Variety (March 1944)

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20 FILM REVIEWS Wednesday, Marrli J, 1944 Kniekorbookor Holiday (MUSIC<\I ) .; il'iii.i cil At.i l>lB^'rPUiil«ff'fit iliirfy .Tne BvmwiV. ■.rtK'«Cl.. .lu-VidiU'tlim.-' \Kl«i's ■ ■.S'l.laun, .K.lily; 111 li". (uUun lonsliiUB I 1 „ fei ■Hn (V Ki'npjrt Ciissaff. Kheller .W-iiiic!'.: iTuliii-. Tiisv' v^?...l.l'f .pwA-ls ■Kliil.Pi'ife l?i>lil;, Uiffrirtftil. t.v Hui'n- .1i>o Kvowh. AilapiuUoTi, .THuuViis ;.i.MVii..ii; y' i'iHniil(:,v, Dn'vW Wieliriv iiivii,.lto»v- • ll'llil l.i'iktl. rroHv.-«l«ii»">l»j!..l.> Jli.Vxvwll ■'Mm iinti Kijvf Weill. AiliUiMimfl rmi- Ki.rniiin Urciwn, AN'pi-niJiv It, H<'finiimi, ■ V,. SipiniiiKtr, Mule; Slyiio jin.f KMin,my, ■ 1"; hir, iiiiiKii' dirct'ilon, J;>e<im>s ,h<i!H:ln.<i"iillHl;■. ■ I. .Iiiliii -F. Link; camcfn. ■ Phil-, Tau- ■ nin, i'lOviiAVeil in N'..;y.. FAti;' L'fi,"'-U. ■ ni iijiifrk- >'.■■■...•.'■*■.. A.-.X(rlw0n:')'^''iiiv 'T'. i.:-sujy.vpsnnr..■,,>.;■,,:'i:vVt'hidl<"i ('uifuih' ■ 'I'ii;.. •I'i.oihuvBuV. ■, VrJijiRiiiiic*' .I,i"iv lins Til .li^;V^Il.•,.^^;/,i;v.^;/A:^;;l^l■l1(«M:■l^lt<sll■l:l 'I'l i!>>i" - •..■■ • ■■•..... .3bhmiy .Iv.n i.s -a, ''. ; ..Vy'.,; ■iVro^'KriftrUip ,^I^;;»CKvrl^,^;,.,..,■^.■i;:v;^.>■.},.■■.:.,:0^l<vl^^■Ul^|•I^ T; hiMii'nV,.niiiliaM Ihiti'., ^i^m h.iii.iVuruv;;.t;.UO'ii;? ■'•>i'>- 'fwviv ri'ii-v...-. i-c.hi>,'<i>-i' 'r.inl»iiii.■ ■.■■■-(■■iif'iDm Amayn.-.iilid .■■•flrt'..-(.'oiViiiuny, "KiiiekevbockeK Holiday"; may nqt have been tnuph /for the ,B.6; a.s .a Biodoway stageplay uith m 1 le ' five yeairsr.agpi; bjit as; filmed Ijy Pro- fTiirerS' G&.rjs. of Anierica It is::a .r.0U5- ifig . escapist';musi,cal :, geafed^^^t gr<i-sc.« ill ail .situations. ■■■ ; ■ Si^ Schlager Pioducers Coip of : Aiticriaa. prejcy. ' has ;n,ot: spared; the budget ill '■reaaying this ■ aftaptaHoii; from, the original by'MaX'well Ander- ;cpn finrl Kiirt Weill;;';Hari'V Joc ;Bi'owri,: Who. produced .' and, dii-gcted lor the screen, has done ir.iich to femehaslzfe" the' .flJm''s';;biliTi;or,,,.'g^liety and >5ongs jn a fast-moving pic. that '■will find' a ready audience o£ all ■»pf>S^ . '■'■-■;'. ■ The . marqUee has :not beeri neg- lected:, either. Nelson Eddy. Charles: Cobuin ond Constance Dow ling plut p supporting cast pf'''s.turdy, ;i3har- ■ • actdi'- actors, will aid plenty' in bring- In the eu'stomers irito, .the theatre, ., ;:A cbmedy .set 'to.,niiiisic,;fllm is .laid in old New Amsterdam of Pctei Stuj \ esant s day It deals w ith a ga.y . shigi'ng biit; fighting' newspaper ,, ,pub'lisher ,who fights ior .frBedorri' in the colony dnd relief „frDm, the op- pressed frohl- cohniving, p'oliticians. He ciosses the path of the cuf \ .h'ttfliprQus:- Goyerhoir StUyy(:sant' in, his' poJitiGai and newstjaper. cfcusad- ■Insr. aiid also;in his desire to xvecl the; daughter, of a politician. ,;' , ,Eddy is givenseven yeeai opporr tunjties. As the,,,crusading, happy go lucky publishei he gives d neat pcilcimance Charles Cobuin In the tole (if the governor, playe'ft, 6ri 'the'' ,slage by Waiter ,Hus,t0n, ,i5p)'trays a; roue imoishly and m topflipht fnshion Miss DowUng the sought alt(r \oung lady, follows hei initial 'film smash, m Danny Kaye s "Up in ■ ,Arm.'J." with anbther: forthright nor- •trayal. Ernest. Cossart: Shelley Win^ ter. .Johnnie -Scat' Davis. Otto Kru- gci Percy Kilbnde Fril7 Teld and . Others turn';iii' worfcmanlilje .'char- aotorizations. Film has nine songs, five niore than 1 he.;Brdadway,show., The music ,t ies, the. production ' together iVeatly., Foui songs—lyrics by Anderson mO SIC bv Weill—are carried over Irom^ the nrJfjrtal They are Nowheie to Go But Up It Ne\er Wis \ny wliei'e YOu,',' :,"Indispensable Man'': 'shd '•September Soiig," first:tvvo sung b\ Edd> last two by Cobuin Eddy also bi oaks into song with Lo\ e Ha<! Made This ;Sueh a libvely ,Day."' by Jules Styne, and Sammy Cahn. in a ,duet iyith ,MiSs .Dowliilg: . , Several other substantial: numbers have been ■VMition bv Werner Hejmann For man Brown., ffraftz Steininger arid two' b^ ;E,'ady , hiiTiself;, : "Oh; .Woe!" and "Holiday," ,latter: sung by John- :nie "Scat" Davi'S.: , :'; • ; ..'''