Burma" (RKO) (2d wk), sparkling $17,000. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500: 50-85)— "Desert Song" (WB) (2d wk) Staunch $24,000. Last week great $31,000. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700, SO-85)— •Cuiie" (M-G) (6th wk). Solid $20,- 000 Last week excellent $24,000. United ArtisU (B&K) (1,700, 50- 85)—"Girl Crazy" (M-G) (2d wk). Robust $20,000. Last week smooth $27,000. Woods (Essaness) (1,200; 50-85)— Re\enge Zombies" (Mono) and Whispering Footsteps" (Rep) (2d wk). Snappy $14,000. Last week bulliant $18,000. "Lost Horizon" (Col) (revivals), Sur- prisingly big $7,000. Last week, "Lifeboat" (20th) C2d run), leaky $4 500 Lyric (RKO) (1400; 35-65) — 'Fighting Seabees" (Rep) (2d uk) Swell $7,000 on heels of $12 500 kiclc- ofl, for season's record in this thea- tre Palace (RKO) (2 600, 35-65)—"Gu\ Named .Too' (M-G) Gieat $19 500 Last . week. 'iTender Comracie ■ (RKO), big $17 000. Shubeit (RKO) (2100; 35-65) — "Tender Comrade" (RKO) Movp- dv'ei'.. ■■Nifty $6,Q00. - .'Lgisf. '..wisek;, "Cuue" (M-G), fourth downtown sesh, five days, slbw $3,200. lodger' Super $12;500, Seattle; love' Smash 19G, 'Desert' 12G, H.O. -SeatUe,-Fab,-2a.- ' No Time for Love" is the big gtosser cuirently with smash total at the Filth Ave, but "The Lodgei" is raj:e,d .serisalionai at ;the Music HaU, giving that hbi,ise. its .biggest session, in weeks, "Desert Song" continues strong on second steuiza at the Or- pheuiti. : ■ Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (Hami ick-Evergieen) (800, 40-75)—"Curie" CM-G) (4th wk) Big &6,000. Last weelc, "Ghost Ship" (RKO) and "Doctor Death" (U) in tour days fair $1,900 rifth Avenue (H-E) (2,349, 40-75) —"No Time Love" ■(Par); Smash $19,000 Last week, "Curie" (M-G) (2d wk), lant> $11.300 Music Box (H-E) (850; 40-75)— ' Butler s Sister" (U) (4th wk). Solid $5 500 Last week, grand $6,900 Music Hal! (H-E) (2,200, 40^75)— 'The Lodgci" (20th) and "Rookies Burma" (RKO). Sensational for this house at $12,500. Last week, "Around World" (RKO) and "Minesweeper" (Par), nice .$8,700. Libritv (.J & vll) (40-65)—"Re turn Vampire" (Col) and, "Ghost Walks Alone" (Col) (2d wk). Trim $8,500. Last week, hot $9,000. Oipheum (H-E) (2.600, 40-75)— "Desert Song" (WB) (2d wk). Great $12,000 after last week's sensational $22,800. Palomar (Sterling> (1.350, 30-75)— "Unknown -Guest" (Mono) and vaude. Fair $8,500. Last week, swell $10,700 for "Cowboy Canteen" (Col) and stagebill. Paramount (H-E) (3,039, 40-75) "Iron Ma]0i" (RKO) and "Aldnch Boy Seoul" (Par) Good $10,500 Last week, "Higher Highei" (RKO) and 'Gangway Tomorrow" (RKO) tall $12,000 Roosevelt (Steiling) (800, 40-75)— "Higher Highei ' (RKO) Moveo\er from Pai amount Big $5,500 Last week„.''G.ung Ho ' (U) .