Variety (March 1944)

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18 MCTURE GROSSES Wc<lnestlay, Mareli 1, 19H 'Snow White' Socko $7^ L'vOIe Reissue; 'Mi Baba' Tops Pix at 12G Louisi^-ille, Feb. 29. New pi-oduct is ringing the bell this week, even tlioiigh paced strong- ly by h.o.'s and smash reissue of "Snow White." Both Mary Anderson with "Desert Song" and Rialto with "Ali Baba" are gomg in for Techni- color' pics, 1 with : business ^ftlefity; strong, "Baba"' is the „ big, :grossing film this vveelc- Strand, participat- ing in 60-theatre preem Feb. 22 of "Snow White" is responding to big publicity campaign stemming from station WLW. Earl Carroll's/'Vam- ties" is tilting "Find Blackmailer" to fancy returns at National. ;. Estimates for This Week Brown (Loew's-Fourth Avenue) (1,400; 30-50) — "Lifeboat" (20th). Tepid moveover from Blalto at $3,- 000. Last week. "Government Girl (RKO) and "Weekend Pass" (U), sturdy $4,500, moveover. Kentucky (Swilow) (1,200; 15-25) —"Rosje O'Grady" (20th) and "Jack London" (.UA). Fine $1,800. Last week, "Happy Land" (20th) and "In Old Oklahoma" (Rep). $1,700. -Eoew's- Statc-(-fcoew-.s-)-t3,300f-.-3a lodger' Husky $14,000, Port; ^Sister'Fast lOG ■ Portland, Ore., Feb. 29. His Butler's Sister" is standing them up at J. J. Parker's United; Artists while "The Lodger," at the larger Orpheum, actually has top coin currently. "Fighting Seabees still is strong on second session at the Broadway. Estimates for This Week Broadway (J. J. Parker) (1,900; 40-75 )_"Fightirig Seabees" (Rep) .and "Casanova Burlesque" (Rep) (2d wk). Strong $11,000. Last week, great $16,000. United Artists (Parker) (900; 40- 75)-T"Butler's Sister" (U) and, "Spider'Woman" (U). Fancy $10,- 000. Last week, "Flesh Fantasy" (U) and "Moonlight Vermont" (U) (2d wk). fair $7,000, Orpheum (Hamrick - Evergi-een). - — ■■— - ' ■• (20th) 50)—"Guy Named Joe* '(M-G) (2d wk). Getting fine play on h.o. stanza, with signs pointing to solid $11,000. Last week, smashed record for Sun- day biz, and got terrific , $14,000. House dropped night balcony prices Jast week. ■ Mary Anderson (People's Theatres) (1,000: 30-.50)—"Desert Song" (WB). Shooting for satisfactory $7,000 and probable holdover. , Last week, "Frisco Kid" (WB), (reissue) (2d Ivk), satisfactory $3',500. V National (Standard Theatres) (2,- 400; 50-75) — "Find Blackmailer" (WB) arid Earl Carroll "Vanities" on stage. Stage, show responsible for draw, with healthy $12,000 in sight. Last week, "Career Girl" (PRC) and Smiley Burnette, others, on stage, oke $11,000. Bialto (Fourth Avenue) (3,400; 30-50)—"Ali Baba" (U) ahd "Swing- time Johnny" (U). Finding opposish {lotent but still an improvement over ast week at bright $12,000, tops for pix currently. Last week, "Lifeboat" (20th), opening With bond showing, «nly a medium'$11,000. Strand (Foufth Avenue) (1.400; SO- SO)—"Snow Wliite" (RKO) (reissue), Breezing on strength of WLW pro- motion to best house . has ' had in years, sock $7,500. Last week, '•Spider Woman' (U) and '/Calling Dr. Death" (U^ swell $6,000. 'Bridesmaid'-'Scandals' Husky $14,000. Last week, "What a Woman" (Col) and "Something About a Soldier" (Col) <2d wk), strong $10,000. Paramount (H-E) (3,000; 40-75)— Desert Song" (WB) and "Timber Queen" (Par) (2d wk). Fine $10,- 500. Last week, lusty $17,000. Oriental (H-E) (2,040; 40-75)— "Desert Song" (WB) and "Timber Queen" (Par) (2d wk). Good $5,S00; Last week, neat $7,500. Mayfair (Parker-H-E) (1,500; 40- 75)—"Heat's On" (Col) and "Every- body Happy?" (Col). So-so $8,000. Last week, "North Star" (RKO) and "Ghost Ship" (RKO) (2d wk), six days, slow $6,000. Admish Tax Continued Irom page 8 B crease in practice as result of the new tax schedule, despite the prob- lem and trouble over pennies. In addition to the increased tax bite April 1. theatres are affected by other heavier