.' two of;the :c)utstandiHij:seenes in, , ''KiiiGkerbbcker.,, Holiday"' are .■ the, ':gyDsy cjanbes'bf Carmeh AmaVi and hci; trouoe,-„:She stamps and , te'tos ■ ;thrbygh her'.d.vhk'mic, routine to the accompaniment of fiuitaiisl s ibicas sten. but; a. lady's man. Ilo.wevor,, out of jealousy, ,orie of the giri-s, decides to make ' :;a : big ; play : for. : Simpson, glaniburizin'g him and rtriaMj' de,-, \eloping him into a swoon ciooner who tikes the "chool by stoim While ,the„6rigiaai intent was a praiik, ,the ,glrl,.:Betty Rhdde.e, ,,falls, for "Two- .Pginl"';: iJ,6h nnie Johostbn): after he' has become a quaiiy foi eveiy gul in the college even to one scene where'-they gang 'up,''on :,.him, a; la'' Sinatra. 'This .sequence provides one of the tew latigh.? , in the picture, cohTedy 'values beitig ,generally lacjc*. ing.:,,-','''•;',:!'' ;■''■; .>.->; - ' : A':yarsily",shb«' arid; t(?h,ear,sa)s"for it; iir,:aa:dtliort, to ,,other; backgrouqd- il'i,g,;'''pavii ' the \vay; fo,r. the; ^teveral: 'Songs, bcst-soundiiig being; ,'']jCiy:e :I.s: Tlii«',''',a baUad'which is'rfcprised for, the, fiiVish;'ind.'':Ooh-Ah-0h,'':,These,, plus', :otherEi, were writteh .bj* :i.est,e.r' Lee and leiiy Scckn while also throw'ri,in:is, ''libuise,'' by Leo Hbbin,. nid Richaid A Whiting which originally:' .y,''as. ' written; fpr;:, "Innp-' cents ', ,;,of ,'Paris.*';' .first:., Ani'oriCan:; vehifcle, for Mauirice :eheval.i'er;':sind': relea.scd ': in'. ' 19.29,' ,by' ;' Paramount., ;;,is;dohe by.;\Iiss Rhodes,and' .tohnstoi) iis 'a double. . Together; they. tXlso! do'iook'Whiit You.;rod. to-Me,'',: IVJiss Rhodes ^-oloi Nothing Can :B'epiac« ''a' Man" ,,6arly','.'''ln' the' pro-,.' ceeding.s. lopfied: bl'i' 'a ,daiici!'!g choi'ii's:: which . alK0'.,\-6cali,zes., ' Possessing : a;' i ocd ; . croon ing type : , of vo'i?p. , "'.tohh Miniature Reviews < Knickii bockci II o I i d a v " <UA) Nelson Fddj Chailcs Cobuin in smash adaptation of Bioadway musical top giosser you Can't Ration Love" (Pn) (Musical) Modeiattly enteitnning colltge stoiy mod- el ate bo Thi- \n> W n iPu) Good : service ■inelod:ram^ ,abotit' Great ' Likes Nnal Station piofitable foi legulai luns Voice in tlic Wind" (U) Fiancis ledeici and Si.,iid ■G'ui'ie'starred in inorbid,. roman- tic . draiiia: doubtful b.o. Rcaiiiifiil BiilBiokc (Songs) , <Goi). Joan Davis in slap-happy ' JUL musical oki} foi lesser duals..", ',','■'-' ''; ■;,. '' ' y. Swcctheaits of tl»e U S Ai" (Mono) Songs) Flinlsy fantasy alxiut femme war worker; :';d!.ia)e;r.':; ;■;', ';'■;,,!','.' '■:' ',', ',''',■:'':';'';:■;' "No Greater Love' (Artkino). Russian-madei dubbod into Eng- lish, should do good biz. stoh scores nicely oh ''Ooh-Ah-.iph, playing the gttitari whi'c .several gal.s mix into the number with h:ni for bits. His "Love Is This" soll.s very nicely. He docs this solo. ■ number bcir.g reprised; at the ehfl with -Miss Rhodes..; "How Did , It Happen?" ,is nicely done as a double by Marie Wilson and Johnnie "Scat" Davis, with a novelty:acrobatic dance' team, (Roland Dupree and Chiiitine For- svthe) topping The DArega all- girl' orche.stra.:backgrOu.hd.i^ the music, has the spotlight lo itself for a mcdle> of three numbeis I Don t Want to Walk W ithoiit