(3d wk), great $6,200, . Winter Garden (Sterling) (800; 15- 30)—"Girl Cia7V" (M-G) and "Young Ideas" (M-G) (3d run) Good $4,000. Last week, "Sahara" (Col) and "Lady Takes Chance" (RKO) (3d run),'$4, 400. First Runs on Broadway {Subject (0 Change) (Week of Mai eh 1) Astor — "Lifeboat" (20lh) (8th week),'....'.V.^ ... (Rctieu!e,ci i)v"V8iiM>'''^<f''"', W) Capitol—'The Budge of San Luia Re> ' (UA) ■■(R^View.ed in "yariely" J?eb..,2). v. Ciitetion — 'Standing Room Only" .iPar) (2d. week). ■'. (Rev'tQxoed in "ViU'iety"'.jaii. 5).;; ■ Globe—' The Uninviied" .(Par)' (3d week). [\ii{eviejbe'd i!l;',''Varlpty" jfiii; 5) HoUj wood—"Passage to Mai- seillc' (WB) (3d week). ■ : (Reuietueti -in "Variety'.-Feb, 16) . Music Hall — 'Up in Arms" ^:'(H^?;p-(3oldwyri)..'■ ' ;.i<kuview.ed in *'.Variet.v".,f'ebl-.9)'' Palace—",Iuck ■ Lor.rion" (U.-V). (Reuieiii^ed ^?^^,'^ValHety:■' Wou. 24).;,' Pal amount—' Lady in the Dark ' (Par) (2d week) (Reuieioed m "Variety" Feb. 16) Kialto—"The Clirs6 of the Cat People" (RKO) (3). (Reviewed m "Vaiiety" Peb 2'?) Rivoli—"Song of Beinadctte"' ,.(20th) ietii'weekO. . ['■'■■:'■: :: IReviewcd iii '•Variety" Dee. 22) B way Slower But lady Plus Cugat Huge$130mAll-TimeHighfS.R.O; Fat 35G, 'Greater Love Rich UYiQ Rox>—"The Sulh"ans' (20th) (4th week) (fieuieiuccl i?!"Variety'" Feb: 9) - Stiand—"In Out Time" (WB) (4th week). ■ {Reviewed in "Variety" Feb: 2) ' ' With a few exceptions, .business .o^i Broadway is; off. keel. this-, w^ek, .first of the :Lehteh . .season. . While thiit may n6t he. hurting .so; appi'eei.ably,, since it hasn't in recent ycAi-, bad weather over the weekend biought a sharp letdown in most spot'; However, nothmg »stopped the Paramount show of "Lady in the Dark" and Xavier Cugat band plus Dean Murphy. Brought in on Wash- ington's birthday (22), when $22 000 was grossed, house ended the hrst week Monday night (28) at $130,500, new all-time high Old lecord was the . $112,400 .grossed . Ne.w ... .Year's week in 1943 with "Star Spangled Rhythm "'Benny Goodman band and Frank Sinatra; .' Par bn; last Satur- day.. (26), ■ when doing.. seven Show.* atid grinding urttil '4 ;a:in.--at a. $.1.5,0 topi took' in- ,$24.0.00v highest; f or.\;an:y Saturday. In order to get in seven . sfa^eshows.' that--day /and... six •all- othei'S, .. which will cdiitintie,:'Wialter- "SNOW WHITE' HOT ISG, CINCY Cincinnati, Feb 29 It's a gala week for Cincv box- otflces Only newcomei, "Guy Named Joe " IS hefty at the Palace "Snow -\yhite" encoring tc) a house record for the Giand on lU loissue pieem .here."Guy Named Joe" t.s wharn at Palare Combo Albee is busk on "Actidn in ..Arabia," aiid Bill Robin- ■ .son- topping -:vaude; - "Bernadette" slipped at Capitol and goes out alter thii, its second, session Estimates (or This Week Albce (RKO) (3 100, 44-85)—"Ac- tion in .Arabia'! .(RKO) plus Bill Rob-. :i,nson, otiiers,. on stage,' Fahcy $25,000. Last week ' Woman of Town ' (UA) and Vaughn Monroe orch heading vaude lineup, favorable $2'3 000 (apitol (RKO) (2,000 7i-$nO)— . ,''Bernadeft6"-:(2dfh) ■-.