levies, including corporation, taxes, upped levies on light bulbs, projector equipment, telephone calls, postal service and some minor items. D.C.'s Stance on Teto Washington, Feb. 29. Show biz takes a 20% admissions tax April 1 because of the toughness of the message President Roosevelt sent along when he vefoed the . tax bill on Feb. 22. Had the message been a mild one, or had there been no message at all,. Congress would have upheld the veto in the opinion of Capitol Hill leaders. Prior to the reading of the message, House Republicans were not making all-out efforts to. line Up votes to override. They admitted privately it ivias an election year and they were not going to try too hard to (1,800; 40-75)—"The Lodger" ^ - - OTd-^Beautiftri-flutr-Broke!^(Co»^4-^ni_«dditu)nal—texes—dDwn__llie_ ' thiroats of the voters. Then came the message. Senator Alben Barkley's explosion in the Senate, and Commencing April li the admis- sions tax becomes Ic on each 5c, or major fraction thereof, instead of the present Ic on 10c or fraction thereof. Other changes made by the law The tax on seasoW tickets goes up from 11 to 20% Tax on ducats bought from agcn cie.-. or scalpers ups fron\ 11 to 20% : Nitery bite jumps; from 5 to 30% : Tax on bowling goes from $10 to $20 annually per alley; and on bil liards increases from, $10 to $20 per table per annum. Social security tax,- which would have doubled if the President's veto had been sustained, remains at 1% for both employer and employee. There will be comparatively minor increases .in the income taxes and, in few cases, slight decreases will work out in the upper brackets. , The president'^ veto message came through on Tuesday (22). On "Thurs- day (24) the House overrode 299—95, or better thar three-to-one, a higher ratio than most Congressional lead- ers predicted. Following day, the Senate took the bit between its teeth and overrode 72—14, or better than five-to-one, making the new tax bill law. "_„ 'i,'''.; 'Comrade' Terrif 9iG Omaha, Feb. 29. Boxoffice is plenty hot currently. George White's "Scandals," unit helped by "Always a Bridesmaid," at Orpheum^ is headed for sock $20,000, mainly on terrific weekend biz. "Tender Comrade" is also jumping at the Brandeis, and may top the 10- year record at house.. Holds over. Paramount's "His Butler's Sister"- is also a ^mash. Estimates for This Week Brandeis (Mort Singer) (1,500; 15- 55)—"Tender Comrade" (RKO) and "Swing Out the Blues" (Col). Smash $9,500, and ^ay break 10-year record. Holds. Last week, "Oklahoma Kid" (WB) (reLSSue) and "Pistol Packin' Mama" (Rep), $5,300, fairly good. Orpheum (TristateS) (3,000; 20-65) —"Always a Bridesmaid" (U) and George White's "Scandals" on stage. Reaching for terrif $20,000 or near after big ' weekend. Last week, "Miracle- MorganVGreek" (Par-)-and "Larceny ■ Music", . iU) plenty bife , $13,200 at 15-55, lops for straight film program. ' V Paramount (Trislalcs) (3,000; 15- 55)—"Butlers Sister" (U). Soloed and may hit great $10,000 or near. La^t week, : "Destination Tokyo" (WB), big $10,800. Omaha (Trlstates),'.(2;000; 15-55)-— "Destination Tokyo" (WB) (2d wk). Moveover, a nifty $8,500. week, "Northern Pursuit'-" tWB), sock $9,000. : D. C Full of Holdovers; 'Russia'-Vaude $24,000, 'Eyre' $16,000, Both 2d Washington, Feb. 29. Holiday prices sent last week's grosses soaring and-the upsurge con- tinues. Town is full of holdovers, best being "Song of Russia," with vaude on second week at rCapitol. Esitniates for This Week Capitol (Loew) (3,434; 30-66)— "Song Russia" (M-G). Plus Kathryn Grayson heading stage bill. (2d wk); Splendid $24,000. Last week, huge $31,500. Columbia (Loew) (1,234; 30-66)— "The Lodger" (20th). Headed for red hot $8,500 on moveover. Last week "Riding High'' (Par), also m.o., $6,000. Earle (WB) (2,240; 30-90)—"Desert Song" (WB) with vaude (2d wk); Nice at $19,0C0. Last week wow $26,500. Keith's (RKO) (1,800; 40-65) Tender Comrade" (RKO) (2d wk). Excellent $14,000 after opening week's boffo $18,000. MetropoUtan (WB) (1,800; 30-55) —"Nine Girls" (Col). Slugged by crix, but good $7,500 in sight. Last week "Miracle Morgan's Creek" (Par), hot $9,500 on moveover. Palace (Loew) (2,242; 30-66) "Jane Eyre" (20th> (2d wk). Headed for nice $16,000 after opening week's smash $22,500. Charlie Skouras Feted (Double-Feature) in L.A. . Hollywood, Feb. 29. Los Angeles Chamber of Com- merce at its regular board meeting Thursday (2) will honor Charles P. Skouras for his work as chairman of the film industry Fourth War Loan compaign. Luncheon for Skouras was also , given today (Tuec.) at the Beverly Wilshire hotel, which was attended by around 500 industry reps. JOHNSON P.A.'S REPUBnC John LeRoy Johnson has been ap- pointed national director of public relations of Republic Pictures. He starts March 6. 'Butler's Sis' Rousing $35,000. Det.; 'Govt Girl' Strong 22G, 'Crazy' 19G Our Time' Speedy At $20,000 in Newark Newark, Feb. 29. Snow and rain last Saturday will not dent grosses much this week. Holdovers of "Miracle of Morgan's Creek," at Paramount, and "Guy Named Joe," at State, continue strong. "In Our Time" did smash $20,000 at Branford on first week, ended Monday (28), and holds. Estimates for This Week Adams (Adams-Par) (1,950; 35-99) —"Girl Monterrey" (PRC), with "Truth and Consequences" and Dean Hudson orch on stage. Gratifying $21,000 or a bit over. week, "Darling Clementine" iRep) and Charlie Spivak orch, brisk-$19,500, but considerably under hopes. Branford (WB) (2,800; 20-90)—"In Our Time"" (WB) and "She's for Me" (U). Opened Tuesday (22). Gaudy $20,000 and holds. Last week, "Des- ert Song" (WB) and "Moonlight Ver- mont" (2d wk), terrif $19,500. Eroctor!s_tRKiD (3.400; 3 5-$1.10) —"Higher Higher" (RKO) and "Ac- tion Arabia" (RKO). Opens tomor- row (Wed.). Last week "Govern-i ment Girl" (RKO) and "Rookies Burma" (RKO), splendid $25,000 for nine-day run.' Faramount (Adam.s-Par) (2,000; 35-85)—"Morgan's Creek" (Par) (2d wk). Breezy $18,000. Last week, satisfactory $23,500, but a bit under expectancy. . , State (Loew's) (2,600; 35-85)— "Guy Named Joe" (M-G) and "Beau- tiful but Broke" (Col) (2d wk). Stout $15,000, and' may hold again. Last week, sizzling $24,000. CASHIER KIDNAPPED IN SEATTLE HOLDUP Seattle, Feb. 29 ,-Delma Gustav.spn, lY-year-old petite-eashier-a t-the-Venetian-(Jensen & von Herberg), had a bit of experi- ence that isn't in her chores. The other night made her divvy over all the dough in the b.o., and forced her to take a walk' with him. The kidnapping was for protection, in someone took a shot at him. Fortunately a street railway traffic car, with,radio equipment,.passed at the time and radioed the route of the thief to police headquarters, follow- ing the pair until police arrived and took the cuiprifinto (;uslocij! without any shooting. ', . • , ' ; ' Ky. H^s Its Own Tax Bill .Louisville, Feb. 29. Revenue bill which would In crease the present 10% State tax on theatre tickets to a graduated levy of approximately 20% passed the Kentucky House at , Frankfort Fri- day (25) by a vote of 64 to 25. Bill provides that all funds over $750,000 a year collected from the theatre tax are to be earmarked for build- ing of'tuberqulosis sanatoriums. Under provisions. of the tax bill, Ic will be added to each 10c paid by theatre-goers. , Levy starts with 10c children's ticket, now tax ex- empt. Promdters of the measure estimate the tax will extract $1,750,- 000' a year from the pockets of film patrons. Par to Distrib 'Belle' Paramount lias agreed to dis- tribute on a non-prbflt basis a four- reeler made by the ^Office of War Information under auspices of the War Activities Committee known as "Memphis Belle.'