You,' Oodles of Noodles' and One O Clock" '';,;'',,-,,, , 111 addition-to Miss,: Rhodes .and Johnston. good performances. are. given by 'Bill ' Edwards; Mar.ioriB Weaver, Miss Wilson. Davis,' Mabel Paige pnd Jean W illace Char ness. Of,, the; entire picture,: and'- dl- reciioii that slOvys the actioii hiit. "Vnice in the Wind";,.will be, a Tlio ^a-iy Way Hollywood Feb 2? Pa'Valniiuiit tflpjl.'if' »f ■Piiii'i'Thflma.s is'i'Brtiic- f ion^ Oirortwl liy 'WiniiUn. Berltti'. ,sc'roen.;' piii\'. Max,K(^ll ,sli'ahP!' \i>mpxiM Wfd -raciii^ mnn,',' .Ir;:. ''ertli«iV' 'jI,o'W!i'r<).;.,-Smith:; :';, WiUv sill 111, -in li ..V,' Pet). .^24';.' II I t, t 1 I "4 MIN*" .Tdhnnv Jei-sfy..;;.-,. Hhhcrt T.n5VPry' ,l>;Hen Savi-e'. . .., ,;;','■.■,i-.-,.,', , ,.,.■'; ..Icjirv I'jii'lff'r Mai ■ Rh hilifll,.. .:.■ .•,..';'•. ;..'. Bill Hetil-y Fra'Trl<le :,G,iml)li-;.;v. ..■..;'.'.;,;,Hiifi'tio Kiirn.s Trurfyi ;,;,,. ...;.. .'s'lwron PouBlas I'. P: O.' JIiiviier;..,;..;. .:.;Robfr-t .^l-'WKt,iiOtlK Steve Aiiplelvv.., ^,,. .■..'.. l^icUai:*!' Poxi-ers tiilly: .Tanii.sQir,:,. ..'. .'.... .. f.Vivfy, N,u«ll' .\gne.s....;.. i..:;...'..; ; .i,.... Mary Ti'een; i \»u Vun't Ualion I.»\<> (SONGS) T-i-nnoifliin 've.lriLSi;, rtt::»ti<'hM ■fvrn'ijip' I'lVo- fliirlii'ii. Peoluresi B6;tty Shodoji,: .Tohmile J.iliiision.; Bill Bdft-atai, Jl'arioiip M'piiver, ■.'51, -i'. \V:liK(m; .Ji>)innlt!.'.'Sl-a.t", t>u\iSi 'Miil'ipl' I'iilB", .Ii>an TCa'llaoi;,i"'Ro'latlil ■RiilifC'p. .('hi-is-. f iiie l-d'rsytho.. hticI D''.\l';Ceg;x's: All'-C.ll'l/.CV- (■ht-sjrii,, ,'Dii-ec'tcil Ily- I-.e.'Ster- Fuller. ;;-ilor\-, Jhiii'il :Boy B6iioh.;-'ailairtatlon) Viil; Burtoii ;-'«n.l I-liil PimlK-rg; editdl-.' Toiil Nefr;,:6on,!js, ,T.e.''Ier, J^ee and 'Jei-fy , vSoqIpii ;; (■ainfii-a, ; Sluitn Tlidmsdn, Previewed in X.' Y., lOcii,. Sf;::'44, Bu.nning:'tinie; ,78 Ml^S. ;,;, , ,' lis-,...,, .^'.,.,, .:.',;v:.,■. ;.■. ;:,'. ;Betty: Widdes jfii'in...., ..'... ,.,, ,;.,'.'';Jo)innie .TiihtiWdii ' IJ'iJ*.,.. .Biii Kilwunb' • JliH-l.'!ri;,,',...,. i.... ., ;.. Jliii-.jnrie WciiviT ; JiuliJi!i.?y...:.V.:.:..;../'. . . : , VJtai'ifi Wi)>»<n l"- n " John e II < . jr;««- i^ii;(tkK;,,.,.';. .■.';;..,,... 1 . Ma m yri, Spre Jl ids-p..:,;;,,!..= ,,v,;.,■:.:;;.;.'.;, jean' Wlallac'e 'a'a-Kli.'-'.,...;';,...,;.Rdliind", 1 iup'ree 'Jl ''"li• i...;.,,...,,,,::...(ri.!;)'i,stitte ForsyLhe • Ban 1-,.,, . .,, .D'AMega XllH'licl Ciieh Another in the series of ; .service action diamas contributed by the Pine-Thomas; organization for ■ Para- mount release, and baekgrounded at the Great Lakes Naval Training Sta- tion. ."The Navy Way ' hits fast pace and is cinch for smart exploitation. Picture can be easily sold for bilK topping position in the; regular runs, for profitable returns; ■ ' , Group of recruits from, all walks ■of life are thrown together for .train- ing- at CJreat Lakes. Robert, Lowery, fighter who has :hi(i to battle his;way. thiough childhood and youth resents induction when ready to hit heavy coin ift fight' with the' champ. He's a riecalcitrant inductee, but gradually •trarifSforrried: info: a : fine; grSduatei guided along the Avay by; romance with Wave :jean:.Parker;',B.ut.,,a't the finish., latter decides: She's in , ioye with Bill Henry and Lovyery, beComeS reG0,nciled ..and, sliips out, with his- unit for duty aboard:a'new-shin: ' ;: '. .Lowery, : termei': to : Pine-: Thomas for buildup, nei'tly hand-je.^ the lead assignment and demonstrates ease of perform'SriCe^aWd:'good' .Screen' persohality, .;R'iiss 'Parker fills 'in /nicely as the girl, and support con- [sistin.g of ■I-ienryi:Rogcoe:Karns. Ri'ch- ard Ppwers, Larry ; Nunn,.;, Robert Ari-n.strpng, Sharpn Douglas. V and Mary Treen :.provides well.