(2d w-Ic). Fair $12,000, and. ending stay here, ; Ol-iay .;.$20.000 on .kickoffi :; ^:. FamiU (RICO) (1 000 25-.'55)—"Al- ways Budesmaid" (U) and "Pride ot , ;.Plaiiis''.. (Rep), split- Skiih ' "&host ' ,WalJc»- -Alonje" (Gol)., and-."Uneen.'- -,soi-ed''v(20tlT):,' /Above par at:$2.60Q. .Last:. week. . "jitriibna- -Whirlwind" '■■(]V:ionb) -a-i-id."She's-for Me'' (U). d;- v.ided- w'lth ■ "TiinbA" ■ Q^^^ (Par) .■ and '.'■■Ridi.n.g.; Wc'st'''-.(Cb^ . pe.rked lb. $3,000; Ijcst. Aliure here in.,sdme.,tiiti.e. OiaiHl (RKO) (1,430 35-65)— ..''Siibw'.White'.' ..(.BK(3);-(reviv:il);. Sock . $.18;0O0 for.iiow lioq.s.e:- i'.eeord. by wMfs' ..■■•niar,gin..' Molding.. ' bpphiji.g. lier'ft .on :.: WasHingtoiJ's B.rrthday k.ej-ed flO.-ci'iy,' -.f-otir-staie; showing. slpoiiso.iied.' .by ■...;:Wfr-W-,-...w'.hich; '■put:., bn .terrif ttirco- ■.-,weel(:'adv;ance..-eahipaign.. . E..KpJ,6i£a-^. .turn ill aU,'t6w-hs bol..slered' by p.a. pt .' sbpara.te, :Uni'ts ol!-sev'ei'i dwart's. brigi- ,. iia.I Siipvv. .WhiteVv.oice, etc. Deews . Ta.vlor .fsicfccd nfity! Sho-w: White ji'biee .-.ifrojiT .foiir! Kkt(3-ftna]i^t!i/.Winhe'i':;*atf . (:\ro\\nied:b\-s'-Ohio's .Gov.eiiibr-Bricfccr - .-■at.. banqu'6t. in<!'.ii.. Last I OOO openin.g, sp.'^h, ;, tt'e.«k, .'Cry, j^avbo-': (i\l-0)..-slbw.'$3;'-. .'Sti'anti. .fSi-lvewnan) ,,(-2,00.0; .-SO-'i.OI. '.O00;.'intrt'e da-ys of third:week.; ■'. : . r-^"Fi.ghiing Seabees" .■(.Re.p.(28' wk). . .Iteithls (United).-;:-(l,S00i - 35-6'5).>r;J St(?p.iiii'Vg -vig-ljt''tw.'.-sniipljy "Happened One l^ight' (Col) and SH,000 foi Just se\cn days. lifeboat' N.S.H. !|;iO,000, Prov.; 'Seabees' Fast 14G Providence, Feb. 29. Loew's State's "Guy: Named Joe shares 4he holdover: spot with Sifrand's "Fighting .' Seabees" this .week and botli: are doing: nicely. The first.ruiis- aren't: up, to Snuft'.. "Life- boat" IS a bit disappointing at the .Majestic. ■'.,.;:■ '..'; ■'■:' Estimates for:This Week . Albce (RKO) (2,300, 30-50)— "Women. " Bondage".: (Mono)'-; and "Sultan's Daughter" .(Mono). -Not too' sfrohg at $8,500-. Last' weeki. "Ali Baba'': (U) and."Mobnlight Vermont'.' (U) (2d wlc), great:$10,000: .- . : : Cailton (Fuv-Loow) (1 400 30-50) -=^"KaRRv Lahd"-. (20th):.and "Week- end.P.a.s3'r.(U) (2d- run) ..-Nice $i3,800V 1. Last '■ week; ■ "Fri'sdo, Kid''- (WB):' and ".Hii:iio.n" :'(WB). -:.:(r'e- i^sues). ditto.-: ■ -': ''-'-.- :: ■ -Fay's- .(Fay): .t^'fi^P, . 30.^50)-f-"Pride' o.£ ■ J'lains'■ (tii'■ artd-"vaude:,on, stago; Neat -: $7,000. :'Last ' w:eek; "Meh ' on Mind"': (P'itC)-arid: vaude,-gobd $6,000.- -: Majestic :,-(Fay?. .(2,200;- 30-50)—^ "LU'eboal" - (-SCJIK); A: bit di-sappoihl^-- iiig: ^at .'$10.dOQ.: Last: we.isk,,,"'liappy Ijanct''-. ■(:2()th)- and ."Weekend Pass'- :U1, s0-.Sb S9,000. . Mctiopolilan (Smdei) (3 200, 36- .^.9 )4-T''Sile.iit .-Bai''':- .