! it was produced by Col. William Wyler. Picture is the story of the flying fortress known as Memphis Belle, which is now back in this country following the, carrying out of 25 dif- ferent missions. Film is built around the 25th mission. Par is getting out an' elaborate pressbook on "Belle" and plans hav- ing the picture ready for distribu- tiOA sometime in March. Screen Readers Guild Has Own CSU Ideas 'Miracle' Lofty $15,000 In Better X. C; 'Baba' Loudl3G,'Joe'16G,2d Kansas City, Feb. 29. Biz is regaining its stride following sub-zero weather that hurt. Only holdovers in many spots. "Guy Named Joe" is hot on second round at the Midland; ''Miracle of Morgan's Creek," at the, is topping the new fare. "Ali Baba" also is strong day-and-daie at-lisquire,. Up- town and Fairway. Estimates lor This Week Esquire, Uptown and Fairway (Fox-Midwest) (820, 2,043 and 700; 40-60)—"Ali Baba" (U). Healthy $13,000. Last week "Lifeboat" (20th vigorous $12;700, about as hoped. Midland (Loews) (3,500; 35-55)— "Guy Named Joe" (M-G) (2d wk). Hot $16,000 after terrific $21,000 ini tial session, much better than expec. tations.' ■, -v,..., Newman (Paramount) (1,900; 40 60)—"Miracle Morgan's Creek' (Par). Prime $15,000. Last week "No Time Love" (Par) (3d wk), satisfactory $9,000, making a total of $39,000 for the three-week run. Orpheum (RKO) (1,500; 40-60) "North Star" (RKO) and "GilderV sleeve on Broadway" (RKO). Strong $11,000. Last week "Spitfire" (RKO) and "Aldrich Haunts "House" (RKO). good $10,000. Tower (Fox-Joflee) (2,100; 35-50) —"Swingtime Johnny" (U) and "Chance of Lifetime" (Col) with Stage show. Pleasant $9;000. Last week "Spider Woman" (U) and "Re- turn of Vampire" <Col) and vaude, nice $9,500. Ghoul" (U). Wham $35,000, Last week. "Jane Eyre" (20th) and "Sing Jingle" (U), great $37,000. _ Madison (United Artists) (1.800; ~55-7iV—"Mr. Lucky" (RKO) and ''Above Suspicion" (Par). Back in loop at fair $4,500. Last week, "Prin- cess O'Rourke" (WB) and "Johnny Come Lately" (UA), $4,800. Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000; 55-75)—"Riding High" (Par) and Mine Sweeper'' (Par) (2d wkli Should tuck a fine $18,000 behind last week's hangup $26,000. Palms-State (United Detroit) (3,- 000; 55-75)—"Govt. Girl" (RKO)-and "Tarzan'S Desert Mystery" (RKO). Strong $22,000. Last week, "Cry Havoc" (M-G) and "Swing Fovcr^'' (M-G) (2d wk), okay $15,000. United Artists (United Detroit) (2,000: ,')5-75)—"Girl Crazy" (M-G) and -Man Down ■ Under ' Sound $19,000. . Last week Star" (RKO) and "Timber (WB), good $17,000. jaoUywood, JCeb.- 29.- Irked over refusals of producers to hike their 80% union, shop and to permit sliding scale .for minimum wages, Sci ecn Readers Guild is riiuU- ing . afliliatipn with,^; (iorifer|nce of Studio Unions. , , , ■ Florence Mischel, SRG proxy, and Herbert Sorrell;»CSU chief, huddling over possibilities of Guild's joining American Federation of. Labor, after Readers turned down all counter proposals of minor companies.- Ac- cording to top Guild oflieials^ pro ducers offer virtually the same con- tract now in effect. AFL affiliation is being sought in belief that bar- gaining power will be thereby strengthened. Wooing Wilkie Back Bob Gillham, in charge of public ity-advertising for Paramount, has asked Al Wilkie, publicity manager, to remain on the job until he re- turns next Monday (4), when it is possible the matter of Wilkie's resig- nation two weeks ago may be ironed out. ■ Wilkie has: previously been pre- vailed upon to reconsider leaving by Neil F> Agnew, ;w.p;, over: distribu- tion. , Rita Back at Work — Hollywood^-Feb. 29- . Rita Hayv\ orth returns to Colum bia's pa>roll tomorrow (Wednes day) after months of suspended ani mation. ■ ' ■ ' ■ ■ Picture is "Tonight end Every Night," to be produced and directed by Victor Saville. Detroit Church ConUnucd from page 1 