-rouncled, cast.,';,.,:" :■;■■',■■-:,:.,"■,, ' ■:,,■:■•:,':.:,■.',:, ,1^il'1iam ,Berke ;directed. at;.a :gobd clip ably dovLtaihng the chaiacteri- .zatlohs with the; high! igh ts' of &reat; Lakes training 'Viitually all exterior footage was shot at Gicat Lakes, with Na\y extending fullest cooDerar tibn.' c- \-y..',''''^htt: i This one bubbles over with vou h and esca'pishj,:aided by several'lighti ,, airy songs; but On the whole i t adds .' I'p , only',moderately .well ah(3 can- not be expected to do much more than that at the boxoffice unless cleveily exploited This IS another of those ^ )i> s based upon college life Cast while suitmg the requirehfients.of the story : ,and, the. songs, offers : nothing for liiaiquee lettering M^thlcal AdaJDs college provides the background while the somewhat unique : wartime - idea behind : the , story 'is the rationings of dates 'with' hoyfrien.ds. It's - a co-ed, institutiOri,' ., and fhe^:R'Oiilt value :bf ,the remaihin,.!!' ' rnales -i'n'" school :ranges' -dawnward from , 30:' point's; -for .the more; de,~;ir,- able guys'; to ,"Two-Poih,!."' Simpson, • chemistry student whos anything \oi<'<> in nu> Wind ', f niteil. 'Ai'l'lii'ts leleaiie. of 'niiil'iiliii) M'.iril'er'- -.^iMhlii;.' Rifiliiy ')ii-o.lni'l liiii; ■ S,la'rs' Pl'',ini-l.ii, J.Pdei'f r, an'd ,Slt-rjd ''ijavlf:' -Tfiil'u'o.s' .1. Kti- ward, fii-oinliei-ir,,,.(.; r7aTnijl, .Xiil'.KH 11 >in .Wix- afidpi: (Ji'anaidi. J.Mrei-ieil f.y '.^jahui- ){'ii,lpy;, Stii-c(>,ni,ilii.vV ;i''r<-fle.i;ick' ,'foiilinrK,, I'rdhi, ',i,)riK- : '»i'i.n-.y . Viy ■r,l!)()l'p,y;: rtusK-.,. ,■ iM li'liel, iii- rl>p,le(: filllnr.';'-;lttiH.i'o'i)Ji,-N*i, Toi'ld; .'i-.nKihra; lllclf.' -Ki'.yer'.'' "J'rf'niiereil 'ii.i,;:i,yrir.:. tb{i^; One "tp; SOI'I '. Francis Le(,'';sigrid. Qurie, .wl'ib ai'e;V:starred, .are , overidraitiatic at times,in ;this,.pointless; romantic.;: iidgic diama Camera woik and lighting in tndea\oiing to put ovei t he sadrleas of theme..'actii'all'y sht'O'Ud-' some of , the actibin. aiid .during .flash- backs', .wiien. fiiil lightin,g. is". :used, rpaikeup. and: .background react to det- tiiment of both stii« Angles at whieh,;:MisS Gu'rie is caught by. phbtog: pick 'Fryer fail to db,;11er Jijstice;ih: the , ma,iority of :seq,ue.n:ce$. ■ She's much 'noie of i lookei than pictuied Notable are the excellent musical score and musicianship Of whoever played , the piano for Lederer: who portrays a. Czech t!oHcert,,pia.nist h'aih- ishM to.' ^a ; cOnc'entratioh eiimp foi",' playing Smetana s Moldau dui ing one of his engage nents despite spe .cific infcuctiOriSj: frbin Nazi, agerits barring: playing :af', the; song..:. Film opens with a shot of the ocean at night daik and bleak and a voict that of Aithui Ripley who direete.d,'.'pointedly, inforining audi- ence the picture concerns those:who, hive been fortunate; ehpugh:;,to;:, get out of Europe from under the Nazi heels Told by flashback stoiy deals , wi(;h a, masician,, obviously a. victim, of mentai .depre-SSioh, a' rOsii- dent of Guadalupe-^whieh, might be any haven beyond the reach of the Nazis—who IS attracted; to a piano: m a saloon because of his love for mu sic. Film then segues back to CzechOSjbvakia sh6rtly.,a,fter Gei^mah, occupation. ■ Despite being ordered not to play -Moldau.; the concert artist does-and IS arrested, but not before making auangements for his wife (Sigrid Gune) to escape On the tram to the Nazi concentration camp the musician becomes incensed at his ^guards .for tatihting him; battles, with them, escapes to a coastal town, stows away on a- boat which runs the:blockade and, -reaches the island haven. There he wiprks; for Ahgelo' (Alexander Gianach) at times one Of a sinistei biotherhood who traffics :in,-smilggiing, and' murdering :refu^ gees.; In a ;lucid..moment, the, rmisi- ci'ah Opens the seSrcoek of- their- shipj, which I-- tied to a dock and it sinks tte'.;is -.shot by Luigi, brother of .'An-' gelp , l.J,.