(Inaie-)-.' ■■and Louis..: Prama:. oi'c'h . heading. :slagc :S1)0<\:.. :Ail; righf ::;$8;0pO:. on .:.S-day. .vi'eeliond.:' r'iin. Last week.; "Whisper-: ing':; F6:'ot^-t.eB:s'" :.(Ren.)' ': an.d,.' -Marcy, 'McCJuire ■.houding:'stage' slio\y, .:slQVv- $5,()00-thro.e-cia'y ■w'eelcen.d .run. .;' ■.'■ ' .State (Ldew.) (3,200;- 30-:50-)i™^"(3uy .Named,Joe'' '!.'Vr-Ci-)..(2'd .\vk')-^' Pii'esei'rt- lia'pe- .Holds :ou:t;'[or:swe1r:.$15.,0p0 ' er knbcki'ng'.on: .'bloclc-btisfer $33,- 'AG Baba' Rich $21,1)00, Denver Denver, Feb 29. . All. Baba'' is leading the picture; pack this week, day-date at Denver and Esquire "Girl Ciazy'' also is big at Orpheum, and holds.- '.'Miracle of Morgan's Creek'' is strong enough for third-session at Denham. . ' Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400, 30-65)—^ "Fighting Seabees" (Rep) and "Beautilul But Bioke" (Col), after a weelj at: each Denver, Esquire. Fine: $7,000. Last week."Lifeboat" (20th) and ' Swingtime Johnny'' (U). aftei; Denver and Esquue, good $6,500, Broadway (Fox) (1,040, 30-65)— "Fantaiia" (RKO). Nice $6,000. Last week. ''Cry Havoc' (M-G) and "Career Gul" (PRC), after week at Orpheum, good $4,000; : Oenham (Cockrill) (1750 30-60)— "Miracle Morgan's Cieek' (Par) (2d wk). Fancy. $12,000. anri stays a :tlii'rd,: Last; weeltj'$17,000. :.. -■ Denver (Fox) ' (2.525: 30-85)—"Ali. Baba'- (U) and ' Casanova Burlesque" '(Sep).: day-date with Esqiiir.e.: Smash $17,000 Last week, 'Fighting Sea- bees' (Rep) and "Beautiful :But: Broke" (Col), also: at Esquire; nice $14,500 Esquiie (Fox) (742, 30-65)—"All Baba" (U) and "Casanova Bui- lesque" (Rep) also at Denvei Nice: $4,000 or ovei Last week, "Fighting Se:abees''':.(R.ep) and ''.Beautiful iBut. Broke;' , (Col), .aLso: Denver, : about: same.. ■. Oipheum (RKO) (2 600 30-65)— "Girl Cia/>' fM-G) and 'Escape to :DangeT" (RKO).:Grand $i4.!3O0., Last week, "Ghost Ship' (RKO) and -George White "Scandals'' oh stage, sxash S18.000. ':'-: .;" Faiamoiint (F0\) (2,200, 30-50)— "Rains Came" (20th) and "Under Two Flags"-.:(20th) (reissues), .Gigod' $8,000. week."Around:.Woi^d" (RKO) and -'Racket Man". (Col), fine $10 000 Rialto (Fox) (878: .30-65)—''Life- boat"- ■ (20lh) and ..'-'.S-wingtiraC: ..TOhflhy" (U). "■(i'i'a.-Denver,.:Aladdin, Esquire -route.-' 'bkay.i;$3.500;,, ;LaSt •week, ■ :."De.sert .. Song':' . '•( WB) . :; a.nd '''Whisperihg 'FOotstep.s" (Sep), after Denveiy:. Aladdin, Esquire,- . a.tsbut same. .;.'...':" - ::-' V' ',■':'■ ':•■ . Dare,..Wa til,.:i s ;l j'e ii ig-. i :;ii( .£roi>t^ performances:'■;': :-^' ' '■: ■'■':::'■:■:-.::■ :.-'Another, new sh6w:';o£ past "week' 'was "Standing Rooni OHly;":,'w.hi'ch fititshe^; its initial seveh day^.. at -the Critericin .Monday -Sveriihg (28): ;at $3.5,000,: very -gobd;'. .Th'e . Globe, .iare- 'viouSly. on Saturday (19) brought in, .''The . Uhinvited'^ : and' with- .aid ^ . 