Detroit. Feb. 23 '■■ Plenty of fresh ,bills , break info, Detroit for the first full week oi LeiVt with little evidence of any marked decline in biz. After hitting a high level last week, loop eontiniios strong. Fox will lead city at sock total with "His Butler's Sister" .tikI Mad Ghoul." Palms-State with "Government Girl" and "Tarzan's Desert Mystery," and the United Ar. lists with "Girl Crazy" and "Man. from Down Under" both are above average. Estimates for This Week Adams (Balaban) (1,700; !)5-75)— "Jane Eyre" (20th) and "Sing Jingle" (U) (2d wk). Moved over from Fox for rich $10,500. Last week, "Guna Ho" (U) and "Cowboy Canteen" (Col) (2d wk), about same. Broadway-Capitol (United Detroit) (2.800; 55-75)—"Norih Star" (RKO) (2d wk) and "Swing Fever" (M-G) (3d wk). Combination bill taken : over from United Artists and Palms- State should see bright $15,000. Last week,"Voodoo Man" (Mono) and "Qhost Ship" (RKO), fair $10,000. Fox (Fox-Michigan) (5,000; 55-75) "Biit.lep!s SIsft'r" (TO—and—ijMad- (M-G). ,"Nonh Quern' EXTRAS' EARNINGS SLUMPED IN JAN. .Hollywood, Feb. 29.' ';■ Extras' earnings r for January slumped heavily after scoring a rec- ord take for 1943. N6rmally a low month, January placements were only 19,635, and income was $243,000,. approximately $100,000 lessi thap Der . cember, 1943. However, more calls were regis-, tered for $10.50 and $16.50 than $5.50 extras. Total wages for film extras {n'JP43 amounted to $4,190,000,; a new yearly,.': high in the history of the motion picture industry. Atmospheric pay roll was $801,000 above that of 1942, the highest previous year, according to figures released by Central .Cast- • ing Corp. Comidete data on average; daily • wages - has ' not been compiled;; but. it is known to be higher than in past years, with $5.50 extras growing: fewer and $10.50 and $16 calls on the increase. same,-class now ha.s put through an; other young.ster, Alyce Zodiek, send- ing her to the most expensive teach- ers and grooming her for a profes- sional appearance. One of the odd factors in the tutelage provided by the > Sunday Schoolers is that their proteges are not necessarily of the same religion. The new protege now is 20, en- dowed 'With good looks a.s was the classes' first bid for fame, and ac- cording to the musical experts, has a rare coloratura voice that hits A above high C and permits her to warble such difficult numbers as the "Bell Song." The class will be bring- ing her out in public recitals shortly after footing the bills fpr not only vocal but dramatic, ballet and in- strumental- lessons. 'Swing Fever' Title Suit For $50,000 on M-G Film Suit for $50,000 against Loew's, Inc., alleging piracy of title; "Swing Fever," ,was fileff Wedriesday (23) in _N. -Y^ supreme--coLU-,t by Ebi.h.cr__E,_ Olson., who claims authorship, .of a play of that, name. Claim.s the play was written prior to November, 1940,;: and licensed for public pcrlorniance, by the Dramatists Play Service and baS been , shown at various theatres,:, in this country. She also a'Uegcs thc; title was lifted, -Wi'itli full', knpvvled^ of the existing copyright, Miss Olson says that use of the title ■ constitutes a violation of her prop-; erty rights and seeks an accounting of the Metro film's profits as well as , $50,000 damages. Loew's is charged with, .lifting the title alone. The play and film, it is alleged, do not resemble each' other. The playwright also charges' that Loew's violated her property, rights, although notice of the alleged infringement was given. Rogell's RKO Quartet Hollywood, Feb. 29. _ Sid Rogell will supervise produc- tion on four features slated to go into work during March on the RKO lot. Films and their - producers are "Mile. Fifi," Val Lewton; "Cocktails for Two," John Auer; "The Falcon in Mexico," Maurice Geraghty, and "The Pumpkin Shell," Adrian Scott.