- Carroll- Naish ): Both broth- ers quarrel: Over, this, act, Angelo; killing Ltii'gi: but not,bgfOt',e,,;he, too, i:> fatally wounded.- . ■;.::„„ ; '■;. ;; Physical violence of the ;tu.ssle .snaps the rausiciah's; mihd . babk to normal He makes his wav to the bedstoij of his'!Wife,,'«ho-has -just died froiTi an uhkriQwh malady.. In: a; ho.iise across , the;;street, from tlie. :sa&6n'. Ho .ioins her in death. Voice in the Wind initial mde Dondent production from Rudolph Monter and Arthur „Riple'y., originally' was to, be distributed, by .Producers ,ReIeaSing.,;G.orp; but'.will now be re- leased by United Aitists It was made m 12 days on a comparatively small budget Even three vetei in chii ctei ac ■ toib J Edv/ard Brombert who plavs the role of. a 'doctor::iri,-whose apa^t'^l iherit. Miss T-Gurie ,;iS';bedded :dtirfng- the illnes.s 'yi'Hicih results in d,eath: Akxanacr Granach and J CariolL Naish., appear'stumped; .by the' *hOle fhlhg,:. .';;;.:'., ,,''; ' Sten. X, .1'., "Kelj: \II.\S. '.Tfl'n \:iiihy;), ::.', ,i'll-',''Hiinttn'P(...',';i.i'-i. ;iwjriVa.'/.,:,...:.'v;.v.'.'i 1)1 H If 11 I .LiiiKtv:;.,: '....^..i}' A n^relo,,.,.... . <.... ,.. M .Anna; uoffman.i . Cii pfaih '\",div'.'Xwitiiji?lt; i'ipwel<p.,,:,,, 15art<-ndef...,; .;.. ■;.'■.',..';', ilf'lf'i'tive. ,;..';■,•-,'-.<:.. 'I'ollceiiiaiiV :;:.::;.. T'iir,!iiK'nc.''e'i 'Sotti'k, : ::,.; A'aM*,;.;,.',. 'I'i'iiiifd .S'o. :i ,iluaM >ii..-'': Uid'niiM..,;;,, , l!Un iii.B :tim" 8> rl; .. '.' .:l'V»'ni.'i,s;,l4Ci,l«Pi- :,..'..-■; :...';.;!4,l(*p'(d'.iiurife. .S. 'l'';'.',waf«t iBi-iinitj(?ri$ ,t. 'I'jiiTofr Ntai-sh , .Aif .\ahdei' GVantcf'h i;.v.,.', .'. .David' OnU .'.!,',■.';...l,(lKa;l-al)ian .;;,'wMinvai'd. .Iiihncon . Uunii, Scliuifim ..'l.tils AIliCM-ni . .1 .'(!<.'<i'l')i-f .Snrol ,:. ;:;ii.aiiin: ciin-i-aiaKir , :da<-iiuejinc DMiya. .Riidoli-;!! '.Myzet v,.,.,^.!. .li'i'pd .N'tirney; ,,.-;;llfili,-Si.even's(ip' .. .. .:; .MU'o I'Ecleltli-W, . ,':,;i;M:i,mii; H-rUhw, diwne to make a solid snom \ thick Also that e\cn Joan Dims n itUci lick air\vaves:coinic, anrt;W,iUie [West & MoGihtv. hilarious vniide eomboi' cint pievtnt this Horn btinfe oHiei than a commonplace B' enti ^ Miss Davis dots a workmanlike lob with hci (unnv antics ind lacial gv- rations but she: can t overcome, the familial fable of the stianded the atrical act This time il s the the dtrical ngcnt who spcciali/es in nime barid.s; that figures, in: thi,S, formuja,. Miss 'Davis takes over iigency When hei boss IS called to the tolois but she soon finds out thil then nent many male bands aiound Gtttiiig togethci a femme oichcsti i he lands 1 Cleveland nileiy date Then her Screw bill mcntTlity leivcs hei (\j?,o pals, femme singers, aivd the girl -hajid''sti'arid,ed:in a Nevada warplanl; ,cominunitv;':PayQJl': is.that the iOutflt nevci reaches the i omuner itiv c plav- datb;, Various gals ..gOirig roijiaiftic, and ei/eh- Miss- Dftvis fiUlirig: .for .a ,.i)r;ink, tcr Its all pictly hiphi/aic Joai^vDavis::is .Standout as iH(*;agent who: has her; troubles with .the all-. femine;bahd, ;Jane Fra^-eO: arid Judy;. Claik aie hci two (looninr! is ist ants, hoth'.doiiig'well,,vvith:.stufT;like' Shoo Shco Biby and Pistol lack in'. Papa,:"' Willie,:, West "fMolSlntyv aided by: Mfs.s Davii^.'/vvho's': iiti'radded' entr.y ; to: thi.Mr ,,standard, brickla.ver roiJtine tise'd: for yeiirs:, in viiudc: hit, tho iniigti ppijk- Act is ovon;more Jlidicyctos,' 'gn' tiie '^.iscr'ccit:, than'' ,ofl. stage., dohh: Kiibbar'd hpsvd.