0^^ Wa'shingtbh's birthday-, struck -• $S5,'*" 000, a- record for that operation. "Uninvited." now in its first hold- over session, IS bucking the general .downward trend' - adhiirably;: " and should hit $27,000 or near to that, going fuithci'. "No Greater Love' :Russian-niacle -which .opened at the '■^ictonai last: Thursday: (24) i.s :doi.hg .exoeptibnally :well and oh the first week will hit $14,500. Among holdovers retaining fine pull IS "Bernadette'- which-endedMts fifth weeic at the ..Rivoli at, near to $53,000, big: Another exhibiting good strength in the face-of conditions is the Cap biU of ''Song of Russia/' Lionel. Hampton orch and others; On current (3d) week, the gross should get to $55i000. Other holdovers are .down. "A Giiy Named Joe,''.on ?sec- ond run at the State, with Benny Carter orcii on stage; is doing very well at : $35,000'or thereabouts. Estimates for This Week Astor (Loew's) (1,140, 55-$l 10)— "Lifeboat" (20th) (8th wk). Dropped •to,$23,000 on seventh stanza through last night (Tuesday) but okay. Sixth week hit $27,000 Will be replaced March 21 by "See Here Private Har- grove" (M-G) Capitol (Loew's) (4,820, 35-$1.10) "Song Russia" (M-rG) plus Lionel Hampton oich. Buck and Bubbles, Mills Bros, Pops and Louie on stage (3d-final . wk), Lqol^S' good $55,000 .this :-*e.ek,., while last-(2d) went close to $72,000, immense ' Bridge San iLuis Rey"'; (][)A) and W' orch,': Larry -Adler, Four-King Sisters, others, on stage open tomorrow: (Thursday): ■ ■ -.'V■:--■'. ,';-:. '; .'■' Ciiteiion (Loew's) (1,700, 35-$l 25) --"Standing: Room Only" (Par). (2d wit). Wound up 'first seven-day stint MOnday:.higbt; (28) at strong' $35i000.. Fourth week, for "Gung Ho" (U), in ahead, was iieai to $2.5,000 big Globe (Brandt) (1,416, 33-8j)— "Lninvited" (Par) (2d wk) Stand- ing up very smartly at indicated $27,000 or near, while first week, .set record for house at* giant: $35j000. Looks in for good run. Hollywood (WB) (1,499 ; 44-$l 25) —"^'a^.sage Marseille" (WB) (3d wk), Slid on first holdover session, ended last "night (Tuesday),. to $32,000; :but Still plenty satisfactory.: First weelt o.ver Wii.shington's birthday, hit. $54,- 200 tb'e.stablish nev/ high:for..the.afre.' Rerhain's on:indeflriitely, , : ': ■:"-: : . Palace..:. (EK'O ) : (1.700; ' 35-$! ..-10)-- "Action , Arabia" (RKO): (2d-final ■'wk).: ' Closes : tonight . (■W;edne§<Ja:y )..,: one day short .ot. a weelc and on six. days bniyi-about $15.000.:weak; Initial se\en days hit close to $23,000, okay 'Jack London' (UA) opens to,-, morio'.v (Thursday). ' - ■:: Paiamount (Par) (3 664; 35-$110i —"Lady m Dark" (Par) and Xavier Cugat -orch.-. plus . Dean . Murphy, bth'ers,.'bn' stage; .(id! wk);,-,: Weiit iiitc) first hbldbver ftanje: yesterday (T'ues- riay) after breaking all records for ' house.'- by "'"'Wide :.-::i'n.argin 'bn. initial' seven, days- When: gate.