< oi;isly: subordlhated male' 'liortion of the, cast. ■ Un.bUled '■ girl ' bandi..'■clo,e.s. okay-; and lias; sc;.verai,,k(!i',s. :;, :',;Charles •Bartbiv' ■is' happiest -:wheii' :hfcV'is-':',:dii'el'tihg faniiliiu-: :slapSticR, scehes but gOfs::,smaH ,::helj"); from th.e 'Manny : Seff .adaptation'. ,of., Arthur iiousman^s story.'. Richard ■,I*antl'has,:' done a neat cutting lob but 1 W O ConnelH cameiain.< is only f iii ; ,,": ':".-"; ,:::■:■ '' ';,•'-: , Wear. S«4M>lli«>ari<« nt 1*. S. A. (SONGS) ,Moiioi5raiiv:'i'eipas,» . '(>.t-''i-i^.s(er .('titl«"r. pi'o- diK'i'io'ii.::'.*<lai's iSra■ M''iTi,rt.t';-r(>a:iliii'SlT'ai'H- .yakafkus'; ■; H,niiu:ld' ",\i>vi». .,.I-)'lHH,ir.''C'di-itel.t' und ' jan; Sa'i'WiVi ' iWui'j-; Kii'is-,: ,;!'liii',Olii:iijiii orc)>'e.<l,ra.i.-.- i)i.r'ei!ipd :.. li.v ,, lit'w. J^nlliiw; Setwtirila'.y,' i\'iitl('Uii': Si;: (-'lali-n;, '.s"hfv:i,,p'nii, Uiwp; ilary--,Slit>-Jd,6,fi',, ilwKwr-.i'm 'iii'lKjiw t ,\>y:. .yiary; .shpljl(ut;,,:sdti«ir, :.(l'B<di|«e'.:'..\l',,'-Meyti'k: caniera. Ira'.Vl.dt'i^iW'i.'i'lliusW';dh"'e*",i'p'i-. t^iiyid C'llHdmny,;: sdriK'f:,; ■:i.e'w:.'.' l'(i.liil'i'',-, ■ •'C'liai-t.eS N'evvliian;, '.hw. ::<rol.idvvrri)=.; '■ ,'Vt: iVi'^y,, 'Vni-l,-. N.:'y:.'. iv.^lc.'ji'eH. ,;;!!>, ,".|.);: dual.-' -Illliifl-iTli!; I lie I ) VHNS Pais^>;'.'.:,.; :'., : .■.:;];;.'.':/(■.:;'i:'ii'lia''Mi'i:kVd Parky:,.,'.:;. ,;v,;:v'>:;....:ivV.':''t'ii'i-k'MilVii.rklm: Don eiavk..;, ..;..; ,'..l-«iiw;i..(.;-Xii^ J.x, Helen (Iraiit... i.::.... . .- ..l .lWlnil' ,rt,i'liiell LoVerta. : : .',.,. . ; ..; . . ,',';;. , .:.''iud.iih liiLwiiv Bill frame;;. v,;.:;.v ;.-,. :;.V;,.: jiiei: •'rrlend Mm; ;Cai-vRV'....'.;..'.,.';oiijihir :'\yfii:jit-,: 'nr. .lo.s^i>hihe.,'.,. , i.,:;.,-..';;,.'';';'; ;'.Ma'rlu,h' .jtj'rrtin CHiiper::; ;',:;■;...',;..::. ..-,:.'.':. Yfiii e ■; nai-tipit: iCril.bootfy; 1,,'. j,.,. f-; .:.■.';-.::.-., ;:;,Uiilii'H::'.sanfoi'd 'Napolp'titi;.,;; ,.'.'.'.■';.: ;'...,; ;;..J'tise,i.ih ,. Kick ' Also,,: O'e'ii'iiiinh: sAiiUi, ,.lu(> .lievlhi;:. m-j niuiia ,(''d!),b; llotdthy Bra'd-r'haw' a'ltil CaiiirUw .WHli'ahlR:,:'- ;.': ';:":.,,,,;■.:.',., ,:',-'-, , ;;.Jai^^(3arhei:': oK-lipsiva.'.:..'■ ., ■'. -.■,'■, '''■ ' HPrli:.v; Kiii(| 'oi'tihesli-iu.-; ■ :•;. ■■'' - ' -I'llll, Qhmah 'firclle.-ilr»V , :'-. ■'.', J. ■ ,': - Hate since it deals with a „ioup of pull ans who aie giun in thiii rit Kimination foi vengL.incc against the Nazis in the face of the atiocilits visited upon then land The band is organized and led by Pasha who is implacably lesohed to wicak vengeance on the uivadcis lor the biutdlity of which they st ind accused including the wanton niur- dei of hei husband and child lalltr being run over by a tank Ultimatth Pjshi catches up with the diiv<i of that tank, crushing hihi against, a mountnnside with it and stv (111 othci scenes aie not only stailc but-al o quite gruesome including one shot in which Pasha sinks an axe into a <?erinan she catches up with There is one spot whcic i ccnsoi111 cut was imposed Its whe e Pasha ;is-left alone with,a captured • N izi general Shot that was knocked 1 ir exhibition on this side is orte m w hieh she goes to work on the Gci man in an unladylike mannei A upf subtitle IS thrown on the citcn aftpr the''cut-'to the /effect ;fhat:"he - t liked : ,Picture.;:;gbes,' 'byer:'. ,considt»rable , grbuhd :a'hd :incliide.s"soiiie excellent war fiction; shorts in ,which a tank column figures GTiniiig wide piom- mence throughout the land is a ei ii- sdder the Nazis finally take Pash > into cusfody and are., about':tO;;; her.when' partisari; foJlowers ;effect:; he 1 1 eseuc lum g to soc the tide uiinea against the Naisis and reeap- luit of invaded teiritoiy . The'' En.g;ish-"dubbing job. exceo- . tlbnally-vvqil done,, adds', :'w?0.tih.i'ness.. of 'the •'import but Some,' ol the photognphv IS below p 11 P* i formantes: ;a'\'e- generally good, al--: t h 0 ugh : ;'V:e ra,': Ma retskaya, ,pia.y i lijj'■„ Pasha, is often. quite theatricJ^l .Love. in w I est IS cained by Anna Smnnova md Petei Aleinikov whose jobs aie ovii average Others infclude Alex- ;inclei-;."ViQli'no''y, Nilcoiai , Bogpliuboy,:''- triiia 'Fedorpya,ahd.:I.-,Pcllzcr. raem- hers of the partisan group led :by ,Pasha; • 'C:/iflr; : Scroll of Honor Continued from pigc I ; o.f a; morbid theme,', bleak; 'iiightiiig: -that: adds/ ''to■..the;;mo*o^Oi lloaulifiil lini llrokc (SONGS) :' ,r'i>luii.lli'n: velr a;«..:(>.f:;Ii;virif;.:'Bvis)<in ,t>ro-. durt'loli; ■' ,«'|ars .Jn,fh '.niwi.s;- ti'a.t'u'ri;.s, ..'lane . li-hiZft',, ',.'l,udj.-."('■'k, ';i:)irprie'd. i.V "C;Warlea: ..JCa'i'.tnn'i '.#di(:iil»>il;fr,vr. 5Ia:ii.(i.V';.!5,P.rf. ,:lia*ed ;(i'n .'<i'ii*'>Mi.v:;Artni.)'r i1ii)i»inaii;"i'-anipi.a; ,Iv,: .^V.'; II < nnill ( 1 tuj Kt h 1 1 I i il Al ,f!fl:!ind;>;Hiu«ili't)'n'; :<vhfk IvPli.' LM, M'l,'i, Jl'urt-' n^. IP 71 MIN>< l> I « \ s Hill ■ iKak?',,; ; I ;■.';,...';;;;;; .::.l'iilm Hlitihard Sai!y;'Hii::iiiii;,i};J;;,;,.;;.;:.;: .;,.,;..IllII,,' iirraien .site : i:'.ir|i::.:i;^,;.:...,:';■;;,.';.,:.. .,':.■;:.ludy: ("lurk ,,lii:.,-k'<.i ;,; :';';';, ,,:,,-. Utrti, ItayhiPK lioDo':,;.:;,:,;,;;.,;'. ..,;; ;';. ,; ;:;,i')a'niiy .vfimiiitPi'-t- ,Maxivf-n, il.^iiay;., ,;.■: ;,.:.. .,.Jiyron',.,(''<iiilKei' ,.'-:i';j( r.jii Jtiwrei;,...';'..'.;,.;;;;..iIcoi'Me" ■M,',-;Kay' "MayjP..'.. ..'. .. i,'--':'^"',;';.; ..I''ei'r,i;< 'Taylor' M^". I;iayi.Hj,. vinabid Wlttiers ■Walito Jlaiii ;':. .:...::;:,:::,. ..W'ln Kldrediti' :t!'!:dlt,.lvr(:"im'; ,v;;:.;,,;:,,.. . ,:,(ii!.-rr; Hayle '.fitWifiiB,-,;,:.,,;..'.;;; ,.;,; ;';.iv,iiM ;i>,i'lRofi ■;,;■ , ,".,:'W;!::;-,'A', e,.|-,ill,:.ia(,.i!iirfy,:,:;'.»' ■■.,.;; , ,"B(i;iutil'u1 Bui Bt'okc" proves again that 11 (Ikes mote than a radio come- Flimsy fantasy in the seuo comic vein only makes a stab at continuity Its a dualer thals lacking in good comedy and fnils to .,et ov ci its serious premise—the job iiei rig done by women defense woikeis The songs are somewhat redeeming Plot deals with the dieam of a Wofflart:,,defense'. Worker, (Una , Mer- kel): after, she: khoclcs. herself out while denionstrating to her foreman whits wrong with the contraption shes working on Dream mechanism permits : the: entry : Of the purveyed, by, Parkyakarkus,' as an addlepat,ed:de,tectiye on; the hunt for some bank lobbers and a lovti of bands on the side "nttprplaj of the cops robbers and pati lotie theme s leads to confusion nid m ikcs the proceeciings ;;':®2nerally ; ridiculous. :^ Jan Garber'/:Henry. kiiig and Phil Ohman orchs piovidt what little amusement there is rn the 63 mm utes r„,o .the fact that too: much of the cre.clit, for the .show biz morale pitch is be- ing channelled in the wiong duec- tion feel its time the little i,uv' cime into his oi her own so Jai as ; national "recognition :is. concerljf■(),:-; They're: the: kids, as. pointed otit /tiy.