- was, sehsar:.. tiohal: $130',5()b, : S.hb.w: ;teed: .pfl oil; Washington's birthday, day aliead of legLilar schedule.» Pinal six days on fifth week ot "Miracle Moigan's Creek"- (Par), Johnny Lting ■btfeh" aiid' .Hazel: Scott: was gbbd $62;:000-. - ''„', Radio Cit^ Music Ilall (Rocke- fellers:)',:(5;945;.'.;.'4i(-$C:65)::.;:^.::yan!^ iByre'-': and stageshbw (4th-:finar:\vk).::,:' 'This house ..perhaps- hiirt' .more by . Lent than otlieiv. ' thatana bncl. weather .holding:curretit .(4tli:) weel^-s-:.. £;ioss to about $91,000 but satis- factory.: The thii-d.:-was-particularly:: fine $110,000 "Up in Aims" (RKO) opens tomorrow (Thursday). ;. . Rialto (Mayer) (594 28-65) — "Calling Dr Death" (U) (3d-hnal -wk)—B-l owoff will bo only , nro^ iod- T. Dorsey Ups 'Jingle' to 30G, Indpk; 'Snow White 12G,'Joe'111/26,24 Big .-'/;-;''^''.'■;;v^:?:In&iana.J^^^ Biz hc;'e is hotter :ii.'Hi the ctirreht-; sprii-v£-lil{e;:\v«',at'her;:.,-''Sihg i50\i'crcd::by. ;!'roi'niny':..i3;oi'ije on ;stag(3. is' gi,yitig;'tiie Circle its big-' ge^t w:o'!;k-'in:'heariy two years. ':Snovv■ ■Wiiite-:.'.l3-taking :firsii'ti.n ;do,u:gh:;in'a t'lirturt't'-royiva'l; a.t-=;.lhe:'Jndian^^^^^ ...-: '. hslunatps tor This Week ' Circle (Katz-Dol!c 1 .(2.800: 40-B5) '.-*;"Srig::,'a: ilinglo',': (tl'V .with :Tonimy Dcrstn-^orrh. Ilcpt-rits ai* raising roof to'tune .:of 'giant' ,.S30.()00. Last W.eclc;. :^'Fighting; Seabaes'' fR'ep'). 'p-j'aving Single at 55e tciii.-'iine:$l3,000: ■. .ihdiaiia HKatz-Dollft I- (3,300; 30-50) —"Snow Wlute" (RKO). Swell $12,- 000 solo. -'Last. week. .. ."Lifoboal": (SiQtia-.).' arid '-'Wficikend Pass'' (20th),-3. bit.'di^ai3p6lritihg. at ;$10,000. Keith's ilr.dio) (1.20,0; . 30-55').— '"Drinns Fu Manciiu" (Rep) \Vith' vatide;. :Nil'iy $6,000 on four-day .trun.;'" .'Last:. '.ijC', .■.;"Myster:y .:'BrDad.Fasl" (Sep) ■- ..&'hd'' .Reiifrci ..VaUoy. ' Barn 'Dance;.o]ce$5;700'-in:same'tinie'..:' : -' Loew's iLocw s) (2 450 , 30-.50)-- -"'(3uy ',-Nafned:: Joe" .■..(M-G.)..'' ,H^fly -,$li.'5O0,:-i-A' second stanza: a£tei::i.s.n-iash $17,000 fust uerk ---Lyric (-Kal^-DolleT (1,600; 30-i50)— ''Fi:ghting.:Seabees'' :«liep'),-.-Okay $4,- .0.00 lii: flve-day inSveb.vei'." Lai;t*eek„ ''.Wlier^ 'Are Children'.'" idyloiVo) -and "Voodoo Mali'-.- (U), .nine-:days ■ firat- ftih,'. stout :^'?;900;'.:.-': ■; '■; --■'."-■-.■;;.:■ : ::.■" $6 000 01 bit ovci, mild while labt week (2d) stiuck$9 000, stout Eivoli (UA-Par) (2,092, 75-$l 05) — "Bernadette'' (20th) (6th wk). Advanced^price run- continues at vpiy strong gait fifth week having ended last night (Tuesday) at near to $53,000, |ouith over last week's holiday soared to moie than $60,000, soeko. Roxy (20th) (5 886 55-$l 10)— '^uUi^ans" (20th) and. in person. Maltha Rayc Rosario and Antonio, others ,::(4th-final' wk). Suffered on :third . ; stanza' through last night (Tuesday) descending to $60,000 but olcay: as againt't excellent $92,500 previous, week.