-'. the Kredric Marches, the Ray Bol-: gers, the Al ,Jo,lsons and! the: host pJ other .stars back from the foxholes, who has been quietly going about;: the- job of . making life a bit more /■ pleasant for the GI s on the far flung,; bittlefiotits with nothing mOie to gain than the; satisfaction; of know-;,' :in:g ,he Or. :she is giving of . talents where most ; needed." ' As such the;, uhpiiljlicized: US.9- troupers,' m,bnll'i; m and month out have been going fiom one overieag base to another>, aware of the fact that had they; chosen to stay at home they Could; have reaped the benefits of top vvar-\ time coin on-vaude and nitery dates, , but perferred to remain one of the unheralded "sOWiers, in greasepaint.''; The "Scroll of Honor ; would con- tain the rianies of the tiundrcds of ■ s'ueh.:, perforrhers—a . nuiTiber wh ich i in: the 'approacliing.rhonths' vyill; ;ijiul-. I tiply rapidly as USO Camp Shows 1 gears its overseas setup lo the com- ing invasion of western Euiope II s ' planned to keep the scioU as a pci petuil memoiial probably lo be put m permanent possession of t+ie; World. War ill :Arherican Legion show • biz,post Fprniation of such a Legion : post', .with its,;, member.ship,, rolls ' ciilled; from .among the thousands iv .show biz, currently in uhifbfm, is al- • ready under cohsideration. : : .:• (RLSSIAN-MADF) M;tki«<.;«lpa(i',,i: reirtr!i'J:'Ai'tfilni isuidiosl Predenek: ICruilei:, :i.i-«lliefidii, direrled :'liy &"*'';,: »'d>'y; <i/'d.:V,*,|ila( l„i,; M;; UMmJ, .unfl T. l;lo;m.lin : ,|.:nKl sh versiiin. :r. Kv .„i,erl and.\\y;V.a.fti,i„.|.:;.;ii,:,KiiKi,:^iia,,'s:^^ dia oK,-,'dn>ei.itoiv,,,l'et'er, J''n'e;,,i.,iii,,,. '>'»",*><■■ ."TtUtlpii; ,<'v!i, .v. ..lliiiiiiaiiiii't ii'tid ;A.:;*5wt"l('V, At V-ietoi-ia,' 'X- vl' ;v''"l,''i;^ri : .'■H;';',nunh.'inK' linie;:'<(i MTS'S;';: "'::',' :,^«lja,:.,./.,.;.';';;.,:;:; ,'..',.:.. Vel'ii MM^msi: I'fiiya.,.-.'. .;., .,.-.;.,..: ;. .■.,..,,\tii,ii, ,,S',n i-ii,.'™ ;xtkotai,.-,.,;'..,. ,.;;;. j.v>..;„U..|:'vi S^' I^idiyiriiKv;; .„. ...;.,.;, Xikf,i„i .fy,:.utu,hv> orlo.v-a.'..,;; ;'.„■: ;..':,-'.-. .... / .ivi'dii ' |.''i,,[,,',.,.v.;' :sieia.n :.ftli.y:::;,.-. ;,„,..;;',:.';;'. V";', C!l"itS,i I Blanket Insurance Continued from page 1 sss=: ;: A:: -Starkly; realistic : :account ' of guerrUla ;warfare against the Niizi.sin Russia shortly after that cciUntry was myaded :ai5d ,Moscow was threatened,; With the putuie dubbed into Fng lish, .;firSt.: time this"'has-been .d6:ne with, a Russe import.'-it' Has iriuch 'fJore, th:an the average appeal for th^ A;iper!&a.n.:..marke,t:.and.sho'iilcl do wQll;' :':.- The.,-,:titlK ■■:-"m. ''Qietiten' ^ tovo:"; bringS; to .thi-nd the cj,aofation of Jbhrt- •the,,,;,Baptist,,:■''Greater Iby.e, hath ho': nfianthan-this,;,;tha;f ,a mah lay down his hfe :f.or' his, frierids." except- that ,rn this : ease it, alsd. sfrohgly miS'ans' counliy IS well as friends oi rcla tives. In 1932 Cohlmbiav-miidc a pic- ture;: ais'o called "JV6 CJreiilpr-LavC while::a.way: buck, iir 191,')' .St>li;< pro-' dviccd:0hC;Ca1l('d:"Ci)'e^ ;Np Man..-': .'This, ,:riu«siaH'^iiiad<;; boiild: also have been titled No Grfalei of actors who may their lives . regardless Of the circumstances vyhile; ulider assignment by USO. .Same , amoU:ht ;Coyers: soldiers, ;saj:ior.s and;: m limes but those in the seivides must pay premium to the Gov 61 n- mciu, which issues th.e insurance.' USO obtained insuiance foi $10- 000 covering entertaineis killed or iniuied by accident while in p(i- foi nance of duty soon aftei the I is- bon clipper crash, but deith fiom .natural causes -was not iiicliidod in tiie policies. Matter was brought to particular attention by tlie ; recent demise of Charles King who died in tpgland of pneumonia aftei having been sent there by USO at a weekly salary of $250 NOW insurance coverage was not in force but USO paid Kings widow four weeks piy 01 $1 000 he being reportedly dcsti tute at the time of death Repoited that the actor's kin may start suit-: against USO for a higher amoun; on the ground that had' he not gone o.a, tho' eRterta.ihiheiH. niksiOh, he ptob-' ibly would not have contiacted the fatal illness