-. . State (Loew's) (3.450: 35-^1 10)— "Guy Named Joe" (M-G) (2d run) and Benny Cartel oich Doing very nicely at $35,000 or near Last week, "Phantom Lady" (U), heie fiist-run with Louis Prima band on stage, scored $32,000, a bit under hopes for a holiday week but solid. , Strand (WB) (2,7.56, 35-$110)—'In Our Time", (WB) and Ina Ray Hut- ton, Three Stooges, othcis. on stage (3d wk) Slowed up considciably from earlier smash pace and this week (3d) will be aiound $43 000, entirely satisfactoiy Last week (2d) over Washington's birthday, socko $54,200. Hblds further. Victoria (Maurer) (720; 55-$l 10)— "No Greater Love" (Aitkino) Rus- sian-made, first with dubbed-in English dialog, hitting stiohg stride and on week ending tonight (iiVedrie!Sday) :Will bring this:.sftal^^^ seater a fancy S14,500 Concluding five days on l6th week ot 'North Star" (Goldwyn-RKO) was $11,000, good. '... -.•'■.- ' '''• '■;•: ■: :'<. ■ 'BERNADETTE' $2im BALTO Baltimore Feb 29 This is a week ot extra big grosses hcie, wheie big businesi has come to be taken foi granted. Unusually stiong lineup ot product is helping. Upped scale for "The Song of Beina- dctte" helped it to a veiy stiong week at the New Big tiade also for "Tender Comiade' at oomlio Hipp,: and "In Our Time" at the Stanle>. Estimates for This Week Ccntuiv (Loew'b-UA) (3 000; 17- ,55)—"Guy Named Joe' (M-G) (2d wk). Holding veiy nicely at $15 000 alter:'':chaikirig: smash. .$22;200:. last; week. Ilippodiome (Rappaport) (2 240; 17.f,(,)_"Tender Comtadc' (RKO) plus vaude Registering biggest do- ings heie in weeks, big $20,000 rs likely Last week Nine On Is" (Cdl) plus: Bobby Sherwood orch; Virginia Weidler; on stage, strong $18,800.. - Keith's (Schanbcigei) (2 460, 17- 5i5)^"Ali Baba" (U); .:(2d :wli.).'-St-ari- eii second sesh yesterday. (Mbh)- after-' grfeat intial.round at $rG;300! - : .'■ ' Maiyland (Ilicks) (1 240 25-501— .'"Ghbst Ship'.' (RKO); Slightly abovg.-^ average; $4,500;. Last week:,!'Saludos Amigos". (RKO.) and::"Gilderslee^-e's.. Sad,Day". (RKO.), nice-$4.'400;':..: '■■-^ M.i>fair (Hicks) (980, 25-50)—' N^- bonga''..(.PRC),..'Eairi'sh: $3,500.,:Last", week:. : ';-S6;met'h.ihg.-. Ahbiit • Sbirtier'''' CGbi), iii sitnilar, groovb' at $3,700..: ..-Nc(v.:(:Me(ihanrci '(1.680; '55-r'$l.i0-).i- 'VBern'adette;'':;(20th):,. (2d-wkr, ,St&t*; ',ed. 'sedohd : raiin'd.'. yesterday .::::(]Slbni after ringiiig 'tip:;rnass.i.y6: $27,7^ o'li- dpeiicr:-'.':'.:.. ' .: ■-::'.:' "■;'::. '.' :. ■' '.Stanley'' (WB) :.'(3,280.; .:20-60)--"rn Our Time" (WB) Drawing excel- lent $18,000 indicated Last week; ' t^hi'rd -:' bf .; '.'Desert: Song"- :. (W:B),': I 'Stretchedva -bit 'tWri: at .$11,400;-'.:; . - Valencia, (Loew's'-UA) (1 480, 17- 55)—''Flifjlit'-'OommatKV' '(M-G) (re,^ issue); ' 'Getting sofne action'''at :$i;» 000. Last week "Cry Havoc'- (M-G)., in ..moveo-v'or :from dbis'iistaits .:Cieti»< luiy, fan $3,700.